#soylent | Logs for 2021-06-07

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[00:00:23] <Teckla> Runaway1956: What machine?
[00:00:43] <Teckla> Minnesota hit 100 degrees yesterday... might be a record.
[00:00:45] <Runaway1956> My computing machine, with 32 Opteron cores
[00:01:07] <Teckla> Runaway1956: Why would high temperatures cause it to autostart?
[00:01:27] <Runaway1956> It's a builtin BIOS thing - it shuts down when temps get to high
[00:01:58] <Bytram> NB: (emphasis added) "As such, any purchased BAT are not subject"
[00:02:00] <Runaway1956> and of course, it's also set to restart when it shuts down
[00:02:28] <Runaway1956> I should have said auto-restart
[00:02:40] <Teckla> Runaway1956: Oh, I thought you meant high temperatures was causing it to start when it was powered off.
[00:02:45] <Teckla> s/was/were/
[00:02:45] <SedBot> <Teckla> Runaway1956: Oh, I thought you meant high temperatures were causing it to start when it was powered off.
[00:03:02] <Runaway1956> I simply mis-spoke, didn't say exactly what I meant
[00:03:12] * Teckla is currently using an iPad, and it's horrible
[00:03:23] <Teckla> The iPad makes for a terribad laptop replacement
[00:03:38] <Bytram> It's not so much that his PC autostarted, but that it auto-shutdown-and-REstarted
[00:03:56] * Bytram is nackered
[00:04:01] <Runaway1956> An iPad might be alright if it had a 21 inch screen
[00:04:15] <Runaway1956> and a full-sized keyboard
[00:04:39] <Teckla> I'm using a keyboard and mouse. They're working... fine, I guess. The real problem is iPadOS.
[00:05:05] <Teckla> "You, you switch from app A to app B for 2 seconds, then immediately back to app A? TOO BAD! I SHUT IT DOWN!"
[00:05:17] <Teckla> And then app A decides, "I don't care where you left off, I'll put you somewhere useless."
[00:05:42] <Teckla> It is just super terrible
[00:05:43] <Hephaestux> Use one app—a VNC session into a server box
[00:05:51] * Teckla is going to buy a new laptop soon
[00:06:01] <Runaway1956> Please don't talk bad about Steve Job's creations, or the iHit squad will visit your home.
[00:06:19] * Teckla chuckles
[00:06:49] <Teckla> The iPad is nice, but iPadOS is just so ridiculously aggressive about killing background apps, and background apps never restore where you left off.
[00:06:55] <Hephaestux> Android shuts down background applications too, but maybe not as harshly. That's why so many applications have constant status icons
[00:07:49] <Teckla> I had sold my old laptop right before the pandemic, and then never got around to buying a new one...
[00:08:14] -!- inky [inky!~inky@141.136.zq.vpt] has joined #soylent
[00:08:16] <Hephaestux> I'm sorry for your loss
[00:08:29] <Teckla> haha!
[00:08:40] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:08:43] <Teckla> For some reason, I thought it would be fun and informative to try to use an iPad as a laptop replacement.
[00:08:49] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@973-462-098-954.res.spectrum.com] has joined #soylent
[00:08:49] -!- systemd has quit [Changing host]
[00:08:49] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[00:08:58] <Teckla> I'm pretty sure that means I'm just an idiot.
[00:08:59] <Runaway1956> There oughta be a law, you can't sell a laptop before you buy a replacement
[00:09:50] <Teckla> Learn from my stupidity: the iPad is *not* a laptop replacement -- not even close!
[00:10:10] <Teckla> On a positive note, Apple has been adding more and better keyboard and mouse support, so those are working... okay.
[00:10:50] <Teckla> A lot of apps still have crappy mouse support.
[00:11:15] <Hephaestux> Why aren't you using the Apple Pencil?
[00:11:41] <Teckla> I don't do any drawing or anything else like that. I only use the mouse and keyboard when I'm using it at a desk, as a kind of laptop replacement.
[00:49:08] Hephaestux is now known as chromas
[01:07:24] <kyonko> what year ipad is this?
[01:08:41] <kyonko> if only i wasnt poor, i would be a programmer by now
[01:09:24] <kyonko> computer poverty is the reason you don't trash the mbr
[01:10:18] <kyonko> you never did know when you needed windows 3.1 for aol
[01:13:29] <AzumaHazuki> lack of coding expertise is another reason. for whatever reason i can do almost anything with a computer except program it
[01:14:36] <kyonko> and it gets harder in this universe
[01:14:59] <requerdanos> it's hard out in the real universe, too
[01:15:17] <kyonko> musks thinks he can get away with it
[01:15:23] <kyonko> but now anonymous says he can't
[01:16:03] <chromas> Make an irc bot
[01:16:12] <kyonko> to make an irc bot you need to know tcp/ip
[01:16:17] <chromas> That'll teach you everything you need to know about programming
[01:16:20] <tedious> Another reason for what, AzumaHazuki?
[01:16:34] <AzumaHazuki> not being a programmer
[01:17:05] <tedious> Oh the reason you're not a programmer is lack of coding expertise? :)
[01:17:16] <kyonko> she knows basic
[01:17:50] <kyonko> if basic is such ass, why is it everywhere in the 1980's?
[01:18:51] <tedious> What were the alternatives in the 1980's?
[01:19:11] <kyonko> not much in for the previous 2 decades
[01:19:28] <kyonko> unless you got apple hypercard
[01:20:16] <chromas> there was turbopascal
[01:22:11] <kyonko> ibm pc at 286's are so cool
[01:22:15] <kyonko> they were my first computer
[01:22:33] <tedious> The reason I'm not a programmer is lack of instruction when I had the time and lack of time to learn now that I can get instruction.
[01:22:45] <kyonko> pretty much is worse than that
[01:22:56] <kyonko> you need to know electricity and electronics to program
[01:23:11] <tedious> All these online courses are great but I don't have the time to focus on it like I should.
[01:23:19] <kyonko> if you want to be a douche, i'd say inorganic chemistry of the vlsi
[01:24:00] <kyonko> then you get into shit like hydrogen fluoride and how much of it is used for vlsi and you just get crest fallen
[01:24:22] <kyonko> i'd like to meet the "men" that imagined this shit up from federico faggin on up
[01:24:57] <tedious> I have no idea what we're even talking about now so I'm just going to finish my gentoo updates.
[01:25:07] <kyonko> we're in deep shit
[01:25:13] <kyonko> there is a chip shortage
[01:25:25] <kyonko> nobody knows what a chip is any more, and we're at like 1nm now
[01:25:36] <kyonko> you should be freaking out about this
[01:25:58] <Runaway1956> We'll just have to eat the old stale chips until there is more saturated fat to fry new ones in
[01:26:19] -!- mrpg has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:26:22] <kyonko> phoenix arizona was for many years, the chemical industry for vlsi
[01:26:52] <kyonko> remember the intel bunnymen?
[01:27:20] <kyonko> 80286 is proper vlsi
[01:28:43] <kyonko> the very large scale integration, millions of transistors
[01:29:01] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #soylent
[01:29:01] -!- mode/#soylent [+v mrpg] by Aphrodite
[01:29:10] <kyonko> solid state nano machines
[01:30:23] <kyonko> how come bill gates is the douche everyone knows, with software for FatPhil 's strange impotent brit microcomputer
[01:33:38] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: closing message]
[02:06:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - ’Smart Toilet’ Uses Artificial Intelligence to Monitor Bowel Health - https://sylnt.us - I-second-that
[02:07:25] <chromas> waitin' for Apple to reinvent it with the iShat
[02:35:44] <tedious> I remember some comedy sketch about that a few years ago.
[04:00:32] -!- Sulla [Sulla!Sulla@n-68-39-817-302.hsd6.or.comcast.net] has joined #soylent
[04:35:42] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Swiss Mired in Poisonous Row Over Pesticides - https://sylnt.us - poisonous-pesticides-plague-the-pasture
[04:51:08] <Runaway1956> =submit
[04:51:08] <systemd> Submit one or more links plus some text if you want
[04:54:25] <Runaway1956> white girl dance? It means people wish they could be white? Or they wish they could be a girl? Or?
[04:54:47] <Runaway1956> Or, maybe they just wish they could dance
[05:33:37] <FatPhil> tedious: there's a link in a comment on the story that is that sketch, it was also posted here when I subbed the story
[05:50:51] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:51:17] <tedious> Great my memory hasn't failed yet. :)
[07:06:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Close Encounters of the Jovian Kind: NASA's Juno to Get a Close Look at Jupiter's Moon Ganymede - https://sylnt.us - It's-not-Europa!
[07:07:54] <FatPhil> I'd not seen that sketch before, it was so close to being believably real that it was in the uncanny valley of poe's law
[07:47:00] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~bc7b7e63@188.123.ytl.kw] has joined #soylent
[07:47:11] <aristarchus> philosamos
[07:47:31] <aristarchus> Philosopher of Samos
[08:03:18] -!- RunawayXXXX [RunawayXXXX!~d4663f4a@212.102.hq.tt] has joined #soylent
[08:04:29] <RunawayXXXX> =asub https://www.youtube.com
[08:04:33] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Gun Violence Erupts Across Country" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:19:47] <RunawayXXXX> =asub https://gizmodo.com
[08:19:49] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Here are the Possible Criteria for Super Follows on Twitter" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:45:42] <chromas> hm, so booting a systemd-nspwn container with machinectl changes all the file permissions and breaks everything
[09:07:35] -!- aristarchus has quit []
[09:17:04] <RunawayXXXX> =asub https://www.scotsman.com
[09:17:09] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "03Edinburgh University Dark Matter Expert is the First Woman to be Named Astronomer Royal for Scotland" (19p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:27:54] <RunawayXXXX> chromas, from what I can tell, don't do that.
[09:28:58] -!- RunawayXXXX has quit []
[09:48:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Do Wristwatches Get Any Better than a Cuckoo Clock? - https://sylnt.us - cuckoo-watch
[09:59:34] -!- Sulla has quit []
[13:20:32] <FatPhil> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[13:20:35] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Verge" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[13:36:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Genetic Tricks of the Longest-lived Animals - https://sylnt.us - get-a-life
[13:50:36] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[14:53:03] -!- kyonko has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:41:00] -!- kyonko [kyonko!~wifi4@2001:5b0:50c6:wnyz:jrlj:itsi:nqhu:rjhr] has joined #soylent
[15:43:17] <kyonko> BAM! background checks break new record! (but not for employment!)
[15:43:38] <kyonko> water is wet, genes turn on and off
[15:50:54] <kyonko> lol @ laboratory escape of covid19
[15:55:54] <FatPhil> which bit of the laboratory escape did you find amusing?
[15:56:44] <kyonko> covid19 isn't ambulatory, like a mouse
[15:57:12] <kyonko> mice are a pita if used to "keep alive" a strain of nasty
[15:58:06] <kyonko> mice are very survivable, they eat grass seed and hydrate from their food
[15:58:14] <kyonko> bunnies do that too
[16:01:43] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[16:01:47] <kyonko> i get macv-sog against mice
[16:01:50] <kyonko> i know them very well
[16:02:07] <kyonko> they are very gross, they eat each other in rigor mortis
[16:03:01] -!- Sulla [Sulla!Sulla@n-68-39-817-302.hsd6.or.comcast.net] has joined #soylent
[16:03:21] <kyonko> so strange how humans confuse biology with radiation
[16:03:58] <kyonko> harmless neutrinos go through anything and rarely interact
[16:04:26] <kyonko> but I swear I heard the mainstream media explicitly saying covid19 went through objects like neutrinos rendering filtration masks useless
[16:04:53] <kyonko> big blue neutrons are the ones you should watch out for
[16:09:00] <kyonko> btw I paid big bucks for a print newspaper of this type of garbage, as evidence
[16:09:50] <kyonko> pike a hole in a wall and I'd bet you'll feel air flow, put your hand down your pants, and i'll bet you'll feel nuts
[16:12:50] <kyonko> even women feel nuts doing that
[16:16:12] <kyonko> did anyone like that rick and morty episode where they present beth as a giant monster and jerry as a spineless worm?
[16:16:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Teams Calls are Getting End-to-end Encryption in July - https://sylnt.us
[16:18:29] <kyonko> NHK is now doing the same thing RT did, excavation of war dead on TV
[16:21:10] <kyonko> https://www.zerohedge.com
[16:21:11] <systemd> ^ 03ZeroHedge
[16:24:08] <kyonko> how is china's new mach 30 wind tunnel not literally hot air?
[16:24:26] <kyonko> we're in idiocracy
[16:26:00] -!- tedious has quit [Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - https://znc.in]
[16:26:05] -!- tedious [tedious!tedious@yjhlnnjwbexv.mooo.com] has joined #soylent
[16:27:21] <kyonko> well well, what is going on with "usa today"
[16:27:55] <kyonko> i got a fat stack of made up garbage from them, since their rag went up in price after 2011
[16:39:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Teams' Calls are Getting End-to-End Encryption in July - https://sylnt.us - so-they-say
[16:55:24] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[17:03:13] <requerdanos> What's fat garbage from 2011? Curious.
[17:10:45] <kyonko> the gas prices of 2011
[17:11:03] <kyonko> the garbage men strike of 2011 in italy, besides rubygate with berlusconi
[17:11:18] <kyonko> the 9 month nato war in libya
[17:11:35] <kyonko> they whacked geronimo
[17:11:38] <kyonko> buried at sea
[17:11:43] <FatPhil> berlusconei was bongogate
[17:12:04] <kyonko> no one ever talks about him anymore
[17:12:13] <kyonko> but did you see giuliani's hair dye accident?
[17:12:24] <FatPhil> ewwww, yea, icky
[17:12:32] <kyonko> about as epic as bill gates pie
[17:12:49] <FatPhil> vanity, vanity, all is vanity.
[17:14:03] <FatPhil> A pox on anyone who uses font-weight: 300
[17:14:39] <kyonko> zerohedge?
[17:15:32] <kyonko> i think i'm going to buy an ibm pc at clone (286) and put a sound card in it with cd-rom drive and use it as a pretty massive cd-player
[17:15:42] <kyonko> (and calender)
[17:16:04] <kyonko> and awe my guests with its impotency
[17:16:59] <kyonko> i have some baroque music cd's from the late 80's
[17:19:54] <kyonko> the unf factor of the i286 is is retardedness
[17:20:14] <kyonko> 8086 games run way too fast
[17:25:02] <FatPhil> must have turbo button
[17:28:45] <kyonko> thats for 8088
[17:29:10] <kyonko> i remember from being a kid that kids destroyed floppy drives so we used appletalk at school for oregon trail
[17:29:24] <kyonko> so no floppies for kindergarden
[17:29:38] <requerdanos> "My computer's broken. I don't have to do any work today."
[17:29:42] <kyonko> quite advanced for a school in a cowboy bordertown
[17:29:58] <kyonko> very macho, very biblical
[17:30:13] <kyonko> very uh... that thing the found with the mass grave in canada
[17:30:35] <kyonko> you could say japan and russia are macho, sure, but latinos take it to maximal levels
[17:31:16] <kyonko> i used to read the most pulpy shit in pc gamer in the mid 90's
[17:31:57] <kyonko> of course a cowboy would break a computer unless it was made of 100% wood
[17:32:04] <kyonko> and massive enough
[17:32:26] <requerdanos> ah, yes, los vaquero-quebradores
[17:32:37] <kyonko> you know of them?
[17:32:49] <kyonko> also known as "iron hands"
[17:33:42] <kyonko> cowboys are limited to book owning in bibles, as the bible still works good if it gets wet and dried
[17:34:15] <kyonko> don't tell a cowboy how delicate ammo is tho
[17:34:31] <kyonko> delicate as 8 inch floppies
[17:34:49] <kyonko> but yeah, you can imagine what children did to floppies
[17:35:26] <kyonko> my mom worked at a child computer place in this cow town
[17:35:32] <kyonko> they never could get networking going
[17:35:47] <kyonko> but then again the apple talk network in my school got internet in 1994 :P
[17:36:12] <kyonko> everyone balked at the cost of ethernet and hubs
[17:37:10] <kyonko> I think only reason you would buy 1990's computers is for a period film and then you might have to mess with the camera angels
[17:37:21] <kyonko> but this film is about early internet
[17:37:30] <kyonko> budget is $1 billion
[17:37:59] <kyonko> find all the cars, clothing, computers, tv's radios lol
[17:38:15] <kyonko> but the main point is humans being human on a network
[17:38:44] <kyonko> why does an 1990's office have cable tv for its employees?
[17:38:55] <kyonko> why did wework have beer on tap?
[17:40:52] <kyonko> it was pretty dystopian the last year before covid, lots of haggard bums shuffling thru the sidewalk infront of neon signs of "wework"
[17:43:28] <kyonko> FatPhil, tell me about that dbaseII floppy on a computer with such limited ram and no hdd
[17:43:52] <kyonko> we used crap like that here
[17:51:40] <kyonko> if the SS had a 1.2mb 5 inch floppy what would they do with them
[17:51:50] <kyonko> play wolf3d that is what
[18:15:57] <FatPhil> no idea - I've never run it!
[18:16:36] <requerdanos> in the 1940s there wasn't much to connect that floppy to. So I am thinking the play video games theory is a little optimistic
[18:16:55] <FatPhil> Presumably it was mostly for batch processing. 380Zs only ever came with dual floppies, so presumably you'd have the code disk in one drive, and your data in the second.
[18:17:11] <progo> FatPhil: "a pox on anyone who uses font-weight 300" -- is there still a lot of light grey text on white background? I've transitioned to using a browser plugin that forces everything to have a dark theme
[18:17:30] <progo> I HATED that light grey on white look a lot of blogs had 10 years ago
[18:17:57] <FatPhil> progo: yup, that's the context I'm seeing now - hairline width characters, some anti-aliased to almost invisibility
[18:18:11] <progo> fucking "designers"
[18:18:52] <FatPhil> one of the annoying things is that idiot UX cunts think that because two colours have "enough" contrast, that a paragraph of text rendered in those colours will have enough contrast.
[18:18:56] <progo> "Dark Reader" webextension actually has a switch to override the font weight if needed
[18:20:03] <progo> how about the fact that almost everything on Windows, and most things built by Microsoft for Windows, ignores the desktop global "let's use blurry color subpixels to anti-alias your text"?
[18:20:11] <progo> I bought a 28" 4k display because of that shit
[18:20:16] <FatPhil> I use resource://advancednightmode-at-off-dot-justoff for improved contrast, and keeping the screen dim if the g/f wants to sleep
[18:20:16] <progo> also, I like having a 28" 4k display
[18:21:01] <FatPhil> my visual accuity's not up to much any more, I don't need any more pixels, I just need fewer idiots.
[18:21:15] <progo> *ignores the global blurry sub-pixel color thing if you turned it off
[18:21:21] <kyonko> I think the SS would put special people on list on floppy, starting with themselves, hence the wolf3d analogy
[18:21:32] <kyonko> even tho wolf3d was about a pole killing nazis
[18:21:42] <FatPhil> I should try dark reader too if it's available for an ancient Palemoon.
[18:21:50] <progo> grayscale anti-aliasing of text is always better than color subpixel fringes, except on 75dpi displays. change my mind
[18:22:05] <kyonko> the latest version of wolfenstein in the mid 2010's had a female hitler that look like hilary clinton
[18:22:13] <kyonko> progo, don't tell AzumaHazuki
[18:22:15] <progo> also, this fucking windows situation whever every app has it hard-coded ON, does not allow you to change the ordering of the pixels, even if you TURNED your display
[18:22:33] * progo is triggered
[18:22:35] <FatPhil> wasn't Hitlery Clinton called "helga"?
[18:22:58] <kyonko> problem is, anti-liberal liberals (?) don't know why they compare her to hitler
[18:23:15] <kyonko> its like particle annihilation
[18:23:24] <kyonko> i'm so gay, i'm straight
[18:23:41] <kyonko> or being trans, in the end, you end up straight with time wasting steps
[18:23:41] <progo> that's gauy
[18:23:44] <progo> *gay
[18:24:03] <FatPhil> this ain't like thermodynamics, you can't go past infinity and become negative.
[18:24:36] <kyonko> FatPhil, the drum has gone 360
[18:25:23] <kyonko> i noticed by the time feynman was in his end of life, he loved white boards and markers in his lectures
[18:25:38] <kyonko> and i like chromebooks
[18:26:03] <kyonko> altho in skater x-games math, you do indeed go beyond 360
[18:26:16] <kyonko> but who knew those guys knew math
[18:26:30] <progo> I'm trying to figure out if kyonko is circling around a topic, or overly caffeinated
[18:26:47] <kyonko> progo, i'm tethered, ever play tether ball growing up?
[18:27:03] <progo> I've seen a tetherball rig
[18:27:11] <kyonko> its a strange memory, but we played dodge ball before i got prescription glasses
[18:27:25] <kyonko> i ended up getting glasses late, 3rd grade
[18:27:32] <kyonko> because I hid it so well
[18:27:53] <progo> I wore glasses until about college age and then I went rogue
[18:28:03] <kyonko> oh you get unabomber
[18:28:08] <kyonko> blind as a bear
[18:28:20] <progo> my eyes don't line up on the same object and that can't be fixed really without risky surgery. my visual acuity is "good enough". glasses are a PAIN
[18:28:33] <kyonko> ok, yeah I remember that disease
[18:28:37] <kyonko> lots of kids had it
[18:28:39] <progo> yeah I'm on the lucky edge of prosthetic intervention
[18:29:18] <kyonko> if you want to be cosmological, the mid 2000's were "nice"
[18:29:19] <progo> I'm 41 now. I'll probably need serious reading glasses in 10 or 15 years
[18:29:41] <kyonko> my vision is "fit" for wearing glasses because I stay active
[18:29:58] <kyonko> I really wish I could just tap out like jabba the hut
[18:30:06] <kyonko> it is socially acceptable here
[18:30:43] <kyonko> ironically being active is exposing yourself to law enforcers
[18:30:50] <kyonko> law enforcers obey the whims of law makers
[18:31:18] <kyonko> before covid19 there was news about people needing permits to practice astronomy, like really>?
[18:31:45] <kyonko> there is only 1 daytime observatory in arizona, and you only get the sun and the moon
[18:35:43] <kyonko> this is why I started getting perked by old time PC's.... you could run a basic program to tell you when to go out to look at a constellation
[18:36:08] <progo> skyglobe
[18:36:10] <kyonko> and babbage's was a mall software store
[18:36:17] <progo> it was in all the shareware catalogs
[18:36:38] <kyonko> I guess I'm going more 8088 here
[18:37:08] <kyonko> no one really used the casette interface on a 5150
[18:37:17] <progo> I definitely ran skyglobe on an XT-class machine with a hercules graphics card at one point
[18:38:03] <kyonko> 5150, xt, at, ps/2 lol
[18:38:25] <kyonko> i'd say the ps/2 was a rock solid computer, except for mca
[18:38:31] <kyonko> the mca just took up space
[18:39:23] <kyonko> its hard to believe that computers were only for the rich back in the 1990's and 80's.... they were for the weird and intellectual poors
[18:39:29] <progo> I remember MCA was fiddly and a bad slot connection could seize up the whole computer
[18:39:34] <kyonko> the normies just got an nes for games
[18:39:38] <kyonko> good enough
[18:39:48] <kyonko> computers still seize up
[18:40:04] <kyonko> as I kid we knew of ctrl-alt-del, and if it didn't respone, then it was a power cycle
[18:41:12] <kyonko> the guy on youtube who got a real branded ibm pc xt 286 said it had a "hard card" and that he's never found one that worked
[18:42:19] <kyonko> I wonder if a 16 bit cpu with an 8 bit bus (8088) will handle cd-rom, probably not
[18:43:30] <progo> if the CD drive had a big enough buffer in it, why not? there's lots of "CD-ROM" software that amounts to a giant e-book or set of tables with an MS-DOS front-end
[18:43:59] <progo> normally they have indexes that make lookups require few sector reads
[18:44:34] <FatPhil> I don't think I ever had any MCA adaptors.
[18:44:42] <FatPhil> I think I skipped VLB too.
[18:44:49] <FatPhil> And everything since!
[18:45:19] <progo> my family went through a number of discarded second-hand PS/2 portable systems with a plasma display and 1 or 2 MCA slots
[18:45:25] <progo> we never had a desktop PS/2 system
[18:45:30] <kyonko> progo, those are medical and scientific
[18:45:59] <kyonko> really really good shit
[18:46:10] <kyonko> around the mid 2000's they started showing up online
[18:46:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Demand for Lithium-Ion Batteries is Turning the DRC Into a Hellscape - https://sylnt.us
[18:46:52] <kyonko> with a 166 mhz 16mb pc you could do audio work
[18:47:06] <kyonko> reall nice for a radio station
[18:47:19] <kyonko> either broadcast in the ether or internet
[18:49:27] <kyonko> i'll probably end up programming before i die, but it will be wholely contained in msdos
[19:09:02] <kyonko> i mean cp/m
[19:37:47] <FatPhil> program your own DNA instead.
[19:39:03] <kyonko> bill gates is already on it
[19:39:04] <FatPhil> Did you see Bert's vid on understanding DNA as code?
[19:39:20] <kyonko> emergency use, test experimental, just like the h-bomb in the 1950's
[19:39:23] <FatPhil> Bert Hubert.
[19:39:33] <kyonko> yeah I know since childhood the universe is a computer
[19:40:52] <kyonko> https://en.wikipedia.org
[19:40:54] <systemd> ^ 03Mark 16 nuclear bomb - Wikipedia
[19:41:10] <kyonko> ALL HAIL BILL GATES
[19:41:28] <kyonko> he wrote a basic interpreter in raw 8088 machine language
[19:42:22] <kyonko> https://www.google.com
[19:42:23] <systemd> ^ 03Redirect Notice
[19:42:42] <kyonko> anyway, its the nerd mobster from las vegas in the godfather
[19:42:54] <kyonko> buddy holly looking mofo
[19:43:55] <kyonko> anything bigger than i4004 machine language is human incomprehensible
[19:44:38] <kyonko> but remember that bert & ernie (ken thompson and dennis ritchie) wrote unix on very primitive machines you could fit in your human head
[19:45:51] <kyonko> I think the most i could ever do with a i4004 is make it say "1137206"
[19:46:14] <kyonko> go2hell
[19:46:59] <kyonko> https://i.pinimg.com
[19:54:56] <Teckla> Supposedly in iOS 15 you will be able to build and submit iPad and iOS apps in Swift Playgrounds
[20:01:30] <kyonko> apple used to be great tho
[20:02:38] <kyonko> between apple and microsoft surface.... and garbage nuc pc towers.... there is just google android and chromebook
[20:02:58] <kyonko> i think the line has been drawn in the sand
[20:06:42] <progo> yeah, but I have no idea what the line is
[20:07:07] <kyonko> dude
[20:07:23] <kyonko> you have no idea how hard it is for me to find computers and peripherals of just the right vintage on ebay
[20:07:34] <kyonko> did we even care about this in 2009?
[20:08:07] <kyonko> AGP is a real pain in the ass
[20:08:20] * Teckla often wonders if kyonko is GPT-2 ;)
[20:11:26] <kyonko> https://en.wikipedia.org
[20:11:27] <systemd> ^ 03Digital dark age - Wikipedia
[20:11:28] <kyonko> _THAT_
[20:11:41] <progo> I once had a fight with a nutter in #linuxjournal on Freenode who could only muster enough interestingness to pass the turing test once per year
[20:11:48] <kyonko> I got deep into alcoholism when I figured out how fast it is all happening
[20:12:03] <progo> this guy would say "hey [random chat room guest] how's it going?"
[20:12:03] <kyonko> APK is a fun guy btw
[20:12:16] <progo> if you replied to that, you got 0 or 1 followup lines from the non-turing-passing human
[20:12:27] <progo> I called him out on it once, and THEN he passed the turing test. just barely
[20:12:42] <kyonko> I knew a guy on freenode ##politics like that
[20:12:55] <chromas> kyonko: purple monkey dishwasher
[20:13:04] <kyonko> chromas, bonzi buddy
[20:13:22] <kyonko> it was better when it was a green parrot
[20:13:58] <progo> didn't the microsoft speech/cartoon engine have a green parrot?
[20:14:18] <chromas> it did. also donkey kong country 2
[20:15:21] <kyonko> https://www.amazon.com
[20:15:44] <chromas> is there a reverse Turing test?
[20:15:59] <progo> that angry blue blob would be a good profile image, if I could edit out the splashing water
[20:15:59] <kyonko> yeah, its called not being gay
[20:16:17] <kyonko> you can, with gimp
[20:16:19] <kyonko> and hours of labor
[20:16:35] <kyonko> haven't done such things in.... a decade
[20:17:14] <kyonko> eventually i finished my art, but i always thought about giving up while i was in progress
[20:17:44] <progo> this product image, last in the list on that amazon page, is very informative https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com
[20:18:45] <FatPhil> progo: parrot with the speech app goes back to at least the original soundblaster bundled software.
[20:19:20] <progo> right. but I think it's possible the bonzi buddy green parrot WAS the Microsoft speech model, because why make your own?
[20:19:25] <kyonko> how much does the original sound blaster go for these days?
[20:19:44] <chromas> bonzibuddy was based on the MS thing
[20:19:58] <FatPhil> my first soundcard was an SB16, but the bundled s/w looked so dated on my 486 that it must have been old recycled shit.
[20:20:01] <chromas> I wouldn't be surprised if the MS agent stuff was bought up from soundblaster or whoever
[20:20:04] <progo> I had a 'parrot.bas' for PC-XT machines that had a bunch of phonem samples in it, and it could 'speak' through the 1-bit PC-speaker
[20:20:09] <kyonko> bonzibuddy was like that stupid paperclip
[20:20:18] <progo> I have no idea where this parrot.bas came from
[20:20:22] <kyonko> progo, did it sound like satan?
[20:20:27] <progo> no
[20:20:29] <FatPhil> woh, OK, that's old
[20:20:50] <kyonko> when did they first use computers to turn people's faces into cubes and making them speak like the devil
[20:20:51] <FatPhil> presumably the bundled SB software was a rip-off of that
[20:21:01] <chromas> parrot must be the utah teapot of speach thynthethith
[20:21:31] <FatPhil> that would be parrot.lsp
[20:21:38] <chromas> FatPhil++
[20:21:39] <Bender> karma - fatphil: 126
[20:22:23] <kyonko> remember when the bell system worked for the cops?
[20:22:43] <kyonko> this is why you never let a strange use your land line
[20:24:14] <chromas> =yt clue j edgar hoover
[20:24:15] <systemd> https://youtube.com - The FBI -- You Can't Get Away With It (19:42; 10,510 views; 👍107 👎5)
[20:24:33] <chromas> that's not at all related
[20:26:08] <kyonko> the FBI has everything hi-tec
[20:26:43] <kyonko> british 1980's computers look very military for some reason
[20:26:57] <chromas> video so old the operators are still men
[20:27:08] <kyonko> heh, operators eh
[20:27:16] <kyonko> yes of course, because johnny five can't shoot
[20:27:32] <chromas> yeah, volunteer your chil'ren's fingerprints!
[20:27:45] <kyonko> oh yeah i remember that in the 1990's
[20:27:50] <kyonko> i never did it
[20:28:02] <chromas> this was ~1930s or so
[20:28:16] <kyonko> basically what happens is, that the kid is identified later on in life when their fingerprints show up on a "crime scene"
[20:30:24] <chromas> "show up" should also be in scare quotes
[20:30:51] <kyonko> well
[20:30:54] <chromas> I, for one, always plant runaway childrens' fingerprints at the crime scene
[20:31:00] <kyonko> a "crime scene" could be anything
[20:31:38] <kyonko> google likes to believe their servers are a crime scene
[20:31:50] <kyonko> csi.google.com was a big one in the obama era
[20:32:22] <kyonko> google gets bad press, but people need facebook
[20:32:29] <kyonko> same shit
[21:18:39] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Jeff Bezos Will Fly on Blue Origin's First Human Spaceflight - https://sylnt.us
[21:23:19] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[21:32:19] <kyonko> he's not in shape
[21:32:27] <kyonko> john glenn was in shape
[21:50:41] -!- inky [inky!~inky@141.136.uv.lnu] has joined #soylent
[23:56:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Yes, the Military is Serious About Rocketing Supplies Around the Planet - https://sylnt.us - speedy-delivery
[23:57:38] <chromas> But will they rocket rocket supplies?