#test | Logs for 2016-12-19

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[07:21:10] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~crutchy@119.17.wmi.rzn] has joined #test
[07:21:10] -!- mode/#test [+v crutchy] by Artemis
[08:18:58] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:08:29] -!- Fnord666 [Fnord666!~Fnord666@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Fnord666] has joined #test
[19:08:29] -!- mode/#test [+v Fnord666] by Artemis
[19:08:53] <Fnord666> ~arthur 8b272a
[19:09:07] <Fnord666> #weather
[19:09:07] <MrPlow> No location found for Fnord666
[19:09:12] <Fnord666> ~weather
[19:09:14] <exec> 10Cincinnati, OH, USA - currently 24°F / -4°C, mostly cloudy, wind N at 4 mph, humidity 73% - Monday partly cloudy (18°F:27°F / -8°C:-3°C), Tuesday mostly sunny (23°F:41°F / -5°C:5°C), Wednesday partly cloudy (29°F:44°F / -2°C:7°C), Thursday mostly cloudy (24°F:36°F / -4°C:2°C)
[19:09:21] <exec> 682 stories loaded
[19:09:22] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Malicious tweet gives journalist Kurt Eichenwald a seizure"
[19:09:53] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[19:10:23] <exec> 682 stories loaded
[19:11:13] <Fnord666> ~arthur 82f9b6
[19:11:42] <exec> 682 stories loaded
[19:11:42] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Researchers combat antimicrobial resistance using smartphones"
[19:12:13] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[19:12:45] <exec> 681 stories loaded
[19:12:59] <Fnord666> ~arthur c09659
[19:13:00] <exec> it has been only 47 seconds since the last submission - please wait
[19:14:35] <Fnord666> ~arthur c09659
[19:15:02] <exec> 681 stories loaded
[19:15:02] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Researchers uncover why morning people should not work at night"
[19:15:33] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[19:16:00] <exec> 680 stories loaded
[19:17:32] <Fnord666> ~arthur 9498d2
[19:18:00] <exec> 680 stories loaded
[19:18:00] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Reversing Go Binaries Like a Pro"
[19:18:32] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[19:19:03] <exec> 679 stories loaded
[19:27:28] <Fnord666> ~arthur 65d377
[19:27:56] <exec> 679 stories loaded
[19:27:56] <exec> attempting to submit story: "Student Lets Thief Steal His Phone, Spies on Him for Documentary [video]"
[19:28:27] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[19:28:56] <exec> 679 stories loaded
[19:34:28] <Fnord666> ~arthur e49a04
[19:34:55] <exec> 679 stories loaded
[19:34:55] <exec> attempting to submit story: "US Supreme Court to hear case that may ruin Lone Star patent trolls"
[19:35:26] <exec> submission successful - https://soylentnews.org
[19:35:58] <exec> 679 stories loaded
[19:37:04] <Fnord666> ~arthur 9498d2
[19:37:41] <exec> 679 stories loaded
[19:37:42] <exec> story not found
[20:50:34] <chromas> #fitectl scoreboard
[20:50:34] <MrPlow> #fite scoreboard updated: https://sylnt.us
[20:51:35] -!- scoreboard [scoreboard!~60279603@17-31-052-7.dhcp.knwc.wa.charter.com] has joined #test
[20:51:35] -!- mode/#test [+v scoreboard] by Artemis
[20:51:52] <scoreboard> teehee
[21:48:54] -!- scoreboard has quit [Quit: closing scoreboard page]