#soylent | Logs for 2021-08-20

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[00:13:28] <Teckla> You naughty pirates!
[00:13:30] <Teckla> Arrr!
[00:16:14] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Counter-Spinning Turbine Design Draws Double the Energy from Ocean Waves - https://sylnt.us - push-me-pull-you || S. Korea Develops Technique to Recycle Discarded Solar Panels Into High-performance Solar Cells - https://sylnt.us
[00:20:03] <Bytram> Teckla: I was only downloading Linux VMs to run under Windows. All were open source or made freely available for D/L by VM Ware (I think?)
[00:21:04] <Teckla> A likely story! ;)
[00:29:40] <Bytram> It *is* true!
[00:31:25] <Bytram> I spent too many years working for software companies that were dependent on income from the sales of their products to pay the bills (and my wages!).
[00:33:26] <Bytram> I doubt you would find a stronger supporter of copyright (yes, even with its many overreaches) here.
[00:35:24] <Bytram> At the end of the day, I know my conscience is clear... I could not live with myself any other way.
[01:17:12] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@62.216.gpt.lgt] has joined #soylent
[01:17:14] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@62.216.gpt.lgt))]
[01:17:17] boru` is now known as boru
[02:56:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Samsung Says it Will Stop Loading its $1,000 Smartphones with Ads - https://sylnt.us
[02:58:07] <c0lo> =submit nice-raytracing-so-far https://www.cnet.com
[02:58:09] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Elon Musk Reveals Tesla Bot, a Humanoid Robot Utilizing Tesla's Vehicle AI" (9p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:02:45] <t3> strange, musk is anti-ai, but wants to build humanoid robots?
[03:09:00] <t3> humanoid is not a very good shape for most things IMO, firstly because people will want to communicate and become emotionally attached to them, secondly it's very inefficient and reduces capability
[03:11:41] <t3> the complexity of a bipedal balancing system alone should be a giant red flag
[03:16:24] <t3> =submit https://www.popularmechanics.com
[03:16:27] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Babylonian Tablet Trigonometry" (16p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[03:34:49] <Bytram> http://feeds.mashable.com
[03:34:50] <systemd> ^ 03Elon Musk reveals plans to unleash a humanoid Tesla Bot ( https://mashable.com )
[04:41:29] <FatPhil> https://www.wsj.com
[04:41:32] <systemd> ^ 03WSJ News Exclusive | Internal State Department Cable Warned of Kabul Collapse
[05:39:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Japan Developing AI, Satellite System to Track Foreign Ships in its Waters - https://sylnt.us - I-spy-with-my-little-eye...
[05:41:55] -!- Ingar has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[06:36:05] <FatPhil> The Taliban reclaim Afghanistan = All inhabitants face a nightmare. (anagram, not mine)
[06:55:09] -!- Ingar [Ingar!~ingar@53-938-56-760.access.telenet.be] has joined #soylent
[07:21:11] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:59:40] <chromas> We need spiderbots
[07:59:48] <chromas> They'd probably make better sexbots too
[08:00:24] <boru> I saw some article (Poe's law incoming), which stated it was bad that they wanted to ban drugs there, which would be bad for the rest of the world.
[08:01:03] <boru> Who was it that said something along the lines of the world being mad, and when you speak out against it, they will say you are mad?
[08:01:06] <chromas> Makes sense. America banning drugs has been bad for Central America
[08:01:25] <boru> Bad for the CIA.
[08:06:07] <chromas> wouldn't things being illegal be good for them?
[08:06:29] <chromas> they can't support drug lords if there aren't any
[08:06:42] <boru> I misread. Nevermind.
[08:08:01] * chromas nods in crop price control program
[08:15:04] <chromas> diablo 2 hd blah open beta the next couple days
[08:26:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - ‘Green Steel’: Swedish Company Ships First Batch Made Without Using Coal - https://sylnt.us
[09:58:23] <chromas> https://dev.thehardtimes.net
[09:58:24] <systemd> ^ 03Gibson Announces the “More Paul” Weighing In at 43 Pounds
[10:07:13] <FatPhil> More is Les
[10:07:45] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Milestones and Updated Moderation Guidelines - https://sylnt.us
[10:16:31] <chromas> damn americans
[10:16:36] <chromas> should be kilometrestone
[10:28:34] <c0lo> https://pbs.twimg.com
[10:29:24] <chromas> fake news
[10:29:42] <chromas> her customers are fat basement dwellers
[10:31:44] <c0lo> Same as the evanghelical women's husbands.
[10:31:57] <chromas> no; they clearly got married
[10:32:20] <chromas> and bought their own basements
[10:34:22] <c0lo> Still basement dwellers, even when their or their wives'?
[10:35:45] <chromas> no
[10:36:05] <chromas> that's where they keep the slave boys
[11:29:17] <c0lo> How republican of them :grin:
[11:32:47] <c0lo> I wonder why do they need extra capital? They take 20% of the pie. https://www.bbc.com
[11:46:53] <chromas> c0lo seems to have a keen interesting in republicans and also camwhores
[11:47:22] * chromas writes this down in his book o' Aussies
[11:52:14] * c0lo https://pbs.twimg.com
[12:17:19] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[12:20:24] <Bytram> FatPhil++ "More is Les" great one!
[12:20:24] <Bender> karma - fatphil: 140
[12:36:10] -!- inky [inky!~inky@23.154.wuy.jp] has joined #soylent
[12:43:50] <c0lo> =g "If God wanted us to cover our mouth and nose, he would have made us that way."
[12:43:51] <systemd> https://boingboing.net - "If God wanted us to cover our mouth and nose he would have made ...
[12:57:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Windows 11 Is Making It Absurdly Difficult to Change Browsers - https://sylnt.us - tigers-never-change-their-stripes
[13:21:58] <Ingar> fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. running windows 11.. shame doesn't even cover it.
[13:22:42] <Ingar> (preparing to drop my windows dual-boot)
[13:29:52] <FatPhil> Bytram: that actually was their joke - I think
[13:30:04] <FatPhil> but it was perhaps a bit subtle
[13:30:25] <FatPhil> I only slept 3 hours last night, so wasn't so sharp this morning
[13:31:19] <FatPhil> I'd understand it if I was modded -1 Redundant for explaining the joke
[13:36:19] <Bytram> FatPhil++ "More is Les"? That was a *great* joke!
[13:36:19] <Bender> karma - fatphil: 141
[13:36:38] <Bytram> I got it immediately, no explanation needed!
[14:30:00] <c0lo> God made them this way https://www.kiro7.com
[14:30:01] <systemd> ^ 03Nude man stabs second nude man on Seattle sidewalk
[14:33:51] <c0lo> TIL concent = a harmony or concord of sounds: concert of voices.
[14:37:22] <c0lo> Those guys... so inconsequentially right https://i.redd.it
[14:58:50] <c0lo> =submit panic-buy-water-
[14:58:50] <systemd> c0lo, 04submit failed: No URL.
[14:59:14] <c0lo> =submit panic-buy-water-NOW https://www.theguardian.com
[14:59:17] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Global Water Crisis Will Intensify With Climate Breakdown, Says Report" (25p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:00:02] <raxas> =submit https://www.phoronix.com
[15:00:05] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03AMD Launches the Infinity Hub as its Newest Open-Source Portal" (0p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:00:48] <c0lo> =submit https://www.bmj.com
[15:00:56] <systemd> ✓* Sub-ccess! "08Covid-19: Fully Vaccinated People Can Carry as Much Delta Virus as Unvaccinated People, Data Indicat" (15p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:02:00] <c0lo> Muscular atrophy for the vaccinated should help, then
[15:04:25] <c0lo> =submit those-wireless-carrier-extortionists https://www.techdirt.com
[15:04:29] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Google Has Been Paying Wireless Carriers Billions to Not Develop Competing App Stores" (17p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:06:29] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:30:55] <raxas> funny enough, if raxas said "Covid-19: Fully vaccinated people can carry as much delta virus as unvaccinated people, data indicate" that would be pseudo-science for sure
[15:39:10] <requerdanos> um, but it's been measured to be the case.
[15:39:54] <requerdanos> I dunno 100% if it's true, but chances look good, which doesn't depend on who said it.
[15:40:15] <requerdanos> I know I give you a rough time sometimes, but I honestly don't mean anything negative by it, just want to speak up for good information hygeine.
[15:43:13] <c0lo> i doubt the talibans have what they need to govern Afghanistan if Afghanistan doesn't want them https://www.thenationalnews.com
[15:43:32] <raxas> the fundamental problem with me is, I have too much information sources too fore ahead of mainstream flows and approved doctrines
[15:45:17] <raxas> that naturally positions me as antagonist to any kind of establishment. I accepted that position long time ago
[15:46:18] <requerdanos> having access to information, and practicing good/poor information hygiene, are two different things. I suspect it's the latter, not the former, causing you problems.
[15:47:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - UCLA-Led Study Could Clarify How Microbes Can Exacerbate Cognitive Decline - https://sylnt.us - could
[15:47:14] <raxas> I am not self-censoring my mind. that would equivalent to self-mutilation
[15:47:52] <requerdanos> I don't recommend self-censorship, just drawing good conclusions supported by the underlying data available.
[15:54:57] <raxas> there is a huge topic behind the covid affair, since 1971-2008 research was completed: sugestibility and hypnability. it now comes to mass scale by technology. I will bring this on in couple of months or maybe next year
[15:55:23] <raxas> no one touched this topic yet in public space
[15:55:57] <requerdanos> How are they related?
[15:58:01] <raxas> they didn't have means to interface brain directly, sou they used mostly drugs only. now, the spike protein and graphene quantum dots as changed that
[15:58:55] <requerdanos> the spike protein provides a brain interface for suggestibility/hypnability?
[15:59:08] <raxas> graphen serves as a converter from EM signal to light directly in brain, spike protein arranges the intrusion
[15:59:38] <raxas> but the core of this research is psychology
[16:00:02] <requerdanos> mind control falls under the domain of psychology, yeah
[16:05:06] <raxas> it's not just mind control as popular understanding is, it's about proper dissociation of consciousness levels to improve sugestibility with declarative statements, noncommands
[16:26:02] <chromas> so if you can still get and pass on the covids, how is getting vaxxed helping the neighbors and whatnot?
[16:26:47] <requerdanos> the vaccine makes you require a higher virus load to catch the disease == harder to catch == harder to therefore spread.
[16:27:01] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #soylent
[16:27:27] <chromas> it's harder to catch, but then they still get just as much?
[16:28:51] <chromas> I just saw a graph yesterday showing fully vaxxed vs unvaxxed hospital rates but nothing about partials. Do they count as unvaxxed then?
[16:30:22] <requerdanos> "not fully vaccinated" if partially vaccinated, not sure where they fall though, good question.
[16:31:01] <requerdanos> harder to catch, sure, and the study mentioned above says that only some vaccinated people who catch it carry as high as viral load (not all)
[16:31:40] <requerdanos> details, details, the facts are in the details
[16:32:13] <requerdanos> "it's possible" to carry as high a load != "everyone will"
[16:32:26] <requerdanos> just like "it's possible" to win the lottery jackpot != "everyone will"
[16:45:53] <chromas> https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net
[17:41:40] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[17:48:33] <AzumaHazuki> =submit https://arstechnica.com from the viruses-don't-care-about-your-politics dept.
[17:48:36] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03“We are Set on a Path That Looks Disastrous”: Alabama Hospitals Near Collapse" (13p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[18:13:00] -!- kyonko [kyonko!~diazl001@97.73.twk.now] has joined #soylent
[18:14:38] <kyonko> I have no idea where this irssi binary came from on chrome os linux subsystem
[18:18:11] <kyonko> I got my gmail addy as my login and the computer name is by default "penguin"
[18:18:32] <kyonko> (I don't want you guys knowing my gmail addy)
[18:19:33] <kyonko> ah hell, so you got it anyway, might as well bug me
[18:20:23] <kyonko> no wonder theo de raadt hates irc
[18:29:18] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google Has Been Paying Wireless Carriers Billions to Not Develop Competing App Stores - https://sylnt.us - not-so-innovative-I-guess
[18:35:29] <kyonko> I am in developer mode to by pass app store mandate
[18:35:43] <kyonko> no app store app works with very slow internet link
[18:36:13] <kyonko> just irc, pop, imap, simple www, ftp, etc
[18:44:09] <AzumaHazuki> https://www.reddit.com schadenfreude ist die schonen freude? but for real, this is horrible. i can't help but feel sorry for these people even as i'm incredibly angry
[18:44:13] <systemd> ^ 03r/HermanCainAward
[18:48:10] <kyonko> science deniers eh?
[18:48:15] <kyonko> well nobody likes animal testing
[18:48:52] <kyonko> I get a lot of vegan and homeless pet shtick on facebook
[18:49:15] <requerdanos> Look at it this way: They worked long and hard, should they be denied their earnings?
[18:49:31] <kyonko> I didn't get denied anything, really
[18:49:58] <requerdanos> I mean the public anti-vaccine spreaders.
[18:50:17] <kyonko> I took some time to learn about dr. robert malone
[18:50:30] <kyonko> it sounds good, this mrna immunotherapy
[18:50:55] <kyonko> especially for people who don't have an immune system because they got a bone marrow transplant
[18:51:47] <requerdanos> a quick reference, https://www.logically.ai
[18:51:48] <systemd> ^ 03Double Check: Who Is Dr. Robert Malone?
[18:51:49] <kyonko> inject some mrna altering nanoparticles into human muscle tissue and reprogram these cells to become immune system cells
[18:52:33] <kyonko> anyway you look at it, it sounds like progress to me
[18:52:51] <kyonko> non-bone marrow immune system
[18:52:59] <kyonko> common cold immunization
[18:53:07] <kyonko> about time right?
[18:54:14] <kyonko> its so progressive it isn't linked to ACA/medicaid/medicare primary care physicians
[18:55:25] <kyonko> if for any reason, you lose healthy bone marrow, you can always get mrna nanoparticles to turn your muscle into immune system cells
[18:56:00] <requerdanos> attention, select friends, you know who you are, woo-woo alert, this concludes this message.
[18:56:05] <kyonko> you should always have a good load of immune system cells going around and plus, the mrna instructions tell them how to attack most known diseases
[18:56:39] <kyonko> only this isn't done by prescription
[18:57:05] <kyonko> why wouldn't it be about time we have a vaccine that requires no immune system to work?
[18:57:32] <AzumaHazuki> for my part...i got the vax (both shots, will get a third when allowed), wear a mask, eat well, and take my vitamins. can't do more than that
[18:57:37] <kyonko> muscle tissue is the best tissue to reprogram into immune cells
[18:57:56] <AzumaHazuki> my mother's immunocompromised due to cancer treatment and in her mid-60s. she may very well die despite doing all the same because of that.
[18:58:00] <kyonko> so you have an immune system+, AzumaHazuki
[18:58:13] <kyonko> I remain a caveman
[18:58:14] <AzumaHazuki> yes, a rather powerful one. I usually get less than one cold a year
[18:59:02] <kyonko> this is my first time I don't get a yearly respiratory illness, because I wear protection
[18:59:06] <AzumaHazuki> i've been making homemade bone broth and then fortifying the resulting dishes i make from it with antimicrobial herbs and spices, and cooking low-glycaemic meals. whatever happens to mom it won't be because i didn't feed her right
[18:59:08] <kyonko> 1.5+ years going
[18:59:30] <kyonko> some of us will never get to be old
[18:59:51] <AzumaHazuki> yeah, our generation won't live to 50. I just turned 33 like 2 weeks ago and don't expect to see 45
[19:00:02] <AzumaHazuki> but here and now i will do all i can for my mother
[19:00:26] <kyonko> I know how chemo/radiation attack all the cells depending on how fast they reproduce
[19:00:30] <requerdanos> I turn 52 this year and hope to see 104. So, I guess perspectives vary.
[19:00:41] <kyonko> immune cells, blood cells, hair, digestive tract
[19:01:14] <kyonko> something about cracking the cancer code and reproduction rate of cells
[19:01:19] <AzumaHazuki> as it is i don't feel too well and may very well end up sick with this myself. it would fit my luck. odds are i'll survive it without too much damage, but ugh
[19:01:37] <kyonko> well you are a cyborg now, trans human
[19:02:16] <AzumaHazuki> how am i a cyborg? glasses and a hearing aid aren't cybernetic implants
[19:02:39] <kyonko> lol hearing aid? you blew out your hearing in the 2000's?
[19:02:40] <requerdanos> you are shedding mrna dna particles from the evil vaccine, I suspect is the explanation there
[19:02:50] <kyonko> shedding, like pets?
[19:02:53] <kyonko> pet dander
[19:03:03] <requerdanos> yeah, like pet dander I guess.
[19:03:13] <kyonko> everyone loves pets
[19:03:16] <kyonko> and their dander
[19:03:19] <kyonko> and their hair
[19:03:25] <kyonko> except sellers on ebay
[19:03:26] <AzumaHazuki> no, kyonko, i was born like this
[19:03:28] <requerdanos> I could cite some counterexamples, but whatever
[19:03:28] <AzumaHazuki> asshole
[19:05:31] <kyonko> i hope you enjoyed the 90's and 00's :)
[19:05:38] <kyonko> because its all over now
[19:06:03] <AzumaHazuki> 40 years of Reaganomics will do this to a nation, yes
[19:06:27] <t3> over? the "fun" part is just beginning
[19:06:38] <kyonko> the fun... let the games begin
[19:07:43] <AzumaHazuki> please, dear Queen Serenity, no. if we get to the point people are shooting one another in the streets for bread I am going to top myself
[19:08:36] <requerdanos> people seem more likely to shoot each other in the streets for name brand sneakers and purses, and flat screen TV sets.
[19:08:56] <Runaway1956> requerdanos++
[19:08:56] <Bender> karma - requerdanos: 40
[19:09:11] <Runaway1956> That's called "reparations" in most circles
[19:09:27] <requerdanos> indeed, there are some (not very bright) that call it that.
[19:09:57] <kyonko> gibs me dat
[19:10:13] <kyonko> OW MUH KNEE
[19:10:21] <kyonko> MUH KNEE GOT GOUT
[19:10:25] <Runaway1956> dindu nuffin
[19:10:31] <kyonko> hindu nuffin
[19:10:42] <Runaway1956> or horse muffins
[19:11:17] <Runaway1956> just don't say "cold war" in here
[19:12:24] <kyonko> weezer is a strange band
[19:13:07] <Runaway1956> https://en.wikipedia.org
[19:13:09] <systemd> ^ 03Cold War - Wikipedia
[19:13:17] <kyonko> yes, it started right after ww2
[19:13:29] <kyonko> the nazis wanted to hold on to power to sow division
[19:13:55] <kyonko> instead we got george soros
[19:14:10] <Runaway1956> George is a Nazi at heart
[19:14:38] <Runaway1956> it must have been exciting to round up his neighbors, and take all their stuff, while sending them off to death camps
[19:14:43] <kyonko> george sent afghanistan opium turned heroin to western europe
[19:15:54] <kyonko> post ww2 the non state actors such as george soros were called "agressor force"
[19:16:29] <kyonko> could the scientologists and their seaorg be an agressor force?
[19:16:31] <Runaway1956> McCarthy nailed it with subersive force
[19:17:11] <kyonko> mormons are like land lubber scientologists
[19:23:25] <kyonko> so I got a terminal going on chrome os, yaaaaaay
[19:24:54] <kyonko> i'm running some kind of google linux on chromeos because i am in developer mode
[19:25:03] <kyonko> its called GNU/linux, rms wouldn't approve
[19:26:24] <kyonko> ok, I see now, apps are coming from debian buster
[19:27:50] <AzumaHazuki> chrome OS is gentoo under the hood
[19:28:05] <kyonko> got screenfetch and its debian running under chrome os
[19:28:15] <kyonko> yeah, but its all privacy violating google
[19:28:21] <kyonko> altho this is way better than microsoft anything
[19:29:35] <kyonko> (going forward)
[19:29:49] * kyonko doubles down on going forward
[19:29:59] <Runaway1956> Debian kicks the llama's ass - it just doesn't kick systemd's ass
[19:30:52] <kyonko> it was whips the llama's ass
[19:31:13] <kyonko> i can't believe that animal is named after the word for flame in spanish
[19:31:24] <kyonko> llama, guanaco, vicuna
[19:31:28] <kyonko> american camelids
[19:31:43] <kyonko> but we know them better as "tina come eat your ham"
[19:32:20] <kyonko> today's kids don't know what a llama/lamer/lemur is like in the late 90's
[19:32:27] <Runaway1956> don't forget the guacemole
[19:32:49] <kyonko> deviant art has a jumping 8-bit llama when loading
[19:34:58] <kyonko> i wonder if connecting to gmail via pop is going to trigger 2fa
[19:36:01] <kyonko> yes chrome os may be gentoo, but you never do get root, google has root over you
[19:37:06] <kyonko> ah, this is one of those "sudo bash" to get root things
[19:37:09] <AzumaHazuki> personally i just get used business laptops off ebay and linux/bsd them. i have an elitebook 725 g4 coming for $250. A12-9800B (about as fast as an i5-7200U), 8GB/256GB, 12" FHD screen...not a bad price
[19:37:20] <AzumaHazuki> will be my new backup since mom got my T440s
[19:37:34] <kyonko> and who are you going to will them to?
[19:38:13] <requerdanos> what a strange question.
[19:38:23] <kyonko> she always talks about death
[19:41:01] * Teckla worries about firmware viruses on used computers
[19:41:05] <Teckla> Maybe too paranoid?
[19:41:29] <kyonko> never to paranoid enough
[19:41:34] <kyonko> in PC AT 286 we trust
[19:41:44] <kyonko> i386 is just too complex
[19:42:03] <Ellenor> =)
[19:42:16] <kyonko> an i286 can play back 16-bit PCM audio CD, that ought to be just about enough for anybody
[19:42:28] <kyonko> or whatever gates said
[19:42:55] <t3> strange, got a shipment ceramic knives, they came in an antistatic bag
[19:42:56] <kyonko> back in the late 90's you couldn't store audio CD data on disk, you had to compress it with mp3
[19:43:03] <Teckla> No Commodore 64 love? :)
[19:43:09] <kyonko> that was before my time
[19:43:27] <Teckla> My 1st PC was TRS-Color Computer; my 2nd PC was Commodore 64
[19:43:35] <kyonko> there was no point in getting a modem for the 286 I had as a baby, because of long distance charges
[19:43:38] <Teckla> 3rd was 512k Mac; 4th was Amiga 500
[19:43:52] <Teckla> 5th was 25 MHz 80386 PC clone
[19:44:04] <Teckla> Yeah, long distance was crazy expensive back then
[19:44:13] <Ellenor> oh whow
[19:44:17] <kyonko> it seems like gaslighting even
[19:44:22] <Teckla> I had modems (started with acoustic couplers) but had plenty of BBS options in the local area
[19:44:52] <kyonko> you lived in a big city?
[19:44:55] <kyonko> dindu city?
[19:45:03] <Teckla> St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.
[19:45:06] <kyonko> yeah
[19:45:10] <Teckla> Kind of small, but eh
[19:45:13] <kyonko> got worse with time sadly
[19:45:18] <kyonko> oh, MN has it all
[19:45:29] <Teckla> kyonko: Where were you raised?
[19:45:36] <kyonko> on trump's wall
[19:45:41] <kyonko> I still live where I was raised
[19:45:42] <Teckla> Oh, right, I knew that :)
[19:45:53] <kyonko> st paul is the twin cities area
[19:45:58] <Teckla> Correct
[19:46:01] <kyonko> you ever heard of mn2600?
[19:46:14] <Teckla> I do not think so
[19:46:26] <kyonko> it was a youth group of hackers who met at the mall
[19:46:28] <kyonko> mall of america?
[19:46:43] <kyonko> this was during the trench coat mafia/columbine era crap
[19:47:15] <kyonko> arizona had "operation sun devil" which was around mitnick's era
[19:47:25] <t3> 2600 like the old phreak zine?
[19:47:29] <kyonko> yes
[19:47:35] <kyonko> the shitty zine that taught you nothing
[19:47:58] <kyonko> i'll look for some on ebay just for nostalgia, but they really aren't HOWTO's
[19:48:35] <requerdanos> I loved my color computer.
[19:49:00] <kyonko> commander keen on CGA graphics on youtube
[19:49:04] <t3> I think I still have some, buried in some closet
[19:49:20] <kyonko> never came across or played commander keen, not even with efnet dcc warez
[19:49:33] <kyonko> or wolf 3d
[19:49:37] <kyonko> I played doom and quake
[19:49:44] <requerdanos> I don't remember if I played commander keen on 286 or 386
[19:49:49] <kyonko> iirc, I just saw wolf 3d as 16 bit shit
[19:50:05] <kyonko> i386 is the 32-bit mile stone
[19:50:07] <requerdanos> At the time I thought wolf3d was zarkingly awesome
[19:50:16] <kyonko> IBM PC started in 8-bits with i8088
[19:50:40] <kyonko> ibm sourced the i8088 because it was cheaper than i8086
[19:50:50] <kyonko> 8-bit bus
[19:50:59] <Teckla> kyonko: Aye, not too far from Mall of America, though I was an adult by the time it was built, well past any "hacking" years.
[19:51:07] <kyonko> yeah
[19:51:11] <kyonko> I'm a geezer now
[19:51:39] <Teckla> I may be the oldest here, except for maybe Runaway1956
[19:52:07] <requerdanos> Ah yes, what decade were you born? 1960s here
[19:52:15] <Teckla> requerdanos: The 6809 in the CoCo was divine, but everything else about the machine sucked. :(
[19:52:26] <Teckla> I take that back, the BASIC was pretty good, you could do graphics and sound.
[19:52:37] <requerdanos> I see now that it had a high suck factor in many ways, but at the time I dearly loved it
[19:52:47] * Runaway1956 thinks that Bytram is my elder
[19:52:59] <kyonko> back then, you had to KNOW BASIC
[19:53:01] <Teckla> requerdanos: 1960s here too, shoutout to GenX
[19:53:03] <requerdanos> I went from an old cray CoCo to a CoCo 2 to a CoCo 3
[19:53:31] <kyonko> I think only journalists and writers used the ibm pc
[19:53:34] <Teckla> requerdanos: Yeah, I liked the CoCo too, but was much happier when I "upgraded" to the Commodore 64
[19:53:56] <AzumaHazuki> my family got a powermac 5400/180 when i was...5? 6?
[19:54:01] <Teckla> The 6510 horrified me (no 16-bit index registers?!?!), but the graphics, sound, etc. were *so* much better.
[19:54:10] <Teckla> The BASIC on the Commodore 64 suuucked, though.
[19:54:14] <requerdanos> I never had a C64, it felt alien coming from the CoCo. My wife had one, though.
[19:54:27] <AzumaHazuki> built my first at age 12, which had a 1 GHz Thunderbird, 256MiB of SDRAM, and 1 30GiB IDE hard drive
[19:54:31] <Teckla> Runaway1956: I just kind of assumed 1956 is your year of birth
[19:54:47] <Runaway1956> Yes, it is Teckla
[19:55:00] <Teckla> AzumaHazuki: Macs were for rich people
[19:55:22] <AzumaHazuki> mom got it through an education discount. it was like $750 in 1993 dollars i think
[19:55:26] <Teckla> requerdanos: I still recall loving the CoCo cursor, flashing in all its pretty colorized glory
[19:55:36] <AzumaHazuki> we kept it around for a good 8+ years and it lasted
[19:55:45] <requerdanos> and twice as fast if you POKE 65495,1
[19:55:50] <Teckla> Runaway1956: BOOMER ALERT! ;)
[19:55:51] <Runaway1956> Computers were for government agencies and foundations like Carnegie-Melon whan I was a kid
[19:56:19] <Teckla> requerdanos: Oh yes! I remember using the "speed things up" poke. :)
[19:56:37] <Teckla> requerdanos: If I recall correctly, it actually increased the speed of the CPU. Am I remembering correctly?
[19:56:52] <requerdanos> yes, from .8MHz to 1.6 iirc
[19:56:58] <Teckla> wow.
[19:57:13] <Teckla> I recall doing that POKE and saving something to cassette and it sounded different. Higher pitched.
[19:57:28] <requerdanos> I can hear that sound in my head.
[19:57:33] <Teckla> :D
[19:58:20] <Teckla> Retro-computing is pretty popular these days, though the CoCo does not appear to get a lot of love
[19:58:45] <kyonko> how would kids even understand retro computing?
[19:59:13] <kyonko> might as well teach kids cooking with an open flame
[19:59:21] <kyonko> and prepare them to be dead at 30
[20:09:34] -!- kyonko has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:25:04] -!- kyonko [kyonko!~diazl001@97.73.twk.now] has joined #soylent
[20:41:55] <Bytram> ~400 lines to catch up with just in *this* channel? nvm the current mod story and getting some stories into the nearly-empty queue? Sorry, don
[20:41:58] -!- kyonko has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[20:42:05] <Bytram> * don
[20:42:11] <Bytram> t have the time.
[20:42:34] * Bytram heads back to pushing out some stories.
[20:46:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Google has been Paying Wireless Carriers Billions to Not Develop Competing App Stores - https://sylnt.us - not-so-innovative-I-guess
[20:50:40] <requerdanos> forgive the cesspool of zumi/runaway drivel in the mod story, they're both idiots and don't know how to not junk up a thread apparently
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[20:52:51] <AzumaHazuki> no i'm not, requerdanos. all i'm doing is responding to scurrilous attacks on my character
[20:53:26] <requerdanos> even if you are doing that, it's not all you are doing; you are also junking up an already lengthy thread, making it take more valuable time to catch up on, and unnecessarily.
[20:54:05] <AzumaHazuki> look, requerdanos, 2/3 of this bullshit needed to be done specifically because the modbomb squad was 1) going after me and 2) howling and shrieking like a stuck pig that people were doing to them what they are doing to others
[20:54:26] <AzumaHazuki> (remember, all "conservative" bitching is projection and/or confession)
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[20:54:52] <requerdanos> even so, some circumspection would be appreciated.
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[20:55:27] <AzumaHazuki> the admin team let this problem fester and grow and feed back on itself for years. Bytram's explicit permission to spam mod the racist morons was the admin team's way of trying to foist off the problems on the userbase
[20:56:08] <AzumaHazuki> this is of course unsustainable and not a workable solution long-term
[20:57:53] <requerdanos> the "moderation problem" has matured exponentially, and the admin team -- a lean group of few people with little time -- is taking appropriate measures reactively, and designing measures which are proactive to prevent future preventable problems. I thank them for their time and effort.
[20:58:35] -!- kyonko [kyonko!~diazl001@97.73.twk.now] has joined #soylent
[20:58:40] <AzumaHazuki> yes, finally
[20:58:53] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki: That was (1) during a PRIVATE conversation that (2) I told you I was *exhausted* but I'd give you 15 minutes... and went on for 30 minutes at this point. Tha wasexit
[20:59:15] <requerdanos> and as they need to follow the mod story, wouldn't hurt to help keep it short out of courtesy.
[20:59:26] <AzumaHazuki> no, the one in the private conversation was where you admitted to backdoor allowing modbombing of fakefuck39
[21:00:02] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki: * That was (1) during a PRIVATE conversation that (2) I told you I was *exhausted* but I'd give you 15 minutes... and went on for 30 minutes at this point. That was the second time you revealed a private conversation publicly.
[21:00:18] <AzumaHazuki> it is a matter of public interest to the site, Bytram
[21:00:33] <AzumaHazuki> and to be frank it was the only way to get the admin team to goddamn DO SOMETHING
[21:01:08] <requerdanos> if you
[21:01:22] <Bytram> and you CONTINUE to breach that trust. Consider yourself blocked from my view as I cannot trust you to keep a confidence.
[21:01:39] <requerdanos> if you invite people to abuse the site out of a desire to make people "do something", that would itself be an attack on the site.
[21:01:49] <kyonko> ...
[21:02:05] <t3> IMO, all the meta-shitslinging about moderation is worse than any trolls could be for the site
[21:02:07] <AzumaHazuki> you, Bytram, cannot be trusted to do the right thing. this block was a while coming
[21:02:10] <requerdanos> welcome back kyonko :)
[21:02:31] <AzumaHazuki> if you and yours had just done the right thing to begin with this would never have blown up so badly
[21:02:53] <AzumaHazuki> "Many a man might have gone to heaven with half the labor he expended on going to hell" of course, as the old saying goes
[21:02:59] <Bytram> AzumaHazuki: welcome to my ignore list -- it's gonna be lonely there because you are the only one in it.
[21:03:09] <AzumaHazuki> look how many fucks i do not give
[21:03:18] <AzumaHazuki> this is your own fault and your own incompetence
[21:03:19] <kyonko> AzumaHazuki is a modern liberal
[21:03:56] <AzumaHazuki> kyonko, i'm a modern *me.* I give no shits about politics except insofar as they have practical applications. take your meds and shut up. you don't know shit.
[21:04:46] <requerdanos> I publicly apologize for being incivil and setting a poor example in that regard.
[21:05:25] <kyonko> you definately are very modern, moderna arm
[21:05:49] <kyonko> i can't wait for elon musk's android
[21:05:50] <AzumaHazuki> also, if an admin says "yes, you may do X in case of Y," how the fuck is it abusive to then do X in case of Y and tell others the same?
[21:06:16] <kyonko> i look forward to the musk belt above us
[21:06:17] <kyonko> the sky net
[21:06:38] <requerdanos> exercise left to the reader, I guess.
[21:07:07] <AzumaHazuki> hah. no, requerdanos, Bytram is salty because his laziness and unwillingness to do the right thing--and willingness to dump it on me, in "plausibly-deniable" form!--backfired
[21:07:39] <requerdanos> While I understand that you feel that way, it looks a different way from here.
[21:07:46] <AzumaHazuki> that's what that was: telling me in private "okay Spam mod the racist trolls" rather than publicly declaring it translates to "do my work for me, but oh, don't expect me to have your back if you get called on it"
[21:08:10] <AzumaHazuki> plus i only have 10 goddamn points a day and would REALLY like to use them to upmod the deserving
[21:08:39] <AzumaHazuki> and now the creaky old bastard blocks me for...what, exactly? calling him out on his hypocrisy?
[21:09:02] <requerdanos> "undesired and offtopic filth", which the racist posts are, is already listed under spam in the written mod guidelines. It's not a secret for "just you".
[21:09:18] <AzumaHazuki> in previous cases people who spam-modded that kind of thing were modbanned
[21:09:37] <AzumaHazuki> too much of this shit happens in backrooms and isn't communicated (until today)
[21:09:55] <requerdanos> something which I believe is wrong. That's clearly spam, and even if it wasn't, the guidelines say it's spam.
[21:10:05] <AzumaHazuki> yeah, well, it happened anyway!
[21:10:45] <AzumaHazuki> THAT is why I broke confidence about this: because the rules were arbitrary, unevenly enforced if at all, tended to harm people acting in good faith, and then there was the little "you do it, Hazuki" episode
[21:11:24] <requerdanos> I don't think that was the only option available to you, it was merely a dramatic one. I disfavor drama.
[21:12:14] <AzumaHazuki> so do i, until there's no alternative. i'd been complaining about this crap for years and no one goddamn listened
[21:12:19] <AzumaHazuki> so fuck it, and fuck them
[21:12:23] <AzumaHazuki> and hey, look, it worked
[21:12:54] <requerdanos> your complaiant spectrum is pretty wide; it's hard to pick out a single thing. Not throwing shade, just expressing point of view.
[21:13:22] <AzumaHazuki> they're all basically related though, and have overlapping solutions
[21:14:54] <AzumaHazuki> you people are going to have a hell of a cleanup job ahead of you, i will say that much. we have around half a dozen persistent sockpuppeteers (and Ari...), and they're almost all on the loonie RWNJ fringe
[21:15:09] <kyonko> where you ever in late 2000's facebook AzumaHazuki ?
[21:15:19] <AzumaHazuki> no, kyonko
[21:15:24] <requerdanos> I dunno, your complaints have varied from calling for the government to shut down the site to demanding those who disagree with you be silenced. So, not all related and overlapping as it looks from a distance here.
[21:16:49] <AzumaHazuki> what the fuck. no, requerdanos, i've said if things keep up like this, when someone makes a terroristic threat cf. Brandenburg v Ohio i will call it in
[21:17:15] <AzumaHazuki> that will have the side effect of SN getting shut down, but that wouldn't be the purpose of it
[21:18:05] <requerdanos> I don't want you silenced either, but I disagree about the related-and-overlapping characterization of your complaints. You call them like you see them, which I respect, though.
[21:18:40] <AzumaHazuki> disagree if you want, but the common factor is this: without a functioning noetic immune system, a forum gets taken over by shitposters, trolls, and fanatics
[21:18:45] <AzumaHazuki> THAT is the underlying issue
[21:19:30] <AzumaHazuki> shitposting is low-effort to the point of automation, trolls similarly, and fanatics, being fanatics, can keep up their idiocy longer than rational people can. plus, entropically speaking, cleaning a shitstain out of the rug is harder than shitting on the rug
[21:20:49] <requerdanos> certainly stain removal is harder than installation, and that's a pretty metaphor about a "noetic" immune system. But disposal of 'shit'
[21:20:58] <requerdanos> can be accomplished without stirring it, and imo, probably shoudl.
[21:21:25] <AzumaHazuki> oh quit the tone trolling already. you want nice Marissa, don't be dumb, IMO
[21:22:00] <janrinok> You complained because we didn't take action, you are complaining because we have taken action. Ground hog day, I suppose.
[21:22:06] <AzumaHazuki> i've laid out the problems on the table for all to see. solutions, of varying effectiveness and drawbacks, present themselves.
[21:22:30] <AzumaHazuki> things are FINALLY happening, and i'm very happy about that. i just don't get why it took so damned long
[21:24:10] <requerdanos> Administrative consensus has moved more slowly than I think anyone concerned likes, but yes, taking measures here I think is a good thing.
[21:25:09] <AzumaHazuki> i'm actually very impressed with what i've seen today. it seems well thought out and at least seems to be trying to do the right thing
[21:26:40] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Elon Musk Reveals Plans to Unleash a Humanoid Tesla Bot - https://sylnt.us - how-fast-can-it-run-on-the-Moon-or-Mars?
[21:26:50] <AzumaHazuki> huh, reading that topic thread, there's an AC (or more than one? sounds the same in all posts though) saying some of the same things, and a bit more articulately than i do
[21:27:18] <AzumaHazuki> https://soylentnews.org and the grandchild post for example
[21:27:20] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews Comments | Milestones and Updated Moderation Guidelines ( https://soylentnews.org )
[21:28:33] <requerdanos> yeah that's pretty well put
[21:29:29] <requerdanos> saying "the admins refuse to act" mischaracterizes what's going on, though.
[21:29:38] <AzumaHazuki> prior to today, no, not really
[21:30:12] <requerdanos> "the admins" reflects a group of disparate people, *a few* of which decline to act and many of which are/were itching to act, in my understanding.
[21:30:30] <requerdanos> that's why I cite the importance of that frustratingly slow-moving administrative consensus.
[21:31:22] <AzumaHazuki> a little more transparency about that would be good. like who's dragging their asses and why for example
[21:31:42] <requerdanos> well, in my opinion only, TMB was in the decline-to-act camp, it seemed.
[21:32:11] <requerdanos> his departure, while his skills will be missed, and again in my opinion and analysis, hastened consensus on this moderation thing.
[21:32:18] <AzumaHazuki> that's a fairly obvious fact. and he declined to change anything because he's completely in line, politically and in terms of (lack of) humanity, with the shitposters
[21:32:53] <AzumaHazuki> i'm glad he's gone and i hope he gets what's coming to him
[21:33:08] <requerdanos> I hope everything goes well for him, for you, and for the site.
[21:33:51] <requerdanos> and I would be not unhappy if certain trolls/spamposters got hit by their own individual trucks.
[21:34:04] <AzumaHazuki> Buzztard is/was one of those trolls
[21:34:53] <requerdanos> I never interpreted his posts as trolling too hard, but to each his/her own.
[21:36:10] <AzumaHazuki> you're joking, right? you truly did not comprehend what kind of person he was?
[21:36:33] <AzumaHazuki> when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. the second if you're into second chances. the third if you're a bit gullible.
[21:36:35] <requerdanos> He considers defending the rabble as important to free speech and expression, to a fault.
[21:37:30] <requerdanos> I want to also point out, again as it appears from my view, that stirring up garbage around bytram is causing you problems with one of your staunchest allies in the effort to have consistent rules and enforcement.
[21:38:00] <AzumaHazuki> Bytram is no ally of mine because of what he did to me there, and his reaction to my pointing that out, then and now, only cements that feeling
[21:38:28] <AzumaHazuki> that message of his was "nudge-nudge wink-wink take care of it for me. i won't defend you if someone complains though"
[21:38:30] <requerdanos> even so, both of you seem to want the same thing, interpersonal interactions notwithstanding
[21:38:56] <AzumaHazuki> i'm tired of his lazy self-serving bullshit. i am no one's trained assassin for hire
[21:39:40] <requerdanos> do with the info what you like, but bytram's not one of the decline-to-act camp in my experience.
[21:40:32] <AzumaHazuki> he's damn sure done the mushroom-farming act with me then (kept me in the dark and fed me a big pile of bullshit)
[21:40:59] <AzumaHazuki> that signals a certain kind and level of contempt, in my opinion
[21:41:37] <requerdanos> exasperation with you and your unbridled enthusiasm, perhaps, but I don't know of any contempt.
[21:42:20] <AzumaHazuki> sorry, but that kind of backroom dealing and "you do it, i don't want to hear about it" attitude is contempt
[21:42:57] <requerdanos> contempt for the current procedures, perhaps, but not contempt for the users of the site, which he, we, wishes good will and happy sailing for,
[21:43:13] <AzumaHazuki> because thoughts'n'prayers are so useful
[21:43:13] <requerdanos> just as for you.
[21:44:02] <requerdanos> regardless of whether thoughts and prayers are useful, if we all downmod the junk, and if admins can tend to abuses, that should help all around.
[21:44:40] <AzumaHazuki> Bytram more or less agrees with the first part of that, in that he essentially said "Spam mod the racist trolls." The thing is...one gets 10 mod points a day. And there is a LOT of trolling spamming shitposting
[21:44:55] <AzumaHazuki> so not only was that "you do it, it's not my job," it was "clean out the Augean stables with a toothbrush"
[21:45:09] <requerdanos> nice thing about spam mod is it costs 1 point but effectively counts more.
[21:45:34] <AzumaHazuki> also, considering in that very message Bytram sent me he referenced that he publicly said the same in a story, he has no right to have expected that to be held in confidence
[21:45:41] <requerdanos> and admins get the same 10 mod points as everyone else. And I have not found anywhere in the admin interface to change a moderation score without, you know, moderating, spending a mod point.
[21:46:04] <AzumaHazuki> well, it's risky and not something you want to do on prod, but you can directly poke SQL variables
[21:46:15] <requerdanos> well, sure, but that's not in the admin interface.
[21:46:26] <AzumaHazuki> the terminal is the admin interface =P
[21:46:56] <AzumaHazuki> i know a little SQL from a long time ago and can at least make sense of a plaintext dump of a well-thought-out table
[21:47:20] <kyonko> the web died when it got linked to databases
[21:47:36] <requerdanos> or was born at that time.
[21:47:46] <kyonko> i remember it before
[21:47:50] <kyonko> when you had to use ftp
[21:48:04] <requerdanos> yeah, I remember running a site that was static, generated from a database.
[21:48:06] <kyonko> wordpress had a lot of upheaval when ftp become obsolete for web uploading
[21:48:43] <kyonko> i just remember waking up one day, and yahoo geocities has this thing that makes web easy for idiots
[21:48:47] <kyonko> no ftp required wow
[21:49:27] <kyonko> I just didn't worry about expensive computers when the gigahertz barrier was broken in 2000
[21:49:47] <kyonko> or going to live somewhere expensive just because the internet is fast, very good for piracy
[21:50:13] <kyonko> the fundamental problem with facebook, was its faux privacy
[21:50:39] <kyonko> so they tried more or less to keep their stupid aol walled garden safe from google index
[21:51:27] <kyonko> so, if you don't need ftp to run a website, then isn't it possible that HTTP PUT or whatever its called be used for a malware botnet
[21:52:06] <requerdanos> well, something has to receive the put
[21:52:07] <kyonko> its PUT/POST
[21:52:34] <kyonko> and irc is total a security risk, its not even run on its standard RFC protocol, because it deals with internet raw sewage
[21:52:42] <kyonko> don't run ircd as root
[21:53:15] <kyonko> ah.... but the db software and httpd need to be run as root to get the sacred port 80 and whatever the encrypted port is 443
[21:53:24] <kyonko> so you use a jail
[21:53:27] <kyonko> good right
[21:53:42] <requerdanos> db software doesn't need to run as root.
[21:53:47] <requerdanos> *shudder*
[21:53:51] <kyonko> bring me back to running your own web server on 8080 8888 8000
[21:54:14] <kyonko> oh thats right, my isp firewalls me so that I can't run a server at home
[21:54:18] <kyonko> because "spam"
[21:54:28] <kyonko> was it "spam" or was it p2p piracy?
[21:54:50] <requerdanos> little of both, to which the answer seems to be, "impose top-down control"
[21:55:41] <kyonko> ah, facebook!
[21:55:50] <kyonko> "they trust me, dumbfucks"
[21:56:13] <kyonko> but at least I can not be googled for, thats is good
[21:56:30] <kyonko> I don't remember exactly when twitter began to be crawled by google
[21:56:39] <kyonko> but at least that helps keep you sharp
[21:58:07] <kyonko> I got more attention of 4chan than twttr and thefacebook
[21:58:36] <kyonko> I actually got a good route to 4chan back when I was on 56k dial up
[21:58:49] <kyonko> /k/ was good for gun porn in high def
[22:00:27] <t3> ah, 4chan, I wasted a lot of time in /b/ as a kid
[22:00:37] <kyonko> hell, I knew ABOUT stumple upon and del.ici.o.us
[22:00:42] <kyonko> how the fuck did I miss facebook?????
[22:00:45] <kyonko> digg
[22:00:52] <kyonko> when did reddit show up?
[22:01:43] <Ellenor> myeh....
[22:01:55] <Ellenor> I need to jail up my system
[22:04:03] <requerdanos> jail up?
[22:06:34] <Ellenor> yeah, put everything in jails
[22:07:24] <requerdanos> I don't know what things would benefit from being run from a jail
[22:08:59] <Ellenor> isolate it
[22:09:28] <kyonko> jails are only a good idea for things that are on the public internet
[22:09:40] <Ellenor> all my stuf is
[22:09:50] <kyonko> I trust my ISP firewalling
[22:10:11] <kyonko> and now I have to trust google even more
[22:10:26] <kyonko> interesting how google+ couldn't hack it against one hacker way facebook
[22:10:38] <kyonko> instagram was good competition, but they borged it
[22:11:04] <kyonko> and snapchat, that shit is barely functional, like an austistic chad sex doll that only gets hard
[23:24:02] -!- anti-aristarchus [anti-aristarchus!~05b5ebb5@5.181.igr.lot] has joined #soylent
[23:25:01] anti-aristarchus is now known as SoyGuest18890
[23:38:10] <AzumaHazuki> huh, power went out in half the apartment again
[23:39:31] <kyonko> half and half
[23:39:33] <kyonko> 1/2
[23:39:38] <kyonko> 50/50
[23:39:53] <kyonko> 0.5
[23:40:18] <kyonko> is your apt modern AzumaHazuki ?
[23:40:20] <kyonko> is it SMART
[23:40:26] <SoyGuest18890> /msg NickServ SETPASS Anti-aristarchus uvkfehutjykg Gr33c0f1le
[23:40:33] <AzumaHazuki> it's like world war 2 aged
[23:40:37] <AzumaHazuki> ...uhhhh
[23:40:57] <AzumaHazuki> you done fucked up, !Ari oO;
[23:42:47] <t3> half and half should be more correctly: 54% and 46%
[23:43:07] <t3> as the milk still contains some cream
[23:43:38] <kyonko> its ww2 aged?
[23:43:47] <kyonko> like all asbestos-y and polio-y
[23:43:59] <kyonko> and having your cut get infected and ballooning your whole fore arm
[23:44:30] SoyGuest18890 is now known as anti-aristarchus
[23:44:38] <kyonko> and the calvalry vet has to put you down and send you to a shallow grave
[23:44:54] <AzumaHazuki> ...no
[23:45:04] <AzumaHazuki> jesus, take your ziprasidone or whatever and go to sleep
[23:45:11] <kyonko> that nazi guy, who was shot at at the commando raid, he died from infection
[23:45:31] anti-aristarchus is now known as SoyGuest99028
[23:46:12] <kyonko> you mean my handicap pills
[23:46:38] <kyonko> the nazi assassination op was called "operation anthropoid"
[23:48:53] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~8ac71f99@138.199.ir.yrn] has joined #soylent
[23:49:54] <SoyGuest99028> /msg NickServ SETPASS Anti-aristarchus uvkfehutjykg Gr33c0f1le
[23:52:16] <kyonko> ...
[23:52:34] <kyonko> am I high?
[23:52:53] <t3> maybe, but you're not hallucinating
[23:52:59] <t3> he really did it twice
[23:53:49] <kyonko> wonder what is up with his irc client
[23:54:16] <kyonko> I used a single c file irc client called kirc.c to debug shitty routing to the irc server
[23:54:38] <kyonko> maybe some tcpdump to see the exact moment the connection death occurs
[23:54:54] <kyonko> efnet servers are timing out connections now at 1400 seconds
[23:55:00] <kyonko> 5 minutes
[23:55:35] <kyonko> the means the server will wait 5 minutes for you
[23:55:53] <kyonko> it happens even on irccloud
[23:56:21] <kyonko> back in 2008, almost all major internet peers were dropped dial up connections
[23:56:28] <kyonko> dropping
[23:58:34] <kyonko> anything at or slower than 5.6KBps got dropped after a few seconds
[23:58:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Babylonian Tablet Trigonometry - https://sylnt.us
[23:58:52] <kyonko> I was getting a solid 5.6KBps to the server
[23:59:23] <kyonko> 1.4KBps 2.8KBps 3.3KBps definately dropped
[23:59:34] <kyonko> 0.9KBps lol this isn't the 20th century