#soylent | Logs for 2021-11-19

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[00:03:36] <FatPhil> Runaway1956: I prefer watching the most recent Kontaveit vs. Halep match. Almost as good as Celes at her prime, noise-wise.
[00:04:35] <FatPhil> But if you want singing - get some Swedish down ya'.
[00:13:07] -!- lld has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[00:14:44] -!- Soynigger5150 [Soynigger5150!~c09177e9@192.145.ppx.qwm] has joined #soylent
[00:14:51] <Soynigger5150> Fatphil, you fucking suck
[00:15:04] <Soynigger5150> you are a disgrace for your neighborhood.
[00:15:15] <Soynigger5150> Fucking Jew punk
[00:15:38] <Soynigger5150> You have no loyalty to your neighborhood
[00:15:48] <Soynigger5150> You're a jew pif
[00:15:52] <Soynigger5150> pig^
[00:16:14] <Bytram> .kick Soynigger5150 `
[00:16:14] -!- Soynigger5150 was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) `]
[00:17:16] <Bytram> =)
[00:24:49] <chromas> oh yeah, remember .pif files?
[00:25:56] <Bytram> ye gads! I'd not thought of those in YEARS!
[00:52:15] -!- Soynigger5150 [Soynigger5150!~402c54f6@64.44.hn.lnp] has joined #soylent
[00:52:20] <Soynigger5150> Fucking punks
[00:52:32] <Soynigger5150> You['re really pissing us off
[00:52:37] <AzumaHazuki> code 5150 lol
[00:52:41] <Soynigger5150> We're gonna fuck you up
[00:52:45] <AzumaHazuki> danger to self and others, but mostly self
[00:52:53] <Soynigger5150> faggot
[00:52:57] <AzumaHazuki> do you worst, shitglutton :)
[00:53:37] <Soynigger5150> There will not be violence...for now
[00:53:40] <AzumaHazuki> die mad, you salty little bee-yiii~iitch
[00:53:51] <Soynigger5150> Fuck you, you faggot shit freak
[00:53:59] <AzumaHazuki> no :) eat me
[00:54:01] <Soynigger5150> you goddamn cocksucker
[00:54:11] <Soynigger5150> you SUCK DIVKS
[00:54:23] <Soynigger5150> you are a PEETER PUFFER
[00:54:55] <AzumaHazuki> the exact opposite, honey :D ask your mom
[00:55:10] <Soynigger5150> You faggot goddamnnasty FUCK
[00:55:36] <AzumaHazuki> channel: if he has apoplexy because he keeps taking the bait, will i be a murderer?
[00:55:50] <Soynigger5150> Perhaps not. But there is a good side to all this.
[00:56:05] <Soynigger5150> Jews and Mexicans are being rude
[00:56:19] <Soynigger5150> They shut up
[00:56:47] <Soynigger5150> I have let the water run for like 3 hours already
[00:56:51] <AzumaHazuki> so do you ever come up with new material, or can we replace you with a couple dozen lines of shell script?
[00:57:04] <Soynigger5150> They have no way of determining who in the building lets the water run.
[00:57:33] <Soynigger5150> I do not care about faggots, for they cannot replace me.
[00:57:59] <Soynigger5150> Water is very, very expensive here.
[00:59:01] <Soynigger5150> I'd rather not attack my landlord like that, but if he refuses to do something about the nonstop dog barking, then something must be done.
[00:59:32] <AzumaHazuki> have you considered straight up talking to him about it, instead of being, as we established above, a salty little bitch?
[00:59:38] <AzumaHazuki> or are you too afraid?
[00:59:44] <Soynigger5150> Talking doesn't work.
[00:59:52] <AzumaHazuki> too afraid, got you
[00:59:54] <Soynigger5150> It's Mexicans we're dealing with here.
[01:00:07] <AzumaHazuki> asi, diga en espanol, puto
[01:00:08] <Soynigger5150> It's a matter of honor with them
[01:00:46] <Soynigger5150> And that's fine.
[01:01:02] <Soynigger5150> Except for the landlord, who will get the water bill!
[01:01:05] <Soynigger5150> HAHAHAHAHAHA
[01:01:23] <Soynigger5150> I told that fucker to get his buddies to fall into line.
[01:01:27] <Soynigger5150> But he refuses.
[01:01:38] <AzumaHazuki> imagine that, no one listens to you online or in meatspace
[01:01:40] <AzumaHazuki> i wonder why?
[01:02:10] <Soynigger5150> Because being nice doesn't often work in the meatspace.
[01:02:15] <Soynigger5150> So you have to be mean,
[01:02:18] <Soynigger5150> and rude
[01:02:39] <Soynigger5150> to match the parity of all those rude Mexicans you're up against.
[01:02:54] <Soynigger5150> Jesus Christ, were you ever raised properly?
[01:03:24] <Soynigger5150> That's common fucking sense to most American Children
[01:05:14] <Soynigger5150> That water has been flowing fast, for like 4 hours now
[01:05:20] <Soynigger5150> HAHAHAHAHHAA
[01:06:00] <Soynigger5150> Man, that water bill is gonna be a bitch
[01:06:14] <requerdanos> .kick Soynigger5150 so noted
[01:06:14] -!- Soynigger5150 was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(requerdanos) so noted]
[01:06:26] <Runaway1956> lol
[01:06:32] <Bytram> requerdanos++
[01:06:32] <Bender> karma - requerdanos: 47
[01:07:27] <AzumaHazuki> so requerdanos, what is stopping the easy solution? mute channel, autovoice registered nicks on join
[01:15:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - OSU Study Yields a First in Fossil Research: Seeds Sprouting From an Amber-Encased Pine Cone - https://sylnt.us
[01:26:19] -!- Tekk_ [Tekk_!~tekk@ddn-42-103-92-98.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[01:29:19] -!- Tekk has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[01:36:26] <Bytram> "For every problem, there is a solution: simple, obvious, and wrong." NOTE: There is a reason why that saying exists. Just because one is unable, at this point, to see what they are missing does not mean they are seeing everything.
[01:45:19] <AzumaHazuki> then enlighten one
[01:45:48] <progo> AzumaHazuki: https://www.youtube.com
[01:45:50] <systemd> ^ 03Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Official Music Video)
[01:45:58] <progo> oh dammit I forgot we had the titlebot
[01:46:18] <progo> anyway, stop being a troll
[01:46:45] <AzumaHazuki> i'm not a troll, progo. Eth or whoever that was is a troll. i am proposing a solution to stop the trolling
[01:46:52] <progo> you are also trolling
[01:46:58] <progo> you're a one-woman sealion pile
[01:48:32] <AzumaHazuki> no, i'm not, and you don't even know what sealioning means
[01:49:01] <AzumaHazuki> sealioning is when someone starts shit along the lines of "you say you're anti-fascist, yet something in your house is made in China. How do you explain this?"
[01:49:28] <AzumaHazuki> it's a subset of "JAQing off"
[01:51:25] -!- SoyCow2502 [SoyCow2502!~9859cc9f@152.89.xnq.llh] has joined #soylent
[01:51:32] <SoyCow2502> Goddamn I'm angry
[01:51:54] <SoyCow2502> I just wanted to talk to a sonofabitch
[01:52:13] <SoyCow2502> Do you hear me,
[01:52:17] <SoyCow2502> FUCKERS?
[01:52:36] <Bytram> .kick SoyCow2502
[01:52:36] -!- SoyCow2502 was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(Bytram (martyb)) No reason given]
[01:53:11] -!- SoyCow7461 [SoyCow7461!~1751cf38@23.81.tzi.ss] has joined #soylent
[01:53:20] <SoyCow7461> That's mean, imogen
[01:53:25] <SoyCow7461> I wasn't being rude
[01:54:08] <SoyCow7461> There was just some nasty rude motherfucker sullying my good name
[01:55:21] <SoyCow7461> I wonder if it were the same rude motherfucker
[01:55:33] <SoyCow7461> Who ran the water for 4 hours
[01:55:37] <SoyCow7461> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
[01:55:41] <SoyCow7461> AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH
[01:55:53] <Bytram> .quiet SoyCow7461
[01:55:53] -!- mode/#soylent [+q *!*@23.81.tzi.ss] by Imogen
[02:03:31] -!- SoyCow7461 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[02:04:31] <Runaway1956> Did it take him 7 minutes to realize he was mute?
[02:09:54] -!- meme [meme!~a6b6fa9a@799-890-722-251.mobile.uscc.com] has joined #soylent
[02:11:52] <progo> .kick meme
[02:11:56] <progo> yeah thought so
[02:12:02] <progo> BYTRAM MADE ME DO IT
[02:12:45] <meme> what was that?
[02:13:08] <Bytram> what was what?
[02:13:31] -!- meme has quit [Client Quit]
[02:13:46] <progo> you'll have to go spelunking in the man pages if you want to promote me. and you can't tell me to ".kick" someone using Imogen with me acting in secret :^)
[02:37:25] -!- lld [lld!~lld@2001:f40:xut::g:lvt] has joined #soylent
[02:43:50] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@sbxg-77-775-96-937.dynamic.mnet-online.de] has joined #soylent
[02:43:52] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`!~boru@sbxg-77-775-96-937.dynamic.mnet-online.de))]
[02:43:55] boru` is now known as boru
[03:57:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The End of “Click to Subscribe, Call to Cancel”? - News Industry's Favorite Retention Tactic - https://sylnt.us
[05:08:32] <Subsentient> I have developed a deep and abiding hatred for macOS over the last couple weeks, trying to port our code to it.
[05:09:03] <Subsentient> I shit on Steve Jobs' grave.
[05:09:44] <Tekk_> I don't suspect you're *wrong*.
[05:09:59] <Tekk_> I've been forced to use it for a while for work. The total inability to do focus follows mouse kills me
[05:10:50] <Subsentient> You have to pay $99 to get a developer account, and then you still have to submit your executable for notary to Apple, but they'll only accept it if you turn on "hardened security" which means your software has to ask permission to wipe its own ass, but it gets worse
[05:11:11] <Subsentient> That's not just for the App Store.
[05:11:19] <Subsentient> Modern macOS requires it for *everything*
[05:11:45] <Subsentient> So if you want your executable to run at all, you either have to jump through 50 hoops or turn off all signature checking entirely.
[05:11:48] <Tekk_> honestly the permissions thing is one of the few things I like about it.
[05:12:28] <Subsentient> And you can only turn it off from the terminal.
[05:12:33] <Subsentient> Good luck getting users to do that.
[05:12:41] <Subsentient> Tekk_: Do you develop for macOS?
[05:13:12] <Tekk_> Nah. At work I deal with servers, at home I deal with OpenBSD or Linux.
[05:13:19] <Tekk_> Does it not just intercept the syscalls and present the prompts?
[05:13:26] <Subsentient> This experience has made me so angry that I've decided to axe what little macOS/darwin support my personal FOSS projects have had.
[05:13:31] -!- SoyCow5919 [SoyCow5919!~c1a0f5c5@193.160.jyl.ygm] has joined #soylent
[05:13:35] <Subsentient> Tekk_: Aaaahahahahahaha
[05:13:39] <SoyCow5919> Jews at youtube are being annoying
[05:13:42] <Subsentient> Tekk_: That would be too easy and make too much sense
[05:13:45] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Are you EF?
[05:13:48] <SoyCow5919> They claim that you are not connected
[05:14:01] <SoyCow5919> Fuck you subenstient. You are a goddamn Jew
[05:14:07] <Subsentient> Oy vey
[05:14:15] <SoyCow5919> And by extention, an enemy of AMerican society
[05:14:28] <SoyCow5919> I used to tolerate Jews.
[05:14:33] <SoyCow5919> Now, not no more.
[05:14:42] <SoyCow5919> I bet Ncommander is a goddamn Jew too
[05:14:52] <SoyCow5919> "Black Lives matter"
[05:14:55] * Subsentient is not actually jewish, his father was a skinhead
[05:15:21] <SoyCow5919> Horseshit.
[05:15:33] <Subsentient> Whatever. It's true but I'm not going to try and convince you.
[05:15:38] <SoyCow5919> I've had it up to here with you fifth-columnist shitbags
[05:15:48] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Here
[05:15:48] <SoyCow5919> You think its fun to beat us up?
[05:16:01] <SoyCow5919> Destroy our towns?
[05:16:06] <Subsentient> Here's my stance buddy. "Black lives matter?" "All lives matter?" Fuck that
[05:16:08] <Subsentient> No lives matter
[05:16:20] <SoyCow5919> Because some Jews want niggers to beat up white for some stupid reason?>
[05:16:36] <SoyCow5919> You're a fucking commie
[05:16:39] <Tekk_> On the topic of wanting to kill people, care to continue explaining the permissions thing Subsentient ?
[05:17:08] <SoyCow5919> Yeah fucking commies
[05:17:09] <Subsentient> Tekk_: Lol, no I'm just a nihilist misanthrope, I don't want anyone dead.
[05:17:13] <SoyCow5919> explain yourselves
[05:17:19] <SoyCow5919> Horseshit
[05:17:28] <SoyCow5919> You're a nihilist
[05:17:33] <SoyCow5919> you enjoy chaos
[05:17:42] <Tekk_> I was just looking for a segue :p
[05:17:54] <SoyCow5919> And that's fine, because I do too...just only when it goes in my favor
[05:18:25] <SoyCow5919> And i'm seeing way too many of you communist faggots causing trouble in my house
[05:18:38] <SoyCow5919> And we're gonna have to mobilize to stop your kind.
[05:18:39] <Subsentient> Tekk_: It's extremely difficult to make a working executable for macOS anymore, and it requires XCode at least for signing and notarizing apps.
[05:18:46] <Subsentient> Tekk_: With macOS in its default state, it
[05:18:57] <Subsentient> is literally impossible to run an unsigned binary outside the terminal
[05:19:08] <SoyCow5919> And of subsentient wasn't bad enough, now he reveals himself as an APPLE FAGGOT
[05:19:10] <Subsentient> Hell it's literally impossible to run an un-notarized binary
[05:19:13] <SoyCow5919> GOOD GOD
[05:19:22] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: I'm typing this from Linux but nice tyr
[05:19:54] <Subsentient> I have deep void linux sympathies but Fedora's repos and dnf package manager keep me coming back to fedora
[05:20:35] <Subsentient> Tekk_: Are you starting to see why I'm furious?
[05:20:46] <Tekk_> I am
[05:20:49] <Subsentient> Tim Cook needs to get his head grilled in a waffle iron.
[05:20:50] <SoyCow5919> I can kick your ass, subsentient.
[05:20:57] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Harder daddy
[05:21:22] <SoyCow5919> BAGH
[05:21:35] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: You can try but I'll be making sickening noises until you finally smash my skull.
[05:21:40] <Subsentient> it won't be pleasant
[05:21:55] <SoyCow5919> You have got to be a goddamn Jew
[05:22:08] <SoyCow5919> Otherwise, you would have denied it already
[05:22:14] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: 4HAIL SATAN
[05:22:38] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: You're missing the point on all of this.
[05:22:42] <Subsentient> The true measure of a man
[05:22:47] <Subsentient> what determines what he's really worth
[05:22:55] <Subsentient> is how many gummy worms he can fit in his asshole
[05:22:57] <SoyCow5919> I ran the water for 4 hours straight tody to get a Mexi can in trouble
[05:23:21] <SoyCow5919> I can be an evil fuck
[05:23:24] <Subsentient> In that case, I am a great man
[05:23:43] <SoyCow5919> 4 hours worth of water is expensive and untraceable to me.
[05:24:13] <SoyCow5919> Fucking Jews and Mexicans man. Pure shit
[05:24:17] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: If you really did that, you're a piece of shit. I may be perverse, cynical, and arguably insane, but I at least try to have basic decency.
[05:24:46] <SoyCow5919> You're a fucking commie
[05:24:54] * Subsentient kills off his filterless cigarette and turns up the black metal
[05:24:55] <SoyCow5919> you''re a satanist pretending to b ea commie
[05:25:10] <Tekk_> All the cool kids are communists these days though
[05:25:13] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Yeah I have a card from The Satanic Temple in my wallet so yeah I guess so.
[05:25:19] <Tekk_> It was the whole growing up post-recession thing.
[05:25:49] <Subsentient> The enlightenment comes when they realize that humans will ruin whatever system they dream up to replace capitalism, just as they ruined capitalism.
[05:26:08] <SoyCow5919> Humans can work for the greater good
[05:26:29] <Tekk_> SoyCow5919, https://www.youtube.com
[05:26:30] <SoyCow5919> Just that there are too many smart fucks who believe the opposite
[05:26:30] <systemd> ^ 03Say the line, Bart!
[05:26:50] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: You want to know something? I don't understand how people can hate just one race, when all of humanity is a malignant tumor on the face of the Earth.
[05:26:57] <SoyCow5919> The line: Jews are reats
[05:27:00] <SoyCow5919> rats
[05:27:56] <Subsentient> Oh and yeah I do hate myself too. Because I see the same corruption in me, I just barely have enough wisdom to steer clear of it.
[05:28:03] <SoyCow5919> subsentient, the answer to that question is that all people are indeed shit
[05:28:08] <Subsentient> So I got that going for me, which is nice
[05:28:23] <SoyCow5919> But whites are statistically more tolerable than spics or niggers
[05:29:12] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Notice how it's always whitey that shoots up the school though?
[05:29:13] <SoyCow5919> get a rerace of people who don't feel some innate need to be shitty
[05:29:52] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: One of these days you're going to realize that humanity is the real problem, and then you'll subsequently realize that you are human, and then you'll fall into despair like the rest of u.
[05:29:57] <SoyCow5919> subsentient, that's horseshit. But okay, if you want to justify rare violence
[05:30:32] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Are you Ethanol-fueled?
[05:30:36] <Subsentient> Or APK?
[05:30:51] <Tekk_> My bet is EF
[05:31:02] <Tekk_> apk would've gone off about hostfiles by now
[05:31:16] <SoyCow5919> I am a FUCKING PATRIOT
[05:31:32] <SoyCow5919> DESCENDED from a long line of military family
[05:31:40] <Tekk_> Oh!
[05:31:45] <Subsentient> Tekk_: Is that APK?
[05:31:46] <Tekk_> It's Mel Gibson :D
[05:32:03] <Subsentient> I don't pay much attention to the drama here lately, so I wouldn't know which one this is.
[05:32:03] <SoyCow5919> I am also an OLD CROW
[05:32:09] <Tekk_> I thought apk started on hostfiles rants on every store and then moved on to racism
[05:32:14] <Tekk_> but we still got hostfile stuff
[05:32:22] <Subsentient> Tekk_: Hostfile stuff?
[05:32:27] <Subsentient> like /etc/hosts?
[05:32:50] <Tekk_> Yeah, there was somebody who'd spam every story with a huge comment about how ad blockers and noscript and stuff are scams, you should just put thousands of lines in your /etc/hosts
[05:33:03] <Subsentient> Lol
[05:33:12] <SoyCow5919> I'm fucking sick of Jews and commies shitting everything up
[05:33:14] <Subsentient> I'm sure that didn't affect name resolution speed at all
[05:33:19] <SoyCow5919> it must STOP NOW
[05:33:27] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: It will stop when the bombs fall.
[05:33:37] <Subsentient> Humanity will inevitably kill itself
[05:33:41] <Tekk_> Eh, I figure /etc/hosts is pretty good at staying in the disk cache
[05:33:42] <Subsentient> And there is nothing we can do to stop it
[05:33:47] <SoyCow5919> subsentient: I'll be dropping the bombs
[05:33:49] <Tekk_> So it's probably faster than the actual dns query
[05:34:09] <SoyCow5919> I'll be operating the equipment that RUINS COMMIES
[05:34:22] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: How many gummy worms can you fit in your asshole?
[05:34:26] <Subsentient> My limit was 671
[05:34:43] <Tekk_> Am I allowed to chew them first? I feel like I've got a good shot at the 10 pound bag
[05:34:46] <Subsentient> Then I started convulsing and shat out some brown coated gummy worms mixed with blood
[05:34:46] <SoyCow5919> I can fit one fat shit up my asshole.
[05:35:03] <SoyCow5919> It is as fat as an Oscar Meyer Weiner
[05:35:19] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Ahh, a man of culture, a man who fits weiners up his butt
[05:35:43] <SoyCow5919> You sucking commies better stop fucking wit MUH FREEDUMBS
[05:35:58] <Subsentient> I always despised the term "freedumb"
[05:36:03] <SoyCow5919> This is not a charade. We're pissed as fuck at your kind
[05:36:27] <Subsentient> Tekk_: Only if it's the sugar free gummy worms.
[05:36:54] <Tekk_> Probably only worth it if I get a world record or free real gummy worms or something.
[05:37:11] <SoyCow5919> How can assholes like you who pretend to be about MUH YOOMAN RIGHTS be so against human rights?
[05:37:17] <SoyCow5919> censorship?
[05:37:39] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: I personally abhor censorship. If you think otherwise, you haven't been paying attention. That's part of why I still come to SN.
[05:38:00] <Tekk_> I just think it's funny, personally.
[05:38:04] <Subsentient> I feel the world is forgetting what freedom really looks like and soon we'll have none at all.
[05:38:10] <Tekk_> internet censorship peaked with the cloud to butt extension
[05:38:12] Tekk_ is now known as Tekk
[05:38:27] <SoyCow5919> Thats's where I come in, subsentient
[05:38:39] <Subsentient> Tekk: Is it just me, or does the web feel empty and sickening now? Like there's no real discourse, just pick your echo chamber
[05:38:44] <SoyCow5919> I get banned and w2ill still come in to whip my DICK out
[05:39:01] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Well personally, one lunatic to another, I've enjoyed some of your pop-ins.
[05:39:09] <Subsentient> Crazy people make life better
[05:39:23] <Subsentient> Entertainment
[05:39:24] <SoyCow5919> Perhaps, then, YOU need to whip your dikk out
[05:39:28] <Tekk> Subsentient, I'd say that's more a side effect of engagement-centric design than anything else, but you're not wrong.
[05:39:42] <Tekk> There's a reason I maintain a web directory of sites actually worth reading
[05:39:56] <Subsentient> Ahh I do that too, my personal homepage
[05:40:09] <SoyCow5919> What are you angry about, in personal life?
[05:40:18] <SoyCow5919> I'm angry about Mexicans
[05:40:34] <SoyCow5919> GOd, those fruckers are so obnoxious
[05:40:36] <Tekk> Nice c:
[05:40:43] <SoyCow5919> They drive a man to drink, like I am now
[05:40:48] <SoyCow5919> *gets drink*
[05:41:01] <Tekk> I don't believe you
[05:41:52] <SoyCow5919> I've consistently had Mexican-related problems for the last ten fucking YEARS
[05:41:58] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: A few things. I hate Apple for their code signing fuckery, but most of all, the theme of the last few months has been me losing trust in almost everyone around me after repeated betrayals, and watching humanity give itself a slow, painful death certainly isn't helping.
[05:42:21] <Subsentient> I'm angrier now than at any other point in my life
[05:42:29] <Tekk> Hold on, we have to finish the lingering questions first. What's the drink?
[05:42:49] <SoyCow5919> The Jews want us to be angry at each other...and even though I'm aware of that, it's STILL WORKING
[05:43:36] <SoyCow5919> Tekk: Cabernet Sauvignon Wine.
[05:43:44] <Tekk> Mhm.
[05:43:46] <Tekk> Year?
[05:43:50] <SoyCow5919> 2021
[05:44:04] * Subsentient is more of a Jim Beam in a plastic bottle on the rocks type of person
[05:44:07] <Tekk> That's just grape juice at that point.
[05:44:13] <Subsentient> Lol
[05:44:14] <Tekk> Not overly sweet?
[05:44:42] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Are you EF? If you are, I promise I don't hate you. But, it would be nice to know which one you are.
[05:45:24] <SoyCow5919> subsentient, why do you like Apple computer products? You're a smart guy, too smart to like Apple
[05:45:36] <SoyCow5919> I mean, they do look nice
[05:45:57] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: I hate Apple. I have to support macOS because my company makes video servers and that industry loves Mac for some sick reason
[05:46:08] <SoyCow5919> but they're not a "nerdy" product. They're shiny and for poseurs
[05:46:14] <Subsentient> I don't own any apple products except an old eMac G4 that runs Debian
[05:46:21] <halibut> The talk of gummi worms caused me to start reading the old reviews of sugar-free gummi bears (just search Google for sugar free gummi bear review).
[05:46:26] <SoyCow5919> Ah my goodness man, I have a whole new level of sympathy for you.
[05:46:54] <Subsentient> halibut: I loved those reviews, that's why I suggested Tekk eat the sugar free onnes
[05:46:56] <Tekk> halibut, It's a work of beauty
[05:47:20] <SoyCow5919> My fists clench everytime I watch an old episode of the Simpsons with an Apple logo on the puter
[05:47:51] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Right now, I have an x86_64 macOS Monterey virtual machine running in QEMU/KVM on my 4 year old Thinkpad, and it's compiling Gstreamer right now.
[05:47:59] <Subsentient> That's the closest to an Apple product I have
[05:48:02] <halibut> Here's a good collection: https://www.boredpanda.com
[05:48:04] <systemd> ^ 03While Being Horrible And Hilarious At The Same Time, These 20 Reviews Of Haribo Gummy Bears On Amazon Are Leaving People In Tears Of Laughter
[05:48:52] <SoyCow5919> You know what are some awesome gummies? Sour Patch Kids
[05:49:16] <Tekk> True. they're almost more of a corn starch candy texture though.
[05:49:21] <Tekk> They've got a gel texture to them
[05:49:32] <Tekk> For chewy gummies the best is the cherries
[05:50:23] <Subsentient> Tekk: SoyCow5919: https://imgur.com
[05:51:16] <Tekk> Geany, now there's an icon I haven't seen in a minute
[05:51:52] <Subsentient> Tekk: I fucking love Geany.
[05:51:58] <Subsentient> I love Geany so goddamn much
[05:52:04] <Subsentient> I made several color schemes for it too
[05:52:11] <SoyCow5919> Fucking Fedora
[05:52:11] <Tekk> I liked it a lot back when I use it.
[05:52:20] <Tekk> Then I learned vim, then emacs.
[05:52:36] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Yeah I prefer Void, but Fedora has the repos I need for my day job.
[05:52:54] <SoyCow5919> I remember when Linux was actually useful. Still might be, when Win11 shits the bed and people bail
[05:53:09] <Subsentient> Windows 11 needs to die in a fire
[05:53:30] <Subsentient> Tell me my 3.7Ghz Ryzen is too old to run a virtual machine of Win11? Fuck you.
[05:53:31] <SoyCow5919> Win will die the second Linux becomes more useful.
[05:53:44] <SoyCow5919> That was supposed to happen 15 years ago
[05:53:47] <Subsentient> Linux is already useful, but it's got a very high cognitive cost.
[05:54:01] <Subsentient> It'll never get better, because Linux is made by devs for devs
[05:54:12] <Subsentient> and devs don't mind the terminal
[05:54:34] <SoyCow5919> big tech also has a trannie problem
[05:55:12] <SoyCow5919> if they werent so loud and obnoxious everything trannie-related would have already gained a foothold
[05:55:46] <SoyCow5919> Frank Zappa said, "shut up and play yer guitar"
[05:55:49] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: The far left is truly a sickening experience honestly, I admit to leaning a bit left, but I consider myself more of a centrist
[05:56:34] <Subsentient> My rule of thumb is that any time people get together under some "greater cause", mass death and suffering follows close behind.
[05:56:44] <Runaway1956> More sentients are near center than either extreme
[05:56:51] <SoyCow5919> We are being divided by CIA techniques. I don't feel animosity right now, but only because the booze has kicked in
[05:57:15] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: I have friends of all political stripes, and I respect their views, because for the mostpart I can understand them.
[05:57:49] <SoyCow5919> Weren't those the good old days? We could discuss politics with family and not kill each other.
[05:57:52] * Subsentient just chugged half a mug of warm jim beam
[05:57:56] <Runaway1956> Understanding doesn't make any of it right. Lack of understanding tends to make things left though.
[05:58:29] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Indeed they were. I'll never let go of that sentiment, even if the rest of the world does. Free discourse and debate is absolutely imperative to a free society
[05:59:04] <SoyCow5919> The problem, Runaway, is that leftists don't have to deal with the problems they vote for
[05:59:28] <Subsentient> Well sometimes they do, just not very often. But that's true of all politicians. Wealth is a great shield from your own bad decisions.
[05:59:51] <SoyCow5919> Hear Hear Subsentient
[06:00:22] <Subsentient> Oh thank god the whiskey is kicking in
[06:00:58] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Fun fact: Life is at the point that I take pretty much anything I can get my hands on to make me not fully conscious. I prefer weed, but I'm out of weed so jim beam it is
[06:01:06] <SoyCow5919> JIm Beam is the booze of choice of GG Allin
[06:01:24] <SoyCow5919> How do you run out of weed, even in Arizona?
[06:01:51] <SoyCow5919> I'm swimming in the shit...don't even use it that much
[06:02:21] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: The truth? My boss' company is not doing well. We make video servers for the live events industry -- everything that Miss Rona got canceled. So I had to take a substantial pay cut.
[06:02:30] <Subsentient> And I eat my money by ordering pizza otherwise so
[06:02:51] <SoyCow5919> Ah, that sucks.
[06:03:06] <SoyCow5919> Pizza is fine too
[06:03:43] <Subsentient> I do love my pizza -- papa johns is my brand of choice
[06:04:04] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Want me to do something surprisingly nice for you? Just say please.
[06:04:23] <Subsentient> Fuck it. The promo code that gets you half off all menu items on papa johns is 50JR.
[06:04:23] <SoyCow5919> No, but thanks
[06:04:38] <Subsentient> That promo code has worked for years
[06:04:42] <Subsentient> and I suspect it will continue to work
[06:05:00] <SoyCow5919> Nice, I do like them
[06:05:30] <SoyCow5919> Went on a keto diet, hard as fuck to eat good food now
[06:05:40] <Subsentient> Yeah, that's rough.
[06:05:55] <Subsentient> I'm a fat sack of shit but I don't really care. I despise life so why would I want to live past 50?
[06:06:28] <Subsentient> Another fun fact -- All I've wanted since I was 16 was to be dead.
[06:06:36] <Subsentient> I'm 26 now
[06:06:48] <Subsentient> Fuck life
[06:07:02] <SoyCow5919> Well, hedonism is awesome, but there's no guarantee that being a fat fuck will end your life. Some people are fat fucks and live a long ass time smoking cigs and drinking
[06:07:30] <Subsentient> Well as long as I get to keep smoking weed and filterless cigarettes to the tune of black metal I guess.
[06:07:49] <SoyCow5919> I've damaged my body to a degree I won't discuss here. And I recovered within a month
[06:08:28] <SoyCow5919> Turns out you can fuck your liver, kidneys, and GI tract pretty bad, but if you get sober you will be good within a month.
[06:08:43] <SoyCow5919> And within 2 months, you will be perfectly good.
[06:08:57] <Subsentient> Ahh, worried about privacy eh. I'm not even on an SSL line. I'm on a bouncer I wrote myself that doesn't support it. I don't really do anything illegal and I'm not dangerous to anyone but myself -- so I don't really care.
[06:09:42] <SoyCow5919> You all might be commie assholes, but I am capable of being nice once in awhile.
[06:10:15] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Well, you aren't so bad once one gets to know you. ^^
[06:10:20] <Subsentient> Reputation isn't everything
[06:11:07] <SoyCow5919> Life rocks, there are Mexican women who take donkey dicks up their assholes
[06:11:15] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Is that you EF?
[06:11:25] <SoyCow5919> Gorilla suit sex is also popular there
[06:11:29] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: If so, hello again, old friend. You were missed.
[06:11:45] <Subsentient> Us lunatics must stick together
[06:12:07] <SoyCow5919> "The Times" are hard, caused much division where there should not be,
[06:12:45] <SoyCow5919> I'm pretty angry at commie Jews but also pretty bummed.
[06:13:25] <SoyCow5919> I'm lucky that my close friends in real-life are libertartian patriots.
[06:14:05] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Yeah it's really saddening to see what's on the horizon, I don't think anyone can stop what's coming.
[06:14:07] <SoyCow5919> But there is too much opportunity for division everywhere else.
[06:14:17] <SoyCow5919> Yep.
[06:14:54] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Look up cliodynamics. It's an emerging field, an attempt to compute history based on the past, and it is very much not optimistic about this decade.
[06:15:35] <SoyCow5919> I was in a previous life bummed to the point I almost didn't survive.
[06:15:59] <SoyCow5919> But I did, and even this hellscape of an existence rocks.
[06:16:13] <SoyCow5919> Being easily amused helps.
[06:17:11] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: I have been told I am easily amused, but I never saw it in myself personally. Maybe when I was little. Nowadays trying to get me to feel joy is like trying to fuck a rabid rhinoceros.
[06:17:51] <SoyCow5919> Perhaps you can have a sharper image of fucking a rabid Rhino
[06:17:51] <chromas> lol, "I despise life so why try to make it better?"
[06:18:15] <SoyCow5919> The pustulating herpes about it's smelly cantankerous asshole
[06:18:28] <Subsentient> chromas: Oh I try, especially for the people around me, but I don't have much faith it will do any good in the long run.
[06:18:32] <SoyCow5919> Oh shit I forgot I PMed Chromas and called him a faggot
[06:18:48] <SoyCow5919> Now he's here for the revenge, during my most vulnerable moment
[06:19:13] <chromas> well as long as you're being subtle about the jew jabs I won't give you das boot
[06:19:29] <SoyCow5919> das_boot++
[06:19:29] <Bender> karma - das_boot: 1
[06:19:36] <Subsentient> Lol
[06:20:03] <chromas> like, instead of going "jew jew jew", just ask questions like "Why doesn't 'if everyone around you is an asshole, maybe you're the asshole' apply to being kicked out o 109 countries?"
[06:20:21] * chromas kicks self
[06:20:21] <SoyCow5919> Nah, I just want to piss you off.
[06:20:40] <chromas> gay
[06:20:41] <SoyCow5919> Being easily amused, and all.
[06:21:52] <Subsentient> Look guys, I'm currently drunk so I'll say it -- I'm sorry for constantly being a downer here. I know I'm about as much fun as finding a rotten banana behind the fridge. It helps to vent though, and I appreciate those few of you who still give a damn.
[06:21:59] <chromas> most people are; that's why we have TLC and all those other edubational TV channels
[06:22:28] <SoyCow5919> No worries, bro, even a prick like me can be nice once in awhile.
[06:22:48] <SoyCow5919> I miss the old days of 2013 when we all got along.
[06:23:10] <Subsentient> I'm in a lot of pain and I don't think it's doing my mental health any favors so I'm getting even more eccentric than I already was -- I'm sorry
[06:23:33] <chromas> I can see why Subsentient has a negative view on life ever since he switched to C++. Probably using signed pointers
[06:23:42] <SoyCow5919> You'll be allright. Don't stew in your misery and stay easily-amused.
[06:24:07] <Subsentient> chromas: Ewww, signed pointers? Are those even a thing? I'm pretty sure everything treats those as unsigned.
[06:24:16] <Subsentient> Most CPUs anyways
[06:24:24] <chromas> not you though; that's why you're being negative :D
[06:24:33] <SoyCow5919> Yeah subsentient is a code weirdo. Every fucking thing void pointer, memory allocated to ridiculously specific values
[06:24:59] <chromas> I think the void pointers was an Enlightenment thing
[06:25:01] <Subsentient> If you're curious on the kind of C++ I write, https://github.com
[06:25:02] <systemd> ^ 03GitHub - Subsentient/volition: In-progress multi-PC remote management and administration software
[06:25:25] <chromas> =g samsung enlightenment void pointers
[06:25:26] <systemd> https://what.thedailywtf.com - Enlightened - What the Daily WTF?
[06:25:38] * Subsentient still likes void pointers
[06:25:55] <chromas> But would you use them for absolutely everything?
[06:26:13] <chromas> yep that's the right page
[06:26:16] <Subsentient> chromas: No of course not lol, but I probably do use them more than most, especially when pointing to raw bytes.
[06:26:51] <chromas> read that page and realize the roasted pony jar wasn't as sick as you thought
[06:27:21] <SoyCow5919> Subsentient is a good coder but nothing beats LaDarius
[06:27:29] <SoyCow5919> BOOM!
[06:27:43] <chromas> maybe take a break from the hebrew jeebies and work on LaDarius some more
[06:27:43] <Subsentient> Lol
[06:28:08] <Subsentient> $burrito SoyCow5919
[06:28:08] * aqu4bot chucks a nasty, rotten burrito at SoyCow5919
[06:28:14] * Subsentient remembers the better days
[06:28:48] <Subsentient> chromas: Is EF banned from SN? I hope not.
[06:29:02] <SoyCow5919> I'm not in the state to do hardcore work. I'm working on a Bluetooth application to flip the screen orientation when a rotation is detected.
[06:29:12] <chromas> dunno
[06:29:29] <SoyCow5919> Subsentient: Eth deserves to stay banned.
[06:29:41] <SoyCow5919> Until we can all get along again.
[06:30:24] <Subsentient> That's sad. I know it's just cuz I have a demented sense of humor, but I always enjoyed EF's visits
[06:30:32] <Subsentient> I really miss the stories on his journal
[06:30:46] <Subsentient> Lost to time -- nothing but ash remains :^(
[06:31:02] <SoyCow5919> Eth is nuts. That fucker had to grow the fuck up
[06:32:20] <SoyCow5919> He became paranoid that people in real-life would attribute his writings to him
[06:33:13] <SoyCow5919> I bet he wonders whether or not you have figured who he is in real-life.
[06:33:37] <Subsentient> I haven't -- mostly just fond memories and wishing he'd show up again
[06:33:45] <chromas> put his dick pic into the SA database interface
[06:33:52] <chromas> NSA
[06:34:28] <SoyCow5919> Hahahah, yeah, there's enough evidence.
[06:34:53] <SoyCow5919> Zero fucks given, though.
[06:35:42] <AzumaHazuki> pretty sure he's constantly showing up -_-
[06:35:56] <SoyCow5919> Subsentient - SoylentNews is not very tolerant of trash talk.
[06:36:16] <SoyCow5919> Not now, but someday, it might be, and Eth will return.
[06:36:55] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Yeah maybe EF needs to do less rants, more just showing up to talk. I miss those days.
[06:37:31] <Subsentient> AzumaHazuki: Greetings, welcome to the dumpster fire
[06:38:30] <SoyCow5919> I wouldn't call it a dumpster fire. We all admitted we are human scum
[06:38:43] <Subsentient> Yeah -- most humans are
[06:39:06] <AzumaHazuki> and for all that we still have to get up and go to work in the morning
[06:39:06] <SoyCow5919> Even if you are all sick fucks and lying, I have no regrets for laying my soul bare to you in a rare moment.
[06:39:26] <Subsentient> It's just important that you make the effort not to be scum. Nobody really succeeds, but it does help.
[06:39:35] <SoyCow5919> WORK?! HAHAHAHAHA
[06:39:46] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Indeed, I'm glad you showed up to talk.
[06:39:50] <SoyCow5919> N***AS working
[06:40:44] <SoyCow5919> Sorry, was trying to be funny.
[06:41:44] <SoyCow5919> I went to work. It was funny because the management fucked the engineers, so they both hated each other. I went in with a good attitude. Too good for a bunch of pissed-off engineers.
[06:42:26] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Yeah that tends to happen. The workspace right now is a real meat grinder. Everyone knows they're replaceable cogs to the corporatocracy, and that breeds bitterness.
[06:42:40] <Subsentient> That's why I seek out small companies to work for
[06:42:49] <Subsentient> It mmight not be great, but it's usually better.
[06:43:09] <Subsentient> The size of a company is directly proportional to its shittiness.
[06:43:45] <SoyCow5919> Subsentient, you are correct. I have a good-looking resume and a bad work history, and the only work for people like me is shit that's being outsourced to the South
[06:44:15] <chromas> You can always sign on as a diversity hire
[06:44:16] <SoyCow5919> There is big demand for people who can write procedures, document shit etc...
[06:44:41] <SoyCow5919> Except that the work is going to different states or even outshore,
[06:45:21] <SoyCow5919> chromas, you didn't get the memo? Everybody figured out that Whites are lying on their diversity applications!
[06:45:31] <chromas> Start a business in Mexico or wherever's popular to get the contracts, but then outsource those to small towns in 'merica ;)
[06:46:12] <Subsentient> Oh don't worry -- I get the feeling we'll be exactly the kind of country the world outsources its cheap labor to within a decade or so
[06:46:13] <SoyCow5919> Chromas, that's a good business plan, but I don't have the ability to do it. If I do, those Mexicans are gonna eat me alive!
[06:46:42] <chromas> I thought you were one of them
[06:46:43] <SoyCow5919> Things will get better, Subsentient.
[06:47:01] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: I very seriously doubt it, but I appreciate the sentiment.
[06:47:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Perceptual Links Between Sound and Shape May Unlock Origins of Spoken Words - https://sylnt.us - you-don't-say!
[06:47:14] <SoyCow5919> It will take awhile but they will, even if temporarily
[06:49:01] <Subsentient> SoyCow5919: Tekk AzumaHazuki chromas Well I need to sleep, but it's been nice talking tonight. I'll be back to stink up the channel in -- whenever. ^^
[06:49:37] <SoyCow5919> Good night.
[06:49:38] <chromas> The stench will never go away so long as I'm here :)
[06:49:47] <Subsentient> chromas: I'll hold you to that. Stay weird. :^)
[06:49:48] <Subsentient> Night
[06:50:10] <SoyCow5919> I will continue to shit up the channel for tennish more minutes.
[06:50:47] <SoyCow5919> I fully recognize that I have pissed off so many motherfuckers that they may not accept my "being nice"
[06:51:42] <SoyCow5919> I am glad that you all have shown me mercy, though.
[06:54:08] <chromas> Every once in awhile, SN admin mailbox gets an email asking for a update to a article to put a sponsored link in
[06:54:23] <chromas> Now I just got my first email, to put a link into my rss feed page :D
[06:54:38] <chromas> I'm big time now
[06:54:42] <chromas> =yt big time
[06:54:43] <systemd> https://youtube.com - Peter Gabriel - Big Time (04:32; 11,343,611 views; 👍68,435 👎2,620)
[06:54:57] <SoyCow5919> Chromas, is that @ in front of your name so you can kick me?
[06:55:03] <SoyCow5919> Like, readily?
[06:55:25] <chromas> actually it was to mute the channel earlier, which I did
[06:55:57] <SoyCow5919> Hahaha, God what a fucking prick I am.
[06:56:03] <chromas> yeah
[06:56:21] <SoyCow5919> There's no point in being so fucking rude
[06:57:14] <chromas> it's not like you're our only prick; just the loudest right onw
[06:57:16] <chromas> now
[06:58:42] <SoyCow5919> Eh. It's time to be nice.
[06:58:51] <SoyCow5919> Bury the hatchet.
[06:58:55] <progo> Subsentient: cliodynamics -- is that from miss clio on the tv?
[06:59:22] <SoyCow5919> Miss Clio rocked
[06:59:34] <SoyCow5919> Ey mon
[07:00:51] <SoyCow5919> Allright, I'm going bye bye now.
[07:01:16] <SoyCow5919> I think...that I might not be a complete asshole to you all in the future.
[07:01:28] <SoyCow5919> As I've been in the past.
[07:01:42] <chromas> A surprise to be sure, but a welcome oe
[07:02:03] <chromas> I figured if anyone had a borked N key it'd be you, but no
[07:02:05] <SoyCow5919> Have a good night, you fucking prick asshole fucker-niggers!
[07:02:34] <SoyCow5919> .kick SoyCow5919
[07:02:37] <chromas> =g'noight SoyCow5919
[07:02:37] * systemd irreducibly farts a briefcase of grainy keyboard crumbs at SoyCow5919
[07:02:40] <SoyCow5919> WHAT?
[07:03:01] <chromas> can't kick yourself; you'll just have to beat yourself off
[07:07:07] -!- SoyCow5919 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[08:06:31] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[08:17:55] -!- Tekk has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[08:21:19] -!- inky [inky!~inky@45.153.ysk.hvm] has joined #soylent
[08:56:40] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[09:27:05] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Black Holes Slamming Into the Moon Could End the Dark-Matter Debate - https://sylnt.us
[11:10:47] <FatPhil> .kick FatPhil you absolutely can kick yourself
[11:10:47] -!- FatPhil was kicked from #soylent by Imogen!Imogen@imogen.dusty.attic [(FatPhil) you absolutely can kick yourself]
[11:10:58] -!- FatPhil [FatPhil!~phil@Soylent/Staff/Editor/FatPhil] has joined #soylent
[11:10:58] -!- mode/#soylent [+v FatPhil] by Imogen
[11:49:38] <chromas> FatPhil: you can; he can't
[11:49:52] <FatPhil> can he kick anyone?
[11:50:03] <chromas> no, including himself
[11:50:39] <chromas> .beatoff chromas
[11:50:43] <chromas> :'(
[12:18:30] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - UAE's Largest Data Centre Provider is Born - https://sylnt.us
[14:25:59] -!- Tekk [Tekk!~tekk@2a0d:5600:sh:vsl::rjrt] has joined #soylent
[14:51:41] <FatPhil> unsure if brave or stupid... used gparted to re-jig the ubuntu live USB to include a swap partition, so that I can hibernate onto the key...
[14:55:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Paralysed Mice Walk Again After a Single Injection - https://sylnt.us - taking-a-stab-at-a-cure?
[14:59:42] <FatPhil> Damn, hibernate didn't resume, just booted normally.
[15:10:05] <Tekk> Did you remember to set the hibernate partition in the bootloader config FatPhil ?
[15:35:55] <Bytram> Hi guys! Got a question WRT my Ubuntu Release 20.04.3 LTS (Focal Fossa) 64-bit system. Had a *hard* OOM yesterday. It automatically closed my Firefox sessions, and, apparently either not cleanly or took something else with it. When I close the lid to my laptop, it now fails to suspend my session. :( Also, swap is too small to hibernate. (1) any suggestions on how I can "save" the contents of about ~15 term sessions (current location
[15:35:56] <Bytram> ala pwd), command history, and (ideally) current window size, resolution, and location. (2) get it to suspend again w/o rebooting?
[15:38:27] <boru> Probably with tmux or screen. History you can do `history > somewhere.log`. WM stuff, not sure unless it's a tiling WM or something.
[15:39:25] <boru> Since this linux, I think tty stealing is allowed, so reptyr might help you get everything into screen or tmux.
[15:40:09] <boru> What's `df -h` tell you?
[15:40:51] <Bytram> boru: tx! IIUC, it's the default WM that Mate provides: caja
[15:42:53] <boru> Those fat WMs have session saving, no?
[15:42:59] <boru> For window positions etc
[15:43:34] <Bytram> 29 lines of stuff. `df -h .` gives me:
[15:43:36] <Bytram> Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
[15:43:48] <Bytram> /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root 915G 583G 286G 68% /
[15:46:02] <Bytram> I'm a relative newbie wrt Mate, does seem heavy and seems to try hard to insulate me from details.
[15:46:31] <Bytram> HandHolding--
[15:46:31] <Bender> karma - handholding: -1
[15:48:49] <Bytram> Ahhh! `history` seems to treat each "session" separately!?
[16:02:41] <Tekk> It doesn't.
[16:02:50] <Tekk> Every command you run goes into ~/.history, history just cats that file.
[16:02:59] <Tekk> (it may be ~/.bash_history or w/e, depending on your shell and configuration0
[16:09:23] <janrinok> Bytram, when you get a minute I can help you with your system problems
[16:11:47] <Bytram> k, will be a bit. something just came up. :/
[17:04:50] <boru> Yes, it's shell dependent. Some shells only flush to history when the process exits.
[17:05:42] <boru> Furthermore, some builtin history commands will print both. Ergo, in effect, they are separate.
[17:06:31] <boru> I've never used bash, so I can't comment on its behaviour, specifically.
[17:25:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - High-Speed Electric Vehicle Racing is Advancing Tech - https://sylnt.us - when-burnouts-end-in-lithium-fires
[18:15:57] <progo> my social media says the Rittenhouse trial jury has announced 'not guilty' on all charges
[18:21:38] <janrinok> confirmed by BBC
[18:23:50] <progo> with IRC and mastodon and pleroma, other people can watch live TV news for you so you don't have to
[18:24:58] <Runaway1956> NOT GUILTY
[18:25:30] <Runaway1956> https://www.youtube.com
[18:25:32] <systemd> ^ 03Kyle Rittenhouse trial: Not-guilty on all charges
[18:26:12] <Runaway1956> And, as I understand it, there are 500 National Guard already stationed in Kenosha
[19:18:31] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[19:35:00] <Runaway1956> I think some loud mouthed redneck just got cold-cocked in front of the courthouse.
[19:35:40] <Runaway1956> He brought a microphone and loudspeakers to harangue the crowd, at least one black lady took offense at his comments
[19:35:49] <Runaway1956> Near as I can tell, she laid him out.
[19:36:42] <Runaway1956> Not enough visibility to be sure of what happened though, I'm just guessing.
[19:38:54] <Runaway1956> Ambulance took someone away, I don't see the fat redneck anymore, someone else is collecting his electronic gear. Maybe the black woman served a little justice?
[19:50:54] -!- inky [inky!~inky@sliggdwopagcywn.media.mit.edu] has joined #soylent
[20:15:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Microsoft Cancels x64 Emulation on Windows 10 on Arm to Boost Windows 11 - https://sylnt.us - the-last-windii
[20:17:27] <Runaway1956> OK, the person loaded into an ambulance was female, and she apparently collapsed due to health problems. Or, that's the story from one of the reporters.
[20:55:07] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[21:10:22] -!- inky [inky!~inky@185.82.qpg.zyh] has joined #soylent
[23:05:13] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - NASA Tracked Wild 'Earthgrazer' Meteor Fireball for 186 Miles Through the Air - https://sylnt.us - expect-alien-probing-in-TN
[23:06:58] -!- SoyCow3254 [SoyCow3254!~b9d84a6a@185.216.pg.lgy] has joined #soylent
[23:07:25] <SoyCow3254> Humans are tribalists. But we can still be tribalist and get along with each other.
[23:07:43] <SoyCow3254> We can negotiate treaties, recognize differences.
[23:07:49] <SoyCow3254> Even laugh at those differences.
[23:08:15] <SoyCow3254> Previous generations of professional comedy recognized that.
[23:08:35] <SoyCow3254> The whole fucking point of comedy was pointing out differences, and laughing at them.
[23:08:58] <SoyCow3254> And in doing so, comedy joined societies.
[23:09:28] -!- SoyCow9518 [SoyCow9518!~d8c4e185@925-300-434-342.ubr6.dyn.lebanon-oh.fuse.net] has joined #soylent
[23:10:02] <SoyCow3254> We must return to those days.
[23:10:13] <SoyCow3254> When we can laugh at differences, and not kill each other.
[23:11:06] <SoyCow3254> The same forces that cause America to cause damage to other societies are now causing us to damage each other.
[23:11:52] <SoyCow3254> I don't agree with the lot of you fucks about a lot of things, but I do agree that the damage being done to us getting along is bad.
[23:14:34] <SoyCow3254> Mission Control, do you hear me? I must now blast off into space!
[23:14:44] -!- SoyCow3254 has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[23:21:47] <Deucalion> The depth of philosophy amazes me.
[23:23:52] <Bytram> Deucalion: want a shovel? :D
[23:32:35] <Deucalion> I don't think that will be necessary. Thanks though. :)
[23:39:35] <Bytram> lol
[23:40:36] <Bytram> this should not be this difficult
[23:40:58] -!- SoyCow9518 has quit []
[23:41:15] <Bytram> I want a place to write log files on Ubuntu
[23:41:35] <Bytram> so... /var/log right?
[23:41:42] <Deucalion> ya
[23:42:40] <Bytram> I want them in a sub dir so... /var/log/term-save/
[23:43:10] <Bytram> having a struggle with setting perms
[23:43:12] <Deucalion> For a system daemon. Or ~/var/log/mycreation/somelog.log
[23:43:25] <Deucalion> For a process run as yourself
[23:43:41] <Bytram> the latter
[23:44:52] <Bytram> I think. this is just for me, but it's a learning experience and I want to start off with "best practices"
[23:45:02] <Deucalion> Well if you are running an unprivileged process it's not going to be able to write logs to /var/log and usurping the perms on that would be inadvisable
[23:45:32] <Bytram> that matches what I am seeing
[23:45:46] <Bytram> so where do I put my logs?
[23:46:14] <Bytram> oh!
[23:46:23] <Deucalion> If you are running the process under your user ID.... in your home dir
[23:46:27] <Bytram> NOW I see the "~"
[23:46:56] <Deucalion> Y'know... where it may have write access too :D
[23:47:28] <Bytram> head-desk.gif
[23:47:35] <Bytram> :)
[23:48:36] <Deucalion> HAHAHAHA :D It's only obvious when the light goes on... until then... utter blackness. Glad I could help.
[23:49:19] <Deucalion> << Been there. Have dents in head. Felt stupid. Now feel OK about it. We learn.
[23:49:31] <Bytram> can I make a tree of dirs all at once? ...
[23:50:19] <Bytram> mkdir ~/var/logs/term-saves/
[23:50:52] <Bytram> or do I have to create each dir one-at-a-time
[23:51:43] <Deucalion> Generally there would be no need, the program doing the logging would make the dirs as required as it goes..... or are you trying to create something restrospective here?
[23:52:23] <Bytram> starting from nothing
[23:52:32] <Bytram> so...
[23:52:56] <Deucalion> man logrotate
[23:53:05] <Deucalion> Just had to say that
[23:53:54] <Bytram> k
[23:56:55] <Bytram> big picture view: I want to create a "standard" place where, for each active term session I have, I can go to that term and issue a command that saves in a separate file for *that* term (1) output of `pwd` and (2) output of `history` ...
[23:59:45] <Deucalion> Define active term session... are you including screen and tmux sessions within sessions? Are you looking to log ~/.bash_history ? Presuming you use bash of course.
[23:59:51] <Bytram> atm I have ~12 terms, so I would end up with 12 files, one for each term session, named `date -u '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.%N`