#soylent | Logs for 2021-09-24

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[00:02:05] -!- t3 [t3!~t3@tpdjk.me] has joined #soylent
[00:21:25] <t3> =submit https://apnews.com
[00:21:28] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Oldest Human Footprints in North America Found in New Mexico" (10p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:27:56] <t3> =submit https://www.atlasobscura.com
[00:27:59] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The Ancient People Who Burned Their Culture to the Ground" (12p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[00:40:37] SoyGuest7726 is now known as jman
[00:41:37] jman is now known as SoyGuest17104
[00:47:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Flying Microchips the Size of a Sand Grain Could be Used for Population Surveillance - https://sylnt.us - we-think-that-we-beat-nature
[01:36:46] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@tdwj-07-306-846-09.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[01:36:48] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@tdwj-07-306-846-09.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[01:36:51] boru` is now known as boru
[01:50:37] SoyGuest17104 is now known as jman
[01:50:46] <Bytram> .kickban jman Please fix your IRC client; I am seeing ~hourly join as SoyGuestxxxxx, nick change to jman, and then 1 minute later another kick change to SoyGuestyyyyy
[01:50:46] -!- mode/#soylent [+b *!*@136.49.wnz.nq] by Aphrodite
[01:50:46] -!- jman was kicked from #soylent by Aphrodite!Aphrodite@dodekatheon.olympus.gr [(Bytram (martyb)) Please fix your IRC client; I am seeing ~hourly join as SoyGuestxxxxx, nick change to jman, and then 1 minute later another kick change to SoyGuestyyyyy]
[02:13:30] <Runaway1956> The progressives are going overboard now . . .
[02:13:47] <Runaway1956> forcible vaccinations of all residents of funeral homes . . .
[02:30:32] <Bytram> =yt bring out your dead
[02:30:33] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Monty Python and the Holy Grail: Bring Out Your Dead (02:16; 410,931 views; 👍3,887 👎40)
[03:46:53] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Elon Musk Says Inspiration4 Crew had 'Challenges' with the Toilet, Promises Upgrade - https://sylnt.us - more-than-just-a-passing-interest
[04:45:38] -!- t3 has quit [Quit: leaving]
[05:58:28] <Runaway1956> https://twitter.com
[06:26:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Leaked Apple Training Videos Show How it Undermines Third-Party Repair - https://sylnt.us
[06:48:07] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:10:05] -!- anti-aristarchus [anti-aristarchus!~2d547a26@45.84.jym.jl] has joined #soylent
[07:17:50] <FatPhil> I've noticed a lot of Azuma quits followed by Arisockus joins - perhaps Ari's really just Azuma 2.0?
[07:25:59] <boru> FWIW, you can forward people to another channel like #fixyoureffingconnection as part of the kickban.
[07:26:34] <boru> e.g. +b user!*@*$#fixyoureffingconnection
[07:27:44] <FatPhil> Bytram: ^^^ useful info from boru there
[07:27:46] <FatPhil> boru++
[07:27:46] <Bender> karma - boru: 60
[07:29:01] <boru> That karma is getting quite high. I should try to be less helpful in future.
[07:29:44] <chromas> It's more efficient i you do it in the past
[07:30:54] <boru> Indeed. I retroactively resind all helpful information I have provided up to this point.
[07:31:30] <boru> Rescind, even.
[07:31:44] <FatPhil> boru++ for the modesty
[07:31:44] <Bender> karma - boru: 61
[07:32:09] <boru> Stop that!
[07:34:26] <boru> The final piece of IRC advice I will give is that you can also create that channel and set the topic appropriately such that they can see why they've been forwarded there. However, if idle users' join spam is annoying, I highly recommend smartfilter plugins which are available for most clients; they will only show joins/parts for users who have actively participated in the channel recently.
[07:36:26] <FatPhil> boru++ handy tip - thanks!
[07:36:26] <Bender> karma - boru: 62
[07:37:33] <boru> Oh feck off!
[07:37:43] <FatPhil> now we've decided that it's a good idea, we can spent 6 months debating what the name of that channel should be!
[07:37:50] <boru> I'll go for a grumpy walk and make some coffee.
[07:37:56] <boru> Hmm.
[07:38:14] <FatPhil> global warming is particularly high in the vicinity of my kettle presently...
[07:39:09] <boru> I should sort that out, as well.
[07:39:16] <FatPhil> got a new coffee and it's noticeably stronger in taste to the previous one, so trying to find the correct formulation... It's an iterative process, but not necessarily convergent.
[07:40:07] <boru> These things lend themselves nicely to binary search.
[07:40:18] <boru> Go high, then low, find the midpoint, repeat.
[07:40:30] <FatPhil> you're overlooking measurement error
[07:40:53] <boru> I have a grinder to obviate that concern.
[07:41:25] <FatPhil> the detector is a human
[07:41:54] <boru> Indeed. One could say that grinders are flawed because man is flawed.
[07:42:42] <FatPhil> when the robots take over, there will be less to worry about
[07:42:44] <boru> Alas, my capacity for caring is severly limited until such time as the coffee has been consumed. You might say there is a paradox.
[07:43:17] <FatPhil> Runge-Kutta extrapolation can be used, as long as you're able to undo half a coffee
[07:43:32] <boru> However, the robots will have to be created by man to begin with. As they improve, surely they only asymptotically become less flawed.
[07:43:54] <FatPhil> Only V1 of the actual robots will be human-designed
[07:44:28] <FatPhil> However, if we design them with enough flaws, V2 onwards will be worse. Eventually we'll have a chanve.
[07:44:36] <boru> But the V2 creators will be flawed. I posit that all successors will be somewhat flawed as a result.
[07:45:07] <boru> Cumulative error in robotics often leads to entertainment, you know.
[07:45:32] <FatPhil> all hail the whipsaw
[07:45:39] <boru> When I worked in robotics, I would often send robots to their doom whenever they had annoying bugs.
[07:46:03] <FatPhil> #frownyface
[07:46:15] <boru> "Can't filter your sensor inputs, eh? I guess you won't be able to avoid that piece of machinery over there."
[07:46:44] <FatPhil> I'm sorry, boru, I can't let you do that
[07:47:23] <boru> I didn't really do that, they were too expensive. They would often entertain, though. You only learn about gimbal lock once with robotic arms.
[07:47:55] <FatPhil> in order to go forwards, you need to go back
[07:48:02] <boru> What a wonderful discovery quaternions were.
[07:50:56] <FatPhil> As a mathmo, quaternions are the worst. Octonians are clearly evil, complex numbers are obviously perfection, and quaternions sit in that weird space in between.
[07:53:59] <boru> There are all sorts of interesting philsophical arguments about three dimensional perception being an aberration, so in some respects, I agree.
[07:54:29] <FatPhil> I'm just thinking of simple shit like communtativity
[07:54:46] <FatPhil> wow, my typing is *terrible* this morning
[07:55:06] <FatPhil> I let the previous two pass, but clearly there's a pattern here
[07:55:10] <boru> A very interesting argument I heard some time ago was someone who suggested that the reason gravity doesn't fit into the standard model is that it is a three dimensional projection of an N dimensional phenomenon and that our perception is inherently biased.
[07:55:33] <FatPhil> I have no counter-argument to that argument
[07:55:44] <FatPhil> /Flatland/ should be compulsory reading
[07:55:44] <boru> It's an interesting idea.
[07:55:48] <boru> I agree.
[07:56:09] <boru> Perhaps gravity is a Klein bottle of nature.
[07:56:48] <FatPhil> spinors are proof that the projection we see is restricted
[07:56:57] <boru> Quite.
[07:58:17] <boru> Things sure do get weird outside three dimensions, though. One of my favourites is the box of spheres analogy. It's not long before the sphere is not inside the box anymore.
[07:58:24] <FatPhil> Alas, I've spent way too much time thinking about spinors in the last fortnight, and I've come up with debunkings of all of the standard "demonstrations" of 2-twists-is-zero.
[07:59:08] <FatPhil> not sure I know the box of spheres
[07:59:09] <boru> They are in a set of topics which are a real rabbithole, and humans just don't have enough time to think about things anymore.
[07:59:52] <FatPhil> I do know that the ratio of sphere to bounding box drops to zero, and it's not long before the sphere that's "filling" the box is practically none of it.
[08:00:50] <boru> Right, hyperspheres.
[08:01:01] <boru> And...that brings us back to quaternions.
[08:01:13] <FatPhil> if you're prepared to stop at 4
[08:01:20] <boru> Right.
[08:07:30] <anti-aristarchus> I have often noticed FatPhil being full of shit, followed by FatPhil being full of shit, and I am not aristarchus, you illiterate fullness of shit!
[08:08:15] <FatPhil> awww, it's learnt to type
[08:09:32] <anti-aristarchus> You should peruse my posting history, before you make any prefunctiory judgements.
[08:10:07] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[08:11:03] <FatPhil> we've all seen your posting history, and those of us with admin powers have also seen the posts you do as AC.
[08:11:17] <FatPhil> And the mods you make.
[08:12:02] <anti-aristarchus> Mods make us, we do not make them.
[08:12:55] <anti-aristarchus> Any progress on dismantling the runaway sockpuppet army V.2?
[08:15:01] <FatPhil> If you see wrongdoing, make the admins aware of it.
[08:15:32] <FatPhil> Presently, he seems to be behaving better.
[08:16:16] <FatPhil> Admittedly, he seems to be pretending that the prior wrongdoing never happened, which is not a good sign, but it's better than attempting to persist with it.
[08:17:26] <anti-aristarchus> Not to mention getting legitimately spanked in his latest gun-nut journal.
[08:17:58] <FatPhil> Yeah, the thing is that we've noticed the down-moderations there...
[08:18:32] <FatPhil> It seems to have triggered you
[08:18:47] <anti-aristarchus> I rerfer to the refutations, corrections on matters of fact and law, not any popularity contest.
[08:19:22] <FatPhil> And how is Runaway discussing gun-nuttery on his own journal "offtopic"?
[08:19:57] <FatPhil> You can consider this a public trial. The admins in the US will see it later.
[08:20:10] <FatPhil> Would you like all the evidence made public?
[08:20:32] <anti-aristarchus> I don't trigger, and no longer can mod, since I am only a ghost of a soylentil. You missed the part on the cognitive dissonance and schizophrenia?
[08:21:04] <FatPhil> No, you can't mod because you were modbanned for clear moderation abuse.
[08:21:27] <FatPhil> the cognitive dissonance is coming over loud and clear
[08:21:58] <FatPhil> The spark gap is sending out EMP waves that are making my monitor glitch
[08:22:09] <anti-aristarchus> Right, sure, you admin access person! I, however, know that this is all false accusation and paranoia. Or are you to the point of going all janrinok on us?
[08:23:10] <FatPhil> Yes, the paranoia is coming over loud and clear too.
[08:23:50] <anti-aristarchus> And poor boru was about to tell us something interesting about speculative geometry, before you were triggered.
[08:24:06] <FatPhil> I've just realised, I don't actually need to be here - I could just put up a mirror.
[08:24:19] -!- inky [inky!~inky@45.153.ysk.hvm] has joined #soylent
[08:24:39] <anti-aristarchus> Took you long enough, FatPhil!
[08:27:46] <FatPhil> Sorry, was spending too much of my time laughing at https://soylentnews.org
[08:27:47] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews Comments | New Study Explains Why Human Languages Share a Lot of the Same Grammar ( https://soylentnews.org )
[08:30:42] <anti-aristarchus> =submit Don't usually submit movie reviews https://gizmodo.com
[08:30:44] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03They Said Foundation Couldn't be Filmed, and It Still Hasn't Been" (2p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:45:57] <anti-aristarchus> Have you ever noticed that anti-aristarchus always quits right after she types in the /quit command?
[08:46:26] -!- anti-aristarchus has quit []
[08:51:57] <chromas> https://www.msn.com
[08:51:58] <systemd> ^ 03Nearly all store-brand chicken has "white striping" issue
[08:52:48] <Runaway1956> LMAO @ aristarchus
[09:17:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - We Need Software Updates Forever - https://sylnt.us - how-much-are-you-willing-to-pay-for-those-repairs?
[09:58:38] <FatPhil> "all store-brand chicken sold in major U.S. supermarkets is impacted by muscle fatty deposits" - at what relative velocity did this "impact" occur?
[11:29:55] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[11:40:35] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.eff.org
[11:40:37] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Why EFF Flew a Plane Over Apple's Headquarters" (9p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[11:44:03] -!- inky [inky!~inky@oejb-mh-l-wgn-rdtw---7.artikel8ev.de] has joined #soylent
[11:58:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The NSA and CIA Use Ad Blockers Because Online Advertising is So Dangerous - https://sylnt.us - malware-personalized-just-for-you
[12:02:49] <Bytram> boru: thanks for the tips, but I have some confusion about syntax/semantics. I'm a relative newb when it comes to IRC admin stuff... I learn best with explicit, detailed *examples*. Like, in this case, what is the *exact* syntax to do what you propose? IOW, TLI5!
[12:03:48] <Bytram> # give exact syntax that I can copy/paste.
[12:04:37] <Bytram> boru++ thanks again!
[12:04:37] <Bender> karma - boru: 63
[12:10:55] <boru> This is a feature of some (most) services. When you ban someone, you can do: +b <nick>!<user>@<host><$#channel> where each parameter is in <>
[12:11:28] <boru> The last parameter allows you to send them to another channel when they try to join this one.
[12:12:10] <boru> If you created, for example, the channel #fix_your_bloody_connection, you could do +b <nick>!<user>@<host><$#fix_your_bloody_connection>
[12:12:26] <boru> You could set the topic of that channel to explain to users why they have been sent there.
[12:12:40] <boru> Think of it as a bin for people with crap connections.
[12:12:56] <boru> That's the long and short of it.
[12:13:37] <boru> This can also be combined with extbans, I think.
[12:15:08] <boru> Smart filter plugins are a significant improvement to quality of life on IRC, however.
[12:19:24] <Bytram> boru: PM.
[12:19:33] <boru> Aye, work away.
[12:28:58] -!- mode/#soylent [+o boru] by Bytram
[12:31:41] -!- mode/#soylent [-o boru] by Bytram
[12:33:41] <Bytram> .op
[12:33:41] -!- mode/#soylent [+o Bytram] by Aphrodite
[12:41:14] <Bytram> .
[12:57:31] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:12:46] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[13:12:57] -!- inky [inky!~inky@31.210.yp.rym] has joined #soylent
[14:47:07] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Facebook Paid FTC $4.9B More than Required to Shield Zuckerberg, Lawsuit Alleges - https://sylnt.us
[15:52:07] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[17:27:35] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Congress to NASA: What comes after the International Space Station? - https://sylnt.us - mcdonalds-in-space
[18:04:20] <FatPhil> hopefully controlled descent
[18:04:38] <FatPhil> next question, that was easy
[18:19:25] -!- inky [inky!~inky@193.106.ug.x] has joined #soylent
[20:13:03] -!- t3 [t3!~t3@tpdjk.me] has joined #soylent
[20:13:08] <t3> =submit https://gizmodo.com
[20:13:10] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03200,000-Year-Old Hand Art Found Near a Tibetan Hot Spring" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[20:16:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Engineers Figured Out How to Cook 3D-Printed Chicken with Lasers - https://sylnt.us - laser-cooking
[20:58:14] <Bytram> =yt https://youtube.com
[20:58:14] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Amy Allen - A Woman's World (Official Music Video) (02:45; 531 views; 👍60 👎3)
[22:10:06] -!- t3 has quit [Quit: leaving]
[22:27:46] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[22:27:48] <systemd> ^ 03WATCH LIVE: Arizona officials hold press conference on elections audit results
[22:34:47] <requerdanos> I'm gonna forecast a biden win
[22:35:00] <requerdanos> I'll be here all decade. Try the fish.
[22:37:38] <FatPhil> "An election audit ordered by the GOP-controlled Arizona state Senate reportedly did not find widespread election fraud in Maricopa County, and actually showed former President Trump losing the largest Arizona county by a slightly wider margin than the certified count"
[22:57:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple Turns Post-Lawsuit Tables on Epic, Will Block Fortnite on iOS - https://sylnt.us - live-by-the-sword-and-die-by-the-sword
[23:45:15] -!- t3 [t3!~t3@tpdjk.me] has joined #soylent
[23:45:20] <t3> =submit https://web.archive.org
[23:45:23] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03A Monk in 14th-century Italy Wrote About the Americas" (9p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[23:45:32] -!- t3 has quit [Client Quit]