#soylent | Logs for 2022-04-04

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[00:23:45] -!- norayr [norayr!376bc34bfc@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #soylent
[00:24:04] -!- norayr [norayr!~norayr@37.252.sq.ypj] has joined #soylent
[00:56:55] -!- norayr has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[03:24:56] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[03:38:17] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - CRISPR and HIV: New Technique in Human Blood Unveils Potential Paths Toward Cure - https://sylnt.us
[06:28:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vizio TVs Are Now Showing Banner Ads Over Live TV - https://sylnt.us - give-them-an-inch...
[07:23:03] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[07:23:04] <systemd> ^ 03Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley. Epic Rap Battles of History
[07:30:54] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:47:09] -!- norayr [norayr!376bc34bfc@37.252.sq.ypj] has joined #soylent
[08:28:28] -!- norayr [norayr!376bc34bfc@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #soylent
[08:28:36] -!- norayr [norayr!376bc34bfc@37.252.sq.ypj] has joined #soylent
[08:36:05] -!- norayr [norayr!376bc34bfc@37.252.sq.ypj] has parted #soylent
[09:07:29] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - TSMC Will Reportedly Move Equipment Into Arizona's Fab21 in Q1 2023 - https://sylnt.us
[10:45:47] <FatPhil> https://www.sec.gov
[11:37:44] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Vale Christopher Alexander, Author of 'A Pattern Language', Has Passed Away - https://sylnt.us
[14:26:33] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Europe’s Biggest Lithium Mine is Caught in a Political Maelstrom - https://sylnt.us
[14:49:38] <Runaway1956> =submit https://www.newsrust.com What does YOUR workplace do in severe weather?
[14:49:41] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03House Committee Investigating Amazon's Labor Practices" (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[15:44:55] -!- owner_ has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
[15:45:20] -!- ptarmigan [ptarmigan!~owner@69.57.mpq.q] has joined #soylent
[15:48:35] <Runaway1956> Something seems to be wrong with irpg - it arbitrarily adds days without anything happening, like losing fights or anything
[15:48:50] <Runaway1956> It happened days ago, and just happened again now.
[15:49:55] <Runaway1956> Everyone's progress is in the logs, of course
[15:51:31] <Runaway1956> My status jumped from 1 day 3 hours to 30 days 23 hours
[16:32:16] <FatPhil> Are the logs anywhere?
[16:55:15] <Runaway1956> Oh. I just looked for the logs location - doesn't appear to be listed in the channel
[16:56:07] <Runaway1956> Maybe it isn't logged, and all there is, is what members keep on their own machine?
[17:01:02] <FatPhil> they're logged by the game engine itself, but I have no idea how to get access to that.
[17:02:03] <Runaway1956> Me neither. I could upload my logs - you may or may not trust that I've not tampered or edited them
[17:06:00] <Runaway1956> Oh my - I chose to paste my entire log into pastebin - froze up the browser - obviously much too large a file
[17:14:19] <FatPhil> I can freeze up the browser just by farting
[17:14:33] <tedious> FatPhil: You're as cold as ice?
[17:14:42] <Runaway1956> https://pastebin.com All of March and April
[17:14:43] <systemd> ^ 03Pastebin.com - Forbidden (#403)
[17:15:16] <tedious> Runaway1956: There are a couple of utilities that let you pastebin from the command line and probably won't cause your computer any heartburn.
[17:15:36] <tedious> Let me see if I can remember which one I tried.
[17:15:52] <Runaway1956> *sigh* can only paste as private because there may be offensive content in the paste
[17:16:01] <tedious> wgetpaste
[17:16:22] <tedious> It knows about several services and I'm sure at least one of them won't try to nanny you.
[17:16:46] <Runaway1956> wierd - I have pastebin pro but it finds something in that paste that is offensive - you would think that pro gets less scrutiny
[17:17:01] <tedious> What's pastebin pro?
[17:17:06] <Runaway1956> I'll look at that tedious, thanks
[17:17:12] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Biggest Deal in Gaming is Under Fire From U.S. Senators - https://sylnt.us - torpedoes-in-the-water!
[17:17:17] <tedious> You subscribe to their service?
[17:17:40] <Runaway1956> It was offered, like ten years ago, and I signed up for it
[17:17:48] <Runaway1956> never paid a penny for it
[17:17:58] <tedious> Oh nice deal. :)
[17:18:03] <Runaway1956> when I log in, it goes straight to pro
[17:18:29] <Runaway1956> I think all it does, is allows bigger pastes
[17:20:49] <tedious> Maybe the file is too big as uncompressed text?
[17:24:28] <Runaway1956> https://pastebin.com
[17:24:29] <systemd> ^ 03Apr 01 00:37:32 NerdRPG Wastrel [480/1199] has challenged Runaway [627/1504] a - Pastebin.com
[17:24:46] <Runaway1956> I think your idea that it's too big might be right
[17:25:02] <Runaway1956> I pasted all of April, and it appears to have worked
[17:26:15] <Runaway1956> Ennyways - the log shows that I had 18 hours until level up, but doing a status check right now shows 30 days, and no events in the log to explain that
[17:26:59] <Runaway1956> Last time it happened, I think it arbitrarily added 22 days
[17:28:28] <Runaway1956> Sorry, it wasn't 18 hours, it was 1 day 6 hours
[17:28:46] <Runaway1956> we're talking about Wastrel, not Runaway
[18:13:27] -!- aqu4bot has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[18:16:14] -!- aqu4bot [aqu4bot!~aqu4bot@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[19:30:17] <bacterium> coffee++
[19:30:17] <Bender> karma - coffee: 5610
[19:30:20] <bacterium> satan++
[19:30:20] <Bender> karma - satan: 32
[19:31:45] <sqrlgrrl> satan++
[19:31:45] <Bender> karma - satan: 33
[19:32:39] <sqrlgrrl> Runaway1956: what browser are you using that it froze up?
[19:50:23] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[19:52:12] <FatPhil> https://twitter.com
[19:56:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Pimoroni Announces Servo 2040 Servo Motor Controller - https://sylnt.us
[20:29:06] <Runaway1956> I was using Firefox -
[20:29:43] <sqrlgrrl> Runaway1956: would be interesting to know if the same issue happens in chrome
[20:29:46] <Runaway1956> sqrlgrrl - maybe if I had waited it would have completed uploading the file and resumed operation
[22:23:25] <chromas> I thought everyone abandoned pastebin years ago because it was shitty and full of ads
[22:33:27] <Runaway1956> I don't see ads - what do you use, crhomebin?
[22:34:47] <chromas> https://alternativeto.net
[22:34:48] <systemd> ^ 03Please Wait... | Cloudflare
[22:34:52] <chromas> cloudflare--
[22:34:52] <Bender> karma - cloudflare: -2
[22:37:33] <Runaway1956> cloudfare--
[22:37:33] <Bender> karma - cloudfare: -1
[22:37:52] <Runaway1956> cloudflare--
[22:37:52] <Bender> karma - cloudflare: -3
[22:38:06] <Runaway1956> cloudflare sucks the ass off of your donkey
[22:41:35] <sqrlgrrl> whats wrong with cloudflare
[22:46:58] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Monkeys Routinely Consume Fruit Containing Alcohol, Shedding Light on Our Own Taste for Booze - https://sylnt.us
[23:20:38] <bacterium> yo
[23:21:07] <bacterium> is there like a website that would summarize the state of chinese state propaganda for internal consumption?
[23:21:53] <bacterium> it would be really nice right now to keep an eye on what xi is telling people, just in case he contemplates a military adventure
[23:26:27] <tedious> The only one I know about is that chinese state media site in english.
[23:28:52] <tedious> Now I can't find it of course.
[23:30:18] <tedious> Oh and the south china morning post is all about the region but it's run by non-chinese interests.
[23:30:29] <tedious> https://www.scmp.com
[23:30:31] <systemd> ^ 03HK, China, Asia news & opinion from SCMP’s global edition
[23:56:37] <AzumaHazuki> =submit https://arstechnica.com from the ugg-wear-pants-in-this-cave dept.
[23:56:39] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03The World’s Oldest Pants are a 3,000-year-old Engineering Marvel" (8p) -> https://soylentnews.org