#test | Logs for 2016-09-15

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[08:29:12] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@709-27-2-01.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #test
[08:29:12] -!- mode/#test [+v crutchy] by Artemis
[10:37:55] <chromas> #abuser chromas
[11:32:34] -!- MrPlow has quit [Quit: Powered by Rust.]
[11:34:40] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #test
[11:34:40] -!- mode/#test [+v MrPlow] by Artemis
[11:56:45] -!- MrPlow has quit [Quit: Powered by Rust.]
[11:57:35] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #test
[11:57:35] -!- mode/#test [+v MrPlow] by Artemis
[12:01:56] <chromas> bejoin #safespace
[12:02:09] <chromas> guess I didn't tabe complete
[12:02:48] <mecctro> lol
[12:03:16] <chromas> Bender doesn't listen to me anyway, besides not being here
[12:03:32] <mecctro> yea, that might help a bit, though
[12:03:53] <chromas> #part
[12:03:53] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has parted #test
[12:04:00] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #test
[12:04:00] -!- mode/#test [+v MrPlow] by Artemis
[12:04:08] <chromas> #join 0
[12:04:12] <chromas> #join ,0
[12:04:17] <chromas> MrPlow: fag
[12:04:48] <chromas> #kick chromas
[12:04:59] -!- mode/#test [+o MrPlow] by Artemis
[12:05:01] <chromas> #kick chromas
[12:05:06] -!- mode/#test [-o MrPlow] by Artemis
[12:05:08] <chromas> meanie
[12:05:22] <mecctro> lol
[12:05:32] -!- mode/#test [+o aqu4] by Artemis
[12:05:37] <chromas> $chanctl kick chromas
[12:05:37] <aqu4> You are not authorized to use that command, you need to be an admin.
[12:05:41] -!- mode/#test [-o aqu4] by Artemis
[12:08:06] <chromas> #say test
[12:08:22] <chromas> argute: say test
[12:08:26] <chromas> `say test
[12:08:38] <mecctro> lol
[12:08:46] <chromas> nobody listens to me and it's not fair
[12:08:54] <mecctro> no say for her.
[12:08:56] <chromas> tantrum activate
[12:09:00] <mecctro> lol
[12:09:10] <chromas> `kick
[12:09:12] <chromas> `list
[12:09:14] <chromas> `help
[12:09:14] <argute> Commands: `help (returns this) | `quote (returns an interesting quote) | `chuck (returns Chuck Norris joke) | `cookie (returns a fortune cookie) | `fah <stat> <user> (returns stat of user; eg. rank, score, work ) | `fah team (returns our F@H team stats)
[12:09:20] <chromas> `help help
[12:09:20] <argute> Commands: `help (returns this) | `quote (returns an interesting quote) | `chuck (returns Chuck Norris joke) | `cookie (returns a fortune cookie) | `fah <stat> <user> (returns stat of user; eg. rank, score, work ) | `fah team (returns our F@H team stats)
[12:09:28] <chromas> `help chuck
[12:09:28] <argute> Commands: `help (returns this) | `quote (returns an interesting quote) | `chuck (returns Chuck Norris joke) | `cookie (returns a fortune cookie) | `fah <stat> <user> (returns stat of user; eg. rank, score, work ) | `fah team (returns our F@H team stats)
[12:09:42] <mecctro> lazy prefix check lol
[12:14:55] -!- exec [exec!~exec@crutchys.brothel] has joined #test
[12:14:55] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by Artemis
[12:15:26] <chromas> ~say <baconserv> say #test bacon++
[12:15:28] <exec> <baconserv> say #test bacon++
[12:15:37] <chromas> fuka yu, exec
[12:15:51] <chromas> =sayto baconserv say #test bacon++
[12:16:09] <chromas> hm
[12:16:17] <chromas> =sayto botserv say #test bacon++
[12:16:17] <Artemis> bacon++
[12:17:20] <chromas> ~list
[12:17:21] <exec> ~list ~list-auth ~lock ~unlock
[12:17:22] <exec> ~! ~addr ~api ~arthur ~aur ~bday ~butt ~calc ~cat ~cd ~cid ~comments ~confucius ~convert ~count ~cowsay ~deb ~define ~define-add ~define-count ~define-delete ~define-sources ~devs ~eds ~exec-issue ~execfs ~fah ~filter ~filth ~first ~forex ~fortune ~g ~g'day ~g'night ~gday ~get ~github-add ~github-del ~github-feed ~github-list ~gnight ~google ~grab ~header ~header-login ~help ~isup ~jisho ~last ~link ~links ~location ~log ~ls ~md ~mkdir ~moo ~nyse
[12:17:23] <exec> ~openthepodbaydoors ~perl6 ~php ~queue ~quickpoll ~quote ~rainbow ~random ~rd ~rehash-issue ~remind ~rmdir ~romajidesu ~rps ~scramble ~sed ~seen ~set ~shorten ~sizeof ~sneak ~sneak-server ~staff ~stash ~story-search ~submit ~suggest ~suggest-api ~suggest-exec ~suggest-rss ~tell ~time ~time-add ~time-del ~title ~trans ~translate ~translate-sl ~uid ~unset ~unstash ~up ~vote ~weather ~weather-add ~weather-del ~weather-old ~weather-prefs ~welcome ~wget
[12:17:24] <exec> ~wiki ~wiki-privmsg ~youtube ~yt
[12:18:13] <chromas> =list
[12:18:13] <dogbox> k
[12:19:00] <chromas> =dump .karma.enabled
[12:19:00] <dogbox> k
[12:19:10] <chromas> =clear .karma.enabled
[12:19:16] <chromas> =!clear .karma.enabled
[12:19:16] <dogbox> k
[12:19:20] <chromas> =dump .karma.enabled
[12:19:20] <dogbox> k
[12:19:24] <chromas> --test
[12:19:48] <chromas> At least that works
[12:19:52] <chromas> argute: make ciri come in here
[12:20:13] <mecctro> nada
[12:20:42] <chromas> ~nick meanie
[12:20:43] exec is now known as meanie
[12:20:47] <chromas> ~nick exec
[12:20:48] meanie is now known as exec
[12:20:51] <chromas> I meant `
[12:20:53] * chromas can't prefix
[12:21:21] * cmn32480 makes a note to remove chromas from the admin list
[12:21:26] <mecctro> lol
[12:21:49] <chromas> check your notes; it should be in there a couple times
[12:21:49] <mecctro> `chitty gen
[12:21:49] <argute> I’m withured – and he glents to face it and please to hand the door. What’s food in my alterbable,, glags you all that all depecking things.
[12:22:19] <chromas> `chitty gen specked
[12:54:15] <chromas> ~define nanoaggression
[12:54:17] <exec> nanoaggression: unable to find definition
[12:54:25] <chromas> ~define microaggression
[12:54:27] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03Microaggressions: Acts or words that are perceived to be insulting by a person who is looking to be insulted, whether or not that was the intent of the transgressor. Usually a symptom of a persecution complex. (n)
[12:55:01] <chromas> ~define argute
[12:55:02] <exec> argute: unable to find definition
[12:55:14] <chromas> ~define Artemis
[12:55:16] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03Artemis: Artemis (Diana), daughter of Zeus.
[12:55:22] <chromas> that's not funny
[12:59:03] <crutchy> ~define cloud2butt
[12:59:05] <exec> cloud2butt: unable to find definition
[12:59:11] <crutchy> ~define yo mama
[12:59:13] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03yo mama: 1. A phrase used as a formal declaration of defeat. For example: "Kenneth replied 'yo mama' when he realized he could not counter his opponent's point." 2. The principle part of...
[12:59:40] <crutchy> ~define-add yo mama, tama's alter-ego
[12:59:41] <exec> definition for term "yo mama" set to "tama's alter-ego"
[13:01:27] <chromas> ~g cloud2butt plus
[13:01:29] <exec> [google] cloud-2-butt.tumblr.com/
[13:05:22] <chromas> ~define sarkeesian principle
[13:05:24] <exec> sarkeesian principle: unable to find definition
[13:05:29] <chromas> :O
[13:08:33] <crutchy> ~define stanks
[13:08:35] <exec> [urbandictionary] 03stank: 1. (adj.) The quality of being whorish and/or trashy or the appearance of bearing said quality. 2. (adv.) Any instance where the aforementioned quality is displayed to the Nth degree. 3. (n.) A ghetto...
[13:17:57] chromas is now known as cunt
[13:24:47] cunt is now known as excellent
[13:27:29] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[13:29:56] excellent is now known as crutchy
[13:30:12] crutchy is now known as SoyGuest94732
[13:30:32] SoyGuest94732 is now known as chromas
[22:35:28] -!- argute has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[22:46:52] -!- argute [argute!~argute@vnh-521-051-94-94.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #test
[22:46:52] -!- mode/#test [+v argute] by Artemis
[22:47:16] <mecctro> `chuck
[22:47:17] <argute> Chuck Norris is responsible for China's over-population. He hosted a Karate tournament in Beijing and all women within 1,000 miles became pregnant instantly.
[22:47:20] <mecctro> `help
[22:47:20] <argute> Commands: `help (returns this) | `quote (returns an interesting quote) | `chuck (returns Chuck Norris joke) | `cookie (returns a fortune cookie) | `fah <stat> <user> (returns stat of user; eg. rank, score, work ) | `fah team (returns our F@H team stats)
[22:47:22] <mecctro> `help help
[22:47:24] <mecctro> `helpi
[22:47:29] <mecctro> `helpless
[22:58:04] <mecctro> `fah rank mecctro
[22:58:05] <argute> Rank for mecctro: 79719 of 1726862 (top 4.62%)
[23:00:36] -!- argute has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:01:36] -!- argute [argute!~argute@vnh-521-051-94-94.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #test
[23:01:36] -!- mode/#test [+v argute] by Artemis
[23:12:47] -!- argute has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[23:19:39] -!- argute [argute!~argute@vnh-521-051-94-94.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #test
[23:19:39] -!- mode/#test [+v argute] by Artemis
[23:19:46] <mecctro> `helpless
[23:19:49] <mecctro> `help
[23:19:49] <argute> Commands: `help (returns this) | `quote (returns an interesting quote) | `chuck (returns Chuck Norris joke) | `cookie (returns a fortune cookie) | `fah <stat> <user> (returns stat of user; eg. rank, score, work ) | `fah team (returns our F@H team stats)
[23:19:53] <mecctro> `help help
[23:37:44] <mecctro> `chuck
[23:37:44] <argute> We live in an expanding universe. All of it is trying to get away from Chuck Norris.