#soylent | Logs for 2024-05-22

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[00:36:49] -!- aqu4bot [aqu4bot!~aqu4bot@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[00:41:51] -!- AlwaysNever has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[00:42:14] -!- AlwaysNever [AlwaysNever!~donaldo@] has joined #soylent
[00:42:15] * AlwaysNever is gone. Gone since Thu May 9 18:48:00 2024
[00:42:30] -!- aqu4bot has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[00:45:25] -!- aqu4bot [aqu4bot!~aqu4bot@pptdbxlc9.us] has joined #soylent
[04:27:17] <chromas> https://github.com
[04:27:18] <systemd-oomd> ^ 03Add Panasonic v8 decoder and support for DC-S5M2 and DC-S5M2X by sgotti
[04:27:20] <chromas> :'(
[07:44:53] -!- _dx3bydt3 [_dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.hrx.rv] has joined #soylent
[07:44:54] <Ingar> Greetings citizens
[07:45:23] <Ingar> neither rawtherapee nor darktable seems to eat my raspberry pi raws
[07:45:48] <Ingar> not a single of them RAW processing softwares sems to have a simple checkbox "force debayer"
[07:46:18] <Ingar> oth, if you feel lucky and want to experiment, I'll gladly provide you with some files :D
[07:48:46] -!- dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[07:49:07] -!- dx3bydt3 [dx3bydt3!~|dx3bydt3@129.224.oqq.ulu] has joined #soylent
[07:52:04] -!- _dx3bydt3 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[07:55:54] <janrinok> Mornin' Ingar. i haven't a clue what you are talking about, but I probably missed half the conversation and I haven't back read to catch up yet.
[07:59:25] <chromas> you can change the debayer algorithm but, assuming it can read your format, most are unnoticeably different
[08:02:42] <chromas> janrinok: the link I posted was a pull request to add support for a couple Panasonic camera's unnecessarily changed raw formats in RawTherapee's fork of dcraw
[08:03:10] <janrinok> thx - understood.
[08:03:33] <chromas> I'm sad and disappointed that it's still sitting there waiting to be merged in weeks later, though the format's been "released" for a couple years now without support so I guess I can wait awhile longer
[08:03:54] <chromas> and of course, I'm doing absolutely nothing to expedite the process :D
[08:09:08] <chromas> Ingar: what generates the raws?
[08:09:26] <chromas> since it's all open source stuff (I assume) there's no reason to not be using dng or something
[08:09:40] <chromas> I wonder if they're doing something silly with the format
[08:11:41] <chromas> I'll play with a file if you have one sitting around, though I'm no expert on file wrangling
[08:44:22] <Ingar> chromas: rpicam-still
[08:44:37] <Ingar> it normally saves to JPEG, but if you add --raw it also saves a DNG
[08:44:56] <Ingar> (which is better than their previous iteration where the RAW data was saved as metadata in the JPEG)
[08:45:20] <Ingar> let me dig u pa file
[08:45:29] <chromas> but their dngs are weirdly formatted or something?
[08:45:56] <chromas> at the very least they should have an option for pngs or something
[08:48:30] <Ingar> png is useless
[08:48:45] <Ingar> every software chokes on PNG with depth > 8bit
[08:48:51] <Ingar> or just silently converts it
[08:49:09] <chromas> that's dumb
[08:49:13] <chromas> but at least it's not jpeg
[08:49:16] <Ingar> chromas: what I want to do is convert the raw DNG to TIFF
[08:49:28] <Ingar> but the raw data is in bayer form
[08:49:34] <Ingar> http://ingar.intranifty.net http://ingar.intranifty.net
[08:49:36] <chromas> photopaint supports 48-bit modes since the 90s :)
[08:50:07] <Ingar> TIFF is just safer
[08:50:35] <Ingar> if you open that DNG and zoom in to pixel level, you'll notice a blocky pattern
[08:50:47] <chromas> hm, looks good in krita preview, but actually opening it makes it full of red dots
[08:51:13] <Ingar> zoomed out it looks good anyway
[08:51:25] <Ingar> but b/w
[08:53:31] <Ingar> my guess is, the wrong metadata is written to the DNG
[08:53:40] <chromas> full of magenta for some reason
[08:54:21] <chromas> oh I just gotta turn of the auto white balance
[08:55:35] <Ingar> oh right
[08:55:40] <Ingar> 2.9 1.7
[08:56:25] <Ingar> (those are the actual white balance values, but I forgot which value applies to what channel)
[08:59:06] <Ingar> chromas: remind me to make some non-astro examples
[08:59:26] <Ingar> the moon is somewhat the worst case to work with
[08:59:35] <chromas> oh I just noticed it doesn't even give demosaicing options
[08:59:36] <Ingar> (difficult to see color)
[08:59:45] <Ingar> chromas: aye, and that's the issue
[09:00:09] <Ingar> if I could "force demosaic" I'd be good
[09:03:54] <chromas> you're right it's missing some stuff
[09:04:11] <chromas> raw-identify doesn't have any matrix or filter pattern info
[09:08:02] <Ingar> if I can figure out what to put in I could hack the camera app to write out the necessary values
[09:08:14] <Ingar> (I've been in the dcraw source code and it is an absolute nightmare)
[09:08:52] <chromas> krita lets me pick the debayer but it always fills the picture with red dots
[09:09:11] <Ingar> mmm
[09:09:32] <Ingar> I'll play around with krita tonight (didn't try that one before)
[09:13:38] <chromas> looks like other people have issues with color cast and some have made color profiles available for download. I'll try a couple
[09:16:54] <chromas> krita started locking up then a bunch of stuff crashed for no reason
[09:18:12] <chromas> when I go to Browse for color profile it opens up multiple file pickers, once I pick a file the others leave but the window isn't usable anymore
[09:22:17] <chromas> htop uses 36% cpu now
[09:23:34] <chromas> =s libicuuc.so.74
[09:23:36] <systemd-oomd> Megasync: error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.74 - https://forum.manjaro.org
[09:24:16] <chromas> it complained that electron conflicted with that lib, so I updated without dep checking. now nothing starts. whatever it is, things seem to think they need it
[09:49:25] <Ingar> pacman -Ss icu
[09:49:27] <Ingar> International Components for Unicode library
[09:49:44] <Ingar> looks liek a packaging/dependency fuckup somewhere
[09:52:18] <chromas> yeah nstalling icu (75.1-1) breaks dependency 'libicui18n.so=74-64'
[09:52:43] <chromas> I keep running into that lately, where a package is replaced with a different one and stuff complains about it
[09:53:05] <chromas> in the case of one, it didn't like that a file owned by the new package was owned by the old one
[09:53:54] <chromas> now even though pacman doesn't depend on libicuuc it won't start without it
[09:54:28] <chromas> time to invent a new distro where everything is statically compiled
[09:58:32] <chromas> so I'm fixing it the smart way
[09:59:06] <chromas> bind mount / into a container directory and boot it with nspawn, then do pacman -Su -r /mountpoint
[10:01:33] <chromas> This is SoylentHaxx with your host chromas
[10:02:33] <chromas> Which reminds me, shouldn't our logo be a bean?
[10:03:31] <chromas> kickass it worked! pacman runs again
[10:26:21] <Ingar> :D
[11:01:12] <janrinok> ari was late for his spamming today, perhaps he is unwell....? He will probably be along shortly
[11:07:29] -!- aristarchus [aristarchus!~aristarch@45.250.nny.qwy] has joined #soylent
[11:07:36] <janrinok> lol
[11:08:51] <aristarchus> Just because it is above your comprehension, that does not make it Spam, jan!   Now go explain to Runaway why his anti-vax racism is so very wrong.
[11:10:07] <janrinok> Dictionary 'banned': to forbid (= refuse to allow) something, especially officially: The film was banned (= the government prevented it from being shown) in several countries. [ + from + -ing verb ] She was banned from driving for two years.
[11:11:44] <aristarchus> Attacking me with a dictionary?  Just like you did to the Poor Vocat Minoris?   Shame, janrinok!  Shame!  And, obviously, I am not banned.
[11:13:44] <aristarchus> n
[11:14:22] -!- aristarchus has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[11:15:13] <janrinok> as predictable as Sundays
[11:22:16] <Ingar> just becasue something is above my comprehension, doesn't mean it is NOT spam
[11:23:23] <Ingar> especially the kind of spam where you're not sure if it is a smart bot or a stupid human
[17:27:46] <chromas> definitely not a smart bot
[17:31:48] <drussell> Indeed.
[17:33:16] <requerdanos> Bots are getting smarter and smarter in a way, but still GPT* bots get things simply wrong, regardless of how confident and self-assured they may sound from their "writing styles"
[17:37:02] <drussell> They're not actually smart in any way. They're just complex algorythms that are glorified predictive text regurgitators. The chatbot has no idea what it is saying, it just spits out the most likely sequence of words based on the database of things it has been "trained" on.
[17:37:32] <drussell> They're just getting better at faking intelligence.
[17:37:54] <drussell> "intelligence," that is...
[17:38:19] <requerdanos> I mean smarter in the observed sense, not the actual. No intelligence is present regardless of how freely we bandy the term "AI"
[17:38:28] <drussell> Indeed.
[17:39:15] <drussell> They're becoming more convincing in their fakery.
[17:51:20] <fab23> it is mostly just hallucination what they do
[17:52:37] <drussell> That's the most troubling part about the way they are being sold to the masses; the fact that they sound so sure of their abslute nonsense.
[17:54:16] <Ingar> almost like politicians
[17:55:55] <requerdanos> There are definite similarities.
[18:02:50] <fab23> we really can be lucky to only have honest people in here
[18:03:14] <fab23> s/lucky/happy/
[18:28:37] <Ingar> requerdanos: election season here
[18:29:03] <Ingar> far right is doing well in the polls
[18:29:24] <Ingar> it's so sad to read their propaganda
[18:30:20] <Ingar> they also discovered that, if you want more natives, the natives need to make more babies
[18:31:02] <Ingar> left wing is a total and utter disaster
[18:32:34] <chromas> My propaganda is better than your propaganda. Nya nya!
[19:10:42] <Ingar> I don't have time for propaganda
[19:10:47] <Ingar> there's a clear sky and a full moon
[19:11:11] <janrinok> get out there and photograph it all!
[19:11:16] <Ingar> well an almost full moon.
[19:11:32] <Ingar> janrinok: it's pretty low in the sky this time of year
[19:12:14] * fab23 sends over a very large fleet of small airplanes with very long banners containing propaganda into Ingar's sky :)
[19:12:23] <janrinok> photograph the hole where it should be then!
[19:12:42] <Ingar> fab23: I really wouldn't do that here with the airport nearby
[19:13:06] <fab23> Ingar: hm, maybe with more silent quadrocopters then :)
[19:13:21] <chromas> yeah I wouldn't put airplanes near an airport either :)
[19:13:25] <Ingar> max 50m height and the other side of the local road is a no fly zone
[19:13:46] <Ingar> chromas: especially that airport closesest to NATO HQ
[19:14:00] <fab23> oha
[19:14:33] <fab23> Ingar: now janrinok will find your location in minutes :)
[19:14:39] <Ingar> if you do plane shennanigans here, I wouldn't be surprised they call in the jet fighters
[19:15:01] <chromas> good, even more disturbance to your photography >:)
[19:15:01] <janrinok> on it! Enhance. Enhance!!
[19:15:33] <Ingar> fab23: "belgium" should be enough information
[19:16:07] <janrinok> Ingar, your grass needs cutting!
[19:16:39] <Ingar> janrinok: it does! but it's soo swampy because of the rain I can't! I love it!
[19:16:54] <fab23> :)
[19:17:09] <Ingar> I"m not even joking
[19:17:15] <Ingar> It looks like grass until you step on it
[19:17:23] <Ingar> then the water seeps out
[19:17:51] <Ingar> I haven't seen it this wet in decades
[19:19:02] <Ingar> mmmm I could try.. the moonbazooka
[19:23:17] <drussell> I forgot to put out the rain gauge last night... It's down to just a sprinkle now but it did actually rain pretty good all night...
[19:24:13] <Ingar> drussell: same here, we got clouds and rain all day until it started clearing out in the late afternoon
[19:24:57] <Ingar> should be clear all night, but because of the moon it's somewhat useless to image faint objects
[19:26:13] <Ingar> oh well who cares
[19:26:39] <drussell> It's full today, isn't it?
[19:26:52] <drussell> The Moon is Waxing Gibbous (100% of Full)
[19:27:02] <drussell> ahh... pom still works
[19:27:24] <drussell> At least on that machine it does, anyway... :)
[19:34:12] <Ingar> drussell: almost, full moon is the 24th
[19:34:49] <Ingar> (at 11:53 UTC)
[19:40:25] <drussell> Yeah, the resolution on pom(6) isn't super high, but it doesn't actually say "full" yet...
[19:40:36] <drussell> Of course, then it will say "full" for 24, 36h
[19:40:43] <drussell> or so
[19:41:26] <drussell> It still says waxing right now, so obviously not technically rounding to full for at least another 12h or whatever
[19:42:26] <Ingar> a-day-and-a-half
[19:43:12] <Ingar> the exact moment of the full moon is an orbital thing but it doesn't actually mean it happens when you can see it
[19:44:37] <drussell> Exactly... pom(6) isn't intended to be astronomically precise, it is:
[19:44:39] <drussell> "The pom utility displays the current phase of the moon. Useful for selecting software completion target dates and predicting managerial behavior."
[19:44:44] <drussell> :)
[19:57:37] <Ingar> darn it has been ages since I had that installed
[19:57:59] <Ingar> I use https://www.timeanddate.com
[19:58:00] <systemd-oomd> ^ 03Moon Phases 2024 – Lunar Calendar ( https://www.timeanddate.com )
[22:36:10] <chromas> Ingar: PixelViewer might be useful for getting your camera output working
[22:36:39] <chromas> I'm playing with it now, but putting in the pixel resolution stored in the dng makes it seem to not line up right
[22:37:02] <chromas> 4056x3040
[22:38:28] <chromas> seems to consider the photo to be two frames
[23:10:05] <Ingar> chromas: I think the DNG also has a thumbnail
[23:20:32] <Bytram> OK. I give up. What is: DNG?
[23:24:23] <Ingar> Bytram: Adobe Digital Negative, an image format mostly used as RAW in photography situations
[23:27:16] <Bytram> So how does that map to the letters: DNG
[23:27:32] <Bytram> ???
[23:34:31] <Ingar> Digital NeGative ?
[23:42:27] <chromas> Maybe the G is for Jraffic
[23:47:15] <drussell> If it's Adobe, just don't try to think about it too hard, or else you will likely just break your brain trying to make sense of their special brand of nonsense.
[23:48:21] <Bytram> Does Not Go?
[23:50:32] <drussell> Maybe they're German? "Das nicht gut?!"
[23:51:06] <drussell> Noooo..... ist nicht gut!
[23:53:37] <Bytram> needs a noun: das ist nicht gut
[23:54:01] <Bytram> nicht war?
[23:54:24] <Bytram> <grin>
[23:56:10] <Bytram> nicht var? It's been 40+ years since I learned German!