#soylent | Logs for 2023-11-02

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[00:37:04] <Runaway1956> https://folding.extremeoverclocking.com
[00:37:06] <systemd> ^ 03SoylentNews.org Team Summary - Folding@Home Stats
[00:37:24] <Runaway1956> 5 billion points in just a few hours now
[00:45:57] <k0lie> Runaway1956, ari says you like pew pew. You know much about CA and SB2?
[00:48:03] <Runaway1956> California and SB2 - I know it's unconstitutional
[00:48:10] <k0lie> its fucked.
[00:48:32] <k0lie> They are basically allowing CCW's now, but they are effectively useless and don't work anywhere.
[00:48:51] <k0lie> Any public commercial place etc, if its not posted its OK, its not.
[00:49:14] <k0lie> Anywhere that you can consume alchohol, even if its not a primary reason for being there, not ok.
[00:49:33] <k0lie> Any park
[00:49:55] <k0lie> Including the parking lots of a lot of the banned places.
[00:50:12] <k0lie> So for schools, work around was, park on the curb, and either wait on the sidewalk/curb or lock it up then go on property.
[00:50:16] <Runaway1956> California and the 9th circuit will be answering to the Supreme Court soon, perhaps sooner than anyone thinks
[00:50:27] <k0lie> Now its 1000 foot radius + the curb and parking lots are specifically limited.
[00:50:45] <k0lie> There was just a 9th circuit loss
[00:50:56] <k0lie> St benitez was basically looking for another mag ban win
[00:51:11] <Runaway1956> It appears that the Supreme Court may intervene soon, using the shadow docket, instead of waiting on a merits docket case to come before them
[00:51:18] <k0lie> It went upto the 9th, they said nope, and instead of appealing it immediately gave it to the supreme.
[00:51:26] <k0lie> Well thats the other thing
[00:51:42] <k0lie> The supreme looks like some former 2a friendly votes are now not there.
[00:52:19] <k0lie> idk, wherever you are on the 2a priviledges, CA clearly is a fuck you you the constitution as written.
[00:52:26] <Runaway1956> I think the Supreme will remain in favor of the Constitution -
[00:52:46] <k0lie> Some people just think the constitution is wrong. But yea.
[00:52:56] <Runaway1956> Correction: The 2A is not a privilege, it is a right, on par with the right to free speech and freedom of the press
[00:53:10] <k0lie> Not according to california.
[00:53:50] <Runaway1956> As I say, Commiefornia will soon be answering to the Supreme Court, along with NY, NJ, and a few others.
[00:53:58] <k0lie> Which is amusing because its in the name of crime reduction right, but why are they targetting CCW holders. Stats show those are some of the most well behaved populace known to the record.
[00:54:27] <k0lie> It's already illegal to kill people.
[00:54:37] <k0lie> Did that stop murder?
[00:54:47] <Runaway1956> There's a theory that mass shootings are actually encouraged by some shadowy bunch - look at Lweiston Maine.
[00:55:00] <k0lie> idk crazies be crazy.
[00:55:08] <k0lie> idk if I'll drink that much coolaid.
[00:55:23] <k0lie> Red flag or not - The optics get twisted after the fact for sure.
[00:55:36] <k0lie> And reason goes out the window for most people.
[00:55:46] <Runaway1956> Yes, but the US Army forbade Robert whatsisname from touching any government weapons, ammo, etc, and informed the state of Maine
[00:55:53] <Runaway1956> Maine refused to act on that info
[00:56:22] <k0lie> Well, plus the failed 4473
[00:56:35] <Runaway1956> Local sheriff dept acted ineffectively, state police failed to act at all.
[00:57:50] <Runaway1956> What's that saying? Twice might be coincidence, three times is a patter.
[00:58:01] <k0lie> Excuse to get more funding.
[00:58:28] <Runaway1956> We do have a pattern of officials failing to act on good information about potential crazies, starting with the Boston Marathon bombers.
[00:58:33] <k0lie> Do you know how many times the DOJ has acted to intervene in the case of mental record and gone after firearms?
[00:58:56] <k0lie> I checked the number, and was very suprised.
[00:59:06] <k0lie> I forget the exact count, it's something like 50 total times.
[00:59:16] <k0lie> Makes me think they ain't doing shit across the board.
[00:59:31] <k0lie> The law is there but for whatever reason people aren't getting caught up in it.
[00:59:32] <Runaway1956> And, that's just crazy - they target far more than that among legal firearms owners
[01:00:34] <Runaway1956> In fact, Joe Biden administration has targeted more than 50 licensed firearms dealers for stupid shit like misspelling a city or state name,
[01:00:38] <k0lie> Had a protestor here, petitioning people to require "sane" gun laws, among the requests "Require background checks for firearm purchases"
[01:00:39] <Runaway1956> in recent months
[01:01:02] <k0lie> I was like bro, that's always been a requirement lol.
[01:01:08] <k0lie> That's already a fucking thing man.
[01:01:30] <k0lie> I know I held an FFL for a few years.
[01:01:38] <k0lie> IT's stupid the shit they make you jump through.
[01:01:40] <Runaway1956> Well, it's been a requirement for years - I know that I didn't do a background check in - ohhhh - 1979 or 1980 or so
[01:01:54] <k0lie> I was on a mailing list of other FFLs and they get tagged for weird shit you wouldn't imagine.
[01:02:12] <Runaway1956> Exactly
[01:02:53] <k0lie> Especially trying to follow the law, because its ambigious at best in a lot of cases, they submit questions to the FFL, honest ones, and end up getting audited as a result.
[01:03:45] <Runaway1956> ATF has never been anyone's friend, but Biden has weaponized it, trying to impose tyranny on us.
[01:03:59] <k0lie> Have to see how it goes. I get a feeling that SB2 coming to pass is going to result in a lot of people excercising their constitional rights and - fuck em - concealed is concealed.
[01:04:53] <Runaway1956> I wish we could go back to about 1870 - about the only laws that were respected and enforced were prohibitions against concealed carry
[01:05:18] <Runaway1956> You could open carry, anytime ,anyplace, but concealed was frowned upon.
[01:05:38] <Runaway1956> But, as you say, concealed is concealed
[01:06:30] <k0lie> going to grab dinner
[01:06:33] <k0lie> peace out.
[01:06:35] <Runaway1956> Enjoy
[01:57:13] <dx3bydt3> A probably unwelcome opinion as a Canadian living under, what you'd define as "tyranny", we're all free here to live without the constant refrain of mass slaughter of school children. If that freedom means I can't buy an AR 15, so be it.
[02:40:27] <Runaway1956> dx3bydt3, I very lightly touched on the idea that school shootings are encouraged by *someone* for the purpose of enacting ever stricter gun control laws.
[02:41:21] <Runaway1956> The most recent shooting in Maine kinda supports that idea - the Army was aware of him, and made civil authority aware of the risk. The result was, civil authority did nothing meaningful.
[03:11:34] <AzumaHazuki> that doesn't sound like a good Christian worldview to me :v
[04:48:13] -!- progo has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[04:55:44] <chromas> the feds knowing about shooters ahead of time is considered a right-wing conspiracy now
[05:09:06] -!- progo [progo!~progo@2600:4041:42a6:nwsh:rjhn:ximq:ytip:prvq] has joined #soylent
[06:33:59] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@844-342-55-634.hosted-by-worldstream.net] has joined #soylent
[06:34:22] <aristarchus> Runaway and kolie, sitting in a tree,
[06:34:47] <aristarchus> K-I-S-S-I-N-G
[06:35:19] <aristarchus> Pew, pew, pew.   Cowards.
[06:44:46] <aristarchus> At least now kolie's motivations for intervening in the shutdown of SoylentNews are known.
[06:45:34] <AzumaHazuki> runaway's not so much a coward as a massive pig bottom. MAGA and other fascist rallies are the single gayest sport in American history, beating out pro wrestling at #2 and football at #3 by a huge margin
[06:48:43] <chromas> "Everything I don't like is gay"
[06:49:00] <chromas> Very progressive
[06:49:03] <aristarchus> chromas is gay, or at least very happy.
[06:56:14] <AzumaHazuki> nothing wrong with gay, as i'd be the first to tell you =p there's something wrong with self-loathing closet cases though
[06:56:29] <AzumaHazuki> i'm pretty sure Runaway's bi, not outright gay, though
[07:25:39] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:30:51] <aristarchus> So, then, chromas is not all that happy?
[07:32:28] -!- _dx3bydt3 [_dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.kiz.sl] has joined #soylent
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[07:36:52] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.qpo.uzq] has joined #soylent
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[07:39:21] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[07:46:58] -!- progo has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[08:10:42] -!- progo [progo!~progo@2600:4041:42a6:nwsh:rjhn:ximq:ytip:prvq] has joined #soylent
[09:41:19] -!- drussell_ [drussell_!~drussell@2604:3d08:yxzv:tkwm::pizy] has joined #soylent
[09:45:13] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[13:30:47] <Runaway1956> Hmmm. The progressive crowd using SN front page for personal attacks, huh? How queer is that?
[13:36:32] <janrinok> which comments in particular?
[15:12:58] <chromas> I wouldn't consider irc the front page, but both ari and zumi sure seem to have something against gays...enough to use it as an insult
[15:21:04] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[15:28:08] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[16:06:03] <janrinok> IRC is NOT the front page of the site - you had me searching the last 6 hours of comments to find what somebody had said....
[16:11:57] <janrinok> Had a very strong storm overnight. Woke up to no power - as is the same in much of Brittany. Some damage to my home and property and I have spent several hours working on temporary repairs. All watertight so no internal damage, mainly decorative to the NW corner of the house and the small workshop has lost its roof.
[16:13:01] <janrinok> Power was restored late morning. More wind and rain to come but probably not as strong as last night.
[16:30:29] <chromas> well comments aren't the front page either
[16:57:55] <k0lie> aristarchus not sure what you think 2A means for my motivations
[16:58:02] <k0lie> but its hilarious that you think they are connected.
[16:58:33] <k0lie> The only reason I know runaway is interested in firearms, or anyone else on the site for that matter, is because you point it out so frequently.
[16:59:11] <k0lie> I'm interested in them for the same reason of watches, I like the technology and innovation in them so I make them.
[17:00:09] <k0lie> dx3bydt3, the mass shootings being referred to aren't unique to the US.
[17:00:49] <k0lie> I'd also point out that what we are referring to was concealed carry permits, which are most definitely NOT the problem in the US.
[17:02:53] <k0lie> Russia has a bit of a mass killing issue as well a good portion of them involving firearms.
[17:03:13] <k0lie> The state tries to cover up a lot of them, but the ones we know about are numerous.
[17:04:10] <k0lie> But yea there are crazies out there and they are armed.
[17:04:29] <k0lie> idk how you stop that, but I know how you can atleast equalize yourself and maybe stop them.
[17:05:14] <k0lie> What was the boyscout motto?
[17:05:34] <k0lie> "You are always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do your duty"
[17:05:53] <k0lie> And that probably didn't mean call the authorities and shelter in place.
[17:07:30] <k0lie> https://www.youtube.com
[17:07:31] <systemd> ^ 03Sheriff Zanoni Responds to New SB2 Bill Impacting CCW Permits
[17:07:50] <k0lie> Sheriff of Fresno county "shooting" straight.
[17:09:02] <k0lie> The riverside sheriff has come out just as straight on subject. I've interacted with his deputies and they definitely support individual rights.
[20:12:49] <drussell_> k0lie, No. Just no. Complete bollocks! You're just plain wrong! The number and severity of mass shootings in the US are orders of magnitude above what occurs anywhere else in the world. To continue to claim otherwise is completely disingenuous.
[20:12:55] <drussell_> Canada has had 2 mass shootings causing death in 2023. TWO shootings. SIX people died. Canada has 11% of the population of the US. By that metric, the US should have had 18 mass shooting incidents this year. We have two per YEAR, your country has TWO PER DAY... NO! Just NO to your absurd talking points, you fuckwads! Geez, man!
[20:18:14] <drussell_> dx3bydt3++
[20:20:28] <k0lie> And that's the fault of CCW holders?
[20:23:36] <chromas> well duh! if it wasn't for lawful carry then we wouldn't have inner city gangbangers with unlicensed guns shooting each other up
[20:25:31] <chromas> and said gang fights of course wouldn't be most prominent in cities with the toughest gun laws
[20:27:22] <k0lie> And if its not guns its pressure cookers and ball bearings. people that want to watch shit burn will do what needs to be done.
[20:28:01] <k0lie> they'll drive cars through people, they stab everyone in their way, and if they can't get a gun and they are banned everywhere they will print them. genies out of the bottle boys.
[20:28:26] <k0lie> I'd further support laws targetting the root of these issues.
[20:29:01] <k0lie> Background checks, red flags, whatever the fuck. I just don't want to see it abused to take away peoples ability to protect themselves from other who would rob them of their lives.
[20:29:15] <ted-ious> We used to have institutions for helping people who were having mental breaks.
[20:29:37] <ted-ious> Thank ronald regan for getting rid of them and causing this to happen.
[20:29:38] <chromas> no, let the nutters out on the streets, but take away all the guns
[20:29:58] <chromas> exchange guns for free needles
[20:31:22] <chromas> let the homeless sleep in front of businesses and wander around neighborhoods offering kids a sip of their alcohol
[20:32:02] <k0lie> I was a handful of miles away when oxford high in michigan was shot up by a 15 year old
[20:32:11] <k0lie> the office where I work had kids in their getting calls.
[20:33:56] <k0lie> Kid was messed up, had prior threats, no one cared.
[20:34:02] <drussell_> You're being disingenuous again... Canada is #7 in guns-per-capita, (US being #1, obviously) we've got about 33% of the guns per person that you folks do, but you keep fixating on the "they want to come for MUH GUN!!"
[20:34:32] <drussell_> It's the attitude, the systemic problems, not JUST number of guns, FFS...
[20:34:46] <drussell_> It's the whole nutjob GUN CULTURE.
[20:34:57] <k0lie> I'm not a part of the gun culture.
[20:35:00] <k0lie> I own one.
[20:35:02] <drussell_> (ANd complete lack of attention to mental health)
[20:35:20] <k0lie> The state of mental health in the US has been alarming for awhile.
[20:35:30] <drussell_> Your country is FUCKED UP.
[20:39:48] <k0lie> There are numerous things that are fucked up sure are.
[20:48:35] <ted-ious> I don't understand the psychology of somebody in one country getting so excited about what's going on in another country and complaining about it to somebody who has nothing to do with it.
[20:49:02] <ted-ious> It's not like there's any democracy on earth that actually does what the citizens actually vote for.
[20:49:44] <drussell_> Becase your absolute BULLSHIT to the south bleeds incessantly to your neighbors to the NORTH, and the rest of the world...
[20:49:45] <ted-ious> Otherwise democracies wouldn't be allowed to go off and get into wars.
[20:51:02] <k0lie> A lot of the divisiveness in the us is being promoted and wedged by third parties.
[20:51:37] <k0lie> The population as a whole being online and subject to all that entails is a real back door into the direction of the populace.
[20:54:56] <drussell_> Indeed... Don't get me wrong, the voting public has been carefully corralled by "the powers that be," over decades, into these narrow silos wherein everyone else is the enemy, there is no room for rational discussion and discourse on actual policy anymore, it's all tribal politics run amock...
[20:55:13] <drussell_> ..and I don't appreciate it bleeding into Canada!
[20:55:46] <k0lie> yea its pretty toxic. its not the only cause but that's one the short list for sure.
[20:55:51] <drussell_> We're not NEARLY as nuts (YET!) but this bullshit has to STOP, the world can't handle this level of absurd discourse.
[20:55:51] <k0lie> on*
[20:57:33] <k0lie> The amount of times I've been called a democrat or a republican in a disparaging manner because I mentioned a non sanctioned view point of a person in front of me is pretty funny.
[20:57:54] <drussell_> Exactly...
[20:58:04] <k0lie> My dad says I'm a left wing millenial and lost to cause, my friends say im a republitard
[20:58:06] <drussell_> It's absurd
[20:58:12] <k0lie> lol.
[20:58:19] <k0lie> yea
[20:58:32] <k0lie> I get it man. A lot of people are tired of that shit.
[20:58:52] <k0lie> A lot of people here are tired of that shit.
[20:59:02] <ted-ious> Every day that I watch the firehose of news headlines I see reports of horrific crimes in canada that are just as bad as the ones from the united states.
[20:59:04] <drussell_> I believe people just don't realize how BAD of a situation this has actually created...
[20:59:31] <k0lie> ted-ious, I think thats the thing to is, we publicize A LOT of non news worth random shit.
[20:59:35] <ted-ious> But I doubt most canadians even see a fraction of them so they think their country is safe and peaceful.
[20:59:38] <k0lie> I don't think its unique to the us, the extent of it may be
[20:59:38] <chromas> if you'd just turn in your guns then this could be all over
[20:59:45] <k0lie> But we are unique in publicizing all the shit all the time.
[21:00:16] <drussell_> if it bleeds it leads.
[21:00:30] <drussell_> Whoa, how did I generate italics?! WTF?
[21:00:51] <drussell_> I didn't know you could do that... haha
[21:00:51] <k0lie> if it bleeds it leads
[21:00:57] <k0lie> alt i shift i something i
[21:00:57] <ted-ious> If I wanted to be morbid I could research to see if the first case of some innocent bystander being pushed in front of a train or subway happened in canada or the united states.
[21:00:58] <drussell_> Neat
[21:01:46] <k0lie> IRC spec has certainly expanded a lot.
[21:02:07] <k0lie> I remember blowing minds in dalnet with colors.
[21:02:57] <k0lie> 16,17 test
[21:03:05] <chromas> yeah, the wrong color codes became the popular ones
[21:03:18] <k0lie> 88,88 you got spoilers too
[21:07:15] <drussell_> That's not different than '80s BBSing with ESC[1;31m ANSI codes... Borrring... ;)
[21:07:34] <drussell_> Italics was more difficult unless you had enhanced fonts loaded on an EGA card or higher
[21:08:31] <k0lie> Yea, thats all we had I didn't remember anything in the spec other than colors back in the late 90s,early 00s
[21:08:47] <k0lie> I wrote a lot of irc clients and proxies around that time.
[21:09:00] <chromas> There's bold and underline too
[21:09:02] <drussell_> ˙ʇuɐʍ noʎ ɹǝʌǝʇɐɥʍ ǝpoɔᴉun ʇsnɾ uɐɔ noʎ ʍou
[21:09:51] <k0lie> Ş̸̪̥̝̀l̴̡̖̙̺͇͈͚͙̜̜̦̱̯͆͊̍͋̄̆͐̈́̒́̊͘è̸̮̮͈̙̱̦̯̳̺̞̖̱̲͎̈́́̒͝͝ȇ̵̛͉͉̩̮͔͍̙̱̖̞̩̈̔͑̀̄͌̆̊̇̋́͘͠p̵̛̯̊͊͑̈́͑͋̓̀̓̐̔͘ ̸̨͔̠̞̹͇͍͖̟̘͐̑͜t̵̡̻͈͓̝̳͍̞̺͈̆̔̐̕ï̴̱̖̟̤͂̑̑̍̀̀͐̅̒̏̚̚g̸͖̘̿͛h̶̨̳̤͙̤̪̫͍͔̺̯̐́́͘ͅţ̸̡͎͎̻̞͓͋͊͛̀͒̐͌͗͠͠ ̶͖̬̞̐̀̀͛̆͘ą̷̠͂̋r̶̀̍̓͒̎̈̑̐͑͂͌̈́͝͝͝
[21:09:53] <k0lie> ̨̨̡̩̜͚͇͕̱͇͇̪ḯ̵̧̛͔͖̳̪̺̠͗̅́̈̀͊̿̑͘š̸̢͈̗̣͙̙t̴͙̘̞̅̈́̊̂̈́͐̊̎̀̊̈ͅă̷̧̛̝̙͔̞̲̼̱͖̗͈̺͙͛̎̄̏̐́̋̇̕͝ŗ̵̦̙͔̞̰̓̎̂̂̂̽̓̏̾͂̎͘c̵̺̞͎̼͓̘̏́̄̿̀̌̇̈̌̕h̶̪͎͖̦̿́́͆͊̏͛̂́̀̒̀́̚ͅų̷̢̛͙̠̂̌̂̃͑̽́̓͗̈̑̕ś̶̩̆͆́̚.̸̨̛̥̗̟͕̳̥͇͔̠͎̏͂͑͒͑͛͝͝
[21:10:28] <k0lie> Z̷̥͙̜̘̳̿́a̴̟͇̟̟̮̭̼̓͌͝͠l̶̢̥̺͇̟͒̔̽͂̃͘g̴̲̼͎̮͕̈́͑̃̓̑̂̀o̶̧̡̥̻̬̰̞͋̋̒̋͝͠ͅ ̴̤̻̼̞͑̾c̴̖̦̳̭̙͍͒͑̏̍ͅo̴̢̳̦͕̠͓͛m̴̳̤̼̟̎͗̑̋̈͗͝e̷̱͐̀͋̋͜͝͝ş̸̹̝̼͔̻͔͐̿́͜ ̷̡̱̻̳̻̮͕̦̍̂͠f̵̻̑̈̓̄̎̚ȯ̷̺̖̹̻͉̈́͒́̓͝r̷̯̙̪̞̰͈̪̟̂̌͛̐͑̈́̒ ̴̪̲̙̍͂̐̈́̾ą̴̲͔͔̈́̽̓̎̒̍̐ṙ̵͙͙̏̈́̀͛̌̓͒i̷̼̭͇̘͚̘̙̒̓̕
[21:10:29] <k0lie> s̸̲̳̖̠̦̜͈͆̓́͗̓ţ̸̱́̑̕͜ȧ̸̻̼r̶̛͔͓̺͉͔̤͍̫͊ç̵͈̟͚̹͔͔̗̓h̶̰̭̬͌̂̋̈́͒̈́̊͝ű̵̗͂ş̵̳͇͛̍́̂̓͗̅̉ͅ
[21:10:34] <k0lie> Fun times.
[22:57:04] <chromas> What's really solving the issue is replacing the gun glyphs with squirt guns