#soylent | Logs for 2021-06-05

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[00:07:23] <Runaway1956> https://kfor.com
[00:07:36] <systemd> ^ 03Walmart to close all US stores for Thanksgiving Day as ‘thank you’ to employees
[00:25:38] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:25:59] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[00:53:08] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:53:29] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[01:10:55] <tedious> Wow another 3000 Fauci emails got dumped.
[01:16:37] <Runaway1956> Fauci is probably wishing he dumped them all before sending them
[01:17:09] <Runaway1956> Did you see that ICAN has been suspended by Twitter for making a post about those emails?
[01:17:17] <Runaway1956> LOLOL -
[01:17:37] <tedious> They were unsuspended.
[01:17:47] <tedious> That's where I saw the link.
[01:18:30] <tedious> Somebody should explain the streissand effect to twitter some time.
[01:19:12] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.arabnews.com
[01:19:15] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Church Criticizes Austrian Government’s ‘Islam Map’" (4p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[01:35:08] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:35:29] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[01:46:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Best View Yet of Exceptional Cosmic Explosion -- Challenges Established Theory of Gamma-Ray Bursts - https://sylnt.us - Be-scared-of-GRBs
[02:09:41] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[02:10:09] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[02:21:39] <AzumaHazuki> bugger...something must be wrong with the router in here ><
[02:24:40] <Runaway1956> Don't bugger the router.
[02:26:42] <AzumaHazuki> hot take: why tiling WM when you can screen/tmux?
[03:06:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FCC Fight Against Robocalls Goes International - https://sylnt.us
[03:23:24] * bacteria are swimming in plasma
[03:24:21] <bacteria> though with the viscosity the way it is, it's more like burrowing
[04:10:03] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #soylent
[04:10:03] -!- mode/#soylent [+v mrpg] by Aphrodite
[04:10:07] -!- mrpg has quit [Client Quit]
[04:10:28] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #soylent
[04:10:28] -!- mode/#soylent [+v mrpg] by Aphrodite
[04:34:02] -!- joeblow [joeblow!~amnesia@blx-caap-45.nonanet.net] has joined #soylent
[04:35:18] <joeblow> hello world
[04:37:11] <joeblow> anyone online???
[04:37:18] <progo> sometimes
[04:37:22] <progo> I'm half asleep
[04:38:02] <joeblow> cool thanks for responding. i wasnt sure if i had figured irc out yet or not
[04:38:42] <joeblow> im still trying to figure out how to use otr
[04:38:55] <progo> IRC hasn't figured out itself yet. last time I checked, the most up to date RFC says clients should, like probably, assume everyone's speaking UTF-8. except on a network where traditionally you use some other encoding
[04:38:58] <progo> :^)
[04:39:26] <progo> mostly works though
[04:40:31] <joeblow> yeah im a total noob when it comes to irc X )
[04:40:51] <joeblow> lol
[04:42:05] <progo> I think this channel is more lively during the day in north america. and evening.
[04:42:21] <joeblow> thats good to know
[04:42:48] <progo> if you talk about mega corporations or government, you might wake up the jew hating troll
[04:42:52] <joeblow> whats this channel all about
[04:43:03] <joeblow> LOL
[04:43:05] <progo> it's the main channel for Soylent
[04:43:16] <progo> the hanging out space
[04:44:13] <progo> joeblow: did you pick a random IRC network in a list in an IRC client, or you came here because of Soylent News blog/web site?
[04:44:32] <joeblow> he must have a script that keeps an ear out for that then pings him to wake him up LOL
[04:44:47] <progo> probably not
[04:44:52] <progo> could be though
[04:45:35] <joeblow> i was literally trying to get any IRC to work and this is where i ended up
[04:45:42] <progo> oh cool
[04:45:45] <progo> Soylent is a newsblog
[04:45:48] <inz> More probably the antisemitistic sense starts tingling, like on a spiderpig
[04:46:00] <progo> https://soylentnews.org
[04:46:02] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews: SoylentNews is people
[04:46:05] <progo> welcome joeblow
[04:46:11] <joeblow> thanks
[04:46:47] <progo> the IRC host you're on belongs to Soylent News
[04:47:58] <joeblow> good to know. ill def be coming back here after i log off later on
[04:48:07] <progo> have a good night or good day
[04:48:22] <joeblow> well im not getting off yet
[04:48:39] <progo> oh. I half read
[04:50:15] <joeblow> its all good. i was just reading some from the website
[04:50:32] <progo> tech, science, politics
[04:51:37] <joeblow> yeah seems like the main page contains mostly science or at least thats what ive gotten to so far
[04:54:59] <mrpg> Most articles are STEM related.
[04:55:13] <mrpg> And seldom something more random.
[04:55:17] <mrpg> https://www.youtube.com
[04:55:18] <systemd> ^ 03Randy Johnson Kills Dove
[04:55:26] <mrpg> ouch
[04:57:13] <joeblow> lol
[04:57:21] <joeblow> random af
[05:01:01] * progo goes to bed
[05:01:25] <joeblow> goodnight progo
[05:12:34] <joeblow> ok not a bad website guys and gals. been doing some reading on there.
[05:13:26] <joeblow> i like that there is an attempt to not be one sided
[05:13:50] <Runaway1956> Confucius say, one sided man fall on side
[05:17:21] * Runaway1956 doesn't have an OTR plugin installed
[05:18:15] <joeblow> its all good
[05:22:26] <joeblow> interesting one ---"Have Terms of Service Become Totalitarian Tools?"
[05:24:38] <joeblow> yep i think i found my new home here fellows
[05:24:51] <Runaway1956> cool
[05:30:58] <joeblow> goodnight all
[05:32:19] -!- joeblow [joeblow!~amnesia@blx-caap-45.nonanet.net] has parted #soylent
[05:33:11] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:33:11] -!- aqu4bot has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[05:33:23] -!- aqu4bot [aqu4bot!~aqu4bot@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[05:33:31] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[05:38:10] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: closing message]
[05:51:27] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:01:41] <chromas> New blood?
[07:01:45] <chromas> >:)
[07:21:34] <FatPhil> buzz sock ;)
[07:48:56] <chromas> /nick TheMightySoxen
[08:01:35] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[08:01:38] <systemd> ^ 03The First Guy To Ever Sell Insurance
[08:30:09] <FatPhil> chromas++ However, I always imagined it being a bit more mafia-like...
[08:30:09] <Bender> karma - chromas: 360
[08:30:43] <FatPhil> nice teeth you've got there, would be a shame if something were to happen to them
[08:47:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - After Years Of Detecting Land Mines, A Heroic Rat is Hanging Up His Sniffer - https://sylnt.us - Non-blockchain-de-mining
[09:29:00] <FatPhil> fuck me, the neighbours are sitting in the courtyard playing the most godawful country poprock pablum on their radio.
[09:29:44] <chromas> play some Karen metal
[09:30:28] <FatPhil> the station they're playing does have some metal stuff too, so they might think I'm encouraging them.
[09:30:42] <FatPhil> maybe time for some fucked up prog?
[09:31:11] <chromas> that's not nice. he's right here in the channel, you know
[13:36:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Charter Charges More Money for Slower Internet on Streets With No Competition - https://sylnt.us - business-as-usual
[16:05:30] -!- kyonko [kyonko!~wifi4@2001:5b0:50c6:iijk:riir:zxtk:iqjk:jwgp] has joined #soylent
[16:32:54] <Runaway1956> Someone explain for dummies what this is?
[16:32:59] <Runaway1956> https://www.phoronix.com
[16:33:00] <systemd> ^ 03NVMeTCP Offload Bits Coming For Linux 5.14 To Lower CPU Utilization, Better Latency - Phoronix
[16:33:26] <Runaway1956> If I understand it, they're moving networking to PCIe bus
[16:33:56] <Runaway1956> and that will require hardware compatible with PCIe?
[16:34:28] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[16:34:39] <Runaway1956> Current hardware is on PCI bus, I believe
[16:41:12] <Runaway1956> PDF explains a lot - https://www.snia.org
[16:51:26] <Runaway1956> OK, not something I'm going to be using on my home network
[16:51:30] <kyonko> I'm not going to buy post BIOS computers
[16:52:03] <kyonko> I do like androids and chromebooks to just "veg out"
[16:52:44] <AzumaHazuki> why not find something you can flash libreboot onto?
[16:53:02] <kyonko> I have an original chromebook pixel I need to flash seabios to
[16:53:04] <kyonko> its just an i55
[16:53:05] <requerdanos> what's the newest machine libreboot supports? curious.
[16:53:56] <AzumaHazuki> not sure, TBH. I swear i read the latest can handle some ryzen boards though
[16:54:12] <kyonko> I don't understand sooper dooper powerful peecee computers
[16:54:15] <kyonko> whats the point?
[16:54:31] <Runaway1956> I'm pretty sure they support ryzen - the recent article I read says they only support consumer boards and CPU's
[16:54:43] <Runaway1956> not much good for server hardware
[16:55:14] <AzumaHazuki> Gentoo :D
[16:55:22] <AzumaHazuki> makeopts="-j$BIGNUM"
[16:55:30] <requerdanos> good answer
[16:55:49] <AzumaHazuki> also because just browsing the web is now a massively power-hungry undertaking
[16:55:49] <kyonko> running out of living money is bad because of computers
[16:56:04] <kyonko> oh fuck the web :P
[16:56:12] <kyonko> thats because the web is running malware
[16:56:24] <requerdanos> that's actually a reason, but not the main reason
[16:56:53] <requerdanos> it's possible to construct huge monstrosities consisting solely of locally hosted good intentions
[16:57:21] <kyonko> a typical facebook "page" is 10mb
[16:57:36] <kyonko> assuming facebook is a walled garden web forum
[16:57:38] <AzumaHazuki> how in the hell did it come to this?
[16:57:59] <kyonko> you don't even use facebook zumiez
[16:58:21] <Runaway1956> data data data - everywhere you go, it's scripted to harvest all your data
[16:58:36] <kyonko> I get a lot of body armor ads on facebook
[16:58:42] <AzumaHazuki> true, but that doesn't mean i can't be squicked out by that
[16:59:06] <kyonko> I remember body armor ads before they were cool
[16:59:32] <AzumaHazuki> =submit https://arstechnica.com from the it's-expensive-to-be-poor dept.
[16:59:35] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Reducing Poverty Can Actually Lower Energy Demand, Finds Research" (17p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[17:00:00] <kyonko> I've lived most of my life poor :P
[17:00:07] <Runaway1956> https://nypost.com
[17:00:08] <systemd> ^ 03How Google is making more money than ever off the sick and vulnerable
[17:00:10] <kyonko> thats why I hate things like ryzen's
[17:00:20] <Runaway1956> Now Goog is into your medical records, medical history
[17:00:30] <kyonko> medical privacy is a joke
[17:01:18] * Runaway1956 doesn't see ads on Facebook
[17:01:26] * Runaway1956 sees very very few ads anywhere
[17:01:50] <requerdanos> there has been a trend, driven not by tech people but by artistic/visionary people, to want web pages to behave not like web pages, but as fluid media. This makes for the non-web-page things you find on the web.
[17:02:27] <Runaway1956> What does "fluid media" mean?
[17:04:28] <Runaway1956> like this? http://fluidmediastudios.com
[17:04:29] <systemd> ^ 03Fluid Media Studios, LLC
[17:04:38] <kyonko> ads dont bug me
[17:04:50] <kyonko> i don't get fooled by fake freedom
[17:05:00] <kyonko> i'll never buy body armor anyway
[17:05:23] <kyonko> even with the ceramic plates, you still end up with a condition known as "flail chest"
[17:05:24] * Runaway1956 prefers real armor when armor is appropriate
[17:05:30] <kyonko> its what rand paul got from an ass kicking
[17:05:56] <kyonko> serious what the fuck was 2020 all about
[17:06:14] <kyonko> social distancing prevents violence
[17:06:45] <Runaway1956> ORLY? More violence in the past 16 months than there has been in years
[17:06:46] <AzumaHazuki> doesn't seem to have, iirc
[17:06:52] <AzumaHazuki> still plenty of mass murders
[17:06:59] <kyonko> mexico loves mass murder :P
[17:07:09] <kyonko> its how they keep people volunteering to be slaves
[17:07:43] <Runaway1956> I think NYC violent crimes are up like 300%
[17:07:51] <Runaway1956> LA and Chicago similar
[17:08:22] <Runaway1956> if social distancing has had any effect on crime, it has increased crime
[17:09:05] <requerdanos> by fluid media, I mean some sort of futuristic interactive video something or other
[17:09:22] <Runaway1956> OK -
[17:09:38] <Runaway1956> we already see more and more video, less and less text
[17:09:42] <kyonko> oh a lot of crime happens because people are dehumanized, lol
[17:09:50] <kyonko> yes requerdanos that
[17:09:57] <kyonko> exactly that
[17:10:05] <kyonko> remember when bankers and stock brokers knew morse code?
[17:10:25] <kyonko> you got the market data in morse code on a paper tape printer
[17:10:32] <kyonko> this was in the great gatsby era
[17:10:34] <Runaway1956> I didn't know Morse Code, but I knew his sister Sarah Code
[17:11:07] <kyonko> I don't know if I should beleive the tale of rubber clad sub sea cables for 24-7-365 morse code
[17:11:08] <Runaway1956> she was the touchy-feely kind
[17:11:53] <kyonko> I was really looking forward for a 100% 24-7-365 business world under trump's second term
[17:11:56] <kyonko> now I guess we eat shit
[17:12:56] <kyonko> when cell phones started evolving I started getting a lot of flashbacks from plan9 and x11 with twm
[17:13:05] <kyonko> so this was 2000's
[17:13:32] <kyonko> twttr was an sms to web gateway, so you could always be on hand for your web followers
[17:13:49] <kyonko> twttr wasn't a walled garden
[17:16:46] <kyonko> plan9 is a weird OS, it will use all unallocated space on a physical drive
[18:16:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - China Maintains 'Artificial Sun' at 120 Million Celsius for Over 100 Seconds, Sets New World Record - https://sylnt.us
[18:20:27] <kyonko> ok
[18:38:00] <FatPhil> dunno if drussel ever hits the IRC chan, but I just cranked p the sauna thermostat to 110C, not sure he'll believe in facts.
[18:38:19] -!- lld has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[18:38:34] <AzumaHazuki> i don't understand how sauna exposure at high temperatures doesn't kill people
[18:38:43] -!- lld [lld!~lld@2001:f40:zxw:igij::q] has joined #soylent
[18:38:57] <AzumaHazuki> a fever of some 42 degrees is enough if prolonged, so how can long exposure to higher sauna temperatures not?
[18:42:05] <inz> Azuma, https://www.theguardian.com
[18:42:07] <systemd> ^ 03Sauna contest leaves Russian dead and champion Finn in hospital
[18:58:53] <FatPhil> AzumaHazuki: we are wet bulbs
[18:59:19] <AzumaHazuki> burnt ones, according to this
[18:59:35] <FatPhil> the heat arrives at high speed, but at low volume. the thin layer of water protects us.
[19:00:43] <AzumaHazuki> i see, so the heat of vaporization of water is a temporary buffer
[19:01:45] <FatPhil> evaporation is a great way to remove heat
[19:02:53] <AzumaHazuki> i think if i ever do sauna it will have to be limited to <60*C
[19:03:05] <AzumaHazuki> this body does not tolerate excess heat or cold well
[19:04:26] <FatPhil> I would hope that you could make your way to this part of the world, and change your opinion whilst so doing.
[19:04:44] <inz> Under 80 barely counts as a sauna experienc
[19:04:44] <inz> e
[19:04:58] <FatPhil> inz knows
[19:05:24] <AzumaHazuki> it would be wonderful to live there but at this point even getting to canada is iffy
[19:05:43] <AzumaHazuki> and Hamilton appears to be getting more expensive. here and now i need to focus on completing recovery and getting back to work...
[19:19:43] <kyonko> damn phoronix is fake news lolo
[19:21:10] <kyonko> people who run saunas know what they are doing
[19:21:31] <kyonko> like in my case, I can get into a fist fight over stupid shit like, you don't know what you are doing you don't have a degree
[19:21:56] <kyonko> obviously you don't want to cook in a sauna
[19:22:50] <kyonko> the water comes out of my water heater that you can flay yourself alive in the shower
[19:23:07] <kyonko> why? i don't know why, or care
[19:23:18] <kyonko> any little thing can puncture humans too
[19:23:48] <kyonko> a lot of people don't know how to cook, and they die
[19:24:10] <kyonko> you want to do raw foodism and walk on water, do it
[19:24:48] <kyonko> AzumaHazuki, the problem of fevers is that they originate from within, not from without
[19:25:05] <kyonko> first thing that goes with fever is judgement
[19:25:34] <kyonko> you can survive 110+ degrees in arizona if you have water
[19:26:06] <kyonko> but humans are known for doing stupid shit with water and it is not insanity :)
[19:26:39] <kyonko> a hot showers does the same thing as a sauna btw
[19:26:47] <kyonko> a sauna is just more traditional of centuries past
[19:26:57] <inz> kyonko, smoke sauna is great for cooking sausage
[19:27:03] <kyonko> heh
[19:27:11] <kyonko> oh I know about finnish survival
[19:27:19] <kyonko> but that was before you guys got fat
[19:27:43] <kyonko> you have to keep the water and food near you, not in you
[19:28:18] <kyonko> here in arizona we have native american sweat lodges
[19:28:27] <kyonko> you go out in the desert and live in a tent
[19:28:30] <kyonko> you need water
[19:28:40] <kyonko> no water = death lodge
[19:28:43] <inz> I blame American "cuisine" for the obesity epidemic here
[19:28:57] <inz> no water = swedish sauna
[19:29:00] <kyonko> when did finland begin to get fat?
[19:29:24] <inz> I've no idea, but I'd blame about the time McDonalds came here ;)
[19:29:28] <inz> guess
[19:29:35] <FatPhil> inz - nah, the swedes like it at ~65C, and it;s useless
[19:29:58] <inz> Yeah, the like it cold and dry
[19:30:04] <inz> The worst combo
[19:30:04] <kyonko> 65C isn't bad.... if you are away from the fire
[19:30:13] <FatPhil> a.k.a. not a sauna
[19:30:23] <kyonko> its just a log cabin with a fireplace
[19:30:32] <FatPhil> g/f & I have completely different tastes
[19:30:43] <kyonko> like you have to hang woolen clothing and modern poly clothing far far from the source of heat
[19:31:05] <FatPhil> I like hot and dry or mild and steamy, she likes hot and steamy.
[19:31:36] <inz> Any of those does the trick (hot and steamy could be a lot to handle though)
[19:31:58] <FatPhil> she basically doesnt sweat at all, so needs the condensation to kick things off
[19:32:40] <kyonko> I planned to cut my long hair a few months before covid19
[19:34:30] <inz> I haven't been to sauna in ages; don't have one and stopped going to the public saunas due to SARSv2
[19:34:48] <kyonko> heh
[19:35:07] <inz> Should probably go flip the boat and row to our cabin
[19:36:10] <kyonko> everyone has an island in scandinavia
[19:36:10] <inz> Although with this weather, it almost feels like sauna everywhere
[19:36:21] <kyonko> its maximal in arizona, inz
[19:36:28] <kyonko> cotton clothing is impossible
[19:36:30] <inz> Just a third of an island
[19:36:37] <kyonko> old dollar bills get extremely hydrophillic
[19:37:00] <inz> Or technically 6th, as we own it with my brother
[19:37:18] <kyonko> is this some cabin with no tech or grid connection?
[19:38:15] <kyonko> do you guys know about eating salt when losing salt due to sweat?
[19:38:39] <kyonko> eventually the sun always wins and you need to seek shelter
[19:39:16] <inz> Pretty much no tech, a single 140W PV, running pretty much just the lights.
[19:39:50] <inz> LPG for the fridge
[19:40:39] <inz> And pumping water from the lake, if feeling lazy
[19:42:45] <kyonko> boil water
[19:43:13] <kyonko> altho they didn't do that centuries ago
[19:45:08] <inz> We bring drinking water with us, but lake water is good for washing
[19:45:19] <kyonko> i live in hell
[19:45:27] <kyonko> we have no safe drinking water
[19:47:05] <inz> The tap water is pretty decent here, there's a lake 200m away that has reasonable pure water (should be drinkable as-is), and there's a spring some 500m away
[19:47:17] <kyonko> oh you mean the water is soil filtered
[19:47:34] <kyonko> in arizona if you get a well over a deposit of arsenic ore you are fucked
[19:48:34] <kyonko> there is a spring sourced river (china levels of pollution) i've never searched for the origin in google earth
[19:48:52] <kyonko> the spring has never run dry in my lifetime
[19:48:58] <inz> The tap water is purified lake water
[19:49:09] <kyonko> a water works I assume?
[19:49:14] <inz> yeah
[19:49:20] <kyonko> few american towns fund water works
[19:49:28] <kyonko> they have water tho ;)
[19:49:47] <kyonko> water works is italian american slang for crying
[19:53:51] <inz> Oh, sorry, I'm mistaken, the tap water is ground water
[19:54:58] <inz> The station is just next to a lake, so I assumed it was from the lake
[19:56:05] <FatPhil> inz: when we moved from a tiny place to a bigger place here in tallinn, one of the conditions was that it had a sauna. after having 3 a week in finland, we were really missing it.
[20:01:54] <kyonko> why can't you get your sauna off with just a hot shower?
[20:02:49] * kyonko remembers that stupid irc script "showdown pro"
[20:06:13] <kyonko> https://cdn.nybooks.com
[20:10:00] <inz> FatPhil, we had that req when we bought a house an eon ago, but when we downsized to an apartment, it didn't feel like a necessity
[20:10:46] <inz> To be more exact, a wood burning sauna was the requirement then
[20:11:57] <kyonko> so are saunas dangerous if operated drunk?
[20:12:13] <inz> Mostly smoke saunas are
[20:12:27] <kyonko> I didn't start getting impaired judgement untill I decided to stop drinking
[20:13:04] <inz> A "normal" wood burning sauna will get cold before you dehydrate and die.
[20:13:17] <inz> Same applies to most electric saunas, that have a decent timer
[20:13:55] <inz> But a smoke saunas stay warm for 12 hours (or longer)
[20:14:11] <kyonko> I see
[20:14:18] <inz> Also they seem to be quite easy to accidentally burn down
[20:14:34] <kyonko> so pretty much a native american sweat lodge of pre-columbian era
[20:15:07] <inz> And a smoke sauna can obviously be quite dangerous, if you fail to clear out the smoke properly before entering
[20:15:14] <kyonko> I guess i'm gay that I think its a good idea to do mushrooms with a sober sitter
[20:15:44] <kyonko> we have legal marijuana now, but it still illegal to drive impaired or drive smoking
[20:16:41] <kyonko> some charlatan killed a lot of people in arizona a few years ago in a mass event sweat lodge
[20:17:14] <kyonko> the grand canyon area is a very very dangerous place
[20:18:15] <inz> I think it made the news even here
[20:18:59] <kyonko> https://www.paintingstar.com
[20:19:01] <kyonko> it made world news
[20:19:31] <kyonko> I really like the night
[20:19:37] <kyonko> doesn't matter on the season
[20:24:34] <FatPhil> saunas are not dangerous unless you're stupid, and if you're stupid, go ahead, not my problem.
[20:25:08] <inz> FatPhil++ word
[20:25:08] <Bender> karma - fatphil: 125
[20:25:15] <FatPhil> F1's more dangerous.
[20:25:17] <kyonko> FatPhil, take a hike :)
[20:25:28] <kyonko> a lot of people don't want to use walking sticks
[20:25:30] <kyonko> or carry water
[20:25:41] <FatPhil> did a hike 2 weeks ago, took beer with me.
[20:25:47] <kyonko> hahahahaha
[20:26:02] <FatPhil> was fantastic, saw about 5 species of bird I don't see in town.
[20:26:12] <kyonko> those may have been delerium tremens
[20:26:16] <FatPhil> tried to take photos of them
[20:26:21] <kyonko> ....
[20:26:21] <FatPhil> totally failed
[20:26:25] <kyonko> !
[20:26:32] <FatPhil> but it was fun trying.
[20:26:51] <FatPhil> =g paljasaare
[20:26:51] <systemd> https://www.waze.com - Driving directions to Paljasaare tee 17/1, 17/1 Paljassaare tee ...
[20:26:56] <kyonko> I planned to do hometown photography before uh..... 2016?
[20:27:49] <FatPhil> damn - I learnt the word for 'wagtail' today, and I've forgotten it already.
[20:28:51] <kyonko> a lot of people have died and gone missing birding in arizona
[20:29:03] <kyonko> this wilderness is no joke
[20:29:37] <inz> FatPhil, västäräkki in Finnish, no idea if it's anything similar in Estonian
[20:30:07] <FatPhil> we have a (pied) wagtail who sits on the roof opposite every morning. Thinking of putting up a bird feeder outside our window.
[20:30:29] <inz> västrik, quite close
[20:30:55] <FatPhil> my grep is failing on my phone
[20:31:24] <FatPhil> if I grep for the wrong thing, I can see the v\"astrik scroll past
[20:32:17] <FatPhil> it would be interesting to know if the .fi word influenced the .ee one, or the other way round
[20:33:08] <FatPhil> I suspect the former
[20:33:57] <inz> They might just come from the same origin
[20:34:28] <inz> It's almost the same in Ingrian, Karelian and Khanty
[20:35:09] <kyonko> I still don't know how romance language jumped the whole of france
[20:35:25] <kyonko> a shipboard language
[20:35:44] <FatPhil> inz: knock yourself out: http://www.eki.ee
[20:35:47] <systemd> ^ 03[ETY] Etymological dictionary of Estonian
[20:37:54] <kyonko> I remember the estonian article in encyclopedia dramatica
[20:38:09] <FatPhil> I wrote that
[20:38:18] <kyonko> did you?
[20:38:22] <kyonko> was it uncyclopedia?
[20:38:35] <FatPhil> how would you know if I did, or if I didn't?
[20:38:40] <kyonko> no way
[20:38:47] <kyonko> someone posted a link on ogrish forum I think
[20:38:56] <kyonko> it was horribly hilarious
[20:39:08] <FatPhil> I wrote the article on uncyplcopedia on Spede
[20:39:28] <kyonko> then I clicked on sweden and I got something about "finland is sweden's testicles"
[20:39:32] <FatPhil> inz can verify that, inz knows Spede
[20:39:53] <inz> FatPhil, wiktionary didn't give that similar word for Mansi, it listed a different one
[20:39:58] <kyonko> I really felt bad for the random pics of people uploaded there
[20:40:28] <kyonko> "Hi, /b/ I am from estonia"
[20:40:33] <inz> Norway is EU's penis
[20:41:08] <FatPhil> and ballszak says covid was completely natural
[20:41:22] <FatPhil> never trust ballszacks
[20:41:50] <inz> You can't avoid knowing Spede's work, unfortunately.
[20:41:59] <inz> Finnish comedy is quite bad.
[20:42:08] <kyonko> https://s.yimg.com
[20:42:20] <kyonko> thats a strange url
[20:42:38] <kyonko> alex jones reminds me a lot of weird al yankovic
[20:42:52] <kyonko> at moments I clearly see it
[20:42:55] <FatPhil> I grew up (in my early 20s) to speden spelit
[20:43:00] <kyonko> a lot of people say he was bill hicks before faking his death
[20:43:51] <kyonko> just googled speden, shit looks so alien like the 1960's and 1970's
[20:44:09] <inz> FP, so you know how to bowl with a ball'n'"chain"?
[20:45:22] <inz> Sorry, of course Sweden is the penis, Norway's not in EU
[20:45:26] <FatPhil> not totally sure, but I do know it's possible to put scantily-clad females ride a strange pedalling-skateboard type thing.
[20:45:47] <FatPhil> modulo words and grandmas and stuff
[20:46:07] <inz> In the early euro coins, they put the map without norway in it
[20:46:13] <kyonko> heh
[20:46:23] <FatPhil> = dong, yup, well known
[20:46:47] <kyonko> http://www.nikcain.net
[20:47:21] <inz> yeah, those
[20:47:33] <inz> For some reason, they added norway even though not part of the EU
[20:47:40] <kyonko> in 2009 I had a stupid laptop that had the euro symbol on the keyboard with a function key
[20:48:17] <kyonko> a really weird one..... it had ati graphics yet always ran by default at a low resolution
[20:48:45] <FatPhil> I'm a fucking remoaner who lives in the eurozon, and I don't even have a way of typing the euro symbol.
[20:48:56] <inz> No one uses the euro symbol
[20:48:56] <FatPhil> ASCII or death
[20:49:15] <kyonko> chinese money uses the yen symbol
[20:49:21] <kyonko> yen cross
[20:50:03] <FatPhil> #include <eth.h> - jewish symbolism!
[20:50:32] <kyonko> FatPhil, tell me, why is BASIC bad?
[20:50:46] <FatPhil> because cobol's bad
[20:50:53] <inz> If it's referring to the chinese currency, then it probably should be yuan symbol (even though it is the same symbol as yen)
[20:52:06] <FatPhil> renminbi muvvahumper
[20:52:40] <inz> BASIC is pretty good, if you remove the Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction part
[20:53:33] <kyonko> http://tile.loc.gov
[20:53:44] <inz> BASIC and LOGO were the first programming languages I learned
[20:53:49] <kyonko> inz, BASIC is good, if you learn how the compiler is made
[20:54:01] <kyonko> LOGO was in my 1991 math books as a child
[20:54:01] <FatPhil> lisp or nothing
[20:54:12] <FatPhil> retraction
[20:54:20] <kyonko> turtle graphics
[20:54:22] <FatPhil> lisp or forth, or nothing
[20:54:35] <inz> My paren keys can't handle lisp
[20:55:41] <FatPhil> I remapped my phone kbd so I could get access to the symbols I need to program
[20:55:54] <kyonko> https://www.kumc.edu
[20:56:34] <inz> Hockey game tension seems to be wearing off, better head off to bed
[20:57:04] <FatPhil> finland vs. germany worked last week, so I could relax
[20:57:21] <kyonko> FatPhil, you use termux?
[20:57:28] <kyonko> termux is ok, but you don't have root :P
[20:57:39] <inz> FatPhil uses only real linux on his phones
[20:57:43] <kyonko> :O
[20:57:46] <FatPhil> don;t know termux, but I am root
[20:57:53] <kyonko> you have root on your phone?
[20:58:00] <kyonko> how does root affect the cell phone network?
[20:58:23] <FatPhil> separate processor, doesn't make any difference
[20:59:05] <FatPhil> "root" is actually a stupid dictinction
[20:59:37] <FatPhil> I worked in kernel space, I decided what "root" could do.
[20:59:39] <inz> Damn, I would get root on my termux, but stupid reader fails to read my fingerprint
[20:59:44] <kyonko> so the end user has no control over the phone network?
[20:59:56] <AzumaHazuki> the baseband and modem use an entirely separate CPU
[21:00:12] <AzumaHazuki> i have no doubt said CPU has unfettered access to the entire machine, even when "off"
[21:00:14] <FatPhil> xactly
[21:00:29] <kyonko> oh my uefi ultrabooks make funny noises when turned off
[21:00:34] <kyonko> like musical tones
[21:01:01] <inz> I have root on all my phones, be it maemo, meego, sailfish or android
[21:01:05] <inz> just because
[21:01:20] <kyonko> I guess it would be best to really live phone less
[21:01:37] <kyonko> that stupid laptop rms loves, the lemote, it is really fucking rare
[21:02:04] * kyonko has worn off the ultrabook sticker from the laptop
[21:06:52] <kyonko> the BIOS drive C: (hd0) is always soldered on in ultrabooks
[21:12:08] <kyonko> http://4.bp.blogspot.com
[21:21:29] <AzumaHazuki> wut
[21:23:51] <kyonko> heterosex
[21:25:38] <kyonko> https://media1.popsugar-assets.com!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2019/09/12/697/n/24155406/addurl0bmkUy/i/p.jpg
[21:27:54] <AzumaHazuki> thaaaaat is trippy
[21:30:37] <kyonko> indeed
[21:30:42] <kyonko> QUANTUM CALLOSTRUM
[21:31:27] <kyonko> i'm looking for a late 19th century early 20th century painting of a girl with a shaved head caring for his typhus positive father
[21:31:40] <kyonko> his... lol wtf
[21:32:21] <kyonko> I have no reason to have long hair any more... its just a bother
[21:32:48] <kyonko> sure it looks slick and cute in a ponytail, but I don't need to look good for anyone
[21:33:58] <kyonko> my beard and hair just stop growing at a certain point
[21:56:03] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #soylent
[21:56:03] -!- mode/#soylent [+v mrpg] by Aphrodite
[21:57:35] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:35:31] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[22:41:50] <AzumaHazuki> got to move soon...i'm about half packed at 10 days out.
[22:42:07] <AzumaHazuki> i've got something new in the pot: rajma dal over barley instead of rice. trying something different
[22:43:07] <kyonko> ...
[22:43:18] <kyonko> are you still rocking the momo look?
[22:44:32] <AzumaHazuki> the what now?
[22:45:08] <kyonko> don't your pride yourself looking like momo/the ring?
[22:45:16] <kyonko> the grudge?
[22:45:19] <AzumaHazuki> not exactly pride. it's just how i look
[22:45:23] <kyonko> that girl who crawls out the tv
[22:45:27] <AzumaHazuki> Sadako
[22:45:56] <kyonko> my hair just stops growing at shoulder length
[22:46:06] <kyonko> my beard also stops growing
[22:46:17] <kyonko> its like eye brow limit
[22:46:30] <kyonko> even tho since I am geezering out my eye brows are getting longer
[22:50:47] <Teckla> What's momo/the ring?
[22:51:39] <kyonko> its a japanese horror movie that became popular in the west
[22:52:35] <kyonko> momo is a new thing... like those shockwave flash scares
[22:52:54] <kyonko> probably early 2010's.... before flash died
[22:55:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Killer Drone "Hunted Down a Human Target" Without Being Told To - https://sylnt.us - kill-all-humans
[22:56:37] <kyonko> good
[22:56:50] <kyonko> the drone just collects all known data about you and makes a judgement
[22:59:24] * AzumaHazuki wants her money back, was told we'd have hoverboards and omnipresent AR/VR by the time the dystopian killbots showed up
[22:59:42] <kyonko> hahahaha
[23:00:02] <kyonko> I think the answer is in the past, not the future
[23:00:43] <kyonko> being killed by a robot can't be as bad as being killed by the sun?
[23:00:52] <kyonko> "but the sun guides our vision"
[23:00:58] <kyonko> and so does the moon!
[23:01:15] <kyonko> but can the moon kill? I guess only during winter nights
[23:01:34] <kyonko> bunch of icy rays striking down into you from the winter moon light
[23:02:10] <kyonko> this whole covid thing, a joke
[23:02:28] <kyonko> the biggest brouhaha I heard back in the initial 3 months period was nurses in iran shaving their heads
[23:02:40] <kyonko> if muslim womens shave their heads do they still need to cover their head?
[23:09:16] <AzumaHazuki> this came out pretty good :9
[23:15:27] <kyonko> :9
[23:15:36] <kyonko> well my food is always good, in that it keeps me fit
[23:15:50] <kyonko> I can carry 6 gallons of water
[23:16:09] <kyonko> lift and pour into other containers
[23:16:55] <Teckla> kyonko: Oh, thanks. I had never heard of momo/the ring before.
[23:17:07] <kyonko> heh?
[23:17:13] <kyonko> ringu
[23:17:27] <kyonko> is saw japanese?
[23:17:37] <Teckla> There's a great dystopian/killbots episode of Black Mirror.
[23:17:37] <kyonko> the puppet on the trike
[23:18:28] <kyonko> so many things I've never heard of before
[23:18:53] <kyonko> like I didn't know that before the imsai/mits altair there was the intel intellec-4 (4 bit) and intellec-8 (8-bit)
[23:19:00] <Fnord666_> The moon can indirectly kill if there are werewolves about.
[23:38:53] <kyonko> the nes was 8-bit
[23:39:12] <kyonko> but how did it get color?
[23:39:32] <kyonko> an ibm pc 5150 was pretty boring compared to an nes
[23:39:47] <AzumaHazuki> there's a selection of 256 available colors in an 8-bit color space. each palette is 4 colors and IIRC there could be 8 or 16 of them at a time?
[23:40:13] <kyonko> iirc, the game consoles didn't use vga, ever
[23:40:22] <AzumaHazuki> i don't know all the details but the system's PPU and character map (graphics, stored in the ROM itself) could select colors. and yeah, that wasn't VGA
[23:40:52] <kyonko> would anyone play an 8-bit game in monochrome?
[23:40:54] <AzumaHazuki> you could get 4 colors per sprite, though technically 3 since one would be transparent. Rockman (Mega Man) seems to have 5, but it's because his face is a separate sprite from the armor
[23:41:19] <kyonko> oh yeah, lol, the games look nothing like the final image on the tv screen inside the machine
[23:41:25] <AzumaHazuki> the life energy bar always uses the same palette as his face, so it always looks the same, and the weapon energy bar uses the palette of his armor
[23:41:45] <AzumaHazuki> clever :)
[23:41:47] <kyonko> I got into gaming in the 16 bit era
[23:42:10] <kyonko> really confused me how snes and sega genesis could beat an ibm pc in graphics and speed
[23:43:31] <kyonko> I don't think as a kid I could tell the difference between 8-bit and 16-bit as long as the graphics were in color
[23:43:39] <kyonko> especially on a tv screen
[23:45:12] <AzumaHazuki> the SNES could display 256 colors, like VGA, though at a lower resolution. I think the Genesis only did 64 at a time
[23:46:00] <AzumaHazuki> funny thing, the Genesis had a much faster CPU. i suspect the SNES was supposed to be backwards compatible since its CPU can theoretically run in 6502 mode (it's a superset uarch of the 6502)
[23:46:26] <kyonko> https://www.romhacking.net
[23:46:51] <kyonko> oh the sega genesis eventually began to suck ass hard as the eol of snes was approaching
[23:47:11] <kyonko> both genesis and snes did 16-bit mortal kombat exactly the same
[23:47:34] <kyonko> the best shit ever for snes was eol games
[23:47:39] <kyonko> donkey kong country
[23:47:55] <kyonko> but that cheated with a computer inside the cartridge
[23:51:35] <AzumaHazuki> eh, another CPU anyway. The SuperFX was basically a faster SNES CPU if i remember right
[23:51:39] <kyonko> the 256 color limit was interesting as fuck.... it means only greyscale worked.... such as in early NeXT computers
[23:51:50] <AzumaHazuki> uh, what?
[23:52:16] <kyonko> you never seen the first black and white NeXT computers?
[23:52:26] <AzumaHazuki> how does "256 COLORS" mean "greyscale?"
[23:52:32] <kyonko> the apple macs were black and white
[23:53:02] <kyonko> you can't take a digital photograph and knock it down to 256 colors
[23:53:08] <kyonko> it would look hilarious
[23:53:16] <kyonko> "posterization"
[23:53:30] <requerdanos> actually 256 colors is about the level where they start looking "normal"
[23:53:31] <Teckla> I loved those demos, back in the day, where they used modes that displayed 256 colors, but each of those 256 colors pointed to a particular palette entry, and that pointer could be changed... so you could do really cool effects just by changing the palette pointers.
[23:53:42] <Teckla> ...something vaguely like that. *waves hands dismissively*
[23:54:12] <Teckla> Probably, rather than pointing to a palette entry, it pointed to some rgb values.
[23:54:56] <kyonko> remember when people scanned photographs and turned them into really shitty gifs?
[23:55:10] <AzumaHazuki> that sounds like the Amiga's hold-and-modify
[23:55:20] <kyonko> Amigas were pretty nice
[23:55:24] <kyonko> they did a lot, with less
[23:55:31] <kyonko> too bad that doesn't sell
[23:56:54] <kyonko> I get what steve jobs was going for with the greyscale NeXT.... but it didn't sell
[23:57:13] <kyonko> perfect for news papers
[23:57:30] <kyonko> or book publishing