#test | Logs for 2017-05-01

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[01:14:48] <chromas> 💩enable sedbot
[01:15:05] <chromas> s/./💩/g
[01:15:05] <sedctl> <chromas> 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
[01:15:20] <chromas> s/./💩/g
[01:15:20] <sedctl> <chromas> 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
[01:15:23] <chromas> lk;kl;
[01:15:24] <chromas> s/./💩/g
[01:15:24] <sedctl> <chromas> 💩💩💩💩💩💩
[01:15:27] <chromas> fpos
[01:15:32] <chromas> s/./💩/g
[01:15:32] <sedctl> <chromas> 💩💩💩💩
[01:15:36] <chromas> s/f/💩/g
[01:15:36] <sedctl> <chromas> 💩pos
[01:19:08] <chromas> s/)/f/
[01:19:13] <chromas> s/\/f/
[01:19:13] <sedctl> chrimos, you bloody moron, get the syntax straight or get off this channel!!
[01:19:13] * sedctl peppers chrimos with /s
[01:19:34] <chromas> ooh, mine doesn't handle escaped /
[01:19:42] <chromas> #smake upstart
[01:19:42] * MrPlow smakes upstart upside the head with a raw steak
[01:21:35] <chromas> #socialist crutchy
[01:21:35] <MrPlow> crutchy, you're a socialist!
[01:26:45] <chromas> 💩socialist TheMightyBuzzard
[01:26:45] <upstart> TheMightyBuzzard, you're a socialist!
[01:26:52] <chromas> Gotta have the basics
[01:27:04] <chromas> s/(//
[01:27:09] <chromas> 💩enable sedbot
[01:27:11] <chromas> s/(//
[01:27:16] <chromas> ;
[01:27:19] <chromas> loop
[01:28:04] <chromas> 💩enable sedbot
[01:28:07] <chromas> s/(//
[01:28:17] <chromas> fpos
[01:28:38] <chromas> s/\(//
[01:28:46] <chromas> s/o/s/
[01:28:53] <chromas> s/f/F/
[01:28:55] <chromas> 💩enable sedbot
[01:28:58] <chromas> s/f/F/
[01:29:44] <chromas> 💩enable sedbot
[01:29:46] <chromas> sdfdsf
[01:29:48] <chromas> s/f/F/
[01:30:56] <chromas> 💩enable sedbot
[01:30:57] <chromas> s/f/F/
[01:30:57] <upstart> <chromas> 💩enable sedbot
[01:31:05] <chromas> s/f\/F/
[01:31:05] <upstart> Unfinished escape sequence
[01:31:12] <chromas> s/f)\/F/
[01:31:13] <upstart> Unmatched ')'
[01:31:41] <chromas> MrPlow: s/./$/g
[01:31:41] <upstart> I don't know what MrPlow said.
[01:31:46] <chromas> #socialist upstart
[01:31:46] <MrPlow> upstart, you're a socialist!
[01:31:48] <chromas> MrPlow: s/./$/g
[01:32:39] * chromas gives MrPlow an invalid format string in regex replace
[01:38:59] <TheMightyBuzzard> thas a valid format string.
[01:39:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> on the right hand side a $ isn't special.
[01:39:43] <TheMightyBuzzard> s/./$/
[01:39:54] * TheMightyBuzzard pokes sedctl
[01:40:06] <chromas> This regex replace seems to have some sort of formatting thing on that side
[01:40:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~sed on
[01:40:09] <exec> sed enabled for 10#test
[01:40:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> s/./$/g
[01:40:16] <exec> <TheMightyBuzzard> $$$$$$$
[01:40:37] <chromas> imbalanced ( killed sedctl in this channel
[01:40:48] <TheMightyBuzzard> ~sed off
[01:40:50] <exec> sed disabled for 10#test
[01:40:59] * chromas tries to figure out wtf the $ is supposed to do and how to turn it off
[01:42:12] <TheMightyBuzzard> on the right hand side, nothing
[01:42:54] <TheMightyBuzzard> left hand side if it's the last character of the line it means "the end of this line", otherwise unspecial.
[01:43:47] <chromas> The regex replace function here is wonky. there's one that takes a formatting string for replacement or uses a delegate
[01:43:52] * chromas uses the delegate
[01:43:55] <chromas> d--
[01:43:55] <Bender> karma - d: -1
[02:08:07] <chromas> asd
[02:08:14] <chromas> s/f)\/F/
[02:08:21] <chromas> 💩enable sedbot
[02:08:22] <chromas> asd
[02:08:25] <chromas> s/s/S/
[02:08:25] <upstart> <chromas> aSd
[02:08:39] <chromas> s/./S/
[02:08:39] <upstart> <chromas> Ssd
[02:08:41] <chromas> s/./S/g
[02:08:41] <upstart> <chromas> SSS
[02:08:55] <chromas> s/./$/g
[02:08:55] <upstart> <chromas> $$$
[02:08:56] <chromas> yay
[02:09:16] <chromas> s/(/f/
[02:09:16] <upstart> no matching ')'
[02:09:20] <chromas> s/\(/f/
[02:09:21] <upstart> <chromas> yay
[02:09:23] <chromas> s/\/f/
[02:09:23] <upstart> Unfinished escape sequence
[02:09:36] <chromas> s/$/f/
[02:09:36] <upstart> <chromas> yayf
[02:09:56] <chromas> not quite right; the \ should escape the / and get ignored
[02:10:00] <chromas> oh well
[02:10:14] <chromas> 💩save
[02:10:40] <chromas> 💩spill
[02:10:54] <chromas> 💩quit
[02:11:03] <chromas> s/$/f/
[02:11:03] <upstart> I don't know what chromas said.
[02:11:05] <chromas> neato
[02:11:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> upstart, he said neato
[02:11:41] <chromas> lol
[02:11:47] * chromas ponders other bot functionality
[02:12:00] <TheMightyBuzzard> s/$/-frito/
[02:12:00] <upstart> <TheMightyBuzzard> upstart, he said neato-frito
[02:12:44] <chromas> TheMightyBuzzard: s💩.💩\💩💩g
[02:12:49] <TheMightyBuzzard> need another submit bot
[02:12:52] <chromas> TheMightyBuzzard: s💩.💩FART💩g
[02:13:21] <chromas> Need to fix the \escaping I guess
[02:13:28] <chromas> Does #submit use the api?
[02:13:50] <TheMightyBuzzard> mrplow's does. exec pretends it's a real boy
[02:14:08] * chromas gives exec wood
[02:15:17] <chromas> ~api
[02:15:29] <chromas> thought that used to be a bookmark thinger
[02:16:08] <TheMightyBuzzard> https://wiki.soylentnews.org
[02:16:09] <upstart> ^ 03ApiDocs - SoylentNews
[02:16:47] <chromas> ~say 💩quit
[02:16:49] <exec> 💩quit
[02:16:54] <chromas> 💩quit
[02:16:56] <chromas> yay
[02:17:02] <chromas> that works
[02:17:03] <chromas> thanks
[02:17:13] * chromas will poke at submission code
[02:18:44] <chromas> primaryskid?
[02:18:49] <chromas> Story Key ID?
[02:18:56] <chromas> except it's always 1
[02:19:56] <TheMightyBuzzard> primaryskid = skin id. aka nexus id. there's no way to pull nexuses in the api yet so just leave it at 1 for main page
[02:20:28] <chromas> Ah, showing skin is often good
[02:20:28] <upstart> I don't know what Ah said.
[02:20:35] <chromas> oh that sucks
[02:20:38] <chromas> fart, s
[02:20:40] <chromas> fart, sdfdfd
[02:20:40] <upstart> I don't know what fart said.
[02:20:57] <TheMightyBuzzard> on your own for a while. gonna read book.
[02:20:57] <chromas> upstart: not even a real sed expression
[02:21:02] <chromas> see ya
[02:21:19] * chromas gets to work spamming dev.
[06:12:55] <chromas> upstart:
[09:31:12] <chromas> http://yahoo.com
[09:31:14] <upstart> ^ 03Yahoo ( https://www.yahoo.com )
[10:18:24] * clorox|2 gives MrPlow coffee++
[12:11:28] <TheMightyBuzzard> chromas, when you get upstart submitting and if you get him an account to submit from let me know and i'll gift him a sub so there's no delay mandated between submissions.
[21:47:38] <chromas> test http://www.reuters.com
[21:47:42] <chromas> fpos
[21:47:49] <chromas> "No title" fpos
[22:08:16] <chromas> test http://www.reuters.com
[22:08:26] <chromas> wtf
[23:29:08] <chromas> test http://www.reuters.com
[23:29:11] <chromas> hm