#soylent | Logs for 2021-07-24

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[00:00:58] <AzumaHazuki> FatPhil: so you're not quite ready to stick him in the ground where the flowers grow?
[00:02:19] -!- shortstop has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[00:05:25] <kyonko2> I went to the tucson mall on the 15th
[00:05:38] <kyonko2> the youth wear places still exist
[00:06:27] <kyonko2> there is some kind of persistant filmy sticky interactive-y (interaction?) spray on crap on "frequently touched surfaces(tm)"
[00:07:16] <kyonko2> consider that many among us before covid19 were wringing their hands about who should and who shouldn't drive a car with not a care to the availability of public transportation for adults
[00:07:35] <kyonko2> hey, tokyo is closed in a circle for trains and motor vehicles
[00:09:59] <kyonko2> we've come a long way from rubbing an inflated baloon on a cats fur then rubbing it on a comb then putting the comb on the stream of cold running water to make it bend toward the comb
[00:10:21] <kyonko2> and somehow this proves what... our czech guy denies to be real
[00:17:48] <FatPhil> I stick nooone in the ground. I just dig a hole, and let them trip into it.
[00:20:27] <AzumaHazuki> =submit https://www.notebookcheck.net from the RISC-V-Business dept.
[00:20:29] <kyonko2> trip? you mean, step into it
[00:20:29] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "03Computer Scientist Showcases World's First RISC-V-based Linux PC Coupled With an AMD RX 6700 XT GPU" (6p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:21:04] <kyonko2> a proper trip is caused by a specific geometry, like a door handle
[00:21:14] * kyonko2 facepalms "what exactly is a door handle"
[00:21:19] <kyonko2> I didn't say, knob
[00:21:36] <kyonko2> you know, those dirty things frequently touched that look like a [
[00:31:58] <kyonko2> frequently touched surfaces, skin to skin, MRSA
[00:32:02] <kyonko2> nasal swabs
[00:32:06] <kyonko2> ying and yang
[00:33:14] <kyonko2> i'm sorry, sir, but your test results are a natonal security secret
[00:34:58] <AzumaHazuki> what the haemorrhaging fuck are you on about? if i may be so bold as to inquire
[00:36:18] <kyonko2> remember 2020
[00:36:24] <kyonko2> when everything was not normal
[00:36:26] <kyonko2> for 90 days
[00:39:08] <kyonko2> never saw that in my life before
[00:39:21] <kyonko2> yes, there was war and crime, but not.... that
[00:42:12] <kyonko2> althought 2011 was very concerning
[00:43:44] <t3> nothing is ever normal when you bother to pay attention
[00:44:50] <kyonko2> is there I reason why i DONT have cancer?
[00:45:05] <t3> you probably do have cancer though
[00:45:07] <kyonko2> just a buch of continuous streams of "non-cancer" then, cancer
[00:45:12] <t3> it's just not bad yet
[00:45:16] <kyonko2> I'm probably covid+ too
[00:45:45] <kyonko2> I can't fathom who died in 2020 and why, obviously, those that weren't government mandated euthanasia
[00:46:18] <kyonko2> everyone in my household has to be covid+
[00:46:26] <kyonko2> it is a common cold virus
[00:46:52] <kyonko2> my neighbor is very close to his elderly neighbor, and he was among the first back in march to get the mysterious "dry cough"
[00:47:02] <AzumaHazuki> from what i've been reading out of the Salk institute, covid itself may actually be harmless; the spike protein is what causes the damage
[00:47:05] <kyonko2> no one died, no one got weak or disappeared for a month
[00:47:20] <kyonko2> Oh you mean jonas salk, the closest thing to a christ we ever had
[00:47:36] <AzumaHazuki> as expected, it adhered to the ACE2 receptor and causes all kinds of pizdec with vascular endothelium. corollary to this is, thin out your blood and reduce inflammation and you will suffer less
[00:48:08] <kyonko2> see, thats where I just stop learning about biology
[00:48:23] <AzumaHazuki> i've been making sure i cook low-glycaemic-index meals for my mother and add turmeric + black pepper into many of them. she's on blood thinners so she's actually well protected
[00:48:42] <AzumaHazuki> and for myself, magnesium, D3, and ginger or Korean pine-needle powder tea daily
[00:49:21] <kyonko2> people may think I am on blood thinners by the way I clip my fingernails
[00:49:43] <kyonko2> but that is the least of my problems
[00:49:54] <kyonko2> do I care that flu masking covers up my "money maker"
[00:50:02] <kyonko2> no, because I never made money with my face and smile
[00:50:48] <kyonko2> I'm just going to have to deal with the mainstream media for a while because of the olympics, but NHK is pretty good... compared to PBS
[00:51:50] <kyonko2> I stopped watching PBS a bit before covid19... I was actually saving HD episodes to disk when trumps first 100 days began
[00:52:10] <kyonko2> then things kinda get meh really quick
[00:52:38] <kyonko2> but windows 10 wiped out 2TB of personal HD and web recorded HD videos
[00:52:41] <kyonko2> :)
[00:53:55] <kyonko2> before covid19 the last megadeath incident in the US was hurricane maria in puerto rico
[00:54:11] <kyonko2> given 90 days after the hurricane they were back to the usual 2nd amendment gun violence
[00:54:31] <kyonko2> covid19 did really break the seismograph needle
[00:54:50] <kyonko2> the media brouhaha was all those people dying and having to do without "last rites"
[00:54:53] <kyonko2> har
[00:56:33] * kyonko2 is watching NHK english on directv and the compression is very bothersome
[00:56:40] <kyonko2> the audio is compressed as well
[00:58:14] * kyonko2 sees images of tokyo streets without the "sea of people" at the cross walks
[00:58:37] <kyonko2> i guess less people are going to get laid because of this
[01:12:24] -!- kyonko2 has quit [Quit: KVIrc 5.0.0 Aria http://www.kvirc.net
[01:21:23] -!- kyonko [kyonko!~kvirc@97.73.pot.zwy] has joined #soylent
[01:21:45] <kyonko> NHK: 4 million dead world wide from covid19 (out of a population close to 10 billion)
[01:29:07] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@gdwe-03-101-39-078.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[01:29:09] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@gdwe-03-101-39-078.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[01:29:12] boru` is now known as boru
[01:31:25] <kyonko> everyone in japan is working @ home
[01:34:25] <kyonko> https://news.ycombinator.com
[01:34:26] <systemd> ^ 03Facebook has so far tried, and failed, to do this. Twice. First was Facebook Sp...
[01:34:39] <kyonko> nothing below the waist eh
[01:40:42] <kyonko> people are killing themselves at frito-lay?
[01:44:54] <AzumaHazuki> they ought to be killing the responsible parties
[01:45:08] <AzumaHazuki> i suppose for making a statement a giant vat of chip oil works as well as a guillotine
[01:45:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Judges Reject Viasat's Plea to Stop SpaceX's Starlink Satellite Launches - https://sylnt.us - entrenched
[01:46:20] <kyonko> yeah but this is circa 2014 (heartbleed) shit
[01:46:37] <kyonko> I was eating doritos when the heartbleed news broke
[01:47:24] <kyonko> i'd be worried more about truck drivers than chip factory workers
[01:47:29] <kyonko> (but thats none of my business!)
[01:48:04] <kyonko> the late 2000's were still fresh on the minds of myself and others when heartbleed happened, along with spectre
[01:48:13] <kyonko> *cough* AT&T and the NSA
[01:48:40] <kyonko> I think I was into doritos and mtn dew back then
[01:49:05] <kyonko> a childless 20 something, I wasn't ready to die from some evolutionary disease involving calories and pleasure
[01:49:35] <kyonko> once you preg someone, you can die in peace (when you are still under 18)
[02:47:08] -!- shortstop [shortstop!~some@154.21.jw.oo] has joined #soylent
[02:49:39] <Runaway1956> Hot. Apparently, my computer has shut down 4 times today, due to overheating.
[02:50:53] <Runaway1956> I hope Texas gets on the grid soon - this heat will kill my equipment!!
[03:17:48] <kyonko> ???????
[03:18:01] <kyonko> and somehow cars don't drop dead in the middle of road?
[03:18:55] <kyonko> how hot is hot exactly?
[03:19:49] <kyonko> cars that don't have computers inside them are kinda... obvious
[03:20:01] <kyonko> a motor cycle, even more simple
[03:21:10] <kyonko> i got really lucky with the car I drive to head out of town
[03:22:55] <kyonko> because we don't have public transportation and the way things are going, never will
[03:26:02] <kyonko> we have busses and taxis, but these things arent reliable transportation you can plan a trip with
[03:26:14] <kyonko> it's all ad hoc and gap filled
[03:26:40] <kyonko> if this was compared to a human body, this body wouldn't even be metabolizing anything and producing heat
[03:40:59] <tedious> Runaway1956: Is your power out in texas?
[03:41:46] <Runaway1956> The heat is out in Texas, tedious
[03:42:00] <Runaway1956> and it's overflowing onto Arkansas
[03:42:52] <Runaway1956> I have set up a couple fans to circulate more, cooler air into my computer room - things should work better now.
[03:44:03] <tedious> Oh ok.
[03:45:36] <Runaway1956> We have also had a shortage of cold beverages today. Everyone is drinking more! Brewed two gallons of ice tea a little bit ago, and filled two gallon jugs with water to chill
[03:47:55] <kyonko> they said it was going to go out man
[03:48:04] <kyonko> look at california
[03:48:10] <kyonko> now its in texas, it was predicted
[03:48:18] <Runaway1956> What is going out? The sun?
[03:48:21] <kyonko> i don't know how much longer arizona can hold out
[03:48:26] <kyonko> planned power outages
[03:48:34] <kyonko> the last one happened back in feburary
[03:48:44] <Runaway1956> Oh - yeah - I read something about that, didn't pay it much mind
[03:48:53] <kyonko> well its real
[03:49:09] <kyonko> only the most preppy preppers were "alright" for the texas cold of 2021
[03:50:07] <kyonko> I can handle discomfort and shenanigans, but I am also quickly getting old
[03:50:44] <Runaway1956> Yeah, I'm kinda tired of that old age thing already, and I'm not even very old
[03:51:21] <Runaway1956> An agent came around last week, and told me that I'd have to trade in my white privilege, so that I could get old bastard privilege
[03:51:38] <Runaway1956> apparently, you can't have both at the same time
[03:51:54] <kyonko> a lot of people don't want to move into nursing homes
[03:52:01] <kyonko> thats the old term for them anyway
[03:52:05] <kyonko> its "assisted living"
[03:52:06] <Runaway1956> Ain't gonna happen here
[03:52:10] <kyonko> but they are very expensive
[03:52:34] <kyonko> the philosophically dilemma is "voluntary"
[03:52:40] <Runaway1956> They try to force old people into homes, so they have leverage to take away their homes - no inheritance for the kids
[03:52:56] <kyonko> well a lot of parents are actually assholes that alienate their kids
[03:53:09] <kyonko> lots of problems here in arizona
[03:53:12] <Runaway1956> Then there are kids like me who alienated their parents
[03:53:33] <kyonko> a lot of people aren't "ok" with dying
[03:53:51] <Runaway1956> Doesn't much matter - they're gonna die anyway
[03:54:01] <tedious> AzumaHazuki: If it's the spike proteins that are bad what are we doing putting them into vaccines??
[03:54:31] <AzumaHazuki> tedious: training the body to destroy them
[03:54:33] <kyonko> arizona is like, a big state for retired people
[03:54:35] <kyonko> its hot
[03:54:37] <tedious> Do you have a link to whatever you got from the salk institute?
[03:54:40] <Runaway1956> ahhhhh - zumi is here? Tell her about my fleet of drones, LOL
[03:54:42] <AzumaHazuki> hang on
[03:55:03] <kyonko> we had a monsoon storm again snap powerlines on the way to the retiree community
[03:55:05] <AzumaHazuki> https://www.salk.edu
[03:55:08] <systemd> ^ 03The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness - Salk Institute for Biological Studies
[03:55:18] <kyonko> only the most fortified of assisted living facilities have diesel generators
[03:55:19] <tedious> Oh jeeze.
[03:55:23] <tedious> Thanks.
[03:55:43] <AzumaHazuki> look at it this way, the damage it (at least to a first-order approximation) dose-dependent. You make less when vaccinated and the body goes completely batshit on it
[03:55:50] <kyonko> a fortified assisted living facility, where you can live life as you knew it, is not cheap
[03:55:51] <Runaway1956> The place my wife works has diesel generator - but it only seems to work 3/4 of the time
[03:56:08] <kyonko> lol 3/4ths
[03:56:13] <kyonko> you need to hire hire hire
[03:56:22] <kyonko> 24-7-365 staffinf
[03:56:28] <AzumaHazuki> this one fact neatly explains virtually everything about the virus's symptology, contributing comorbidities, etc
[03:56:30] <kyonko> the geezer industry has a lot of hiring potential
[03:56:55] <kyonko> of course you have plenty of geezers in this world who still "boil water"
[03:57:11] <AzumaHazuki> this is also why i've made it a habit to eat a mostly low-inflammatory and low-glycaemic diet and to take magnesium, D3, ginger or fennel or red pine needle tea, etc
[03:57:24] <Runaway1956> You don't boil water?
[03:57:35] <kyonko> I don't boil water, I buy reverse osmosis water from the store
[03:57:46] <tedious> Magnesium too?
[03:57:50] <kyonko> its filtered through a plastic membrane, like kidney dialysis
[03:58:04] <Runaway1956> If they would just sell the osmoting machine at a reasonable price . . .
[03:58:07] <kyonko> the filters clog and get thrown away or incinerated or whatever, i don't care
[03:58:18] <Runaway1956> I would be willing to osmote my water
[03:58:20] <kyonko> rich people have their own R.O systems at home
[03:58:21] <tedious> I better start eating more peanutbutter
[03:58:26] <kyonko> even for bath water and jacuzzi
[03:58:32] <AzumaHazuki> tedious: anti-inflammatory, may slightly lower blood sugar--nonono, PB is mostly omega-6
[03:58:36] <tedious> Or get some magnesiu pills.
[03:58:38] <kyonko> the top rich people of arizona have indoor pools
[03:58:50] <tedious> Crap.
[03:59:06] <tedious> Omega-6 is inflamatory right?
[03:59:06] <kyonko> rich people have everything they need, if they are "truly rich"
[03:59:37] <AzumaHazuki> tedious, almost always, yes. n-6 and n-3 fatty acids compete for the same enzymes, and their metabolites are pro- and anti-inflammatory respectively
[03:59:54] <kyonko> inflammation
[04:00:08] <kyonko> good luck finding a good definition on that
[04:00:10] <AzumaHazuki> arachidonic acid is a big offender, and the peanut's species name? Arachis hypogaea, "peanut whut grows under de erf"
[04:00:28] <tedious> Ok but last time I looked the only way to be sure to get lots of omega-3 was to eat fish that contain mercury.
[04:00:47] <AzumaHazuki> n-3 acids are actually made by algae, not the fish...there are algal n-3 supplements out there
[04:00:52] <Runaway1956> Mercury is good for you, it helps you deliver messages faster
[04:01:04] <AzumaHazuki> i of course can't afford them so i just try and keep my calories and GI/GL under control
[04:01:53] <kyonko> i wouldn't worry about mercury as much as radioactive fish
[04:02:01] <tedious> Man human bodies are messed up.
[04:02:07] <kyonko> depending on how sensitive the instruments are, our whole world now is very very radioactive
[04:02:18] <tedious> Did our ancestors just eat algae to stay healthy?
[04:02:23] <AzumaHazuki> well, yeah, we're "made in the image of God" and you know what a fucked-up bastard Yahweh is
[04:02:40] <AzumaHazuki> i suspect our ancestors generally died before dietary issues as such could kill them
[04:02:45] <Runaway1956> "proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease."
[04:02:49] <kyonko> like those yellow CD instruments with the reel out detector... they still miss a good chunk of hot particles that will make you sick or dead
[04:02:51] <tedious> That makes sense.
[04:02:58] <kyonko> like the dosimeters at chernobyl
[04:04:05] <tedious> Runaway1956: That's scary.
[04:04:10] <kyonko> the first stages of radiation sickness feels a lot like being infected
[04:04:21] <AzumaHazuki> i may be being too paranoid about this, but i only ever cook in stainless steel or pyrex (baking), and only ever use avocado oil for sauteeing, EVOO for unheated applications
[04:04:31] <Runaway1956> When people figure that out, a whole lot of them will become anti-vaxx
[04:04:37] <AzumaHazuki> virtually never eat eggs, will eat cheese, no milk aside from some half and half in tea or coffee
[04:04:42] <kyonko> a lot of people are anti-vax now
[04:05:11] <Runaway1956> I'm kinda anti-vax, but gave in to peer pressure
[04:05:14] <tedious> What's bad about eggs and cheese?
[04:05:16] <kyonko> the first signs of radiation sickness are inexplicable diarrhea as the rapidly reproducing cells of the human digestive tract die
[04:05:36] <kyonko> its a lot, its overwhleming
[04:05:49] <AzumaHazuki> eggs have been linked to increased risk of diabetes if you have more than 3 a week or so, which sucks because they're pretty healthy otherwise. milk, i just don't like. cheese i fucking love but have iron self-control
[04:06:12] <kyonko> diabetes is a horrible disease, but it is not cancer
[04:06:18] <Runaway1956> I'm on a seefood diet . . .
[04:06:42] <AzumaHazuki> my thing is whole grains, either as porridge or replacing rice as a dinner side. there's this store with bulk bins nearby that has amazing deals on whole oat groats and dehulled barley
[04:06:46] <tedious> I think I'm ok as far as diabetes risk goes since I cut way down on sugar and carbs.
[04:07:19] <tedious> But I thought cheese was ok as long as it wasn't full of drugs or hormones.
[04:07:30] <kyonko> tedious: there is no way to prove that
[04:07:48] <AzumaHazuki> it's not bad as far as i know, aside from being very fatty
[04:07:48] <kyonko> I refuse to pay top dollar for anything
[04:07:55] <kyonko> I've never had top computes in my life
[04:08:08] <kyonko> i just don't know anymore
[04:08:15] <AzumaHazuki> i am a complete pizza slut @_@ somehow i manage not to hardly ever eat it but i will freaking dream about pizza sometimes
[04:08:20] <AzumaHazuki> loaded with anchovies and pineapple
[04:08:20] <kyonko> lol pizza slut
[04:08:31] <kyonko> did you hear about the silicone oil in pizza hut cheese?
[04:08:45] <Runaway1956> silicone oil?
[04:08:49] <kyonko> yes
[04:08:55] <kyonko> the stuff you use to lube things
[04:09:07] <kyonko> its food grade, but too much.... ugh
[04:09:28] <kyonko> its rock oil, but its not rock oil
[04:09:33] <kyonko> (it's rock oil)
[04:09:45] <tedious> I miss pizza so bad. :(
[04:10:12] <Runaway1956> de-foaming agent, huh? Wouldn't want my rabid pizza foaming at my mouth.
[04:10:14] <tedious> But if I eat it I pig out and then I pass out and feel like crap for hours.
[04:10:22] <AzumaHazuki> do you have an instant pot? i know i sound like a cultist here but that thing is the best 80 dollars i've ever spent
[04:10:49] <AzumaHazuki> it's not so much the speed but that you don't have to pay attention to it. dump, seal, activate, wait. and it's awesome for those whole grains
[04:11:01] <tedious> I bought a knockoff one at a thrift store because you recommended it. :)
[04:12:02] <AzumaHazuki> uh...i am not sure any knockoff is safe. i know nothing about the non-branded ones
[04:12:16] <tedious> I'm being careful.
[04:12:53] <tedious> I'll probably get a real one that's bigger when I have some extra money.
[04:13:04] <AzumaHazuki> they're actually really good for Indian food too. pressure cookers have been in use in Indian cooking probably around a century and the IP is basically an electric pressure cooker with much better safety
[04:13:19] <Runaway1956> extra money is highly overrated . . .
[04:13:38] <AzumaHazuki> i've made some really good dals and khichdi in it
[04:13:41] <kyonko> lol that sounds so funny
[04:13:46] <Runaway1956> I'd rather spend other people's money to be honest
[04:13:52] <kyonko> "pressure cookers have been used in india cooking for around a century"
[04:14:02] <kyonko> where in nepal?
[04:14:13] <kyonko> because you can't fucking cook shit in high altitude?
[04:14:40] <kyonko> I wouldn't waste money travelling to denver, co just to notice that
[04:14:45] <kyonko> I just believe it
[04:14:48] <AzumaHazuki> all over the subcontinent. most Americans are familiar with Punjabi food when they speak of "Indian food" though
[04:15:04] <AzumaHazuki> and, yeah, most of what i cook is definitely Punjab-style
[04:15:09] <kyonko> strychnine comes from a small orange looking fruit
[04:15:19] <kyonko> oleander looks like bay leaves
[04:19:56] <tedious> I'm dying for some pizza now.
[04:20:24] <tedious> And I've been missing chocolate ever since I found out it's high in arsenic. :(
[04:24:48] <AzumaHazuki> it is...? shit. i almost never eat any but ugh
[04:26:55] <kyonko> if you have bad luck in arizona, your well water will have high arsenic from being drilled into an ore
[04:27:11] <kyonko> there's water.... but its non potable
[04:27:24] <kyonko> don't know how bad arsenic is for landscaping plants
[04:34:34] <tedious> Yeah we need to hurry up and invent a nuclear powered factory that separates everything into atoms so we can put all the mercury and arsenic in one safe place.
[04:35:07] <tedious> And all the chromium that isn't needed for making stainless steel.
[04:35:44] <kyonko> but reality doesn't like that
[04:35:46] <tedious> Do we even need mercury for anything anymore now that thermometers don't use it?
[04:35:55] <kyonko> i'm not afraid of radiation even
[04:36:32] <kyonko> inhaling radioactive dust is more dangerous than it settling on your skin
[04:36:59] <kyonko> look at all the old timers who swallowed and IV'ed tritium, deuterium and plutonum
[04:37:10] <kyonko> oppenheimer himself did it
[04:37:37] <kyonko> turns out plutonium is more toxic as a heavy metal then it is radioactive, same thing for polonium
[04:38:01] <kyonko> it's nightmare science, and nightmare science became more netherwordly
[04:38:07] <kyonko> netherworld
[04:38:30] <kyonko> carbon monoxide is equal to hydrogen cyanide in toxicity
[04:38:43] <kyonko> HCN = CO
[04:39:20] <kyonko> no doubt they had catholic priests in the labs in europe
[04:39:23] <kyonko> or rabbis
[04:40:17] <kyonko> the old timers didn't have benzodiazepines and there was a limit on how drunk you could work in the laboratory
[04:44:15] <kyonko> I was already dreaming of wuhan virus shit anyway
[04:44:38] <kyonko> too bad it was a demonic bat virus and not some angelic dove virus
[04:56:14] <AzumaHazuki> are you off your meds again?
[05:01:26] <kyonko> euthanize me, baby
[05:01:32] <kyonko> indent the bone
[05:04:16] <kyonko> oh wait there won't be bones....
[05:04:18] <kyonko> just ash
[05:04:32] <kyonko> "like it never even happened(tm)"
[05:06:31] <kyonko> japan sends "domestically produced astra-zeneca branded" vaccines to iran and cambodia
[05:06:45] <kyonko> so thats how this little game is being played
[06:26:55] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Astronomers Make First Clear Detection of a Moon-Forming Disc Around an Exoplanet - https://sylnt.us - discus-planetary-disk
[06:38:31] <chromas> how do you indent the bone?
[06:38:34] <chromas> tabs or spaces?
[06:39:35] <kyonko> chromas: its a forensic anthropology thing
[06:39:49] <kyonko> they have found lots of butchered human remains in... prehistoric and modern history
[06:40:13] <kyonko> jabbing the humerus with a biopsy like needle is a big part of whatever this is
[06:40:43] <kyonko> and i do know of biopsies going wrong all the time
[06:41:09] <kyonko> such as refusing to do it as an inpatient hospital procedure, they do them at the clinc in-and-out
[06:41:31] <kyonko> after all, don't you know the hospital is a prison where they do capital punishment?
[06:43:27] <kyonko> a hospital is a horrible place, why would you ever want to be there for more than a day? what if you could do a heart transplant at home
[06:43:45] <chromas> I dunno about capital, but the unsalted food might be considered cruel and unusual
[06:44:03] * chromas winds up the bot
[06:52:03] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:10:03] <kyonko> nothing new here, nothing that can't be explained by having an ai read the epic of gilgamesh
[07:10:22] <chromas> are you that ai?
[07:12:42] <chromas> plus I never got an answer on the tabs v spaces
[07:30:59] <kyonko> did you ever measure with pixels?
[07:31:22] <kyonko> thats why I hate underscores
[07:31:24] <kyonko> mexicans love them
[07:31:27] <chromas> twips
[07:32:15] <kyonko> mexico was an early adopter of twitter, but when they gave out twitter urls on the radio it was unintelligible
[07:32:54] <chromas> so radio became just like twitter
[07:33:09] <kyonko> its all twitter and facebook and instagram with mass media
[07:33:52] <kyonko> here is a tip
[07:34:04] <kyonko> just say over the radio or tv to search for a "unique identifier"
[07:34:08] <kyonko> easy
[07:34:42] <kyonko> this seems to be happening with tik tok, but yuck
[07:34:59] <chromas> it's yuck all the way down
[07:35:40] <FatPhil> the only way to win is not to play
[07:35:48] <FatPhil> 'gmornin all
[07:35:57] <kyonko> the internet was too good to not play back when it came out for me in 1994
[07:36:12] <kyonko> remember the 9600 dedicated lines for uucp?
[07:36:16] <kyonko> we had a 56k ds0
[07:37:04] <chromas> FatPhil-- string mismatch
[07:37:04] <Bender> karma - fatphil: 137
[07:37:08] <FatPhil> We had proper broadband in Helsinki Institute of Technology. Probably bonded ISDN, maybe an E1
[07:37:20] <kyonko> aren't your british?
[07:37:25] <chromas> worse
[07:37:36] <FatPhil> what's worse than brittish?
[07:37:44] <FatPhil> a crap keyboard's pretty bad
[07:37:52] <kyonko> i just had to get a keyboard from the uk
[07:38:00] <kyonko> it has a rupee sign
[07:38:06] <kyonko> lol
[07:38:18] <FatPhil> Is it UKIP branded?
[07:38:23] <chromas> Whenever my modem connected at 28.8 it actually went slower than 14.4 or whatever. Must've been line noise I guess
[07:38:24] <FatPhil> Didn't think so.
[07:38:51] <kyonko> its a laptop replacement keyboard
[07:39:05] <kyonko> seems like I'm not going to use a UEFI only x64 pc
[07:39:26] <FatPhil> Back in the UK, I jumped from 2400 to 28.8, and that was a serious upgrade, loved it.
[07:39:37] <kyonko> someone is driving a car in 1st gear in the neighborhood
[07:39:58] <kyonko> 2400 to 28.8? what are you some kind of caveman?
[07:40:04] <FatPhil> Fortunately, porn was smaller in those days, but still, you had to be selective about what you downloaded.
[07:40:10] <kyonko> small porn
[07:40:14] <kyonko> already censored
[07:40:28] <FatPhil> p*rn
[07:40:36] <kyonko> that porn is now being sold on ebay
[07:40:54] <kyonko> natural girls next door
[07:41:38] <kyonko> my replacement keyboard has a rupee and euro symbol but no pound sign
[07:41:41] <kyonko> why is that?
[07:42:01] <kyonko> is this something regarding BLM?
[07:42:16] <kyonko> naomi osaka
[07:42:27] <kyonko> they say the african genes are dominant
[07:42:31] <kyonko> not as dominant as the slanted eye
[07:43:26] * kyonko is watching friends and phoebe has pigtails knotted to her head
[07:43:41] <chromas> I have a pound sterling key I can email to you
[07:43:47] <kyonko> oh no thank you
[07:43:53] <kyonko> those things never go back if removed
[07:44:11] <kyonko> comes off, never can go back on
[07:44:20] <chromas> desktop keys so they're removable
[07:44:24] <kyonko> and not designed in a way you can super glue them on either
[07:44:30] <chromas> you just need some glue to strap it onto your lap
[07:44:31] <kyonko> I don't do desktops
[07:44:42] <chromas> you should. they're better puter per buck
[07:44:44] <kyonko> I collect desktops, don't do them
[07:44:53] <kyonko> yeah of course they are, because of electronic interfaces
[07:44:59] <kyonko> i don't trust USB
[07:45:05] <chromas> plus waaaay better keyboards
[07:45:26] <kyonko> everything old is going up in price
[07:45:31] <kyonko> old men, getting pricier
[07:45:50] <kyonko> you see that baby, that baby is a 60 year old's sperm
[07:46:28] <kyonko> do you only trust ps/2 keyboard interfaces?
[07:46:34] <kyonko> shit, whats the proper name for USB
[07:46:40] <kyonko> USB human interface something
[07:46:40] <chromas> USB
[07:46:43] <chromas> HID
[07:46:44] <kyonko> UHCI
[07:46:46] <kyonko> HID
[07:46:58] <chromas> no need to trust it less; it's all backdoored
[07:47:03] <kyonko> definately
[07:47:27] <kyonko> remember when people freaked out over the linux kernel changing the caps lock and num lock and scroll lock lights
[07:47:38] <chromas> no
[07:47:43] <kyonko> well it happened
[07:47:54] <kyonko> people on slashdot where wondering how is that even possible
[07:48:03] <chromas> were they retarded?
[07:48:07] <chromas> it's all software controlled
[07:48:09] <kyonko> always have been
[07:48:16] <kyonko> slashdotters gave me ptsd
[07:48:26] <kyonko> now I go to hackernews for that
[07:48:40] <chromas> next they're gonna be stunned (and braved) over remote desktop
[07:48:41] <kyonko> the best one was when the furby came out
[07:48:51] <kyonko> that was in 1999
[07:49:13] <FatPhil> and people who worked in the pentagon took them to work, because adults.
[07:49:15] <kyonko> or the guy talking about gaseous and liquid sealing
[07:49:41] <kyonko> yeah you had a bunch of personal things at your cubical
[07:50:27] <chromas> Can't do that now that everything's made in China. Only US backdoors are allowed
[07:50:55] <kyonko> I got these jerry cans from estonia/lithuania, they keep shedding yellow paint from the inside that I test with distilled water
[07:51:38] <kyonko> i only use them on the car I drive in town, not head out of town with
[07:51:48] <kyonko> because if something happens, I can always walk
[07:52:12] <kyonko> the smell of the MEK solvent for the paint comes out the car exhaust
[07:52:17] <kyonko> really funky
[07:52:36] <kyonko> maybe its a water soluble ehhhh </italian>
[07:53:13] <kyonko> never heard of a specific paint being only water soluble which wont dissolve in hydrocarbons
[07:54:29] <kyonko> so I'll keep wasting distilled water till the yellow paint stops "shedding", it looks like gold in a PETE bottle
[07:54:55] <FatPhil> how do you know they're not from latvia?
[07:54:58] <kyonko> real strange shit, but the gas/liquid seal is 100%
[07:55:05] <kyonko> yeah latvia, well they are NATO cans
[07:55:20] <kyonko> "not for potable water"
[07:56:09] <kyonko> I guess i shouldn't worry, carbon build up happens alone with mexican quality gasoline
[07:56:14] <kyonko> nothing new
[07:57:57] <kyonko> its like someone who makes the jerry cans said "one day you are going to have to take your car apart mf'er"
[07:58:22] <kyonko> and one day, I will die
[07:58:25] <FatPhil> I can always walk
[07:58:41] <kyonko> of course, some places you can not walk thru
[07:58:56] <kyonko> but ever since I learned to drive, I imagine a walking path
[07:59:22] <kyonko> i got my water and calories in my home town anyway
[08:00:06] <kyonko> i used to even wonder as a kid what if I had to walk home from school
[08:00:07] <kyonko> lol
[08:00:24] <kyonko> a little kid walking in some suburban shithole
[08:01:23] <kyonko> middle school was way more isolated
[08:01:31] <kyonko> high school, right in the middle of town
[08:02:22] <kyonko> anyway, I doubt the paint is going to clog my engine
[08:03:21] * kyonko ponders the fuel filter
[08:03:31] <kyonko> those things tend to be inside the damn fuel tank itself
[08:04:01] <kyonko> why couldn't american rednecks see the covid mask as an air filter for your body?
[08:04:11] <kyonko> yes I know the human body repairs and regrows because: JESUS
[08:04:17] <kyonko> praise him
[08:04:20] * kyonko babbles in tongues
[08:05:24] <kyonko> I got this stupid laptop on a keyboard replacement mission, it wasn't designed to be taken apart
[08:05:38] <kyonko> this one isn't a corporate grade dell
[08:06:32] <kyonko> i'll just buy corporate dell laptops from now till I die, used
[08:07:33] <kyonko> I found a fan in the uk for this specific compaq laptop
[08:09:06] <kyonko> a minority of people world wide are going along with their lives as normal
[08:09:21] <kyonko> its a minority that can easily be taken care of by police and military
[08:10:00] -!- SoyCow6298 [SoyCow6298!~2d57d41c@45.87.whu.jn] has joined #soylent
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[08:13:03] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~2d57d41c@45.87.whu.jn] has joined #soylent
[08:21:06] <kyonko> ugh a screw started producing.... shavings
[08:21:32] <kyonko> thats something you dont want to see in your motor oil
[08:22:40] <kyonko> fuck I need a syringe for negative pressure
[08:25:34] <kyonko> metal filings harmless inside a human body but inside of a computer with high current.... yikes
[08:27:38] <kyonko> ah fuck it, i'm just going to mount the dvd-ram with this funky electrically conductive tin foil tape
[08:27:45] <kyonko> funky funky
[08:28:03] <kyonko> its a wal-mart exclusive compaq laptop from the dark days of obama
[08:34:15] <kyonko> thats enough zen guru meditation for today, now I have to worry about.... screw shavings
[08:38:33] -!- inky has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[08:49:05] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[10:08:02] -!- Ingar [Ingar!~ingar@irz-6x24cokgh6qenxl763p.96958a0.ip9.access.telenet.be] has joined #soylent
[10:08:53] <Ingar> 'morning
[10:09:06] <Ingar> survived second shot, feeling rather meh :p
[10:12:00] <kyonko> how longe did you wait since your 1st?
[10:12:29] <kyonko> this whole covid vaccine thing makes me wonder about being alive in the military draft era
[10:13:01] <kyonko> trump got bone spurs
[10:13:46] <kyonko> its human anthropological "big picture" thing
[10:14:04] <kyonko> but for most of us the big picture is the jewish cosmology creation story
[10:14:49] <kyonko> hemingway survived being drafted in ww1 and he shot himself later on in life
[10:16:13] * kyonko ponders the big picture
[10:18:07] <kyonko> vaccines existed since pasteur, innoculations, for centuries before
[10:21:32] <kyonko> knives and saws are used in surgery, but not guns and bullets
[10:21:49] <kyonko> we have to cause further injury to stitch a wound closed
[11:15:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - FTC Unanimously Backs New Policy Supporting Your Right to Repair Your Own Devices in the U.S. - https://sylnt.us
[11:31:17] <raxas> today's mainstream best quote (translated): There is no need to admire slim people. Slim people are lazy to eat properly.
[11:34:44] <kyonko> you need good toilet and good water treatment
[11:34:58] <kyonko> i've seen horse and cow poop.... not bad
[11:35:02] <kyonko> not terrible
[11:35:07] <kyonko> not bad, not terrible.
[11:35:22] <kyonko> as long as the poop and pee don't mix, you are OK
[11:35:45] <kyonko> bacteria truly does come out of thin air :)
[11:35:47] <t3> cat shit is the worst, even worse than human
[11:35:52] <kyonko> oh yeah, that
[11:36:00] <kyonko> obligate carnivores
[11:36:52] <t3> I had to collect a fresh sample from my cat not too long ago, it really impacted my self esteem
[11:37:10] <t3> I used to think I had a strong stomach and good willpower, now I know better
[11:37:55] <kyonko> i stepped on cat shit a few years ago
[11:37:56] <kyonko> fresh
[11:38:25] <kyonko> i'm not crazy in the way most normal people are crazy
[11:38:58] <kyonko> if there is nothing you can do about it, then why fear it?
[11:39:19] <kyonko> if I die soon, I will die knowing I did my best
[11:40:30] <kyonko> there was another local news story about how a hospital sold a young man's parents their son's life
[11:41:01] <kyonko> i'm on the sort of daily medication that I have to make plans to stop living
[11:46:17] -!- inky [inky!~inky@5.183.pmt.noy] has joined #soylent
[11:48:18] <kyonko> problem is, the doctors are so used to taking advantage of the mentally weak
[11:48:45] <kyonko> they sell the viability of a human fetus all the time
[11:49:13] <kyonko> if someone is going to sell me the viability of a fetus with my face on it, i'd rather have no fetus at all
[11:49:58] <kyonko> in 2020 they killed a bunch of people who couldn't consent to euthanasia just to make the budget
[11:50:08] <kyonko> 911 was about oil
[11:50:30] <kyonko> if the oil war failed or stalled, there was going to be a police state installed to handle the overpopulation
[11:50:33] <t3> I don't buy fetuses unless they come in shells
[11:50:57] <kyonko> the powers that be are seriously trolled the anglo populations of the world
[11:51:24] <kyonko> like they really fear anglo english speakers
[11:54:00] <raxas> recent newspeak term is "Zone-A", replacing old "Anglosphere". sounds cooler. and reflects anglo* is not a whole sphere anymore
[11:57:40] <kyonko> Zone-F is mostly african
[12:03:13] <FatPhil> weirdorama - my computer just threw me off my X session back to the virtual console for no apparent reason. X was still running fine.
[12:03:59] <FatPhil> =submit https://www.eurekalert.org
[12:04:05] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Rounding Errors Could Make Certain Stopwatches Pick Wrong Race Winners" (74p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[12:06:07] <FatPhil> just as you fuckers were talking about shit, I was sitting on a local pub's terrace watching a so-called dinosaur (avian variety) shit on the chair opposite me. Half put me off my lunch.
[12:08:03] <kyonko> I got drunk, I never went to pubs, the bar scene kinda died around 2009 with all the zero tolerance DUI laws
[12:08:35] <kyonko> thats when they had bouncers swiping state issue ID cards from recent 21 year old birthdays
[12:08:49] <t3> every cop I have ever met drinks and drives all the time
[12:09:02] <kyonko> drinking age should be 18, so you know what you are getting into and quit while you still can
[12:09:13] <kyonko> of course the cops drink and drive and beat their spouses and kids
[12:09:30] <kyonko> of course cops will defend themselves against violence
[12:09:51] <kyonko> whats next you don't think a certain creation story goes hand in hand with those who control the money supply?
[12:10:22] <t3> not really, no
[12:11:41] <kyonko> science got us into this mess, only science can get us out
[12:11:57] <kyonko> not faith, not spirituality, not black magic, not white magic... not gmo designer jesus
[12:12:03] <kyonko> for the 2nd coming
[12:12:41] <t3> delta isn't /that/ bad
[12:12:51] <Ingar> kyonko: 1st shot 18th of june, so about 5-6 weeks
[12:13:09] <Ingar> 5
[12:13:53] <Ingar> I'll be blunt and say the main raison I got the shots is because of the "approved citizen" certificate
[12:15:19] <Ingar> it's either that or constant nose-poking
[12:17:59] <Ingar> FatPhil: also, computers have been bahving weird the past weeks
[12:18:03] <Ingar> must be solar activity
[12:18:08] <Ingar> or gamme rays or something
[12:18:19] <Ingar> *gamma
[12:19:52] <kyonko> oh
[12:20:02] <kyonko> belgium already hasa digital driver's license
[12:20:09] <kyonko> same thing that they use to vote in estonia
[12:20:26] <Ingar> we were one of the first countries to have a microsoft approved digital ID
[12:20:30] <kyonko> they can promise many things, I'll never return to the same social credit status that I had when I was a child
[12:20:43] <Ingar> iI actually need to use it to login to some client systems (its a smartcard)
[12:20:43] <kyonko> ugh, microsoft?
[12:20:46] <kyonko> that says it all
[12:21:03] <kyonko> I have a smart card dell corporate laptop
[12:21:13] <Ingar> well at the very least, microsoft praised it
[12:21:27] <Ingar> one of the uber computer nerds at the local uni analysed it and promplty had his keys disabled
[12:22:21] <Ingar> it even has a convenient barcode containing my citizen and card number
[12:22:30] <kyonko> yeah, I can only guess
[12:22:41] <kyonko> we had a lot of mysterious stuff going on with our driver's license, adult id card
[12:22:47] <kyonko> when I was kid, you didn't need ID
[12:23:02] <Ingar> ID has been mandatory here since as long as I can remember
[12:23:13] <kyonko> under 18's required no ID, but they got ID'ed for their learner's permit at 15 or 14
[12:23:26] <kyonko> it's all a crock of shit if you ask me
[12:23:38] <kyonko> no way I'd like a love child of mine to live under this shit system
[12:23:44] <Ingar> kyonko: same here in the sense it's not obligatory under 18, but you can get kids IDs for on vacation and stuff
[12:23:48] <kyonko> (assuming I find a healthy and fit woman in love)
[12:23:57] <kyonko> oh lol, yeah kiddy pass ports
[12:24:07] <kyonko> I know of those because I have rich family
[12:24:13] <Ingar> even pet registration is mandatory now
[12:24:17] <Ingar> can't have illegal cats
[12:24:20] <kyonko> I have unregistered pets
[12:24:31] <kyonko> they really fear cats and small dogs
[12:24:35] <kyonko> terriers, toys
[12:24:49] <kyonko> its common sense really
[12:24:58] <kyonko> a fingerless man can not poke eyes
[12:25:00] <kyonko> etc etc
[12:25:07] <Ingar> I'm somewhat in the small dog camp, but mostly for practical reasons
[12:25:19] <Ingar> "shut up, god damn rats"
[12:25:23] <kyonko> the big dogs eat a lot and poop large
[12:25:46] <Ingar> cleaning up your dog poop is already mandatory :D
[12:25:50] <kyonko> its interesting how cats and dogs act when they poop
[12:25:54] <Ingar> you can get a 250 EUR fine for not doing so
[12:26:01] <kyonko> its like pathways are activated in the cns
[12:26:27] <Ingar> well, in nature, it's a vulnerable moment
[12:26:28] <kyonko> very similiar to coitus and climax and resolution
[12:26:34] <kyonko> common sense!
[12:26:37] <Ingar> imagine taking a poop and getting attacked by a large bird
[12:26:42] <kyonko> we must protect the vulnerable
[12:26:47] <kyonko> heh a raptor
[12:27:04] <t3> toxoplasmosis would encourage the burying of feces near vegetation
[12:27:15] <kyonko> there is a lot of bad shit out there
[12:27:30] <kyonko> if you take chemotherapy you quickly find out its there, because it begins to grow in your body
[12:27:44] <kyonko> or radiation to slow the growth of fast reproducing cells in your body
[12:27:56] <kyonko> immune system cells are fast reproducers
[12:28:07] <kyonko> something goes wrong with them and they also become cancerous
[12:28:42] <kyonko> I don't know what my problem is choosing hard mode in the game of life
[12:28:56] <Ingar> it's the default
[12:28:58] <kyonko> just choose easy mode and play as a female who believes they have a soul and in one god
[12:29:10] <Ingar> we're in the current pile of shit because some people use cheat mode
[12:29:26] <kyonko> oh yeah, i know that since government public schooling
[12:29:29] <Ingar> player.additem f 1000000000000
[12:29:42] <Ingar> (item f are gold pieces)
[12:32:17] <kyonko> what are the consequences of not having 2 vaccines in belgium?
[12:32:32] <kyonko> I don't understand the 2 stage vaccination thing
[12:33:08] <kyonko> used to be a few years ago, if you showed up at a primary care clinic demanding a rabies vaccine, even if you paid out of pocket, they would laugh at you, asking if you had a need for it
[12:33:25] <kyonko> is rabies an occupational hazard?
[12:34:18] <kyonko> the rabies immunization and its boosters is known science, you innoculate laboratory mice with live virus, attenuate virus, and a spectrum inbetween untill the mice don't die
[12:35:06] <kyonko> you record your laboratory results under the scientific method and set the procedure for immunizing humans and domestic animals
[12:35:11] <Ingar> what do you mean by not having 2 vaccines ?
[12:35:19] <raxas> https://www.youtube.com
[12:35:21] <systemd> ^ 03All Transformations from Parasyte
[12:35:23] <kyonko> i've never heard of 2 vaccines spread a month apart
[12:35:26] <Ingar> we have the whole lot and two shots ?
[12:35:47] <kyonko> i haven't been through this since childhood in the 1990's
[12:35:59] <kyonko> i survived my baby shots, otherwise I wouldn't be allowed in public schools (real shit holes!)
[12:36:13] <Ingar> be glad, my childhood was in the 80's
[12:36:17] <Ingar> hairstyles were terrible
[12:36:30] <kyonko> do you live in a big city?
[12:36:54] <Ingar> somewhat rural
[12:37:08] <kyonko> IIRC in the early 2000's HIV was a fast mutator thats why immunization for it could not be developed
[12:37:26] <kyonko> thats the story I stuck with anyway, never was much of a sex crazed male
[12:37:57] <Ingar> I just used condoms, not knocking her up seemed like a good idea at the time
[12:38:22] <Ingar> apparently you can't trust all women to take their pills in time ;)
[12:39:03] <kyonko> women have just an urge to reproduce as men
[12:39:17] <kyonko> uh oh, I had a deja vu
[12:39:22] <kyonko> i might die soon
[12:39:49] <Ingar> the great revelation of the 21st century, was the fact the man ar from mars and women from venus
[12:40:07] <Ingar> this all seems to have been undone in the past 10 years
[12:55:46] <chromas> ♫ Transformers: more than meats the eye♫
[12:56:03] <kyonko> lol meat
[12:56:10] <kyonko> don't get raw meat in your eye
[12:56:15] <kyonko> wear a face shield or goggles
[12:56:23] <kyonko> wear cut proof gloves
[12:56:36] <kyonko> clean contaminated surfaces with bleach solution or ethanol
[12:56:49] <kyonko> (ITS DEAD!)
[12:56:54] <kyonko> and not in rigor mortis
[12:56:59] <kyonko> how in the fuck
[12:57:28] <kyonko> when I cook meat, I wear my covid mask, I don't want no meat juice going up my nostril and germinating in my pharynx
[13:02:20] <chromas> only one mask?
[13:05:56] <raxas> you ARE raw meat
[13:06:07] <raxas> too much hygiene for all life weakens immunity greatly. I realized that staying in India for a while some 25 years ago
[13:06:10] <Ingar> ugly bags of mostly water
[13:10:31] <raxas> =submit https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
[13:10:51] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Between a Hygiene Rock and a Hygienic Hard Place: Avoiding SARS-CoV-2 While Needing Environmental Ex" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[13:32:54] <FatPhil> =yt hFZFjoX2cGg
[13:32:55] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Backyard Squirrel Maze 1.0- Ninja Warrior Course (21:40; 78,277,784 views; 👍2,267,806 👎29,363)
[13:33:17] <FatPhil> Ingar++ ugly bags++
[13:33:17] <Bender> karma - ingar: 7
[13:57:59] <FatPhil> =yt DTvS9lvRxZ8
[13:58:00] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Backyard Squirrel Maze 2.0- The Walnut Heist (19:13; 34,122,253 views; 👍1,669,701 👎12,655)
[15:56:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Elon Musk’s Starlink Provides Free Internet in West German Areas Ravaged by Floods - https://sylnt.us
[16:36:05] <FatPhil> Olympic medalists = Special, mostly dim
[17:04:00] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[17:44:01] -!- kyonko has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:17:45] <raxas> https://twitter.com
[18:26:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scientists Just ‘Looked’ Inside Mars. Here’s What They Found - https://sylnt.us - Naked-Mars
[18:32:49] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:27:59] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[21:21:45] <FatPhil> https://www.foxnews.com
[21:21:46] <systemd> ^ 03Colorado reports plague-infected fleas and animals, blames disease for 10-year-old’s death
[21:40:32] -!- Leebert has quit [Quit: reboot]
[21:47:12] -!- Leebert [Leebert!~lsherida@jetppb.leebert.org] has joined #soylent
[22:14:22] <FatPhil> =yt rGlpyFHfMgI
[22:14:22] <systemd> https://youtube.com - The Moessner Miracle. Why wasn't this discovered for over 2000 years? (25:39; 264,529 views; 👍15,840 👎155)
[22:14:45] <FatPhil> ^ Mathologer's latest vid. Most satisfying.
[22:35:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - When Did Humans Start Experimenting with Alcohol and Drugs? - https://sylnt.us - ♫-Pass-the-kouchie-pon-the-lef'-hand-side-♫
[22:45:58] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #soylent
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