#soylent | Logs for 2021-06-10

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[00:15:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How to Watch Rare "Ring of Fire" Solar Eclipse - https://sylnt.us - Great-White-North-Eclipse
[00:24:04] <raxas> kyonko: a taiwanese clones of TRS-80 named Video Genie EG3003 was more common here. we managed to adapt locally manufactured 8'' diskette drive to it, after that, several people did succesfully. TRSDOS, NEWDOS2000, plenty of games
[00:25:09] <raxas> and after subtle modification of character generator ROM (adding lowercase letters), CP/M
[00:27:06] <raxas> I got a Sharp MZ821 later. ZX Spectrum+ in between
[00:45:40] <raxas> visicalc: the very first spreadsheet
[01:15:31] -!- aqu4bot has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:56:38] -!- SoyCow8231 [SoyCow8231!~c091776d@192.145.ppx.ujs] has joined #soylent
[01:56:44] <SoyCow8231> Jews == SCUM.
[01:57:20] <SoyCow8231> As are their golems, BLM and Antifa.
[01:58:14] <SoyCow8231> Beady-eyed inbred shits.
[01:58:49] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:08] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:09] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:09] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:09] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:10] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:10] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:10] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:10] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:11] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:11] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:11] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:12] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:12] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:13] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:24] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:24] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:25] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:25] <SoyCow8231> Jews are not welcome here.
[01:59:26] -!- SoyCow8231 has quit [Excess Flood]
[02:13:49] <AzumaHazuki> we need more ops active in here
[02:16:46] <progo> ha ha, joke's on him. the jews are welcome here
[02:17:18] <progo> I feel like jew-hating is the most popular type of troll in a lot of places I hang out in. it's weird
[02:17:43] * bacteria just installed slackware -current from alien bob's liveslack image, and feel extremely proud and satisfied with themselves
[02:18:08] <progo> I haven't look at slackware in over 10 years
[02:18:20] <progo> probably feels more like HP-UX than Linux at this point :^)
[02:18:39] <bacteria> &_& -current is quite modern
[02:19:12] <progo> cool
[02:19:25] <bacteria> the stable release cycle is hobbyist, but the -current shreds, and lacks systemd
[02:19:44] <bacteria> the new release cannot be far off now
[02:19:50] <bacteria> so, any year ;)
[02:20:33] <bacteria> but seriously, it's now officially in β
[02:20:35] <progo> some day I might understand systemd. for now I've cargo-culted a couple of systemd service scripts to cause systemd on my cloud server to wait until I SSH in and enter the main file collection's crypto password
[02:20:49] <progo> I found a blog post from a saint who'd figured it out
[02:21:31] <bacteria> i think it's shit tech, something to justify hiring tech support for shit as basic as changing boot sequence
[02:21:35] <progo> **systemd waits until I unlock storage, then starts all services that weren't needed for an ssh login
[02:22:21] <bacteria> and also, let's not forget, why are the computers rebooting at all?
[02:22:25] <progo> I am not a fan of systemd, but I stick with debian and ubuntu because I know the rest of the system
[02:22:35] <progo> ha ha
[02:23:08] <bacteria> yeah i worked with both debian and ubuntu for many years, and they are great to fall back on :D
[02:25:42] <bacteria> also, when my friends/relatives need it support, i just install kubuntu, and they think it's the best fucking thing since sliced bread
[02:27:50] <bacteria> i know i am piling on but i just figured something out
[02:27:53] <bacteria> mt
[02:27:57] <progo> my sister wants to collect and edit videos and audio files, and she's had her share of windows problems. she feels completely not in control in windows. and she refuses to learn to be a local admin on windows or linux. "it's too hard". she doesn't have a job so it's not like she has no time for it
[02:28:40] <progo> **she DOES collect and edit media files. and she's constantly in fear of breakage and data loss because she doesn't have a strong mental model for what the system is doing
[02:37:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vivaldi 4.0 Launches With Built-in Email and Calendar Clients, RSS Reader - https://sylnt.us - wot,-no-kitchen-sink?
[02:43:09] * progo waits for Vivaldi to be sued by Google for daring to add an RSS reader back into a browser
[02:56:47] <kyonko> progo, holy shit man
[02:56:59] <kyonko> you know it gets harder still
[02:57:12] <kyonko> you should have seen the good times I had with mini-dv
[02:57:51] <progo> are we talking about jew-hating trolls?
[02:57:53] <kyonko> you should have seen the good times on VHS
[02:58:01] <kyonko> no, your sister's hobby
[02:58:04] <progo> oh oh
[02:58:10] <progo> oh. "mini-dv" - video format
[02:58:26] <kyonko> yeah, the raw 1st person
[02:58:58] <progo> is it reasonable to say "if you want a computer hobby and don't have a job, you need to become a local admin"?
[03:00:40] <kyonko> we live in a post job world
[03:01:19] <progo> VHS editing -- that reminds me my high school had a number of camcorders and some audio gear to go with it, and we had a dual-VCR linear editing workstation. every class year had a few students who got into that, and they loved editing all the recordings of school events. and when they weren't doing that they were hacking music videos
[03:01:37] <kyonko> ...
[03:01:42] <kyonko> did you work on the yearbooks?
[03:01:49] <progo> I did not
[03:01:54] <kyonko> what graduating class were you? I was supposed to be 2004
[03:02:14] <progo> I think while I was there, there was no video yearbook. but the graduation video was produced completely by members of the junior class each year
[03:02:23] <progo> we were a vocational school
[03:02:33] <progo> I graduated in 1998
[03:02:37] <kyonko> i don't know what that means but ok
[03:02:45] <kyonko> so you did soldering?
[03:04:02] <progo> what is "vocational school" -- in my school's case it's a public high school near Boston where each student alternates between 1 week of "academic" (state-required) classes and 1 week of "shop" -- their chosen field which might be IT or electronics or auto repair or nursing or catering (and other stuff)
[03:04:25] <progo> yes I was in the electronics program and I learned soldering for small sized electronic products and projects
[03:06:32] <progo> the video workstation wasn't a class or a shop. it was just there. the only teacher "assigned" to it was the electronics theory teacher who just made sure no one broke it
[03:07:25] <progo> all video production learning happened only by passing knowledge from older to younger students
[03:07:52] <kyonko> ...
[03:08:14] <kyonko> damn I got diabetic levels of hunger
[03:08:25] * progo hands kyonko a scooby snack
[03:08:36] <kyonko> i'm going to sleep, cats are eating
[03:09:32] <progo> have a good night
[03:21:15] <AzumaHazuki> fanon hypothesis: scooby snacks are pot brownies
[03:21:30] <AzumaHazuki> this explains why shaggy eats them too, and why the two of them have massive appetites
[03:21:59] <progo> Casey Kasum always hated the fact that Shaggy was coded as a pothead
[03:22:12] <progo> *Kasem
[03:22:32] <progo> but yeah he was a pothead and scooby snacks were brownies
[04:50:27] -!- progo has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
[05:05:44] -!- progo [progo!~quassel@kyubs6.xen.prgmr.com] has joined #soylent
[05:07:28] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rotifer Don't Care: Microscopic Animal Survives 24,000 Years Frozen in Siberian Permafrost - https://sylnt.us - just-chillin'
[05:20:13] <Runaway1956> https://www.engadget.com
[05:20:14] <systemd> ^ 03Keystone Light made the must-not-have wearable of the summer
[05:20:30] <Runaway1956> Looks like something TheMightyBuzzard might like - maybe
[05:32:37] <Runaway1956> https://www.newsrust.com
[05:32:39] <systemd> ^ 03A Multibillion-Dollar Plan to End Polio, and Soon
[05:33:06] <Runaway1956> polio only exists in the Crapistans of the world - places where volunteers get shot by the Taliban
[05:34:55] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.washingtonpost.com
[05:34:58] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Rocket in Place to Send 3 Crew to Chinese Space Station" (12p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:55:37] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:05:20] -!- tedious [tedious!tedious@yjhlnnjwbexv.mooo.com] has joined #soylent
[06:08:55] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[06:13:44] -!- progo has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.]
[06:13:49] -!- inky [inky!~inky@141.136.uv.lnu] has joined #soylent
[06:15:03] -!- progo [progo!~quassel@kyubs6.xen.prgmr.com] has joined #soylent
[06:29:47] <chromas> Vivaldi's finally catching up to Opera eh
[06:45:31] <FatPhil> These changes all seem a little too orchastrated.
[06:50:26] -!- RunawayXXXX [RunawayXXXX!~05c7ab84@5.199.nrm.jzm] has joined #soylent
[07:01:35] <FatPhil> Runaway1956: that's only truish, about Polio. What a lot of people don't know is that most of the recent cases of polio are *caused* by vaccinations (specifically the attenuated OPV). And those vaccines come from the west - so we're to blame, not the crapistanis.
[07:03:06] <FatPhil> the virus has managed to deattenuate itself, and become live again!
[07:03:10] <FatPhil> =g vdpv
[07:03:11] <systemd> https://www.cdc.gov - Polio Vaccine: Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus | CDC
[07:05:53] <RunawayXXXX> Oh, dear! What anti-science crap has Runaway1X5X been spreading now?
[07:20:54] <RunawayXXXX> FatPhil, I accept your expertise in beers, but on vaccines and immuniology I think your opinion may not really be necessary.
[07:21:31] <FatPhil> no opinions are "necessary", as yours adequately demonstrates.
[07:21:54] <FatPhil> So you object to me using the CDC as a source of information on communicable diseases?
[07:23:23] <FatPhil> Your lack of an actual counter-argument against the claims, and simple resorting to the ad hominem fallacy has been noted.
[07:24:52] <RunawayXXXX> Ah, the abuse of the ad hominem repeated again! Not saying you are a bad person, just not your area of expertise. We all have those. So, in interest of the argument I seem to have entered in the middle, how many cases of such polio?
[07:27:09] <FatPhil> A recent figure I saw was ~170 from the last year there was data, compared to ~50 the year before, IIRC.
[07:29:00] <FatPhil> But what's the issue - do you believe that there's no such thing as VDPV?
[07:31:41] <RunawayXXXX> What I believe is neither here nor there. The question is how reliable, and significant, is the data? And then, how much of a risk, compared to catching Polio in the wild where it is still endemic?
[07:33:50] <FatPhil> Is that the question? I thought you said I had no expertise - so why are you asking me? How stupid does that make you?
[07:43:41] <FatPhil> Does this show any content for anyone? Even with JS enabled, I'm getting nothing: https://web.archive.org
[07:43:44] <systemd> ^ 03UFOs: The Military Unmasked
[07:43:55] <FatPhil> OK, nothing but a title.
[07:45:26] <chromas> loads4me
[07:46:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bitcoin Now Legal Tender in El Salvador, First Nation to Adopt Cryptocurrency - https://sylnt.us - [bit]coin-of-the-realm?
[07:46:10] <FatPhil> Source shows some content. Something is rendered when I turn stylesheets off.
[07:46:43] <FatPhil> Yet again, lynx seems to be the better browser than mozilla's offerings.
[07:47:22] <chromas> kinda looks like someone trying to sound smarter than they are
[07:47:41] <RunawayXXXX> But I thought, oh Mighty FatPhil, that you might be up to a Runaway Google search, with citation?
[07:47:51] * chromas throws in a few more "thus"es and "therefore"s just to be sure
[07:49:22] <RunawayXXXX> Consequently, in erigious errancy of the home-grown Solylentil, we once again flounder upon the shores of ignorance, and the reefs of partisanship. Thank you, chromas!
[07:50:59] <RunawayXXXX> My mind is boggled at how difficult it is for the average American Conservative to admit that there are persons more knowledgeable than they are. I have no problem admitting the same , I only ask for evidence. '
[07:51:13] <FatPhil> chromas: it's translated from French, so you can't necessarily judge things from the choice of wording.
[07:51:16] <chromas> Speaking of conspiracy nutters who think they're smart
[07:53:00] <RunawayXXXX> dans un royaume d'aveugles, un borgne est roi.
[07:53:44] <FatPhil> it doesn't seem to be showing any logical flow. Looks like fodder for a gish gallop.
[07:54:17] <chromas> that's 'cause it was translated into American instead of English
[07:54:47] <RunawayXXXX> So what was the issue with unattenuatiing viruses? Was this going some where, like intercourse with bats by Arkansanians?
[07:58:47] <FatPhil> the issue was that they exist. or are you denying that?
[07:59:13] <FatPhil> chromas: the flag's a british one! not seen any telltale isms yet, but only skim reading.
[07:59:23] <FatPhil> Was after what he says about shit like this: https://www.youtube.com
[07:59:25] <systemd> ^ 03Aerial Burton 3D display projects images into mid-air #DigInfo
[08:01:09] <chromas> neato
[08:01:46] <RunawayXXXX> No, but the percentages of such effects from vaccines are ignored for alarmist purposes, of the sort our Runaway195X is disposed to.
[08:03:33] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[08:03:35] <systemd> ^ 03Drill through anything (conductive) with Electrical Discharge Machining
[08:07:32] <FatPhil> My first thought is that projected images would have to have a spectrum that was highly dependent on the various emission bands of the gas in the atmosphere, and thus easy to detect as such. Does that sound sane?
[08:13:10] <RunawayXXXX> Honestly, not really.
[08:18:19] <FatPhil> so how does the recombination emit quanta at other wavelengths? How's it different from aurorae, where each gas has its own colour?
[08:19:45] <FatPhil> or 'flame tests'
[08:20:05] <FatPhil> or geissler tubes?
[08:20:57] <FatPhil> It's hard to escape from quantum mechanics, it's almost as if it's everywhere.
[08:30:28] <FatPhil> WE already carried the skypool story, didn't we?
[08:31:16] <chromas> yeah https://soylentnews.org
[08:31:18] <systemd> ^ 03London's New See-Through Sky Pool is First of its Kind - SoylentNews
[08:35:57] <RunawayXXXX> Quantum pools, no doubt.
[08:38:48] <FatPhil> Just done a scout through the subs list and removed a bunch of already run stories.
[08:39:41] <FatPhil> Put comments on them first, with links to their prior incarnations, for traceability.
[08:40:55] <FatPhil> It looks like stories linking to websites that don't send meaningful titles get overlooked - most I deleted had just the website name as the story title.
[08:41:24] <FatPhil> and no traffic was drawn to their site. my heart bleeds.
[08:57:01] <kyonko> take it easy einstein
[08:57:11] <kyonko> ugh had to wake up to nourish my body
[08:57:21] <RunawayXXXX> Takes a shill, to know a shill? But SN is too small potatoes to matter.
[08:57:27] <kyonko> because you got to eat even if you do not want to eat
[08:57:46] <kyonko> jingo jingo, jingo bells
[08:57:50] <kyonko> pika pika, pikachu
[08:57:56] <kyonko> chinpokoman '98
[08:58:40] <RunawayXXXX> Arizona, Arkansas without the water?
[08:59:02] <kyonko> its not water, its universal solvent
[08:59:26] <kyonko> big balls required for concentration of nitric acid in dichloromethane
[09:00:38] <kyonko> quantum mechanics _could_ be worse
[09:02:18] <kyonko> nobody knows who federico faggin or danny hillis is
[09:02:26] -!- RunawayXXXX has quit []
[09:02:35] <kyonko> by the power of azote!
[09:22:57] <inz> Damn, the world's gonna end in 20 minutes, but it's too cloudy to see
[09:23:31] <chromas> what'sspecial about 20 minutes?
[09:23:42] <chromas> moon thing?
[09:23:55] <inz> Yeah, the sun's gonna die
[09:23:59] <inz> Or about 40% of it
[09:24:05] <chromas> oh noes
[09:24:16] <FatPhil> clear skies here, but I don't have a filter.
[09:24:39] <FatPhil> got nato helicopters, though
[09:24:47] <FatPhil> not in the flat, fortunately.
[09:24:53] <chromas> oh dangit. on the other side of the planet
[09:25:01] <chromas> I thought everything happened in america
[09:25:51] <FatPhil> you in Oz? https://scitechdaily.com
[09:26:34] <chromas> southern northern central north america
[09:27:44] <inz> I thought you were gonna binary search us to your precise location
[09:27:44] <FatPhil> ah, you're in the independent people's democratic federal republic of the states of southern northern central north america?
[09:28:00] <chromas> Can't go outside anyhow. Cat's got me pinned down
[09:28:14] <FatPhil> that's tetanus
[09:28:21] <FatPhil> shoulda got a jab
[09:28:28] <chromas> nah he wants rubs
[09:29:06] <kyonko> who's immune to tetanus?
[09:29:10] <kyonko> its equal to tuberculosis
[09:30:34] <kyonko> problem with astronomy is how... weather related it all is
[09:30:40] <kyonko> might as well be meteorology
[09:31:01] <FatPhil> or worse - botulism... shouldn't have got that jab, you vain bastard
[09:31:10] <kyonko> botulism, lol
[09:31:16] <chromas> you must be shroomin'
[09:31:19] <kyonko> those spores are more or less, persistant
[09:31:36] <kyonko> ah yes, botulism
[09:31:40] <kyonko> the worst of the germs
[09:31:55] <kyonko> THE germ that makes you a clean freak and makes you act like its always there
[09:32:11] <kyonko> (BuT CoViD GoEs ThRoUgH WaLlS)
[09:32:41] <chromas> 5g doesn't
[09:32:47] <kyonko> you will quickly know you have botulism when the radiation levels go up
[09:32:57] <chromas> that's why they invented covid—to penetrate the walls and get 5g everywhere
[09:33:09] <inz> Don't foget to get your botulinum jabs against geriatric disease
[09:33:12] <kyonko> covid is gpt-3 for neutrinos
[09:33:28] <kyonko> botox made in muslism nations
[09:33:52] <kyonko> ugh I could go for a shot
[09:34:02] <kyonko> get this feeling of swalling a non-smooth rock out of my stomach
[09:34:50] <kyonko> all it takes is 1 botulism spore
[09:35:09] <kyonko> wth, its exactly the same as tetanus, you assume it is everywhere
[09:35:20] <kyonko> but mom doesn't know why
[09:35:27] <kyonko> but I do :)
[09:35:45] <kyonko> 1 spore, no bone marrow, all action
[09:38:15] <kyonko> this is why we teach our kids to pray
[09:38:22] <kyonko> not survival skills
[09:39:49] <chromas> 1 spore, 1 prayer
[09:40:23] <kyonko> 0 spore, 1 prayer
[09:40:28] <kyonko> 0 spore, 0 prayer
[09:40:38] <kyonko> gregor mendel!
[09:40:42] <kyonko> (for botulism)
[09:41:01] <kyonko> mendel was the shit in 8th grade biology text book
[09:45:51] <kyonko> oh no, bitcoin is the new islam
[09:46:00] <kyonko> islam in the CIS
[09:49:36] <kyonko> "attacks on me are attacks on science"
[09:49:44] <kyonko> remember when nixon cut your funding douchebag?
[09:49:49] <kyonko> you know what you did
[09:49:58] <kyonko> speaking of botulism
[09:50:19] <kyonko> hiv-aids did not increase human psychopathy, not by one iota
[09:51:42] <kyonko> yay raxas gets a physical gold atm
[09:55:56] <kyonko> azithromycin (the antibiotic of last resort) and HCTZ (malaria prophylaxis for excursion into the hot zone) work along with botulism ventilators?
[09:56:12] <kyonko> because thats what botulism does to you
[09:59:38] <kyonko> MOAR SHORTAGE
[10:06:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Link Between Childhood Stress and Early Molars - https://sylnt.us - that-explains-mine
[10:07:26] <kyonko> ...
[10:07:31] <kyonko> early puberty :(
[10:07:40] <kyonko> feed 'em well
[10:07:43] <kyonko> OINK
[10:18:05] <FatPhil> feed them more BGH
[10:22:37] <kyonko> funny how american hunters know little about biology
[10:22:58] <kyonko> but prion disease has been spreading among deer for decades, along with bioweapon grade ticks and disease
[10:23:06] <kyonko> gotta pray the gay away
[10:27:01] <kyonko> https://assets.zerohedge.com
[10:28:50] <kyonko> heh openbsd has an asterisk package
[10:32:42] <kyonko> they are still trying to spin the covid19 outbreak to food safety in china?
[10:32:52] <kyonko> and every man is also a woman
[10:32:53] <FatPhil> aren't prions found in almost all ruminants?
[10:33:06] <kyonko> i'm not sure how prions work, but they aren't new
[10:33:15] <kyonko> known for centuries, known to contaminate soil
[10:33:30] <kyonko> they are like spores in that way
[10:33:43] <FatPhil> Chronic wasting disease = diagnosis: science wrath
[10:33:49] <FatPhil> (anagram, obvs)
[10:33:52] <kyonko> eating human brain initiates formation of prions in man
[10:34:04] <kyonko> which has been a thing in mexico since 2008
[10:34:23] <kyonko> cooking brain tissue has no effect
[10:35:20] <kyonko> prions originate in dna
[10:35:28] <kyonko> its in your code
[10:35:34] <FatPhil> I think it's what the zombie phone users who can't cross roads any more are suffering from
[10:35:52] <FatPhil> Chronic wasting disease = diagnosis: I watch screen
[10:36:09] <kyonko> i'm fucked because I use androids and they know I am not like normal people
[10:36:20] <kyonko> I don't use them to stupify
[10:37:28] <kyonko> prions are in your dna and that of other animals
[10:37:33] <kyonko> its how humans came up with taboos
[10:37:43] <kyonko> don't do this, or else
[10:38:05] <kyonko> they fed cows to cows in the uk
[10:38:08] <kyonko> starting BSE
[10:38:47] <kyonko> we've known about mad cow for years, it just enters ocd hygiene rituals we forget why we even do them
[10:39:12] <kyonko> oh you got vomiting and diarhea, you didnt wash your hands
[10:39:41] <FatPhil> I think scrapie predated BSE by many many generations
[10:39:43] <kyonko> nuremberg code bans humans having their immune systems modulated in a prison like enviroment just to see what happens
[10:39:53] <kyonko> yeah scrapie, but it didn't cause sheep to go extinct
[10:40:05] <kyonko> and it didn't spread to man
[10:40:10] <FatPhil> but yes, tighter feedback loops encouraged its explosion in the bovine community
[10:40:14] <kyonko> and goat people eat all of the goat
[10:41:08] <FatPhil> of course, we had something with a name like kuru, IIRC, found in some parts of australasia
[10:41:26] <kyonko> yeah thats papua new guinea
[10:41:27] <kyonko> PNG
[10:41:32] <kyonko> a ww2 battlefield
[10:41:42] <kyonko> everyone who enters ends up eating each other
[10:41:50] <FatPhil> yup, PNG, that's the one
[10:42:01] <kyonko> its where melanesia begins
[10:42:03] <FatPhil> specifically brains and spinal column
[10:42:10] <kyonko> yeah they will eat everything
[10:44:16] <kyonko> they look african, but arent
[10:44:30] <kyonko> just like I look mongoloid, but arent
[10:45:11] <kyonko> they say dying from kuru feels so damn funny, you die laughing
[10:45:16] <FatPhil> Human cannibalism = "I munch animals" ban
[10:45:24] <kyonko> yes exactly
[10:45:31] <kyonko> but why are we going apeshit over prehistory?
[10:46:34] <kyonko> eating meat isnt immoral or unethical
[10:46:48] <kyonko> like most men can't understand they are the funny ones, not the women
[10:46:59] <kyonko> male is both male and female
[10:47:29] <kyonko> you want to be 100% man, then enjoy infertility
[10:47:34] <kyonko> ALL HAIL BILL GATES
[10:48:17] <kyonko> looking back at my 8th grade school photo is cringe, i look like a girl on testosterone
[10:49:39] <kyonko> my female body never really went away
[10:51:52] <kyonko> but yeah, you gotta have girl dna in you to produce boys and girls
[10:54:06] <FatPhil> Y shrinks, in a few million years we might become X/X0
[10:54:17] <FatPhil> or at least XX/X0
[10:54:34] <chromas> put X in the center square!
[10:54:50] <kyonko> and horseshoe crabs use oxidized copper, pure blue
[10:54:55] <FatPhil> you've just lost your game of noughts and crossbreeds
[10:55:25] <kyonko> oxidized copper that is a powerful blue pigment can't be good for humans
[10:56:36] <kyonko> Y chromosome just tells the body to produce testosterone
[10:56:50] <kyonko> spayed human girls won't form wide hips
[10:57:00] <kyonko> spayed before puberty
[10:57:07] <kyonko> ALL HAIL BILL GATES
[10:58:58] <kyonko> LLNL Z division looking into covid19
[10:59:18] <kyonko> I knew on facebook a local hometown highschool teacher who moved to livermore
[10:59:28] <kyonko> he was very indifferent on the axial tilt of the earth
[11:00:41] <kyonko> this is the very same LLNL that couldn't prevent california wildfires
[11:00:59] <FatPhil> ALL HAIL BILL GATES = Ah, I'll stab illegal
[11:00:59] <kyonko> but somehow i've prevented pregnancies for decades?
[11:01:06] <kyonko> hahahahaha
[11:01:19] <kyonko> bill gates is just trying to get the borg booted
[11:01:59] <kyonko> here in the united states, you don't learn about axial tilt of the earth, you learn about the hypothesis of what really is axial tilt of the earth
[11:02:13] <kyonko> its the new science, comes with the new math
[11:02:47] <kyonko> the sun is not setting oulu
[11:02:55] <kyonko> i need to see whats going on on ircnet
[11:03:08] <inz> Oulu is a shitty town*
[11:03:12] <kyonko> its been 2 years i think
[11:03:13] <kyonko> yes it is
[11:03:22] <inz> * according to a well known graffiti in Oulu
[11:03:23] <kyonko> who wants reindeer with prion disease
[11:03:41] <kyonko> we have a graffiti here "keep tucson shitty"
[11:03:48] <kyonko> I know what that means, most dont
[11:03:49] <inz> https://www.atlasobscura.com
[11:03:50] <systemd> ^ 03Paska Kaupunni
[11:04:01] <kyonko> Los Angeles is very shitty
[11:04:15] <kyonko> my mom hates shitty, she likes prison brutalism
[11:04:27] <kyonko> bell rings, hygiene begins
[11:04:32] <kyonko> bell rings, worship
[11:04:37] <kyonko> bell rings, sleep
[11:05:11] <FatPhil> inz: https://www.ratebeer.com
[11:05:12] <systemd> ^ 03ratebeer-site
[11:05:35] <kyonko> these beers are all drank responsibly with food
[11:05:52] <kyonko> its why you codify bars as restaurants
[11:05:56] <kyonko> by US law anyway
[11:06:14] <FatPhil> but do you have the concept of the "pub sandwich"?
[11:06:22] <kyonko> I remember when the cia news media would interview a local town cop about the legal limit for drinking and driving
[11:06:30] <FatPhil> the item of food that gets serially purchased, but nobody eats.
[11:06:32] <kyonko> the cop said "duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? it depends if you had it with food"
[11:06:49] <inz> FatPhil, if all beer didn't taste like shit, I might give it a go
[11:06:51] <kyonko> no, a lot of fuckers just go for the intoxication, which is a crime
[11:07:07] <kyonko> I only went to a bar once, in 2009, around age 23
[11:07:20] <kyonko> it was a nice bar
[11:07:23] <kyonko> then it got gentrified
[11:07:39] <kyonko> never had the balls to go to the goth bar
[11:07:53] <chromas> FatPhil: I think some places were doing that here as a covid thing
[11:08:16] <FatPhil> I've seen it in Finland, but not elsewhere.
[11:08:17] <chromas> if you're 'serving' 'food' then you're essential enough to stay open
[11:08:20] <kyonko> pabst blue ribbon eventually got very incosistant
[11:08:46] <kyonko> the alcohol laws are such a boner kill tho
[11:09:00] <FatPhil> PBR's BUL in several facilities. I think northern european PBR is brewed in Sweden.
[11:09:00] <kyonko> its the same with rape laws
[11:09:12] <kyonko> swedish PBR is so hipster
[11:09:17] <kyonko> svante hip
[11:09:38] <FatPhil> only blonds with lumberjack beards can drink it?
[11:09:51] <kyonko> how dare you
[11:09:59] <kyonko> cabbage patch kids
[11:11:25] <kyonko> they should have never made alcohol a 0 tolerance law
[11:11:34] <kyonko> or domestic violence, or any human activity
[11:11:56] <inz> I've went to bars a lot in my 20s, even though I've never drank any alcoholic beverages
[11:11:56] <kyonko> they pavlov conditioned use to 0 tolerance back in school tho before 911
[11:12:03] <kyonko> ok so what did you do?
[11:12:12] <kyonko> designated driver?
[11:12:29] <kyonko> you were supposed to take turns with your friend circle in who is designated driver
[11:12:38] <inz> If I was with someone who owned a car, sure.
[11:12:44] <kyonko> cops fucking know no one did designated driving
[11:12:47] <kyonko> fuck cops
[11:12:59] <inz> The most fun part of it all is getting to tell your friends all the stupid things they did.
[11:13:06] <kyonko> like one time, my friend wasn't clear he wanted a designated driver
[11:13:21] <kyonko> he just had to say it
[11:13:23] <kyonko> but he didn't
[11:13:33] <kyonko> like how some girls won't approach you to say they like you
[11:15:26] <inz> Personally I think there's a quite rational explanation why no girls ever said that to me.
[11:16:29] * kyonko down syndromes out...... sunrise at 4:30AM
[11:16:40] <kyonko> inz, I look like a girl
[11:16:45] <kyonko> but the 2000's were different
[11:16:51] <kyonko> it was cool to be a nerd
[11:16:54] <kyonko> girly nerdy
[11:16:56] <kyonko> lesbian man
[11:17:22] <kyonko> inz, did you ever see that finnish documentary "the syndrome"
[11:18:31] <inz> Don't think so.
[11:18:36] <FatPhil> or the Finnish documentary "Finnvasion"?
[11:18:42] <kyonko> its some down syndromes and mentally retarded people
[11:19:14] <kyonko> in my teens I fell in love with a retarded girl
[11:19:22] <kyonko> she would have made a good pet
[11:19:48] <FatPhil> a.k.a. Porojen maihinnousu
[11:19:54] <kyonko> probably a lot like raxas dumb blond secretary who bred rats
[11:20:38] <kyonko> even if you are the daughter of a scientist.... nothing can cure the retarded
[11:21:58] <inz> FatPhil, finnvasion looks like something that should be watched while listening to eläkeläiset
[11:23:07] <kyonko> how did finnland nurture smart people?
[11:23:14] <kyonko> USA does not, not since I was a kid
[11:23:24] <kyonko> the cold war musical chairs game stopped when I was in 1st grade
[11:23:46] <kyonko> ok usa wins, everyone play sports
[11:24:10] <inz> kyonko, the traditional finnish care for anything consists of terva, viina ja sauna
[11:24:28] <inz> aka. tar, booze and sauna
[11:24:55] <kyonko> pine tar?
[11:25:28] <inz> yes
[11:25:32] * kyonko gets vision of a drunk finnish child it would be "chapito" in mexican spanish, for little man
[11:25:52] <kyonko> you know, like the drug lord
[11:26:17] <kyonko> we have acacia sap
[11:26:21] <kyonko> it produces amber
[11:26:35] <kyonko> but sometimes its tar
[11:26:54] <kyonko> i don't know what causes a tree to do it
[11:29:34] <kyonko> if finns immigrated to mexico, they came not knowing the language
[11:29:56] <kyonko> and if they shacked up with an native american woman, double plus anti language
[11:30:16] <kyonko> my ancestry is palestinian
[11:31:06] <inz> Most finns know something along the lines: una cerveza, por favor
[11:31:20] <inz> So we would be quite at home in mexico, I believe.
[11:31:26] <inz> Although we would complain about the weather.
[11:31:27] <kyonko> but seriously, a lot of immigrants to american came here literally mute
[11:31:41] <kyonko> you need a lot of anthropological knowledge to handle latin america
[11:32:07] <kyonko> because they are exponentially more corrupt than the USA
[11:32:29] <kyonko> the weather is currently, will be deadly in a few hours, its why I said sunrise at 4:30AM
[11:32:50] <kyonko> you have untill 10AM tops without modern technology and fossil fuels to finish the days work
[11:33:05] <kyonko> then at 10PM you can begin under oil lamp
[11:33:18] <kyonko> it takes that long to cool down
[11:33:34] <kyonko> I'd always recommend catching sunrise and sunset per 24 hour period
[11:34:10] <kyonko> this is why I got interested in early PC's, for astronomical observations and logging and prediction
[11:34:38] <kyonko> the 90's and 00's and 10's were 30 years of human lies
[11:35:30] <kyonko> the government wants to pay people's electric bills for cooling and heating
[11:36:26] <kyonko> the cult of rome keeps spreading propaganda that mexico isn't catholic any more
[11:36:44] <kyonko> its like the straight guy acting gay so girls go in denial
[11:38:18] <kyonko> believing in science and rejecting religion in mexico would make for a very solitary life, especially if you bring kids into this world and raise them that way
[11:38:40] <kyonko> now a scientist cant be held responsible for their handsome son or daughter
[11:40:40] <kyonko> so you spent all your youth in school studying for a career and buy a young wife for your child bearing, they will compare you to abraham of the bible, it is OK
[11:41:25] <kyonko> this is actually what a lot of people do
[11:41:47] <kyonko> go to school for 40 years and then get rich
[11:41:54] <kyonko> bernie sanders did it like that
[11:42:11] <kyonko> he is the only person who ever went to school to be a politician
[11:42:16] <chromas> what does the kyonko bot have to say about earwigs?
[11:42:27] <kyonko> chromas, they aren't around this year
[11:42:36] <kyonko> do you know what earwigs are?
[11:42:38] <chromas> I just found one under the cheese slicer
[11:42:53] <kyonko> we're undergoing serious drought, highly combustible
[11:43:42] <kyonko> hmm openbsd has A LOT of nice software
[11:44:16] <kyonko> what we have had is a rising population in scorpions since I was a child
[11:44:25] <kyonko> scorpions can be anywhere
[11:46:00] <kyonko> PPE and sealing takes care of the scorpion problem
[11:46:10] <kyonko> you don't need any lite-VX
[11:46:19] <kyonko> watered down VX
[11:53:24] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[11:53:27] <systemd> ^ 03Robin Hood: Men In Tights
[11:56:17] <kyonko> that would be raxas
[11:56:21] <kyonko> and his swords
[11:56:45] <kyonko> they really did wear tights..... you would think baggy clothing would be easier to make for them
[13:09:46] <FatPhil> Robin Hood: Men In Tights = Moist boner hid in thong
[14:13:07] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[14:30:57] -!- inky [inky!~inky@5.77.xqp.orl] has joined #soylent
[15:06:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - CHIME Telescope Detects More Than 500 Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts From Outer Space - https://sylnt.us
[16:45:22] -!- lcn has quit [Quit: Changing server]
[16:56:36] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[17:00:47] <raxas> =submit https://www.vice.com
[17:00:49] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Hackers Steal Wealth of Data From Game Giant EA" (8p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[17:01:09] <requerdanos> So, EA doesn't have the data anymore? Very odd scenario if so.
[17:02:06] <raxas> I like the "wealth of data" phrasing
[17:04:09] <requerdanos> The hackers are now wealthy, spending that stolen data, I suppose.
[17:05:53] <raxas> expect fresh new mods to those data, coming on nexus soon
[17:07:10] <requerdanos> Maybe they'll release the build environment as a virtual machine
[17:07:19] * AzumaHazuki has been combing the subs queue, thinks runaway's lost his mind given the contet of some of these
[17:07:43] <requerdanos> He throws subs to the wall to see what sticks. Very helpful service, no sarcasm involved
[17:08:59] <AzumaHazuki> i mean he's gone full-on conspiracy whackadoo. thing is, he's about 5-10% right
[17:09:06] <progo> combing https://i.pinimg.com
[17:09:28] <AzumaHazuki> check out that "political ponerology" acticle. there is a grain of truth in there, but it has a massive blind spot, this being, the entire site is "conservative."
[17:09:44] <AzumaHazuki> this is a little like complaining about bad smells after you've been bathing in shit
[17:10:00] <requerdanos> he sometimes doesn't see the line between articles "espousing the nutty conspiracy" and "proving that the conspiracy was right"
[17:10:28] <requerdanos> so he does things like post raving maniacs saying "durr, conspiracy" and then says "see, I told you"
[17:10:45] <requerdanos> but that's okay, because he also posts good, solid stuff
[17:11:20] <progo> someone shared a massive evidence/argument dump of something a few days ago on my social network. I forget what the main topic was, but it was THOUSANDS of words, one HTML page, authored in MS Front Page 97
[17:11:42] <progo> the sharer didn't even take a moment to think that with its lack of a page-scoped table of contents, it was unreadable
[17:12:06] <progo> I mean, it's readable like a Dickens novel
[17:12:11] <progo> but who's going to spend that kind of time?
[17:12:41] <progo> hyperlinks were randomly blue or red in a pattern I couldn't guess
[17:13:02] <AzumaHazuki> well, he's not wrong about political ponerology, and I've used the term "clown world" myself
[17:13:24] <AzumaHazuki> and he's also not wrong that most people simply do not understand that there is real, stark, naked, actinic evil in this world, or refuse to face it
[17:13:32] -!- inky has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[17:13:49] <AzumaHazuki> what he's missing is that he himself has gone all-in on clown world
[17:14:08] <chromas> progo: are you sure it wasn't blue and purple links?
[17:15:24] <progo> it wasn't visited/not-visited I'm pretty sure. I hadn't read any of the targets
[17:15:43] <progo> it WAS mostly sentences though. more embedded thoughts than hyperlinks
[17:16:18] <progo> and yes the header SAID "FrontPage 2.0"
[17:16:20] <progo> :^)
[17:16:31] <raxas> only conspiracies we know about are these which already failed conspiring, actually. just imagine all those possible which still remain occult...
[17:16:45] <chromas> FrontPage is for newbs
[17:16:55] <chromas> Real Pros export from Microsoft Word
[17:17:05] <requerdanos> of course, the word "conspiracy" is simply the fusion of agreement and action
[17:17:10] <chromas> or powerpoint
[17:18:29] -!- inky [inky!~inky@46.241.knl.uli] has joined #soylent
[17:19:48] <AzumaHazuki> it's definitely safe to say that a lot of people, maybe most of them, simply do not have an understanding of how a psychopath works. I do, and I've paid dearly for that long stare into the abyss
[17:19:58] <progo> the pros like earlier Glenn Beck use a chalkboard and verbal ranting
[17:22:39] <raxas> =submit https://journals.sagepub.com
[17:23:06] <raxas> "science"
[17:23:17] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03On Having Whiteness:" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[17:25:34] <AzumaHazuki> one thing to be said for this: Applies only in American and Euro-centric milieux. You can s/whiteness/Han-Chinese-ness/g and make precisely the same argument about China
[17:25:45] <AzumaHazuki> that is, this isn't inherent to being of Caucasian extraction
[17:25:58] <requerdanos> people confuse color with culture.
[17:30:50] <raxas> the current situation is, false racism is technically purposed to veil and cover the real problem: class stratification. classes are taboo in liberal democracy ideology
[17:31:54] <raxas> by artificially inflating the racism theme, most people are unable to percieve their own position in the system
[17:32:11] <raxas> that's the purpose
[17:33:27] <raxas> so the "whiteness" or "han-ness" is ersatz, just a substitute
[17:35:29] <AzumaHazuki> that's too far in the other direction. racism is a real thing. it's just not worse than classism
[17:35:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Rocket in Place to Send 3 Crew to Chinese Space Station - https://sylnt.us
[17:37:09] <FatPhil> there's a lot of them just going hand in hand and reinforcing each other like the E and B fields
[17:37:23] <kyonko> E and H
[17:37:38] <kyonko> and they aren't vectors, they are bubbles
[17:37:55] <kyonko> collapsing and expanding bubbles
[17:38:39] <FatPhil> del.E=rho/epsilon
[17:38:51] <kyonko> the best diagram of an electromagnetic wave has the sinusoidal waves, and a spinning 4 point paddle in the 0
[17:38:53] <FatPhil> del.B=0
[17:39:35] <FatPhil> If E and B are good enough for Maxwell, they're good enough for me
[17:40:31] <kyonko> make the bubbles smaller and you get visible light
[17:40:42] <kyonko> you ever heard of fox-nichols, FatPhil ?
[17:41:50] <FatPhil> narp
[17:41:59] <kyonko> he's a rare dude on google
[17:42:10] <kyonko> he proved heat is electromagnetism
[17:42:20] <kyonko> did that really need to be proved?
[17:42:48] <kyonko> I guess back in the days when they measured electromagnetism in octaves, they thought heat was something else, and that it was a gap in the spectrum
[17:42:51] <kyonko> but there are no gaps in science
[17:43:19] <kyonko> fox-nichols used something like today's quartz filament toaster ovens for his studies
[17:43:43] <requerdanos> the continuum between quantum gravity and macro gravity isn't exactly gap-free
[17:43:51] <kyonko> which is alien as marine biology compared to the righi oscillator
[17:44:13] <FatPhil> ah, this: https://en.wikipedia.org
[17:44:14] <systemd> ^ 03Nichols radiometer - Wikipedia
[17:45:14] <kyonko> I remember quantum hard drives
[17:45:30] <requerdanos> such as the 5.25" Bigfoot
[17:46:29] <kyonko> back when I was a stupid kid, I remember going to a friend's shack and he had a parabolic reflector space heater
[17:46:36] <kyonko> made me really uncomfortable high on weed
[17:47:01] <kyonko> that's fox-nichols
[17:47:05] <FatPhil> he was trying to probe your brain
[17:47:11] <kyonko> yes something like that
[17:47:58] <raxas> FatPhil: Maxwell did not used vector apparatus originally, he used hamiltonian quaternions instead. vectorism was introduced to mutilate his theory decades later
[17:48:46] <FatPhil> If E and B are good enough to be labelled "Maxwell's Equations", they're good enough for me
[17:48:49] <FatPhil> :)
[17:49:07] <raxas> electromagnetism is much nicer in sedenion algebra
[17:50:43] <kyonko> you won't find the straight dope easy on google
[17:50:57] <kyonko> bunch of old time diagrams trying to draw what can't be drawn
[17:51:46] <kyonko> you can lock up broadband microwave emissions in a grounded box and poke a hole only to let out microwaves of the exact size of the hole
[17:52:43] <kyonko> chunder bose in india in the 1890's had his claim to invention radio
[17:52:58] <raxas> start with octonions then. and/or hurwitz quaternion. best explanation this one on german wikipedia. sedenion is not welcome in scientific orthodoxism
[17:53:00] <kyonko> made a little wooden box, looked like a camera that gave out invisible light instead of captured it
[17:53:24] <kyonko> he claimed he wa within an octave of red light (whatever that means)
[17:53:48] <raxas> http://people.math.harvard.edu
[17:53:49] <kyonko> so if he did ever get to produce red light from his magic radio box, he would have emitted a pure red glow
[17:55:01] <kyonko> but invisble red light is heat when it has high amplitude
[17:55:43] <raxas> they compose well together as julia fractal https://de.wikipedia.org(I-1).svg
[17:55:44] <systemd> ^ 03Datei:Complex base (I-1).svg – Wikipedia
[17:56:22] <kyonko> you ever heard of high amplitude red light producing heat?
[17:57:00] <kyonko> it should be the same as an am audio transmission
[17:57:11] <kyonko> like the vanni and majorana antenna microphones
[17:57:30] <kyonko> just a long tube heading to the antenna from the arc oscillator
[17:58:02] <kyonko> its not efficient
[17:59:01] <kyonko> the arc oscillator was by danish valdemar poulsen
[17:59:08] <raxas> that's 17th century technology, already lost to public. only illuminati keep these
[17:59:19] <kyonko> hahahahahah right
[17:59:27] <kyonko> federico faggin
[17:59:33] <kyonko> nobody knows who he is
[18:00:32] <kyonko> I'll never forget how early PC's in the shortwave radio band in clock speed were very well shielded
[18:00:44] <kyonko> then when they reached microwaves, shielding was found unnecessary
[18:01:00] <kyonko> shortwave radio frequencies give the biggest distance for the power
[18:01:13] <kyonko> but limited in how much modulation they can hold
[18:01:29] <kyonko> the higher the frequency the more digital junk you can cram in there
[18:03:07] <raxas> you can still eavesdrop on i/o busses remotely, usb hid on poor cables to keyboards is fatal for passwords
[18:03:36] <raxas> a phone nearby can pick that
[18:03:43] <kyonko> yeah thats a nightmare
[18:03:49] <kyonko> but its been decades since pablo escobar
[18:04:13] <kyonko> pablo escobar, a non-state actor came close to overthrowing the colombian state in a post cold war era
[18:04:39] <kyonko> then we got the osama bin laden bullshit
[18:06:12] <kyonko> STU (secure telephone units which used DES) were used daily for negotiating very illegal things
[18:06:23] <kyonko> just ask bill clinton
[18:06:27] <kyonko> and epstein
[18:07:07] <Runaway1956> https://www.sott.net
[18:07:08] <systemd> ^ 03Busted: Unearthed video shows Peter Daszak describing 'Chinese colleagues' developing 'killer' coronaviruses -- Sott.net
[18:08:54] <kyonko> who cares, we can't ever put the GMO genie back in the bottle
[18:09:06] <kyonko> GMO lives, it will evolve, and it will never comit suicide
[18:09:27] <kyonko> it's really more philosophy than STEM
[18:09:30] <kyonko> or STEaM
[18:09:39] <kyonko> for lowercase "arts"
[18:09:58] <requerdanos> just want to chime in with my periodic assertion that nutty statements are not entirely unchallenged.
[18:10:18] <kyonko> oh i'm so afraid getting euthanized for being crazy
[18:10:30] <kyonko> people have died for less, like selling drugs in another's territory
[18:10:43] <kyonko> *cough* inner city stray bullets
[18:10:58] <requerdanos> sorry, I'm still back on the lab-release-theory junk, what are you on about
[18:11:19] <kyonko> did anyone see that NYC CCTV video of the guy who went wild with a gun in his hand
[18:11:32] <kyonko> no one a 6 year old always gets a bullet to the head
[18:12:44] <kyonko> but mass shooters are definately not road ragers
[18:12:59] <requerdanos> there's actually probably some overlap
[18:13:58] <kyonko> road ragers are completely different
[18:14:11] <kyonko> humans get angry, have since prehistory
[18:14:22] <kyonko> an angry toddler is harmless more or less
[18:14:31] <kyonko> or maybe I'm confusing angry baby with angry toddler
[18:15:11] <kyonko> remember the orange county choppers guys?
[18:15:21] <kyonko> thats classic anger
[18:17:12] <kyonko> jesse james is making guns now
[18:17:20] <kyonko> like a pashtun
[18:18:01] <raxas> kyonko: query
[18:21:31] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[18:43:37] <Runaway1956> Feelgood story for the day
[18:43:41] <Runaway1956> https://www.upi.com
[18:43:42] <systemd> ^ 03Golden retriever gives woodchuck a ride to shore in Massachusetts lake
[18:51:45] <Runaway1956> LOL - https://twitter.com
[18:51:46] <systemd> ^ 03Twitter
[18:51:51] <inz> how much water could a woodchuck swim, if a woodchuck could swim water
[18:53:53] <chromas> oh yehaw I'm stoked for politicians walking 'n' talking in their hype videos
[19:17:28] <kyonko> https://news.ycombinator.com
[19:17:29] <systemd> ^ 03A friend visited the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, where he saw one of these...
[19:20:55] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[19:22:52] <kyonko> Cerebras uses something very much like the Seagate logo
[19:23:13] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[19:24:37] <kyonko> https://images.anandtech.com
[19:24:56] <kyonko> at 7nm for the heat it produces...... i'm skeptical
[19:25:12] <kyonko> seymour cray did it better but he died
[19:25:35] <kyonko> killed by a drunk driver
[19:25:44] <kyonko> PLEASE DRIVE HANDS FREE
[19:27:48] <AzumaHazuki> ...son? have yew bin smokin' thuh whacky tuh-bakkee?
[19:28:52] <kyonko> nah AzumaHazuki too expensive
[19:28:56] <kyonko> even tho its now legal for all
[19:28:58] <kyonko> https://news.ycombinator.com
[19:28:59] <systemd> ^ 03These "AI processors" are just matrix-multiplication engines, often 8-bit or 16-...
[19:29:30] <kyonko> you would be an idiot to have a cake job at the city garbage public works and lose it to a positive test for marijuana
[19:29:58] <kyonko> by law, marijuana ia strictly stay at home locked down activity, just like beer drinking
[19:30:32] <kyonko> and its gmo
[19:30:39] <kyonko> i wonder how gmo cocaine feels tho
[19:30:50] <requerdanos> believe it or not, idiots and marijuana are not really exclusive of each other.
[19:30:52] <kyonko> i'm sure i engaged in cannibalism thanks to pepsi and ghetto beers
[19:31:15] <kyonko> well, there is always a chance they never test you
[19:31:20] <kyonko> but they just say they will
[19:31:54] <kyonko> they put human dna in yeast a few decades ago
[19:32:16] <kyonko> chill the fuck out, its come full circle, from LUCA (last universal common ancestor)
[19:33:20] <kyonko> even if you got a cake job with benefits as a city garbageman with good credit, thats still a good financial gouge buying marijuana
[19:33:40] -!- inky [inky!~inky@141.136.uv.lnu] has joined #soylent
[19:34:02] <kyonko> speaking of quantum mumbo jumbo, in all my years living in my hometown I've never see the place that sells it
[19:34:19] <kyonko> probably not in my universe timeline
[19:34:31] <kyonko> but why is wal-mart smack in the middle of it?
[19:36:53] <kyonko> there is still major legal limbo on what it means to have a rap sheet of gun purchases and also legal weed
[19:37:01] <kyonko> BIG DATA SEES ALL
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[20:09:57] <Runaway1956> =submit https://fedoramagazine.org Note that CPUlimit is available in debian repositories
[20:10:00] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Use Cpulimit to Free Up Your CPU - Fedora Magazine" (10p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:13:12] <Runaway1956> =submit https://bioengineer.org
[20:13:15] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Research Uncovers Broadband Gaps in US to Help Close Digital Divide" (14p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:13:52] <kyonko> no broadband where I live, nor do I care
[20:14:07] <kyonko> you want to lock yourself up in a big city prison, be my guest
[20:14:20] <chromas> that means you're in a gap
[20:14:27] <kyonko> yes always has been a gap here
[20:14:35] <kyonko> I had dial up untill 2008
[20:14:47] <kyonko> then the smart phones with the facebook app appeared for the plebs
[20:14:54] <kyonko> "ITS PRIVATE!"
[20:14:58] <chromas> and those ISPs are totally gonna fill that gap...if only they had just a few hundred million more federal gibs
[20:15:21] <kyonko> oh they can string cladded fiber thru the powerlines but they never will
[20:15:28] <kyonko> because internet is the new tv
[20:15:31] <kyonko> and tv was quite bad
[20:15:51] <Runaway1956> https://www.upi.com
[20:15:52] <systemd> ^ 03Alligator wanders into Florida post office
[20:15:59] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Las Vegas’s New Strategy for Tackling Drought – Banning ‘Useless Grass’ - https://sylnt.us - get-off-my-lawn!
[20:16:02] <kyonko> yeah, great place to live florida
[20:16:08] <Runaway1956> He was checking his post office box for the alligator shoes he ordered online
[20:16:15] <kyonko> our scorpions are like alligators, only, could be anywhere
[20:16:34] <kyonko> no where is safe from scorpions or venemous spiders, not even prison
[20:16:45] <kyonko> not the hospitals that don't want to board you either
[20:17:01] <Runaway1956> Life isn't safe - whoda thunk it
[20:17:15] <kyonko> most of us don't even care or know why pregnancies even happen
[20:17:21] <kyonko> it's god's will
[20:17:36] <chromas> I like how the examples for using cpulimit are instances where you shouldn't need it
[20:17:39] <kyonko> well, god is gonna send some armed men with modern high tech firearms to chop you up alive for him
[20:18:05] <raxas> https://www.youtube.com
[20:18:08] <systemd> ^ 03Mitos y realidades del COVID: respondiendo dudas del público
[20:18:17] <kyonko> what country is that raxas?
[20:18:24] <kyonko> people in colombia are sick of the lockdown
[20:18:35] <kyonko> well, only the youth are, because "youth reasons"
[20:19:00] <kyonko> almost all youth reasons end up being related to being in prime reproductive age..... for females anyway
[20:19:04] <chromas> The two what? Did you say "yutes"?
[20:19:13] <kyonko> yule
[20:19:16] <kyonko> cert
[20:19:16] <raxas> mexican tv I think. total fail of a vacc debunk attempt
[20:19:31] <kyonko> oh the injectable shield is the least of mexicos problems
[20:19:42] <raxas> *vacc magnetism
[20:20:12] <kyonko> I don't get vacc mag.... I know they sell really powerful and dangerous magnets at home depot
[20:20:27] <chromas> I like how putting that video title into google translate spawns a covid alert
[20:21:07] <kyonko> oh facebook is good at that
[20:21:27] <chromas> good at optimizing php?
[20:21:27] <kyonko> pretty much the end game is this, if you are going to euthanize me, do it
[20:21:36] <chromas> ok
[20:22:51] <kyonko> whats the big deal behind vacc-mag?
[20:23:20] <chromas> is it a 30-vaxx magazine with a bumpstock?
[20:23:27] <kyonko> maybe I need to research state of the art agricultural tech for meat production?
[20:23:53] <kyonko> we had a bump stuck bump off in my town new years eve of 2017
[20:24:01] <raxas> it's a real thing https://en.wikipedia.org
[20:24:03] <systemd> ^ 03Superparamagnetism - Wikipedia
[20:24:04] <kyonko> totally illegal, obviously, not enough cops
[20:24:12] <chromas> if farms can be vertical, why not ranches?
[20:24:21] <raxas> used for vacc delivery delay since 2011
[20:24:40] <kyonko> ok raxas, so where do I go to get educated?
[20:24:58] <chromas> bitchute
[20:25:10] <kyonko> where do I learn the fundamentals?
[20:25:22] <kyonko> the fundamentals that I have a pure virgin soul
[20:25:33] <raxas> https://pubs.acs.org
[20:25:35] <systemd> ^ 03Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Effective Delivery of Malaria DNA Vaccine
[20:25:46] <raxas> was the first tech application
[20:25:54] <kyonko> 2010's?
[20:25:57] <raxas> now it is common as hell
[20:26:12] <kyonko> yeah first heard about it used for cows, but they said it was an oil
[20:26:14] <kyonko> squalene
[20:26:35] <kyonko> they used oils for decades
[20:26:38] <FatPhil> dudes, you're going in a loop, you had this exact discussion a week ago
[20:26:42] <kyonko> depo-provera, depo-testosterone
[20:27:10] <raxas> the trick is, in superparamagnetism, you have to add external field, then the nanoparts reassemble in order and interact
[20:27:15] <kyonko> remember the same people who tell us sex is bad rape kids
[20:27:30] <kyonko> oh yeah raxas, we were talking about maxwell
[20:27:35] <kyonko> THE TOWER OF POWER!
[20:27:48] <raxas> of course, the effect of em radiation on it is funny too
[20:28:04] <kyonko> visible light is chemically active
[20:28:09] <kyonko> uv light is ionizing
[20:28:41] <kyonko> WYSIWYG (in your own eyes) is due to diet and a circulatory system
[20:29:12] <kyonko> I never did get to go to the opthamologist
[20:30:18] <raxas> I still have to find a single scientist who can show me a single electron. unlike photons, which are possible to catch, all presentable so called electron interactions are indirect only
[20:30:33] <kyonko> the damn photon is a particle and a wave
[20:30:39] <raxas> so maybe electrons do not exist as entities at all
[20:30:42] <AzumaHazuki> everything is a particle and a wave
[20:30:58] <kyonko> and waves tend to be pizza slices of pi
[20:31:12] <kyonko> except ocean waves, those are something else
[20:31:41] <kyonko> I know about the slosh tank to kindle minds tho
[20:32:22] <kyonko> or that crude equivalent for gravity using a heavy ball on a slack sheet and then rolling marbles over the surface
[20:33:01] <kyonko> you are going to waste a lot of time finding the sweet spot of orbit
[20:33:17] <kyonko> this is like stuff for babies
[20:33:30] <kyonko> an apache baby could do it
[20:34:37] <raxas> most suspicious is slit experiment on electrons, (not on photons) https://plus.maths.org
[20:34:39] <systemd> ^ 03Physics in a minute: The double slit experiment
[20:34:52] <kyonko> thats where feynman says electrons come in lumps
[20:35:01] <kyonko> and you get a camelback
[20:35:18] <kyonko> i'm seeing the camel back everywhere and in everything
[20:35:31] <kyonko> pardon my bongo jargon
[20:35:56] <raxas> so, currently, I believe in mesons, and mesonic technology of ancients and medievals. but not in electrons anymore
[20:36:11] <kyonko> the electron, electrically charged NEGATIVE
[20:36:34] <raxas> and in tripolar electricity, like ancient japanese did
[20:36:44] <kyonko> positron, rare..... not unobtanium.... POSITIVE
[20:37:05] <kyonko> alternating current only flows into the future
[20:37:21] <kyonko> yes there are bad analogies used to kindle the minds of youth
[20:37:24] <raxas> tripolarity is {negative, neutral, positive} charges. and ternary logic behind that
[20:37:35] <raxas> works for pions
[20:37:54] <raxas> so, electron is just an artefact
[20:37:58] <kyonko> anyone know what that symbol feynman holds in his hands in his wizard portrait is?
[20:38:05] <kyonko> the fork in the road?
[20:38:24] <kyonko> a fork in the road sounds very bongo
[20:40:54] <kyonko> https://www.lanl.gov
[20:41:17] <kyonko> that was a very deep symbol for its dark ages era
[20:41:20] <raxas> dielectric is more important than metal wires. in all the electronics, including common industry
[20:41:50] <kyonko> I don't know why they had to change the LANL logo.... probably to fit in with today's overpopulated idiocracy
[20:42:22] <kyonko> the 1960's reeks of spaghetti westerns
[20:42:31] <kyonko> and everett
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[20:47:02] <kyonko> https://www.abqjournal.com
[20:47:09] <kyonko> the fork in the road
[20:47:27] <kyonko> spontaneus fission, or the certainty of oralloy
[20:49:22] <kyonko> https://tees.tamu.edu
[20:52:04] <kyonko> https://i.pinimg.com
[20:53:54] <kyonko> https://live.staticflickr.com
[20:54:14] <kyonko> no way to prove by eye shot that final image is at LANL, take my word for it
[20:54:25] <kyonko> its the NNSA goons
[20:54:41] <kyonko> "perfect men" gotta be, right?
[20:57:22] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[20:57:22] <kyonko> https://www.sandia.gov
[20:57:33] <kyonko> supermen.
[20:57:40] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[21:01:27] <raxas> I didn't believed in mini nukes in old Fallout games until I learned about https://en.wikipedia.org(nuclear_device)
[21:01:28] <systemd> ^ 03Davy Crockett (nuclear device) - Wikipedia
[21:02:06] <kyonko> oh you didn't know about that thing as a czech?
[21:02:17] <kyonko> they had it deployed in germany along with the atomic cannon
[21:02:23] <kyonko> https://d3el53au0d7w62.cloudfront.net
[21:02:30] <kyonko> the latest pic, is "the cow"
[21:03:05] <kyonko> the davey crocket was wholely tactical, it wasn't supposed to do anything really..... probably give flash heat stroke to the soviet hoard
[21:03:42] <kyonko> the davey crocket and atomic cannon got shadowed by the pershing missiles with neutron bombs
[21:03:51] <kyonko> looks exactly like iskanders in kaliningrad
[21:04:15] <raxas> we were mostly afraid of pershings, those with motorola 68020 cpu in control system
[21:04:47] <raxas> even had a jokes about "new processors comming in"
[21:06:23] <raxas> and their neutron warheads, yes
[21:06:53] <kyonko> ok
[21:06:58] <raxas> somehow, neutron bombs are taboo today, and only israelis can have them
[21:07:06] <kyonko> taboo how?
[21:07:22] <kyonko> radiation that sends you straight into rigor and even the putrification bacteria die.... spores and all
[21:07:25] <raxas> no one talks about neutron bombs. not even the internets
[21:07:49] <raxas> all our books about them simply vanished
[21:08:05] <kyonko> neutron capture pricks a hole in fabric of the universe letting out some very intense ionizing radiation for a good while
[21:08:14] <kyonko> vanished in czech?
[21:08:33] <raxas> in russian too
[21:08:44] <kyonko> oh the russians are famous for shitty diagrams lol
[21:08:58] <kyonko> sinelnikov's anatomy is very good tho
[21:10:12] <kyonko> you know how the benzene ring came to kekule as a ouboros
[21:11:19] <kyonko> https://castelnews.files.wordpress.com
[21:11:21] <kyonko> cert is back
[21:11:29] <kyonko> expired
[21:12:31] -!- wifi4_ [wifi4_!~wifi4@2001:5b0:50c6:kovt:uqzh:kyux:ptru:yxlp] has joined #soylent
[21:12:53] wifi4_ is now known as kyonko_
[21:13:01] <kyonko_> feels like '98
[21:13:32] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[21:13:44] <kyonko_> had the cold war never ended, my town was big enough for a nuclear target
[21:13:52] -!- fab23_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[21:51:20] <kyonko_> https://en.wikipedia.org
[21:51:21] <systemd> ^ 03Micro-Professor MPF-I - Wikipedia
[22:03:36] <raxas> lot of devices like these. one ours was nicked "kufr" or "briefcase" as it just fitted to one and was manufactured like that. hex keyboard is the only way to learn coding properly. properly means "no bugs pardoned by hardware"
[22:04:22] <raxas> no future generations have a sense of coding properly
[22:06:44] <kyonko_> ok, so this is the right way, not BASIC
[22:06:50] <raxas> yes
[22:07:03] <kyonko_> I didn't know that thing existed untill today
[22:09:29] <Runaway1956> Don't know how big your hometown is kyonko - but size alone didn't qualify you for a nuke
[22:09:30] <kyonko_> https://en.wikipedia.org
[22:09:42] <kyonko_> of course it wasn't based on size
[22:09:45] <kyonko_> rail roads, autobahns
[22:09:54] <Runaway1956> my hometown was targeted 3 times, due to it's factories
[22:09:57] <kyonko_> there is a rail road and autobahn here
[22:10:32] <kyonko_> we didn't get a scare here untill the first north korean nuclear test and satellite launch in 2006
[22:10:44] <kyonko_> 2009 was second test
[22:11:03] <kyonko_> still find it absurd the north koreans would make plutonium
[22:11:19] <Runaway1956> I grew up with fallout shelters under the schools I attended - complete with months of supplies
[22:11:26] <kyonko_> the soviet kosmos spy satellites have been watcing us for decades
[22:11:38] <kyonko_> yeah, I know about that, great way to spread covid
[22:12:00] <Runaway1956> Sorry, Covid was only invented last year
[22:12:08] <kyonko_> covid is kinda old
[22:12:14] <Runaway1956> it wasn't a Cold War concern
[22:12:51] <kyonko_> the fallout shelter only made you survive the hottest daughter radionucleides which decay in a few hours and days
[22:13:24] <Runaway1956> Yeah, well, if you don't survive the first days, you won't be around to survive the coming months
[22:13:28] <kyonko_> they weren't exactly submarines with an air supply tho
[22:13:50] <kyonko_> it was going to be a nuclear exchange, MAD
[22:14:23] <kyonko_> it could be nations or two individuals fighting
[22:14:24] <t3> I'm very glad floppy disks are something I have limited recollection of, I would have hated to be dealing with tape drives
[22:14:43] <kyonko_> the dectape looked like teflon tape rolls
[22:15:59] <kyonko_> https://en.wikipedia.org
[22:28:45] <Runaway1956> https://www.independent.co.uk
[22:28:47] <systemd> ^ 03Rising numbers of women in Papua New Guinea suffer brutal violence after being accused of ‘witchcraft’
[22:29:03] <Runaway1956> Alternative headline? Witchcraft on the rise in New Guinea!
[22:30:02] <t3> damn, burned alive on tv
[22:30:13] <t3> that's crazy
[22:30:52] <kyonko_> there's a lot of witchcraft alive and well in america
[22:31:05] <kyonko_> those are the people who eat each other and get kuru
[22:33:57] <kyonko_> you can't mess with witchcraft or religion, its constitutionally protected
[22:34:09] <kyonko_> the satanism of the powers that be, is right at home in america
[22:35:13] <raxas> Tonatiuh rules the Americas. both of them.
[22:35:27] <Bytram> DECtape++
[22:35:27] <Bender> karma - dectape: 1
[22:38:58] * Bytram worked at DEC for a stretch. One of the devs took things literally when it came to "code freeze" -- put a DECtape in a Tupperware(tm) full of water in his freezer and then brought it in to work. He told me once it thawed out and dried off, it still worked!
[22:39:48] <Bytram> It was all a joke at the time, but I think it ever surprised *him*
[22:46:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google to Stop Treating EU Antitrust Remedy as a “Promotional Opportunity” - https://sylnt.us - feel-the-spin
[22:56:12] <kyonko_> just had to refresh my memory with RK04/05
[22:56:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google to Stop Treating EU Antitrust Remedy as a "Promotional Opportunity" - https://sylnt.us - feel-the-spin
[22:56:36] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:57:25] <kyonko_> wonder what the chemistry behind DECtape was
[22:57:51] <kyonko_> DEC was the shit, like dinosaurs
[23:00:54] <kyonko_> from wire wrapping to digital alpha 64-bits to extinction
[23:01:11] <kyonko_> mhz barrier broken too in the mid 1990's
[23:01:40] <kyonko_> god I so want facebook to go extinct
[23:01:51] <kyonko_> but they have science at work to prevent extinction
[23:02:03] <t3> is this a poem?
[23:02:15] <kyonko_> it is if it for you
[23:03:46] <kyonko_> i think i'm going to bed with the thought of a camel back on a oscilloscope crt
[23:04:04] <kyonko_> permaburned
[23:05:26] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[23:10:26] <AzumaHazuki> plasma 5.22 looks nice
[23:14:59] <Runaway1956> "Ya know, I think I've had enough cabbage for a few days."
[23:15:15] <Runaway1956> "OK, how about sauerkraut for dinner?"
[23:15:28] <Runaway1956> Why did I even mention it?
[23:44:15] <Runaway1956> most animals are non-elephants
[23:46:41] <t3> I need more eink in my life
[23:46:49] <t3> lcd is impossible on lsd
[23:49:45] <Runaway1956> =submit https://3quarksdaily.com There's always a Greek in the mix.
[23:49:48] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "03The Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou Problem: a Foray Into the Beautifully Simple and the Simply Beautiful" (30p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:51:59] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.zerohedge.com
[23:52:01] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03ZeroHedge" (34p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:57:04] <Bytram> !grab t3
[23:57:04] <Bender> Added quote 1047