#soylent | Logs for 2021-02-08

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[00:00:14] <Runaway1956> =submit https://reclaimthenet.org
[00:00:17] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Facebook Bans Ads for Carrie Gress Book on Damaging Feminism" (11p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:00:40] <Runaway1956> Toxic femininity - gotta love it
[00:01:12] <Runaway1956> We need an agreement - you don't judge me for being male, and I won't judge you for being female
[00:04:12] <Runaway1956> We need a Federal ban on Jeeps!!
[00:04:17] <Runaway1956> https://kfor.com
[00:04:30] <systemd> ^ 03Texas store employee ran over shoplifting suspect with Jeep, police say
[00:04:35] <c0lo> Runaway1956, how about you start first? Otherwise https://pbs.twimg.com
[00:06:06] <c0lo> What? A Federal ban on Texas 's not good enough?
[00:07:37] <Runaway1956> You seem to have no empathy for the victims of Jeep deaths!
[00:07:54] <Runaway1956> Jeep violence has gotten out of hand!
[00:08:39] <Runaway1956> @ c0lo - I've just agreed to not judge you for being female, can't you return the favor?
[00:10:59] <c0lo> Runaway1956 you've done me no favor, I'm returning the same.
[00:12:59] <Runaway1956> But c0lo you're one of my favorites!
[00:13:40] <Runaway1956> How 'bout a Reader's Digest article? Don't know how the hell RD got into my news feeds, but it looks interesting
[00:13:40] <c0lo> I have no empathy for Texas, it's too large - needs to be split into more manageable pieces. Call Bruce Willis for it https://vissiniti.com
[00:13:41] <systemd> ^ 03It's the Size of Texas – VISSINITI
[00:13:52] <Runaway1956> https://www.rd.com
[00:13:53] <systemd> ^ 03The Stranger Who Changed My Life: My Enemy, My Friend
[00:14:09] -!- randymon [randymon!~randymon@2600:1700:3902:zptp:pjlk:ovw:lrlx:sqyt] has joined #soylent
[00:14:10] <Runaway1956> c0lo one does not "manage" Texans
[00:14:32] <Runaway1956> It's about like "managing" 'Strayans
[00:19:41] <c0lo> Bruce Willis can do anything. Granted, he'll die beating Chuck Norris, but he'll still be seen by some little boys.
[00:20:52] <c0lo> Runaway1956++ for phyllo dough post war career.
[00:20:52] <Bender> karma - runaway1956: 27
[00:28:26] -!- niggertrain [niggertrain!~woowoo@193.106.ug.x] has joined #soylent
[00:30:10] <niggertrain> BLOCK LIVES MATTER! [] [] [] [] [] []
[00:32:42] -!- niggertrain has quit [Quit: niggertrain]
[00:35:26] * Runaway1956 observes that EF has run through the room, trailing dirt behind
[00:36:28] -!- SoyCow6047 [SoyCow6047!~4b764018@j065-10-33-35.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #soylent
[00:38:44] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.theatlantic.com
[00:38:47] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The Awful Reign of the Red Delicious" (22p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:53:14] <Runaway1956> =submit https://thefederalistpapers.org HOW DARE THEY ATTACK SAINT GRETA?!?!
[00:53:16] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Criminal Probe Launched After Greta Thunberg Accidentally Reveals She's Being Told What to Post" (35p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:53:20] -!- SoyCow6047 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[00:58:31] <c0lo> Apropos Red Delicious, I'm having the good-to-have-troubles of going through the vine ripe tomatoes on my veggie patch. I'm happy to be able to ignore the shelf ripen ones, even if they are heavily discounted
[00:59:20] <chromas> Why is it the "delicious"-named apples aren't so?
[01:04:10] <Runaway1956> The article points out a factoid about American shoppers,
[01:04:23] <Runaway1956> which is, shoppers shop with their eyes, not with their tongues
[01:05:13] <chromas> Then why don't they sell red tomatoes?
[01:05:21] <chromas> They're all pale orange shitty shitshit
[01:05:52] <chromas> yellow delicious are shitty too
[01:06:02] <Runaway1956> pale orange tomaotoes are not-yet-ripe tomatoes
[01:06:53] <chromas> yellow tomatoes are pretty good though
[01:07:21] <chromas> the ones made to be yella
[01:07:22] <Runaway1956> Fried green tomatoes are better
[01:07:46] <chromas> especially the part where the old bat rams into that guy's car
[01:22:29] -!- SoyCow6047 [SoyCow6047!~4b764018@j065-10-33-35.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #soylent
[01:27:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Samsung Considers Austin for $17 Billion Chip Plant, Eyes Tax Breaks of at Least $806 Million - https://sylnt.us - I-bet-it's-absolutely-FABulous!
[01:28:14] <c0lo> https://www.abc.net.au
[01:28:15] <systemd> ^ 03Australia tries to inoculate against coronavirus losses, as COVID-19 vaccine doses go to waste overseas - ABC News
[01:28:50] <c0lo> "The head of the Australian Medical Association Omar Khorshid said the World Health Organization estimated a wastage rate for vaccination doses of between 20 and 30 per cent in some places."
[01:32:00] -!- SoyCow6047 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[01:35:44] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[01:42:12] <c0lo> https://www.theguardian.com
[01:42:14] <systemd> ^ 03The martyrdom of Mike Pence | Sidney Blumenthal
[01:47:56] -!- Karma [Karma!~6b7e4a82@107.126.mu.ypp] has joined #soylent
[01:48:18] -!- Karma has quit [Client Quit]
[01:49:24] -!- randymon has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[01:52:55] <c0lo> =submit https://www.abc.net.au
[01:52:59] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Why Some Pockets of Indonesia Remain COVID-free While the Country's Cases Continue to Surge Past 1 M" (85p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[02:16:43] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@zpzp-69-163-603-078.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[02:16:46] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@zpzp-69-163-603-078.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[02:16:49] boru` is now known as boru
[02:38:08] -!- SoyCow5372 [SoyCow5372!~8eb162f1@142.177.sm.qxz] has joined #soylent
[02:40:30] -!- SoyCow5372 has quit [Client Quit]
[03:24:14] <c0lo> =submit https://apnews.com
[03:24:16] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03George Shultz Wasn't 'Afraid to Struggle Against the Odds'" (28p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:24:42] <c0lo> RIP George Shultz
[03:28:12] <c0lo> =submit https://apnews.com
[03:28:14] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Congo Working to Stop New Ebola Outbreak in Country's East" (10p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:32:37] <Fnord666> =sub https://www.bleepingcomputer.com
[03:32:39] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03New Phishing Attack Uses Morse Code to Hide Malicious URLs" (18p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:34:15] <Bytram> Have a great night everybody!
[03:39:25] <Fnord666> Good night Bytram
[03:43:28] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[03:43:38] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~quassel@99.192.tj.pl] has joined #soylent
[03:47:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Why Elephants Rarely Get Cancer - https://sylnt.us
[03:49:16] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[03:49:23] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~quassel@99.192.tj.pl] has joined #soylent
[03:52:09] <chromas> But do they get elephantiasis?
[04:08:51] <c0lo> Because of their memory. It helps w/ growing their vocabulary.
[04:59:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://babylonbee.com
[04:59:06] <systemd> ^ 03First Female Referee Throws Flag On Play But Won’t Say What’s Wrong
[05:14:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://www.ghacks.net
[05:14:10] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[05:14:35] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[05:17:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> #submit https://www.phoronix.com
[05:17:08] <MrPlow> Submitting. There is a mandatory delay, please be patient.
[05:17:11] <AzumaHazuki> who in shit thought Stadia was a good idea nyway
[05:17:33] <MrPlow> Submission successful. https://soylentnews.org
[05:19:13] <c0lo> You may have a surprise in a few quarters, Zumi, I heard on the vine many studios are porting their games on Stadia.
[05:20:18] <c0lo> For the time being, it's more like "experimental phase", they don't know yet if the final gaming experience is good enough.
[05:22:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> beats me. some dipshits think running a 3d game remotely and just streaming you a movie of it is bloody brilliant
[05:39:10] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:39:10] -!- aqu4bot has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[05:41:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> so, let me take a moment here to tell you folks about the benefits of dried grapes
[05:41:32] * TheMightyBuzzard is raisin awareness
[05:44:44] <chromas> Ah, classic dry humor
[05:45:04] <chromas> A lot of games are mostly cutscenes anyhow. Remember MGS4?
[05:48:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, i quit playing MG before the S happened
[05:49:16] <chromas> well the ending cinematics are so long it's got about four save points along the way
[05:50:52] <chromas> I played a bit of the first MG before the ps3 died. Don't remember much though
[05:54:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> i can't wait for FPS games to be both streaming and locally installable. it's been a long time since my reflexes were fast enough to pwn piles and piles of kids.
[05:55:33] <chromas> there's cross-play with consoles now; that probably gives you a good enough advantage
[05:56:46] <chromas> flick'n'click while they're still waiting for the gun to get almost where they need it before releasing the stick and hoping it lands in the right spot
[05:56:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> honestly, i don't like internet games at all. lan parties spoiled me back in the day. there's a lot to be said for being able to get up and go kick someone square in the ass when they needed it.
[05:58:32] <chromas> That's why I don't play games with you...you know where I live :D
[05:58:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> or to see their tears of ultimate frustration after you just killed them for the 30th time in five minutes with my spy in TFC
[05:59:10] <TheMightyBuzzard> man, i don't even know what timezone you're in
[06:00:06] <TheMightyBuzzard> i might have used to known but i've slept since then
[06:00:16] <chromas> oh whew
[06:00:19] * chromas wipes brow
[06:03:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> my brain don't hold on to much that ain't in some way relevant. like i know Deucalion is a brit cause i like teasing him about being in THE country you think of when you think of knights in armor and not being allowed to even own a sword.
[06:05:09] <chromas> Pretty silly huh
[06:05:21] <chromas> It'd be like coming to America and not getting a .45 in your Happy Meal
[06:05:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean, he had a LOT of ancestors that were required by royal decree to spend so much time practicing with a longbow that they were all experts but he can't have one at all.
[06:06:30] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[06:06:32] <systemd> ^ 03How Vodka ruined Russia
[06:06:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> heresy!
[06:06:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> vodka has ruined much upholstery and carpet but not russia
[06:07:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's got snow on not fabric
[06:08:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> didn't have a nap. didn't have caffeine after noon. wtf am i doing still awake?
[06:08:02] <chromas> So what can I do with old cable modems? What does it take to connect them together and make a noice lan?
[06:08:37] <chromas> or should I gut this one and put a mini-itx in the case?
[06:08:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> eh, most cabel models i had lately freak the fuck out and keep rebooting if they can't pick up a cable signal. no good for lans.
[06:09:40] <chromas> What kind of hardware do you need to emulate the ISP's end of the connection?
[06:10:39] <chromas> looks like mini-itx is too big
[06:10:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> you could take the guts out and put the bits from a smoke alarm with a low battery in it, stick it somewhere it wouldn't look out of place, and ask people wtf they're talking about when they ask what that noise is.
[06:11:08] <chromas> that's a great idea
[06:11:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> preferably at work so you get a higher body count
[06:11:35] <chromas> what about a mini pc that occasionally plays a belch sound?
[06:12:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> nah, it'd need a speaker worth a damn to sound realistic and those ain't tiny.
[06:12:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> chirps are easy though
[06:13:20] * TheMightyBuzzard already tried that with the sound of a 12 gauge racking a shell to his great disappointment
[06:14:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> yeah, rpi with a pc speaker
[06:14:37] <chromas> how about a sword unsheathing sound effect? get the bobbies on you. they won't know it's fake because swords are outlawed so nobody knows what they really sound like
[06:15:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> have manual mode where you can fire a chirp off whenever you like and an auto mode that fires off at irregular intervals long enough that you can't track it down by waiting and listening for the next one.
[06:15:36] * chromas takes the brand new DOCSIS 2 modem out of its packaging for the first time
[06:16:02] <chromas> wasn't there an internet legend like that?
[06:16:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> the original annoyatron but it wasn't networked where you could configure or fire it manually
[06:18:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> tried to watch cowgirls vs. pterodactyls earlier today. i couldn't get five minutes in. the horrible acting i could have lived with but them fuckers either had never heard of or didn't know how to use a steadycam. worse than blaire witch
[06:19:37] <chromas> Shakiness is next to dramaness
[06:19:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> looked like they got MJF for a cameraman and took away his parkinsons meds
[06:20:11] <chromas> Ah, an MJF reference
[06:20:16] <chromas> It's been 84 years.
[06:21:13] <chromas> Remember the olden days when lens flares, shaky shots and film grain were things you got fired for not avoiding?
[06:21:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup
[06:21:36] <chromas> now it's all digital
[06:21:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> well not film grain. i remember that being something they'd like to get rid of but couldn't.
[06:22:14] <chromas> maybe I'm thinking of hairs and scratches
[06:22:22] <chromas> thanks, law & order
[06:22:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> stop going to the cheap hookers and it won't be such an issue
[06:23:47] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight, ima go smoke and then give another attempt at sleep
[06:23:54] <chromas> Speaking of Firefly, it's hilarious how being registered makes a hooker be practically royalty, but unregistered live in shame I guess
[06:23:58] <chromas> g'noight
[06:27:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - War on Section 230 Begins in Earnest as Dem Senators Look to Limit Legal Immunity for Social Network - https://sylnt.us
[06:32:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> companions weren't just hookers, they were mad skilled ultrahookers
[06:35:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight, sleep
[06:55:24] -!- esainane has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:15:00] <FatPhil> chromas is in mountainman time zone, no?
[07:15:40] <chromas> union pacific railroad time
[07:16:59] <FatPhil> they're about 10 years apart?
[08:12:39] -!- esainane [esainane!esainane@sendjocq.space] has joined #soylent
[08:24:34] <FatPhil> I'm curious how my karma can be at 49, when the only moderations I've received recently - according to the system messages sent to me - have been upward, and I normally sit at cap. Sounds like a bug, or something nefarious behind the scenes.
[08:25:13] <FatPhil> Ah, unless I've received one and not been sent a message about it yet
[08:26:31] <c0lo> Like a comment you made centuries ago got downmoded, you'll learn about it tomoz.
[08:26:32] <FatPhil> I guess the server uses GMT as its midnight
[08:26:50] <FatPhil> UTC for les pedants
[08:28:07] <FatPhil> If I'm not annoying someone I'm clearly not dropping enough truth bombs, so I need these reminders to help me keep up the good work.
[08:28:28] <chromas> Isn't there some trivial difference between UTC and GMT?
[08:28:35] <chromas> and z
[08:28:36] <FatPhil> Ah, yes, my homoerotic one got a downmod.
[08:29:34] <FatPhil> TIL Manowar aren't just gay, they're also a little bit paedo!
[08:31:16] <chromas> I thought ships were motoerotic
[08:33:52] <FatPhil> YOu've reminded me of the story about the Manowar gig where they band wanted to ride through the crowd up to the stage on motorbikes, but Health and Safety said they needed to have spotters walking each side of the bike, and not go above walking pace.
[08:34:44] <chromas> See what you get with oppressive gubbermint healthcares?
[08:35:25] <FatPhil> chromas: there's a familty of UTs, and GMT is one of them, but not UTC: https://en.wikipedia.org
[08:35:25] <systemd> ^ 03Universal Time - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[08:39:13] <c0lo> chromas, how hard woould it be to add `=un` to systemd?
[08:39:26] <c0lo> They are not gay! https://en.uncyclopedia.co
[08:39:28] <systemd> ^ 03Manowar
[08:40:03] <chromas> You want systemd to take over the UN too?
[08:40:43] <chromas> soon we'll have a systemdexit
[08:40:59] <chromas> or sexit maybe
[08:41:34] <c0lo> =un -> search uncyclopedia
[08:42:38] <chromas> ooh, good idea! forgot about that site
[08:43:02] <chromas> I could probably jus copypasta the wp module and replace a url
[08:45:47] <c0lo> chromas, I knew you was smart, but sometimes you manage to surprise me.
[08:45:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - When Adobe Stopped Flash Content from Running it Also Stopped a Chinese Railroad - https://sylnt.us - fixed-in-a-flash?
[08:46:38] <chromas> I know, I know, I should've made it so the same code could just be re-used with a different url instead of copypasting
[08:46:46] * chromas takes his lashings
[08:48:43] * c0lo suses that's prolly's sumtin in the wintery mountain air
[09:03:47] <Ingar> snowcycling, always an adventure
[09:03:55] <Ingar> my feet are cold
[09:06:52] -!- dx3bydt3_ [dx3bydt3_!~quassel@99.192.ig.tp] has joined #soylent
[09:08:45] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[09:10:48] <c0lo> Set them feet on fire, Ingar
[09:26:21] <Ingar> Looking for a hot woman to melt them
[09:29:04] <c0lo> Take any wonam and set her on fire, then. https://tvtropes.org
[09:29:05] <systemd> ^ 03Literal Genie - TV Tropes
[09:29:26] <c0lo> s/wonam/woman/
[09:29:27] <SedBot> <c0lo> Take any woman and set her on fire, then. https://tvtropes.org
[09:37:42] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:37:52] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[09:38:24] <chromas> =un coffee
[09:38:25] <systemd> [[File:coffee.gif|right|thumb|250px|Coffee. Must have Coffee.]]
[09:38:25] <systemd> '''Coffee''', often confused with &quot;''an electric slap to the rectum''&quot;, and &quot;''Holy M
[09:38:25] <systemd> - https://en.uncyclopedia.co
[09:38:41] <chromas> that don't seem right
[09:40:36] <chromas> I guess it is. They put that right in the snippet string
[09:42:40] <chromas> Also the bot's not stripping the newlines. Someone could totally abuse that...
[09:51:15] <c0lo> chromas++ getting there.
[09:51:15] <Bender> karma - chromas: 334
[09:51:51] <chromas> =un beer
[09:51:52] <systemd> [[File:Chinese import beer.jpg|thumb|Yeah, this was probably made in China or something.]]
[09:51:52] <systemd> ...]] that their eyesight goes they rely on SONAR to position themselves. The Beer sonar is so powerfully strong that it can be detected from a small simple g
[09:51:52] <systemd> - https://en.uncyclopedia.co's_Law
[09:52:26] <chromas> Guess I'll have to put in a speshul exception for un since they put extra crap in there
[09:55:23] <chromas> or someone needs to smake un and tell 'em to fix their shat
[09:58:28] <chromas> (for reference, this is what the bot gets back from a search: https://en.uncyclopedia.co )
[09:59:22] <chromas> so it's purely they're fauls and I haven't made any misteaks
[10:13:26] <c0lo> Aint' D able of shapeshifting? So that you can have the same download code and override the filterin?
[10:15:57] <c0lo> this is what one gets from searching beer in Web UI - a redirect to https://en.uncyclopedia.co
[10:15:59] <systemd> ^ 03Warm piss water
[10:25:55] <c0lo> Oh, yeap, tolly their folt. It's garbage. To bad so sed
[10:27:39] <chromas> intedasting
[10:27:52] <chromas> maybe they have two search indexes or something
[11:28:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - This $12 Billion Company is Getting Rich Off Students Cheating their Way through COVID - https://sylnt.us - watt-wood-ewe-due?
[11:46:14] <c0lo> chromas, the systemd bot handles full html pages, right? I mean, I imagine it should, since "=submit" gets it.
[11:47:39] * c0lo wonders is chromas is still awake
[13:26:51] -!- Iambchop has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[13:44:08] -!- Iambchop [Iambchop!sid255637@rh-721589.brockwell.irccloud.com] has joined #soylent
[13:58:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA's Perseverance, China's Tianwen-1 and UAE's Hope Arrive at Mars This Month - https://sylnt.us - Mars-straight-ahead
[15:07:26] <FatPhil> herpderpers gotta herp and derp: https://www.bbc.co.uk
[15:07:31] <systemd> ^ 03YouTube robbery 'prank' ends in fatal shooting
[15:17:12] <chromas> c0lo: sì, but the wp/un search uses the mediawiki api
[15:20:24] <chromas> A family trampoline park. Truly, this is the future.
[15:20:37] <chromas> I'm sure they'll bounce right back though.
[15:24:09] <FatPhil> ah, now I understand why c0lo moved to Oz! https://www.mulletfest.com.au
[15:24:15] <systemd> ^ 03Home - Mulletfest Australia
[15:33:28] <c0lo> FatPhil, yes, among other things. How could one *not* like a mullet? I don't wear one, of course, but I deeply admire those stupid enough who do.
[15:37:24] <c0lo> chromas, I don't have time right now, but I'll get together some json/xml tool pipe-ing that extract the first relevant para from the Wiki page structure. If it can be done in sh, I imagine that it shouldn't be hard to do it in D.
[15:38:11] <c0lo> 'Cause the uncyclopedians are gonna uncycloped, but I like what they got to have.
[15:42:01] <c0lo> Just a headsup, guys. In the lat 20mins or so, the (front/comment) pages fail intermitently to deliver the CSS in my browser. Occasionally, I get an unstyled page after "Preview" or when reloading the site.
[15:48:24] <chromas> Sounds like the servers are due for their weekly beating
[15:49:34] <chromas> Parsing out the html's no problem; it's just that they have an api so that's what I used. I'll witch it over in a bit.
[15:49:50] <chromas> or even better than parsing, how about a nice regex?
[15:50:23] <c0lo> Not regex, XPath.
[15:50:33] <c0lo> Have a look over https://en.uncyclopedia.co
[15:50:40] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:51:31] <c0lo> jq .[3][0] gets you the first link to the most revelant page
[15:52:45] <c0lo> Use XPath to get the id="toc" and climb up in the prev-sibling axis to get the first <p>.
[16:20:14] <FatPhil> Time for some nice happy bouncy fun techno dance music: https://www.youtube.com
[16:20:15] <systemd> ^ 03Hey Girl
[16:27:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Astronomers Think They've Found Another Trojan Asteroid Lurking in Earth's Orbit - https://sylnt.us
[17:39:10] * TheMightyBuzzard yawns
[17:39:10] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into TheMightyBuzzard's gaping mouth
[17:39:17] <TheMightyBuzzard> ow
[17:40:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> well, got about 5/8 of the duct painted today. would have got it all but TR's air compressor ain't much of one.
[18:13:26] <Ingar> snow and ice here. perfect excuse to do nothing
[18:14:01] <Ingar> it has been almost a decade since we got winter weather like this
[18:14:58] <Ingar> ofc, after the hottest summer ever, we need those low temperatures to fix the yearly average
[18:31:50] -!- halibut has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds]
[18:34:47] <FatPhil> why does all IT shit fail? Not sure if desktop minipc, receiver, or monitor is going futz, but it takes 10 mins after falling asleep to wake up enough to be bothered to draw an image.
[18:35:17] <FatPhil> taking the receiver out of the loop, to see if that's the problem.
[18:36:55] <FatPhil> the annoying thing is that it's getting progressively worse over time. It's trying to pretend to be analogue by trying to fail gracefully, not understanding that complete failure for ever longer periods of time doesn't count as failing gracefully.
[18:54:19] <c0lo> FatPhil, what do you man by "after falling asleep"? Like in "Power Sleep - save the memory on disk and go to sleep"?
[18:54:45] <c0lo> s/man/mean/
[18:54:45] <SedBot> <c0lo> FatPhil, what do you mean by "after falling asleep"? Like in "Power Sleep - save the memory on disk and go to sleep"?
[18:55:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Turbulence Trouble - https://sylnt.us
[19:02:33] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@2001:468:d01:mr:tvu:rpjp:hkzp:mwzz] has joined #soylent
[19:18:41] <FatPhil> probably DPMS, not sure
[19:19:17] <FatPhil> but it does not need pm-suspend or anything like that to cause the problem.
[19:19:50] <FatPhil> When the problem was new I used to be able to fool it into waking up properly by doing a pm-suspend cycle, that worked for a month or so.
[19:22:59] <chromas> probably a secret timer snuck in by redhat to make the old software seem worn out so you'll be more likely to switch to systemd
[19:44:14] <FatPhil> since the reboot, I've not set the X DPMS/screensaver settings, not that I really understand the difference (I'm using dwm, there is no "screensaver" for when the "screensaver" kicks in, I'm not sure what it does then)
[19:44:46] <FatPhil> I've just set the DPMS to 3600 7200 10800 and we'll see if it gets cranky after 600s or one of those.
[19:45:23] <FatPhil> 600 being the screen-saver setting (prefer blanking: yes)
[20:13:24] <FatPhil> not sure if mplayer interferes with either of those, as nothing seemed to happen whilst I was in the sauna for >10 mins
[20:14:24] <chromas> it should
[20:14:32] <chromas> might be an option somewhere though
[20:15:09] <FatPhil> different players do different things, IIRC
[20:15:48] <FatPhil> the X interface is a bit broken if it understands the concept of screensavers, but doesn't understand the concept of holding off a screensaver whilst a handle is open.
[20:16:28] <chromas> I'm not sure how sleep inhibitors work now; it's systemd all the way down
[20:16:51] <chromas> I remember the olden days when they used to move the mouse a pixel every once in a while because haxx are where it's at
[20:31:29] <c0lo> Get a "multimedia center" distro or custom build - fer sure they ain't gonna screen-save when you watch netflix or prawnhub.
[20:37:42] <FatPhil> yeah, it was some kind of "pester the server with something small and mostly irrelevant" that was done every now and then, really dumb.
[20:42:19] <FatPhil> #weather
[20:42:20] <MrPlow> Raekoja plats 9, Tallinn, Estonia - Today: "Overcast throughout the day." 22/8F, Humidity: 75%, Precip: 26%, Wind ~6mph. Tue: "Mostly cloudy throughout the day." 18/8F, Humidity: 75%, Precip: 7%, Wind ~9mph. Wed: "Overcast throughout the day." 16/10F, Humidity: 70%, Precip: 7%, Wind ~6mph.
[20:43:02] <FatPhil> fuhrerheit--
[20:43:02] <Bender> karma - fuhrerheit: -1
[20:52:57] <c0lo> TIL - almost AzumaHazuki - https://en.wikipedia.org
[20:52:58] <systemd> ^ 03Cottagecore - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[21:02:55] <c0lo> =w acid folk
[21:02:56] <systemd> Psychedelic folk (sometimes acid folk or freak folk) is a loosely defined form of psychedelia that originated in the 1960s. It retains the largely acoustic - https://en.wikipedia.org
[21:26:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - There are Spying Eyes Everywhere—and Now They Share a Brain - https://sylnt.us - aggregate-the-proletariat
[21:49:02] <TheMightyBuzzard> ye gads. i forget sometimes just how stupid people really are.
[21:50:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> fucking physicists are apparently still arguing over why a siphon works.
[21:52:08] <FatPhil> the great sucking force
[21:52:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's because, trivial compared to gravity forces like friction and air pressure aside, the net force from gravity over the system is zero except for the gravity acting on the liquid in the bit of the siphon hose that's below the liquid level.
[21:53:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> so when do i get my honorary phd in physics and my nobel prize?
[21:54:00] <FatPhil> where's the argument taking place?
[21:54:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, apparently all over physics departments but i doubt they're putting much effort into it
[21:55:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> fakefuck39 tried telling me we don't know why a siphon works in comments on the turbulence story
[21:55:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> i mean, he might not know but i've known since my late teens.
[21:55:51] <requerdanos> he doesn't know, physicists don't know, but, ya know, you know.
[21:56:13] <TheMightyBuzzard> an asvab question about a water tower and a fire hose tripped me up, so i sat down later and figured it out
[22:00:56] <FatPhil> fakefuck39 seems to have fakefiziks
[22:07:48] <chromas> But do you know how a syphon filter works?
[22:07:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> naw, he prolly did minor in it. i have very little respect for university education.
[22:08:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, you put it over the end of your cigarette and talk in a british accent?
[22:10:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> the absolute stupidest person in what would have been my highschool graduating class has a masters in something or other and was teaching kids until he switched jobs for more money.
[22:10:28] <chromas> =w syphon filter
[22:10:29] <systemd> Syphon Filter is a third-person shooter action video game series developed by Bend Studio (formerly Eidetic) and published by Sony Computer Entertainment - https://en.wikipedia.org
[22:10:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> we're talking not enough sense to come in out of the rain and couldn't guess 2+2 best three out of five.
[22:10:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> nice guy though
[22:11:08] <chromas> best 3/5 sounds like some sort of compromise
[22:11:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> can't leave children behind, yo
[22:14:11] <chromas> Now that all the kids are homeschooled on the internet instead of huddled up 30 to a classroom, shouldn't they be living the futuristical dream of individually tailored edumacations?
[22:14:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, almost had to kill TR and his ex wife last night. they were trying to explain geometry (the nifty compass tricks not the math bits) to their boy for like an hour. it was sheer torture listening to it.
[22:15:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> i could have splained it to the kid in 5m and he would never have been in doubt about those bits again.
[22:15:25] <chromas> doo it
[22:15:31] <chromas> become the teacher
[22:15:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> naw, i thought it unwise to touch sharp things like a compass after an hour of that
[22:17:28] <chromas> Do they still make them sharp?
[22:17:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya
[22:17:44] <chromas> Figured they'd be plastic by now
[22:18:03] <chromas> with a swiveling rubber tip so you don't get the ouchies
[22:18:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> well they might be at his school but he was using his dad's art ones.
[22:18:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> how fucking awful does your geometry teacher have to be for you to not get how to bisect a line segment or angle the very first time they show you?
[22:18:51] <chromas> was it on zoom? probably chinese interference
[22:19:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> nope, in person
[22:20:13] <chromas> must be 'merican-educatied
[22:20:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> line segment: arc, arc of same size, straight-edge, pencil. vertex: arc of any size, arc of any size, arc of the same size as arc2, straight edge, pencil
[22:21:16] <TheMightyBuzzard> i was educated in rural OK for this stuff. graduating class of < 30
[22:21:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> budget was about as many dollars as students
[22:21:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> that shit's dirt fucking simple though
[22:22:04] <chromas> where was the teacher educated though?
[22:22:24] <chromas> and why can't I download MMSs anymore?
[22:29:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> not especially. i corrected her more often than she corrected me.
[22:29:33] <chromas> oh I meant the kids' teacher
[22:29:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> but she had a respectable grasp of basic shit like compass tricks
[22:30:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, fuck if i know. highly educated and teaching for the local gifted kids school, so probably dumb as a sack of hair
[22:32:00] <Runaway1956> Heh - self-learned most of my geometry, which only got me in trouble when I took geometry class
[22:32:06] <Runaway1956> That was a fun year . . .
[22:32:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> yup, that'd do it
[22:32:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> teachers are generally more concerned in you showing them you can do things so they can understand them than making sure you understand them
[22:33:36] <Runaway1956> Exactly - you know, I know, almost everyone with an IQ knows, there are 360 degrees an almost any 2D shape
[22:33:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> like the way my head does math is not much at all like what anyone has ever taught in a school.
[22:33:52] <Runaway1956> but, you gotta PROVE everything with a formula
[22:33:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> cept a triangle
[22:35:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> was quite proud of the boy on one thing though. he asked how many sides a circle had and debated with his dad for like 3m. then i told him 2 and he knew what i meant immediately.
[22:35:16] <Runaway1956> lol
[22:35:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> boy is strong in the way of the wiseass. i have taught him well.
[22:36:24] <Runaway1956> When I went into construction, I stumbled across a carpenter's calculator - that made me lazy,
[22:36:56] <Runaway1956> input in decimals or fractions, output the same, and convert between engineer's scale and inches and feet at the touch of a button
[22:37:22] <Runaway1956> Or, meters, it was all the same on that sweet calc
[22:37:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> heh, i cheat. i rarely bother measuring. far easier to hold the board up and mark it most times. and more accurate cause nobody's cuts are perfect.
[22:37:47] <Runaway1956> Bingo!
[22:38:21] <Runaway1956> Met a cabinet maker years ago, he couldn't read a tape, couldn't read a print, couldn't read at all - but his work was in very high demand
[22:39:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> well there's places you need to be a specific length no matter what and then there's a lot more places where you just need to be "the right length"
[22:40:08] <Runaway1956> Ever found a use for transit levels?
[22:40:31] <Runaway1956> Spent a whole year I guess, learning how to make an old fashioned level to it's thing
[22:40:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> like when i made an oak treasure chest, i didn't use a tape measure once. and it wigged TR out hardcore when i showed him how i was gonna make sure the lid met perfectly with the base
[22:40:39] <Runaway1956> soon after, they came out with laser levels
[22:40:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> spirit levels? yeah, never use anything but.
[22:41:51] <Runaway1956> Yeah, spirits, but it sits on a tripod, and you need another guy to hold the measuring stick upright for you
[22:41:55] * TheMightyBuzzard built the whole box, picked a spot he wanted to open at, marked one corner with a speed square, used a framing square to extend the lines, and cut along the line with a circle saw
[22:42:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> instant perfect match, couldn't be anything else
[22:42:50] <Runaway1956> yup -
[22:43:21] <Runaway1956> Ye olde "KISS" thing -
[22:43:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> shitload easier than getting perfect down to 1/16ths and even having to say "good enough" at that
[22:44:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> could have done a wiggly line with a jigsaw and it would have fit perfectly
[22:44:48] <Runaway1956> I've seen chests with curved fronts like that, they always look cool
[22:45:03] <Runaway1956> could be saw-toothed, or anything at all
[22:47:05] <Runaway1956> Jambalay out of a box tonight, Zatarain brand, almost done
[22:47:43] <Runaway1956> Fried pork chops with lots of seasoned salt, threw them in the bottom of the rice pan
[22:47:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> good stuff. used to eat it a lot before TR went keto
[22:48:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> and red beans n rice, and dirty rice
[22:48:34] <TheMightyBuzzard> nicotine++ #smoke break
[22:48:34] <Bender> karma - nicotine: 804
[22:48:50] <Runaway1956> I always throw a couple tablespoon of butter to saute the rice mix, then add the water
[22:58:55] <FatPhil> oh, man, I wish we could get a good jambalaya here.
[23:00:22] <TheMightyBuzzard> Runaway1956, bacon grease > butter
[23:00:34] <FatPhil> all of the all-in-one-rice-in-sauce dishes are ruined by local chefs. They all do it the slavic plov way - massively overcooked, basically savoury porridge.
[23:01:23] <FatPhil> went to one of the best international cuisine restaurants last week for a paella - was fucking seafood plov.
[23:01:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, mail order zatarains boxes. they ain't like going down to cajun country and getting homemade but they're pretty good and only take like 30m to make.
[23:02:27] <FatPhil> We haven't had a care package from the g/f's parents for a while, maybe I can get them to include some.
[23:02:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> gumbo though, that you gotta do from scratch
[23:02:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> FatPhil, s/some/dozens/
[23:02:44] <SedBot> <TheMightyBuzzard> <FatPhil> We haven't had a care package from the g/f's parents for a while, maybe I can get them to include dozens.
[23:03:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> any gumbo with a recipe is not a good gumbo
[23:03:37] <FatPhil> We did have an almost good gumbo here, from the our favourite mexican restaurant. But was still on the overcooked side. I think that's more fitting for gumbo, though, from the photos I've seen.
[23:04:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> s'like the japs say: if it looks like miso and smells like miso, it is not the best miso
[23:04:48] <FatPhil> I'm very texture obsessive, when it comes to food.
[23:04:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> ya, gumbo's always "to taste". you can eat it as soon as it's all hot enough or you can eat it six hours later after the okra has all dissolved
[23:05:29] <TheMightyBuzzard> as to recipe, i'm pretty sure "gumbo" is cajun for "yeah, throw some of that in there"
[23:06:32] <FatPhil> It was a bit light on the okra, I was looking forward to the full overcooked okra experience, but it fell a bit short.
[23:06:44] <TheMightyBuzzard> i usually use two or three kinds of sausage, chicken, and some form of pork and that's just the meats
[23:07:00] <FatPhil> FAvourite prep of okra is bhindi bhaji with a cuzza: https://www.spiceupthecurry.com
[23:07:01] <systemd> ^ 03Bhindi Bhaji (Bhendi Chi Bhaji) - Spice Up The Curry
[23:07:09] <FatPhil> that photo looks just perfect
[23:07:35] <Runaway1956> Like Buzzard says, best gumbo is home made from scratch, and don't bother asking for the recipe
[23:08:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> looks awesome but i hate the smell of curry. or rather i like it when i'm eating it and for about a half hour after. beyond that i'm like "when will it stop?! dear god, make it stop!"
[23:09:28] <chromas> poor ol 'Tim
[23:09:29] <Runaway1956> only reason to eat curry is, it's supposed to be good for you, but then, so is cod liver oil good for you
[23:10:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> naw, curry's good except for the curry part. so i started making it with everything except the actual curry.
[23:10:37] <Runaway1956> As for okra, I always upset the wife when I refer to it as "swamp weed"
[23:10:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> #smake Runaway1956
[23:10:53] * MrPlow smakes Runaway1956 upside the head with a creampuff
[23:11:05] <Runaway1956> lol
[23:11:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> heretic! get thee up beyond the mason dixon line!
[23:11:18] <FatPhil> I've lived in NW london, the midlands and near an extremely indian and middle-eastern part of manchester - curry is in my blood.
[23:12:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> indian folks would hate my curry though. i like putting beef in it sometimes.
[23:12:02] <Runaway1956> and corn meal - "Yeah, we had that back home. We fed it to the chickens!"
[23:12:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> Runaway1956, you prolly put brown gravy on a chicken fried steak
[23:12:51] <Runaway1956> Mmm-mmmm, GOOD!
[23:13:12] <FatPhil> shared a flat with a hare krishna once - woh, that's a strict diet. was tasty, but a bit limited if you're living in Finland with not many nearby import food shops.
[23:13:16] <Runaway1956> Brown gravy goes good with anything, if you properly char the roux without burning it
[23:13:43] * TheMightyBuzzard shakes his head and calls Southern Immigration on Runaway1956
[23:14:08] <Runaway1956> Too late, I got my anchor babies now!
[23:14:31] <FatPhil> Most good UK curry houses will have beef, there's as many Muslims as Hindus.
[23:14:53] <Runaway1956> Beefeater!
[23:15:10] <FatPhil> i presume we took our beefeaters to india
[23:16:00] <Runaway1956> I buy mine at the liquor store
[23:16:54] -!- dx3bydt3_ has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.]
[23:17:02] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~quassel@99.192.ig.tp] has joined #soylent
[23:26:43] <Bytram> TheMightyBuzzard: FatPhil: Runaway1956: Okra? Since when is Okra Winfrey back on TV?
[23:27:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> no, okra's the old muppet on the dark crystal
[23:31:51] <Runaway1956> Everybody loves Okra Winfrey - unless they don't.
[23:32:16] <Runaway1956> Everyone wants a nice futuristic handgun, right?
[23:32:21] <Runaway1956> https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com
[23:32:22] <chromas> Big Okra or Little Okra?
[23:32:22] <systemd> ^ 03Obscure Object of Desire: Something Extremely Ugly, Cheaply Made and Very Expensive - The Truth About Guns
[23:32:45] <Runaway1956> Both, and all their little cousins along with them.
[23:33:47] <chromas> ah, I was referring to her size oscillations of days past
[23:34:07] <Bytram> bigLITTLE?
[23:34:31] <chromas> so that thing's the AdLib Gold of guns?
[23:34:52] <Bytram> Nah, that would be LITTLEbig horn
[23:38:32] <TheMightyBuzzard> Runaway1956, https://www.wideopenspaces.com
[23:38:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> from back when the bill of rights meant something
[23:40:42] <Bytram> That must have been before NASCAR -- they only know how to turn left
[23:41:36] <chromas> is that why they're getting woke? going all in on hard left
[23:41:54] <Bytram> =yt nothing but net
[23:41:54] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Travis Scott - Nothing But Net (04:03; 94,869 views; 👍2,213 👎16)
[23:42:24] <Bytram> =yt nothing but net Bird
[23:42:25] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Larry Bird vs. Michael Jordan McDonalds commercial (01:03; 8,009,230 views; 👍27,501 👎491)
[23:45:04] <TheMightyBuzzard> Bytram, nascar was started by moonshiners. they had a trunk full of their excuse for forgetting how to turn right.
[23:46:09] * Bytram is quite well aware of their moonshiner heritage
[23:46:37] <Bytram> outrun the revenooers
[23:46:41] <TheMightyBuzzard> makes me proud but i don't know any of the current drivers so i don't watch anymore
[23:47:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> guess it's just as well. first guy i was a fan of: got in a wreck and had to retire. second guy: died on the track a few years later.
[23:47:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> third guy as well. almost forgot about him.
[23:48:02] <chromas> They should be using dirt tracks with hills and bumps
[23:48:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> naw, too much like work
[23:48:26] <chromas> and have cop cars behind them
[23:48:47] <chromas> they could shoot at each other too, why not
[23:49:01] * Runaway1956 feels a desperate need to check on the welfare of his pillow
[23:49:11] <Runaway1956> NOT 'mypillow'
[23:49:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> ernie irvan, dale earnhardt sr., alan kulwicki
[23:49:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> Runaway1956, then give it back to whoever's it is
[23:49:43] <chromas> aha! Runaway1956 is totally interested in the welfare state (of his pillow)
[23:49:45] <Runaway1956> Mr. Bamboo, I guess -
[23:50:24] <TheMightyBuzzard> matter of fact, the hooters we stopped in at on their grand opening was the only one open in the nation that day on account of kulwicki dying.
[23:50:52] <TheMightyBuzzard> i figure not rooting for anyone is the best way to support them at this point.
[23:52:07] <Bytram> rooting? what? Nw you don't want dirt tracks but you do want roots? Whadaya think those trees are gonna grow in?
[23:52:20] <Bytram> ;)
[23:52:38] <chromas> vermiculite
[23:52:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> if history's anything to go by, my sewer lines
[23:53:15] <Bytram> ouch!
[23:54:02] <Bytram> hope the trees stay away from that drainage "thing" you put in at the church
[23:56:00] <Bytram> what was that called... a "French drain" ??
[23:56:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Congo Confirms New Ebola Outbreak after Death of Woman - https://sylnt.us