#soylent | Logs for 2023-10-21

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[04:01:59] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[06:24:34] -!- jman has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[08:52:48] -!- aristarchos [aristarchos!~aristarch@104.248.st.hp] has joined #soylent
[08:53:10] <aristarchos> =submit https://www.axios.com
[08:53:11] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03Just a Moment..." (1p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:53:31] <aristarchos> =sub https://www.theregister.com
[08:53:33] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "03BOFH: a Security Issue, You Say? Activate Code Tangerine" (62p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[08:54:41] <janrinok> Subs are rejected based on content, not by the name of the submitter.
[09:09:11] <aristarchos> Sure they are!   Thank you for your impartial editorial discretion, jan!
[09:09:42] <aristarchos> BTW, what are "meat and two veg"
[09:09:43] <aristarchos> Is this an English thing?
[09:13:33] <aristarchos> =submit Dare you to run this!  https://www.nbcnews.com
[09:13:34] <systemd> ✓ Sub-ccess! "037 Influential Accounts are Warping Israel-Hamas News on X, Researchers Find" (18p) -> https://soylentnews.org
[09:16:07] <aristarchos> Over Seven Thousand aristarchus submissions have bee rejected, not based on the name of the submitter, at all.  Seriously.  For real.  Honestly.
[09:17:05] <aristarchos> aristarchus himself is banned from submitting in this channel. You are such a hypocrite, jan!
[09:22:45] <aristarchos> And censoring comparisons to the Boss in the BOFH saga?   Sad, janrinok!   Paydirt.
[09:22:49] <janrinok> You have not submitted over 7000 submissions. I think that 97% of your statistics are made up on the spot.
[09:23:29] <janrinok> you are not doing very well recently are you?
[09:27:23] <aristarchos> I am quite well.  It is SN that is sickly.  Hardly any discussion, no comments, very few submissions, and journal entries mostly from the most desperate.  Have you gotten that psychiatric help, yet?
[09:29:48] <aristarchos> Right now, 1/3 of the stories in the queue are mine.  You need my help, jan.  Apologize.
[09:34:38] <janrinok> You are making up statistics again...
[09:36:15] <janrinok> Plenty of intelligent comments - particularly in the story that you criticised so much.
[09:36:38] <aristarchos> =submit  Finally, sensible retro-computing. https://www.theregister.com
[09:37:24] <aristarchos> What story?  Who?   And who do you think I am?  Hashtags, again?  You know better, jan.
[09:40:36] <janrinok> How many people do you think are online and connected to our site at this time of the day? I'll tell you, 3 people. One commentator, you and me. I am posting by name. So that leaves one AC who you think we cannot identify from his hashes, his comments and the fact that you are here now.
[09:42:31] <aristarchos> Who's the commentator, jan?  What's the frequency, Kenneth?
[09:44:07] <janrinok> read the comments and find out. But we have a display which shows every comment as it is made in real-time. It isn't rocket science.
[09:46:24] <aristarchos> I believe you.  I can't see it, though.  And I think you are seeing things that are not there.
[09:48:54] <janrinok> Read the story on Light Pollution
[09:49:31] <aristarchos> But, it is silly.
[09:49:38] <janrinok> so are you
[09:50:25] <aristarchos> Not as much as phased street lights for astronomy purposes!   Let't talk about Free will, assuming you have any left.
[09:54:33] -!- aristarchos98 [aristarchos98!~aristarch@138.199.w.svo] has joined #soylent
[09:55:10] -!- aristarchos has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[09:57:15] <aristarchos98> Recent front page subs are crap.  Not attracting any intelligent users.  Downward spiral.
[10:00:17] <aristarchos98> And, wow, instant banning of IPs now?   You are getting desperate, jan.   We are legion, and some of us are not even aristarchus.
[10:01:33] <janrinok> On target then.....
[10:07:43] <aristarchos98> You can't stop the signal, Mal!   Or, jan.
[10:07:53] -!- aristarchos98 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[11:35:58] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[11:57:33] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:57:47] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[23:29:27] <Runaway1956> If you wanted to stop a signal, jan, there would have to be a signal to stop. Amirite?
[23:32:05] <Runaway1956> https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[23:32:06] <systemd> ^ 03Runaway1956 Future User Estimates - Folding@Home Stats
[23:32:18] <Runaway1956> five billion points coming up, very soon!