#test | Logs for 2015-04-13

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[09:28:55] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #test
[09:28:55] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by wheatley
[10:49:38] -!- MrPlow has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[10:49:55] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!~TheMighty@nsa.gov] has joined #test
[10:49:55] -!- mode/#test [+v MrPlow] by wheatley
[11:47:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[11:47:57] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[11:48:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[11:48:46] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[11:52:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[11:52:38] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[11:54:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[11:54:54] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[11:57:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[11:57:46] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[11:57:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[11:57:49] <MrPlow> Syntax: ;weather City, ST or ;weather zip code
[11:58:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[11:58:35] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[11:58:36] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[11:58:36] <MrPlow> Syntax: ;weather City, ST or ;weather zip code
[11:59:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[11:59:57] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[11:59:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[11:59:59] <MrPlow> Jackson, TN
[12:00:45] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[12:00:45] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[12:00:46] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[12:00:46] <MrPlow> Syntax: ;weather City, ST or ;weather zip code
[12:01:37] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[12:01:37] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[12:01:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[12:01:38] <MrPlow> Syntax: ;weather City, ST or ;weather zip code
[12:03:09] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[12:03:09] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[12:03:11] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[12:03:11] <MrPlow> Syntax: ;weather City, ST or ;weather zip code
[12:06:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[12:06:20] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[12:06:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[12:06:21] <MrPlow> ';weather'
[12:06:53] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[12:06:53] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[12:06:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[12:06:54] <MrPlow> ''
[12:07:25] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[12:07:25] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[12:07:26] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[12:07:26] <MrPlow> 'Jackson, TN'
[12:07:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;reload
[12:07:38] <MrPlow> Reloaded
[12:07:39] <TheMightyBuzzard> ;weather
[12:07:39] <MrPlow> Today: Cloudy skies this morning followed by thunderstorms during the afternoon. High around 75F. Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 80%. Tomorrow: Showers in the morning, then cloudy in the afternoon. High 69F. Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 50%.
[12:14:48] <crutchy> Cloudy skies this morning followed by thunderstorms during the afternoon > cloudy morning, thunderstorms afternoon
[13:27:01] -!- AliciaBraps92 [AliciaBraps92!~AliciaBra@l-54-996-61-91.hsd4.ma.comcast.net] has joined #test
[13:27:01] -!- mode/#test [+v AliciaBraps92] by wheatley
[13:27:20] <AliciaBraps92> My Co-worker literally has played this ALL day... https://www.youtube.com
[13:27:20] <clippit> ^* 03Coworker Goes Ballistic Playing Jet Turtle - YouTube
[13:27:36] -!- AliciaBraps92 [AliciaBraps92!~AliciaBra@l-54-996-61-91.hsd4.ma.comcast.net] has parted #test