#soylent | Logs for 2021-09-28

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[00:10:30] -!- inky has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:11:41] -!- inky [inky!~inky@45.153.jik.hvk] has joined #soylent
[00:32:33] <tedious> AzumaHazuki: Have you seen this? https://www.zerohedge.com
[00:32:35] <systemd> ^ 03"Damn You To Hell, You Will Not Destroy America" - Here Is The 'Spartacus COVID Letter' That's Gone Viral
[00:33:20] <tedious> Some of it is emotional propaganda but the medical parts should be verifiable.
[00:33:37] <tedious> And there is an awful a lot of them.
[00:35:04] <tedious> It talks alot about what you have been saying about how the spike protein damages blood vessels
[00:35:45] <tedious> And it sounds like you were right to focus on preventing inflamation with diet.
[00:51:06] <AzumaHazuki> there's a hello of a lot in here and i don't know enough biochem to verify all of it
[00:51:30] <AzumaHazuki> and you know, i'm not the right one to ask, because i simply do not care about my own life
[00:51:56] <tedious> Aww don't say that. :(
[00:52:29] <AzumaHazuki> if the elites want to do this, more power (literally) to them. i will remove myself from this stupidity on my own terms before it comes to a head, and the elite can wallow in their new Hell. And Hell it will become, in short order
[00:53:01] <tedious> Wouldn't it be better to fight them?
[00:53:23] <AzumaHazuki> by what means, with what resources, and for how long? no, we're looking at our Great Filter, and i simply do not care any longer
[00:53:28] <AzumaHazuki> they will get theirs on the other side
[00:53:57] <tedious> But don't suicides to to hell too?
[01:02:38] <AzumaHazuki> usually not for very long at all, depends mostly on motivation
[01:03:18] <tedious> I don't understand.
[01:09:42] <AzumaHazuki> okay, to start with, not even the early Christians believed in an eternal Hell, except for the few who didn't speak Koine (Tertullian before the Council of Nicaea, most infamously Augustine of Hippo after)
[01:10:22] <AzumaHazuki> Hell isn't a place, it's a state, and it's entirely self-generated. no one throws you into it but you, no one gets you out of it but you (though people usually need, and get, help with that)
[01:12:59] <tedious> I have no clue about that.
[01:13:13] <AzumaHazuki> so, consider motivation here: some suicides do it to hurt other people, others because they're in intolerable pain, and still others because they're dead anyway and want to go out on their own terms
[01:13:32] <tedious> I just know that it looks like we're being screwed by some very rich very bad people and I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of killing myself.
[01:14:10] <AzumaHazuki> there is no shame in retreating from a battle that cannot be won. these people want the entire world, and they want it on their own terms. let them have it
[01:16:21] <AzumaHazuki> think about how this is going to end for them. think about the kind of mindset it takes to even imagine a plan like that. they're not human any longer; this means they can't comprehend basic cooperation
[01:32:51] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@klmp-10-963-60-495.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[01:32:53] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@klmp-10-963-60-495.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[01:32:56] boru` is now known as boru
[01:36:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Blazing Fast PCIe 5.0 SSD Prototype Hits Sequential Read Speeds of 14,000 MB/s - https://sylnt.us - chip-crisis?-what-chip-crisis?
[01:47:44] <chromas> that's a lot of sheep porn
[01:47:54] * chromas invents ewetube
[03:25:10] <Bytram> chromas: s/t/l/2
[03:25:10] <SedBot> <Bytram> <chromas> invents ewelube
[03:25:25] <Bytram> ;)
[03:26:37] <progo> baah
[03:27:05] <Bytram> humbug!
[04:26:11] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - โ€˜Babylon 5โ€™ Reboot in the Works at The CW - https://sylnt.us - my-shoes-are-too-tight
[04:59:07] * bacteria yawn
[05:00:38] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[05:00:40] <systemd> ^ 03I converted my microwave into a LASER oven!
[05:01:31] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[05:07:37] <chromas> "Many people will argue that nothing can beat the flavor of a microwave steak..."
[05:18:43] <progo> I was talking to a friend earlier about high energy youtube videos and about flywheels. she asked what it'd take to stop a big flywheel quicklyโ€ฆ I searched youtube for a demo and didn't find one :^(
[05:18:52] <progo> almost went on a high energy video binge
[05:19:47] <progo> everyone should make high energy physics videos at home
[05:19:57] <progo> especially if they don't understand the physics
[05:22:23] <progo> chromas: that kid lit LEDs with a microwave oven and thought it was a design problem of the microwave oven that caused the LEDS to only be lit half the time at 100% power
[05:22:29] <progo> is he joking, or just doesn't know/care?
[05:22:55] <progo> oh wait nm
[05:22:58] <progo> derp
[05:23:09] <progo> the microwave emitter isn't running at 60Hz
[05:23:13] -!- SoyCow7769 [SoyCow7769!~72483074@t209-31-69-637.meb5.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #soylent
[05:23:20] <progo> and yes the oven is using a half-wave rectifier
[05:23:57] <SoyCow7769> =blame
[05:23:57] * systemd points at Bytram
[05:25:01] <progo> oh and they're neon bulbs not LEDs
[05:27:29] <progo> "wait, why is it on fire? oh, come on!"
[05:27:38] * progo approves of this crazy hacker
[05:28:56] <progo> LOL! mayonaise as thermal paste!
[05:28:59] <progo> chromas++
[05:28:59] <Bender> karma - chromas: 390
[05:29:19] <progo> (for cooling a laser diode array)
[05:29:19] -!- SoyCow7769 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[05:34:09] <chromas> have some mental masturbation for dessert https://www.youtube.com
[05:34:12] <systemd> ^ 03Do Chairs Exist?
[05:34:21] * chromas sets speed to 175%
[05:34:32] <progo> ha. yes I am sitting in a chair. it exists
[05:37:03] <progo> oh. vsauce
[05:37:10] <progo> meh
[05:37:43] <chromas> I forgot about that channel, then suddenly it's recommended
[05:38:20] <progo> oh crap
[05:38:30] <progo> I'm going to be getting vsauce recommendations now
[05:38:31] <progo> thanks
[05:39:51] <chromas> this will fix it https://www.youtube.com
[05:39:54] <systemd> ^ 03Every Star Wars Pitch Meeting In Order Of The Star Wars Timeline Compilation
[05:40:34] * c0lo quits in disgust
[05:40:42] <chromas> >:)
[05:40:45] -!- c0lo has quit []
[05:42:15] <progo> "so who's the main character?" "well, I don't know" "probably not important."
[07:17:01] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - scp Will Be Replaced With sftp Soon - https://sylnt.us - OpenSSH
[07:17:13] <progo> uh, what?
[07:17:20] <progo> didn't that happen like 15 years ago?
[07:18:04] <progo> oh. they deleted the 'scp' command and replaced it with a front end for 'sftp' that looks like 'scp'
[07:30:03] <FatPhil> After watching that, I'm really not sure how many of them I've seen.
[07:30:32] <progo> I'm not sure how many Star Wars films there are
[07:31:22] <FatPhil> 3 more in the next 5 years, it seems.
[07:31:41] <progo> who's the show runner now?
[07:31:49] <progo> back to Lucas? Kevin Smith?
[07:33:09] <FatPhil> I'm super happy I pulled the plug on my attachment to the franchise - I'm the generation of the first ones, and I did presume they were excellent just from my childhood memories. (But did a rewatch, they were actually just high-budget crappy children's movies)
[07:34:04] <progo> > my aunt and uncler were murdered by soldiers and my farm is destroyed. hey can you teach me to be a space wizard?
[07:34:08] <progo> *uncle
[07:34:48] <progo> I was born in 1979. I saw the original films on VHS or TV broadcasts
[07:35:00] <progo> I kinda thought they were good, probably
[07:35:07] <chromas> So you never really saw them then :)
[07:35:56] <progo> my older brother took me and a friend of mine to see Episode 1 in the cinema the morning after it opened. no foamers, just a cinema room like 1/2 full with interested people. I left that feeling like "meh. that wasn't a religious experience but it was fun I guess."
[07:37:20] <progo> before episode 1 came out, there was a sort of general agreement across USA at least that the first 3 films were a cinema landmark of some kind
[07:37:23] <progo> can't say that's wrong
[07:37:39] <progo> but I don't care about any of it now
[07:40:41] <progo> when's the last time Hollywood bigly promoted an expensive film based on story/property/whatever that didn't exist 5 years ago?
[07:41:16] <progo> we should just do more, cheaper films with new stories and risky ideas
[07:42:18] <chromas> We just need moar CGI fights and skybeams
[07:42:28] <progo> pew pew
[07:45:16] <chromas> Nobody watches movies anymore. it's all pitch meetings and honest trailers and hishe
[07:45:25] <progo> ha ha
[07:45:38] <chromas> watch internet videos about the movies
[07:45:47] <chromas> import rlm;
[07:46:01] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[07:46:03] <systemd> ^ 03Film Theory: The Matrix NEVER Existed! (Matrix 4 Trailer)
[07:46:10] <progo> years ago when I lived in Boston I had a friend who would never see a film without inspecting every review and every available piece of data about it
[07:46:45] <progo> she was very upset when she and I went out with our parnters -- 4 all together -- and I casually said "well that sucked" after we came out of the film "Wanted"
[07:46:58] <progo> I wasn't upset that it sucked. she was upset that I didn't like it
[07:47:24] <chromas> did she only like it because the reviews told her to?
[07:47:33] <progo> possibly
[07:48:28] <FatPhil> chromas++
[07:48:28] <Bender> karma - chromas: 391
[07:49:31] <progo> lately she's discovered that The Sims 4 makes a great virtual doll house. she loves dolls
[07:49:37] <progo> then she discovered you can make porn with it
[07:49:51] <progo> bed time! good night.
[07:50:25] <chromas> I played quite a bit of sims 2. 3 lost a lot of features though
[07:51:05] <chromas> someone needs to make patches so you can murder babies and stuff
[07:51:58] <chromas> I'd put them into the trash cans and then fence the cans so CPS couldn't collect when the parents died
[07:52:07] <progo> if you can imagine it, someone's probably produced scripts and models for it in Sims 4
[07:52:54] * progo really goes to bed
[07:54:05] <FatPhil> I will always scan down the metacritic choice quotes for any movie I'm thinking of seeing. I've come to recognise which reviewers I generally agree with, and who I think are idiots, over the years.
[07:56:30] <FatPhil> There's one reviewer who I correlate extremely well with (though he has given a 100 to a movie I thought was execrable garbage, so everything comes with a pinch of salt, if not a whole Polish salt cave), Mick LaSalle from the SF Chronicle. He gave wanted 50: https://www.metacritic.com
[07:56:32] <systemd> ^ 03Wanted
[07:57:03] <FatPhil> i've not seen it, and his review snippet pushes me in neither direction particularly strongly.
[08:05:23] <progo> Oh derp I forgot to say my friend picked the movie for date night that ended up being "Wanted" so it was some kind of personal failing when i thought it was terrible
[08:06:58] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[08:07:01] <systemd> ^ 03Wanted | Every Bullet Curve
[08:09:20] <FatPhil> I'll always read some top reviews and some bottom reviews, because sometimes things some reviewers hate I'll like, and things they like I'll hate, so both ends of the spectrum can adjust my estimations in both directions.
[08:09:24] <FatPhil> "
[08:10:00] <FatPhil> "It takes about an hour after it's over for the heart to slow, the brain to recalibrate, and the nonsensicalness of the thing to sink in." - from a "90" review. I just *know* that all I'm going to experience in that movie is nonsensicalness.
[08:10:50] <progo> No I felt it was nonsensical the whole time I was exposed to it
[08:11:31] <progo> It wasn't self consistent. The plot didn't make sense
[08:11:35] <FatPhil> If there are tropes that the g/f and I can drink on, we might turn it into a "bad movie watched for laughs" thing.
[08:11:47] <progo> Yeah
[08:13:33] <FatPhil> We've got a fridge full of new beers, some of which will be terrible, I don't might cranking our way through some of those. Battle the two negatives against each other.
[08:14:27] <FatPhil> I almost enjoyed /Doom/ that way.
[08:15:24] <progo> I have another friend who hid under the bed after accidentally playing soon 3 for like 16 hours after she bought ot
[08:15:26] <progo> It
[08:15:37] <progo> *doom 3
[08:16:40] <inz> Why would you hide under the bed, isn't that where the monsters live
[08:16:49] <progo> Hm
[08:16:53] <progo> I didn't ask
[08:17:33] <progo> I'll quote Jamie hyneman. "I like it in here. It's private."
[08:19:03] <progo> Claustrophobia? :^)
[08:19:19] <progo> Goddam fucking autocorrect
[08:19:27] <progo> Claustrophilia
[08:44:46] <Ingar> having sex with minors in a small closet ?
[09:14:51] <FatPhil> having sex with santa on a desert island?
[09:18:13] <chromas> =yt peter file
[09:18:14] <systemd> https://youtube.com - The IT Crowd: Peter File (01:32; 1,029,548 views; ๐Ÿ‘9,562 ๐Ÿ‘Ž133)
[09:55:27] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Pill to Treat Covid-19: "We're talking about a return to, maybe, normal life" - https://sylnt.us - you-can-lead-a-horse-to-water
[10:29:51] <chromas> from the lolz dept
[10:32:59] <FatPhil> pillz meanz lolz
[10:46:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - A Pill to Treat Covid-19: "We're Talking About a Return to, Maybe, Normal Life" - https://sylnt.us - you-can-lead-a-horse-to-water
[11:38:40] <chromas> shouldn't that be you-can-lead-a-HoRsE-pAsTe?
[12:21:51] <Bytram> my laptop is acting up :(
[12:23:03] <Bytram> It insists on only recognizing the built-in display...
[12:23:45] <Bytram> no longer "sees" the UHD TV that I normally use.
[12:24:00] <Bytram> I feel cramped.
[12:24:20] <Bytram> There's one more thing to try... biab
[12:26:25] <chromas> Press the display toggle key combo
[12:26:49] <chromas> Usually Fn+<some key with a display icon>
[12:26:51] <Bytram> what's that
[12:28:01] <chromas> on your keyboard
[12:29:59] <Bytram> ahh
[12:30:27] <Bytram> no joy, but great idea!
[12:30:31] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[12:31:33] <Bytram> has a soft crash yesterday Out Of Memory...
[12:32:43] <Bytram> I was able to get things working again, but it sees everything did not come back completely.
[12:39:01] <Bytram> just tried Ctrl+Alt+Fn where n goes from 1 through 12.
[12:40:59] <FatPhil> Do any of your Fn keys have little speaker/screen/wifi/etc. graphics on them?
[12:42:43] <FatPhil> those keys are often model - you're either in 'Fn keys' mode or 'hardware adjustments' mode, and how you switch between those modes is brand specific.
[12:43:17] <Bytram> Worked as expected
[12:44:00] <chromas> is the tv on and on the right input? Have you tried turning it off and on again? and unplugging and replugging?
[12:44:43] -!- inky [inky!~inky@193.189.lgx.okm] has joined #soylent
[12:45:04] <Bytram> FatPhil: great idea, no joy.
[12:45:34] <Bytram> chromas: all but unplugging... trying it now.
[12:46:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Tesla Owners Can Now Request โ€˜Full Self-Drivingโ€™, Prompting Criticism From Regulators and Safety Adv - https://sylnt.us - when-a-crash-is-more-than-a-crash
[12:47:00] <chromas> Gotta throw some abbrevs into that title
[12:47:47] <chromas> s/le//
[12:47:47] <SedBot> <chromas> Gotta throw some abbrevs into that tit
[12:48:46] <chromas> Does the lap have nvidia gpu?
[12:49:12] <Bytram> hey!
[12:49:30] <chromas> straw is cheaper, etc
[12:49:39] <Bytram> lol
[12:50:28] <Bytram> unplugged, waited 10s, powered on, I'm baccccck!
[12:51:04] <Bytram> teamwork++
[12:51:04] <Bender> karma - teamwork: 60
[12:51:17] <Bytram> and....
[12:51:18] <chromas> =yt double team
[12:51:19] <systemd> https://youtube.com - DOUBLE TEAM (1997) || MICKEY ROURKE, VAN DAMME || FULL MOVIE (01:28:07; 224,861 views; ๐Ÿ‘1,216 ๐Ÿ‘Ž85)
[12:51:23] <chromas> nooooooo
[12:51:28] <Bytram> coffee++
[12:51:28] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5591
[12:51:28] <chromas> =yt tenacious d double team
[12:51:29] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Tenacious D - Double Team (Official Audio) (03:12; 4,321 views; ๐Ÿ‘321 ๐Ÿ‘Ž1)
[12:52:26] <Bytram> =yt movie they're back
[12:52:26] <systemd> https://youtube.com - 'Backstreet Boys' Movie: They're Back! | TODAY (03:45; 46,925 views; ๐Ÿ‘479 ๐Ÿ‘Ž6)
[12:52:33] <Bytram> =yt movie they're baack
[12:52:34] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Poltergeist II: The Other Side (1986) - Clip 1: They're Back! (HD) (02:59; 23,146 views; ๐Ÿ‘164 ๐Ÿ‘Ž9)
[12:53:05] <Bytram> that was the movie I was thinking of
[12:53:12] <chromas> they mostly come out at night, mostly
[12:53:54] <Bytram> well, "Poltergeist", specifically but that's close enough!
[12:54:31] <Bytram> All I saw were the ads on TV
[12:54:54] <Bytram> thanks everybody!
[12:55:12] <Bytram> break time
[14:10:50] -!- janri [janri!~janri@2a00:23c4:8490:ykzv:upoy:vwxs:wllw:jwrz] has joined #soylent
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[15:26:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Hubble Telescope Helps Find Six 'Dead' Galaxies From the Early Universe - https://sylnt.us - it's-not-dead-it's-just-resting
[15:43:22] -!- janri [janri!~janri@2a00:23c4:8490:tuzq:mxuu:rnoy:txyw:kqom] has joined #soylent
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[17:07:43] -!- tedious has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
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[17:50:24] <FatPhil> so what scared c0lo off?
[18:04:43] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[18:17:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - "Chilling": Facial Recognition Firm Clearview AI Hits Watchdog Groups with Subpoenas - https://sylnt.us - clearly-there's-a-problem
[18:18:13] -!- inky [inky!~inky@91.149.nkm.vjt] has joined #soylent
[18:25:49] <Runaway1956> Oh shit - APK is off his meds on the COVID Pill thread - https://soylentnews.org
[18:25:52] <systemd> ^ 03A Pill to Treat Covid-19: "We're Talking About a Return to, Maybe, Normal Life" - SoylentNews
[19:44:49] <chromas> or maybe he's on them
[20:15:59] <FatPhil> taking them anally, by the fistful.
[20:16:24] <FatPhil> WTF does this mean? " The OCSP server suggests trying again later. (Error code: sec_error_ocsp_try_server_later) "
[20:17:01] <FatPhil> Apart from that I should try later, of course. What actually went wrong?
[20:17:30] <FatPhil> I presume this is "security" preventing me from seeing the content I requested, again.
[20:21:24] <chromas> You don't need to know that
[20:21:52] <chromas> Just take a lesson from the Commodore 64 manual and keep trying until it works
[20:22:34] <chromas> https://drop.com
[20:22:36] <systemd> ^ 03Stack Overflow The Key Macropad
[20:33:44] <Runaway1956> I think those security error codes are their way of getting rid of adblockers and VPN users
[20:35:15] <Runaway1956> We've only got about ten more years until some asshole digs up the Loc-Nar in 2031.
[20:52:34] <chromas> I'll be any of the John Candy characters
[20:56:50] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - CIA Developed Plans to Kidnap or Kill Julian Assange, Per Report - https://sylnt.us - They-wouldn't-do-THAT...-would-they?
[21:12:45] -!- SoyCow9132 [SoyCow9132!~d8c4e185@925-300-434-342.ubr6.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has joined #soylent
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[21:43:56] <FatPhil> chromas-- for that fucking VSauce vid. Holy christ, philosophers are suffering from lack of oxygen to their brains, must be the locations they hide their cranial extremities to blame
[21:43:56] <Bender> karma - chromas: 390
[23:04:20] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent