#test | Logs for 2014-07-05

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[02:35:12] <chromas> ~define perl
[02:35:18] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3perl: pur'-el (n) 1. Computer programming language used mostly by male virgins, between the ages of 17 and 35, who are also well versed in the Lord Of The Rings stories.
[02:35:33] <chromas> I don't use perl
[02:35:42] <chromas> or know the LotR series
[02:38:28] <crutchy> hahaha
[02:39:34] <chromas> ~define perl necklace
[02:39:39] <crutchy> lol
[02:39:41] <exec> perl necklace: unable to find definition
[02:39:44] <crutchy> aw
[02:39:49] <chromas> come one, someone's got to've made a punny
[02:40:10] <crutchy> ~define-add perl-necklace blah
[02:40:11] <exec> definition for term "perl-necklace" set to "blah"
[02:40:25] <crutchy> haven't allowed for multi word defs yet
[02:40:44] <crutchy> just need to pick a different delimiter i guess
[02:40:52] <crutchy> maybe , or |
[02:41:00] <chromas> could detect "s
[02:41:26] <chromas> so something like "multi word"
[02:42:09] <crutchy> yeah
[02:42:16] * crutchy opens definitions.php
[03:03:27] <chromas> haha or maybe escape\ the\ spaces\ :D
[03:20:00] <crutchy> or use some fucked up perl-derived syntax to be uber-nerdy :-P
[03:59:58] <chromas> The definition of perl necklace could be something about autoneurotic asphyxiation
[04:05:27] <crutchy> ~define-add perl necklace, something about autoneurotic asphyxiation
[04:05:28] <exec> definition for term "perl necklace" set to "something about autoneurotic asphyxiation"
[04:05:46] <chromas> lol
[04:05:50] <chromas> ~rofl
[04:06:13] <chromas> ~define perl necklace
[04:06:34] <chromas> ~define "perl necklace"
[04:06:48] <chromas> ~oops
[04:07:00] <exec> [soylent] perl necklace: something about autoneurotic asphyxiation
[04:07:23] <chromas> ~define perl necklace
[04:07:23] <exec> [soylent] perl necklace: something about autoneurotic asphyxiation
[04:07:30] <chromas> w00t
[04:09:42] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[04:09:51] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[04:09:51] -!- mode/#test [+v crutchy] by wheatley
[04:10:18] <crutchy> ~define perl necklace
[04:10:19] <exec> [soylent] perl necklace: something about autoneurotic asphyxiation
[04:10:25] <crutchy> fucking xchat
[04:10:33] <chromas> thumbsup.png
[04:10:48] <chromas> could have been your connection doing smething
[04:10:57] <crutchy> not sure
[04:11:09] <chromas> I tried it and it had a delay of just over a minute before it replied
[04:11:10] <crutchy> bot working. just my laptop gave
[04:11:16] <crutchy> a
[04:11:18] <crutchy> ah
[04:11:34] <chromas> just under a minute
[04:11:38] <crutchy> might have been some nasty rotten burritos clogging the tubes
[04:11:41] <chromas> important details :D
[04:11:54] <chromas> Mmm, burritos
[04:12:27] <crutchy> starting thinking about how to make it so we can add ~define sources from irc
[04:12:41] <chromas> Would be cool if he'd add a couple arrays for variance, like other burritos or foodstuffs
[04:13:01] <crutchy> lol nod
[04:13:09] <crutchy> ~define-source $host|$port|$uri|$delim_start|$delim_end|$uri_template
[04:13:22] <chromas> Would be easy enough if we could just pass the query string but that doesn't help with parsing the result
[04:14:13] <chromas> is there a way to specify which source to use or look to first?
[04:14:35] <chromas> like ~define-from ed pedobear
[04:14:43] <chromas> ~define pedobear
[04:14:47] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3Pedobear: Used by the common "pedo's" on hentai lolikon boards. The character "pedo bear" usually describes their dreams as they love to do the same as he does, only thing left is to dig...
[04:16:46] <crutchy> don't see why we couldn't make a source pref
[04:17:24] <chromas> or at least make the naughtiest ones come first
[04:17:37] <chromas> as long as they don't come too early
[04:18:11] <chromas> ~define premature evaporation
[04:18:15] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3premature evaporation: When you are brewing tea during foreplay and it gets too hot causing all the tea to evaporate, leaving at least one person quite unfulfilled. Can often lead to one participant saying, "Is...is th...
[04:19:33] <crutchy> hmm might be a bit problematic for source definition
[04:19:43] <crutchy> this is what would be required for wolfram:
[04:19:45] <crutchy> ~define-source www.wolframalpha.com|80|/input/?i=define%3A%%term%%|context.jsonArray.popups.pod_0200.push( {"stringified": "|","mInput": "","mOutput": "", "popLinks": {} });|%%term%%
[04:20:56] <crutchy> might be able to break it up a bit though
[04:21:01] <crutchy> maybe in steps
[04:21:58] <crutchy> ~define-source www.wolframalpha.com delim_start context.jsonArray.popups.pod_0200.push( {"stringified": "
[04:23:03] <crutchy> might need some thought as to what the best way is. prolly also needs some security measures (could potentially be used to read local files)
[04:24:24] <chromas> Maybe there could be a file for each source like exec
[04:25:09] <crutchy> the code is basically the same. hmm actually that's something i could do first... standardize the code so that is *is* the same
[04:25:40] <crutchy> put all the meta data into an array
[04:52:08] <crutchy> ~define atlantic ocean
[04:52:15] <exec> atlantic ocean: unable to find definition
[04:52:52] <crutchy> ~define time
[04:52:57] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3time: Nature's way of keeping everything from happening all at once.
[04:53:10] <crutchy> hmm
[04:53:22] <chromas> doesn't sound urban
[04:53:35] <chromas> no sexual references or anything 'offensive'
[04:53:55] <chromas> time: it's what stands between your satisfaction and hers
[04:54:19] <crutchy> ~define dancing
[04:54:24] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3dancing: Formal term meaning: to move with unhindered grace around an area with the presence of another enjoying the same activity. Urban term: Humping someone in public Sad world isn't it.
[04:55:12] <crutchy> hmm alpha not working now
[04:59:46] <crutchy> ~define dancing
[04:59:49] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3dancing: Formal term meaning: to move with unhindered grace around an area with the presence of another enjoying the same activity. Urban term: Humping someone in public Sad world isn't it.
[05:04:26] <crutchy> ~define dancing
[05:04:30] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3dancing: Formal term meaning: to move with unhindered grace around an area with the presence of another enjoying the same activity. Urban term: Humping someone in public Sad world isn't it.
[05:05:10] <chromas> http://soylentnews.org
[05:05:11] <monopoly> ^ 04SN journal 03 Dwarf Fortress Succession Game 04(26 comments): So, it appears we have quite a community of DF players here at SN, and enough I think to warrent getting a succession game going. For those who are unaware, su...
[05:05:14] <chromas> oops
[05:05:26] <chromas> just testing titlebot upgrades
[05:06:25] <crutchy> cool
[05:06:29] <crutchy> upgrades :-)
[05:06:40] <crutchy> monopoly++
[05:06:54] <crutchy> ~define dancing
[05:06:57] <exec> [www.wolframalpha.com] 3dancing: noun | taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music
[05:06:59] <chromas> Nothing too fancy; needs a total rewrite :D
[05:07:04] <crutchy> lol
[05:07:12] <chromas> ~define dirty dancing
[05:07:17] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3dirty dancing: 1. Having sex with your clothes on while standing up. 2. A movie from 1987 staring Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze. A sequel came out in 2004 titled Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights.
[05:07:18] <crutchy> refactoring++
[05:07:38] <crutchy> i'm refactoring a fair chunk of the define script
[05:07:59] <crutchy> that last wolfram def was using a new standardized function
[05:08:11] <chromas> nice
[05:08:34] * chromas should go look for sites and add them
[05:09:43] <crutchy> ~define dancing
[05:09:46] <exec> [urbandictionary] 3dancing: Formal term meaning: to move with unhindered grace around an area with the presence of another enjoying the same activity. Urban term: Humping someone in public Sad world isn't it.
[05:09:51] <crutchy> grr
[05:09:58] <crutchy> apparently needs www. bit
[05:24:02] <chromas> gah. I've got the stupidest bug
[05:24:22] <chromas> if a url has "-" as the second-to-last character then it doesn't pass validation
[08:08:49] <crutchy> ~define dancing
[08:08:53] <exec> [www.wolframalpha.com] 3dancing: noun | taking a series of rhythmical steps (and movements) in time to music
[08:09:18] <crutchy> ~define perl necklace
[08:09:19] <exec> [soylent] perl necklace: something about autoneurotic asphyxiation
[08:09:28] <crutchy> ~define perl
[08:09:32] <exec> [www.urbandictionary.com] 3perl: pur'-el (n) 1. Computer programming language used mostly by male virgins, between the ages of 17 and 35, who are also well versed in the Lord Of The Rings stories.
[08:09:46] <crutchy> ~define Perl
[08:09:53] <exec> Perl: unable to find definition
[08:10:01] <crutchy> :-/
[08:11:32] <crutchy> ~define Perl
[08:11:38] <exec> Perl: unable to find definition
[08:15:33] <chromas> ~define bewbs
[08:15:37] <exec> [www.urbandictionary.com] 3bewbs: boobs
[08:20:45] <chromas> ~define beWbs
[08:20:51] <exec> beWbs: unable to find definition
[08:20:57] <chromas> Aw
[08:21:48] <crutchy> i think i borked the ud redirect
[08:26:30] <crutchy> ~define Perl
[08:26:51] <exec> process timed out: Perl
[08:27:46] <chromas> ~define ytp
[08:27:50] <exec> [www.urbandictionary.com] 3ytp: See YouTube Poop.
[08:28:06] <chromas> ~define YouTube poop
[08:28:26] <exec> process timed out: YouTube poop
[08:29:18] <chromas> Could use a cache, too, to reduce net clogging
[08:29:45] <crutchy> got stuck in an infinite redirect
[08:29:57] <crutchy> ~define Perl
[08:29:59] <chromas> Ew
[08:30:08] <exec> Perl: unable to find definition
[08:30:16] <chromas> That's bad server configuration though
[08:30:26] <chromas> Maybe they're trolling you
[08:32:13] <crutchy> i don't think it was from the server
[08:32:33] <crutchy> i think the script got confused into thinking it was redirecting... or some shit
[08:32:38] <crutchy> lol not sure yet
[08:36:32] <crutchy> ~define Perl
[08:36:37] <exec> Perl: unable to find definition
[08:45:20] <crutchy> ~define Perl
[08:45:24] <exec> [www.urbandictionary.com] 3perl: pur'-el (n) 1. Computer programming language used mostly by male virgins, between the ages of 17 and 35, who are also well versed in the Lord Of The Rings stories.
[08:45:31] <crutchy> yay back in action
[08:46:18] <chromas> Woo-hoo
[08:46:33] <chromas> ~define YouTube poop
[08:46:33] <crutchy> problem was the uri variable was being overwritten so when it was passed to the function as a parameter on redirect there was no template to replace and it was working on the original processed uri.... hence the loop
[08:46:39] <exec> [www.urbandictionary.com] 3youtube poop: YouTube Poop is a name used for videos posted on YouTube which are usually nonsensical and random. They are simply just randomly chosen clips from things such as cartoons, clipped, looped and remixed ...
[08:47:41] <crutchy> just renamed the processed uri as real_uri so that the original function parameter was unchanged on redirect
[08:54:37] <chromas> ~defin epyThoN
[08:54:43] <chromas> ~define pyThoN
[08:54:43] <chromas> herp
[08:54:46] <exec> [www.wolframalpha.com] 3pyThoN: 1 | noun | a nonvenomous constricting snake that kills its prey through suffocation; any of various large constricting snakes (as a boa)\n2 | noun | a soothsaying spirit or a person who is possessed b...
[08:55:04] <chromas> oh yeah; forgot about the snakes
[08:55:17] <chromas> ~define pHp
[08:55:22] <exec> [www.urbandictionary.com] 3php: Setting things straight ... PHP began life as "Personal Home Page" (Tools), and later the "Personal Home Page" (Construction Kit). Later it would be merged with an SQL query tool f...
[08:55:57] <chromas> ~define pascal
[08:56:00] <exec> [www.wolframalpha.com] 3pascal: noun | a unit of pressure equal to one newton per square meter
[08:56:21] <chromas> ~define Loggie
[08:56:26] <exec> Loggie: unable to find definition
[08:56:53] <chromas> http://logs.sylnt.us
[08:56:58] <chromas> hm
[08:59:45] <chromas> http://sylnt.us
[08:59:45] <monopoly> ^ 03YOURLS — Your Own URL Shortener | http://sylnt.us: Insert URL « YOURLS » Your Own URL Shortener' | http://sylnt.us
[08:59:53] <chromas> http://logs.sylnt.us
[09:00:08] <chromas> oh that's right; no title
[09:00:15] <chromas> in fact, it's not even proper html
[09:00:25] <chromas> http://logs.sylnt.us
[09:00:26] <monopoly> ^ 03#trivia | Logs
[09:57:12] <crutchy> lol
[10:08:27] <crutchy> the refactored, slightly improved (or reorganised) define script: https://github.com
[10:08:30] <monopoly> ^ 03test/scripts/definitions.php at master · crutchy-/test · GitHub: Contribute to test development by creating an account on GitHub.
[10:09:28] <crutchy> where does it get the white text?
[10:09:44] <crutchy> i can't see that anywhere on the page in my browser
[10:10:03] <chromas> If there's a meta summary tag it pulls from that
[10:10:10] <crutchy> ah
[10:10:42] <chromas> Then there's special scrapers for SN articles, comments and journals
[10:11:49] <crutchy> cool
[10:12:23] <chromas> http://soylentnews.org
[10:12:24] <monopoly> ^ 04SN comment by prospectacle (3422): Nice work. Very impressive in such a short time. I've made a small edit to one of the articles on the feeds page to (hopefully) get the ball rolling. Will try to make...
[10:12:43] <chromas> hm
[10:13:06] <chromas> oh 'cause it's just comments on that link
[10:13:12] <chromas> http://soylentnews.org
[10:13:13] <monopoly> ^ 04SN journal 03 RSS/Atom feeds wiki page 04(1 comments): Check out http://wiki.soylentnews.org for a trial concept in article summary development. Thanks go to prospectacle for his ideas. Eventually feed s...
[10:13:51] <chromas> hm it doesn't get your name
[10:15:01] <chromas> ~define-sources
[10:15:02] <exec> definition sources in order of preference: www.urbandictionary.com > www.wolframalpha.com > www.stoacademy.com
[10:15:53] <crutchy> lol i think that's wrong now :-P
[10:16:09] <crutchy> that really needs to come from the new array
[10:16:59] <chromas> hey it could poll all of them at once and return everything :D
[10:18:24] <chromas> the highlighter on github got confused on line 76
[10:18:55] <crutchy> yeah its done that with a few of my scripts
[10:18:56] <chromas> it handles one escaped quote but not the next
[10:19:03] <crutchy> dunno what i'm doing wrong there
[10:20:20] <chromas> works fine in kate; must just be their bug
[10:20:50] <crutchy> might change the function params to take host, term and then the rest as an array
[10:20:59] <crutchy> might look a bit nicer
[10:28:51] <crutchy> ~define Perl
[10:30:00] <crutchy> ?
[10:31:41] <chromas> ~define black beauty
[10:31:52] <crutchy> oop forgot to delete some space junk :-P
[10:32:03] <crutchy> line 98
[10:32:16] <crutchy> https://github.com
[10:32:17] <monopoly> ^ 03test/scripts/definitions.php at master · crutchy-/test · GitHub: Contribute to test development by creating an account on GitHub.
[10:32:39] <chromas> oo I need to make a gh scraper
[10:33:36] <crutchy> ~define Perl
[10:33:42] <exec> Perl: unable to find definition
[10:33:48] <crutchy> hmm
[10:33:57] <chromas> ~define thumbsup.jpg
[10:34:02] <exec> thumbsup.jpg: unable to find definition
[10:34:23] <chromas> ~define handy jay
[10:34:29] <exec> handy jay: unable to find definition
[10:34:57] <crutchy> i'm just starting to get into local script testing (without irc)
[10:36:04] * crutchy has 4 terminal windows open.... feels so nerdy :-P
[10:36:13] <crutchy> ~define Perl
[10:36:16] <exec> [www.urbandictionary.com] 3perl: pur'-el (n) 1. Computer programming language used mostly by male virgins, between the ages of 17 and 35, who are also well versed in the Lord Of The Rings stories.
[10:36:23] <crutchy> there we go
[10:36:31] <chromas> Another handy thing is yakuake/gquake
[10:36:41] <chromas> I think there's several from gnome
[10:36:49] <chromas> s/rom/or/
[10:36:50] <exec> <chromas> I think there's several for gnome
[10:36:59] <chromas> exec++
[10:38:38] <crutchy> poor sedbot
[10:38:47] <crutchy> he has a cold
[10:39:14] * crutchy offers SedBot some codral for bots
[10:39:50] <chromas> Hey you're right; before the cold, he was sendmod
[10:40:06] <chromas> but now, with the stuffy dose
[10:40:12] <crutchy> lol
[10:40:59] <crutchy> i'm listening to some music that i got on a little cd as a freebie with a packet of pillows
[10:41:10] <crutchy> its really good surprisingly
[10:43:23] <crutchy> i have absolutely nfi what its called though so i can't even youtube it :-/
[10:43:52] <chromas> if you put it into your computer and open it in a media play it might try to fetch the info
[10:44:12] <chromas> or there could also be cd text
[10:44:44] <crutchy> i should try to find the little cd again (listening to an mp3 rip)
[10:46:46] <crutchy> ooh i found tracks from the N64 goldeneye game :-P
[10:47:50] <chromas> It had music?
[10:48:16] <chromas> I played it some; I liked to use two controllers, which it allowed for some reason
[10:48:36] <crutchy> yeah... not bad. nice n bassy
[10:48:57] <crutchy> remember the watch music
[10:48:58] <crutchy> ?
[10:49:09] <chromas> I don't remember any music from it
[10:49:15] <crutchy> ah
[10:49:19] <chromas> I used to have all the music from all the Donkey Kong Country games though
[10:49:45] <chromas> I think I usually had the music off in n64 games
[10:50:09] <chromas> So I probably missed out
[10:50:13] * chromas goes to youtube
[10:50:20] <crutchy> http://www.youtube.com
[10:50:21] <monopoly> ^ 03Goldeneye 007 watch music (HD) - YouTube: James bond n64 emulated
[10:54:06] <chromas> and then there's a "10 minute version"
[10:55:46] <chromas> wow, the n64 had crappy texture resolution
[10:55:53] <chromas> though the animation's pretty smooth
[10:59:08] <crutchy> http://www.youtube.com
[10:59:09] <monopoly> ^ 03Goldeneye 007 (Music) - Bunker - YouTube: Goldeneye is a game for the N64. Bunker is a single player mission. This is the music for it. Enjoy!
[10:59:39] <crutchy> ^prolly my favourite theme (from 1.20)
[11:03:17] <chromas> http://www.youtube.com
[11:03:17] <monopoly> ^ 03Descent - YouTube: This is another video of Descent, a first-person space shooter developed by Parallax Software and published by Interplay in 1994. It is one of the first game...
[11:03:44] <chromas> The music sounds weird, probably because it's not a classic soundcard synth
[13:49:26] <chromas> http://soylentnews.org
[13:49:27] <monopoly> ^ 04SN Poll : Things you want to see hit by an asteroid (25 comments; 123 total votes)
[13:49:41] <chromas> Probably should work on something besides SN scrapers :D
[13:52:50] <crutchy> i should prolly work on something other than define script :-P
[13:53:04] <crutchy> scrapers are fun though
[13:53:26] <crutchy> i'm working on making the define script more generic
[13:53:36] <crutchy> so it can be used to query any website
[13:54:52] <crutchy> added a field in the param array for order
[13:55:01] <crutchy> so can be changed on the fly
[13:55:31] <chromas> Hey then I can make scrapers for that
[13:55:57] <chromas> In Pascal
[14:01:06] <chromas> ~define Soylent news
[14:01:13] <exec> [www.stoacademy.com] 3Soylent news: Newb - New Player
[14:01:50] <chromas> ~define tricky triangle
[14:01:56] <exec> tricky triangle: unable to find definition
[14:02:26] <chromas> ~define pocket pool
[14:02:30] <exec> [www.urbandictionary.com] 3pocket pool: to indescertely play with your balls and catch a quick jack
[14:02:58] <chromas> ~define indescertely
[14:03:03] <exec> indescertely: unable to find definition
[14:04:21] <chromas> I don't think that's a word
[14:04:34] <chromas> Discretely
[14:04:45] <chromas> Funny
[14:04:52] <chromas> ~define discrete
[14:04:55] <exec> [www.wolframalpha.com] 3discrete: adjective | constituting a separate entity or part
[14:04:59] <chromas> ~define discreet
[14:05:01] <exec> [www.wolframalpha.com] 3discreet: 1 | adjective | marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint\n2 | adjective | unobtrusively perceptive and sympathetic\n3 | adjective | heedful of potential consequences
[14:05:22] <chromas> Seems like they're almost antonyms
[14:05:55] <chromas> Also, one was a software company
[14:07:08] <chromas> Goddamn autodesk
[14:10:00] <chromas> ~define autodesk
[14:10:06] <exec> [www.urbandictionary.com] 3Autodesk: Kick ass maker of AutoCad (architectural program), Revit (another archi program), and other hot shits.
[14:10:28] <chromas> Sounds sardonic to me
[14:13:07] <crutchy> autodesk: was once half-decent, but like a lot of software companies (ea games, blizzard, adobe) went full retard and now just pays peanuts for other people's hard work
[14:13:20] <crutchy> (or just rips it off blindly)
[14:17:42] <chromas> :-(
[14:17:47] <chromas> They're all bastards
[14:20:44] <chromas> If I remember right, each expansion to the sims 2 had ea logos larger than the last
[14:23:12] <crutchy> lol
[14:23:50] <crutchy> i'm stuck in the autodesk ecosystem at work
[14:24:09] <crutchy> i don't get to do a lot of drawing nowadays though
[14:24:18] <chromas> I'm sorry for your loss
[14:24:48] * chromas places hat over chest
[14:25:01] <crutchy> :-P
[14:25:25] * crutchy pulls out tiny violin to play for seld
[14:25:31] <crutchy> s/seld/self/
[14:25:32] <exec> <crutchy> pulls out tiny violin to play for self
[14:27:01] <chromas> exec: s/(t t*)//
[14:27:02] <exec> last message by "exec" not found
[14:27:12] <chromas> Not sure that would work anyway
[14:27:25] <chromas> Neither would the regex
[14:29:29] <crutchy> exec's sed has no balls
[14:30:05] <chromas> How does it glow?
[14:30:36] <crutchy> oh it does have glowballs :-)
[14:30:46] <chromas> ~spank SedBot
[14:30:55] <chromas> ~spank FoobarBazbot
[14:33:07] <crutchy> .op
[14:33:07] -!- mode/#test [+o crutchy] by wheatley
[14:33:30] <crutchy> .deop
[14:33:30] -!- mode/#test [-o crutchy] by wheatley
[14:33:41] <crutchy> no aqu4
[14:33:55] <crutchy> (only admins allowed to invite)
[14:34:06] <chromas> Aw