#soylent | Logs for 2021-06-02

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[00:03:38] -!- Sulla has quit []
[00:06:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - GCC 9.4 Released; GCC Drops Copyright Assignment to the FSF - https://sylnt.us - Generating-Considerable-Controversy?
[00:07:35] <raxas> fsf is under systematic attack by corporations for several years already, this is just the final phase
[00:08:29] <raxas> it's spectacular how many stupid devs were instrumental in this affair
[00:25:10] <raxas> it's obvious where it is heading: microsoft certainly needs and wants the linux kernel, but surely not wanting any gnu toppings over it
[00:26:32] <raxas> thus a complete demolition of fsf is inevitable
[00:50:20] <AzumaHazuki> indeed
[00:50:39] <AzumaHazuki> i've sensed something like this brewing ever since MS wormed its way onto the Linux Foundation. This...is really not good
[00:52:24] <AzumaHazuki> oh well...having been a gentoo user since the middle of high school, switching to one of the BSDs won't feel too foreign
[00:55:00] <Bytram> If there's a gentoo, is there also a ladyyoo? Or would that be a madamyoo?
[01:22:05] <tedious> So what's going to happen to gcc?
[01:22:33] <requerdanos> um, business as usual
[01:25:15] <requerdanos> or, it--along with all other free software and open source--will slide down a slippery slope into the jaws of microsoft because (waves hands). Pick your theory.
[01:34:49] <Bytram> The story about GCC will be out before too long =)
[02:10:06] -!- SoyCow1573 [SoyCow1573!~bdaea687@189.174.qwj.nnq] has joined #soylent
[02:17:56] <FatPhil> AzumaHazuki: the confusing cases, like pi=4's premise, have the limit of the value stay the same. which is why it's so easy to wrongly conclude that's the value at the limit.
[02:19:05] <AzumaHazuki> not quite following here. is the pi == 4 guy saying that since there's always more digits, 3.xxxxxx...n as n approaches infinity converges to 4?
[02:19:23] <FatPhil> the fallacy is that the steps in question do not more closely approximate the limitting case in the property being measured.
[02:21:38] <FatPhil> I could easily contrive a sequence of staircases whose length goes to infinity as they more closely approach the 45-degree right triangle. But noone would be happy to conclude sqrt(2)=inf, I hope.
[02:22:17] <AzumaHazuki> ever get the feeling this is all because math is axioms and doesn't necessarily have to correspond 1:1 with external reality?
[02:22:46] <AzumaHazuki> axiomatic systems are destruct-tested by the theorems they give rise to...mathematics is a formal logic and we know what Godel has to tell us about those
[02:23:30] <FatPhil> OK, they would stop being staircases, but they would converge to the diagonal.
[02:25:32] <FatPhil> pi=4 guy is saying that you can approximate the curve of the circle with a manhatten-like grid. It will always have length 8, so pi=4 in the limitting case.
[02:26:17] <FatPhil> very similar to the length-of-diagonal=2 paradox,
[02:27:23] <FatPhil> length of limit of set != limit of lengths of set members. you can't commute limit takimg like that.
[02:27:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Employees are Quitting Instead of Giving Up Working from Home - https://sylnt.us
[02:29:38] <AzumaHazuki> huh, it's almost like that whole supply and demand thing applies to labor too
[02:29:45] * AzumaHazuki really hopes this forces wages up
[02:30:02] <AzumaHazuki> either that or a massive general strike (which will then force wages up)
[02:31:04] <FatPhil> raxas: the axiom of infinity has been mechanically proven to not be in contradiction with the other axioms. therefore you can't prove naturals don't exist, they're an axiom.
[02:34:46] <FatPhil> well, a set that contains a subset that can be used to model all the properties of the naturals exists.
[02:37:42] <FatPhil> AzumaHazuki: you do realise that you're inviting stagflation?
[02:38:04] <AzumaHazuki> yes indeed. and if things continue this way...?
[02:38:30] <AzumaHazuki> the stagnation is simply because floating, fiat currency has no value except when it's moving. but it's being hoarded
[02:38:48] <FatPhil> maybe even "transitory hyperinflation"
[02:39:46] <FatPhil> good jub that hyperinflation would be transitory, having it last forever would make all the zero-printers massively overworked.
[02:40:10] <FatPhil> good for the wheelbarrow makers, though, so not all bad.
[02:40:25] <Fnord666_> lol
[02:50:27] <FatPhil> I wonder if the right wing will ignore Trump's division by zero in the fractional reserve banking system and blame Biden for what ensues?
[02:51:24] <FatPhil> Then again, wiser minds were saying this was inevitable back in the Obama years, Trump was just blindly following the script.
[03:02:05] -!- SoyCow1573 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:02:05] <FatPhil> Which reminds me, I still need to see /Money As Debt III/, even though part II wasn't as good as the original.
[04:10:40] <tedious> Pi == 4?
[04:10:44] <tedious> What?
[04:11:24] <tedious> I'm no math nerd but even I know pi does not equal 4. :)
[04:35:48] <FatPhil> a theory by a very stable geniouse who has also proved that quantum theory's false, relativity's false, maxwell's equations are false, ...
[04:36:53] <FatPhil> Not a kook I was previously familiar with, but apparently he's quite popular amongst the CT crowd.
[04:40:10] <FatPhil> He also has the world's largest jewdar. According to him, Michael Jackson was jewish, the pope's jewish, gengis kahn (=cohen!!!!) was jewish, laika the cosmomutt was jewish, ...
[04:41:28] <FatPhil> https://www.cbsnews.com
[04:41:28] <systemd> ^ 03China confirms world's first human case of H10N3 bird flu but says it's highly unlikely to spread widely among people
[04:57:39] <FatPhil> Chinese bird flu ~ is chief blunder (anagram)
[04:58:15] <tedious> Didn't they say covid couldn't be passed from human to human in the beginning?
[04:59:37] <tedious> I haven't heard about any trump math theories tho.
[05:06:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Raspberry Pi Begins Selling its RP2040 Microcontroller for $1 - https://sylnt.us - buy,-buy-miss-raspberrian-pie
[05:33:52] <AzumaHazuki> sounds like that guy might be the one who shit Eth out...
[05:36:54] <tedious> Tons of gentoo updates tonight.
[05:37:07] <tedious> This is going to take hours.
[05:39:06] <AzumaHazuki> do you know about the --keep-going switch? you can let it run overnight and if it missed something it'll tell you
[05:39:21] <AzumaHazuki> rather than screaming and dying the first time something goes wahoonie-shaped
[05:47:39] <inz> I'd just take gentoo out of my USE flags
[05:49:11] <AzumaHazuki> it's worth using in my estimation. there's something amazing about a custom-fitting distribution just for you, you know?
[06:00:49] <chromas> Sometimes I put the wrong password into my pc (unlock/sudo) and then when I put the right one in, it still says it's wrong until I wait awhile. Is that a gnu feature?
[06:06:56] <Runaway1956> sounds like a gnot feature, as in, you're gnot getting in
[06:07:28] <Runaway1956> Does anyone know what's in the refrigerator?
[06:07:31] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:07:51] <Runaway1956> Guess I'll have to look for myself . . .
[06:11:51] <chromas> Did you find the salsa?
[06:12:54] <Runaway1956> found the ice cream, no salsa
[06:13:12] <Runaway1956> leftover spaghetti -
[06:13:30] <Runaway1956> Dear wife brought home meatballs, all prepackaged and ready to cook
[06:13:38] <Runaway1956> I figured they would probably suck
[06:14:02] <Runaway1956> threw them in the air fryer to cook, put them in the sauce & let them simmer for an hour
[06:14:14] <Runaway1956> damn, they were good!
[06:14:46] <Runaway1956> probably enough sodium to last for three weeks though
[06:20:35] <chromas> Did you save any for her?
[06:22:25] <Runaway1956> Oh yeah, of course I did
[06:22:38] <Runaway1956> Did you know a dog's best freind is his girl?
[06:22:51] <Runaway1956> https://globalnews.ca
[06:22:53] <systemd> ^ 03Video shows teen girl shoving huge bear over fence to save her dogs - National
[06:23:03] <Runaway1956> Cool video, I recommend it
[06:29:16] <chromas> Poor bear
[06:36:11] <Runaway1956> Poor bear? She was wearing a fur coat! I can't afford a fur coat!
[06:37:39] <FatPhil> Runaway1956: beer's always in the refrigerator. That's a law, isn't it?
[06:38:26] <Runaway1956> not when you have multiple sons . . .
[06:38:40] <Runaway1956> it's there, then it's not there
[06:38:45] <Runaway1956> like magic or something
[06:50:55] <Runaway1956> An IT fairy tale . . . https://www.datafix.com.au
[06:50:57] <systemd> ^ 03The little museum and its data
[07:22:07] -!- pinchy has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[07:34:51] -!- pinchy [pinchy!~Car@68.66.ysy.qx] has joined #soylent
[07:36:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Amazon Faced 75,000 Arbitration Demands. Now It Says: Fine, Sue Us - https://sylnt.us - the-best-laid-plans-of-mice-and-men
[07:46:00] <chromas> Next week's headline: Amazon Cloud Outage: Law Offices 'Round the Country Suffer Data Losses
[07:56:35] <FatPhil> If you use scissors as cutlery, are scissors cutlery?
[07:56:57] <FatPhil> These are the important questions no-one's addressing.
[07:57:19] <chromas> anything is anything if you define it that way
[08:07:30] <chromas> https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net
[09:42:07] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[09:42:10] <systemd> ^ 03How I made steel toe crocs with wood
[09:54:00] <FatPhil> aren't they just called "clogs"?
[10:05:54] <chromas> yes, they're not
[10:08:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Meat Producer JBS Says It Expects Most Plants to Resume Working Wednesday - https://sylnt.us - where's-the-beef?
[10:35:39] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[10:35:40] <systemd> ^ 03OPERATION: MEAT
[11:29:28] <raxas> so, operation Dunhammer is about to be buried... with meat?
[11:29:34] <raxas> XKEYSCORE
[11:44:23] <raxas> https://www.thetimes.co.uk
[11:44:27] <systemd> ^ 03‘Schizophrenic’ Czech Republic keeps East and West guessing
[11:44:50] <raxas> "The small but infuriatingly erratic European nation" that's what we are. and always be
[11:47:50] <raxas> you may have pwned our politicians, our spooks, our military. but you will never pwn us
[12:31:36] <jman> Another story @ the Register about Freenode. Kudos to SN for running their own server!
[12:44:09] <Bytram> Deucalion++ ^^^ I agree! Thanks for all your hard work keeping it running like clockwork!
[12:44:09] <Bender> karma - deucalion: 38
[12:45:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Launch Date for the James Webb Space Telescope has Slipped Again - https://sylnt.us - What's-another-month-or-two?
[12:48:44] <raxas> every family on this planet should have their own irc server
[12:48:59] <raxas> not just every project
[12:50:13] <raxas> crowdnets are silly power control concept which does not scale
[13:12:33] <FatPhil> TIL: Daszak was employed as an ‘expert fact checker’ by Facebook when it was monitoring and removing ‘misinformation’ about the origins COVID on its platform.
[13:56:47] <Fnord666> raxas Isn't that just discord?
[13:58:39] <Fnord666> other than, you know, centralized servers
[14:17:35] <raxas> discord is clouds. childish, even funnier than irc crowdnets. couple of years ago I remember it taking control commands from within certain gacha games chat channels
[14:17:50] <FatPhil> All problems should be solved at the level where the solution is most appropriate.
[14:17:52] <raxas> perfect as military technology though
[14:21:11] <raxas> at least irc stuff is stable matured software, most established clients and servers are fine
[14:26:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Driverless Truck Got a Shipment Cross-Country 10 Hours Faster than a Human Driver - https://sylnt.us - depending-on-your-definition-of-cross-country
[14:34:09] <FatPhil> =yt humans need not apply
[14:34:11] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Humans Need Not Apply (15:01; 13,989,630 views; 👍305,769 👎6,242)
[14:34:41] <FatPhil> What were you saying about supply and demand with regard to labour markets, zuzu?
[16:44:46] <Runaway1956> here's some crazy crap - sharing your terminal via the web
[16:44:52] <Runaway1956> https://ostechnix.com
[16:44:53] <systemd> ^ 03Share And Control Terminals In Real Time From Web Browser - OSTechNix
[16:46:04] <Runaway1956> TermPair is good for those who wants to collaborate in real-time. It also has some security loopholes. If you're not careful, it could be a catastrophic mistake.
[16:46:18] <raxas> computing is web
[16:46:56] <raxas> but "real time" and "web browser" are two totally incompatible realities
[16:48:30] <raxas> for non-idiots, https://planspace.org
[16:48:31] <systemd> ^ 03Share a tmux session
[16:50:31] <Runaway1956> Another wisp of smoke from the smoking pandemic gun
[16:50:35] <Runaway1956> https://www.zerohedge.com
[16:50:37] <systemd> ^ 03ZeroHedge
[17:09:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - QUIC is RFC 9000 - https://sylnt.us - QUIC-and-dirty?
[17:12:53] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.sott.net
[17:13:00] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Vaccine Researcher Admits 'Big Mistake,' Says Spike Protein is Dangerous 'Toxin' -- Sott.net" (0p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[18:00:31] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[18:24:40] <FatPhil> not seeing any evidence to support the "cause damage to the brain" claim in the " demonstrated to cross the blood brain barrier and cause damage to the brain." link in that SOTT story. SOTT pushing fake mangled science again?
[18:29:35] <raxas> FatPhil: related https://soylentnews.org
[18:29:37] <systemd> ^ 03Journal of Mojibake Tengu (8598)
[18:31:40] <raxas> I observe strange change behavior in recovered _and_ vaccinated people, they behave distinctly tame
[18:32:40] <requerdanos> I note that you complain of my lack of tameness when I call you out for spouting nonsense, though; isn't that a contradiction?
[18:33:37] <raxas> you ignored me twice since. well again then:
[18:34:22] <raxas> https://pubs.acs.org
[18:34:22] <requerdanos> Not ignoring you, just having my say and letting you get back to regular scheduled chat, already in progress.
[18:34:24] <systemd> ^ 03Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Effective Delivery of Malaria DNA Vaccine
[18:34:42] <raxas> this.
[18:35:07] <requerdanos> Why would you post that? It looks reputable.
[18:35:39] <raxas> that's what I wanted to hear from you
[18:36:27] <raxas> now we both understand, why some vaccinated people hold magnets on them
[18:37:50] <requerdanos> The abstract describes a pretty tiny amount of magnetism; I am not sure we are interpreting it the same way.
[18:41:47] <raxas> it works thusly https://en.wikipedia.org
[18:41:48] <systemd> ^ 03Superparamagnetism - Wikipedia
[18:42:31] <raxas> you must add a field and that's what people are doing
[18:43:00] <requerdanos> I see how it works. Pretty clever at that. The pictured magnet, you will note, is applied to the vaccine in the lab, not on the skin, however.
[18:44:14] <requerdanos> Your wikipedia link says that the magnetism is slight enough that it's safe to use in MRI imaging as a contrast agent.
[18:44:56] <requerdanos> None of this supports the "dude those magnet sticking to skin vaccine videos are not bullshit" theory.
[18:45:04] <FatPhil> all the "magnetism" claims I've seen have been ones that James Randi could debunk with talcum powder.
[18:45:26] <requerdanos> yeah, and he's dead.
[18:47:03] <requerdanos> vaccines do not cause humans to become magnetic nor suceptible to magnets such that magnets applied to the skin will stick due to magnetism.
[18:47:30] <requerdanos> thinking the videos are totally true to life and really wanting them to be not hoaxes is understandable, but not science.
[18:47:56] <raxas> sorry guys. no more vaccination for me, ever since now. enjoy them yourselves
[18:47:59] <FatPhil> beyond death, he can still debunk them by passing down the protocol by which they can be debunked - which he did.
[18:48:31] <FatPhil> Osama, is that you?
[18:48:33] <requerdanos> I am not trying to convince you to get vaccinated at the moment, just pointing out that you are spouting nonsense.
[18:48:57] <raxas> it is not nonsense to me
[18:49:41] <requerdanos> Acknowledged. As I said, that view is understandable, but not science.
[19:01:41] <FatPhil> Uhoh - I'm magnetic - I've got haem!
[19:05:08] <inz> Can you generate electricity by running around a coil?
[19:14:49] <chromas> Step 0: Setup up coil. Step 1: argue on the internet
[19:15:18] <raxas> too lazy for running around, but I can generate electricity by just sitting. and combing
[19:16:44] <chromas> Then I'm gonna lift you up, then I'm gonna put you down, then I'm gonna run around and recharge you
[19:33:48] <FatPhil> Wrap wire around my hula-hoop, and I can cast lightning bolts!
[19:34:20] <FatPhil> chromas++ everyone agrees that's bad, so should be --
[19:34:20] <Bender> karma - chromas: 359
[19:35:11] <chromas> you're right. should've s/lift/vax/
[19:36:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New "Superfood" for Bees May be Able to Help Detoxify Hives Contaminated with Pesticides - https://sylnt.us - FEED-ME
[19:45:15] <inz> chromas, is that "put down" as in "euthanize" and then "recharge" as in "defibrillate"?
[19:45:28] <chromas> sure is!
[19:45:48] <chromas> or maybe mocking
[19:51:38] <raxas> =submit https://thehill.com
[19:51:40] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Pentagon Report Clears Use of Drones Made by Top Chinese Manufacturer" (18p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:47:00] <AzumaHazuki> Oog. Do not take a high dose of vitamin B6 if you're not deficient. ick, ick, ick.
[21:16:59] <raxas> vitamin Beer
[21:20:17] <raxas> new leak: AstraZeneca vac contaminated by human Heat Shock Protein HSP, causes heavy autoimmune response. senior killer
[21:21:00] <raxas> gathering some reputable scientific evidence for tomorrow
[21:34:32] <AzumaHazuki> how that that happen? I mean how in the hell would purified human HSP get anywhere near a vaccine?
[21:35:28] <Teckla> raxas: Gathering some solid, unbiased, trustworthy information from rt? ;)
[21:36:43] <inz> Remember kids, everything you read online must be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
[21:41:08] <AzumaHazuki> is raxas there MojibakeTengu?
[21:54:24] <raxas> if university of ulm is reputable enough...
[21:54:42] -!- Fnord666_ has quit [Quit: I'm outta here!"]
[21:55:32] -!- Fnord666_ [Fnord666_!~Fnord666@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Fnord666] has joined #soylent
[21:55:32] -!- mode/#soylent [+v Fnord666_] by Aphrodite
[21:56:14] <raxas> some solid, unbiased, trustworthy university uf ulm, maybe
[21:56:33] <raxas> had to find some such university first
[22:13:13] <raxas> good point about reading online, perhaps I should read it offline to be surer
[22:21:49] <raxas> =submit https://www.chemistryviews.org
[22:21:52] <raxas> a weak version but slightly reputable
[22:21:53] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Impurities in AstraZeneca Vaccine Could be Linked to Adverse Effects :: News :: ChemistryViews" (10p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:23:58] <raxas> hardcore version is too hard for consumption here
[22:25:47] <requerdanos> One source says "So far, the researchers do not believe that they affect efficacy or that there is a link to vaccine reactions." (https://thegermanyeye.com/impurities-in-astrazeneca-vaccine-to-be-further-investigated-4194) but the chemistryviews source says "According to the researchers, it cannot be ruled out that the detected protein contamination could have adverse effects"
[22:25:49] <systemd> ^ 03Germany News, Health Insurance, Engineering Jobs
[22:26:26] <chromas> Two websites nobody's heard of fighting over my opinion
[22:29:15] <raxas> this is hardcore version https://www.swr.de
[22:29:18] <systemd> ^ 03SWRAktuell.de
[22:30:08] <raxas> germans call such kind of poor production culture "schlendrian"
[22:32:27] <raxas> very british, now I understand
[22:33:02] <requerdanos> Google translate-to-english of that article points out "The researcher does not consider a vaccination stop to be sensible, since the benefits of Astrazeneca are still greater than the risks."
[22:38:14] <raxas> Im Fall des Astrazenca-Impfstoffs reiche die Kontrolle mit den bisher verwendeten Standard-Nachweisverfahren offenbar nicht aus, heißt es weiter. Die Ulmer Forschenden empfehlen ergänzende Untersuchungsmethoden. "Die Vielzahl der gefundenen Verunreinigungen, von denen zumindest einige negative Effekte haben könnten, macht es nötig, den Herstellungsprozess und die Qualitätskontrolle des
[22:38:16] <raxas> Impfstoffs zu überarbeiten. Dadurch ließe sich neben der Sicherheit womöglich auch die Wirksamkeit des Vakzins erhöhen", so Professor Kochanek.
[22:38:26] <raxas> In the case of the Astrazenca vaccine, the control with the standard detection methods used so far is apparently not sufficient, it continues. The Ulm researchers recommend supplementary research methods. "The large number of contaminants found, some of which could have negative effects, makes it necessary to revise the manufacturing process and quality control of the vaccine. This could not
[22:38:28] <raxas> only increase safety, but also increase the effectiveness of the vaccine," says Professor Kochanek.
[22:38:51] <raxas> poor google, then
[22:39:39] <raxas> frankly, google is schlendrian too
[22:40:34] <requerdanos> Without google's schlendrian meddling, then, "Einen Impfstopp hält der Forscher aber nicht für sinnvoll, da der Nutzen von Astrazeneca noch immer größer als die Risiken sei."
[22:43:00] <raxas> it does not matter to me if you or she believe it or not. I am irritated of fact the people are dying, for just a corporate neglect and lack of professionality
[22:43:25] <AzumaHazuki> the awful thing is, this may well be the lesser of two evils, and by a huge margin
[22:46:49] <requerdanos> as for belief, do you mean, do I believe that there are human protein impurities in the AstraZenica vaccine that could cause side effects? Yes, considering what I have read including the helpful articles you supplied, I do believe that to a pretty high degree.
[22:47:11] <requerdanos> I guess the difference is what we do with the information.
[22:48:13] <requerdanos> if the AZ vaccine was the only one available, I would probably still get it, since coronavirus risk seems greater than vaccine-side-effect risk. To you, it looks like you draw the opposite conclusion.
[22:49:46] <raxas> you corporate scientists bury the uncomfortable information, always. you seek no truth. you seek only profits.
[22:50:56] <requerdanos> that's a pretty good description of corporate-funded scientists, but I don't know of anyone here being one.
[22:54:39] <requerdanos> as to irritation, I am irritated by the fact that people are dying from a virus for which we have vaccine protection available.
[22:56:18] <requerdanos> and I salute those groups--be they scientists, doctors, nation-states, or corporations--who have worked so hard to make vaccines available and relatively safe.
[23:00:08] <raxas> my paranoia whispers to me, those AZ was contaminated by design, motivated by financiers as a pension reform. because, that's how it operates. pension expenses in europe were nearly halved, in 2020
[23:00:34] <raxas> so, to me this is a BIG Evil, not a lesser one
[23:01:21] <requerdanos> it would be better for the pensions for more people to die, so it seems evil intent would have been to not come up with a vaccine at all (sorry, we don't quite have it yet) -- not produce one which is well on the way to saving millions of lives.
[23:01:53] <requerdanos> not trying to change your mind, just explaining where my thought process is coming from.
[23:02:16] <raxas> that remains to be seen, in next seven years, if those millions were really saved by it
[23:02:31] <requerdanos> you're right about that.
[23:04:10] <raxas> Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, Agenda 2050, The Great Reset, ...
[23:04:35] <requerdanos> don't get carried away.
[23:04:55] <raxas> covid-19 is only the beginning
[23:06:30] <requerdanos> I know I may regret asking, but, the beginning of what?
[23:08:04] <raxas> Klaus Schwab is founder of World Economic Forum, you know that well. https://www.goodreads.com
[23:08:08] <systemd> ^ 03Books by Klaus Schwab (Author of The Fourth Industrial Revolution)
[23:08:29] <raxas> https://en.wikipedia.org
[23:08:31] <systemd> ^ 03Klaus Schwab - Wikipedia
[23:08:44] <raxas> still a puppet, but the toplevel one
[23:11:00] <raxas> he has a nickname "Fantomas" here ;) for a reason
[23:13:00] <raxas> his doctrine is an origin context of virus pandemia. the rest is just technicalities
[23:13:42] <requerdanos> so, schwab is a top level puppet of (not specified) and covid-19 is just the beginning of (not specified).
[23:14:06] <requerdanos> that's still pretty mysterious to me; maybe I am just dense.
[23:15:35] <raxas> pick a book and read it. it's not mystery but a plan
[23:16:05] <raxas> wait. you belong to them do you
[23:16:39] <requerdanos> I still don't have much of a grasp of who "they" might be, sorry
[23:23:09] <requerdanos> Admittedly, after reading some of the reviews on goodreads, I am not likely to add Mr. Schwab to my reading list.
[23:28:10] <raxas> he's definitely Evil, but top Davos influencer for all billionaires
[23:28:41] <raxas> so we cannot evade effects of his doctrine
[23:35:56] <requerdanos> so covid-19 becomes, in effect, his sought-for great reset, an opportunity to change society to his vision, and he has some influence and so a chance at succeeding.