#soylent | Logs for 2024-03-13

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[03:40:52] -!- soylentil2629 [soylentil2629!~soylentil@185.107.qw.so] has joined #soylent
[03:42:21] -!- soylentil2629 has quit [Client Quit]
[04:55:43] <schestowitz[TR]> http://techrights.org
[04:56:06] <schestowitz[TR]> Ingar: I explain why this approach would not and what might work
[05:04:25] <schestowitz[TR]> SN is doing well financially, and this is driving the troll/s NUTS! ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) keep up the good work
[07:29:22] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[07:29:43] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.qpo.uzq] has joined #soylent
[08:57:40] <Ingar> schestowitz[TR]: I'm axnious to read the piece on Freenode :D
[09:00:48] <chromas> wasn't that a couple years ago?
[09:01:59] <chromas> lol, #shitlords mentioned
[09:02:35] <chromas> that channel's been around for years and years. it's an unofficial channel for shitposting
[09:06:00] <chromas> there I gave it a +s so it doesn't show up in /list
[09:45:59] <Ingar> we have a shitpost channel? dang
[09:50:43] <chromas> I think it was started by TMB
[09:51:15] <schestowitz[TR]> fedora made fedora-social
[09:51:24] <schestowitz[TR]> and in 2008 we copied that
[09:51:27] <schestowitz[TR]> so no bad lang :-)
[09:51:48] <chromas> What about Visual Basic?
[09:52:32] * Ingar burns chromas's eyes out with a glowing hot metal rod
[09:53:15] <Ingar> nobody mentions Visual Basic and lives!
[09:53:26] <chromas> oh now you said it!
[09:54:28] <Ingar> oh noes
[09:54:30] <Ingar> you tricked me!
[09:59:09] <schestowitz[TR]> that started because a user called "balzac" spoke about strip clubs in the main channel
[09:59:48] <chromas> sounds like extra baggage you don't need
[09:59:57] <chromas> I assumed you sac'ed him
[10:06:42] <janrinok> schestowitz[TR], there is a problem with preventing people from speaking on this channel. It is used by people who wish to inform us of problems, or to ask questions about a specific aspect of the site. We cannot always be on here reading things in real-time, so if they get not response we do not the communication desired.
[10:08:10] <janrinok> * if they get no response we do not have the communication desired. (Typing too fast again...!)
[10:08:13] <fab23> schestowitz[TR]: As I see it, we do have more traffic in the channel caused by discussing the issue, then what the issue itself causes.
[10:10:00] <janrinok> Those wishing to interrupt the site want people to know who they are - they seek the publicity. They therefore either use their real name or they give themselves away by the things that they say. Anything else and they are not achieving their aim.
[10:11:58] <schestowitz[TR]> we adopted a different approach
[10:12:02] <schestowitz[TR]> we identified them
[10:12:06] <schestowitz[TR]> and then explained what they did
[10:12:37] * chromas waits for the punchline
[10:12:46] <janrinok> Everybody knows aristarchus. He has accounts elsewhere.
[10:13:22] <schestowitz[TR]> it's like MikeUSA
[10:13:28] <schestowitz[TR]> in Linux circles
[10:13:41] <janrinok> He was here for a while too
[15:02:18] -!- halibut has quit [Quit: Timeout]
[15:07:11] -!- halibut [halibut!~halibut@CanHazVHOST/halibut] has joined #soylent
[18:38:04] -!- drussell has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:42:33] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[18:48:29] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@195.146.v.ryv] has joined #soylent
[18:49:43] -!- drussell has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[18:50:15] <aristarchus> Point one:  aristarchus does not seek publicity, only justice and free speech.
[18:50:33] -!- drussell [drussell!~drussell@a4627691kd3g1a0z4.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #soylent
[18:51:15] <requerdanos> I think you spelled attention whore wrong
[18:51:20] <aristarchus> Point two, and another thing janrinok is wrong about,  aristarchus has no accounts elsewhere.  Janrinok is merely conflating all his enemies into one bete noire.
[18:54:43] <aristarchus> And, I find Roy's white knight, "Saving SN IRC"  schtick a bit off putting. I don't think he understands what is going on, and of course thinks more censorship is the answer.
[18:57:47] <drussell> Please don't feed the troll. He has too much oxygen already
[18:59:07] <requerdanos> My apologies. It may take a long time, but may the troll starve.
[19:01:25] <aristarchus> Again, complete lack of situational awareness.  Not troll, banned for political reasons member.  SN is now taken over by the dark syde!   Just look at the recent front page, dogwhistles the editors do not even realize are dogwhistles.  Loosing membership due to untrustworthy management, and rightwing obsessive leaning.  Sad, really.
[19:02:51] <janrinok> I've got him on 'ignore' so I only see him log in and log out. I have no idea what he is whinging about now.
[19:03:55] <aristarchus> I have janrinok on 'idiot',  so I discount everything he pontificates on.   I feels this is a proportional response.
[19:05:39] <drussell> I don't know what he's blabbing about either, just responses...
[19:06:05] <aristarchus> So, you confess, drussell?
[19:06:09] <drussell> DON'T RESPOND. Eventually he will become weary of wasting keystrokes.
[19:06:46] <janrinok> I'm talking to requerdanos
[19:07:06] <requerdanos> :)
[19:07:21] <drussell> That was to requerdanos too... :)
[19:07:21] <janrinok> I know he is active because my software is deleting his spam on the site as we speak
[19:07:29] <drussell> Excellent.
[19:07:36] <aristarchus> I am talking to SoylentNews.  There seems to be a problem with your website.  500 Internal Server Errors?
[19:07:50] <janrinok> I don't think my software will get tired....
[19:08:15] <fab23> software never gets tired, just obsolete :)
[19:10:24] <drussell> I still use WordPerfect 5.1 ;)
[19:10:45] <aristarchus> Need to update the mission statement.  SN is not a site for news aggregation and free discussion, but exists solely for the purpose of silencing one individual.   With automation.   Unplanned obsolesence?
[19:11:18] <fab23> drussell: does it only support 7-bit ASCII and so no umlauts? :)
[19:12:00] <drussell> No, it even has all sorts of built-in extra characters for printers that can print graphics, has an equation editor for mathematical stuff, etc...
[19:12:13] <drussell> It was pretty advanced for 1988 or whatever it was when it came out.
[19:12:30] <fab23> oh, so kind of tex :)
[19:12:35] <drussell> Yup.
[19:15:02] <aristarchus> Back to sleep, my fishes.
[19:15:33] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[19:24:53] <janrinok> The problem with ari being here is that he is depriving a village somewhere else of an idiot. Every village should have one.
[19:31:08] <chromas> wordperfect++
[19:31:14] <chromas> also quattro++
[19:33:12] <drussell> I also use WordPerfect and Quattro, v10 and 11... They just work.
[19:33:24] <fab23> janrinok: every successful online community has their own personal troll
[19:33:43] <chromas> I thought that was my job :(
[19:33:49] <janrinok> When is the permitted hunting season?
[19:34:14] <chromas> my cronjob
[19:34:19] <chromas> (or systemd timer)
[19:34:20] <fab23> janrinok: I guess that depends on where you are :)
[19:36:36] <chromas> You're not allowed ot hunt in the Uk right?
[19:36:51] <chromas> No guns or knoives over three centimetres
[19:37:09] <janrinok> I'm not in the UK :)
[19:37:24] <janrinok> Nor is my target
[19:37:51] <janrinok> (I did fly on nuclear bombers but that might draw unwanted attention...
[19:37:59] <chromas> well he acts like a child, right? send him to epstein island
[19:38:55] <chromas> or epstein-barr. either way
[19:38:59] <chromas> they both didn't kill themselves btw
[19:39:53] <janrinok> :)
[19:41:00] <chromas> oh yeah, anthony epstein just died a week ago
[20:50:49] -!- requerdanos has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:22:49] -!- NotSanguine has quit [Quit: NotSanguine]
[22:01:26] -!- Runaway1956 [Runaway1956!~OldGuy@the.abyss.stares.back] has joined #soylent
[22:04:25] -!- Runaway has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[22:08:28] -!- NotSanguine [NotSanguine!~Thunderbi@357-481-070-982.biz.spectrum.com] has joined #soylent
[22:18:35] -!- britney [britney!~britney@2607:fea8:qmk:lukl::qxwt] has joined #soylent
[22:26:09] -!- requerdanos [requerdanos!~requerdan@Soylent/Staff/Editor/requerdanos] has joined #soylent
[22:26:09] -!- mode/#soylent [+v requerdanos] by Imogen
[22:41:29] <britney> hi
[22:41:58] <requerdanos> hello.
[22:51:10] -!- britney has quit [Quit: Client closed]