#soylent | Logs for 2024-03-06

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[00:02:40] -!- _dx3bydt3 [_dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.qpo.uzq] has joined #soylent
[00:06:13] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[01:01:00] <Runaway1956> https://soylentnews.org
[01:01:02] <systemd> ^ 03Funding for SoylentNews is Critical - SoylentNews ( https://soylentnews.org )
[01:01:57] <Runaway1956> Need a good, valid address to send money to, if possible. I'll drop a $100 bill soon as I see one.
[01:03:09] <requerdanos> Problems with https://soylentnews.org ?
[01:03:10] <systemd> ^ 03subscribe
[01:04:09] <Runaway1956> thanks requerdanos - I wasn't quite certain that the subscribe button would route money where it's supposed to go.
[01:05:09] <requerdanos> that's where i've been sending money. I sure hope it's been showing up!
[01:12:21] <Runaway1956> You and me both. I haven't done a sub for - months, maybe a year.
[01:16:27] <Runaway1956> I know, I know, don't ask . . . but I'd sure like to know who moderated Tork as redundant. I would be happy to repay the favor a hundred times over.
[02:30:49] <_dx3bydt3> I recall some ~6-8 months ago an announcement indicating that the subscriptions weren't working and to hold off until a transfer of ownership was complete. Has the situation changed?
[02:31:34] <_dx3bydt3> Regarding subscriptions that is, I know the site ownership is still unresolved.
[02:34:12] _dx3bydt3 is now known as dx3bydt3
[03:02:06] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@185.236.qoo.qxk] has joined #soylent
[03:35:25] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[06:51:01] -!- lilitsyunetsi has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[07:14:09] <chromas> Yeah I wouldn't put any buxx in until we figure it out
[07:14:47] <chromas> oh it's an NC post. Unexpected, eh
[08:00:19] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[08:00:20] <systemd> ^ 03Hitler (Austrian painter) - Billie Jean (AI Cover)
[08:04:32] <chromas> "Lined up soldiers making German Micheal Jackson noises while moonwalking in rythm"
[08:24:10] -!- _dx3bydt3 [_dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.kiz.sl] has joined #soylent
[08:27:49] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[08:28:10] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.qpo.uzq] has joined #soylent
[08:30:34] -!- _dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[08:47:12] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[08:47:13] <systemd> ^ 03Mr Bean in Hitman 3
[09:30:56] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@165.227.th.suo] has joined #soylent
[09:33:24] -!- aristarchus has quit [Client Quit]
[09:39:37] <chromas> https://krebsonsecurity.com
[09:39:37] <systemd> ^ 03BlackCat Ransomware Group Implodes After Apparent $22M Payment by Change Healthcare
[09:39:42] <chromas> Who scams the scammers?
[09:39:49] <chromas> scammers-as-a-service I guess
[11:32:14] <chromas> "If you ever need to go somewhere you’ve never gone before, Google Maps is your best bet. In spite of the fact that this is the case, this app comes with a very serious flaw which is that you might struggle to find the actual entrance of a building through it."
[11:32:18] <chromas> ESL or AI?
[12:53:26] -!- halibut has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:53:39] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[13:23:10] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[13:24:01] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[14:17:19] <Ingar> had to setup a new Win 11 laptop for a coworker
[14:17:27] <Ingar> I feel like I've been raped by ari's cactus
[14:21:47] <chromas> I didn't realize cactus rape was that bad
[14:22:09] <janrinok> :) depends on whether you are giving or taking I suppose
[14:23:25] <janrinok> Ingar, I take it that your coworker is not computer literate - I would have thought that installing an OS should look after itself?
[14:24:16] <requerdanos> I have mostly managed to avoid Windows 11.
[14:24:22] <chromas> normies don't know about activators
[14:25:05] <requerdanos> warning, windows found a dangerous hacktool virus, "KMSPico", removing it for your protection
[14:25:33] <chromas> Should be using KMSNano
[14:25:39] <janrinok> I have completely managed to avoid Windows 11 - I had to delete Windows 10 from a second hand computer that I obtained, but I see deleting Windows xx as a service to mankind.
[14:25:39] <chromas> or KMSVim
[14:25:43] <requerdanos> that's one message I never see in debian, i must say
[14:26:11] <requerdanos> I bought a new laptop with windows 11 preinstalled, but I never saw it, the first boot was to install Debian
[14:26:14] <chromas> that was windows x. xx isn't out for another decade at least
[14:26:21] <requerdanos> that's as close as I have come to windows 11
[14:26:25] <janrinok> requerdanos, that is as things should be
[14:26:53] <janrinok> It'll be called Winux by then.
[14:27:00] <chromas> How do you test your servers without iis?
[14:27:41] <requerdanos> yeah you need IIS to publish from, frontpage, is it called?
[14:28:03] <janrinok> I was missing the KMSPico joke until I looked it up....
[14:28:12] <progo> I installed February 2024 update roll-up for windows 11 and explorer would no longer open any windows but the taskbar (that's explorer). Took me 45 minutes to guess the culprit and uninstall the update
[14:28:22] <progo> Do not install windows 11
[14:29:05] <janrinok> progo, the chances of me doing so is infinitesimally small
[14:29:18] <chromas> hm I've never used kms activation
[14:29:22] <janrinok> *chance (singular)
[14:29:59] <janrinok> I've never wanted to
[14:30:25] <chromas> regular hwid activation was always enough for me
[14:30:43] <requerdanos> I have a windows 8 VM for testing, with kmspico as the virtualization environment does not have a hardware key
[14:30:53] <chromas> it submits the hwid to microsoft and then it will always activate new installs when they come online
[14:31:20] <janrinok> what is the regular installation medium nowadays - not many lappies have a CD/DVD drive any more. How to MS sell their software?
[14:31:36] <chromas> you can grab an iso from their website
[14:31:46] <requerdanos> by oem strongarm agreements, aiui
[14:32:10] <chromas> Vista was the best looking Windows
[14:32:15] <janrinok> OK, but that rules out so many people (which is a good thing). If someone buys W11 what do they actually get in the box?
[14:32:31] <chromas> probably a usb humb drive
[14:33:00] * chromas drinks some tea to heal he humbs
[14:33:18] <janrinok> so it starts life on an insecure medium and goes downhill from there. Ok
[14:33:34] <requerdanos> sccording to newegg it's available on DVD and USB
[14:35:46] <chromas> Need to bring back glassy UIs
[14:37:01] <requerdanos> there's some on xfce-look.org for the cool kids who run xfce
[14:38:45] <chromas> qtcurve is still around
[14:38:53] <chromas> and has a gtk version
[14:38:56] <chromas> gtk2
[14:39:11] <janrinok> I must be very boring to other people - I install the OS an just take what appears on the screen. I might change the wallpaper but other than that it is of little importance to me
[14:40:28] <janrinok> I have even ripped out the pretty lights from the last 3 boxes that I bought. They don't make it go any faster
[14:40:48] <requerdanos> in theory, the pretty lights must add some heat
[14:41:21] <janrinok> yeah, but they are LEDs so nothing significant. Perhaps that add a few watts to the powersupply load
[14:41:22] <chromas> heat means energy, which means it's going faster ;)
[14:42:02] <janrinok> I must admit, we can rely on chromas for an alternative way of looking at the world...
[14:42:57] * chromas vibrates energetically
[14:43:12] <janrinok> we have a different term for that activity.....
[14:43:37] <requerdanos> weird that so much computer hardware has been rebranded "gaming" hardware with pretty lights
[14:44:19] <janrinok> I was talking to my local dealer a few months back and he was assuring me that pretty lights sell computers. The more lights the better it must be.
[14:45:00] <chromas> well you've got gamers, business users, then a tiny tiny sliver of people who use their PCs for fun. everyone else is using phones now
[14:45:09] <janrinok> and lights coordinated with whatever music is being played is the pinnacle.
[14:46:23] <requerdanos> I don't consider myself that old (I'm only in my 50s) but I am too old to use my phone for much other than talk and text.
[14:46:29] <chromas> My laptop keyboard will do a ripple effect radiating from each keypress. I mainly use it to see the keys in the dark
[14:46:54] <chromas> (set to steady caucasian colored lights)
[14:47:34] <requerdanos> I have an aunt in her 70s that runs a thriving ebay selling business from an iphone. I dunno how she does it.
[14:48:32] <janrinok> good for her - too many of that age (ahem, blushes) don't know how to use modern technology.
[14:48:45] <chromas> What a coincidence, I've been looking for a new ebay ;)
[14:48:51] <janrinok> lol
[14:49:15] <janrinok> Quick, give her a call, she has one for sale
[14:49:40] <chromas> I heard she only sells by phone though
[14:49:50] <janrinok> I hope she is not just selling the same ebay over and over again though
[14:50:00] <chromas> Calls are the one thing phones don't do
[14:50:24] <chromas> ebay tdma edition
[14:52:39] <chromas> only problem with glass themes is they don't work too well with dark colors
[14:53:09] <chromas> at least, this one doesn't
[14:56:44] <chromas> now that real-time raytracing is making its way down to cheaper hardware, when will we start to see real reflections in scrollbars?
[14:57:25] <janrinok> if the scrollbars stop disappearing we might
[14:57:51] <chromas> there's an option in firefox to keep the scrollbar, but then it won't go away in fullscreen videos either. fpos
[14:58:07] <chromas> gtk--
[15:00:11] <janrinok> MATE allows me to keep my scrollbars.
[15:00:35] <janrinok> ...but it does so intelligently.
[15:00:47] <chromas> in firefox?
[15:04:32] <janrinok> yes, even in firefox. I never realised that it did anything different elsewhere
[15:08:22] <chromas> hm, maybe instead of the ff option I should be h4x0ring my gtk themeage
[15:32:04] <chromas> I asked Bing if it could convince ms to bring back Aero and it pooped out some python code to edit the registry
[15:40:55] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[15:40:56] <systemd> ^ 03Misirlou - Mulatar Version
[17:07:47] -!- pTamok [pTamok!~pTamok@46.252.i.oxz] has joined #soylent
[17:07:57] -!- pTamok [pTamok!~pTamok@46.252.i.oxz] has parted #soylent
[17:12:42] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[17:16:45] <Ingar> janrinok: company env, needed to join it in domain and all that
[17:16:50] <Ingar> my coworker does reception :)
[17:18:45] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[18:52:11] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@185.107.ml.rwl] has joined #soylent
[19:04:41] <aristarchus> Cactus at the ready!   (And I promise I removed all the spines.  All of them.)
[19:14:06] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[21:13:21] <chromas> what even is the point without the spines?
[21:28:47] <drussell> I had to look in the logs to see what you were talking about haha :)
[21:29:08] <drussell> That guy still comes on here pretending he is "part of the community?!"
[21:29:38] <drussell> As funny as the cactus joke is, Please don't feed the troll! ...
[21:29:49] <drussell> Just don't respond...
[21:30:46] <drussell> I see him in #governance asking about "we" and "us" when he is categorically NOT a member of this community.
[21:30:54] <drussell> PLEASE, just don't even respond.
[21:38:07] <requerdanos> You're feeding the troll right now, as he reads the logs and loves to see talk about himself. a character defect, to be sure.
[21:38:55] <drussell> Indeed.
[21:42:35] <chromas> "I worked at a big-chain bookstore before the current wave of A.I. took hold. So many customers didn't have a keen grasp on when things happened in history, and this affected what they asked for: books with photos--not paintings--of Queen Elizabeth I and audiobooks of The Bible featuring Jesus's voice. These people weren't trolling."
[21:43:15] <ted-ious> What?
[21:43:25] <ted-ious> No way is that real.
[21:43:53] <drussell> Oh, I've met far too many people who honestly couldn't think that "hard" :(
[21:44:24] <drussell> It's VERY sad and distressing
[21:45:30] <drussell> When I was a sysop of a BBS back in the 80s, you could always tell when someone is trolling, they would speak absurdities to get a rise out of others...
[21:46:22] <drussell> Now, there are many folks who apparently honestly don't have the thinking skills, logical decuction capability to even figure out whether something even makes sense or not... :(
[21:47:31] <drussell> deduction
[21:47:45] <drussell> It's scary.
[23:59:13] <Fnord666> Only thing I've sold on ebay is a homing pigeon. I've sold him 22 times so far. :)