#soylent | Logs for 2021-06-22

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[01:02:55] <requerdanos> Friendly user, assuming you read the logs of this channel, let me reflect upon your complaint.
[01:03:28] <requerdanos> you use terms such as "sock puppet" and "mod bomb" fairly glibly.
[01:04:11] <requerdanos> this level of familiarity in a "fairly new" user account are hallmarks of the account itself being one of the aforementioned "sock puppets."
[01:04:57] <requerdanos> As such, I rejoice that it is recognized as such and downmodded properly. That is all.
[01:37:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Researchers Develop Urine Test Capable of Early Detection of Brain Tumors With 97% Accuracy - https://sylnt.us
[02:14:53] -!- Eratosthenes [Eratosthenes!~bc7b7e8b@188.123.nrw.tkj] has joined #soylent
[02:18:32] <Eratosthenes> Requerdanos, are you suggesting that the mere familiarity with common terms of online forums is a crime, and that the bare suspicion of sockpuppetry is enough to punish for sockpuppetry? What happened to the Freedom of Speech and due process of SoylentNews?
[02:19:40] <requerdanos> No, I am suggesting that "TheMightyChickadee", as an account, has distinctive hallmarks of a sockpuppet, a topic you yourself should be far more familiar with than I.
[02:20:29] <requerdanos> I bet you can spot one before it's even in visual range.
[02:21:04] <tedious> I know what a sockpuppet is and I never even signed up for an account. :)
[02:21:58] <tedious> Is there a term for soembody who has -1 sock accounts?
[02:22:10] <requerdanos> I think that's called an "ac"
[02:22:52] <Eratosthenes> I am familiar with being falsely accused, and mod-banned, without anything more than TMB's suspicion.
[02:23:34] <requerdanos> I see. Perhaps you should take that up with this "TMB" person.
[02:24:04] <Eratosthenes> I did, he was not very nice. Then he quit.
[02:24:41] <requerdanos> Uh, okay, sounds like problem solved from this end. You're still all in a tizzy over it, sound like?
[02:26:56] <AzumaHazuki> hello, Ari
[02:27:15] <AzumaHazuki> might want to at least choose a different category of avatar if you don't want to be recognized
[02:27:47] <Eratosthenes> Problem we Greeks have is that the Latin west thinks we are all alike.
[02:27:56] <requerdanos> Out of curiosity, which of your various accounts was accused of being a sockpuppet of the others?
[02:33:22] <Eratosthenes> See? Loaded question! Officer to Motorist: "When did you realize you were driving over the speed limit?"
[02:34:14] <requerdanos> The question is one of genuine curiosity alone, I assure you.
[02:35:32] -!- TheMightyChickadee [TheMightyChickadee!~d98afe4e@217.138.tku.zk] has joined #soylent
[02:38:35] <TheMightyChickadee> Joining SN is like going to meet your boyfriends family, and finding out they are completely dysfunctional, and at an Eternal Thanksgiving dinner.
[02:40:17] <requerdanos> I am sorry your experience has been suboptimal, and want to extend to you a warm and genuine invitation to explore volunteering in some capacity (or some additional capacity) to improve the site, and the experience, for others.
[02:46:02] <Eratosthenes> One bit of advice: do not try to fit in by mimicking or being sarcastic about nicks, or usernames, and do not moderate from a liberal or left leaning perspective. Then you will be fine.
[02:47:23] <requerdanos> I would say, as counterpoint, that moderation from a liberal/left perspective, if done in good faith, would be a help and all to the good.
[02:48:39] <Eratosthenes> Not from my experience. That is what got me mod-banned. It was like my opinion didn't matter, and must be someone else's.
[02:48:59] <requerdanos> This was a disagreement with TMB?
[02:53:32] <Eratosthenes> Accusaton of sockpuppetry because my mods matched that of another Soylentil. Does not pay to agree with people who agree with you, or you will be conflated.
[02:54:13] <Eratosthenes> Better to be tedious, I think.
[02:55:54] <requerdanos> Actually, your sockpuppetry is listed under the ipid cross reference between your accounts.
[02:56:27] <requerdanos> I understand that not all greeks are alike, but neither do they all use the same computer.
[02:56:34] <Eratosthenes> I don' believe that, because it is not true.
[02:56:50] <requerdanos> *shrug* just reporting what it says.
[02:57:08] <chromas> I think he's saying he doesn't believe they use different computers
[02:57:26] <requerdanos> Oh, sorry, I misunderstood then.
[02:58:05] <Eratosthenes> I never saw any evidence of such, and I can't believe it happened accidently, so it did not happen.
[02:59:12] <requerdanos> Neither can I believe that it happened accidentally, as luck would have it.
[02:59:51] <Eratosthenes> But this is not about me, it is about accusing a newbie of being a sockpuppet on little to no evidence. Let me tell you about the Brigades!
[03:00:46] <requerdanos> I said that the newbie's account was showing hallmarks of sockpuppetry, but not outright accusing them of same. No evidence to do so, now that you bring it up.
[03:03:23] <Eratosthenes> And justifying mod-bombing. I expected better.
[03:03:30] -!- Eratosthenes has quit []
[03:04:00] <requerdanos> I do love a good downmod, but in balance I observe that mods tend to even out with time.
[03:05:36] <chromas> looks like he came
[03:05:45] <chromas> public circlejerk complete
[03:06:03] -!- Ingar [Ingar!~ingar@irz-6x24cokgh6qenxl763p.96958a0.ip9.access.telenet.be] has joined #soylent
[03:10:30] <TheMightyChickadee> Interesting.
[03:11:54] * AzumaHazuki is reasonably certain ari, eratosthenes, and TheMightyChickadee are the same person
[03:12:27] <requerdanos> I would doubt that very much. Ari/Eri seems to be the limit of that person's alter-ego-surfing
[03:12:56] <TheMightyChickadee> Paranoia is a self-reinforcing mental disorder.
[03:14:21] <requerdanos> You believe that paranoia causes paranoia? But then from where does the paranoia originally come?
[03:14:25] <TheMightyChickadee> Gotta go, now. Nice to meat you all!
[03:14:31] -!- TheMightyChickadee has quit []
[03:14:36] <requerdanos> Ok. Peace.
[04:26:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tasmanian Devils Wipe Out Thousands of Penguins on Tiny Australian Island - https://sylnt.us - humans-again-at-it
[05:00:45] -!- mrpg [mrpg!~Thunderbi@Soylent/Staff/Editor/mrpg] has joined #soylent
[05:00:45] -!- mode/#soylent [+v mrpg] by Aphrodite
[05:42:15] -!- mrpg has quit [Quit: closing message]
[05:54:38] <pinchy> cant wait to get mah vaccine passport
[05:58:25] <FatPhil> Did Ari get struck in the head by a brick some time in 2020?
[06:00:43] <chromas> why 2020?
[06:01:31] <FatPhil> Well, at least he could be vaguely amusing historically, now he's just tedious.
[06:01:56] -!- inky has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[06:51:36] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:56:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Bacteria Converts Degraded Plastic Bottles Into Vanilla Flavoring - https://sylnt.us - om-nom-nom
[07:02:19] <inz> Which is a greater feat, turning water into wine, or coke into vanilla coke?
[07:06:11] <FatPhil> polymers from wood-matter has been turned into vanillin in bourbon barrels for centuries.
[07:06:31] <FatPhil> OK, also in wines, but fuck wine.
[07:09:45] <FatPhil> yikes, Ron Paul's either going proper senile, or has staff writers that are idiots - I've just seen "ferment violence" in an article from him.
[07:25:38] <janrinok> requerdanos++ - nicely handled
[07:25:38] <Bender> karma - requerdanos: 28
[07:37:53] <FatPhil> =submit https://www.smithsonianmag.com
[07:37:55] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03This Prehistoric Giant Rhino Was 'Taller Than a Giraffe'" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[07:41:26] <FatPhil> Am I the only one who has a problem with the phrase "hornless rhino"? "rhinoceros" *means* "horned nose", for pity's sake.
[07:42:07] <FatPhil> Maybe the modern ubiquitous shortening to "rhino" is to try and cover their past mistakes?
[07:42:58] <FatPhil> Yet again, scientist trying to fix a problem that was made by science (to partially channel Jon Stewart)
[08:06:11] -!- inky [inky!~inky@178.78.vqn.nqw] has joined #soylent
[08:39:11] <inz> FP, did they do similar snafu in the past and re-named ball-less bull into oxymoron, and shortened it into ox.
[09:25:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - ‘Mosquito Smoothie’ Innovation Boosts Future Malaria Vaccine Potential - https://sylnt.us
[09:50:33] -!- c0lo [c0lo!~7892de8c@zqs-646-162-243-166.static.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #soylent
[09:51:42] <c0lo> =submit https://www.itv.com
[09:51:45] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Revealed: Amazon Destroying Millions of Items of Unsold Stock in UK Every Year" (32p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:52:02] <c0lo> =submit https://www.scientificamerican.com
[09:52:05] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The Delusion of Infinite Economic Growth" (92p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:52:43] <c0lo> =submit no-bitcoin-this-time https://electrek.co
[09:52:45] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Tesla Unveils its New Supercomputer (5th Most Powerful in the World) to Train Self-driving AI - Elec" (2p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:53:15] <c0lo> =submit https://www.pewresearch.org
[09:53:18] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Experts Doubt Ethical AI Design Will be Broadly Adopted as the Norm Within the Next Decade" (107p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:53:49] <c0lo> =submit https://www.businessinsider.com
[09:53:52] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "0360% of Millennials Earning Over $100,000 Live Paycheck to Paycheck" (14p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:54:16] <c0lo> =submit https://www.theguardian.com
[09:54:18] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The Problem Isn’t Remote Working – It’s Clinging to Office-based Practices" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:54:31] -!- c0lo has quit [Client Quit]
[10:13:52] <FatPhil> i notice the "lease wear masks" signs have now been taken down from public transport here.
[10:14:18] <FatPhil> Hooray - that means covid's over, right?
[10:19:21] <janrinok> colo: Your last submission is particularly interesting - to me at least.
[10:21:04] <janrinok> FP, yes you can now hug everybody, hold huge parties, and ignore social distancing rules - or at least that is what appears to happening in several places. Standby for another surge in a few weeks time...
[10:21:33] <Ingar> By then I should have gotten my second shot
[10:21:58] <janrinok> mine is on Saturday - for the next few weeks I will be remaining an unsociable hermit
[10:23:55] <FatPhil> I am quite a huggy person, so I've missed that a bit. Indeed, I shall organise a giant hugathon in my courtyard.
[10:26:21] <janrinok> well the French hug and kiss almost complete strangers but I must confess that the elbow bump has been very evident when I have been out shopping. Not sure how long that will last though.
[10:31:35] <Ingar> I hate the elbow bump
[10:37:27] <inz> elbows are for cutting in lines, not for greeting
[11:56:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - mRNA Vaccine Yields Full Protection Against Malaria in Mice - https://sylnt.us - lucky-white-mice-again
[12:20:12] <FatPhil> I think the elbow bump was an excellent quick solution, I kinda quite like it now.
[12:22:05] <FatPhil> the foot tap was terrible in comparison. At least elbow bumping has part of the gesture of handshaking, and I'm a big handshaker.
[12:34:25] <FatPhil> Honk Honk! Anyone order a taxi to clownworld?
[12:34:26] <FatPhil> https://jonathanturley.org
[12:34:27] <systemd> ^ 03Not in Front of the Shih Tzu: Professors Call for Hate Speech Protections to be Extended to Animals (Updated)
[13:15:59] <Runaway1956> It was a wonderful Father's Day / Juneteenth weekend - just like years gone by in Chicago
[13:16:05] <Runaway1956> https://cdn0.thetruthaboutguns.com
[13:21:09] <Runaway1956> If I spend more than 30 seconds searching for a window open on my desktop, does that mean I have too many windows open?
[13:21:38] <FatPhil> or not enough desktops
[13:21:41] <inz> that means your window manager is not up to the task
[13:22:15] <FatPhil> I like the equivalent of 10 desktops that dwm gives me, there's a different family of tasks running in each one.
[13:22:40] <Runaway1956> all my tasks are inbred, they're the same family, lol
[13:22:43] <inz> Ditto, but *3 screens
[13:22:56] * Runaway1956 only has two displays
[13:26:25] <Runaway1956> Got a new toy yesterday, and it appears that I can recommend it for anyone needing a good battery charger
[13:26:37] <Runaway1956> https://www.xtar.cc
[13:26:41] <systemd> ^ 03XTAR VP4 PLUS User Manual_ShenZhen XTAR Electronics Co., Ltd
[13:27:03] <Runaway1956> That 0 volt setting seems to recondition a fully discharged battery pretty well
[13:52:15] <Runaway1956> China doubles down on Wuhan Institute of Virology by REWARDING them for their ineptitude
[13:52:38] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.cnsnews.com
[13:52:41] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Wuhan Lab Nominated for Top Chinese Science Prize" (23p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[13:53:20] <Runaway1956> And, that ain't "politics", that's Science Gone So Far Wrong
[13:57:11] <janrinok> Runaway1956, "China doubles down on Wuhan Institute of Virology by REWARDING them for their ineptitude". So you have already reached your verdict on where the virus originated. I'm sure if you have convincing evidence, and not just a personal belief, it would make a fascinating submission
[14:13:21] <Runaway1956> lol
[14:14:24] <Runaway1956> You've forgotten the statements that WIV was operating unsafely even before COVID came out?
[14:16:09] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[14:16:11] <systemd> ^ 0313年不懈追踪,中国科学家寻获SARS病毒源头
[14:27:04] <requerdanos> WIV "operating unsafely" just puts it on a level with places like Ft. Detrick. It doesn't constitute that convincing evidence. Note, such evidence would need to convince those whose minds aren't already made up...
[14:27:30] <Runaway1956> OK, whataboutism -
[14:27:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - What it was like to be Peer Reviewed in the 1860s - https://sylnt.us
[14:28:02] <Runaway1956> US labs operate unsafely, so we have to excuse Wuhan for handling samples with bare hands and such
[14:28:47] <requerdanos> No. "Operating unsafely" means there might, might not be an accident that might, might not have anything to do with it. "Might, might not" is alarming, but isn't evidence.
[14:29:16] <requerdanos> This is not some big-brain intersection between brain surgery and rocket science, here, just basic information hygeine
[14:29:30] <Runaway1956> So, the statement that "china doubles down by rewarding WIV for unsafe practices" become invalid
[14:30:28] <requerdanos> the statement is valid if true, but nothing there necessarily having anything to do with your conviction that covid is for sure a lab release. Still just an alarming might, might not.
[14:31:00] <Runaway1956> Where, above, have I stated that it has been proven that COVID came from the lab?
[14:31:12] <Runaway1956> I've stated that WIV is being rewarded for ineptitude
[14:31:23] <Runaway1956> What have I said that is inaccurate?
[14:31:54] <Runaway1956> Are you Chinese, lol?
[14:31:59] <requerdanos> yeah, and that's a bad thing, but we are talking about your conviction repeated various times that it's a lab release--jr would like to see some proof of that and so would I!
[14:32:29] <Runaway1956> I am convinced it came from the lab - but I have never stated it as a fact, only as my opinion
[14:32:44] <Runaway1956> the ineptitude is documented, so I can state that as a fact
[14:32:59] <FatPhil> All prasie to the mighty hyno-daszak, who says it wasn't a lab release, and he should know, he worked there.
[14:33:26] <requerdanos> Proof would be a literally earth-shaking story. I'd love to see some, and if anyone can find it in the alternate-sources-net, I pin my faith on you.
[14:33:29] <Runaway1956> ROFLING for ten minutes - good one FatPhil
[14:33:58] <requerdanos> And as you've pointed out, lab release is looking a lot less unlikely than it did a year ago
[14:34:46] <Runaway1956> I had to read that twice to be sure I understood you
[14:35:04] <requerdanos> I mean lab release looks more likely now than it did previously
[14:35:20] <Runaway1956> yes, lab release looks more likely, when you discount the early statements made by people with vested interests
[14:35:25] <FatPhil> I'm never understood why the doubters ever considered it "unlikely" in the first place. I don't think you should consider something "unlikely" until you've got evidence it couldn't be true.
[14:35:44] <Runaway1956> exactly
[14:36:13] <Runaway1956> And, to repeat, I think I've always kept my opinions separate from proven fact
[14:36:20] <requerdanos> I am just properly, I think, skeptical of a theory until there's evidence for it. There's circumstancial evidence for lab release, that's for sure.
[14:36:23] <Runaway1956> we have not yet proven that the virus came from the lab
[14:36:48] <Runaway1956> but I am personally convinced that any other likely source is silly
[14:36:58] <FatPhil> Both hypotheses started "possible" in my priors, and everything I heard pushed it one way and one way only. Including the denials of the possibility, as they were coming from now-proven liars.
[14:37:01] <requerdanos> but a year ago lab release was more widely considered a "conspiracy theory" when it's now recognized as just "a valid possibility"
[14:37:49] <Runaway1956> Any "natural source" theory needs to supply some missing intermediaries
[14:37:53] <FatPhil> That's because knee-jerk idiots like to put labels on things without evidence. Calling it CT is as sloppy thinking as CTs are
[14:38:24] <FatPhil> some intermediaries that aren't 1000km away, too.
[14:38:37] <requerdanos> Well, China has interfered with the process as I understand it. Normally there would be an epidemiological study to investigate source.
[14:39:06] <Runaway1956> correct - so, why squelch the investigation?
[14:39:14] <FatPhil> The mighty Daszak and his band of merry other people with competing interests already did that.
[14:39:28] <requerdanos> There are many possible reasons, including that China just rolls like that.
[14:39:35] <Runaway1956> Most likely reason is, you have inside information that the investigation will uncover things you don't want the world to know
[14:39:47] <requerdanos> Without a deep understanding of the motivations of the ch
[14:40:15] <requerdanos> inese govt, we can't know what those things would be.
[14:40:49] <Runaway1956> Let's start with the concept that the Chinese are as human as you and I
[14:40:56] <requerdanos> I mean, any identified source within china makes china look bad and they wouldn't want the world to know, is what I mean.
[14:41:22] <requerdanos> yes, I believe that people of other cultures are human.
[14:41:46] * Runaway1956 considers whether requerdanos is human - he could be a Chinese chatbot
[14:42:17] <FatPhil> How long have you considered whether requerdanos is human?
[14:42:29] <Runaway1956> at least 30 seconds
[14:42:51] <requerdanos> I claim to be as human as any chinese person.
[14:43:17] <requerdanos> even though I am unitedstatesian.
[14:44:03] <Runaway1956> Does your mailing address include any three-letter agency identifiers, such as NSA?
[14:44:46] <requerdanos> No. There's some two-letter "SW" and "NC" in there, but it just means southwest and North Carolina, respectively.
[14:46:09] <requerdanos> I did accidently take the exit off 295(?) for the NSA once, but I turned around and got out of there before being shot. My wife was laughing about it and I explained to her "shut up they can hear you."
[14:46:24] <Runaway1956> lol
[14:47:13] <Runaway1956> I can relate - I got lost one evening, found myself driving around the perimeter of Quantico
[14:47:23] <Runaway1956> "Holy shit, I better get out of here!"
[14:48:10] <requerdanos> same thought process, yes.
[14:48:24] <FatPhil> I know someone who flew over the outskirts of area 51
[14:48:51] * Runaway1956 thinks fatphil is probably lying because the aliens would have eaten said person
[14:52:58] <requerdanos> How far away from Area 51 do you have to be to be considered in the "outskirts"?
[14:57:00] <FatPhil> enough to make them twitchy, not enough to have them scramble
[14:57:37] <Runaway1956> I got twitchy every time I got close to Kansas City
[14:57:42] <requerdanos> When I heard about the "charge on area 51" being planned my first response was "Some dumb people are going to die."
[14:58:02] <FatPhil> yes, but s/response/hope/ ;-)
[14:59:28] <Runaway1956> Yay, I've got a tracking number - from China
[14:59:49] <Runaway1956> 18650 batteries have gotten pretty cheap - if you order from China
[15:00:13] <Runaway1956> just under $4.00 apiece
[15:00:16] <requerdanos> ebay? ali express?
[15:00:22] <Runaway1956> ebay
[15:00:33] <Runaway1956> should be here in time for Christmas, lol
[15:08:52] <Runaway1956> to get out of prison - breed mice?
[15:08:57] <Runaway1956> https://www.washingtonpost.com
[15:08:58] <systemd> ^ 03Australian prison to be evacuated after mice move in
[15:35:02] <Runaway1956> Google funding for Daszak
[15:35:07] <Runaway1956> https://thenationalpulse.com
[15:35:09] <systemd> ^ 03REVEALED: Google & USAID Funded Wuhan Collaborator Peter Daszak's Virus Experiments For Over A Decade.
[15:43:31] <FatPhil> Anyone got a spare 100 bitcoin for a pizza?
[15:47:11] <janrinok> are you buying a pizza for the whole city?
[15:48:59] -!- inky has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[15:49:23] <FatPhil> nope, just making a comment on the intrinsic value of bitcoin, and on the direction its perceived value has followed today.
[15:50:50] <janrinok> fallen that much has it? I've not been watching.
[15:52:08] <requerdanos> I, too, am willing to receive such pizza donations, should anyone be itching to transfer their bitcoin rather than just hold it.
[15:56:12] <FatPhil> it's now in the red for the year, as are most cryptos. 50% down from its peak
[15:59:45] <FatPhil> I got a funny SMS from the CEO of the brewpub today - literally "don't invest so much in the company"!
[16:02:26] <FatPhil> We've got a small share issue because of unconverted loans, and everyone knows those shares will be oversubscribed. Now we have to play game theory and guess how oversubscribed it will be and scale up our orders proportionally.
[16:04:12] <FatPhil> So we're all basically playing this game, but with a ratio > 1: https://en.wikipedia.org
[16:04:14] <systemd> ^ 03Guess 2/3 of the average - Wikipedia
[16:07:18] <FatPhil> One of the investors lived in Cali for the last 3 years, and was apparently driving around with the name of the brewery as his numberplate (which he has now donated to the brewpub).
[16:12:23] -!- inky [inky!~inky@46.70.gsz.zxh] has joined #soylent
[16:27:36] <FatPhil> Holy fucking jesus - I'm a jenoiuse! I've just solved the unexpected hanging paradox! https://en.wikipedia.org
[16:27:37] <systemd> ^ 03Unexpected hanging paradox - Wikipedia
[16:27:48] <FatPhil> It's so simple, I can't believed the solution's been overlooked for so long.
[16:28:46] * Runaway1956 is humbled to be in the virtual presence of a genyouwine genious
[16:30:01] <Ingar> the fallacy ignores the temporal evolution of the "surprise" concept
[16:30:08] <Ingar> !next
[16:31:42] <FatPhil> that's part of it, that's kinda the paradox, but you can get around that with clearer wording.
[16:33:23] <FatPhil> Strangely, I think the solution is best described in terms of topology.
[16:33:49] <requerdanos> given that the barber shaves those who do not shave themselves, topologically speaking?
[16:33:50] <FatPhil> And if you're using rubber sheet geometry, the prisoner can just escape the cell before his hanging
[16:34:56] <Ingar> I'd rather take the CERN approach: let's accellerate the prisoner to 0.99c and see if the paradox holds
[16:36:12] <Ingar> together with Zeno's turtoise
[16:36:23] <chromas> is that with the noose on or off?
[16:36:29] <requerdanos> a halfway solution.
[16:38:17] <FatPhil> At high enough energy levels, the prisoner could probably quantum tunnel out of the cell
[16:38:46] <requerdanos> Not, one would presume, comfortably. The rubber sheet is probably healthier for the prisoner.
[16:39:47] <janrinok> well, that's cleared that one up. On to the next paradox....
[16:42:11] <Ingar> https://en.wikipedia.org
[16:42:12] <systemd> ^ 03Drinker paradox - Wikipedia
[16:50:12] <FatPhil> I don't like that one, as you have to really mangle language to make it paradoxical.
[16:51:29] <FatPhil> the language is clearly referring to a period of time, the mathematical formulation only holds true for a single instant.
[16:52:14] <FatPhil> mathematicians have no primacy over language, I'm afraid.
[16:52:22] <FatPhil> And I say that as a mathematician.
[16:56:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Kill the 5-Day Workweek - https://sylnt.us - yes
[16:59:11] <FatPhil> Uh-oh, new neighbours have moved in.
[16:59:45] <FatPhil> Sounds like they have a full linda blair mother sucks cocks in hell noisebeast in their ranks.
[17:05:18] <chromas> any tubular bells?
[17:06:04] <FatPhil> unfortunately not. Maybe I sould play that at high volume every time the kid's audible, and see if they can work it out.
[17:06:12] <FatPhil> fortunately, no pea soup
[17:07:22] <FatPhil> wooop wooop! 2 day week! 2 day week! (national holidays tommorrow and thurs, and everyone just writes off friday)
[17:19:51] <Runaway1956> That's just another communist plot, when all is said and done.
[17:30:39] <Runaway1956> Huh - it seems that cameras have done more to advance human rights vs cops than all of the BLM /Antifa riots of the past year
[17:30:46] <Runaway1956> https://www.independent.co.uk
[17:30:48] <systemd> ^ 03Southern California sheriff’s deputy under investigation after surveillance video shows him kicking suspect in the head after surrender
[18:05:01] <Runaway1956> =submit https://arstechnica.com
[18:05:04] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Congress Isn’t Happy About SpaceX’s Lunar Lander and May Vent This Week" (13p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[18:05:17] <Runaway1956> It would amuse me if Musk just said "fuck it" and went to the moon on his own
[18:05:38] <FatPhil> did the story about spaceX launching without approval get run already?
[18:05:59] <Runaway1956> Got run over?
[18:06:03] <FatPhil> it was about a week ago it hit my feeds
[18:06:41] <Runaway1956> I remember the story, don't remember it being published on SN
[18:07:02] <Runaway1956> We can backtrack some, looking for roadkilled stories
[18:08:25] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.space.com
[18:08:27] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Mars Helicopter Ingenuity Nails 8th Flight on the Red Planet" (12p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[18:08:51] <Runaway1956> Oh yeah - I almost forgot to look for a bird on the interwebz
[18:10:31] <Runaway1956> Saw a critter yesterday that looked a lot like a bald eagle
[18:10:59] <Runaway1956> appeared to be too small for a mature bald eagle, but sported the white head of a said eagle
[18:11:33] <Runaway1956> most of his coat looked black, rather than mottled black/brown/white
[18:12:12] <Runaway1956> I wish I had a better view, not to mention a good camera
[18:16:13] <janrinok> FatPhil, https://soylentnews.org
[18:16:15] <systemd> ^ 03SpaceX Ignored Last-Minute Warnings from the FAA Before Starship SN8 Launch - SoylentNews
[18:21:56] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[18:22:45] <janrinok> no sign of Bytram today - I wonder if he is still unwell
[18:31:29] <Runaway1956> we can hope he's just busy with something
[18:36:26] SoyGuest37021 is now known as cosurgi
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[18:36:29] -!- mode/#soylent [+v cosurgi] by Aphrodite
[18:37:01] <janrinok> probably is - how are you?
[18:38:23] <Runaway1956> Me? I'm well enough. And, how's your day?
[18:39:25] <janrinok> just coming to an end. Not having the best of days but they are slowly getting better as the weeks pass.
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[18:54:56] -!- inky [inky!~inky@46.162.kjj.rhy] has joined #soylent
[19:26:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Australian Cops Spy on Covid Check-In App Despite Privacy Promises From Government - https://sylnt.us - just-following-the-science
[19:59:55] -!- inky has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:03:21] -!- inky [inky!~inky@46.162.kjj.rhy] has joined #soylent
[20:23:37] <Bytram> janrinok: Yes, I'm okay, all-in-all. Been achy the past week (barometer has not made it over 29.76 in-Hg / 1007.8 mBar), so that made it hard to sleep through the night, and lack of sleep was NOT helping. Sunrise with crows and other birds announcing "We are Up! You should be, too!" precluded sleeping in. So tried going to bed earlier which has helped. Allergies have been bad here, but rain today should help damp that down. Low 70sF
[20:23:37] <Bytram> (~30C) has made sleeping more comfortable, so that helps, too. It's just temporary, I know, so I just try to page myself and take things one day at a time.
[20:25:34] <Bytram> (Note: low barometer means old injuries, aches, and pains are much more palpable.)
[20:26:09] <Bytram> thanks for asking after me!
[20:35:19] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[20:38:47] -!- inky [inky!~inky@46.162.kjj.rhy] has joined #soylent
[21:56:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The ISRG Wants to Make the Linux Kernel Memory-Safe with Rust - https://sylnt.us - anti-accident?
[22:08:21] <FatPhil> Isn't madcow dead yet? https://greenwald.substack.com
[22:08:21] <systemd> ^ 03A Court Ruled Rachel Maddow's Viewers Know She Offers Exaggeration and Opinion, Not Facts - Glenn Greenwald
[22:09:45] <FatPhil> SHouldn't she be put out to pasture, and then the burnt with the stubble?
[22:10:33] <chromas> out to pasture? you mean out in a maddow?
[22:15:11] <FatPhil> chromas++
[22:15:11] <Bender> karma - chromas: 363
[22:15:37] <FatPhil> where the mad cows roam
[22:15:55] <FatPhil> TIL the word "swidden"
[22:16:53] <Bytram> when in... roam... don't have a cow, man!
[22:17:01] <FatPhil> I didn't do it!
[22:17:10] <Bytram> chromas++
[22:17:10] <Bender> karma - chromas: 364
[22:31:17] <AzumaHazuki> Maddow makes a hell of a lot more sense than...well, basically everyone people want to compare her to, like Tucker Carlson
[22:31:47] <AzumaHazuki> very telling, FatPhil, that all you have is "i don't like her tone" more or less
[22:34:45] <AzumaHazuki> beware, too, the fallacy of the golden mean: the truth is not always somewhere in the middle of two opposing parties' opinions. sometimes it's more extreme than either
[22:36:12] <requerdanos> a judgement over whether a person likes someone's tone is perfectly valid, even if not coupled with debate team-like analysis of what's being said in that tone
[23:12:15] <FatPhil> It's not that I don't like her tone, I don't like the words that come out her mouth that are basically idiotic wharble-garble. She's someone you should be distancing yourself from, there is no property that she has that you should want to be associated with.
[23:13:46] <requerdanos> Remember folks, a court just rules that it goes without saying that she's full of it.
[23:14:06] <FatPhil> SHe went batshit insane about "russia", not realising that when russia wants to interfere with your elections, it creates at least one whole new party.
[23:14:16] <FatPhil> Sometimes two.
[23:14:21] <FatPhil> Opposing each other.
[23:19:43] <Bytram> sounds like: embrace, extend, extinguish
[23:20:32] <FatPhil> yeah, the funny thing is that he does that in Russia too!
[23:21:18] <Bytram> dishes
[23:31:09] <AzumaHazuki> you know, i've basically given up on politics at this point. the entire world's going bat-shagging insane
[23:31:39] <AzumaHazuki> granted, things would be far worse had Trump won in the US, but a Biden win is at best a tourniquet, not surgery
[23:31:59] <AzumaHazuki> the patient is obese, unwell, and has lost too much blood
[23:46:51] <FatPhil> and is high on as-yet-unknown drugs
[23:58:25] <Runaway1956> bat-shagging insane? I didn't know 'zumi was Chinese!
[23:58:56] <Bytram> "The bat who shagged me" ??
[23:59:11] <Runaway1956> Bytram++
[23:59:12] <Bender> karma - bytram: 168
[23:59:25] <Runaway1956> or the shag who batted me