#soylent | Logs for 2021-05-27

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[00:00:21] <Sulla> Even back in middle/high school text books they had it wrong
[00:03:07] <AzumaHazuki> requerdanos, it's more that trolling in general pisses me off. waste of time and resources. what's the point?
[00:04:55] <requerdanos> A good question. Why take the time and effort to troll a relative few people, also? Lots bigger targets exist.
[00:30:26] -!- anti-aristarchus [anti-aristarchus!~05b5ebb4@5.181.hyn.xsg] has joined #soylent
[00:31:25] anti-aristarchus is now known as SoyGuest44503
[00:38:08] -!- SoyGuest44503 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[01:08:44] -!- RunningMan [RunningMan!~guy@154.21.no.nsq] has joined #soylent
[01:19:07] -!- SoyBull has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:52:14] <Runaway1956> Now, I know what a DAW is . . . digital-audio-workstation
[01:52:38] <Sulla> not a directed audio weapon
[01:52:40] <Runaway1956> I hope I'm never attacked by one
[01:53:05] <Sulla> The other day a guy with a boombox was walking down the street listening to country
[01:53:08] <Sulla> sure felt likea DAW
[01:53:46] <Runaway1956> Aren't boom boxes like - ohh - 1990?
[01:54:27] <Runaway1956> So the country boy got on the soul train about 30 years late
[01:55:12] <Sulla> This dude is 1000% the most try-hard to be a redneck ive ever seen or even heard of
[01:55:56] <Runaway1956> I don't know how strict the rule is, but generally rednecks invest in car stereos
[01:56:20] <Runaway1956> or is that just boomer rednecks?
[01:58:10] <Runaway1956> After a second helping of beans, maybe DAW is Directed Anal Weapon
[02:00:54] <AzumaHazuki> ever see what happens when someone plays a country record backwards?
[02:05:34] <requerdanos> The narrative presumably becomes a happy story of restoration?
[02:13:12] -!- SoyCow0097 [SoyCow0097!~9a061ccd@154.6.uk.rqi] has joined #soylent
[02:13:32] -!- SoyCow0097 has quit [Client Quit]
[02:16:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - USB-C is about to Go from 100W to 240W, Enough to Power Beefier Laptops - https://sylnt.us - more-power-to-ya
[02:53:47] -!- aqu4bot has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[02:56:10] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[02:58:03] <Sulla> Oh boy USB-c power? nothing ive wanted more than a smaller plug to break
[03:19:57] <AzumaHazuki> right? my laptop is already USB powered and i hate how small and flimsy the connector is
[03:20:39] <bacteria> well, at least manufacturers aren't allowed to make up their random ass plugs incompatible with everything else ... oh, wait
[03:20:47] <AzumaHazuki> yyyyyeah
[03:20:56] <Sulla> tbh id rather have that then usb c
[03:59:12] <kyonko`|2> I only have lenovo touch screen tablet/notebook convertible that is usb c
[03:59:25] <kyonko`|2> bought during the "chip shortage", it works with gloved hands too
[04:00:11] <kyonko`|2> it's a chromebook, for chrome like activities
[04:00:31] <kyonko`|2> I think termux should work in it
[04:01:01] <kyonko`|2> heh 240W of usb-c, enjoy the mayhem
[04:01:23] <Sulla> Recently my dad found this super old laptop at his work that they told him to get rid of. Doesn't work so I need to find it and play around with it, wood case
[04:01:38] <kyonko`|2> a wooden laptop?
[04:02:02] <kyonko`|2> I thought only control data computers were made of wood
[04:03:30] <Sulla> dunno but the thing is damn cool
[04:03:42] <kyonko`|2> yeah but what can it do?
[04:03:54] <Sulla> Be a cool paperweight?
[04:03:57] <kyonko`|2> anything lower than a pc at is quite useless
[04:04:10] <Sulla> I was afraid to touch it due to age, so i just put it in storage until I have time to look at it closer
[04:04:25] <kyonko`|2> somebody pimped out an 8086 on ebay, but thats only because its 16-bits
[04:04:40] <Sulla> probably less of a "laptop" and more of a "portable computer"
[04:04:40] <kyonko`|2> what if you got an 8088 with 8 bit bus?
[04:05:21] <kyonko`|2> hell ibm was selling new 8086 ps/2's in the late 1980's even with the pc at and i386 out
[04:07:12] <kyonko`|2> with 16-bits you can play an audio cd and read a cd-rom, thats about it
[04:07:41] <kyonko`|2> 640k base mem with 2 mem of video ram, uh huh
[04:07:46] <kyonko`|2> whats new?
[04:32:02] <Sulla> feels good finishing a 14 hour workday
[04:32:07] <Sulla> like i actually acomplished something
[04:37:45] <kyonko`|2> 14 hours? are you superman?
[04:38:11] <kyonko`|2> after 8 daily hours, errors and mistakes begin to happen
[04:38:25] <kyonko`|2> you can do safe overtime working week ends
[04:38:34] <kyonko`|2> oh wait, you can't be trusted to work!
[04:39:00] <kyonko`|2> a daily grind isn't a killer if you get 30 minutes breaks between and hour lunch
[04:39:09] <kyonko`|2> something something CDC OSHA 20th century
[04:39:12] <Sulla> best part about working from home
[04:39:20] <kyonko`|2> oh yeah, its not working at all
[04:39:24] <Sulla> is not being required to take the 15s and the our
[04:39:28] <Sulla> hour*
[04:39:30] <kyonko`|2> my neighbor works crazy corrupt hours
[04:39:52] <kyonko`|2> I'm not a pyramid builder
[04:40:05] <Sulla> Usually from May to September for the pre-audit to the after-audit I'm doing 12-14 hour days
[04:40:09] <Sulla> rest of the year is like a 6 hour day
[04:40:34] <Sulla> I'm salary which is convenient for time tracking
[04:40:42] <kyonko`|2> I think the lowest you can divide work that pays pay roll tax is 20 hours
[04:40:51] <kyonko`|2> but, there is also "illegal labor"
[04:41:13] <kyonko`|2> I'm no fucking humanist, and they say an atheist is a theist
[04:41:37] <Sulla> in this case I had to make a bunch of sheets, distribute them for review and number changes, get them back and combine them, review them myself and send to budget office for presentation to legal council
[04:41:44] <kyonko`|2> humanists are anything but human
[04:41:49] <Sulla> Several waited til the last minute, then forgot to finish half the work
[04:42:10] <kyonko`|2> I never understood this self employment jazz.... most people work, under the table
[04:42:19] <kyonko`|2> be your own boss
[04:42:26] <Sulla> I almost went that route, but covid derailed it
[04:42:39] <kyonko`|2> its actually impossible without govt corruption
[04:42:55] <kyonko`|2> I almost died during the early 2010's because, childless people don't get jobs or welfare
[04:43:02] <kyonko`|2> they always find a reason not to hire you
[04:43:04] <Sulla> I worked for a car dealership in Alaska. Guy didn't have any kids that wanted the business, but was making 300k/year net for 3 months of work
[04:43:12] <kyonko`|2> somehow a bad credit score means you will steal from your employer
[04:43:27] <Sulla> he wanted me to take it over and buy it for the cost of the assets, which was like 200k, first year would ahve paid it off
[04:43:29] <kyonko`|2> not that I didn't have a bad credit score, I had no credit score
[04:43:42] <Sulla> gut feeling said no in 2019, good gut feelign because covid destroyed the business
[04:43:45] <kyonko`|2> now I only have a handful of trivial things on my credit score and plan to keep it that way
[04:43:59] <kyonko`|2> humans and their constructs always have been, shit
[04:44:09] <Sulla> yeah f them credit scores
[04:44:14] <kyonko`|2> if I die a socratic death, then I will!
[04:44:20] <kyonko`|2> I'll take the poison
[04:44:30] <Sulla> Go full diogenes
[04:44:42] <kyonko`|2> diogenes met alexander the great
[04:44:44] <Sulla> tell alexander he is standing in your light
[04:45:07] <Sulla> Top ten best retorts in history
[04:45:17] <kyonko`|2> its funny how christians just obsess over "the big gay"
[04:45:37] <kyonko`|2> look at israel, shows you 100% covid19 was fake
[04:45:52] <kyonko`|2> from freedom bracelets to the jew stampede
[04:46:12] <kyonko`|2> you aren't fooling me, and therefore I understand that you need to destroy me
[04:46:37] <kyonko`|2> around 3-11-2020 israel was acting exactly like china
[04:47:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - President Biden Asks Intelligence Community for Report on COVID-19's Origins - https://sylnt.us - proving-a-negative?
[04:47:19] <Sulla> Sinking allied ships, giving nuclear secrets to the Chinese, great stuff
[04:47:36] <kyonko`|2> israel plays both sides
[04:47:52] <kyonko`|2> I know a jew was there with hammurabi
[04:48:17] <kyonko`|2> most christians have no fucking clue what judaism is
[04:48:54] <kyonko`|2> netanyahu never declared the covid lockdown, over
[04:48:58] <kyonko`|2> neither will biden
[04:49:05] <kyonko`|2> its "esoterick"
[04:49:21] <Sulla> What is your definition of covid lockdown
[04:49:33] <Sulla> Oregon never really had a real lockdown, was more like having stricter fire codes
[04:49:39] <kyonko`|2> only leave home to buy what you need, with welfare money
[04:49:46] <kyonko`|2> lol "fire codes"
[04:49:47] <kyonko`|2> what a crock
[04:49:55] <kyonko`|2> the mask is the new fire
[04:50:29] <kyonko`|2> I'm fucking done with humans, have been for years actually
[04:50:59] <kyonko`|2> before covid19 shit was so bad, I thought about stocking up monthly
[04:51:31] <kyonko`|2> if I ever get detained by the cops, I'm tell them I come from apes
[04:51:35] <kyonko`|2> apes in africa
[04:51:41] <kyonko`|2> what is he going to do, shoot me?
[04:51:52] <kyonko`|2> this is planet of the apes
[04:52:08] <Sulla> In general there was plenty of time between December 31 when Taiwan put out the warning and beginning of lockdowns to get enough supplies for years
[04:52:30] <kyonko`|2> that was around the time of the yellow vest protests
[04:52:48] <kyonko`|2> chip shortage is bullshit, plenty of chinese modern crap in wal-mart post 3-11-2020
[04:53:30] <kyonko`|2> the word on the net was that covid19 was released in response to the "yellow vest movement"
[04:53:52] <Sulla> wife wants me to go with her and burn shit in the back yard, so im out
[04:54:06] <kyonko`|2> burn "shit"?
[04:54:47] <Sulla> burning years of scrap wood
[04:54:54] <Sulla> so its not i nthe way when the siding people come
[04:55:00] <kyonko`|2> humans and their fire
[04:55:09] <kyonko`|2> i'd like to see the cats kindle a fire one day
[04:55:29] <kyonko`|2> cat paws can't kindle a fire with friction
[04:56:50] <kyonko`|2> I can't fucking stand open flames
[04:57:01] <kyonko`|2> almost all modern clothing is highly combustible
[04:58:20] <kyonko`|2> I'm not leaving home untill the middle of the first week of june, or its first weekend, preferrebly sunday, the day of the least human activity
[04:58:31] <kyonko`|2> ANNOUNCE THE ALIENS ALREADY
[05:03:06] <kyonko`|2> https://www.zerohedge.com
[05:03:08] <systemd> ^ 03ZeroHedge
[05:03:22] <kyonko`|2> 2 million people evacuated.... where?
[05:03:39] <kyonko`|2> thats not the point, the point is, these people don't have toilets or running water
[05:04:04] <kyonko`|2> this is the 2nd freak storm in a months time in "indian strain" covid era
[05:04:39] <kyonko`|2> these people don't have shit like building or fire codes or anything else that gets in the way of getting out of poverty in the USA
[05:05:09] <kyonko`|2> in the USA, you actually get knocked down into poverty, or the lowest tier above non-existance, homelessness
[05:06:07] <kyonko`|2> https://www.zerohedge.com
[05:06:08] <systemd> ^ 03ZeroHedge
[05:06:25] <kyonko`|2> these are the modern descendents of the people who named the stars
[05:06:31] <kyonko`|2> we're fucking done!
[05:06:54] <kyonko`|2> from star gazing to invention of mathematics.... to blah
[05:09:31] -!- requerdanos has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[05:11:53] <kyonko`|2> https://assets.zerohedge.com
[05:12:00] <kyonko`|2> the only known images of bat woman, amen
[05:12:04] <kyonko`|2> (and women)
[05:15:04] <kyonko`|2> https://assets.zerohedge.com
[05:15:11] <kyonko`|2> fogging for mesquitos helps fight covid?
[05:15:43] <kyonko`|2> the asians are uber sapiens, how could they possibly fall for the charade of pretend to something, might as well shoot the moon
[05:16:13] <kyonko`|2> those are gasoline powered mosquito foggers being used indoors, lol
[05:16:18] <kyonko`|2> get the fuck out of here UN/WHO
[05:24:31] <kyonko`|2> https://assets.zerohedge.com
[05:52:40] -!- Sulla has quit []
[06:18:12] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~2d57d418@45.87.kxr.sw] has joined #soylent
[06:18:39] <aristarchus> Reality just got shit, bros!
[06:23:45] <aristarchus> Another mass shooting, another day in America! Why do these things not occur in other countries, one might ask.
[06:26:15] <AzumaHazuki> what do you mean "just got" shit? it's been shit from the beginning. i truly understand and sympathize with the Buddhists
[06:29:43] <aristarchus> Trying to do a flip on the "shit just got real". Evidently, didn't work.
[06:36:12] <aristarchus> When you going back to work, Hazuki-kun?
[06:36:40] <AzumaHazuki> i'm not a -kun unless you're my boss and then i'd be Azuma-kun
[06:37:08] <AzumaHazuki> and...hopefully mid to late June. I've figured out exactly what happened to me, but the recovery is taking some time
[06:37:17] <aristarchus> Don't pull Nihongo rank on me, little sister!
[06:37:50] <aristarchus> You can call me O-Jiiiiiiisan, with extra Ji.
[06:37:59] <AzumaHazuki> there is a lot going on but i think it's for the good. this body is beginning to release stored trauma. it's very unpleasant but i'm educating myself and dealing with it
[06:38:29] <aristarchus> Good, hope you recover and go on to do great works!
[06:38:51] <AzumaHazuki> and in the process learning a frightening amount about the mind-body connection. it seems my instinctive ideas about this were right: one's body records on the subconscious level
[06:39:46] <kyonko`|2> aristarchus: its way worse in mexico and brazil
[06:40:15] <AzumaHazuki> this also implies that the voids in my memory are a form of self-protection. the poor brain, it somatizes what it can't handle, and no child has a frame of reference to contextualize some things
[06:40:54] <kyonko`|2> Japan is one of the world's oldest population centers, lots of different types of people bound to exist there
[06:41:39] <kyonko`|2> is every american a cowboy?
[06:41:42] <kyonko`|2> no true scotsman!
[06:42:05] <aristarchus> Calling Dr. Freud? Perhaps. And the essence of the "talking cure" is re-living the trauma, when you are ready to handle it.
[06:42:22] <AzumaHazuki> talking about it is actually harmful on its own believe it or not
[06:42:34] <aristarchus> Who is kyonko, and why is he such an ass>
[06:42:50] <kyonko`|2> I am an ass, and the AI knows it
[06:43:12] <AzumaHazuki> trauma etches itself into the body, everything from the epigenome to the digestive system to the neurochemical balance. a good definition is "anything that has chronic dysregulatory effects on the nervous system"
[06:43:29] <kyonko`|2> I should be a dying fat man by now
[06:43:32] <kyonko`|2> but i am not
[06:44:07] <AzumaHazuki> essentially, you get neurochemically trained to assume, at the deepest level of your soul, that the world is unsafe and people can't be trusted. which is true, but the constant sympathetic nervous overactivation that comes with that is very damaging
[06:44:18] <aristarchus> Talking about it when you are not ready, yes. But this is the thing about psychoanalysis, at some point you have to integrate yourself, to be whole, and the narrative of yourself is a way to do that.
[06:44:59] <AzumaHazuki> oh yes, i've been having to go back in time and pick up the pieces of myself. imagine 32-year-old me leading 10-year-old me along a corridor of time by the hand
[06:46:03] <kyonko`|2> you are still doing that?
[06:46:13] <kyonko`|2> I got done when I stopped drinking 5 years ago
[06:46:21] <AzumaHazuki> some people never complete that work, because they don't know how or even that it can be done
[06:46:37] <aristarchus> Good, good. I was 10-years old some 2390 years ago. Still vibrant part of me.
[06:46:42] <AzumaHazuki> 25-year-old me is a harder case to crack unfortunately. She still doesn't completely listen to me but some progress is being made
[06:47:00] <AzumaHazuki> and, good grief, 30 and 31-year-old me is a complete mess
[06:47:00] <kyonko`|2> AzumaHazuki: now I am confused/lost
[06:47:09] <kyonko`|2> how old are you now?
[06:47:19] <AzumaHazuki> kyonko`|2, 33 this August.
[06:47:25] <kyonko`|2> well I'm 36
[06:47:38] <kyonko`|2> so I guess you were a 5/6th grade when I was in 9th or 10th grade
[06:48:02] <aristarchus> Well, I am almost 2400, but rounding errors are less significant at my age.
[06:48:15] <kyonko`|2> I did the shit every human must do in their 20's... except be a father or kill someone
[06:48:28] <AzumaHazuki> when you get badly and repeatedly traumatized it disintegrates you along your own timeline, is my observation. the healing work involves "unwinding the stack," trying to recontextualize what happened and why from a place of relative safety
[06:48:56] <kyonko`|2> when I turned 30, I knew it was time
[06:49:05] <kyonko`|2> time to stop the sugar consumption and alcoholism
[06:49:07] <kyonko`|2> stop smoking
[06:49:11] <kyonko`|2> this includes weed
[06:49:35] <kyonko`|2> everyone is going to talk how their kid is the christ on facebook
[06:49:41] <AzumaHazuki> the somatic effects are bizarre. i'm waking up shaking like a deadly chill has hold of me and half-dissociated, but aware enough to go "this is somatic release, ride it out and be with it in the moment"
[06:50:10] <kyonko`|2> AzumaHazuki: I still don't know precisely the landmarks of the body
[06:51:01] <kyonko`|2> no matter how much you know about anatomy and physiology, you still get that weird shit
[06:51:09] <AzumaHazuki> oh, definitely
[06:51:28] <kyonko`|2> alcoholism, hangovers, opiate withdrawl doesn't make it better
[06:51:34] <kyonko`|2> it took me 2 or 3 years to over the nicotine dependancy
[06:51:49] <AzumaHazuki> and, and this is really hard for me to keep in mind, we're never going to know enough to pin it all down like the laws of math. biology is messy as hell
[06:51:51] <aristarchus> Lotus eaters, Odysseus sailed away from them.
[06:51:58] <kyonko`|2> I started smoking at age 14
[06:52:04] <kyonko`|2> lol math
[06:52:22] <kyonko`|2> when you draw crooked and oblong, its the new math!
[06:52:56] <kyonko`|2> when I was a kid, we had some shit on apple II's and IBM PS/2's called LOGO: turtle graphics
[06:53:24] <kyonko`|2> and then the soviet union collapsed after a chain reaction of smaller independant communist states
[06:53:31] <kyonko`|2> china could have been one, but it wasn't in 1989
[06:53:58] <kyonko`|2> I took a lot of intelligence tests on ibm ps/2's
[06:54:04] <kyonko`|2> circa 1990
[06:54:08] <kyonko`|2> 1991
[06:54:47] <Runaway1956> https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com
[06:54:48] <systemd> ^ 03Gun Meme of the Day: Dirty, Dirty Rimfire Edition - The Truth About Guns
[06:54:56] <kyonko`|2> ugh
[06:55:00] <kyonko`|2> cop stops you
[06:55:03] <kyonko`|2> searchs you
[06:55:06] <kyonko`|2> finds some 17 hmr on you
[06:55:09] <kyonko`|2> asks for your id
[06:55:10] <aristarchus> You are old, kyonko. and coming from me, that means something.
[06:55:11] <kyonko`|2> runs your id
[06:55:17] <kyonko`|2> you are a felon
[06:55:29] <kyonko`|2> takes you to the booking
[06:55:32] <kyonko`|2> gets booked
[06:55:37] <Runaway1956> What is "hmr"?
[06:55:43] <kyonko`|2> hornady magnum rimfire
[06:55:47] <kyonko`|2> its used for popping varmints
[06:55:51] <Runaway1956> Okay, just checking
[06:55:51] <kyonko`|2> and making stinky messes
[06:55:56] <aristarchus> Runaway was always a rimfire, kind of a rim-job-fire.
[06:56:10] <AzumaHazuki> see i was thinking it but was trying to be civil and not say it...
[06:56:20] <kyonko`|2> you shoot guns like an idiot around here, you will get the cops called, and the cops will use tech to force themselves onto your property
[06:56:44] <Runaway1956> 'round here, people EXPECT to hear gunfire from your property
[06:57:02] <aristarchus> I hear that RunawayZZZZ has been logged in of late, confusing the Runaways.
[06:57:06] <Runaway1956> if they don't hear any shooting for a few days, they're likely to call the sheriff to do a welfare check
[06:57:06] <kyonko`|2> really Runaway1956, where is that? because no one is like that around here, you are supposed to go the gun range proper
[06:57:13] <kyonko`|2> lol welfare check
[06:57:22] <kyonko`|2> some kind of reverse totalitarianism
[06:57:38] <aristarchus> Red-flag the Runaway!
[06:57:46] <kyonko`|2> Runaway nitration
[06:57:50] <kyonko`|2> spontaneous combustion
[06:57:51] <Runaway1956> Actually, most welfare checks consist of a couple people knocking on the door, if you don't answer, they walk in and drink your beer.
[06:57:53] <kyonko`|2> not ready for prime time
[06:58:16] <kyonko`|2> if welfare checks were real there wouldn't be homelessness
[06:58:24] <kyonko`|2> humans DIE without shelter
[06:58:36] <Runaway1956> Hmmm, there are several different degrees of "welfare"
[06:58:41] <kyonko`|2> homeless shelter rules are simple, sober living
[06:58:58] <Runaway1956> "Had enough to eat" doesn't quite rank with "we think the old buzzard may have died"
[06:59:03] <FatPhil> But cardboard boxes and bridges can be shelter.
[06:59:06] <kyonko`|2> you can live in a homeless shelter for most of your able bodied years as long as you stick to sober living
[06:59:25] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: its not certain shelter
[06:59:30] <Runaway1956> Yeah, I could have done that, but I had bigger dreams
[06:59:55] <kyonko`|2> I tried my hand at inner city living in 2009, never again
[07:00:01] <FatPhil> you're also underestimating the power of addiction, there need to be wet houses as well as dry houses to act as a half-way-house.
[07:00:07] <Runaway1956> I wanted to go to strange places, meet exotic people, and kill them
[07:00:17] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: those are pubs/inns
[07:00:45] <aristarchus> Welfare Navy enlistee case. Parasite.
[07:00:45] <kyonko`|2> hitler was born in an inn that was also a border between austria and switzerland
[07:00:55] <kyonko`|2> nah he was drafted
[07:01:15] <Runaway1956> Most of us are drafted into life - no one asks us to volunteer
[07:01:34] <kyonko`|2> when is a good age to teach a baby to cut meat?
[07:01:47] <kyonko`|2> do I place the baby on the granite slab?
[07:01:55] <Runaway1956> Uhhhhh - sometime around 4 you can start?
[07:02:01] <Runaway1956> Maybe three?
[07:02:12] <aristarchus> Runaway too young to be drafted. He signed up for murder and mayhem, like all post Vietnam vets.
[07:02:38] <Runaway1956> And I'm also a cereal killer 'starchus
[07:02:50] <AzumaHazuki> sssshhh, we call it "spreading democracy"
[07:03:34] * Runaway1956 was more interested in spreading European girl's thighs
[07:03:40] <kyonko`|2> police and military kill because the amorphous state orders them too
[07:03:46] <Runaway1956> and Island girls
[07:03:51] <Runaway1956> and African girls
[07:03:56] <Runaway1956> and Arab girls
[07:04:03] <kyonko`|2> you got the VD
[07:04:14] <Runaway1956> nope, that was the 'Nam
[07:04:27] <Runaway1956> guys had their junk rot off overnight I hear
[07:04:38] <kyonko`|2> rotten crotch
[07:04:45] <kyonko`|2> thats what gunny said
[07:04:54] <Runaway1956> Nam was almost as bad as Greece
[07:04:58] <kyonko`|2> man gunny was very.... biden like when he died
[07:05:38] <kyonko`|2> Imagine if the cominterns circulated troops like the USA did during the cold war..... oh wait, they did!
[07:06:00] <kyonko`|2> I'll die for anything, except god
[07:06:26] <Runaway1956> You'll probably die for want of a breath of fresh air when you get the COVIDS
[07:07:49] <aristarchus> Any day we can get Runaway talking about his veneral disease infections is a good day.
[07:08:07] <kyonko`|2> Runaway1956: don't remind me of childhood trauma of having a fever a cough and a plugged nose
[07:08:37] <kyonko`|2> richard feynman was immune to VD btw
[07:08:50] <Runaway1956> You think that was trauma? You should try rheumatic fever
[07:08:51] <kyonko`|2> he had a wife with TB
[07:09:08] <Runaway1956> I laid in bed for three days, unable to move
[07:09:14] <kyonko`|2> I probably have had rheumatic fever, but it took a long time for the doctors to say I had diabetes
[07:09:20] <kyonko`|2> and yet you still passed MEPS
[07:09:30] <Runaway1956> and three more days still not wanting to move because it hurt
[07:09:53] <Runaway1956> I didn't share with MEPS what MEPS didn't need to know
[07:09:58] <kyonko`|2> lol
[07:10:00] <Runaway1956> like my heart murmur?
[07:10:02] <kyonko`|2> they say its still the same
[07:10:19] <Runaway1956> if they needed to know that I had a heart murmer, it was up to them to find it.
[07:10:21] <kyonko`|2> its just fucking bizarre, like covid rules
[07:10:41] <aristarchus> One of those diseases known to affect cognitive function, and make you more likely to be conservative.
[07:11:22] <Runaway1956> Most republicans have at least limited cognitive function - too bad about Democrats, LOLOLOL
[07:11:46] <Runaway1956> Thank God for independents who actually think on their feet
[07:13:01] <kyonko`|2> look at what happened to dr. rand paul
[07:13:10] <kyonko`|2> father and son doctors
[07:13:22] <kyonko`|2> you know rand paul is the same speciality as bashar al assad
[07:13:32] <kyonko`|2> ophthamology
[07:13:33] <Runaway1956> Yeah, well, their women have to live with that shame
[07:13:37] <aristarchus> Let's talk about worms, Runaway. How far is your outhouse from your well?
[07:14:19] <Runaway1956> We're all modern here, 'Starchy - we have a septic tank and a leach bed
[07:14:44] <Runaway1956> better question is, how many times have your doctors prescribed leeches for you?
[07:14:54] <aristarchus> And how far are those from your well?
[07:15:01] <kyonko`|2> it smells like cat pee around here
[07:15:01] <chromas> You have too much blood!
[07:15:04] <kyonko`|2> lol aristarchus
[07:15:13] <kyonko`|2> is Runaway1956 hickock from youtube?
[07:15:19] <Runaway1956> Few hundred feet - downhill - why, you writing a book?
[07:15:59] <kyonko`|2> I live in arizona
[07:16:07] <kyonko`|2> and people in arizona go to designated gun ranges
[07:16:13] <Runaway1956> You don't have water in arizona, do you?
[07:16:13] <aristarchus> Down hill, but which way does the aquifer flow? Just trying to figure some things out.
[07:16:22] <kyonko`|2> we don't have water, true
[07:16:41] <Runaway1956> The water flows from the well, to the house, out to the septic tank - all downhill
[07:16:48] <kyonko`|2> i am so water crazy I should be euthanized
[07:16:56] <Runaway1956> we had a guy with a witching stick map it all out for us
[07:17:09] <kyonko`|2> we have septic tanks around here, they need to get pumped along with a propane tank fill
[07:17:17] <kyonko`|2> dousing
[07:17:47] <kyonko`|2> I'm connected to the grid unfortunately
[07:17:49] <Runaway1956> My septic tank has been in place a little over 30 years, hasn't had to be messed with yet
[07:17:55] <aristarchus> Except when it comes back, from the suctionm, and forms a closed loop of Conservative shit posting!
[07:18:13] * Runaway1956 yawns
[07:18:16] <kyonko`|2> the problem with the united states, is that its so damn big
[07:18:27] <kyonko`|2> and you got people killing themselves with soda and alcohol
[07:18:32] <aristarchus> Ignorant Moron.
[07:18:33] <Runaway1956> that's some boring scatological shit there 'Starchy
[07:18:50] <kyonko`|2> by age 30 I put the tobacco, sugar and alcohol down
[07:19:00] <aristarchus> Your septic tank, RunawayXXXX, not mine
[07:19:04] <kyonko`|2> and weed, even tho weed is now "legal"
[07:19:06] <Runaway1956> The only time we get suction on a septic tank is when some liberal from the city comes out to huff on it
[07:19:33] <kyonko`|2> its not clear on the legal status of having a job and owning a firearm and also smoking weed
[07:19:38] <FatPhil> can we keep it civil, please - you were doing mostly alright
[07:19:56] <kyonko`|2> when those who make the law, break the law, in the name of the law, there is no law
[07:19:58] <kyonko`|2> 'MERICA
[07:20:04] <FatPhil> Fuck yeah!
[07:20:07] <kyonko`|2> actually that was northern ireland
[07:20:11] <aristarchus> Why are you hillbillies so worried that liberals from the city are going to come and "huff" something of yours?
[07:20:34] <Runaway1956> Perhaps you missed FatPhil's request . . .
[07:20:42] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: I guess in your czechoslovakia esperantostan people get released from jail with charges never filed right?
[07:21:06] <kyonko`|2> I've been jailed many times in my youth with charges never filed
[07:21:12] <kyonko`|2> but those are recorded for ever anyway
[07:21:16] <chromas> what about the cell bars?
[07:21:25] <chromas> were they ever filed?
[07:21:35] <kyonko`|2> yeah I got 4 bars or is it 55
[07:21:44] <aristarchus> Never had that many bars on my cell phone.
[07:21:52] <FatPhil> maybe in soviet times, but we're quite rigid with our laws here
[07:21:53] <Runaway1956> with three bars you can make a phone call, right?
[07:22:06] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: oh so your system is "all or nothing"
[07:22:12] <FatPhil> with 12 bars, I can make a song
[07:22:22] <chromas> You'd have 55 bars if you had a classic Nokia
[07:22:38] * Runaway1956 hums along with fatphil
[07:22:47] <FatPhil> kyonko`|2: not really, it's just that we have a fairly clear set of laws - all freshly written within people's memories.
[07:22:53] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: how illegal is UFC fighting in your country
[07:23:09] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: so, no carrying knives and guns in the street i assume
[07:23:16] <Runaway1956> That's union of fighting clowns?
[07:23:29] <FatPhil> The estonian joke would be "happens all the time in lasnagorsk on a saturday night", but you'd be forgiven for not getting that.
[07:23:31] <kyonko`|2> UFC never took a knee to covid19
[07:23:53] <FatPhil> The union of fighting clowns rebranded themselves as "WWE" didn't they?
[07:23:57] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: thats why I don't leave home or go to the big city
[07:24:11] <kyonko`|2> have you see the new covid19 telepresence for WWE?
[07:24:19] <kyonko`|2> they have a screen for each seat
[07:24:20] <FatPhil> how big is "big" to you?
[07:24:24] <Runaway1956> Visiting the city is alright, if you take your arsenal with you
[07:24:35] <aristarchus> Insane Clown Posse: Fucking (anything), how does it work>
[07:24:42] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: no city in your country is as big as warsaw or kiev or berlin or prague or bratislava
[07:25:23] <kyonko`|2> things don't start to get big over there untill you get to ukraine
[07:25:24] <Runaway1956> Odd, Kiev was never on my bucket list . . .
[07:25:30] <aristarchus> "City" for little Runaway is Texarkana.
[07:25:31] <kyonko`|2> belarus is big-ish
[07:25:45] <Runaway1956> 'Starchy, I been everywhere -
[07:25:46] <FatPhil> that's what I'm trying to ascertain - would Tallinn (400-500K) count?
[07:25:54] <Runaway1956> lived on Long Island for most of a year
[07:26:07] <Runaway1956> Long Island New York not California
[07:26:10] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: no city in my state of arizona is comparable to a coastal city of california
[07:26:22] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: I'm in the 3rd largest city of arizona, ugh
[07:26:39] <Runaway1956> Tucson?
[07:27:07] <kyonko`|2> Runaway1956: where do you live? I'm curious where people can shoot guns in their property and not have consequences
[07:27:24] * Runaway1956 lives near Texarkana
[07:27:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Comcast Subscriber Receives DMCA Notice for Downloading Ubuntu - https://sylnt.us - copywrong
[07:27:43] <kyonko`|2> I kinda know where that is
[07:27:44] <Runaway1956> half hour drive, if I'm not paying attention to speed limits
[07:27:50] <kyonko`|2> I live on the border with mexico
[07:27:59] <kyonko`|2> I stick to the autobahns, interstates
[07:28:06] <kyonko`|2> no fucking way I'm driving on a slow ass state route
[07:28:22] <kyonko`|2> and why would I need to leave home in the first place for anyway
[07:28:30] <kyonko`|2> not interested in finding someone to impregnate
[07:28:44] <Runaway1956> She might want to impregnate you though
[07:28:56] <aristarchus> The Cyclopes lived each as individual, since they were one-eyed giants with no social skills. Thus did Odysseus manage to escape from the cave of Runaway, the Polyphemous.
[07:29:00] <kyonko`|2> before covid19 they opened brand new medical tourism fertility clinics in mexico
[07:29:05] <kyonko`|2> 2019-2018
[07:29:24] <FatPhil> Phoenix, Tuscon, erm I'm runninng out of Arizona cities
[07:29:29] <kyonko`|2> go to a mexican fertility clinic to get some imported american chad semen
[07:29:42] <FatPhil> !grab kyonko`|2
[07:29:42] <Bender> Added quote 1044
[07:29:42] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: those are the 2 largest
[07:29:44] <Runaway1956> They've had medical tourism birth clinics in the US for a lot longer
[07:30:01] <kyonko`|2> sounds gross
[07:30:14] <kyonko`|2> it smells intensely of cat pee around here, but I prefer that to dead possum
[07:30:30] <FatPhil> mexico's had "medical" tourism death clinics in order to balance things out.
[07:30:43] <kyonko`|2> oh they have that kevorkian thing?
[07:30:45] <Runaway1956> You have cougar prowling the property? I guess they can pee a lot.
[07:30:48] -!- requerdanos [requerdanos!~requerdan@Soylent/Staff/Editor/requerdanos] has joined #soylent
[07:30:48] -!- mode/#soylent [+v requerdanos] by Aphrodite
[07:31:00] <kyonko`|2> Texarkana, OK
[07:31:05] <kyonko`|2> probably near Wagoner, OK
[07:31:05] <FatPhil> kyonko`|2: sales of lethal-to-human doses of dog-killer are legal.
[07:31:07] <kyonko`|2> home of UNARCO
[07:31:20] <Runaway1956> Wagoner is a ways north, I think
[07:31:23] <kyonko`|2> FatPhil: dog-killer???????
[07:31:41] <kyonko`|2> the fuck is dog killer, sodium pentothal?
[07:31:47] <Runaway1956> if you know where Dallas is, Texarkana is almost due east, you run into it just before getting into Arkansas
[07:32:17] <kyonko`|2> the guys who chop people alive and shoot them in back in mexico wouldn't think twice about squirting your guts with "dog killer"
[07:32:19] <Runaway1956> aspirin is supposed to be a good dog killer
[07:32:56] <kyonko`|2> yes, I know about pet overpopulation
[07:33:12] <kyonko`|2> yes I know dead things stink and make the caveman inside you invent jesus
[07:33:25] <Runaway1956> I don't worry about them, coyotes will eat the excess pets
[07:33:36] <kyonko`|2> its all a stinkin pre-historic mess
[07:34:08] <FatPhil> =g honey french movie assisted suicide mexico
[07:34:09] <systemd> https://www.nytimes.com - In 'Honey,' a Woman Offers the Dying a Sweeter Departure - The ...
[07:34:19] <kyonko`|2> anything goes in mexico
[07:34:22] <kyonko`|2> lots of child rape there
[07:34:31] <kyonko`|2> cannibalism
[07:34:34] <kyonko`|2> slavery
[07:34:39] <FatPhil> "27 Mar 2014 ... A euthanasia facilitator questions her convictions in this poetic meditation on ... but not dying or terminally ill โ€” assisted-suicide client, in โ€œHoney. ... entails providing lethal doses of veterinary barbiturates, obtained in Mexico, ..."
[07:34:41] <kyonko`|2> mortal men worshiped as gods
[07:35:05] <kyonko`|2> yeah I know about putting down and mass burials of unwanted pets
[07:35:27] <kyonko`|2> I'm a sapiens, somebody has to know how to have sex without getting a baby involved!
[07:35:55] <Runaway1956> Your sister Rosy will never get pregnant
[07:36:25] <kyonko`|2> I'm sure the US govt has a great dna data network about me living and dead relatives
[07:36:40] <FatPhil> that's the CoLDS
[07:36:40] <kyonko`|2> they got my dna by police a lot of others for joining the military
[07:37:00] <kyonko`|2> I'll tell those sons of bitches straight in the eye, I COME FROM MONKEYS
[07:37:09] <kyonko`|2> before they put the nagant revolver to my skull
[07:37:09] <aristarchus> "sister" and "pregnant": words never spoken in Arkansas before now!
[07:37:39] <kyonko`|2> I have had long hair since they took my dna back in 2007, I shed a lot
[07:37:59] <kyonko`|2> so you wanna put me to sleep like a dog, eh
[07:38:50] <kyonko`|2> I should try drawing on paper an hypothesis of what the DNA tree the govt has on my kin
[07:40:17] <kyonko`|2> i'm sure a lot put up a good fight against the soviet tyranny, but in the end they all got the nagant revolver, muzzle to the body
[07:40:29] <kyonko`|2> but this gun goes back to the tsar empire
[07:40:36] <kyonko`|2> very much a godly empire
[07:43:01] * Runaway1956 wanders off to bed
[07:43:41] * Runaway1956 worries about finding big city liberals out at the septic tank in the morning . . .
[07:44:55] <aristarchus> Mission accomplished.
[07:45:50] <kyonko`|2> big city shootings out of control
[07:45:55] <kyonko`|2> so much for making guns illegal
[07:46:09] <kyonko`|2> why not just make murder illegal, that will stop them
[07:46:33] <kyonko`|2> remember the yellow vests of 2019? then get ready for the march of knives, 2021
[07:46:35] <kyonko`|2> comming this summer
[07:54:06] <FatPhil> long knives, or gtfo
[07:55:23] <FatPhil> =yt sbJAaU2tB4U
[07:55:24] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Night of the Long Knives (03:26; 301,194 views; ๐Ÿ‘3,544 ๐Ÿ‘Ž274)
[07:56:15] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:57:26] -!- aristarchus has quit []
[08:16:32] <Ingar> https://www.youtube.com
[08:16:34] <systemd> ^ 03Sabaton - The Last Stand (Music Video)
[08:22:15] -!- kyonko` [kyonko`!~kvirc@2001:5b0:50c6:wipw:inzw:kgll:pzgx:iztr] has joined #soylent
[08:22:19] -!- kyonko`|2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[08:25:48] <Ingar> damn, now I feel like listening to some Sabaton albums
[08:31:39] <raxas> obey. work. conform. consume. subscribe. mute. pray. kill. die.
[08:31:44] <raxas> most teutons are programmable simple as that, never break out
[08:59:19] <Ingar> I'm with the Belgae, hard to program according to Caesar
[09:09:30] <FatPhil> Hmmm, don't think I know Sabaton
[09:09:42] <FatPhil> n.p. https://www.youtube.com not sure if representative
[09:09:44] <systemd> ^ 03SABATON - To Hell And Back (Official Music Video)
[09:11:41] <kyonko`> its like uh.... accept
[09:11:46] <kyonko`> wmd's and shit
[09:12:15] <kyonko`> FatPhil: you're country was ravaged by einsatzgruppen wasn't it?
[09:14:19] <kyonko`> you just need to tweak the universe where the germans get jewed
[09:14:52] <kyonko`> it was bad, up to searching church records for recent baptisms
[09:14:53] <FatPhil> ah, lah-di-dah metal for teenage boys. like Blind Guardian arsefucked Manowar and had a retard troll as a child.
[09:15:09] <kyonko`> baltic metal
[09:15:12] <kyonko`> the metal sea
[09:15:22] <kyonko`> its literally, mercury
[09:15:34] <FatPhil> Hell no! Accept actually do rock. As stupid as stupid can be, but actually rock.
[09:15:56] <FatPhil> Accept is euro-AC/DC
[09:16:25] <kyonko`> yeah thats what kinda weirded me out
[09:16:29] <kyonko`> is this the scorpions or ac/dc?
[09:16:41] <FatPhil> =yt balls to the wall
[09:16:42] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Accept - Balls to the Wall (04:29; 30,914,208 views; ๐Ÿ‘186,272 ๐Ÿ‘Ž7,204)
[09:16:53] <kyonko`> that gets radio play around here
[09:17:12] <kyonko`> I wonder what inspired that song
[09:17:40] <kyonko`> dave mustain of megadeath was very much anti-trump
[09:18:20] <FatPhil> or Dave Mustain of Metallica and Megadeth, as I like to call him
[09:18:34] <kyonko`> whats that about?
[09:18:59] <kyonko`> joe biden is the most metal president ever
[09:19:47] <kyonko`> when I heard balls to the wall for the first time I was so confused, I was... what is this? cypress hill? rammstein?
[09:20:12] <kyonko`> accept isn't well known anyway
[09:20:19] <kyonko`> but they do get radio play
[09:20:42] <kyonko`> a mexican radio station will suddenly play it for no reason at all
[09:20:48] <FatPhil> The only way JFK could have beem more metal is if Jackie had scooped his brain up with a spoon
[09:20:59] <kyonko`> hmm that was nasty
[09:21:02] <FatPhil> !grab FatPhil
[09:21:02] <Bender> Added quote 1045
[09:21:07] <kyonko`> I doubt a wee carcano carbine did it
[09:21:07] <FatPhil> thank you
[09:21:12] <FatPhil> and worth saving, I thought
[09:21:58] <kyonko`> a rifle assassination, thats just bizarre
[09:22:38] <kyonko`> the fact that the zapruder video is public is bizarre
[09:23:31] <kyonko`> varg vikernes is tweeting some shit about the chip shortage
[09:23:47] <kyonko`> like how he has made abacus from wood
[09:24:17] <kyonko`> the original shame of norway
[09:25:40] <chromas> !quote -1
[09:25:40] <Bender> Quote -1 - <FatPhil> !grab FatPhil
[09:28:47] <kyonko`> lots of grabby parts
[09:29:01] <kyonko`> glorious grappling rolls for the dogs of war
[09:30:15] <kyonko`> freebsd can't recognize my 8tb scsi drive usb enclosure
[09:30:28] <kyonko`> but maybe version 13 will
[09:31:17] <kyonko`> whats the whole science scene like in Tallin.... the fresh cadavers, the radioactive elements....
[09:31:48] <FatPhil> We're only radioactive in the east - Sillamae
[09:33:21] <FatPhil> fuxtix, stupid bot doesn't understand the difference between the past and the present.
[09:33:24] <FatPhil> bots--
[09:33:24] <Bender> karma - bots: -51
[09:34:04] -!- Ingar has quit [Quit: WeeChat 2.3]
[09:34:04] <kyonko`> we don't like science around these parts!
[09:34:17] <FatPhil> science is the devil's work
[09:34:24] <kyonko`> look at Runaway1956 and his dousing in texarkana homestead
[09:34:48] <kyonko`> we have homesteads here too, we don't shoot guns at home, there are proper places for that
[09:35:00] <kyonko`> only criminals do that shooting outside of prescribed areas
[09:36:35] <kyonko`> for having a nasa university, tucson arizona is mostly idiocracy
[09:36:56] <kyonko`> its like the reverse of a CIS closed city
[09:37:11] <kyonko`> a reverse boat
[09:38:43] <kyonko`> the thing that pissed me off the most about the covid pandemic was all the resurrection junkies
[09:39:27] <kyonko`> but we also revere the bones of the dug up graves of the early spanish catholic missionaries
[09:40:05] <kyonko`> I didn't see much as a kid, didn't have prescription eyeglasses yet
[09:44:10] <kyonko`> in those days the churches were shelters :)
[09:44:21] <kyonko`> long houses
[09:49:09] <FatPhil> so you were born in the 1600s?
[09:49:49] <kyonko`> thats our local culture
[09:50:32] <kyonko`> you remember the 1600's it was a glorious era for lithuanians and poles
[09:51:12] <kyonko`> the russians and chinese have always been expansionist, why is it icky just because of communist baggage?
[09:51:13] <FatPhil> greatest empire in the world!
[09:52:06] <kyonko`> actually all of this would make for cute war gaming if it wasn't for extinction level weapons of mass destruction
[09:53:05] <FatPhil> first country to the stars wins
[09:53:19] <FatPhil> start building the B-Arks...
[09:53:23] <kyonko`> thats musk
[09:53:39] <kyonko`> didn't russia have an idiot tsar?
[09:54:27] <kyonko`> actually musk is going to trap us here on earth while he escapes with his chosen dna with his skylink
[09:54:48] <FatPhil> the tsars wre all part of the european royal family tree, so probably inbred, retarded, syphillitic, etc.
[09:54:52] <kyonko`> the coming of our savior, PRIME FETUS
[09:55:33] <kyonko`> I'm pretty genetically diverse.... and still some european disease traits live on in me
[09:55:47] <kyonko`> but I got the usual african stuff
[09:56:00] <kyonko`> high blood pressure, diabetes, spirituality
[09:56:05] <FatPhil> you're all monkey - you said so earlier
[09:56:10] <kyonko`> yeah I know
[09:56:16] <kyonko`> what about these people who come from the aliens?
[09:56:22] <kyonko`> ANNOUNCE THE ALIENS
[09:56:54] <raxas> humans are just galactic noobs. whole human economy model is mocked as "feeeding on friends and relatives mostly". this is why aliens won't talk to us serious
[09:58:45] <kyonko`> if aliens exist, what do they look like?
[09:58:53] <kyonko`> nothing much on a boltzmann brain
[10:01:47] <raxas> arthropods, insectoids, ... http://www.rufors.ru
[10:03:09] <kyonko`> i'm not clicking that link
[10:03:16] <raxas> we got this data on fidonet some 30 years ago
[10:03:41] <kyonko`> oh you are a russian and a hoarder
[10:03:47] <kyonko`> oh czech
[10:03:53] <kyonko`> russian lite
[10:04:18] <kyonko`> the whole alien thing takes off after humans make plutonium
[10:06:38] <raxas> some human tribes were trading gadolinium to aliens for centuries, celts for one example
[10:06:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tired of Boring CAPTCHAs, This Developer Created a Doom-Themed One - https://sylnt.us - doomed-to-captcha
[10:06:53] <kyonko`> these are the mysterious "gods"
[10:07:00] <kyonko`> men of the clouds
[10:07:23] <kyonko`> I suck at drawing, you think pre-photographic peoples could draw aliens correctly or true?
[10:08:39] <kyonko`> why does the catholic church dress in chinese clothing?
[10:08:56] <raxas> the greys are actually cetaceans, if you care
[10:09:00] <kyonko`> whats the relationship with marco polo, fibonacci and gun powder
[10:09:16] <kyonko`> oh so its like the abyss
[10:11:56] <raxas> marco polo, when he went to "discover" china, he actually did it by the road which was called a "postal road" in both chinese and russian official documents of that epoch
[10:12:55] <raxas> it was a regular traffic facility
[10:18:38] <FatPhil> All lies! This art student's diploma project is the only truth! https://www.youtube.com
[10:18:40] <systemd> ^ 03ivan0135
[10:21:00] <kyonko`> the slavosphere
[10:21:57] * kyonko` needs to 0 a 64GB drive to rid of it GPT grossness
[10:24:15] <raxas> what harm did you do to gpt? the real men (like me) use zfs zpool on a raw disk without any partitioning. gpt only good for bootasble
[10:25:02] <kyonko`> its bad for samizdat
[10:25:32] <kyonko`> as you know, the police in america are akin to the aztec priesthood in maintence of a false sense of order
[10:27:33] <kyonko`> raw disk zfs
[10:27:35] <kyonko`> very unix
[10:27:54] <kyonko`> but I need to use DOS and BIOS to see if I have been compromised
[10:28:20] <kyonko`> do you really need multitasking for military matters?
[10:29:05] <kyonko`> now I need to find out why the rumors behind btrfs exist
[10:29:26] <kyonko`> reiserfs: an fs for criminals by a criminal
[10:30:57] <kyonko`> those pcmcia toughbooks, unf!
[10:31:23] <kyonko`> who cares if your old ass wifi isn't encrypted, they can still hear your screams!
[10:31:51] <raxas> as a gnosis practicing mage, I do realize the whole america is a domain of Archon Tonatiuh https://en.wikipedia.org so that territory is beyond any saveability and will be sacrificed. aztec priesthood police fits that perfectly
[10:31:52] <systemd> ^ 03Tลnatiuh - Wikipedia
[10:33:03] <kyonko`> yeah, fine with me
[10:33:12] <kyonko`> when my times, I shall become one with the pre-historic
[10:50:23] -!- kyonko` has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[12:37:00] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Court Orders Royal Dutch Shell to Cut Net Emissions by 45% - https://sylnt.us
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[14:25:36] <FatPhil> c0lo: You aussies are funny: "ABC understands one of the 26 cases in Victoria had symptoms for six days before getting tested and was out in the community. Another waited 10 days to get tested."
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[14:59:10] -!- Sulla [Sulla!Sulla@n-68-39-817-302.hsd6.or.comcast.net] has joined #soylent
[15:09:18] <AzumaHazuki> =submit https://www.quantamagazine.org
[15:09:50] <systemd> โœ“ Sub-ccess! "03Sleep Evolved Before Brains. Hydras are Living Proof." (16p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:25:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vulnerability in VMware Product Has Severity Rating of 9.8 Out of 10 - https://sylnt.us - why-would-you-have-a-vhost-available-on-the-internet?
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[17:47:28] <progo> yay! my netbook fits on the tray table in coach on amtrak northeast regional train
[17:47:46] <progo> and quassel IRC client's port isn't blocked so I don't have to have some Tor fun
[17:50:02] <AzumaHazuki> nice
[17:56:43] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Giant Tortoise Thought Extinct 100 Years Ago is Living in Galapagos, Ecuador Says - https://sylnt.us - not-dead,-just-resting
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[20:25:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Ex-Official Who Revealed UFO Project Accuses Pentagon of "Disinformation" Campaign - https://sylnt.us - Close-Encounters-of-the-Federal-Kind
[20:28:16] -!- inky [inky!~inky@141.136.oh.iz] has joined #soylent
[21:49:48] <FatPhil> In my hunt for interesting sci-fi, I mentioned "Primeval" (2007). I've watched (some of) it so that you don't have to. It's insultingly stupid. (got 10min into episode 5 after hating episode 4. All rm -rf'ed now)
[21:52:52] <FatPhil> It's mostly "monster of the week", but that's not the problem, the problem is the longer arcs.
[21:53:59] <Sulla> Overarching story no good?
[21:54:37] <FatPhil> series was 6 episodes, ctrl-alt-del at the start of #5
[21:55:08] <FatPhil> if it was going to create some interesting hook, I simple wasn;t thtat invested in it
[21:55:58] <FatPhil> it's a shame - they had all the gfx from the "walkin with ..." series, but they used them in totally pants stories.
[21:56:09] <bacteria> there's a hilarious show, "best of the worst", where they review really bad movies
[21:56:20] <FatPhil> RLM - yeah!
[21:56:34] <Sulla> Is it as bad as the final part of stargate sg1?
[21:57:05] <FatPhil> never seen stargate - but the conceit is very similar: portals
[21:57:55] <FatPhil> there was no tech woo-woo, there simply are time portals in 201X.
[21:59:09] <FatPhil> So it had potential, as I don't like sci-fi that's just packed with woo-woo, as literally anything can happen, just introduce a new particle or a new ray, and something new and magical can happen.
[21:59:31] <FatPhil> The problem was the dire, dire, stories.
[21:59:32] <Sulla> thats cause you like fantasy, not sci-fi
[21:59:54] * chromas introduces the farticle to blow the bad guys away
[21:59:57] <FatPhil> No, I like *efficient* sci-fi
[22:00:20] <Sulla> StarWars is future fantasy fite me IRL
[22:01:05] <FatPhil> If, in order to make your sci-fi work, you need to turn off Newtonian gravity, then you are not sci-fi any more. You're more fantasy than "fantasy".
[22:03:46] <Sulla> One of the funnest panals I went to at a science fiction convention was William Nolan yelling at people that they write fantasy and not science fiction
[22:04:02] <Sulla> Was one of the most masterful trolls ive seen in person
[22:04:15] <FatPhil> there's a huge overlap
[22:04:49] <FatPhil> so much so that sometimes it's simply not worth drawing the distinction.
[22:05:42] <inz> My very rudimentary classification is based on whether the flying things are dragons or spaceships
[22:05:54] <Sulla> In this case it was a bunch of writers who were actual high fantasy who decided to set their dragons, magic, and witches novels in the future so they could label it science fiction
[22:06:09] <bacteria> lol Sulla i wish i was there
[22:06:41] <bacteria> is futurama science fiction?
[22:06:48] <Sulla> and Nolan ranting "DRAGONS! MAGIC! AND WARLOCKS!" whenever one claimed they were in fact sci-fi because one character had a future phone where her emotions were stored using crystals
[22:06:48] <FatPhil> obviosly, pterodactyls = science, and dragons = fantasy.
[22:06:56] <bacteria> i know star trek is fantasy. right?
[22:07:08] <AzumaHazuki> yes. utopia is fantasy by definition
[22:07:41] <inz> and babylon5 is romcom
[22:07:52] <chromas> what if the dragons are robot dragons?
[22:08:28] <inz> chromas, then it's James Bond
[22:08:41] <Sulla> Nolan's said his opinion of top tier science fiction is Neal Stephenson. Where characters are just killed off with no explatation and the story is ended with no conclusion as soon as the author gets tired of running through some sort of technological experiment through writing
[22:08:44] <Sulla> was pretty funny
[22:09:03] <bacteria> sounds compelling
[22:09:48] <Sulla> That the more non-technology related character development in the story, the less science fiction it is. Real funny conversation
[22:10:23] <Sulla> "Look at that book of yours, you had more than five pages of backstory for the love interest! What damn use is that? Why not just throw another dragon in there for gods sake"
[22:11:43] <Sulla> One writer said "I like to think of my works as something like bradbury would have written" so Dolan says "I knew Ray, Ray was a good friend of mine, and Ray says he didn't write science fiction. So you dont either"
[22:13:13] <bacteria> i like lem, especially tichiy's adventures, so i would tend to agree with that old crank
[22:13:39] <Sulla> My friend who posts on SN asked leading questsions that let Nolan rant, so we got to have dinner with him and his friend who was also at th econvention who writes horror
[22:13:43] <Sulla> can't remember his name though
[22:14:36] <Sulla> Jason V Brock
[22:16:26] <Sulla> Thats who it was, one of the panalists he was arguing with was David Weber
[23:06:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Marvell Announces PCIe 5.0 SSD Controllers Capable of 14 GB/s Sequential Reads - https://sylnt.us - moah-speed
[23:41:39] <AzumaHazuki> the fact that so much data can be moved so fast blows my mind. that's over 110 billion ones and zeroes a second. how the hell? and almost error-free at that