#test | Logs for 2015-10-24

« return
[00:00:00] <exec> 13 .sleep [*] PRIVMSG sleep is for the weak
[00:00:01] <exec> 13 .flip [*] PRIVMSG (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[00:00:02] <exec> 13 .socialist [*] PRIVMSG %%trailing%%, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[00:00:03] <exec> 13 .sn [#Soylent] PRIVMSG https://soylentnews.org
[00:00:04] <exec> 13 .convert [] INTERNAL
[00:00:05] <exec> 13 ~g'morning [*] INTERNAL ~g'day %%trailing%%
[00:00:06] <exec> 13 .soylentfart [*] INTERNAL ~sql query select comment_body from exec_irc_bot.sn_comments where (comment_body like '% fart %') order by rand() limit 1
[00:00:11] <crutchy> hmm.
[00:00:15] <crutchy> .macro-list
[00:00:17] <exec> 13 .ciri.poke [*] INTERNAL ~say <#> ciri: %%trailing%%
[00:00:18] <exec> 13 .part [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt :sylnt PART %%trailing%%
[00:00:18] <exec> 13 .join [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt :sylnt JOIN %%trailing%%
[00:00:19] <exec> 13 .whois [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt WHOIS %%trailing%%
[00:00:21] <exec> 13 lol [#] PRIVMSG ciri is a butthole
[00:00:22] <exec> 13 .alljoins [#freenode] PRIVMSG .join #epoch,#boxedfox,##crawl,#NetHack
[00:00:23] <exec> 13 .start [*] INTERNAL ~join #,#soylent,#belle,#crutchy,#nethack,#test,#crawl,#wiki,#editorial
[00:00:23] <exec> 13 .sleep [*] PRIVMSG sleep is for the weak
[00:00:24] <exec> 13 .flip [*] PRIVMSG (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[00:00:25] <exec> 13 .socialist [*] PRIVMSG %%trailing%%, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[00:00:38] <crutchy> damn. there's an error in the cmd.php file on that :/
[00:03:46] <crutchy> unserialize error :(
[00:03:49] <crutchy> .macro-list
[00:03:50] <exec> 13 .ciri.poke [*] INTERNAL ~say <#> ciri: %%trailing%%
[00:03:50] <exec> 13 .part [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt :sylnt PART %%trailing%%
[00:03:51] <exec> 13 .join [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt :sylnt JOIN %%trailing%%
[00:03:51] <exec> 13 .whois [#freenode] INTERNAL ~minion raw sylnt WHOIS %%trailing%%
[00:03:52] <exec> 13 lol [#] PRIVMSG ciri is a butthole
[00:03:53] <exec> 13 .alljoins [#freenode] PRIVMSG .join #epoch,#boxedfox,##crawl,#NetHack
[00:03:54] <exec> 13 .start [*] INTERNAL ~join #,#soylent,#belle,#crutchy,#nethack,#test,#crawl,#wiki,#editorial
[00:03:55] <exec> 13 .sleep [*] PRIVMSG sleep is for the weak
[00:03:56] <exec> 13 .flip [*] PRIVMSG (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
[00:03:57] <exec> 13 .socialist [*] PRIVMSG %%trailing%%, YOU'RE a SOCIALIST!
[00:03:58] <exec> 13 .sn [#Soylent] PRIVMSG https://soylentnews.org
[00:03:59] <exec> 13 .convert [] INTERNAL
[06:40:31] -!- exec has quit [Quit: dafuq]
[06:41:34] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #test
[06:41:34] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by wheatley
[14:05:21] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[14:06:37] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[21:28:52] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[21:28:52] -!- mode/#test [+v crutchy] by wheatley
[21:30:17] -!- exec [exec!~exec@utioner/T-800/BeVeryAfraid] has joined #test
[21:30:17] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by wheatley
[23:40:31] Troll is now known as GW
[23:56:15] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]
[23:56:53] -!- crutchy has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds]