#soylent | Logs for 2021-08-04

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[00:56:06] <c0lo> yo, chromas, frost page queue is empty.
[01:00:37] SoyGuest89391 is now known as jman
[01:01:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest54920
[01:17:14] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@lnvc-33-287-772-629.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[01:17:16] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@lnvc-33-287-772-629.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[01:17:19] boru` is now known as boru
[01:22:10] <chromas> Hm. I don't have a login session on my pocket computer
[01:37:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Awful Transaction and Timing: AT&T Finally Ditches DirecTV - https://sylnt.us - money-burning
[02:10:37] SoyGuest54920 is now known as jman
[02:11:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest6188
[02:37:50] <c0lo> =submit possession-of-prohibited-substances https://www.nationalgeographic.com
[02:37:54] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Wild U.S. Deer Found With Coronavirus Antibodies" (20p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:20:37] SoyGuest6188 is now known as jman
[03:21:37] jman is now known as SoyGuest18946
[04:01:41] <raxas> =submit https://link.springer.com
[04:03:15] <raxas> hm.
[04:08:36] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Antibiotics in Early Life Could Lead to Brain Disorders - https://sylnt.us - that-explains-so-much
[04:09:04] <requerdanos> https://healthfeedback.org
[04:09:05] <systemd> ^ 03Vaccinated people are much more protected from COVID-19 than unvaccinated individuals; the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccines outweigh their risks
[04:30:37] SoyGuest18946 is now known as jman
[04:31:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest45393
[05:28:55] <raxas> =submit https://iopscience.iop.org
[05:28:58] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Discovery of Two TNO-like Bodies in the Asteroid Belt - IOPscience" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[05:40:37] SoyGuest45393 is now known as jman
[05:41:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest32543
[06:50:37] SoyGuest32543 is now known as jman
[06:51:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest808
[06:55:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Sand Shortage? the World is Running Out of a Crucial Commodity - https://sylnt.us - crucial-—-but-under-appreciated-—
[07:27:03] <FatPhil> https://www.kuvaton.com
[08:00:37] SoyGuest808 is now known as jman
[08:01:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest64877
[08:07:13] <chromas> I you crack me up
[08:07:21] <chromas> I you crack me up I'll never stop
[08:08:19] <chromas> Hm I was going to do the Right to Repair sub but it says "it remains to be seen hwo the FTC will react", even though we have an older article saying they already did
[08:22:28] <c0lo> hmmmm.... should I? Should I not? Ok, let the editors deal with it...
[08:22:32] <c0lo> =submit https://www.dailymail.co.uk
[08:25:04] <c0lo> =submit https://www.vice.com
[08:25:08] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Amazon Unlawfully Confiscated Union Literature, NLRB Finds" (14p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:27:03] <c0lo> =submit https://www.notebookcheck.net
[08:27:04] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Damage Control: Microsoft Deletes All Comments Under Heavily Criticized Windows 11 Upgrade Video" (3p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:32:36] <chromas> https://www.theonion.com
[08:32:37] <systemd> ^ 03Researchers Discover Galaxy-Sized Goldfish Astronauts Discarded From Space Shuttle In 1988
[08:39:14] <Runaway1956> Can't wait to discuss the goldfish story with the rest of SN
[08:40:35] <Runaway1956> I'm sure that aristarchus will defend the fish
[08:41:01] <chromas> I wish that Win11 story was longer
[08:41:22] <chromas> Haven't glued this keyboard together yet but it's working pretty noicely
[08:41:26] <chromas> and sounds nice too
[08:41:40] <Runaway1956> nevermind the story - we should wish that Win11 was shorter - like 500,000,000 lines of code shorter
[08:43:18] <c0lo> =submit https://www.theregister.com
[08:43:20] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Australian Court Rules an AI Can be Considered an Inventor on Patent Filings" (18p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:43:46] <chromas> Linux needs to cum faster. Windows already goes to eleven while Linux is stuck on babby's first version
[08:44:46] <chromas> But can the AI even file a patent?
[08:45:50] * Runaway1956 looks out window to see if it's morning yet
[08:48:18] <c0lo> =submit lotsa-tesla-dept U.S. will need to build 800 MW of new solar power every week for the next 30 years https://www.canarymedia.com
[08:48:20] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Here's How We Can Build Clean Power Infrastructure at Huge Scale and Breakneck Speed" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:52:30] <c0lo> =submit https://www.vice.com
[08:52:32] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Every Car Made After 2027 May Have Drunk Driving Monitoring System" (9p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:53:11] <c0lo> =submit too-late-already https://www.reuters.com
[08:53:13] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03FDA Aiming to Give Final Approval to Pfizer Vaccine by Early Next Month -NY Times" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:05:20] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[09:05:22] <systemd> ^ 03Clint Howard Reboots Pippi Longstocking with Milla Jovovich and Fred Willard
[09:10:37] SoyGuest64877 is now known as jman
[09:11:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest89544
[09:21:37] <c0lo> https://www.newsweek.com
[09:21:38] <systemd> ^ 03Arkansas Governor Hutchinson regrets signing mask ban into law as state sees Delta surge
[09:23:23] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[09:27:34] <FatPhil> All other states: "thank god for Arkansas"
[09:29:40] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[09:29:42] <systemd> ^ 03The Era of Low Information Music
[09:34:17] <FatPhil> HAve you read the Knuth paper?
[09:34:32] <chromas> Which one?
[09:37:52] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Laser Pincers Generate Antimatter by Recreating Neutron Star Conditions - https://sylnt.us - going-to-need-more-dilithium-crystals
[09:42:32] <Runaway1956> Any amateur lock pickers here?
[09:42:49] <Runaway1956> I've just discovered the Lishi pick - pretty damned cool!
[09:43:21] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[09:43:23] <systemd> ^ 03How to use the Lishi Kwikset Pick
[09:44:04] <chromas> I made a couple keys on my 3d printer
[09:44:11] <chromas> Need to find a more rigid plastic though
[09:44:41] * Runaway1956 likes picks - a half dozen picks can replace thousands of keys
[09:45:13] <chromas> a 3d printed pick wouldn't be rigid enough either
[09:45:31] <chromas> Unless I used powered metal sintering printer
[09:49:43] <boru> That Lishi pick is an old design. An effective one, too.
[09:50:18] <boru> LPL has a similar design for cylinder plate locks which is also quite useful.
[09:50:51] <chromas> is that "the pick that Bosnian Bill and I made"?
[09:51:17] <boru> Yeah, I think he collaborated with someone on the design.
[09:51:44] <boru> I've been teaching my co-workers how to pick locks recently. They've been having a lot of fun.
[09:52:02] <boru> And learning how bad most lock design is...
[09:52:25] <Runaway1956> Lucky boru - when my coworkers see a lock pick, they act all shocked
[09:53:06] <boru> Then you should teach them, also!
[10:20:37] SoyGuest89544 is now known as jman
[10:20:41] <inz> I just picked our apartment lock today. From the inside. With a hammer.
[10:21:37] jman is now known as SoyGuest48600
[10:22:36] <chromas> Small click on one; bang on two. And we're in!
[10:22:42] <chromas> or out I suppose
[10:25:22] <inz> Something like that.
[10:28:16] <inz> But at least now I know that one can pass a crowbar through the mail slot.
[10:29:52] -!- SoyCow1549 [SoyCow1549!~cf595c4c@207.89.il.qk] has joined #soylent
[10:30:36] <chromas> only n-word
[10:30:42] <chromas> to out out-word, you need a stamp
[10:31:03] <chromas> s/(o)ut/g\1/
[10:31:03] <SedBot> <chromas> to go out-word, you need a stamp
[10:32:27] <chromas> I wish I'd made some screw holes for this keyboard instead of planning to glue it
[10:32:55] <chromas> But that takes extra work and planning. This way's Apple-ier
[10:33:07] <inz> are your fingers stuck to it now?
[10:34:28] <FatPhil> chromas: doi:10.1145/358027.358042
[10:34:33] * Runaway1956 chuckles at screws and screwholes
[10:34:43] <chromas> not yet
[10:34:53] <Runaway1956> Little project, I needed to glue together a couple bits of plywood
[10:35:00] <chromas> FatPhil: ah
[10:35:06] <Runaway1956> son comes back with 2 1/2" screws
[10:35:29] <chromas> What'd he do with the other half?
[10:35:39] <chromas> oh, I missed the "
[10:35:43] <Runaway1956> Think I hurt hiw widdle feelz when I didn't use any of his screws
[10:36:36] <chromas> Give him a piece of scrap wood and a power driver and let him play
[10:37:26] <Runaway1956> The three of them watching me work - all of them kept offering me electric screwdrivers
[10:37:39] <Runaway1956> they can't stand to watch a craftsman working with his hands
[10:38:41] <chromas> "Mommy says you don't know how to screw and you need the motorized driver to get the job done"
[10:38:51] <Runaway1956> lol
[10:39:23] <Runaway1956> More like "Nana sez" - Mommy has been a grandma for a couple decades now
[10:39:31] <inz> "Then how do you explain yourselves?"
[10:39:37] <chromas> got damn, FatPhil; that web site's got all kinds of js popups 'n' sheeit
[10:39:53] <chromas> accidents happen, inz
[10:40:17] -!- SoyCow1549 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[10:40:35] <Runaway1956> speaking of javascript - Ebay has gotten stupid, and their pages don't want to load in PaleMoon now
[10:40:53] <inz> chromas, that kind of accidents don't with motorized drivers
[10:41:19] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[10:42:37] <Runaway1956> Is the sun ever late coming up? It looks late this morning.
[10:42:44] <Runaway1956> must be overcast
[10:42:55] <chromas> Could also be blocked by smoke
[10:43:22] <Runaway1956> I've only got the one cigarette burning
[10:44:29] <chromas> there's a few wild fires in your area, kinda. Not as many as we have though. Nyaaa!
[10:44:37] * chromas sticks out tongue
[10:44:50] <Runaway1956> sucky day lined up - one appointment at 8:30, another for 11:00, and another at 16:00 -
[10:45:20] <Runaway1956> Going to be in that town all day long
[10:45:36] <chromas> https://maps.nwcg.gov
[10:45:37] <systemd> ^ 03National Fire Situational Awareness ( https://maps.nwcg.gov )
[10:47:21] <Runaway1956> "NWCG wants to know your location - block or permit?"
[10:47:37] <chromas> block
[10:47:50] <chromas> a lot of the map sites want that so they can start zoomed into your area
[10:48:10] <chromas> and figure out if they should send your datas to the NSA, Russia or China
[10:48:18] <Runaway1956> Ooooh, Chicago is burning down - again.
[10:53:11] <chromas> Fiery but mostly peaceful?
[10:55:21] -!- inky [inky!~inky@5.2.wm.wu] has joined #soylent
[10:58:57] <Runaway1956> Laser printers generate antimatter - awesome!
[11:00:09] <Runaway1956> 946,749,070
[11:01:13] <chromas> digit digit digit
[11:01:28] <Runaway1956> Getting closer to a billion
[11:01:51] <chromas> venezuelan moneys per coffee cup?
[11:02:09] <Runaway1956> yup - that and folding at home points
[11:05:58] <Runaway1956> coffee++
[11:05:58] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5579
[11:06:45] <Runaway1956> I suppose I need to get started on my day, even if the sun isn't coming up yet.
[11:07:21] <Runaway1956> Maybe one of the kids painted my windows black?
[11:07:53] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[11:07:56] <systemd> ^ 03Paint It, Black
[11:11:07] <FatPhil> wot wesbite? I didn't mention a website?
[11:11:49] <chromas> the one the doi leads to
[11:16:29] <FatPhil> it's just this: https://en.wikipedia.org
[11:16:30] <systemd> ^ 03The Complexity of Songs - Wikipedia ( https://en.wikipedia.org )
[11:17:05] <FatPhil> Knuth, Donald (Summer 1977). "The Complexity of Songs". SIGACT News: 17–24. Reprinted in: Knuth, Donald (1984). "The Complexity of Songs". Communications of the ACM. 27 (4): 344–346
[11:30:37] SoyGuest48600 is now known as jman
[11:31:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest40157
[11:49:33] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[11:49:35] <systemd> ^ 03Using a shop's toilet - Bathroom Key
[11:50:55] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[12:09:22] -!- inky [inky!~inky@193.189.gvn.ntt] has joined #soylent
[12:27:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Scientists Launching Blob the Slime Mold Into Space - https://sylnt.us - sponge-blob-scares-plants?
[12:29:36] <FatPhil> Can anyone spare 775,880,100,000,000 bolivar for a cup of coffee?
[12:33:47] <janrinok> sorry, I'm down to my last 700,000,000,000,000 or so...
[12:34:45] * janrinok checks down the sofa cushions for any more loose change in big notes
[12:40:37] SoyGuest40157 is now known as jman
[12:41:08] <chromas> #smake jman
[12:41:08] * MrPlow smakes jman upside the head with a SYNTAX ERROR ON LINE 12
[12:41:37] jman is now known as SoyGuest84974
[13:14:56] <chromas> Ask Soylent: Ctrl+Shift+Z or Ctrl+Y?
[13:36:55] <FatPhil> latter is yank in emacs, and in bash with emacs-like keybindings, not sure what the former is
[13:37:58] <FatPhil> I used to like the keybinings in borland's DOS-based IDEs, not seen those anywhere for a while.
[13:39:55] <FatPhil> looks like an opposite to Ctrl+Z, which of course is a near impossibility for us shell users.
[13:40:12] <chromas> Yeah. Redo command
[13:40:35] <chromas> Most programs seem to use ctrl-shift-z, but some like gimp and treesheets use ctrl-y
[13:40:45] * chromas doesn't know y
[13:42:20] <FatPhil> there are a couple of text editors on my (linux-based) phone that use Ctrl-Z, but I use it so rarely I kinda forget about it. When I need to undo, I tend to panic first, then press the right keys.
[13:44:43] <chromas> I still like to use the ancient IBM shortcuts like ctrl-insert
[13:44:55] <chromas> but I didn't put an insert key on this keyboard
[13:46:36] <FatPhil> shift-insert I do all the time, don't know ctrl-insert
[13:46:47] <chromas> copy
[13:46:59] <chromas> shift-ins to paste. ctrl-del to cut
[13:47:09] <chromas> shift-del to bypass the recycle bin/trash
[13:47:30] <FatPhil> I don't use anything with keyboard selection, so don't do the cutting part
[13:50:37] SoyGuest84974 is now known as jman
[13:51:00] <FatPhil> Found a bug in emacs... did Ctrl-h k to get help on a key, pressed shift-insert, and it gave me help on the first character I had previously cut, namely an 'S', and then pasted the rest of the text into the buffer.
[13:51:37] jman is now known as SoyGuest73338
[13:52:33] <chromas> #smake stallman
[13:52:33] * MrPlow smakes stallman upside the head with a bratwurst
[13:53:29] <FatPhil> maybe a bug in the shell or the xterm, don't know, I presume emacs never received S-insert
[13:53:39] <FatPhil> it receives S-delete verbatim though
[13:53:47] <FatPhil> who needs consistency?
[13:54:27] <FatPhil> view-lossage supports the 'it never gets a S-insert' hypothesis
[14:16:43] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[14:36:34] -!- inky [inky!~inky@rre-qhom-yk.letztermensch.com] has joined #soylent
[15:00:37] SoyGuest73338 is now known as jman
[15:01:37] jman is now known as SoyGuest61344
[15:07:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Every Car Made After 2027 May Have Drunk Driving Monitoring System - https://sylnt.us - don't-hold-your-breath
[15:25:07] <raxas> FatPhil: X got very decadent new input mechanism lately (about 2-3 years pending). everything is borked
[15:25:26] <raxas> remember: never blame emacs. emacs is perfect
[15:28:33] <FatPhil> The windowsification and macification of X was always something I rejected, I shall probably hold off upgrading, and stay with oldoldstable for as long as I can.
[15:29:09] <FatPhil> X.Org X Server 1.19.2
[15:29:09] <FatPhil> Release Date: 2017-03-02
[15:29:18] <FatPhil> Worksforme
[15:33:06] <raxas> try xev to analyze what the driver really gets from the kernel (linux) or system keyboard multiplexer (bsd). things have changed and old X may save you not
[15:38:38] <FatPhil> is there anything in particular I should be looking out for?
[15:41:50] <raxas> just verify what really comes in when you press your favourite funny key combination
[15:42:20] <FatPhil> looks like my keyboard events exactly match what I'd expect, with the exception of a weird 'fn' key between RAlt and Menu that does nothing
[15:42:21] <raxas> since many keymaps for old model and new model differ
[15:45:06] <raxas> that position of your fn is right window key, usually a mode-4 selector
[15:46:11] <raxas> I claim this one in a window manager so for me, apps don't get this
[15:49:06] <raxas> but on some keyboards (asus notebooks, ryzen), fn may be a hardware key only. have one such too
[15:51:48] <raxas> if you are on such a book, try to press Shift+Fn+Insert instead of Shift+Insert
[15:52:08] <raxas> or Ctrl...
[15:52:48] <raxas> damned toymakers
[15:53:52] <FatPhil> Fn+Insert generates a Calculator event
[15:57:07] <Bytram> =g Microsoft CUA keyboard shortcuts
[15:57:08] <systemd> https://en.wikipedia.org - IBM Common User Access - Wikipedia
[15:58:43] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[15:59:36] <raxas> in old times, I got Univac terminal with F1-F36. worked with all selectors too. after that, when IBM did PC/XT, they throwed just 10 Fkeys on it. absolute idiots. from since we all suffer and children are spoiled
[16:00:51] <raxas> now since PC/AT only one F row of 12 for poor people is allowed
[16:02:24] <FatPhil> OK, the Fn key with my Function keys generates the "windows apps" events, it looks like Insert is the only other key it does anything with.
[16:03:06] <FatPhil> so I think it's handled in the kbd itself, not in X.
[16:03:06] -!- kyonko000 [kyonko000!~kyonko000@2001:5b0:50c6:hzz:oyir:irmq:nquq:szgh] has joined #soylent
[16:03:14] <raxas> that's good diagnosis of the situation. something consumes it on the way
[16:03:18] <Bytram> =g "Windows Interface Guidelines for Software Design"
[16:03:18] <systemd> https://www.ics.uci.edu - The Windows Interface Guidelines — A Guide for Designing Software
[16:03:35] <kyonko000> windows legacy support = lol
[16:03:45] <FatPhil> I'm fairly happy weaking xkeycaps and xmodmap if something does start deviating from what I expect.
[16:03:52] <FatPhil> Yeah, I know, that's 20 years out of date
[16:03:58] <kyonko000> local interstate gas station chain in my town uses windows xp POS 2009
[16:04:25] <FatPhil> woop woop, it's the kyonkster! how ya doin'?
[16:04:27] <kyonko000> FatPhil, Xorg is totally for like, flip phones with dtmf
[16:04:39] <kyonko000> FatPhil, I have been better/younger (back in 2009)
[16:04:45] <FatPhil> or "good phones" as I like to call them ;)
[16:04:54] <kyonko000> I really enjoyed those phones
[16:05:14] <FatPhil> Liked my StarTac or whatever that moto one was called
[16:05:28] <FatPhil> totally potato camera
[16:05:32] <kyonko000> Mexico used AMPS for a really really long time
[16:05:43] <kyonko000> the last AMPS was in the gulf of mexico around the oil rigs
[16:06:11] <kyonko000> we are nothing but children of dead black oil and cosmic luceferian ammonia
[16:06:29] <kyonko000> you ever got that "praise be to he, helium" meme?
[16:06:56] <FatPhil> AMPS is good American technology, like apple pies
[16:07:21] <FatPhil> not seen any helium memes. maybe they went over my head?
[16:07:53] <kyonko000> you don't use facebook
[16:07:59] <kyonko000> I'm already 6 years into it
[16:08:05] <kyonko000> AMPS isn't NMTS?
[16:08:57] <kyonko000> one thing I do like about twitter and reddit is that they are google indexed
[16:09:23] * kyonko000 can remember when reddit became a thing
[16:09:26] <kyonko000> can't
[16:09:32] <kyonko000> who founded reddit?
[16:10:37] SoyGuest61344 is now known as jman
[16:11:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest39345
[16:11:51] <FatPhil> AMPS and NMTS are rivals, US vs. Euro
[16:12:37] -!- inky [inky!~inky@89.163.mqk.jiq] has joined #soylent
[16:14:00] <raxas> reddit is chosen tribe, like everything else in "news" industry https://en.wikipedia.org
[16:14:01] <systemd> ^ 03Donald Newhouse - Wikipedia
[16:14:14] * kyonko000 never had an AMPS phone, but GSM
[16:14:41] <kyonko000> GSM/2G/3G/4G
[16:14:50] <kyonko000> I have voip in my den
[16:15:08] <kyonko000> like connected to an actual telephone receiver
[16:15:15] <kyonko000> or whatever its really called
[16:15:30] <kyonko000> the dtmf dialpad
[16:15:38] <Bytram> https://support.microsoft.com
[16:15:39] <systemd> ^ 03Keyboard shortcuts in Windows
[16:15:42] <kyonko000> boop boop poop
[16:19:24] <FatPhil> Donald Newhouse = Oh, unloaded news (anagram)
[16:19:46] <FatPhil> right, time for nosh, I'm Hank Marvin
[16:28:07] <kyonko000> DTMF
[16:28:51] <kyonko000> I bet my voip box can handle a rotary phone
[16:28:53] <kyonko000> pulse dialing
[16:31:05] <kyonko000> I wonder if the chinpokomans make ISA slots with telephone jacks for voip
[16:31:44] <kyonko000> i saw something about ISA cards for 16 bit 286 that enable reading sd cards
[16:32:11] <kyonko000> the guy had to make a bunch of tiny partitions
[16:37:57] <raxas> I had something like this, was called LANtastic
[16:39:31] <raxas> in 1990/91, better ethernet network than Netware on a coax and a phone handset
[16:39:59] <kyonko000> we had that at school
[16:40:05] <kyonko000> for the PBX
[16:40:11] <kyonko000> in the same era
[16:40:18] <kyonko000> walkie talkies, base station
[16:40:22] <kyonko000> the works
[16:40:38] <kyonko000> it was very surreal and absurd
[16:41:01] <kyonko000> I'm just a number in a database of proven living persons
[16:41:04] <raxas> https://s3.amazonaws.com
[16:41:12] <kyonko000> would being in a database of unproven living person be any better?
[16:41:13] <raxas> Artisoft was the maker
[16:42:51] <raxas> it's still buried in a junkpile somewhere around here
[16:43:04] <kyonko000> junkpiles are illegal, punishable by euthanasia
[16:44:54] <raxas> s/junkpile/treasure vault/
[16:44:54] <SedBot> <raxas> it's still buried in a treasure vault somewhere around here
[16:54:53] <kyonko000> lol
[16:54:56] <kyonko000> omfg
[16:55:00] <kyonko000> thats so cute, so wholesome
[17:13:03] <t3> not a hoarder, just warehousing defunct electronic equipment for the future generations
[17:16:41] <kyonko000> how will future generations even understand the 1980's, 90's and 00's?
[17:16:46] <t3> future archaeologists will write papers about the bone fragments of homo subterreanus found among fossilized cables
[17:16:59] <kyonko000> assuming they are even humans
[17:17:10] <kyonko000> remember the slashdot icon for microsoft as the bill gates borg
[17:17:49] <kyonko000> who would have thought that humans would really go for the borg shot even if they survive nuclear weapons and biowarfare
[17:18:42] <raxas> future archeologists will be machines. I collect evidence for them so they could understand their creation myth precisely
[17:18:44] <kyonko000> the MSM, especially american and mexican local news outlets, push one message and one message only: EBOLA IS HERE
[17:19:27] <kyonko000> raxas, so the machines of tomorrow will be von newman self assembling machines akin to sequoia and redwood trees or blue whales
[17:19:30] <Bytram> the first computer I bought had a copy of the schematics inside the cover; 6502, 4K static RAM, NTSC video adapter for output.
[17:19:40] <kyonko000> NSTC!
[17:19:43] <kyonko000> lol
[17:19:47] <kyonko000> was it a TV or a computer?
[17:20:13] * kyonko000 wonders what ever happened to that local cable tv channel where you could tune in to someone using a computer
[17:20:14] <Bytram> I wrote plenty of programs on/for it
[17:20:26] <kyonko000> the community bulletin board
[17:20:31] <kyonko000> before facebook
[17:20:37] SoyGuest39345 is now known as jman
[17:21:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest60355
[17:26:15] <FatPhil> Not sure Lantastic can legitimately call itself the first peer-to-peer networking (the wiki page for it makes that claim). There were things on unix that could be described as p2p (ie. things where both parties act as both a client and a server) before that.
[17:27:54] <kyonko000> as long as you have root FatPhil
[17:28:10] <kyonko000> UUCP over modem
[17:28:20] <kyonko000> then bridged to TCP/IP
[17:28:26] <kyonko000> NNTP
[17:29:41] <kyonko000> p2p is dead, has been since the great 2005 p2p crisis
[17:29:57] <kyonko000> look into when kazaa (fasttrack) died
[17:30:06] <kyonko000> I moved on to emule (ed2k)
[17:30:08] <kyonko000> KAD
[17:30:28] <Bytram> lol; Lantastic was certainly in the game early-ish for PCs. But, I was using networking at IBM (SNA?) back in ~1984? and even earlier ~1980 used DECnet which was definitely peer-to-peer!
[17:31:04] <kyonko000> remember PLIP and SLIP in linux and bsd in the mid 90's? that was beer to beer
[17:31:44] <kyonko000> from 1995 to 2000
[17:32:06] <raxas> FatPhil: LANtastic was marketed as peer-to-peer network in contrary to server-client network in Netware. All nodes in LANtastic were equal
[17:32:41] <raxas> for example, file transfer could be initiated by any node
[17:33:32] <raxas> under Novell, when your fancy PC/AT server died, your business was over
[17:33:54] <kyonko000> netware was star topology
[17:33:58] <kyonko000> IRC can be like that
[17:34:21] <kyonko000> but IRC tends to be, or was more like star 2 star back in the hey days of irc such as ircnet or efnet
[17:34:33] <kyonko000> you had the routing nodes
[17:34:35] <kyonko000> the backhaul
[17:34:53] <kyonko000> then there was the token ring with CDMA/TDMA
[17:36:17] <kyonko000> CDMA/TDMA were mentioned a lot with GSM and 3G
[17:36:34] <kyonko000> the invisible walls of our maze
[17:37:20] <Bytram> SoylentNews has a multi-host IRC setup, if I have followed Deucalion's actions correctly. I know we have at least two (and maybe 3) servers.
[17:38:24] <Bytram> token ring worked okay, but lacked some of the resiliency of ethernet.
[17:39:02] <Bytram> still, both were an improvement over Wang's dual-coax connections, IMHO.
[17:40:59] <raxas> slip in linux still works I hope. last time I used this was a Compaq PDA with network bridge tinkered over USB, for although I had wifi CF cards, I needed a CF slot for large storage instead
[17:41:01] <requerdanos> and over star-topology arcnet
[17:46:37] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Deletes All Comments Under Heavily Criticized Windows 11 Upgrade Video - https://sylnt.us - not-all-publicity-is-good-publicity
[18:00:09] <raxas> https://www.youtube.com
[18:00:12] <systemd> ^ 03How To Build Your Own Gundam Suit With Inbuilt Speaker
[18:12:00] <Runaway1956> Well - fun morning kinda - at least some bits of it
[18:12:25] <Runaway1956> Nurse steps into the waiting room, "Hi, I'm Chris, I'm going to help with . . . "
[18:12:37] <Runaway1956> Pretty little woman, probably 25 years old
[18:12:54] <Runaway1956> Informative, and also keeps the small talk going
[18:13:00] <Runaway1956> did I say pretty?
[18:13:26] <Runaway1956> About 5 ' 2" and probably weighed 100 pounds with all the gear in her pockets
[18:13:27] <kyonko000> she will be fat soon
[18:13:39] <Runaway1956> So, she wants to stick an IV in me
[18:13:47] <kyonko000> yeah, they never practice their own health care
[18:13:55] <Runaway1956> doesn't like the veins in my left hand, looks t the right hand
[18:13:56] <kyonko000> sticking an IV is not optional
[18:14:12] <Runaway1956> She likes the veins better, puts that stretchy thing around my arm
[18:14:27] <Runaway1956> and starts slapping the back of my hand to make the veins stand out better
[18:14:32] <Runaway1956> HOLY CRAP!!!
[18:14:42] <kyonko000> why are you having this problem?
[18:14:48] <Runaway1956> That little bitty lady jiggled like crazy!
[18:14:59] <Runaway1956> I didn't know such a small woman could jiggle like that!
[18:15:09] <kyonko000> sexual dimorphism in humans is a disease
[18:15:31] <Runaway1956> Weren't nothing dimorphis about that bounce under her blouse, lol
[18:15:33] <kyonko000> no we can send sexually dimorphic humans to colonize the solar system
[18:15:45] <kyonko000> yeah exactly
[18:16:01] <kyonko000> i'm quite worried about elon musk and his project "musk belt" at LEO
[18:16:08] <Runaway1956> That was the highlight of my morning -
[18:16:27] <Runaway1956> Oh - I did a good deed while out and about
[18:17:00] <Runaway1956> Someone spilled some pills outside the hospital - I got down on hands and knees to chase them all down so some little kid wouldn't pick any up and eat them
[18:17:12] <kyonko000> ...
[18:17:25] <kyonko000> the problem is kids think they are food since they are taken daily like food
[18:17:39] <Runaway1956> I know that I'll be punished for my good deed though - it never fails
[18:17:44] <kyonko000> lol
[18:17:46] <kyonko000> man
[18:18:18] <kyonko000> I got denied having a stockpile of meds
[18:18:33] <kyonko000> that's taboo, ok whatever
[18:18:47] <kyonko000> the doctors wrote the scripts and logged it in the computer
[18:19:53] <kyonko000> made me feel like when the ATM machine ate my card or the cops took my driver's license
[18:20:16] <kyonko000> mean while gun and ammo sales keep breaking monthly records
[18:20:29] <Runaway1956> Yep - that is true
[18:20:41] <raxas> and, do you know why?
[18:20:46] <Runaway1956> the manufacturers are just barely keeping up with demand
[18:20:47] <kyonko000> raxas, this is the end
[18:20:53] <requerdanos> because people keep buying them?
[18:20:56] <kyonko000> this is the end, by the doors
[18:21:07] <kyonko000> serial number linked to dead man
[18:21:11] <kyonko000> dead man voting also
[18:21:14] <Runaway1956> Ok - this is the end - but which end is it?
[18:21:23] <kyonko000> the human centepede
[18:23:28] <kyonko000> seriously what was up with all the dead voters after the first 90 days/3 months of COVID1984
[18:23:47] <kyonko000> anyway, I voted for the first time
[18:23:53] <raxas> this https://www.rt.com
[18:23:55] <kyonko000> can't show _them_ or zuckerberg any fear
[18:23:56] <systemd> ^ 03Wayne Dupree: It sounds harsh, but those who risk losing their homes as the US eviction ban expires have only themselves to blame
[18:24:06] <Runaway1956> What was up with them? Biden kept them warehoused until time to vote that's what was up.
[18:24:09] <raxas> this is the reason and every one of you know it
[18:24:40] <kyonko000> raxas, I was thinking in REM dreamspace, why don't we just let russian federation be UN occupied to buy use more years of peace
[18:24:43] <requerdanos> so they can have a shootout with law enforcement at eviction time?
[18:25:00] <kyonko000> peace = non extinction
[18:25:03] <kyonko000> war = extinction
[18:25:17] <raxas> +4 millions homeless in streets, that cannot end well
[18:25:41] <kyonko000> raxas, who is responsible for modern overpopulation, not me
[18:25:47] <kyonko000> look at all the DNA tech
[18:25:58] <kyonko000> "oh, we don't know who your family is or what they did"
[18:26:16] <raxas> this is why mothers with babies buying boxes of ammo and old ladies buying shotguns like never before
[18:26:31] <kyonko000> yeah raxas, sellier and bellot czech ammo is big in the USA
[18:26:35] <kyonko000> also prvi partizen from serbia
[18:26:42] <kyonko000> fiocci from italy
[18:26:45] <raxas> "rental eviction insurgency"
[18:26:53] <kyonko000> even aguila from mexico with the short 12 guage shells for MAXIMUM CAPACITY
[18:27:00] <raxas> democrats made it real
[18:27:04] <kyonko000> raxas, humans die without shelter
[18:27:13] <kyonko000> the great unsheltered holocaust
[18:27:16] <kyonko000> deaths from exposure
[18:27:38] <raxas> unlikely. they will just attack those with shelters and food
[18:27:45] <Runaway1956> Correction - stupid humans die without modern shelter
[18:27:51] <raxas> fallout on steroids
[18:27:58] <Runaway1956> Exposure is highly overrated
[18:28:13] <Runaway1956> It's the parent's fault for not teaching survivel
[18:28:36] <kyonko000> you were supposed to get a job
[18:28:38] <kyonko000> money money money
[18:28:59] <kyonko000> in mexico, these ends up kidnapping people and turning them into ground beef alive, for money
[18:29:03] <requerdanos> money get back, I'm alright jack, keep your hands off my stack
[18:29:17] <kyonko000> I've never been money crazy
[18:29:30] <kyonko000> its just fiat
[18:29:35] <raxas> money will not save you. defend or die
[18:29:59] <kyonko000> raxas, did the communist military ever draft you?
[18:30:24] <raxas> no. I was always a privileged person
[18:30:35] <Runaway1956> probably white too
[18:30:37] SoyGuest60355 is now known as jman
[18:31:15] <kyonko000> wait what
[18:31:23] <kyonko000> you were rich in communism?
[18:31:31] <Bytram> =yt https://youtube.com
[18:31:32] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Money - Pink Floyd + Lyrics (06:23; 26,508,714 views; 👍128,855 👎5,264)
[18:31:36] * kyonko000 has heard a lot about rich people and communism
[18:31:37] jman is now known as SoyGuest55218
[18:31:40] <raxas> you know nothing about communism
[18:32:00] <kyonko000> raxas, do you know your ancestry going back to middle ages?
[18:32:04] <Runaway1956> Everybody is equal under communism - some more equal than others
[18:32:23] <requerdanos> communism seeks to provide for the people in a way that capitalism can only dream of
[18:32:24] <raxas> yes, to the 17. century and to the 15.century
[18:34:17] <Bytram> requerdanos: theory is great, but seems to fall down in practice -- seems some selfish bastards show up and want more than their fair share
[18:34:19] * Runaway1956 remembers seeing the family tree in the family Bible - can't remember how far back it went
[18:34:23] <raxas> my ancestors were fighting teutons, saxons, franks, crusaders for 1000 years
[18:34:39] <requerdanos> thats why i say sees, not succeeds
[18:34:40] <raxas> and I hate them all
[18:34:44] <requerdanos> seeks
[18:34:54] * raxas keeps hating crusaders
[18:35:11] * Runaway1956 notes that raxas and relatives don't play well with others
[18:35:31] <Bytram> raxas: what about crew seders? wordplay++
[18:36:06] <Bytram> hmm, maybe cruise aiders?
[18:36:20] <Runaway1956> Would Mexican seeders count, planting tree seedlings all over Weyerhauser land?
[18:36:26] <Bytram> crew sueders?
[18:36:54] <Bytram> =yt blue suede shoes
[18:36:55] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Elvis Presley - Blue Suede Shoes 1956 (COLOR and STEREO) (02:13; 56,979,326 views; 👍289,985 👎7,125)
[18:37:31] <Runaway1956> Blue Swade?
[18:37:46] <Runaway1956> Some lawyer sued those blue shoes
[18:37:55] <raxas> focus on yourselves, guys. you have that raiders eviction situation coming in two months
[18:37:59] <Bytram> blew swayed
[18:38:17] <Bytram> blues weighed
[18:38:17] <raxas> I'll be watching
[18:39:17] <Runaway1956> Decisions, decisions . . .
[18:39:27] <Runaway1956> coffee is ready, but so is my pillow
[19:12:09] -!- kyonko000 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[19:50:14] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[20:26:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Wild U.S. Deer Found With Coronavirus Antibodies - https://sylnt.us - they're-bats-I-tell-you!-antlered-bats!
[20:30:05] <raxas> finally got chinese grammar, fresh new work written in my native by true expert on both. the language itself is... exciting. perfect compact form of stacking meanings, usable in computing as a command language or programming language as it stands
[20:33:41] <kyonko000> is this chinese written in latin?
[20:34:34] <raxas> it explains several types of transliterations used in academics for centuries
[20:34:48] * kyonko000 remembers all the international encodings for www along with rsa rc5 civilian encryption
[20:35:01] <raxas> critical tonality is mostly missing in english transliterations
[20:50:37] SoyGuest21405 is now known as jman
[20:51:36] jman is now known as SoyGuest96952
[21:57:01] <FatPhil> compact is a negative trait
[21:57:23] <FatPhil> error-correcting capability, i.e. redundancy, is far more useful.
[22:00:37] SoyGuest96952 is now known as jman
[22:01:37] jman is now known as SoyGuest49992
[22:25:49] <t3> error-correction only matters when the transmissions need perfect integrity, verbal comms can rely on context for that
[22:34:09] <FatPhil> your argument is circular.
[22:35:31] <chromas> But is it compact?
[22:38:27] <FatPhil> circles are closed and bounded
[22:39:36] <kyonko000> compact circles
[22:39:58] <kyonko000> if atoms and their orbiting electrons are drawn flat, why do we have 3d
[22:41:27] <FatPhil> because they aren't
[22:41:28] <chromas> They've been upgraded. They're clouds now. Atomic IoT
[22:41:43] <kyonko000> I reckon covid19 is going to infect every living thing on earth and outside of earth, but thats none of my business
[22:41:48] <FatPhil> damn. tonight's questions are easy
[22:42:07] <chromas> Atoms aren't drawn flat?
[22:42:22] <kyonko000> chromas, depends on the era
[22:42:44] <kyonko000> there are some very very artistic renditions of atoms out there
[22:42:59] * kyonko000 wonders why no one makes one of covid19 worked up from that
[22:43:16] <kyonko000> ITS A COLD VIRUS PEOPLE, GMO
[22:43:38] <chromas> But muh spike protein
[22:43:44] <chromas> Atoms don't have spikes
[22:43:46] <kyonko000> SPIKES
[22:43:46] <kyonko000> caltrops lol
[22:44:07] <kyonko000> if you shoot something out of earth orbit, it will behave like an orbiting electron
[22:44:17] <kyonko000> then electrons tend to become free
[22:45:54] <kyonko000> look at the heavy atoms that tend to fall apart
[22:46:01] <chromas> That's the future of space propulsion—Apply an electric space current, creating holes ahead of you for your space electron ship to jump into
[22:46:03] <kyonko000> the big 'uns
[22:46:13] <kyonko000> lol @ holes
[22:46:21] <chromas> =yt seinfeld holes
[22:46:22] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Seinfeld - Slippery Pete, Schlomo (Frogger Episode) (01:57; 574,915 views; 👍2,886 👎135)
[22:47:57] <kyonko000> the big transuranic atoms
[22:48:05] <kyonko000> the fat atoms
[22:48:34] <kyonko000> they are so big and fat and wide as they are across, you can't help but wonder, whats inside
[22:48:52] <chromas> Fat
[22:50:25] <kyonko000> just what I was afraid of.....
[22:50:27] <kyonko000> strings
[22:51:08] <raxas> pls explain to me why "free" neutron lasts for 15 minutes but neutrons bound inside atoms last long
[22:52:17] <raxas> and show me a single one example of "free" electron anywhere. I mean, not some indirect interaction result
[22:52:24] <kyonko000> https://www.lanl.gov
[22:52:54] <kyonko000> neutrons tend to travel through solid matter something they attributed to covid19 early on in lame stream media
[22:53:48] <kyonko000> https://www.lanl.gov
[22:53:50] <kyonko000> "flat"
[22:58:18] <raxas> =submit https://news.uchicago.edu
[22:58:21] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03RNA Breakthrough Creates Crops That Can Grow 50% More Potatoes, Rice" (32p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[22:59:17] <raxas> potato with inserted human obesity gene
[23:00:27] <raxas> I predict next generation of humans eating this shit will be giants again
[23:01:25] <raxas> =submit https://www.nature.com
[23:01:33] <kyonko000> yeah I know this trend
[23:02:06] <kyonko000> you ever had an air conditioned room while watching "tv" give you an orgasmic iv drip?
[23:02:26] <raxas> soylentbot is racist against nature
[23:03:46] <kyonko000> what will we do when AI makes its final judgement on "normal people"
[23:04:01] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03RNA Demethylation Increases the Yield and Biomass of Rice and Potato Plants in Field Trials" (102p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:04:43] <kyonko000> raxas, that sounds a lot like x-raying house flies to see what happens
[23:05:02] <kyonko000> raxas, i'd leave your dumb blonde who bred rats in charge of that program
[23:06:59] <kyonko000> LANL is into genetics now
[23:08:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Australian Court Rules an AI Can be Considered an Inventor on Patent Filings - https://sylnt.us - automatic-patentator
[23:10:26] <raxas> I suggest visible genetic modifications done by legal process to criminals. say, compulsory antlers for fraud
[23:10:37] SoyGuest49992 is now known as jman
[23:10:43] <kyonko000> you mean like the glow in the dark, glowfish
[23:11:20] <kyonko000> yeah, that would be nice, gmo humans reproducing by binary fission (eat my shorts, gpt3)
[23:11:37] jman is now known as SoyGuest87997
[23:12:27] <kyonko000> https://en.wikipedia.org
[23:12:28] <systemd> ^ 03GPT-3 - Wikipedia
[23:14:58] <kyonko000> why DID gpt-3 confuse virology with particle physics (neutrons)
[23:15:26] <kyonko000> why DID gpt-3 confuse biology with nuclear physics
[23:15:47] <kyonko000> why DID humans send this shit out into the eyes and ears of mindless sheep?
[23:16:10] <raxas> beacuse hydrogen is protons
[23:16:13] <kyonko000> currently gpt-3 is using "transmission" a lot
[23:16:24] <kyonko000> transmission of covid19, delta variant
[23:16:51] <kyonko000> so now gpt-3 is confusing virology with visible light
[23:17:22] <kyonko000> hydrogen is proton that caught an electron
[23:19:28] <kyonko000> then you got He, the thingie that gets ejected from some not so large atoms, and very large atoms
[23:19:47] <raxas> conformist science is initially full of contradictions, incorrect information. when you feed that into convolution network, you get a pile of contradictions back
[23:20:41] <kyonko000> I never knew of any pointes toward philosophy of science
[23:20:57] <kyonko000> robert hooke is good
[23:21:31] <kyonko000> he tried to understand as most he could
[23:22:03] <AzumaHazuki> those enhanced potatoes aren't drought-tolerant so much as they grow longer roots, it sounds like
[23:23:06] <kyonko000> I'm not really afraid of droughts even though we had a few scary ones in the past 2 or 3 years
[23:23:25] <kyonko000> I'm afraid of humans who can't control their impulse to breed and kill
[23:26:16] <kyonko000> I'm exhausted but this inventor of gpt-3 sounds a lot like, or a competitor of the company that serg vakulenko of early freebsd bootloader fame, before the boot0 was maintained by robert nordier
[23:26:34] <raxas> those impulses are not problems at all, they keep human population nonzero and limited
[23:26:56] <kyonko000> I have a rational eugenics
[23:26:57] <raxas> in ancient cybernetics, we called that "regulation"
[23:29:57] <kyonko000> https://en.wikipedia.org
[23:30:01] <kyonko000> searching for dead center
[23:30:53] <kyonko000> the hip joint from the pelvis to the femur, thats dead center in a circle or a square
[23:31:26] <kyonko000> i wonder how the davinci bots are doing in post-covid world
[23:42:29] <c0lo> =submit https://www.reuters.com
[23:42:31] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Mexico Sues U.S. Gun Makers, Eyes $10 Billion in Damages" (48p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:43:31] <c0lo> =submit https://www.scientificamerican.com
[23:43:35] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Future Space Travel Might Require Mushrooms" (120p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:43:41] <kyonko000> lol
[23:43:45] <kyonko000> blame the gun
[23:43:56] <kyonko000> when mexicans get disappeared to become frozen ground beef
[23:44:14] <kyonko000> oh of course, obey the gun man, guns make the strong stronger and the weak strong
[23:46:13] <c0lo> =submit https://www.france24.com
[23:46:15] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Ukrainian President Orders Extra Protection for Belarus Exiles After Dissident's Death" (14p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:46:41] <kyonko000> what do you do when the strong become stronger?
[23:46:46] <kyonko000> MATH
[23:47:47] <c0lo> =submit https://www.businessinsider.com.au
[23:47:51] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "032 Out of 3 Americans Say They Would Take a Pay Cut to Work Remotely Full Time" (12p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:48:22] -!- kyonko000 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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[23:49:02] <c0lo> =submit https://www.huffpost.com
[23:49:04] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Rudy Giuliani is Reportedly Almost Broke and Trump's Shutting Him Out" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:50:56] <c0lo> =submit https://abcnews.go.com
[23:50:58] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03After Decades in Woods, New Hampshire Man Forced From Cabin" (35p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:52:05] <c0lo> =submit https://www.euronews.com
[23:52:09] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03'the Night Was Hell': Wildfire Destroys Homes on Outskirts of Athens" (17p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:53:22] <c0lo> =submit https://www.reuters.com
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[23:57:05] <c0lo> https://pbs.twimg.com
[23:57:44] <c0lo> =submit https://arstechnica.com
[23:57:46] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The State Department and 3 Other US Agencies Earn a D for Cybersecurity" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org