#soylent | Logs for 2022-01-06

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[00:50:38] <Runaway1956> Well, Fedora is fokked . . .
[00:51:01] <Runaway1956> Did updates, things were good enough
[00:51:23] <Runaway1956> attempted to install the video driver, it won't boot to a GUI
[00:51:57] <Runaway1956> after searching for awhile on the internet, I still haven't figured out how to get into a maintenance screen,
[00:52:24] <Runaway1956> only suggestion I found was to boot to the installation media then chroot in
[00:52:34] <Runaway1956> I said "screw it"
[00:52:38] <Runaway1956> Will try with another distro soon . . .
[00:55:51] <Runaway1956> Also - GuhNome sucks on Fedora - why they choose such a sucky Mac-like DE?
[01:08:04] * Runaway1956 steals another of FatPhil's beers while he's not watching
[01:56:54] -!- cybiko123 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[02:43:29] -!- boru` [boru`!~boru@nowhere] has joined #soylent
[02:43:32] -!- boru has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by boru`))]
[02:43:35] boru` is now known as boru
[02:46:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Uber Lets You Send Anyone an Email Claiming to be From uber.com - https://sylnt.us - people-just-don't-learn
[04:27:20] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@mvx-66-270-248-277.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #soylent
[04:27:20] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Changing host]
[04:27:20] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[05:26:57] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Solar Roof Can be Nailed Just Like Old-School Shingles - https://sylnt.us - hit-it-on-the-head
[05:39:46] <Runaway1956> https://cdn0.thetruthaboutguns.com
[06:09:59] <inz> FatPhil, in my tests your change improved run times by some 23%; I got further 15% improvement by just doing: if ((c = sq_ge_a2b2 - a2b2) <= b)
[06:11:44] -!- cybiko123 [cybiko123!~cybiko123@m-83-682-132-107.hsd0.va.comcast.net] has joined #soylent
[06:11:48] <inz> FatPhil, if you have time, you could commit your change and git format-patch it under /tmp, then I can am it into my tree :)
[06:13:19] <chromas> What software is this? Where're all the icons and jarvis crypts and 60pt fonts?
[06:28:18] -!- Eratosthenes [Eratosthenes!~b136956a@177.54.tgt.hsi] has joined #soylent
[06:31:37] <Eratosthenes> Truth about Runaway https://www.sciotocountydailynews.com
[06:31:38] <systemd> ^ 03The Truth About Runaway Kids
[06:45:12] <Runaway1956> Ari, you need to see the reply to your latest nonsensical post
[06:45:27] <Runaway1956> And, don't bother asking me "who is ari"
[06:45:39] <Runaway1956> enjoy your redundant mod
[06:52:45] <Runaway1956> Your story on runaways isn't much of a story. Some runaways are living in intolerable conditions at home, and *almost* anything that happens to them on the streets are better than living at home.
[06:53:30] <Runaway1956> Now and then a story surfaces, where the kids SHOULD HAVE run away.
[06:57:57] <Eratosthenes> I am not Ari, to whom are your speaking, you loathsome sack of excrement?
[07:00:12] -!- Runaway1975 [Runaway1975!~4713fb94@71.19.qyk.knr] has joined #soylent
[07:00:26] <Runaway1956> If your schtick was ever funny ari, that ended long ago.
[07:00:48] <Eratosthenes> Who is Ari?
[07:01:02] <Runaway1975> Yes, who is Ari?
[07:01:23] <Runaway1956> Ari is the moron who stares back at both of you when you look in the mirror.
[07:01:30] <Runaway1975> Are you surrounded by ghosts of those you have wronged, Runaway?
[07:01:57] <Runaway1956> Maybe in your dreams, you are haunted by people you have wronged.
[07:02:05] <Runaway1956> My ghosts all love me.
[07:02:23] <Eratosthenes> Succubae, then? Not surprising
[07:02:36] <Runaway1956> No, but you succ.
[07:03:33] <Eratosthenes> So when did you first create sockpuppets, Runaway1956? Inquiring minds (and admins) want to know!
[07:04:16] <Runaway1956> Go read the enquirer to satisfy your inquiring minds - however many minds you have, ari.
[07:05:17] <Eratosthenes> Again, not Ari. Check the IP hash, and all that other stuff they use to sniff out sockpuppets of the Runsaway.
[07:05:50] <Runaway1956> You should write a book on sock puppetry.
[07:06:09] <Eratosthenes> For you I get : Runaway1956 [I492@lyhj.vsegda.budet.freeznc.ru] Ruskies, still? Poor Runaway!
[07:06:23] * Runaway1956 yawns
[07:06:23] * MrPlow flips a Skittle into Runaway1956's gaping mouth
[07:07:26] <Runaway1956> I can change that at any time - I can come here through Switzerland, Zimbabwe, China, Brazil - - - but you know that as well as I do.
[07:08:15] <Eratosthenes> I understand. Anyone would be embarrassed by an IP that resolved to Arkansas, if that was even possible.
[07:09:38] <Runaway1975> Hmm, IP Arkansaws. Going to have to think on that a while, before I mosey on down to Walmart.
[07:10:39] <AzumaHazuki> who do you think you're fooling?
[07:11:09] <AzumaHazuki> this is getting fucking insulting
[07:11:46] <Runaway1956> That's what I keep telling him Zum-Zum!
[07:12:34] <Runaway1975> You mean Runaway is not who he says he is?
[07:13:15] -!- partylikeits1999 [partylikeits1999!~427391e9@66.115.rwm.htv] has joined #soylent
[07:13:38] <partylikeits1999> You tell him Zum-Zum!
[07:14:34] partylikeits1999 is now known as arisucksgoatdong
[07:14:42] <AzumaHazuki> how long are you going to keep this crap up?
[07:14:52] <Eratosthenes> Cute. I am not aristarchus.
[07:15:33] arisucksgoatdong is now known as arisplitpersonality
[07:16:15] arisplitpersonality is now known as arihashotsforzumi
[07:16:26] <arihashotsforzumi> hot hot hot
[07:17:57] <arihashotsforzumi> your real name is probably Bob
[07:18:07] <AzumaHazuki> Marissa, actually
[07:18:11] <arihashotsforzumi> you can spell it the same forward and backward
[07:18:13] <AzumaHazuki> take your meds and go to sleep
[07:18:28] <arihashotsforzumi> not you dummy, I'm talking to the idiot
[07:18:51] <Runaway1975> The last part of our message from on high was that coordinated modding would not be tolerated. So, we have two solentils, that can still mod, that decide that a particular post by our resident structural racist, Runaway, should be modded as "Troll". Possible, quite likey. Collusion? Or an attempt to censor reasonable moderation?
[07:19:20] <arihashotsforzumi> everyone on the internet knows that your real name is marissa van icky
[07:19:58] <arihashotsforzumi> You're saying that you still have two sockpuppets that haven't been banned?
[07:20:07] <Runaway1975> Millennials are really bad that way. Everyone knows that Runaway is Paul Cooper.
[07:20:09] <arihashotsforzumi> I'll be sure to bring that to admin's attention
[07:20:41] <arihashotsforzumi> and there you go, shitting on the floor again ari
[07:20:59] arihashotsforzumi is now known as aridumberthanarock
[07:21:11] <Eratosthenes> For Pete's sake, who is Ari? He's not here.
[07:21:32] <AzumaHazuki> this is a display of self-referential faggotry that rivals the WWF
[07:21:39] <aridumberthanarock> ari is code for "split personality idiot"
[07:22:08] <aridumberthanarock> Did 'Zumi say "faggotry"? LMAO
[07:22:15] <Runaway1975> We haven't even gotten to the lube or wrist razors, yet!
[07:22:26] <chromas> The original WWF or the wildlife one?
[07:22:29] <AzumaHazuki> yes she did
[07:22:44] * aridumberthanarock adds faggotry to my lexicon
[07:22:59] <chromas> How was it not already in your lexicon? Are you three?
[07:23:08] <Eratosthenes> Was gonna say, what does the World Wildlife Fund have to do with any of this?
[07:23:10] * chromas debates kicking everyone from the channel
[07:23:14] <aridumberthanarock> No, but ari is legion
[07:23:38] <Eratosthenes> Please, seems most are Runaway socks.
[07:23:57] <chromas> ok
[07:24:07] -!- mode/#soylent [+o chromas] by Imogen
[07:24:21] -!- Eratosthenes was kicked from #Soylent by chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas [aridumberthanarock]
[07:24:24] -!- aridumberthanarock was kicked from #Soylent by chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas [aridumberthanarock]
[07:24:34] -!- Runaway1975 was kicked from #Soylent by chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staph/Infector/chromas [Runaway1975]
[07:25:06] * chromas waits for the whinging
[07:25:55] -!- aristartled [aristartled!~427391e9@66.115.rwm.htv] has joined #soylent
[07:26:34] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~d04e299f@208.78.su.kon] has joined #soylent
[07:26:42] <chromas> At least he's polite enough to wait 'til there's nothing going on. Thanks for not polluting conversations with your faggotry
[07:27:09] <aristartled> How can I join when I'm already here?
[07:27:15] <aristarchus> I am here now, if anyone has any serious questions.
[07:27:38] <aristartled> You're not even wearing your ceral suit.
[07:27:55] <aristartled> s/ceral/cereal/
[07:27:55] <SedBot> <aristartled> You're not even wearing your cereal suit.
[07:27:58] <aristarchus> serious questions.
[07:28:20] <aristartled> Good - how many personalities live in your tiny little skull?
[07:31:03] -!- Eratosthenes [Eratosthenes!~b136956a@177.54.tgt.hsi] has joined #soylent
[07:31:39] <AzumaHazuki> does this even count as "personalities?"
[07:31:48] <Eratosthenes> Caps matter for channels? What is this, Unix?
[07:32:14] <aristartled> Should I connect with 30 additional clients to demonstrate that you don't impress anyone with multiple personalities in the same channel?
[07:32:38] <Eratosthenes> Who are you, and why would you do that?
[07:33:03] aristartled is now known as intentionallyobtuse
[07:34:11] <chromas> 🎵 Ahhhhhhh...sperg-out! 🎵
[07:34:28] <intentionallyobtuse> better yet, I could connect with 30 clients from each of my machines!
[07:34:29] <aristarchus> Some have been bothered by the ability to change to arbitary nicks in IRC. Evidently Runaway is not one, unless someone uses a nick that has "runaway" in it.
[07:36:43] <aristarchus> And nice chromas is here, since he got janrinok to say it was all his fault, when actually, it has always been chromas's fault.
[07:36:55] <intentionallyobtuse> BTW, witnesses don't have rights
[07:37:17] <intentionallyobtuse> defendants get all the rights
[07:37:19] <chromas> I'll take the blame
[07:37:34] <chromas> I'll also suggest Azuma share her stash with you. I think you need it more than she ever will
[07:38:35] <Eratosthenes> Never saw the movie, eh? Any good lawyer know that when testimony tends to self-incrimination, they have alert the witness to the same. Runaway, you have rights.
[07:39:48] <intentionallyobtuse> https://www.youtube.com
[07:39:50] <systemd> ^ 03Bad Dog No Biscuits
[07:40:03] <FatPhil> Happy Incel-erection Day!
[07:40:30] <intentionallyobtuse> Glad to see you FatPhil
[07:40:41] <intentionallyobtuse> Runaway was passing free beers around earlier
[07:40:50] <intentionallyobtuse> then he admitted he stole them all from you
[07:40:58] <FatPhil> let me guess, that's a cute nickname
[07:41:16] <intentionallyobtuse> I'm an aristarchus sock puppet of course
[07:41:31] <aristarchus> Of course you are. They all are.
[07:41:56] <intentionallyobtuse> we all are for we are legion
[07:42:06] <FatPhil> a cute, acute, do I have to spell it out?
[07:42:47] <intentionallyobtuse> anyway, I apologize for drinking half a case of beer
[07:42:54] <intentionallyobtuse> STOLEN beer!
[07:43:08] <FatPhil> those were my spares anyway, they were free for anyone
[07:43:11] <intentionallyobtuse> I'll be done with it soon, and I can give it back
[07:43:17] <aristarchus> Could be that SN is just a simulation of a news aggregation site, and all the soylentils are just aristarchus clones, or, the other way around.
[07:43:50] <FatPhil> nope, we do have some useful contributors too.
[07:43:59] * intentionallyobtuse passes ari a free beer
[07:44:14] <intentionallyobtuse> don't mind that it's a little warm
[07:44:38] <aristarchus> Those are all aristarchus as well. Why do you think all the ones make with my name get rejected?
[07:45:08] <intentionallyobtuse> stop whining, and lay in the corner
[07:46:54] intentionallyobtuse is now known as cantrunwiththebigdog
[07:49:00] <cantrunwiththebigdog> as zumi states so eloquently, there's too much faggotry around here.
[07:51:33] <Eratosthenes> Say Runaway under a nom de faggot.
[07:53:55] -!- cantrunwiththebigdog has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[07:53:59] <aristarchus> Sockpuppet issue, more damage from actual sockpuppets, or from false accusations of sock-puppets? I tend to think the later, for obvious reasons
[07:56:52] <aristarchus> Oh, Runaway had do go do some actual work on the graveyard shift?
[07:57:25] <aristarchus> Can't be healthy, for a person of his age.
[08:08:23] <Runaway1956> You idiot, if I were worried about staying healthy, I wouldn't have lived so hard.
[08:08:40] <aristarchus> And, just curious, when are the accidental Spam mods going to be removed? Are the admin just dragging their feet to make a point, or are they going to let injustice rule SolentNews?y
[08:08:41] <Runaway1956> when I works, I works hard
[08:08:48] <Runaway1956> when I plays, I plays hard
[08:08:58] <Runaway1956> when I drinks, I drinks hard
[08:09:07] <aristarchus> What happened to your beards, Runaway?
[08:09:11] <Runaway1956> when I screws, I screws hard
[08:09:24] <Runaway1956> and when I sleeps, I sleeps hard
[08:10:09] <Eratosthenes> All about you, then, as usual? Tell us what else you do not understand!
[08:10:57] <Runaway1956> Oh yeah - what is it that is wrong with that uhhhh - "vacuum injector" did you say?
[08:12:50] * Runaway1956 needs to know if we even use the correct screw to inject our vaccum with
[08:13:37] <aristarchus> https://www.yellowpages.com
[08:13:39] <systemd> ^ 03Husqvarna Outdoor Products in Nashville , AR
[08:14:09] <Runaway1956> You just keep shitting in the house
[08:14:47] <aristarchus> You keep inviting doxxing from your very bad op secs, and loud mouth.
[08:15:25] <Runaway1956> Invited or not, it takes a bad, bad, bad dog to do it.
[08:15:33] <aristarchus> You share too much, Runaway, out of lonliness or desperation. Stop it.
[08:16:21] <Runaway1956> Oh? Projecting are you? You want to control Soylent, out of loneliness or desperation?
[08:16:59] <aristarchus> I am in upstate New York, according to your research, which you have done on your own?
[08:17:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - How to Grow Green Potassium Ferrioxalate Crystals From Iron Rust - https://sylnt.us - pretty!
[08:24:28] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]
[08:31:41] <chromas> I always suspected she was terminal
[08:33:02] <aristarchus> I always suspected chromas was, well, a chromas.
[08:33:45] <chromas> Speaking of ass cancer,
[08:34:07] <Eratosthenes> It goes deeper, chromas Colon.
[08:34:39] -!- kyonko2 [kyonko2!~kvirc@2001:5b0:50c6:vjs:oxru:mutv:ozzp:wstj] has joined #soylent
[08:34:42] <Eratosthenes> Is your ass cancer prehensile?
[09:03:26] <Eratosthenes> I guess not.
[09:07:05] <Eratosthenes> I look forward to the restoration of my account, once all this Reign of Terror stuff is done, and the Jacobites replace the Sanscolottes of the janrinok faction.
[09:07:15] <FatPhil> prehensile tail = real lithe penis (anagram)
[09:07:19] -!- Eratosthenes has quit []
[09:08:08] <aristarchus> Different organs, just to be scientifically correct.
[09:09:05] <aristarchus> And if you want to see the lithe penii, check out Right Whale mating. Amazing,
[09:13:35] -!- kyonko2 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:16:58] <aristarchus> Looks like Runaway has gotten tired, as someone of his age would by now. So good morning to all, and to all a good night. καλή μέρα.
[09:17:14] -!- aristarchus has quit []
[09:56:51] <FatPhil> kalamari to you too
[10:00:24] <FatPhil> =submit https://asia.nikkei.com
[10:00:28] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Sony to Set Up Mobility Company for EV Push" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[10:01:13] <FatPhil> =submit https://asia.nikkei.com
[10:01:16] <systemd> FatPhil, 04submit failed: Duuuuuuuupe!
[10:01:32] <FatPhil> alright, you delete the unnecessary cgi parameters then
[10:07:06] <FatPhil> I love it how the RWNJs are trying to cast shade on Biden for something he said about Holmes/Theranos in 2015, when they've apparently forgotten this: https://synbiobeta.com
[10:07:07] <systemd> ^ 03Trump Taps Elizabeth Holmes to Lead FDA - SynBioBeta
[10:13:12] -!- kyonko2 [kyonko2!~kvirc@2001:5b0:50c6:nhvs:mhop:pkrw:qjwn:srij] has joined #soylent
[10:13:28] <kyonko2> chromeos is really retarded when it comes to what amounts to isdn speeds these days
[10:13:54] <kyonko2> and the voip stream was still there!
[10:19:32] <kyonko2> i have yet to catch voip die on me in the wild
[10:19:58] <kyonko2> so you get your voip with your musk skynet, what more do you want eh?
[11:07:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Arctic Hunter-gatherers Were Advanced Ironworkers More Than 2,000 Years Ago - https://sylnt.us - "any-old-iron,-any-old-iron"
[11:27:12] <Runaway1956> Janrinok PM?
[13:02:19] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:05:26] <FatPhil> =submit https://www.pine64.org
[13:05:29] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Happy New Year, the Keyboard and Cases are Here!" (2p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[13:16:03] -!- inky [inky!~inky@yfg-aubvjys-oywc9.dotsrc.org] has joined #soylent
[13:17:03] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Arctic Hunter-Gatherers Were Advanced Ironworkers More Than 2,000 Years Ago - https://sylnt.us - "any-old-iron,-any-old-iron"
[13:43:43] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[13:45:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Flu? Coronavirus? Both? - https://sylnt.us - wear-a-mask-to-protect-from-both
[13:58:15] -!- inky [inky!~inky@193.189.hsh.wln] has joined #soylent
[14:10:58] <FatPhil> https://fartjarsnft.com
[14:10:58] <systemd> ^ 03Fart Jars NFTs - Imagine the smell!
[14:34:18] -!- cybiko123 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[16:12:31] -!- inky has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[16:25:29] -!- inky [inky!~inky@193.189.rxm.qku] has joined #soylent
[16:32:58] -!- inky has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:37:54] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple Becomes First Company to Reach $3 Trillion Market Value - https://sylnt.us
[16:58:25] -!- c0lo [c0lo!~7892de8c@zqs-646-162-243-166.static.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #soylent
[17:04:55] <c0lo> Happy New Year (and a merry coup first aniversary)
[17:05:34] -!- c0lo has quit []
[17:22:06] -!- inky [inky!~inky@185.243.uii.kt] has joined #soylent
[17:38:40] <chromas> muh coup
[17:43:51] <chromas> https://babylonbee.com
[17:43:51] <systemd> ^ 03FBI To Host First Annual Jan 6 Reunion
[19:26:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Judges to Decide Whether Assange Can Appeal Against Extradition as He Reaches 1,000 Days in Jail - https://sylnt.us - what?-you-thought-it-was-over?
[20:50:02] <Runaway1956> https://xkcd.com
[20:50:03] <systemd> ^ 03Common Cold Viruses ( https://xkcd.com )
[22:07:08] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Meta Pulls the Plug on its AR/VR Operating System Ambitions - https://sylnt.us - real[(ly)|(ity)]?
[22:08:48] <FatPhil> 'GameStop Entering NFT And Cryptocurrency Markets; Stock Surges'
[22:09:12] <FatPhil> are gamestop selling fartjar nfts?
[22:15:36] <kyonko2> why is guh-nome 3 so fucking slow
[22:16:18] <kyonko2> I can't do shit about the gamestop folks, i live in an area that has no fucking useful internet for 1080 or 4K streaming... i think even 720 is the pits
[22:16:32] <kyonko2> 640x480 320x240
[22:16:38] <kyonko2> look.... loook at the simple math
[22:17:28] <kyonko2> depending on QOS, net neutrality, and isp peering, you can get can HD audio stream without buffering 75% of the time
[22:22:37] <Bytram> kyonko2: Try using: yt-dlp to download and then view locally. That is what I do.
[22:23:00] <Bytram> =g yt-dlp
[22:23:01] <systemd> https://github.com - yt-dlp/yt-dlp: A youtube-dl fork with additional features and ... - GitHub
[22:24:14] <chromas> lol
[22:24:39] <chromas> "The project fork is dead so I forked the fork but keep it up to date with the original from which the dead fork forked"
[22:31:20] <kyonko2> yes, I do try to view locally with youtube-dl
[22:31:32] <kyonko2> but youtube hates my isp
[22:31:37] <kyonko2> because my isp is republican
[22:32:07] <kyonko2> i got it installed on the debian crap on chromeos, no firefox allowed though
[22:32:57] <kyonko2> from my point of view, with geostationary satellite internet, you have to make with what you got, command line and HD audio streaming for corporate comms
[22:33:34] <kyonko2> no, i will not migrate for high speed internet, and i quit gaming when directx came out
[22:34:16] <kyonko2> "look dude, my voice is crystal clear over here, what more do you want, you can even hear i am wearing a mask!"
[22:34:59] <kyonko2> voip is still POTS or lower *cringe*
[22:35:07] <Bytram> I tether my cellphone to get online; I feel your pain!
[22:35:12] <kyonko2> do you?
[22:35:23] <kyonko2> i haven't done that since 2009, it was called gprs in 2g
[22:35:40] <kyonko2> *.tmodns.net
[22:35:49] <kyonko2> then I got pre-paid 3g for *.spcsdns.net
[22:36:32] <kyonko2> that was wimax, it was fast, but we are all bottlenecked to the microwave site that connects my mountain "city"
[22:37:13] <kyonko2> even the cable tv came through that site, everything does, centurylink (formerly qwest,uswest,mtn bell), mediacom and the cell telcos
[22:37:45] <kyonko2> you can afford an apartment in the big city, right?
[22:38:04] <kyonko2> or just try your luck in mexico!
[22:38:15] <kyonko2> they have fiber
[22:38:30] <kyonko2> over taxed, overloaded, but its not terrestrial microwave
[22:38:56] <kyonko2> i used dial up untill 2008, it was fun
[22:39:17] <kyonko2> peers would knock you off when your stream dropped from 5.6KByte
[22:39:43] <Bytram> yes, I do. Thankfully, I now no longer have 1x, but have been able to upgrade to 4G (IIRC) but bandwidth capped... still beats 1X which I used for a long time to do work on the site!
[22:39:59] <kyonko2> do you live in the woods?
[22:40:20] <kyonko2> I can't afford to find out how good the internet is in "Winterhaven, AZ"
[22:40:27] <kyonko2> but its very good in Flagstaff, AZ
[22:41:05] <kyonko2> well yes, you do work on the site, by command line and hearty scripting, but no fancy web interface is going to work
[22:41:23] <kyonko2> zerohedge is a terrible site
[22:41:43] <kyonko2> 100+ mb of data just to get on instagrams front page, the login
[22:41:58] <Bytram> there are woods nearby, but no. Too frugal to get cable TV and pay to watch so many ads! Don't normally watch TV any more.
[22:42:00] <kyonko2> twitter used to be light
[22:42:13] <kyonko2> yeah tv is junk now, I remember when it was good
[22:42:21] <FatPhil> zerohedge carries stories the msm won't carry, which can be useful. sometimes they're terrible garbage, but sometimes they're important stories that have been buried.
[22:42:24] <kyonko2> i grew up on basic cable on a border town
[22:42:42] <kyonko2> FatPhil: links2 works with zerohedge, with images!
[22:43:07] <Bytram> no twitter or instagram access on my phone... intentionally blocked.
[22:43:12] <kyonko2> i had zerohedge crash my chromebook and had to powercycle
[22:43:13] <FatPhil> oooh, I haven't checked that recently. I use their RSS feed, as their html page stopped working in palemoon last year.
[22:43:21] <kyonko2> ugh
[22:43:35] <kyonko2> just when I start getting comfortable with modern tech, it becomes obsolete
[22:43:52] <FatPhil> almost everything I have is obsolete
[22:44:05] <kyonko2> I don't know what modern android is, and I don't want to know but I own a phone for my "vax passport"
[22:44:22] <kyonko2> and obsolete tech is unusable by "normal people"
[22:44:39] <FatPhil> even the washing machine that plays stupid tunes was an end-of-line bargain when I ought it, and that's easily the most modern thing I have.
[22:45:01] <kyonko2> my dell ultrabooks play tunes when they are poweroff
[22:45:28] <kyonko2> and now I just learned about the AMD PSP lol wtf
[22:45:30] <kyonko2> why would anyone!
[22:45:37] <Bytram> On occasion, I'll load a link in my browser, temp allow a bypass for my ad-blocker, look at something, and then re-enable the blockers
[22:45:56] <kyonko2> oh I never lived that lifestyle, Bytram
[22:46:18] <kyonko2> I do like brave browser
[22:46:34] <kyonko2> but even then.... the javascript that is needed to just browse will kill your computer
[22:46:43] * Bytram despises tracking and ads of any kind!
[22:46:54] <kyonko2> well.... the government has my dna since 2007
[22:46:56] * kyonko2 knocks on wood
[22:47:02] <kyonko2> and no, it isn't "spit"
[22:47:21] <kyonko2> spit decomposes something fierce and nasty, terrible odor
[22:47:30] * Bytram goes back to working on the site
[22:48:01] <kyonko2> someone should make a HOWTO on how to get a site working... showing my age here
[22:48:13] <kyonko2> unless wordpress is good enough for you
[22:48:36] <kyonko2> i've been consuming wordpress sites for over 10 years and never seen a breach
[22:51:45] <Runaway1956> You don't see the breach before you consume the site
[22:51:59] <Runaway1956> the breach happens later, while you are digesting the site
[22:57:52] <kyonko2> yeah, and I store my CC #'s on sites too
[22:58:03] <kyonko2> I'm hardly a virgin pure perfect sample of humanity
[22:58:26] <kyonko2> but I heard a lot of people say wordpress is shit, and a lot of hard work for it not to be
[22:58:43] <kyonko2> so, I guess that just leaves you with facebook, twitter, instagram and youtube lol
[22:59:17] <kyonko2> how long have the pigs been tracking people with atm locations and credit/debit transactions?
[22:59:26] <Bytram> and SoylentNews!
[22:59:31] <kyonko2> oh but, your imaginary friend snitched on you!
[22:59:39] * Bytram goes back to work
[23:18:22] <chromas> Zerohedge is nice enough to put the full articles into the rss
[23:45:22] <kyonko2> oh yeah
[23:45:30] <kyonko2> thats some kind of code, chromas
[23:45:39] <kyonko2> but muh comments
[23:45:53] <kyonko2> i tried to sign up for zerohedge to comment, guess gmail isn't allowed
[23:46:15] <kyonko2> lots of comment sites and web forums reject gmail, but libera and rizon did not
[23:46:24] <kyonko2> freenode rip
[23:47:53] <kyonko2> zerohedge is one bizarre site, i know a lot of liberals visit and comment in the closet
[23:48:29] <kyonko2> but center-right atheists are the biggest commenters to counter balance the flat earth young earth american taliban
[23:48:52] <kyonko2> never forget 9-11-2021
[23:50:01] <kyonko2> uh oh, they don't fool around in the CIS, HUNDREDS DEAD
[23:50:13] <kyonko2> kazakhstan spies on your ssl/tls
[23:50:33] <FatPhil> not been able to read comments on ZH for about 3 years. Don't miss a thing.
[23:50:43] <kyonko2> if only mexico and brazil had the same balls, then the drug trade, the slave trade, and the DRUGGED UP SLAVE trade would end
[23:51:00] <kyonko2> FatPhil: the comments are the best part lol
[23:51:15] <FatPhil> Yeah, for about 2 weeks, and then you realise they're all on repeat.
[23:51:16] <kyonko2> lots of flat earther, young earth, "christtard" american taliban gun nuts
[23:52:11] <kyonko2> the taliban, they reproduce once before dying
[23:52:35] <kyonko2> something about reaching reproductive age, reproducing, and then dying while still in the orgasm
[23:52:54] <FatPhil> Did I tell you about the time I was in the pub last year where I was describing to my little group a new FE argument I'd seen and debunked earlier in the day, and where everyone else in the pub gradually started to stop their conversations and stare at me, because they didn't know I was reporting on someone else's lunacy?
[23:53:20] <FatPhil> Cos if I did, sorry for repeating, and if I didn't, now you know.
[23:55:39] <kyonko2> I just avoid getting problems by saying "its hard to prove"
[23:55:45] <kyonko2> and "and proof is mathematical"
[23:56:02] <kyonko2> this in in public settings with strangers
[23:56:30] <kyonko2> actual fighting is a serious crime and has been for decades
[23:58:15] <kyonko2> when the march 2020 crisis began in the mid-month, going out to see whats going on was not a good idea
[23:59:54] <kyonko2> i did see strangers from out of town coming in to see if we had stocked stores