#test | Logs for 2018-02-05

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[15:00:27] <cmn32480> #sammich
[15:00:27] * MrPlow whips up a man sammich for cmn32480
[15:00:36] <cmn32480> #sammich-add
[15:00:47] <cmn32480> #sammichadd
[15:54:36] <chromas> #smake TheMightySammich
[15:54:37] * MrPlow smakes TheMightySammich upside the head with a rusty trombone
[16:21:55] <cmn32480> #sammich-add apple pie and coffee
[16:22:05] <cmn32480> #sammichadd apple pie and coffee
[16:22:20] <cmn32480> #list
[16:22:34] <cmn32480> TheMightyBuzzard - WTF is the sammich add command?
[16:23:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> it's broken
[16:23:27] <cmn32480> ahhh
[16:23:30] <cmn32480> that 'splains it
[16:23:35] <TheMightyBuzzard> when it's fixed it'll be #sammich-add again
[16:23:43] * cmn32480 starts a list
[16:24:18] <cmn32480> ~gday >beverage MrPlow's busted ass commands
[16:24:19] <exec> added to beverages
[17:24:54] -!- upstart has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[17:26:38] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[17:27:14] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #test
[17:27:14] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by Artemis
[17:35:44] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[17:36:14] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #test
[17:36:14] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by Artemis
[18:24:42] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[18:25:30] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@0::1] has joined #test
[18:25:30] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by Artemis
[19:04:52] -!- upstart [upstart!~init@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[19:04:52] -!- mode/#test [+v upstart] by Artemis
[19:05:07] -!- upstart has quit [Changing host]
[19:05:07] -!- upstart [upstart!~init@0::1] has joined #test
[19:05:07] -!- mode/#test [+v upstart] by irc.sylnt.us