#soylent | Logs for 2023-08-10

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[01:07:41] <Bytram> requerdanos: halibut: Freeman: chromas: I use a 43-inch monitor connected to my laptop. I can, e.g., view YouTube videos just fine. Can someone provide a URL to a simple BEEP sound like a PC would make? I've searched online but cannot fine one. :^(
[01:09:10] <chromas> Do you have the beep command installed?
[01:10:37] <Bytram> I don't *know* for sure; I don't think so.
[01:11:04] <chromas> We tried to get you beeping a few weeks ago but I don't recall how that turned out
[01:11:49] <Bytram> beep
[01:11:49] <Bytram> beep: Error: Could not open any device
[01:12:33] <chromas> sudo modprobe pcspkr
[01:13:39] <Bytram> nothing displayed
[01:14:43] <Bytram> chromas: does this get your PC to beep when I sent rhis?
[01:15:30] <chromas> no but probably most graphical programs don't interpret the 0x07 as a beep
[01:15:49] <Bytram> try naming me ( Bytram ) in a message
[01:15:59] <chromas> unless you just mean when you highlight me. that's a setting in hexchat
[01:16:03] <chromas> Bytram: test ping
[01:16:16] <Bytram> it worked!!
[01:16:19] <chromas> woohoo
[01:16:41] <chromas> well but did it work before the modprobe command?
[01:16:50] <chromas> The world may never know
[01:17:12] <chromas> I'd expect it to be loaded by default
[01:17:40] <Bytram> but... I want a beep command; I'd rather not have to rely on you to make that sound on request!
[01:18:26] <Bytram> Huh?
[01:19:41] <Bytram> I thought the modprobe command was supposed to tell me my beep status or something like that
[01:20:01] <chromas> The pcspkr module handles the PC speaker (or beeping out your TV if you're on a laptop). modprobe just loads the module
[01:20:33] <chromas> if you want to see the status then you want to run lsmod
[01:21:16] <Bytram> brb
[01:24:00] <Bytram> Module Size Used by
[01:24:00] <Bytram> pcspkr 16384 0
[01:32:11] <Bytram> chromas: does that help? (I have no idea what the command does!)
[01:32:43] <chromas> yeah it's just telling you that the module/driver is loaded, the size and any other module that uses it (none)
[01:33:57] <chromas> if you don't have the beep command you can install it
[01:34:03] <chromas> sudo apt-get install beep
[01:34:38] <Bytram> oh goody!
[01:34:43] <Bytram> brb
[01:37:10] <Bytram> chromas: sudo apt-get install beep
[01:37:10] <Bytram> [sudo] password for martyb:
[01:37:10] <Bytram> Reading package lists... Done
[01:37:10] <Bytram> Building dependency tree... Done
[01:37:10] <Bytram> Reading state information... Done
[01:37:10] <Bytram> beep is already the newest version (1.4.9-1build1).
[01:37:12] <Bytram> The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
[01:37:14] <Bytram> linux-headers-5.15.0-75 linux-headers-5.15.0-75-generic linux-image-5.15.0-75-generic
[01:37:16] <Bytram> linux-modules-5.15.0-75-generic linux-modules-extra-5.15.0-75-generic
[01:37:18] <Bytram> Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
[01:37:22] <Bytram> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 123 not upgraded.
[01:37:43] <chromas> You should be able to use the beep command then, in your terminal or a script
[01:38:56] <Bytram> tried at command line at terminal
[01:39:09] <Bytram> silent
[01:39:11] <chromas> oh yeah could not open device
[01:39:35] <chromas> if no error, you might need to open your sound mixer and raise the volume of the Beep device (or unmute it)
[01:40:55] <chromas> another option is to use a sound player and play a noise like someone else mentioned. there are some default sounds in /usr/share/sounds/
[01:41:12] <chromas> so you can do something like paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/bell.oga
[01:41:38] <chromas> although for some reason, that's not actually a bell sound for me
[01:42:23] <Bytram> paplay ??
[01:42:38] <chromas> it's part of the pulseaudio package, which you most likely have installed
[01:42:57] <chromas> you pass it a sound file and it just plays it
[01:44:29] <chromas> oh oops
[01:44:34] <Bytram> paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/bell.oga
[01:44:34] <Bytram> open(): No such file or directory
[01:44:40] <chromas> paplay /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/bell.oga
[01:44:52] <chromas> I forgot to type the stereo directory in the path
[01:45:17] <Bytram> ok, thx.! brb
[01:46:17] <Bytram> interesting!
[01:47:27] <chromas> Did it burp at you?
[01:49:29] <Bytram> tried it. silent. tried it again. silent. third try, got a high-pitched fweep soun.
[01:50:12] <chromas> I wonder why the first two didn't go
[01:50:30] <Bytram> was able to get many beeps...
[01:50:45] <chromas> Now you've just gotta find the right beep sound
[01:52:43] <Bytram> changed focus to HexChat and back to term window; same thing! two silent "beeps" and then sound again!
[01:53:37] <chromas> weird
[01:54:32] <Bytram> and again. silent beep. silent beep. sound. sound. sound.
[01:56:03] <Bytram> yes, weird indeed. OTOH now I have a sound at ny command!!
[01:56:19] <chromas> sometimes
[01:56:20] <Bytram> yes, weird indeed. OTOH now I have a sound at my command!!
[01:56:44] <chromas> you just have to do it Commodore 64 style and keep trying until it works
[01:57:34] <Bytram> very reproducible. silent. silent. then as many "beep"s as I want!
[02:01:07] <Bytram> yuppers. TYVM. Of course I am in the middle of several things and cannot reboot my PC to see if it survives through the reboots.
[02:01:48] <Bytram> But, it *is* progress!!!
[02:03:05] <Bytram> I'm wiped out. Laters everybody!
[02:25:22] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
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[07:03:15] <fab23> https://xkcd.com
[07:03:15] <systemd> ^ 03What to Do
[07:05:22] <fab23> https://www.geekculture.com
[07:05:23] <systemd> ^ 03A problem with Batman!
[08:21:13] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[08:54:29] <Runaway> https://babylonbee.com
[08:54:30] <systemd> ^ 03Too Far: Texas Dispatches Thwomps To Guard Border
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[14:55:38] -!- Freeman [Freeman!~Freeman_S@CanHazVHOST/Freeman] has joined #soylent
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