#soylent | Logs for 2024-04-02

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[02:24:41] -!- gussie [gussie!~gussie@2a02:6f8:2020:xji:h::rsxu] has joined #soylent
[02:36:20] -!- gussie has quit [Quit: leaving]
[02:45:13] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[02:45:14] <systemd> ^ 03Как вам ? 🩷
[02:53:05] <chromas> Russian TikTok
[03:18:48] <Bytram> Looks sped up... how can anyone move that quickly!?
[03:18:58] <Bytram> https://www.youtube.com
[03:18:59] <systemd> ^ 03На дороге 😬
[03:21:04] <chromas> Looks normal speed here
[03:21:32] <chromas> If you set your youtube speed faster then it may carry over to those vidyas, but they do hide the option on shorts
[03:21:38] <chromas> you have to right-click twice
[03:41:08] -!- NotSanguine has quit [Quit: NotSanguine]
[05:55:17] -!- NotSanguine [NotSanguine!~Thunderbi@357-481-070-982.biz.spectrum.com] has joined #soylent
[07:02:12] <chromas> classic https://www.youtube.com
[07:02:13] <systemd> ^ 03Spiders On Drugs
[14:23:36] <Runaway> Beware that, when fighting aristarchus, you yourself do not become aristarchus . . .
[14:24:22] <requerdanos> Yes, thank you, I think everyone's made progress today.
[14:30:48] <Runaway> Some of us seem to be progressing backward.
[14:31:11] <requerdanos> That's certainly something to watch out for.
[14:32:21] <Runaway> Is everyone aware that censorship is a thing now?
[14:33:33] <requerdanos> Depends on what you mean by censorship. Everyone is, or has the opportunity to be, aware of SN policies regarding removal of certain posts, if that's what you are asking.
[14:34:56] <Runaway> Illegal content has always been removed. Now, controversial issues can be silenced.
[14:35:25] <requerdanos> grief posts can be removed. If this bothers you personally, the answer may lie within.
[14:36:20] <Runaway> Grief posts? I'll look "greif post" up on google . . .
[14:36:50] <requerdanos> if you want free speech to stir controversy -- which is your right, certainly -- I recommend getting your own server from somewhere like lowendbox.com
[14:36:51] <Runaway> But I'm perfectly aware that SN was supposed to be a bastion of free speech.
[14:37:22] <requerdanos> SN strikes a balance, that leans heavily towards free speech, yes.
[14:37:50] <Runaway> Being banned for using a "Bad Word" fits into that balance?
[14:38:17] <requerdanos> consequences for actions is an important part of that balance.
[14:38:48] <Runaway> The consequences of a discussion should be more discussion.
[14:39:39] <requerdanos> We agree in principle. In practice, some discussion is good for the site, some is not. It's a tough situation to have to deal with, and there is no solution that leaves everyone happy in the end.
[14:40:34] <Runaway> In effect, some discussions cannot be tolerated?
[14:41:33] <requerdanos> censorship, bad word ban, anti-tolerance, you are working hard to make events fit a narrative that's not altogether warranted.
[14:41:38] <janrinok> No, you can have them in YOUR journal
[14:42:27] <Runaway> So, censorship . . .
[14:44:13] <Runaway> As for fitting a narrative - someone might check on my history. I very very seldom even downmod an opposing viewpoint, preciscely because no one deserves to have their viewpoints smothered under a blanket of moderation.
[14:46:08] <requerdanos> You are free to test the limits, and free to learn from that testing, or not, as you see fit.
[14:47:34] <Runaway> And, where is the "transparency" we've heard so much about?
[14:48:19] <requerdanos> did you not know any of this, that it was hidden from you in a non-transparent manner?
[14:49:20] <Runaway> I know a number of things - primarily that virtually everyone on staff claims that SN is (or was) a bastion of free speech.
[14:50:12] <Runaway> Suddenly, a Bad Word gets a ban. Worse, AFTER the ban was put into effect, all sorts of rationalization was used to justify a ban for a totally different reason.
[14:50:53] <requerdanos> SN leans as heavily towards free speech as it can. I am sorry you feel that your actions have not been judged fairly.
[14:52:03] <requerdanos> SN is not a "bastion" of free speech, however, in that some speech (perhaps crying fire in a crowded theater is a real life example) has negative consequences both for the speaker and for the site.
[14:52:34] <Runaway> My actions most certainly have not been judged fairly.
[14:53:07] <requerdanos> the balance we discussed helps to keep the consequences as mild as feasible for both.
[14:53:50] <Runaway> Worse, when I object, I am punished for objecting? In what world is that kind of arbitrary and capricious additional punishment considered fair and just?
[14:55:30] <ted-ious> What bad word is banned?
[14:55:36] <Runaway> In the legal world, a person is convicted and sentenced to a year in jail - but if he appeals that decision, he gets another year in jail, and each additional appeal gets a year added.
[14:55:55] <requerdanos> censorship, bad word ban, anti-tolerance, arbitrary, capricious punishment, you are in jail, solitary confinement, bread and water rations, got it.
[14:56:43] <Runaway> I've been banned for a month - the fact that I argue the ban, prompts staff to add additional months.
[14:57:09] <Runaway> now you understand the arbitrary and capricious part?
[14:57:14] <requerdanos> You would be deprived of that for which you work so diligently?
[14:59:41] <Runaway> I have been deprived, yes. And some presumptuous person(s) have decided that argument against the deprivation warrants additional punishments.
[15:14:54] -!- NotSanguine1 [NotSanguine1!~Thunderbi@357-481-070-982.biz.spectrum.com] has joined #soylent
[15:16:31] -!- NotSanguine has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[15:16:31] NotSanguine1 is now known as NotSanguine
[16:43:00] <Ingar> you don't go through start and don't get 1000$
[16:43:25] <chromas> damn, inflation's been high lately. I still remember when it was only $200
[16:44:02] <chromas> Must be the post-covid muh new normal
[16:44:50] <Ingar> chromas: btw, http://ingar.intranifty.net :p
[16:46:57] * chromas cleecks
[16:49:57] <Ingar> the good thing about timelapses is you don't really see the parts where I screw up like a noob
[16:50:55] <ted-ious> Imagine if little kids had to use their phones to calculate new prices every 10 turns because of inflation.
[17:21:04] <chromas> Inflationopoly
[18:07:50] <chromas> "I've never watched NCIS but I'm guessing it's a show about two doctors looking after a patient who believes she is a forensic scientist with a deep understanding of computers and that the only hope for the doctors to break her out of this delusion is to act like they're a part of it and just go along with everything she says."
[18:07:57] <chromas> https://www.youtube.com
[18:07:58] <systemd> ^ 03NCIS: Getting hacked through a power cable
[18:08:10] <chromas> extremely quiet for some reason
[18:08:27] <chromas> puts laptop in faraday cage, use wireless mouse & keybaord
[18:08:43] <chromas> this is the same show with that "two idiots, one keyboard" scene
[18:24:14] <ted-ious> If I watch that video will it make me lose 2 iq points forever?
[18:54:27] <chromas> Do you even have 2 to spare? :D
[18:55:14] <ted-ious> No that's why I'm being careful!
[19:21:43] <drussell> More than 2...
[19:22:52] <drussell> I never watched NCIS, but I'm pretty sure the clip referenced above is one I've seen before (will NOT watch again) which causes brain damage in anyone with any understanding of how utterly absurd the whole scene is.
[19:23:04] <drussell> Who writes, then directs that kind of bullshit?!
[19:23:25] <drussell> They should probably be launched into the sun or something, just for being so absurdly obtuse.
[19:24:47] <drussell> Two people typing on the same keyboard obviously totally does shit, too, according to that show.
[19:25:15] <drussell> It makes you dumber just to have watched one clip. Imagine how stupid people who actually WATCH that tripe are by now...
[19:26:22] <drussell> (When I said "more than 2" above, I was meaning that watching an NCIS clip makes you lose more than two brain cells. For sure.)
[19:32:29] <Runaway> but, but, but, drussel, NCIS is gospel according to Hollywood - everything you see on NCIS has got to be true to real life!!
[19:33:02] <chromas> Just call it Monty Python's NCIS and then you'll think it's funny instead of stupid :D