#soylent | Logs for 2024-09-18

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[01:26:16] <ted-ious> Canada was going to ban a whole bunch of things like wd-40 but I didn't follow up to see if the laws went through.
[01:42:33] <Runaway1956> Those Canucks - they outlaw everything that isn't Tim Horton, maple, Moosehead, or Beiber.
[02:02:06] <ted-ious> Here's ave mentioning it. https://www.youtube.com
[02:02:08] <systemd> ^ 03Brakekleen, WD40 BANNED in Canada
[02:02:21] <ted-ious> And he has a new video too. https://www.youtube.com
[02:02:23] <systemd> ^ 03Instant Itchy. bot larva
[02:16:16] <ted-ious> Don't watch that second video.
[02:16:23] <ted-ious> It's disgusting.
[04:30:49] <chromas> I thought Tim Hortons was the Fosters of Canada
[08:57:02] -!- fake1956 [fake1956!~fake1956@216.238.wz.zs] has joined #soylent
[09:32:11] -!- fake1956 has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[11:59:18] <inz> ted-ious, weird to see the guy holding a can of bräkleen, yet manage to write brakekleen in the video title
[12:16:08] <Runaway1956> Dude probably doesn't have a ä character on his keyboard, and can't be arsed to figure out how to make one.
[12:16:45] <Runaway1956> Personally, I just copy paste those characters when I need one.
[12:17:01] <inz> But where does the extra "ke" come from?
[12:17:14] <Runaway1956> He's crosseyed?
[12:17:18] <inz> keke
[15:08:39] <halibut> Out of curiosity, does anybody have any tricks for coming up with characters like ``ä'' on a standard keyboard?
[15:11:00] <halibut> Options I have used: Look it up on the Internet (various Unicode tables). Know (or get) the Unicode number from some other method, and use Ctrl-Shift-U <hex_code> <space>. For ViM users, digraphs (I can expound if anybody is interested). In graphical editors, there are usually lookup tables (typically under some Insert Character menu item). Odd one: In python, import unicodedata, and write a script
[15:11:06] <halibut> to scan through code points and search for code points for which unicodedata.name(ord(codepoint)) matches some pattern.
[15:13:30] <halibut> As mentioned, copy/paste also works if you have something to copy from, which includes any of the above options, but also if responding to somebody who has already used on. If you want to get a code point (or digraph) for further usage, you can paste into ViM and use ``ga'' to get the codepoint or digraph, or copy into a python terminal (hex(ord('ä'))).
[15:14:28] <halibut> Typo: In the python unicodedata option, that should be unicodedata.name(chr(codepoint)). Example: unicodedata.name(chr(0xe4)).
[15:24:29] <fab23> on macOS with US Layout it is easy, option-u u = ü, option-u a = ä, option-u i = ï, option-u shift-o = Ü :)
[15:26:06] <fab23> or option-n n = ñ or option-` a = à, option-e a = á
[15:26:32] <halibut> Oh, and (La)TeX users have escape sequences like \"a.
[15:26:58] <fab23> correction, the option-u shift-o = Ö of course :)
[15:27:07] <halibut> Neat. I did not know that about MacOS. Any options for accents other than umlauts?
[15:27:40] <halibut> Nevermind, I see you have some of those.
[15:27:52] <fab23> halibut: like option-f = ƒ or option-s = ß (for the Germans).
[15:28:15] <halibut> Cool. Now, I just need to get a Mac and try it out .
[15:28:17] <fab23> halibut: to figure other out, I use the keyboard viewer
[15:30:26] <halibut> If I do get to sit in front of a Mac, how do I find the keyboard viewer?
[15:30:35] <fab23> option-3 = £, option-shift-2 = € (EURO)
[15:31:59] <halibut> Nevermind. Appears to be available through the System Settings.
[15:32:23] <fab23> halibut: you need to enable in the preferences / settings in Keyboard the "Show input menu in menu bar" then you have a little symbol in the menu where you can open the keyboard viewer
[15:32:58] <fab23> or also Emoji & Symbols
[15:33:33] <halibut> Neat. I will play with that next time I get asked to help with a Mac.
[15:34:02] <fab23> 👍
[15:35:11] <fab23> does it help, that I did type all this magic into an iTerm2 connecting to a FreeBSD system where a tmux with weechat is running?
[15:36:02] <halibut> Sounds like the best sort of system. Were you connected from a Mac?
[15:36:38] <fab23> sure
[15:36:57] <fab23> hm even in the log it does look fine: https://logs.sylnt.us
[15:36:57] <systemd> ^ 03#soylent | Logs for 2024-09-18
[15:38:57] <halibut> Any interest in getting an RPi running some GNU/Linux variant (maybe as a router?) and some WiFi AP running a custom GNU/Linux distro in that chain?
[15:40:01] <fab23> what should that change with keyboard input?
[15:40:58] <halibut> No change/difficulty with characters; just thought it would earn extra bragging rights for fancy/custom network setups.
[15:43:44] <ted-ious> Does vim have a way to look up unicode or do you have to know the code to insert it?
[15:46:00] <halibut> I do not know of a direct way to look it up directly, but :digraph will show a lot of options. Then, in insert mode, ^k <two-character-digraph> and ga will tell you the Unicode.
[15:46:51] <halibut> Actually, :digraph does give the decimal codes for the characters it displays.
[15:48:01] <halibut> Not an exhaustive list, but, I think, has a lot of the commonly-used characters.
[15:52:57] <ted-ious> Hmm it looks like it's got about 1300 on my system with a few dozen missing in the middle.
[16:38:01] <Bytram> Urk! You've hears of DEET (N,N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide, also called diethyltoluamide)? It's used for repelling mosquitoes. Was visiting a relative who lived ~1000 miles away. He heard us complain of bug biter. Come to find out, he was is the military. Apparently, *they* done mess around with the wimpy 5% or 10% stuff you could buy in stores. Nope. He rummaged around and emerged with a bottle of... 90% DEET! Several years later, he
[16:38:02] <Bytram> could only find 20% (IIRC). Makes me wonder. If the *military* gets concerned about a chemical (thin agent orange), then that did I slather over every pore of my body?!
[16:40:04] <Bytram> (Skin is the largest organ in the body!)
[17:23:49] <ted-ious> https://www.ctvnews.ca
[17:23:50] <systemd> ^ 03Titan submersible wreckage video released at public hearing
[17:24:08] <ted-ious> Why has it taken over a year to release this?
[17:24:51] <ted-ious> I guess the same reason it took them a week to tell the public what they knew the same day of the accident.
[20:07:38] <chromas> halibut: if you're on Linux with a graphical desktop you can enable the Compose key (mine is caps lock), then do stuff like <compose> u " to get the ü
[21:08:49] <ted-ious> It sounds like there are at least 5 different standards for this.
[21:20:30] -!- nonoffender [nonoffender!~nonoffend@188.166.nq.wr] has joined #soylent
[21:29:27] <nonoffender> Canadian poison?
[22:01:35] -!- nonoffender has quit [Quit: Client closed]
[23:05:12] -!- anontor has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:05:49] -!- anontor [anontor!~anontor@23.154.klg.gw] has joined #soylent