#soylent | Logs for 2021-05-25

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[00:00:53] <Sulla> Well, guess its time to go and pick some rhubarb and make some waffles
[00:03:11] <chromas> Strawberry rhubarb waffle pie?
[00:06:06] <AzumaHazuki> rhubarb is hypertensive, diabetic celery
[00:06:28] <chromas> is that why it's red? it's got the beetus?
[00:34:43] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[00:38:22] * FatPhil beets chromas round the head of red cabbage with a limp stick of celery.
[00:38:37] <chromas> beetus defeatus
[00:39:00] <chromas> also it's not nice to beat your limp celery in pubic like that
[01:12:44] -!- Sulla [Sulla!Sulla@n-68-39-817-302.hsd6.or.comcast.net] has joined #soylent
[01:12:47] <Sulla> https://www.diabetesdaily.com
[01:12:49] <systemd> ^ 03DD ( https://www.diabetesdaily.com )
[01:13:14] <Sulla> https://www.herbco.com
[01:13:16] <systemd> ^ 03Rhubarb root, c/s
[01:13:53] <Sulla> that second link is a lot more trash than its google description implied
[01:16:30] <Sulla> "Kidney damage/failure: In a type-1 diabetic patient with normal kidney function following excess ingestion of rhubarb and in a 75-year-old man from excess intakes of rhubarb stew over a few weeks"
[01:16:35] <Sulla> define excessive
[01:43:02] <chromas> 600 rhubarbs per day
[01:45:25] <requerdanos> twice your body weight over half your lifespan?
[01:47:57] <Bytram> is that lifespan with, or without, rhubarb?
[01:48:02] <Bytram> ;)
[01:57:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Crypto Payments above $10,000 would be Reported to IRS Under Treasury Plan - https://sylnt.us - regulators-regulating
[02:05:55] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[04:27:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tesla is Found Guilty of Throttling Charging Speed, Asked to Pay $16,000 to Thousands of Owners - https://sylnt.us
[04:31:45] <AzumaHazuki> "Asked?"
[04:32:27] <chromas> Will you please smake your own wrist for me?
[04:38:31] <progo> "throttling"?
[04:38:44] <progo> or balancing short term and long term battery performance?
[04:39:24] <chromas> doesn't matter; give the gubbermint their free monies
[04:45:38] <progo> I'm just 1.5 miles upwind of a spectacular metal recycler fire
[04:45:48] <progo> smells bad
[04:46:07] <progo> "Sims Metal Managment" in Jersey City. only source is a couple of Twitter posts so far
[04:46:22] <progo> was wondering at first if my laptop was getting ready to catch fire
[04:46:35] <chromas> it's Jersey. Nobody's going to notice the smell; the noise floor's too high
[04:46:50] * chromas is the first person to ever shit on new jersey
[04:47:02] <progo> that's what my wife said when I insisted on going out on the street to determine if it was my building or not my building
[04:47:17] <progo> anyway I'm gonna sleep. bye
[04:47:21] <chromas> g'night
[05:35:43] -!- SoyCow21718 [SoyCow21718!~SoyCow217@925-300-434-342.ubr6.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has parted #soylent
[05:37:35] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:41:43] -!- Fnord666_ [Fnord666_!~Fnord666@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Fnord666] has joined #soylent
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[06:46:04] -!- c0lo_ [c0lo_!~9f99d30a@159.153.yqr.yr] has joined #soylent
[06:46:13] <c0lo_> =submit https://www.eurekalert.org
[06:46:19] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "03LHAASO Discovers a Dozen PeVatrons and Photons Exceeding 1 PeV and Launches Ultra-high-energy Gamma" (30p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:48:21] <c0lo_> =doi 10.1038/s41586-021-03498-z
[06:48:24] <systemd> <p><b>Journal Reference</b>:<br/>Zhen Cao, F. A. Aharonian, Q. An, <em>et al</em>. <b>Ultrahigh-energy photons up to 1.4 petaelectronvolts from 12 γ-ray Galactic sources</b>, <cite>Nature</cite> (DOI: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03498-z">10.1038/s41586-021-03498-z</a>)</p>
[06:50:53] <c0lo_> =submit https://scitechdaily.com
[06:50:57] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Groundbreaking Research Optimizes Body's Own Immune System to Fight Cancer" (19p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[06:57:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Teardown of an ATX PC Power Supply - https://sylnt.us - preserving-magic-smoke
[06:59:49] <c0lo_> =submit turbo-t-cells https://scitechdaily.com
[06:59:52] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Groundbreaking Research Optimizes Body's Own Immune System to Fight Cancer" (20p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:01:13] <c0lo_> =submit https://thehill.com
[07:01:15] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Texas Republicans' Plan Would Slash Polling Places in Areas With Higher Shares of Voters of Color: A" (10p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:04:36] <c0lo_> =submit https://www.nytimes.com
[07:04:38] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Yuan Longping, Plant Scientist Who Helped Curb Famine, Dies at 90" (43p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:05:47] <c0lo_> =submit merge https://phys.org
[07:05:50] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03China's Yuan Longping Dies; Rice Research Helped Feed World" (12p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:13:35] <c0lo> =submit https://www.propublica.org
[07:13:38] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Hundreds of PPP Loans Went to Fake Farms in Absurd Places" (4p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:01:29] -!- c0lo_ has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
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[08:04:26] -!- c0lo [c0lo!~9f99d30a@159.153.yqr.yr] has joined #soylent
[08:04:52] <c0lo> =submit this-is-war https://www.businessinsider.com.au
[08:04:57] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Apple Refused to Remove Negative Ratings for the Facebook App Left by pro-Palestinian Activists Upse" (16p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:31:15] <c0lo> https://pbs.twimg.com
[08:35:24] <c0lo> =submit https://www.technologyreview.com
[08:35:27] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03A Blind Man Can Make Out Objects Again After an Optogenetics Treatment" (11p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:36:34] <c0lo> =submit https://www.techdirt.com
[08:36:38] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Florida Man Signs Blatantly Corrupt and Unconstitutional Social Media Bill, Cementing Florida as Tec" (17p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:15:02] <chromas> welp, just bitchslapped hot drink all over my keyboard
[09:15:15] <chromas> the lord™ wants me to upgrayyd I guess
[09:15:47] <kyonko`> was it a fancy expensive kbd?
[09:16:06] <chromas> overpriced but no. just a simple ms ergo 4k
[09:16:24] <kyonko`> microsoft?
[09:16:31] <chromas> aye
[09:16:36] <kyonko`> usb?
[09:16:44] <chromas>
[09:16:55] <kyonko`> they still make them or is this new old stock?
[09:17:34] <chromas> not sure. I see them on amazon as new. this one I got from storage at a local business
[09:17:43] <kyonko`> is it wireless?
[09:18:14] <chromas> I've been watching keyboard videos and thinking about building one with all the F-keys plus a bunch more macro keys. like a 160% keyboard
[09:18:20] <chromas> no
[09:18:36] <kyonko`> I've been watching IBM PC videos
[09:18:48] <kyonko`> 640k ought to be enough for anybody
[09:18:54] <chromas> Now I'm using an old unbranded thing that needs its squishy keys lubed but at least it's got a BIGass enter key
[09:19:07] <kyonko`> Oh the pc jr chiclet kbd
[09:19:41] <chromas> the sticker says SolidTek but I can see some top text rubbed off that said something like "Haute"
[09:20:04] <kyonko`> if you ever get into retro computing, don't waste your time and money with anything older than ibm pc at (i286)
[09:20:43] <kyonko`> I think "Haute" made uh.... video capture cards and tv tuners
[09:20:53] <kyonko`> or was that Hauppage?
[09:20:58] <chromas> no retroputing for me, but I do like the old keycaps. modern oem/cherry profile caps are the big gay
[09:21:04] <kyonko`> lol
[09:21:06] <chromas> yeah hauppage
[09:21:11] <kyonko`> no retrocomputing?
[09:21:25] <kyonko`> 8086 was 16-bit, way better than the NES
[09:21:33] <chromas> I wonder if this was misprinted or something so they rubbed it out
[09:21:54] <kyonko`> given that windows 3.1 needs 16 bits to work
[09:21:56] <chromas> 8086 didn't have donkey kong country
[09:22:22] <kyonko`> ibm pc was 8088, more ghetto, more useless
[09:22:58] <kyonko`> but pc at is where the modern computer begins anyway
[09:23:10] <kyonko`> along with the 1984 mac
[09:23:44] <kyonko`> I guess an ibm pc was cool with a modem to dial up a vax with bsd
[09:23:59] <kyonko`> using vi and shit
[09:27:09] <kyonko`> how many "slash" sites are there?
[09:31:32] <chromas> three
[09:31:45] <kyonko`> how come I haven't heard of the 3rd one?
[09:33:21] <chromas> it was before your time
[09:33:26] <chromas> looks like it died in 2018
[09:35:37] <chromas> we're mentioned on the wikipedia page with a bunch of {{citation}} templates
[09:36:16] <kyonko`> before my time?
[09:36:22] <kyonko`> oh before I came in this server
[09:36:32] <chromas> oh it's just {{cns}} now
[09:36:38] <kyonko`> is it on archive.org?
[09:36:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Libreboot Sees First New Release In Nearly 5 Years, Supports More Old Motherboards - https://sylnt.us - open-source++
[09:36:46] <chromas> it was called barrapunto
[09:37:11] <chromas> https://web.archive.org
[09:37:12] <systemd> ^ 03Barrapunto: La informaci� que te interesa
[09:37:26] <kyonko`> lol, spanish
[09:37:49] <kyonko`> that was before shit got heinous ultra violent in latin america
[09:37:55] <kyonko`> i blame 2008
[09:39:01] <chromas> Yeah, we should stop the War on Drugs™ and start exploiting central & south america for their resources and ability to manufacture things
[09:39:12] <chromas> make our own local East Asia
[09:39:44] <kyonko`> I think the problem is the roman religion
[09:39:56] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[09:39:58] <systemd> ^ 03Wagakki Band - 焔 (Homura) + 暁ノ糸 (Akatsuki no Ito) / 1st JAPAN Tour 2015 Hibiya Yagai Ongakudo
[09:40:11] <kyonko`> there will be no olympics this summer
[09:40:18] <kyonko`> hospital overload is predicted in japan
[09:40:22] <kyonko`> "indian strain"
[09:40:30] <chromas> did anybody even still watch the olympics?
[09:40:37] <kyonko`> (mean while all the indians I know on facebook and instgram.....)
[09:40:49] <kyonko`> olympics are only for health nazis
[09:40:56] <kyonko`> a few mexicans get in every year
[09:41:05] <kyonko`> one of them is now a corrupt politician
[09:41:40] <kyonko`> a lot of mexican olympians were underage
[09:41:48] <kyonko`> isn't that weird?
[09:43:16] <kyonko`> isn't not weird at all, its just human hubris
[09:43:28] <chromas> maybe they're just advanced for their age, like those Chinese four-year-olds that play the guitar
[09:47:19] <c0lo> yeeea, naaah, it's all faked and that's not fair. An octgenarian will have a lot more experience in gymnastics.
[09:47:44] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[09:47:45] <systemd> ^ 03Passport.mid
[09:49:48] <kyonko`> there actually are videos of octagenarian gymnastics
[09:49:58] <kyonko`> yeaaaa, naah, you're a cunt
[09:51:31] <kyonko`> just googled barrapunto
[09:52:07] <kyonko`> https://i.imgur.com
[09:54:01] <kyonko`> i think gore sites killed barrapunto
[09:54:38] <chromas> or using ancient software nobody wanted to work on
[09:55:27] <kyonko`> oh like bsd and linux
[09:56:04] <kyonko`> I did not know slashdot.org was named because of http:// /. .org
[09:56:08] <kyonko`> jfc
[09:56:13] <kyonko`> all these years and I never got it
[09:56:27] <inz> you needed to say it out loud to get it
[09:56:30] <kyonko`> I thought it was because of the unix file system directory
[09:56:37] <kyonko`> like . and .. and ./ and /.
[09:57:01] <kyonko`> it would have been said "just go to slashdot.org"
[09:57:21] <kyonko`> or if slashdot.org was a webmail providor, example.name@slashdot.org
[09:57:25] <chromas> yeah but back then people were even still using www.
[09:57:27] <kyonko`> totally legible over voice
[09:57:42] <kyonko`> oooooooooh
[09:57:55] <kyonko`> doubleyou doubleyou doubleyou dot slashdot dot org
[09:58:27] <kyonko`> of course tehre are communication problems that isn't one of them
[09:58:32] <chromas> yeah. we should register uuuuuuslashdot.org
[09:58:50] <kyonko`> I guess its a 1994 thing, really
[09:59:14] <kyonko`> dotdot.org
[09:59:17] <kyonko`> dot.org
[09:59:31] <kyonko`> slash.org
[09:59:50] <chromas> remember com.com?
[09:59:54] <kyonko`> yes of course
[09:59:54] <inz> there was some website that accepted any combination on vs and ws that summed up to 6, but not www
[09:59:56] <kyonko`> and whitehouse.com
[10:00:04] <inz> i just fail to remember which
[10:00:36] <kyonko`> ww.shit.org and vvvvvv.shit.org
[10:00:41] <kyonko`> yeah I remember those
[10:01:11] <kyonko`> I was on dial up in those days and lived in a cowboy town with an autobahn
[10:02:01] <raxas> chromas++
[10:02:01] <Bender> karma - chromas: 358
[10:02:33] <kyonko`> some email addresses can be real PITAs
[10:02:38] <kyonko`> mine aren't or are they?
[10:02:43] <raxas> for wagakki, akatsuki no ito
[10:02:57] <kyonko`> I don't think my email addresses are perfectly legible in voice
[10:03:01] <kyonko`> fuck it
[10:03:07] <kyonko`> aka, the slashdot effect
[10:03:39] <kyonko`> it doesn't have that ring to it
[10:03:43] <kyonko`> that zing
[10:04:11] <kyonko`> at@slashdot.org
[10:05:14] <raxas> original with azure dragon https://www.youtube.com
[10:05:16] <systemd> ^ 03和楽器バンド / 「暁ノ糸」MUSIC VIDEO/Wagakki Band"Akatsukino Ito"
[10:07:50] <chromas> I'mma tell my kids this is the new Mulan remake
[10:09:26] <raxas> those people run two bands acually, the second one is smaller, classical
[10:09:43] <raxas> the girl is an opera singer and pianist too
[10:10:58] <raxas> https://en.wikipedia.org https://en.wikipedia.org
[10:10:59] <systemd> ^ 03Hanafugetsu - Wikipedia
[10:11:00] <systemd> ^ 03Yuko Suzuhana - Wikipedia
[11:46:50] <c0lo> =submit no-freaking-milky-way https://www.sydney.edu.au
[11:46:54] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Milky Way No Freak Accident, Astronomers Say" (25p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[11:56:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - China Will Likely Ban All Bitcoin Mining Soon - https://sylnt.us - tapping-out
[12:03:17] <raxas> that was long overdue
[12:07:34] <c0lo> =submit https://www.tomsguide.com
[12:07:38] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03New 12.9-inch iPad Pro Already Has a Display Problem" (28p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[12:09:33] <c0lo> =submit google-nest-fuchsya https://9to5google.com
[12:09:35] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Google is Releasing Fuchsia OS, Starting W/ 1st-gen Nest Hub - 9to5Google" (2p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[12:13:14] <c0lo> =submit doomed-to-captcha https://au.pcmag.com
[12:13:16] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Tired of Boring CAPTCHAs, This Developer Created a Doom-Themed One" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[12:18:50] <c0lo> =submit ah-the-sound https://au.motorsport.com
[12:18:54] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Toyota Gives Hydrogen Car Successful Debut in Fuji 24 Hours" (31p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[12:26:16] <c0lo> =submit we're-cooler-than-the-universe https://www.unige.ch
[12:26:23] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The Universe is Hotter Than Expected - Communiqués De Presse - UNIGE" (10p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[12:31:37] -!- c0lo has quit []
[13:10:11] <raxas> =submit https://ijvtpr.com
[13:10:20] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Worse Than the Disease? Reviewing Some Possible Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines Against" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[13:17:51] <raxas> title butchery is lame
[14:08:31] <raxas> =submit https://www.sciencealert.com
[14:08:33] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Deadly Parasite Discovered in Chinese Family Shows You Should Never Eat Raw Centipedes" (25p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[14:27:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Compound Commonly Found in Candles Lights the Way to Grid-Scale Energy Storage - https://sylnt.us
[15:01:18] -!- Sulla [Sulla!Sulla@n-68-39-817-302.hsd6.or.comcast.net] has joined #soylent
[16:47:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How to See the 'Super Flower Blood Moon,' 1st Lunar Eclipse of This Decade - https://sylnt.us - pictures,-or-it-never-happened!
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[17:00:12] -!- inky [inky!~inky@46.241.prp.ukz] has joined #soylent
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[17:18:00] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
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[19:36:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Widely Used Herbicide Linked to Preterm Births - https://sylnt.us
[20:23:56] <pinchy> elon musk = lone skum
[20:26:55] <AzumaHazuki> =submit https://security.googleblog.com from the if-i-had-a-(row)-hammer dept.
[20:26:57] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Introducing Half-Double: New Hammering Technique for DRAM Rowhammer Bug" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:27:47] <AzumaHazuki> this is an "oh, shit" moment isn't it?
[20:30:13] <bacteria> elk muons
[20:47:34] <FatPhil> https://www.theguardian.com
[20:47:35] <systemd> ^ 03Influencers say Russia-linked PR agency asked them to disparage Pfizer vaccine
[20:47:58] <FatPhil> the mere fact that "influencers" have any influence over the public on a matter of public health is the real problem.
[20:47:59] <chromas> So do we believe them now but not before?
[20:48:41] <FatPhil> I think we should just ignore them. Starve them of their drug - attention.
[20:49:27] * AzumaHazuki has come to the conclusion that most humans, and certainly most Americans, are unwilling or unable to filter their media intake and have no working BS detectors
[20:51:24] <FatPhil> I think it's because you were started on a drip feed many many decades ago, and your parents' generation didn't even know it was hooked on noise, there was no way you could be prepared to defend yourself against it.
[20:52:06] <AzumaHazuki> i seem pretty well able to defend myself but the sheer volume is overwhelming
[20:52:27] <FatPhil> the "soap" operas were the watershed probably.
[20:52:32] <AzumaHazuki> it feels like i survived a zombie apocalypse where the zombies won and instituted their own zombie government and zombie banks and zombie corporations
[20:52:42] <AzumaHazuki> in that situation, who's the "zombie" really?
[20:52:49] <FatPhil> CONSUME!
[20:54:37] <FatPhil> https://hammyreviews.files.wordpress.com
[21:00:15] <chromas> https://i.imgflip.com
[21:38:15] <Sulla> In general very difficult for younger generations to not just be mindless consumers. Along with the instant gratification from social media "news" they were not taught by their boomer parents how to repair things. There is a large section of the population that can <i>only</i> consume
[21:47:18] <Runaway1956> It would appear that the "don't be a dick" rule has been shelved
[21:47:32] <Runaway1956> Not only does Aristarchus impersonate me on IRC
[21:48:02] <Runaway1956> but now we are accepting his submissions made while impersonating me for publication on the front page
[21:48:19] <Runaway1956> https://soylentnews.org
[21:48:22] <systemd> ^ 03How to See the 'Super Flower Blood Moon,' 1st Lunar Eclipse of This Decade - SoylentNews
[21:48:29] <progo> sounds like Freenode, the past week
[21:48:33] <Runaway1956> To be clear, there is no "Runawayxxxx"
[21:49:08] <progo> people were accusing the winner of the freenode coup of taking over channels that moved off-network, and presenting them as official project channels
[21:49:11] <Runaway1956> If the "don't be a dick" rule no longer applies, I can start being a dick?
[21:50:41] <progo> go for it
[21:50:44] <Runaway1956> In which case, I remind everyone that I registered Aristarchus on IRC first, and I want it back
[21:50:45] <progo> just don't let it make YOU miserable
[21:51:03] <progo> I'm going to get junk food. bye
[21:51:08] <Runaway1956> later
[21:53:17] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~462771fd@70.39.qrv.yuy] has joined #soylent
[21:54:16] aristarchus is now known as SoyGuest7806
[21:54:52] <FatPhil> Sulla: blame Procter & Gamble, and 'new Duz'!
[21:56:05] <FatPhil> chromas: you need to post that image as a followup to https://soylentnews.org
[21:56:06] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews Comments | China Will Likely Ban All Bitcoin Mining Soon
[22:00:31] -!- SoyGuest7806 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[22:02:50] * chromas fixes the irc shitposting by banning everyone
[22:03:01] <chromas> /ban *!*@*
[22:03:28] <Sulla> soon as my mIRC trial expires i'll be banning myself
[22:05:05] <chromas> If you want a graphical client full of scripty goodness you can also try kvirc but it's a bit of an uggo
[22:05:42] <Sulla> Na i'll just be gone. Only got on the IRC as a way to discuss keyboard autism with Hemo anyways
[22:05:47] <Sulla> And he's already long gone
[22:07:45] <chromas> :'(
[22:08:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Yuan Longping, Plant Scientist Who Helped Curb Famine, Dies at 90 - https://sylnt.us
[22:11:09] <FatPhil> I just use the web interface, it's perfectly functional for just joining, shitposting, and leaving
[22:11:25] <Sulla> web interface hasn't been workign for me for like a month
[22:11:53] <Sulla> yeah just says cannot connect to remote server
[22:18:34] <FatPhil> bizarre - that should be looked at.
[22:19:20] <chromas> been meaning to replace it. like most stuff we're using the software's abandoned
[22:21:13] <FatPhil> a web/irc CGI gateway shouldn't be too hard to impliment
[22:21:25] <chromas> there's a few
[22:21:31] <chromas> but then you've gotta pick which one to use
[22:22:19] <chromas> I think Deucalion decided on one but then an out of time to work on it
[22:24:30] <Sulla> i figure if web client works for others i'm not gonna complain too much
[22:36:03] <chromas> Speaking of keyboards, how's yours?
[22:42:20] <Sulla> Currenlty waiting on hemo
[22:42:42] <Sulla> We got final measurements so as he has time he is cutting the adapters and then will cnc the plates
[22:43:03] <chromas> cool!
[22:43:12] <Sulla> i'll post the sample plate pictures
[22:47:06] <Sulla> https://ibb.co
[22:47:07] <systemd> ^ 03IMG-20210525-154552-125
[22:47:12] <Sulla> top and bottom of plate, just two diff materials
[22:47:41] <Sulla> the keyboard plate will just be open rows horizontal for " ` " to " page up " and then vertical for the numpad
[22:48:14] <Sulla> will be super easy to solder the switches by just sliding them out of the way of the iron, then I can glue them in place once i make sure all the keycaps fit even
[22:49:13] <chromas> Are you doing an ortholinear layout?
[22:52:18] <Sulla> no
[22:52:24] <Sulla> except for numpad as god intended
[23:51:12] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:51:13] -!- aqu4bot has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[23:51:25] -!- aqu4bot [aqu4bot!~aqu4bot@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[23:51:33] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[23:56:51] <FatPhil> did god intend a numeric keypad?
[23:57:15] <FatPhil> numeric keypads are useful in dens of thieves