#soylent | Logs for 2021-06-01

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[00:14:21] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.sciencedaily.com
[00:14:24] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Newly Discovered African 'Climate Seesaw' Drove Human Evolution" (12p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:26:18] -!- SoyCow5719 [SoyCow5719!~402c2005@64.44.yp.w] has joined #soylent
[00:26:58] <SoyCow5719> Went to Slashdot recently. To my surprise, the readership could think critically and weren't total faggots.
[00:27:12] <SoyCow5719> Looks like the comment sections of you two were switched.
[00:27:57] <SoyCow5719> You were free-speech when Slashdot went woke, now it's the opposite.
[00:28:26] <AzumaHazuki> fuck off
[00:28:54] <SoyCow5719> Of course, it is all bullshit posturing for maximum sheckels, but still at least one 'o' ya still looks good on paper.
[00:29:13] <AzumaHazuki> you said you weren't coming back, so fuck off
[00:29:17] <SoyCow5719> And it's no longer you!
[00:29:30] <SoyCow5719> Take your meds schizo
[00:29:35] -!- SoyCow5719 has quit [Client Quit]
[00:29:50] <AzumaHazuki> ...huh? Kyonko's the schizophrenic, not me
[01:16:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - China Announces Three-Child Policy - https://sylnt.us - think-about-the-children
[01:23:18] <tedious> Is this covid virus corona viradea or something else?
[01:24:51] <AzumaHazuki> it's part of the betacoronaviridae family iirc, yes
[01:26:10] <tedious> Why don't any of the scientists refer to it by that name?
[01:26:21] <tedious> They just say corona virus.
[01:26:35] <tedious> But there are lots of different types right?
[01:26:56] <AzumaHazuki> lots and lots but most people don't care about the taxonomic classification
[01:27:07] <AzumaHazuki> as this is really the only one we need to worry overmuch about
[01:27:44] <tedious> Hmmm ok I guess.
[01:51:14] <requerdanos> "The scientists" seem to call it SARS-CoV-2 or some such. https://duckduckgo.com
[01:53:21] <tedious> Yeah but that's just made up name.
[01:53:28] <tedious> Almost like a brand name.
[01:53:46] <tedious> We should use proper scientific names for things that have them.
[01:53:55] <tedious> Otherwise what's the point?
[02:05:13] -!- khallow [khallow!~aecc1d6b@485.sub-402-532-07.myvzw.com] has joined #soylent
[02:05:54] <Runaway1956> https://globalnews.ca
[02:05:56] <systemd> ^ 03Spray pads open in Saskatoon in time for first blast of heat - Saskatoon
[02:06:09] * Runaway1956 had to click the link to learn what a spray pad is
[02:06:37] <khallow> howdy
[02:07:38] <chromas> we call them splash pads
[02:07:44] <requerdanos> the point is generally communication, for which varying degrees of specificity are called for depending on context. Sorry the official name doesn't resonate with you, but even so, scientists don't "just say corona virus".
[02:07:45] <chromas> spray pad is probably metric
[02:11:53] <Runaway1956> here's some metric irony to laugh over
[02:11:56] <Runaway1956> https://www.zerohedge.com
[02:11:58] <systemd> ^ 03ZeroHedge
[02:12:44] <Runaway1956> Anyone who stole a ziplok from the Capitol probably needs to spend the rest of his life in prison . . .
[02:15:04] <Runaway1956> wandering meatloaf, lol
[02:15:35] <Runaway1956> https://www.livescience.com
[02:15:36] <systemd> ^ 03'Wandering meatloaf' creature has teeth of iron
[02:18:24] <AzumaHazuki> i agree, but most people don't
[02:27:04] <khallow> weird, santabarbaraite, the iron mineral in that mollusk doesn't have a defined hardness as of present.
[02:28:48] <khallow> apparently the geological sources are very fragile.
[02:30:09] <khallow> or maybe just too small to test? https://www.schweizerbart.de
[02:30:11] <systemd> ^ 03Santabarbaraite: a new amorphous phosphate mineral
[02:46:43] -!- khallow has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[02:51:39] <Runaway1956> https://kfor.com
[02:51:51] <systemd> ^ 03‘Kay’s fudge’: Late Utah grandmother’s recipe, engraved on tombstone, goes viral
[02:55:21] <Runaway1956> sneakerheads?
[02:55:26] <Runaway1956> https://bbcbreakingnews.com
[02:55:28] <systemd> ^ 03Subway crime rates up, man stabbed in neck with umbrella and two sneakerheads commit violent robbery – My Blog
[02:55:46] <Runaway1956> Another headline I had to click just to find out what they were talking about
[03:08:33] <chromas> You've never heard of *heads?
[03:09:05] <chromas> Eggheads, who are smart, gearheads, who are into gear, jarheads, who are into pony jars
[03:19:42] <Runaway1956> Yeah, we had motorheads when I was young - gearheads had a different meaning back then
[03:20:06] <Runaway1956> but I had to check whether these sneakerheads were wearing sneakers on their heads or something
[03:20:26] <Runaway1956> and don't forget the dopeheads
[03:20:53] <chromas> and the buttheads, who are into mischief
[03:22:32] <Runaway1956> https://bbcbreakingnews.com
[03:22:33] <systemd> ^ 03BBC staff refuse to wear ‘social distancing sensors’ after devices start smoking – My Blog
[03:45:48] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Two New Laws Restrict Police Use of DNA Search Method - https://sylnt.us - Papers^W-DNA-please
[04:01:06] -!- Sulla [Sulla!Sulla@n-68-39-817-302.hsd6.or.comcast.net] has joined #soylent
[04:12:46] <Runaway1956> https://redstate.com
[04:12:47] <systemd> ^ 03RedState
[04:13:03] <chromas> "My Blog"
[04:13:35] <chromas> Reminds me of the big-time professional software my mom used to use at work where the titlebar would say "Form1"
[04:15:23] <chromas> For next April 1, we should change the site title to "Untitled 1"
[04:18:41] <Sulla> im still waiting for "aristarchus news, all aristarchus, all the time"
[04:18:54] <Sulla> then just run summaries of the prior year of his subs
[04:20:02] <Runaway1956> I can summarize his subs
[04:20:20] <Runaway1956> Orange Man Bad Democrats Will Save The World
[04:20:38] <Sulla> thats just half assing it
[04:20:41] <Sulla> gotta go all in
[04:24:22] <inz> ...Save The Universe?
[04:33:22] <Sulla> "whats the worst that could happen?"
[04:44:57] <Runaway1956> https://www.theguardian.com
[04:44:57] <systemd> ^ 03World’s only alpine parrot may have moved to the mountains to avoid people
[04:45:29] <Runaway1956> So, we were out hunting upland game, and wondered what it was that shouted "FUCK YOU" when we missed . . .
[04:45:39] <Runaway1956> Fekkin' alpine parrots.
[04:49:18] <Runaway1956> Mankind is evolving - meet mole woman!
[04:49:24] <Runaway1956> https://nypost.com
[04:49:25] <systemd> ^ 03Woman found naked in Florida storm drain is rescued again
[04:52:17] <chromas> 🎵She floats! She floats! She's in my head🎵 —sewer clown guy
[04:53:47] <Sulla> Runaway, back when you were in the military did you use the m14/m1a at all?
[05:03:11] <Runaway1956> Yes, Sulla, we carried the M14
[05:03:24] <Sulla> Did you have the wood or fiberglass upper guard?
[05:03:33] <Runaway1956> Army, Marines, and Air Force had all moved on to M16, we still had M14
[05:03:52] <Runaway1956> I think it was a mix - mostly wood, some fiber
[05:04:21] <Sulla> Any issues with the wood?
[05:04:22] <Runaway1956> Fiber may have been an ounce or two lighter, nothing to really notice
[05:04:47] <Runaway1956> Not that I recall - wood can warp if it gets and stays wet, but we cleaned our stuff regulalrly
[05:05:42] <Sulla> My neighbor said his caught fire in nam
[05:06:09] <Sulla> I found some walnut that matches the grain of mine, been considering carving a upper
[05:06:17] <Runaway1956> Mmmmm. I'd love to hear that story . . . I hope he doesn't claim from firing the gun until it cuaght fire
[05:06:46] <Sulla> I just wan't sure if it was a common issue or not
[05:07:13] <Runaway1956> Well, disclaimer - I never spent three months in the jungle shooting at anything that moves
[05:07:21] <Runaway1956> nor was I at Dien Bien Phu
[05:07:34] <Sulla> At the same point it could have also been damaged from the humidity
[05:07:37] <Runaway1956> but, I just can't picture the barrel getting hot enough to ignite the stock
[05:08:15] <Runaway1956> A close call with some napalm would explain a lot
[05:08:35] <Sulla> Naturally he doesn't talk much about this experience
[05:08:52] <Sulla> Only first hand knowledge i have from Nam was my woodshop teacher who was an M60 gunner
[05:10:42] <Sulla> but back to the point, ened to get a wooden upper handguard for my m1a
[05:10:49] * Runaway1956 points out that shop teacher stories are second hand
[05:11:09] <Runaway1956> Short, or long?
[05:11:32] <Sulla> long
[05:11:37] <Sulla> and yes, that would be second
[05:11:54] <Sulla> I thought second would be if i was to tell his stories
[05:12:16] <Runaway1956> Hmmmm - maybe I messed up
[05:12:25] <Runaway1956> His story, as he tells it, would be first hand
[05:12:26] <chromas> Plot twist: shop teacher only had one hand
[05:12:36] <Runaway1956> you're right, when you repeat it, then it's second hand
[05:12:51] <Runaway1956> Lots of people left bits and pieces in 'Nam
[05:13:00] <Sulla> hm cant find any online for sale
[05:13:08] <Sulla> wonder if its one of the parts thats interchangable with the m1
[05:13:31] <Runaway1956> would have to ask someone, or examine the parts side by side
[05:14:13] * Runaway1956 wishes he had purchased and preserved a few M1 when they were plentiful
[05:14:47] <Sulla> I regret not getting a fullsize 1911 when the citizen marksman program had them for cheap
[05:15:00] <Runaway1956> That too.
[05:15:15] <Sulla> i have the shorter barrel version and i regret it every time i go out shooting
[05:15:17] <Runaway1956> My "armory" is rather meager these day
[05:15:19] <Sulla> http://www.militaryfirearm.com
[05:15:20] <systemd> ^ 03Interchangeability of M1 and M14 Parts
[05:15:37] <Sulla> says hand guard band
[05:15:41] <Sulla> hm
[05:17:28] <Sulla> Mine is rather large but i fall short of the 14 needed to put me into the top 1% of gun owners
[05:18:17] <Runaway1956> If my sons returned all the guns they have removed from my house, my collection would be almost respectable, lol
[05:18:58] <Sulla> I got a mini-14 in 300 memeout, then got an m1a and have never shot the mini-14 since.
[05:19:48] <Runaway1956> Doesn't the mini feel like a toy?
[05:19:55] <Sulla> Yeah
[05:20:16] <Sulla> i hate the asthetics of the AR platform, i want to get a mini-14 in 556 for cheaper fun
[05:21:03] <Runaway1956> asthetics - I think that's half the reason the gun grabbers hate it so much
[05:21:31] <Sulla> I was amused when canada had that bill to restrict the ar15 but not the mini-14
[05:21:42] <Runaway1956> Take an AR, give it an old-timey stock and hand guard, it won't look a lot different from other deer rifles
[05:21:55] <Sulla> I probably will at some point
[05:22:02] <Sulla> i dont like pistol grips
[05:22:41] <Sulla> was considering the "california compliant" ares SCR because of its lack of pistol grip
[05:22:43] <Runaway1956> That, and the stupid suit-case handle that make it look like an M16
[05:23:35] <Runaway1956> Kinda off-topic, but flashlights
[05:23:43] <Runaway1956> Everything has to be "tactical" these days
[05:23:59] <Sulla> i hate taciticool shit
[05:24:52] <chromas> like this? https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net
[05:25:01] <Sulla> ew
[05:25:21] <chromas> http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net
[05:25:57] <Sulla> and thats how you turn five flashlights into one super flashlight
[05:27:02] <chromas> last one http://i2.kym-cdn.com
[05:27:16] <Sulla> cant reach page
[05:27:31] <chromas> https://i.kym-cdn.com
[05:27:54] <Sulla> id be okay if i could lauch grenade using my handgun
[05:28:00] <Sulla> but id want a 1911
[05:28:23] <Runaway1956> helluva kick for a handgun -
[05:29:23] <Sulla> "The wood handguards were subject to charring in auto."
[05:29:29] <Sulla> looks like it wont be a problem on the m1a
[05:30:08] <Sulla> "One other issue with wood, related to the Garand. When the upper handguard got hot, it got longer, subjecting the barrel to heat-induced flex, changing the POI, deflecting it downward. The fix was to trim 1/16" off the rear edge of the handguard. It may sound sloppy, but the handguard was supposed to have some front/rear play."
[05:31:10] <Runaway1956> That would be one of the little secrets that gunner's mates probably knew about - people like myself would never know about it
[05:31:43] <Sulla> why all the hate for the m14
[05:31:57] <Sulla> is it just AR kiddos buttmad they couldn't afford beauty
[05:32:28] <Runaway1956> Ehhh, dunno - maybe they're just upset that no civilian use model was ever sold
[05:34:26] <Sulla> I need to get some stripper clips as wel
[05:34:59] <Runaway1956> You have a gun that uses them?
[05:35:04] <Sulla> M1A does
[05:35:11] <Runaway1956> Hell, I didn't know that
[05:35:21] <Runaway1956> Guess I should have though
[05:35:26] <Sulla> It has a spoon you can use to load the mags with them, or just top feed if you dont have a scope
[05:35:36] <Sulla> So they will only work on one of my m1as
[05:36:27] <Runaway1956> I hear there's a trick to using stripper clips
[05:36:40] <Runaway1956> if you don't do it right, it's eat some meat off your fingers
[05:36:46] <Sulla> Yeah
[05:36:50] <Sulla> its pretty important
[05:37:22] <Sulla> They dont work for 308, only for 762x51
[05:37:39] <Sulla> NATO is parallel the whole way down, 308 is not
[05:37:51] <Sulla> so the 308 binds and you have to apply too much pressure
[05:38:27] <Runaway1956> I've seen a couple of those clips, never have handled one
[05:38:55] <Sulla> I bought 50 308 ones and ended up having to spend days with pliers bending them into the right shape to work
[05:39:04] <Sulla> got them to work with the spoons but not the top of the rifle
[05:39:40] <Runaway1956> What is it, slop at the top that throws it off?
[05:39:51] <Sulla> cant recall its been a few years
[05:39:57] <Sulla> wait yes
[05:40:06] <Sulla> compare the two rounds and its clear when they are next to eachother
[05:40:13] <Runaway1956> OK, I think I can see that
[05:41:02] <Sulla> https://th.bing.com
[05:41:03] <Sulla> nao
[05:41:04] <Runaway1956> Even as a kid, I always thought that top-load magazines were kinda dumb
[05:41:05] <Sulla> nato
[05:41:16] <Sulla> https://th.bing.com
[05:41:18] <Sulla> 308
[05:41:26] <Sulla> 308 slightly more narrow at top
[05:41:45] <Sulla> I never really cared either way
[05:41:53] <Sulla> but using the loading clips would be fun if i ever got it working
[05:41:59] <Sulla> rather than having to constantly reload mags
[05:42:01] <Runaway1956> I also remember trap-door magazines - almost as bad
[05:42:30] <chromas> https://i.kym-cdn.com
[05:42:50] <Sulla> based long range knife
[06:10:56] <Sulla> rat utopia is super interesting
[06:16:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How the Commodore Amiga Powered Your Cable System in the ’90s - https://sylnt.us
[06:16:54] <chromas> not realistic though. the rats didn't even get tvs or video games
[06:24:09] <Sulla> True that
[06:44:51] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:50:19] -!- Sulla has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[07:52:27] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.zerohedge.com Patient Su, Patient Zero
[07:52:30] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03ZeroHedge" (43p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:45:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Space Station Robotic Arm Hit by Orbital Debris in 'Lucky Strike' (Video) - https://sylnt.us - you-dodged-a-bullet-there
[09:03:17] <Runaway1956> https://tv.gab.com
[09:03:18] <systemd> ^ 03Biden's Gaffe Compilation
[09:04:29] <Runaway1956> That man is as dumb as Bush
[09:49:01] <FatPhil> nope, he's less dumb, but more senile.
[09:49:54] <kyonko`> you are supposed to get ready to become senile
[09:50:00] <kyonko`> but nobody does :)
[09:50:23] <kyonko`> and suddenly I find my conscious trapped in an immobile obese body
[09:50:26] <kyonko`> how did this happen?
[09:53:05] <kyonko`> it wasn't fulminating and acute, but who's paying attention?
[09:57:00] <FatPhil> it's hard to forget - hollywood's been pushing the alzheimers agenda heavily for the last couple of years
[09:57:24] <kyonko`> well what did nietzsche get?
[09:57:35] <kyonko`> V.D., something genetic or both?
[09:58:11] <kyonko`> probably something to what al capone got?
[09:58:29] <kyonko`> he was fated for that anyway, no matter how powerful he was in the 1920's
[09:59:58] <kyonko`> https://en.wikipedia.org
[09:59:59] <systemd> ^ 03Planck's principle - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[10:00:11] <kyonko`> first time I've seen this in url's
[10:02:04] <kyonko`> anyone with the money could buy a thomspson submachine gun no questions asked in the 1920's.... or a maxim
[10:02:31] <kyonko`> lots of these still remain in family heirlooms
[10:02:45] <kyonko`> no gun registration either if purchased in the 1920's or before
[10:05:37] <kyonko`> 1934 was when machine guns were strictly regulated and 1968 was when it was made illegal for ex-cons to have them... among other tiny rules and regs
[10:06:07] <kyonko`> if cons are to dangers to own guns, then why even release them from prison?
[10:06:58] <kyonko`> i'd sure like a vaccine that makes me literally indestructible
[10:09:38] <kyonko`> or a vaccine that makes me stop aging, lol
[10:17:14] <kyonko`> https://www.zerohedge.com
[10:17:15] <systemd> ^ 03ZeroHedge
[10:17:26] <kyonko`> BAZINGA!
[10:19:29] <FatPhil> if you can find a reliable source, submit that
[10:20:27] <kyonko`> i am someone who likes systemd because its very convenient
[10:20:40] <FatPhil> before the katastrophik kassler kaskade
[10:21:19] <kyonko`> space junk is so mysterious
[10:21:32] <kyonko`> i'm not sure when roscosmos started armoring the soyuz
[10:21:51] <kyonko`> around the time the tile problem began on the space shuttle?
[10:24:09] <kyonko`> the space shuttle only stopped flying because of *cough* 2008
[10:32:20] <kyonko`> after a long time of no news from mexico besides the cheap rail accident
[10:32:44] <kyonko`> more weapon and fortification and vigilance shenanigans
[10:38:27] <raxas> FatPhil: if SN has a list of "non-reliable sources" sites which shall not be ever referenced, would be fair to publish it first, somewhere in FAQ or policy
[10:38:35] <raxas> meta-liberalism
[10:40:29] <kyonko`> whats wrong with zerohedge, the comments are fun and the site is convenient, even though it mines bitcoin for tyler durden
[10:40:59] <kyonko`> and they screen/filter the word "jew"
[10:41:24] <kyonko`> I wish I had discovered the site earlier
[10:43:04] <kyonko`> as if phys.org hasn't been publishing fake news since before it was cool
[10:45:21] <raxas> "I am just a dream for some. But a nightmare for others!" -- Merlin
[10:45:49] <kyonko`> what did merlin do, play with aqua fortis?
[10:46:17] <kyonko`> turn silver into colored water
[10:46:42] <kyonko`> it would be centuries before photography tho
[10:47:48] <raxas> =submit https://www.rt.com
[10:47:53] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08In Algorithms We Trust? Twitter Draws Criticism Over Potential New ‘Misinformation Warning’ Syst" (21p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[10:48:14] <kyonko`> how would people even know whats real these days if they were denied childhood?
[10:48:54] <kyonko`> as a young child i quickly learned that fatal and painful events were..... rare
[10:49:08] <kyonko`> but tyranny on a human whim...... daily!
[10:51:22] <raxas> an apt observation. I agree life itself is quite resilient, but minds of humans are fragile
[10:52:01] <kyonko`> yeah, thats what I first thought of how the illuminati works
[10:52:16] <kyonko`> "we going to throw you in prison, where you will be raped"
[10:52:29] <kyonko`> thats a big one communicated in our culture
[10:52:43] <kyonko`> eventually I got the idea that almost everyone is sexually punished by their parents
[10:53:00] <kyonko`> it helps me be a loner
[10:53:45] <FatPhil> raxas: it's not that there are a list of blacklisted sources, it's just that there are some fucknutted ACs who have nothing useful to say apart from complaining about sources that are notoriously politicised. Avoiding those sites starves those ACs of oxygen, and improves the SNR.
[10:54:23] <raxas> you contradict yourself
[10:57:01] <kyonko`> oh slashdot banned the AC
[10:57:13] <kyonko`> I think I have enough screenshots of APK
[10:57:24] <kyonko`> but APK is among the first and only of his kind
[10:57:42] <kyonko`> besides bruce schneier, but he uses the queen's english
[10:58:39] <raxas> they had to. when slashdot was purchased, the team was technically inept to face a real reality
[11:01:20] <raxas> most people out there are freaks, because they were herded into deprivation. it is society what's broken, not people
[11:01:48] <kyonko`> oh like 4chan?
[11:02:05] <kyonko`> 4chan was known as a problem in japan, besides p2p software like winny
[11:02:29] <kyonko`> I usually checked out 4chan's /k/
[11:02:47] <raxas> for ACs, it's just their objectively existent deprivation springs out without self-unrestriction
[11:02:50] <kyonko`> i bothered me how most people built wooden decks but never waterproofed or painted them
[11:03:33] <raxas> I did realized all that when I started to accumulate concepts for AIP synthesis
[11:03:36] <kyonko`> I'm not sure why I tried 4chan.... but not facebook
[11:03:47] <kyonko`> maybe because 4chan was not a walled garden
[11:06:25] <raxas> s/without self-unresctriction/unrestricted without self-restriction/
[11:08:30] <kyonko`> vi, anything less is uncvilized
[11:08:31] <kyonko`> lol
[11:09:44] <raxas> kyonko`: you know pepe escobar? often at https://thesaker.is or https://www.strategic-culture.org
[11:09:47] <systemd> ^ 03The Vineyard of the Saker | A bird's eye view of the vineyard
[11:09:50] <systemd> ^ 03Strategic Culture Foundation
[11:10:11] <kyonko`> is he related to you know who?
[11:10:29] <kyonko`> the guy who almost took over colombia?
[11:11:12] <raxas> no, I just appreciate smart men out there, and he is
[11:12:24] <kyonko`> ok
[11:12:44] <kyonko`> they went to great technological lengths in the early 1990's to find and get rid of him
[11:13:23] <kyonko`> he was using analog cell phones that tumbled ESN's
[11:13:34] <kyonko`> so using the phone network itself wouldn't work
[11:13:48] <kyonko`> they had to put planes in the air and get his electronic screams
[11:14:23] <kyonko`> all the drug traffickers in the late 1980's early 1990's use pagers/beepers and analog cell phones that tumbled ESN's
[11:14:33] <kyonko`> mitnick got a hold of one in the LA scene
[11:14:51] <kyonko`> there is a reason why things ended up the way they are now
[11:14:59] <raxas> that's another escobar you talk about, pablo
[11:15:07] <kyonko`> yeah, but you know, DNA
[11:16:00] <kyonko`> i'm actually sitting on my laptop between two eyes of sauron
[11:16:07] <kyonko`> line of sight through walls and trees
[11:16:32] <kyonko`> probably the most powerful ones in my town
[11:17:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Antibody from Cold Can Neutralize COVID-19 and Could Lead to Vaccine Against All Coronaviruses - https://sylnt.us - Catching-a-cold-is-good-for-you
[11:17:20] <kyonko`> the cliff notes version is that an electromagnetic wave of any size produces an electric current flowing in metal
[11:18:01] <kyonko`> catching a cold? ok I'll go stand naked in the winters night
[11:18:17] <raxas> another great man of our times is a philosopher Alexander Dugin. hard to get for non-russian illiterates though. in anglosphere he is a complete taboo. illuminati are scared of him like rats
[11:18:40] <kyonko`> isn't illuminati from your area raxas?
[11:18:52] <kyonko`> bilderberg, bohemian grove
[11:19:08] <raxas> sure, they are everywhere around here
[11:19:46] <raxas> two factions in power, bavaria rite and scottish rite
[11:20:34] <raxas> check this https://www.luzs.cz
[11:20:40] <systemd> ^ 03Lóže u Zeleného Slunce – Svobodná a Otevřená Lóže Studentů a Adeptů Věd Hermetických
[11:20:52] <raxas> those are just noobs illuminati
[11:21:10] <raxas> for children/students
[11:22:10] <raxas> I am not with any illuminati faction, I am sovereign mage
[11:22:16] <kyonko`> when I was a kid in the 1990's we had the masonic essay
[11:22:29] <kyonko`> but I got an award for an elk's essay
[11:22:33] <kyonko`> the BPOE
[11:22:55] <kyonko`> then things got exponentially complicated over a 5 year period
[11:23:53] <kyonko`> mine was on democracy
[11:24:03] <kyonko`> i'd die for democracy, but not religion, fuck that
[11:26:44] <raxas> even the Pirate Party here are cultists of Black Sun lodge, wife of their party leader is their high priestess
[11:27:30] <raxas> sadly, no sane politics anywhere except for old communists party. it's tragic
[11:29:35] <kyonko`> ok.
[11:29:41] <raxas> "Black Light", exactly. Lumen Nigra it is
[11:29:45] <kyonko`> I'm not a 19th century scholar, but ok.
[11:30:12] <kyonko`> the mexican-american war was fought with flintlocks on both sides
[11:30:23] <kyonko`> in 1848 the US took california and texas
[11:30:29] <kyonko`> and everything in between
[11:30:53] <kyonko`> palo alto is a famous mexican-american battlefield, you know, silicon valley
[11:32:55] <raxas> did you know in 19.century, there were russian military bases in oregon and california
[11:33:05] <kyonko`> I know about the russian explorers
[11:34:37] <raxas> russians still have valid non-agression treaties with certain tribes, and renewed them reccently. this is important for nuke war, their territories will not be hit directly
[11:36:06] <kyonko`> i've thought about that
[11:36:18] <kyonko`> but.... the tribes are in bad shape
[11:36:41] <raxas> just signing a renewal couple of years ago made washington crazy mad
[11:39:15] <kyonko`> native americans are in really poor health
[11:39:45] <kyonko`> you want to go down a rabbit hole, learn about "the tohono o'odham nation"
[11:39:52] <kyonko`> they are split by the trump wall
[11:39:58] <kyonko`> it's actually GWB's fence, but whatever
[11:41:56] <kyonko`> there is also the "pasqua yaqui tribe" a tribe that actually is nomadic in the borderlands
[11:42:17] <kyonko`> these guys aren't in as bad shape as the defeated apaches
[11:44:52] <raxas> I learned about certain american tribe which settled in siberia recently, got free territory from putin. again, a total media taboo
[11:45:06] <raxas> in west
[11:45:19] <kyonko`> why putin not give siberian land to south africas?
[11:45:26] <kyonko`> I don't find permafrost fun btw
[11:45:53] <raxas> I am afraid africans will have a hard time surviving in siberia :D
[11:46:08] <kyonko`> I think just about anybody does
[11:46:37] <kyonko`> the lena river delta is pretty much inaccessible and impassable unless you have aircraft and those are 20th century inventions
[11:46:51] <kyonko`> and then you get stuck in the middle of it
[11:47:02] <raxas> there is an offer for free land in siberia for all citizens of russia. no taxes and stuff
[11:47:11] <kyonko`> yeah I know of that
[11:47:22] <kyonko`> i find the coastal areas more inhabitable
[11:47:24] <kyonko`> kamchatka
[11:47:41] <kyonko`> and who's to say...... sakhalin island which used to be occupied by japan in half
[11:47:46] <kyonko`> southern sakhalin
[11:48:00] <kyonko`> they got it in 1905 russo-japanese victory
[11:48:03] <kyonko`> along with korea
[11:48:09] <kyonko`> in 1945 the soviets took it back
[11:48:12] <kyonko`> and wanted more land
[11:48:24] <kyonko`> the soviets wanted to split japan like germany
[11:50:37] <raxas> Ryu Kyu, Dragon Kingdom, mostly independent on the empire through japan history, is still occupied by muricans, known as Okinawa
[11:50:45] <kyonko`> I don't think I could spend the rest of my life in the far east russian "pole of cold"
[11:50:56] <kyonko`> which is awfully close to its "pole of inaccesability
[11:51:09] <kyonko`> Okinawa and Taiwan
[11:52:19] <raxas> taiwan is just a rebellious province, nothing special in 5000+ of chinese history. temporary situation
[11:54:03] <raxas> what is important for both taiwan and continental china, it is hua xia civillization. and no foreign occupation could change that
[11:54:36] <kyonko`> taiwanese are not chinese
[11:54:47] <kyonko`> but chinese fled to taiwan
[11:55:59] <raxas> I am aware of 40 different tribes/dialects in continental china itself. what makes the coherency is the culture
[11:56:50] <raxas> and west failed to break and destroy chinese culture, obviously
[11:57:22] <kyonko`> I wonder if crystaldiskinfo is safe :/
[11:57:39] <kyonko`> china was ruled by mongols for centuries
[11:57:50] <kyonko`> the mongols tried to even get korea and japan
[11:57:58] <kyonko`> but they had a better time reaching poland
[11:58:11] <kyonko`> then you get ugly fuckers like heinrich himmler
[12:02:23] <kyonko`> greece, egypt, mongols, rome, where are they now?
[12:34:56] <raxas> =submit https://www.strategic-culture.org
[12:35:01] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08From Russell and Hilbert to Wiener and Harari: the Disturbing Origins of Cybernetics and Transhumani" (74p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[12:35:22] <raxas> title butchery is lame
[12:35:34] <kyonko`> Romani
[12:35:55] <kyonko`> I'm so cyber, my fingertips have fingers
[12:41:57] <kyonko`> it's just a bunch of 1's and 0's going by real fast.....
[12:42:41] <kyonko`> when did prague get ISDN
[12:44:10] <raxas> isdn is so history, 90's
[12:45:16] <kyonko`> yeah too fucking slow
[12:45:26] <kyonko`> way slower than hughesnet spaceway
[12:45:40] <raxas> I used do have 1200Bd and 2400/MNP5 before, then USR19k, then 36k before 56k true internets happened
[12:45:42] <kyonko`> 64kbps, 128kbps.... too fucking slow
[12:45:45] <kyonko`> barely mp3 bitrate
[12:46:11] <kyonko`> i used to have fun on my aptiva encoding mp3s to POTS bandwidth
[12:46:12] <raxas> I even had my own BBS on 2400MNP
[12:46:41] <kyonko`> 8 khz mp3s
[12:47:00] <kyonko`> 56kbps, bare minimum
[12:47:11] <kyonko`> its bits not bytes, I know
[12:49:31] <kyonko`> here in the US we get 3 pairs with the phone line
[12:49:41] <kyonko`> only 2 are used, for what used to be dial up and later DSL
[12:50:03] <kyonko`> DSL will get the last rural mile, but it will be incredibly slow 24-7-365
[12:50:21] <kyonko`> the farther you get the most you will be able to put through is voip
[12:50:51] <kyonko`> so if you are a gay-mer, its big city gulag for you
[12:59:05] <Teckla> How strange, Windows Terminal no longer opens, after the latest Windows update...
[13:00:19] <raxas> windows is much safer and stable when disconnected from internets completely for five years. crashes only once per month
[13:01:22] <kyonko`> what is windows terminal for?
[13:01:36] <kyonko`> raxas: thats how windows is used to operate factories
[13:02:09] <raxas> I use to operate 3D printer such way
[13:08:00] <Teckla> kyonko`: https://www.microsoft.com
[13:08:03] <systemd> ^ 03Get Windows Terminal - Microsoft Store
[13:08:13] <Teckla> kyonko`: https://docs.microsoft.com
[13:08:14] <systemd> ^ 03An overview on Windows Terminal
[13:08:28] <Teckla> Those web pages do a better job explaining it than I could.
[13:08:34] <kyonko`> is this an ssh client?
[13:14:21] <Teckla> No.
[13:40:43] -!- pinchy has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:45:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - AMD at Computex 2021: 5000G APUs, 6000M Mobile GPUs, FidelityFX Super Resolution, and 3D Chiplets - https://sylnt.us - Computex-Roundup
[13:53:27] -!- kyonko` has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[14:07:12] * Teckla wonders if kyonko` is Russian.
[14:07:22] <FatPhil> raxas: can you help me reverse engineer a Czech name? I'm trying to fix up the English subtitles I found to Cesky Sen as they looked like they were OCR-ed or something, terribly mangled.
[14:09:02] <FatPhil> The source has "will be gineo by Michal Snaoda sf Amateur Sky Watchers.". 'n', 'o', and 's' are mangled frequently, so that surname is very unreliable.
[14:10:04] <raxas> google translate (a CIA tool, basically) is extremely funny at translation from exotic languages, no wonder cia is heavily confused about everything happening on this planet lately
[14:10:25] <FatPhil> n->v and o->n are common errors - so could it be Svanda?
[14:11:32] <FatPhil> Oooh, looks like there's a Czech astro boffin with that name!
[14:11:54] <raxas> Michal Švanda is real scientist, mathematician and astronomer
[14:12:10] <raxas> https://www.astro.cz
[14:12:14] <systemd> ^ 03Michal Švanda
[14:13:26] <FatPhil> Yeah, it's got to be him. One more correction made...
[14:15:19] <FatPhil> 301 changes made to the file so far - it's starting to make sense!
[14:17:05] -!- pinchy [pinchy!~Car@68.66.ysy.qx] has joined #soylent
[14:18:40] <FatPhil> from 847 lines of dialogue
[14:34:32] <Teckla> dialogoo
[15:09:36] -!- Sulla [Sulla!Sulla@n-68-39-817-302.hsd6.or.comcast.net] has joined #soylent
[15:19:08] <FatPhil> are you taquing the pisse?
[15:19:41] <FatPhil> blame the french and the greeks
[15:40:38] <raxas> =submit https://www.globaltimes.cn
[15:40:41] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08China Maintains 'Artificial Sun' at 120 Million Celsius for Over 100 Seconds, Setting New World Reco" (2p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[16:06:14] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[16:16:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Escape from Oblivion: Innovative Experiment Shows How the Brain Reboots after Deep Anesthesia - https://sylnt.us - Have-you-tried-turning-it-off-and-back-on-again?
[16:21:59] <Teckla> FatPhil: Heh!
[16:26:48] <AzumaHazuki> someone keeps shitposting the first comment on a lot of these threads
[16:27:07] <AzumaHazuki> https://soylentnews.org can we *please* Spam mod posts like this?
[16:27:08] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews Comments | Escape from Oblivion: Innovative Experiment Shows How the Brain Reboots after Deep Anesthesia ( https://soylentnews.org )
[16:57:38] <FatPhil> that one's on-topic. troll works adequately
[16:58:09] <raxas> https://abcnews.go.com
[16:58:10] <systemd> ^ 03Man Enjoys Inflated Reputation After Impaled on High Pressure Air Hose
[16:58:25] <raxas> I dont dare to submit this medical situation
[17:04:24] <FatPhil> AzumaHazuki: his IPHash seems to be associated with poor-quality contributions, but that's not what SPAM's for. If he's rotating IPs, then feel free to show me others that would support your claim.
[17:05:10] <AzumaHazuki> i can't see the hashes (though I did have fun making a few people think I could for a while, LOL)
[17:24:08] <raxas> FatPhil: if Miles Mathis scares you, then Marshall Barnes will freak you out
[17:28:31] <raxas> my bet is both are fortean
[17:38:43] <FatPhil> your claim was of spamness - your evidence is therefore things that display spamness, not iphashes.
[17:49:31] <AzumaHazuki> what's the point of allowing posts like that? there's no content. why don't we have a "don't post blatantly racist shit" rule?
[17:56:20] <requerdanos> that would violate the spirit of the "post whatever you want and the junk will get modded down" principle
[17:57:26] <requerdanos> not that I disagree with you; just summing up what I believe the answer to your question to be
[17:59:10] <Teckla> Looking at the comment link AzumaHazuki pasted above, the post looks less like spam, and more like troll, to me.
[17:59:23] <raxas> =submit https://nypost.com
[17:59:25] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Killer Drone ‘Hunted Down a Human Target’ Without Being Told to" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[17:59:48] <requerdanos> It looks like a troll comment to me too.
[18:00:02] <Teckla> My coffee maker attempted to murder my goldfish without being told to.
[18:01:54] <raxas> I blame this on your goldfish wandering around
[18:06:55] <requerdanos> sure, blame the victim
[18:18:13] <raxas> requerdanos: is this a reputable enough source for you? https://pubs.acs.org
[18:18:14] <systemd> ^ 03Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Effective Delivery of Malaria DNA Vaccine
[18:19:21] <raxas> "Most Trusted. Most Cited. Most read."
[18:45:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 30-Year Stellar Survey Cracks Mysteries of Galaxy's Giant Planets - https://sylnt.us
[19:40:18] <FatPhil> raxas: miles mathis doesn't scare me at all, he's a mathematic midget and his pi=4 argument can be trounced in about 10 words.
[20:24:33] <inz> Pi is 4 only on manhattan
[20:26:12] <inz> Oh it's actually a thing.
[20:36:26] <FatPhil> isn't it sqrt(8) in manhatten?
[20:37:31] Bytram changed topic of #soylent to: Please keep discussions civil | SN Main Channel | https://soylentnews.org | Some PISG charts: https://stats.sylnt.us | This channel IS logged and publicly displayed here https://logs.sylnt.us
[20:38:50] <FatPhil> manhattan's L(1), not L(inf), surely?
[20:41:18] <FatPhil> I'm obviously assuming manhatten's not discrete.
[20:48:37] <inz> It's sqrt(8) only for godzilla on L(1) Manhattan
[20:53:43] <FatPhil> that's the only manhattan 'm aware of
[21:03:26] <inz> Others need to run their measuring tape on the streets.
[21:26:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The US Military is Starting to Get Really Interested in Starship - https://sylnt.us - logistics++
[21:27:15] <FatPhil> it's strange that the property that imbues it with the L(1) metric it the limiting factor that causes it to behave like L(inf).
[22:02:58] <FatPhil> one of my eye-opening moments in uni was when I retook the logic and set theory course, and had a "value at the limit != limit of the sequence of values" epiphany - basically with an example just like this (length of diagonal = sqrt(2), not the 2 of the ever-finer staircases)
[22:04:46] <FatPhil> when finals came at the end of the year, that ended up being my best paper.
[22:05:14] <AzumaHazuki> the limits do go to infinity for most of the sets in question no? either infinitely closer to a converging value, or out to aleph-null?
[22:13:00] <raxas> AzumaHazuki: https://en.wikipedia.org https://github.com
[22:13:01] <systemd> ^ 03Surreal number - Wikipedia
[22:13:02] <systemd> ^ 03Lacaranian/surreal
[22:13:49] <AzumaHazuki> ...surreal sounds about right for this, yes
[22:15:18] <AzumaHazuki> so for any simple surreal numeber N composed of {X|Y}, N = 1/2(X+Y) then?
[22:15:44] <AzumaHazuki> numbers and sets might not be the same type of conceptual entity though...
[22:22:28] <raxas> one old czech mathematician proved the natural numbers do not exist, but that's not generally accepted https://en.wikipedia.org
[22:22:29] <systemd> ^ 03Petr Vopěnka - Wikipedia
[22:22:49] <raxas> I vaguely remember he used ultrafilters in his proof
[22:24:47] <raxas> but for a programmer like me, surreal numbers are excellent tool for modelling exploits in software
[22:26:01] <raxas> I am not a mathematician, math is just my fun hobby since pre-school age. I prefer machines
[22:45:38] -!- SoyCow6962 [SoyCow6962!~c0917749@192.145.ryv.wy] has joined #soylent
[22:45:42] <SoyCow6962> https://slashdot.org
[22:45:43] <systemd> ^ 03Can a Cryptocurrency Break the Buck? - Slashdot
[22:46:10] <SoyCow6962> Buck-breaking? Linked to a Bloomberg article written by "Timothy Mossad?"
[22:47:00] <SoyCow6962> Timothy is a Jew, but for him to admit working for Mossad while pushing the ultra-racist "Buck-Breaking" is pretty goddamn hilarious.
[22:47:32] <SoyCow6962> https://vocalafrica.com
[22:47:34] <systemd> ^ 03Buck Breaking, How African Male Slaves Were Raped
[22:47:56] <SoyCow6962> You know it's clown-world when the mainstream becomes more offensive than I am.
[22:48:49] <SoyCow6962> Clever, sneaky devils they are.
[22:49:24] -!- SoyCow6962 has quit [Client Quit]
[23:30:06] <AzumaHazuki> doesn't eth have anything better to do?