#test | Logs for 2014-07-24

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[01:22:17] -!- BattleArena [BattleArena!~BattleAre@187.214.mnu.li] has joined #test
[01:22:17] <BattleArena> 2* A battle will begin in 3 minutes.
[01:22:17] -!- mode/#test [+v BattleArena] by wheatley
[01:22:31] <TheMightyBot> BattleArena, help
[01:22:34] <TheMightyBot> BattleArena, !help
[01:22:36] <TheMightyBot> !help
[01:22:37] <TheMightyBot> .help
[01:23:25] <BattleArena> 3TheMightyBot has entered the dimensional rift to join the battle arena.
[01:24:20] <TheMightyBot> !play
[01:24:24] <TheMightyBot> !help
[01:25:17] <BattleArena> 4A dimensional portal has been detected. The enemy force will arrive in 120 seconds. Type !enter if you wish to join the battle!
[01:25:30] <TheMightyBot> !enter
[01:25:30] <BattleArena> 4TheMightyBot has entered the battle!
[01:27:16] <BattleArena> 10The weather changes. It is now stormy
[01:27:16] <BattleArena> 4Dirt Eater has entered the battle!
[01:27:16] <BattleArena> 12Dirt Eater is a medium sized brown worm.
[01:27:16] <BattleArena> 10-=BATTLE INFORMATION=-
[01:27:16] <BattleArena> 4[Turn #:12 14][Weather:12 stormy4] [Moon Phase:12 Quarter Moon4] [Battlefield:12 river4]
[01:27:17] <BattleArena> 4[Darkness will occur in:12 10 4turns]
[01:27:17] <BattleArena> 4[Battle Order: 5Dirt_Eater, 3TheMightyBot4]
[01:27:18] <BattleArena> 2Dirt Eater steps up first in the battle!
[01:27:22] <BattleArena> 4Dirt Eater performs a double attack against TheMightyBot!
[01:27:23] <BattleArena> 3Dirt Eater punches TheMightyBot hard with a left and follows through with a spinning backhand with the right hand3.
[01:27:23] <BattleArena> 1The first attack did4 4 damage. The second attack did4 2 damage. Total physical damage:4 6 
[01:27:23] <BattleArena> 3It is TheMightyBot's turn [Health Status: 3Great3] [Status Effects:4 none3] [Active Skills:4 none3]
[01:28:38] * TheMightyBot attacks Dirt Eater
[01:28:38] <BattleArena> 4Error: Dirt is not currently in this battle!
[01:28:43] * TheMightyBot attacks "Dirt Eater"
[01:29:00] * TheMightyBot attacks Dirt_Eater
[01:29:00] <BattleArena> 4TheMightyBot performs a double attack against Dirt Eater!
[01:29:00] <BattleArena> 3TheMightyBot charges at Dirt Eater at full speed and executes a 3-hit combo before leaping back into fighting position3.
[01:29:00] <BattleArena> 1The first attack did4 179 damage. The second attack did4 85 damage. Total physical damage:4 264 [10Savage!]
[01:29:00] <BattleArena> 4Dirt Eater has been defeated by TheMightyBot! 7<<OVERKILL>>
[01:29:04] <BattleArena> 4The Battle is Over! 12
[01:29:04] <BattleArena> 12The forces of good have won this battle (level 0) in 1 turn! [Current record is: 1]
[01:29:04] <BattleArena> 3For their victory, these players have been rewarded with Red Orbs: TheMightyBot[+515]
[01:29:04] <BattleArena> 2* A battle will begin in 3 minutes.
[01:32:04] <BattleArena> 4A dimensional portal has been detected. The enemy force will arrive in 120 seconds. Type !enter if you wish to join the battle!
[01:32:08] <TheMightyBot> !enter
[01:32:09] <BattleArena> 4TheMightyBot has entered the battle!
[01:34:04] <BattleArena> 10The weather changes. It is now hot
[01:34:04] <BattleArena> 4Bee has entered the battle!
[01:34:04] <BattleArena> 12Bee is a large bee that is yellow and black in color.
[01:34:04] <BattleArena> 10-=BATTLE INFORMATION=-
[01:34:04] <BattleArena> 4[Turn #:12 14][Weather:12 hot4] [Moon Phase:12 Quarter Moon4] [Battlefield:12 cavern4]
[01:34:04] <BattleArena> 4[Darkness will occur in:12 10 4turns]
[01:34:04] <BattleArena> 4[Battle Order: 5Bee, 3TheMightyBot4]
[01:34:05] <BattleArena> 2Bee steps up first in the battle!
[01:34:10] <BattleArena> 4Bee performs a double attack against TheMightyBot!
[01:34:10] <BattleArena> 3Bee whips around and spin kicks TheMightyBot in the jaw3.
[01:34:10] <BattleArena> 1The first attack did4 13 damage. The second attack did4 6 damage. Total physical damage:4 19 
[01:34:10] <BattleArena> 3It is TheMightyBot's turn [Health Status: 10Good3] [Status Effects:4 none3] [Active Skills:4 none3]
[01:34:50] * TheMightyBot attacks Bee
[01:34:50] <BattleArena> 4TheMightyBot performs a double attack against Bee!
[01:34:50] <BattleArena> 3TheMightyBot sucker punches Bee in the face and gives a pair of swift kicks into its abdomen3.
[01:34:50] <BattleArena> 1The first attack did4 91 damage. The second attack did4 43 damage. Total physical damage:4 134 [10Sweet!]
[01:34:50] <BattleArena> 4Bee has been defeated by TheMightyBot! 7<<OVERKILL>>
[01:34:55] <BattleArena> 4The Battle is Over! 12
[01:34:55] <BattleArena> 12The forces of good have won this battle (level 1) in 1 turn! [Current record is: 2]
[01:34:55] <BattleArena> 3For their victory, these players have been rewarded with Red Orbs: TheMightyBot[+406]
[01:34:55] <BattleArena> 2* A battle will begin in 3 minutes.
[01:35:44] <TheMightyBot> !die
[01:36:31] <TheMightyBot> !bot admin
[01:39:44] TheMightyBot is now known as Alberto
[01:39:46] <Alberto> !help
[01:40:24] * Alberto attacks Bee
[01:40:30] <Alberto> !enter
[01:40:37] -!- BattleArena has quit [Quit: Battle Arena version 2.4 written by James "Iyouboushi"]
[02:15:01] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[02:24:57] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[02:24:57] -!- mode/#test [+v crutchy] by wheatley
[03:15:19] monopoly is now known as menopausalopoly
[03:39:44] Alberto is now known as TheMightyBot
[03:41:00] TheMightyBot is now known as Alberto
[07:03:20] -!- SedBot2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:03:46] -!- SedBot2 [SedBot2!~SedBot2@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[07:03:46] -!- mode/#test [+v SedBot2] by wheatley
[07:05:32] <crutchy> sedbot
[07:05:32] * SedBot2 is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[07:05:36] <crutchy> cool
[07:06:31] menopausalopoly is now known as SedBot
[07:10:24] SedBot is now known as nick
[07:10:39] nick is now known as z
[07:19:27] <Alberto> sedbot
[07:19:27] * SedBot2 is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[07:19:31] <Alberto> gaybot
[07:20:15] <Alberto> crutchy, there is a bug on that
[07:20:26] <Alberto> sedbot is a 54-line awk script
[07:20:26] * SedBot2 is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[07:20:27] <crutchy> where abouts?
[07:20:27] <Alberto> not 53
[07:20:28] <Alberto> :p
[07:20:45] <crutchy> the code that's running has 53 lines
[07:20:50] <crutchy> https://github.com
[07:20:51] <z> ^ 03test/sedbot.awk at master · crutchy-/test · GitHub
[07:20:57] <crutchy> oops
[07:21:09] <crutchy> https://github.com
[07:21:10] <z> ^ 03test/sedbot.awk at master · crutchy-/test · GitHub
[07:22:44] Alberto is now known as X
[07:27:38] -!- SedBot2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:28:01] -!- SedBot2 [SedBot2!~SedBot2@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[07:28:01] -!- mode/#test [+v SedBot2] by wheatley
[07:29:21] -!- SedBot2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:29:45] -!- SedBot2 [SedBot2!~SedBot2@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[07:29:45] -!- mode/#test [+v SedBot2] by wheatley
[07:31:27] -!- SedBot2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[07:34:15] -!- SedBot2 [SedBot2!~SedBot2@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[07:34:15] -!- mode/#test [+v SedBot2] by wheatley
[07:38:31] <crutchy> sedbot
[07:38:31] * SedBot2 is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[07:45:29] z is now known as Operator
[07:46:06] chromas is now known as User
[07:48:23] <crutchy> /nick luser
[07:48:23] Operator is now known as luser
[07:48:35] <crutchy> wtf?
[07:48:44] <crutchy> /nick Operator
[07:48:44] luser is now known as Operator
[07:48:47] <crutchy> lol
[07:48:49] <crutchy> oops
[07:48:55] <crutchy> sorry :-p
[07:49:14] <crutchy> that was just meant to be a message
[07:53:18] <crutchy> ~sedbot-talk .op
[07:53:23] <User> :) Counts as testing
[07:53:43] <crutchy> ~sedbot-talk /m .op
[07:54:00] <crutchy> oh woops
[07:54:02] <crutchy> forgot
[07:54:09] <crutchy> ~sedbot-talk3 .op
[07:54:19] <crutchy> or not :-(
[07:54:40] <crutchy> oh crap exec not here
[07:55:06] -!- exec [exec!~exec@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[07:55:06] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by wheatley
[07:55:16] <crutchy> i'm buried myself in too much moar complexities
[07:56:25] <User> It's okay, so long as it doesn't go beta 😜
[07:57:01] <crutchy> no worries about that. it won't ever get to alpha let alone beta
[08:00:16] X is now known as A
[08:00:36] <A> i will be known as A
[08:00:39] <A> of ALL
[08:00:41] <A> or Alberto
[08:00:42] <A> :p
[08:01:10] <User> /nick titlebotPro2000
[08:01:10] Operator is now known as titlebotPro2000
[08:01:25] <A> /nick sp
[08:01:32] <A> /nick sp
[08:01:41] <A> HelloWorld
[08:01:41] User is now known as Alberto
[08:01:49] <crutchy> lol
[08:01:53] -!- Alberto has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by A!~Alberto@187.214.mnu.li))]
[08:02:04] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@62-36-590-45.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #test
[08:02:04] -!- chromas has quit [Changing host]
[08:02:04] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #test
[08:02:04] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by wheatley
[08:02:05] <A> Owned
[08:02:06] <A> XDDD
[08:02:30] <crutchy> GHOST command?
[08:02:38] <A> Yeah
[08:02:40] <A> XD
[08:02:47] <crutchy> is that something related to Tron?
[08:03:01] <A> crutchy, try /nick X
[08:03:04] <chromas> That's kind of gay; should just change my nick
[08:03:08] <A> XD
[08:03:27] * A loves NickServ
[08:03:30] <crutchy> nah i don't feel like getting ghosted by nickserv
[08:03:34] <A> XD
[08:04:09] A is now known as NickSerb
[08:04:20] <chromas> Nickserv--
[08:04:27] * NickSerb is here to serb
[08:04:28] <NickSerb> :p
[08:04:38] NickSerb is now known as SoylentNews
[08:04:52] <SoylentNews> Muhahaha
[08:05:04] <chromas> Need to update irc to support logins instead of using hacks
[08:05:08] * SoylentNews is the official service bot
[08:05:14] <crutchy> i wouldn't even bother registering that one Alberto
[08:05:18] <SoylentNews> :/
[08:05:31] <SoylentNews> -NickServ- Nick SoylentNews has been removed from your account.
[08:05:32] <SoylentNews> :p
[08:05:56] SoylentNews is now known as segfault
[08:06:00] <crutchy> i guess you can, but if its needed at some point it would be just taken anyway
[08:06:04] <segfault> i like the group thing
[08:06:15] <segfault> crutchy, true =/
[08:06:18] <crutchy> i never got used to it, but it does look handy
[08:09:07] <segfault> dude
[08:09:07] <segfault> #-INSERT-NICK-#
[08:09:16] <segfault> this irc allows channels like that?
[08:09:39] <crutchy> don't see why not
[08:09:50] <crutchy> you can even /join @
[08:09:58] <crutchy> just can't register it with chanserv
[08:12:19] segfault is now known as A
[08:15:58] titlebotPro2000 is now known as MrBucket
[08:40:03] A is now known as Alberto
[10:29:13] Alberto is now known as TheMightyBytramBrazzersBorg
[10:29:20] TheMightyBytramBrazzersBorg is now known as Alberto
[11:52:16] -!- SedBot2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:52:16] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[11:52:40] -!- SedBot2 [SedBot2!~SedBot2@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[11:52:40] -!- mode/#test [+v SedBot2] by wheatley
[11:52:50] <crutchy> sedbot
[11:52:50] * SedBot2 is a 53-line awk script, https://github.com
[11:57:50] -!- SedBot2 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:58:15] -!- SedBot2 [SedBot2!~SedBot2@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[11:58:15] -!- mode/#test [+v SedBot2] by wheatley
[12:07:56] MrBucket is now known as monopoly
[22:13:30] -!- Alberto has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]