#soylent | Logs for 2024-01-27

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[05:38:28] <chromas> Need yet another wayland implementation called Smithers
[06:42:52] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@169.150.rmx.gxp] has joined #soylent
[06:46:46] <aristarchus> Copied from #gover
[06:47:04] <aristarchus> copied from #governance:  So having destroyed the Governance Committee, janrinok is attempting a coup d'Soylentil, and attempting to foist his own hand-picked Board of Misdirectors?   And _later_ the community will be involved?  Daniel Ortega, is that you?  I thought audioguy was dead.  His email always bounces.
[06:52:28] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[06:58:01] -!- AzumaHazuki has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[08:05:57] <chromas> Yes copy pasted nonsense
[16:01:33] <Runaway1956> ari does provide a function here, I guess. Whatever ari rants against is certain to be the best course of action to follow.
[16:02:03] <Runaway1956> if ari ever praises a plan, that plan must be avoided like the plague.
[16:02:58] <Runaway1956> he's like that robot from 'Lost in Space' chanting 'danger Will Robinson' - in reverse.
[20:24:50] -!- AzumaHazuki [AzumaHazuki!~hazuki@the.end.of.time] has joined #soylent
[21:32:09] <Ingar> http://ingar.intranifty.net
[21:32:31] <Ingar> I never promised you the moon. But it's out there.
[21:32:53] <Ingar> And I'll climb it. Because I can.
[21:36:56] <Ingar> The worst of it is, it's clear outside and the Moon is calling to me through the roof window. And it's cold outside.
[23:17:02] <chromas> Noice moon, sir
[23:28:31] <ted-ious> Aren't the best times to do astronomy when it's super cold and dry with low winds?
[23:29:19] <ted-ious> I guess it's hard to keep the equipment at the right temperature when you're dealing with changes.
[23:35:38] <chromas> Maximum starlink visibility
[23:36:26] <ted-ious> Is starlink really a problem?
[23:36:59] <ted-ious> I thought I saw something about how astronomers just had to use some software to snip the frames where there was one in the way.
[23:37:01] <chromas> I know people complained about it a lot when they first started launching but I haven't heard much recently
[23:37:25] <chromas> Found something else for the two-minutes hate
[23:41:06] <Ingar> satellites are an annoyance for long exposures. but in winter the sun dips low enough so they stay in the earth's shadow
[23:41:50] <Ingar> you can mostly filter them out, or get rid of the frames
[23:42:03] <Ingar> planes on the other hand can be a bitch :D
[23:43:08] <ted-ious> What's the difference to the camera?
[23:43:23] <chromas> Planes have their own lights
[23:43:35] <ted-ious> Is it because they're so much bigger and closer they fill up the image?
[23:43:47] <Ingar> planes are nearby, bigger, brighter and leave smoketrails
[23:44:35] <ted-ious> Oh I forgot the trails!
[23:44:55] <Ingar> we're trying to picture stuff you can't see with the naked eye
[23:45:07] <chromas> Does it matter whether they're con or chem? :D
[23:45:33] <ted-ious> It's funny that nasa funds and coordinates the research on geo-enginnering that's responsible for all that sky mess that gets in the way of astronomy.
[23:45:37] <Ingar> chromas: going by the smell near the airport I'd say it hardly matters
[23:46:27] <Ingar> ted-ious: tbh, light pollution is the worst
[23:46:43] <Ingar> planes and satellites are just on top of that
[23:51:52] <ted-ious> Is it possible to stabilize a camera that's floating on a barge in the middle of the ocean?
[23:52:27] <ted-ious> Or do we just have to turn hawaii into one big observatory?
[23:53:15] <chromas> We're not using Hawaii for anything else
[23:53:35] <chromas> How big is the camera though?