#test | Logs for 2018-04-04

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[01:08:24] -!- exec has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[02:14:04] -!- sedctl [sedctl!~sedctl@0::1] has joined #test
[02:14:04] -!- mode/#test [+v sedctl] by Artemis
[03:33:36] <chromas> #smakeadd the current year argument
[03:33:36] <MrPlow> "the current year argument" added.
[03:33:59] <chromas> #smakeadd a sock full of quarters
[03:33:59] <MrPlow> "a sock full of quarters" added.
[03:34:19] <chromas> #smakeadd an oversize mallet
[03:34:19] <MrPlow> "an oversize mallet" added.
[03:35:14] <chromas> #smakeadd a beefcake
[03:35:14] <MrPlow> "a beefcake" added.
[11:51:13] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #test
[11:51:13] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by Artemis
[11:51:14] -!- exec has quit [Changing host]
[11:51:14] -!- exec [exec!~exec@crutchys.brothel] has joined #test
[11:51:14] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by irc.sylnt.us
[12:29:47] -!- exec has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[12:34:25] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #test
[12:34:25] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by Artemis
[12:34:25] -!- exec has quit [Changing host]
[12:34:25] -!- exec [exec!~exec@crutchys.brothel] has joined #test
[12:34:25] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by irc.sylnt.us
[13:26:22] -!- sedctl has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[17:51:50] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[17:51:50] -!- mode/#test [+v fyngyrz] by Artemis
[17:56:09] <chromas> .test
[17:56:27] <fyngyrz> .test
[17:56:30] <fyngyrz> ya
[17:56:38] <fyngyrz> oh, it does?
[17:56:44] <fyngyrz> mmmph
[17:56:45] <chromas> .op fyngyrz
[17:56:45] -!- mode/#test [+o fyngyrz] by Artemis
[17:56:57] <fyngyrz> oh hey, look at that. :)
[17:57:23] <chromas> Currently, the prefixes in use are . # ~ ! and 🌮
[17:57:28] <fyngyrz> ;test
[17:57:36] <fyngyrz> taco!
[17:57:37] <fyngyrz> omg
[17:57:38] <chromas> $ was in use but that bot (aqu4) has been gone awhile
[17:57:50] <chromas> 🌮taco fyngyrz
[17:57:50] * upstart sets out some grilled fyngyrz tacos
[17:57:56] <fyngyrz> is there a way to get a list of things?
[17:58:10] <fyngyrz> prefixes, I mean
[17:58:35] <chromas> Not really. It's kinda in the wiki. I guess a bot could handle that
[17:58:41] <fyngyrz> 🌮 chroma
[17:58:43] <fyngyrz> 🌮 chromas
[17:58:47] <fyngyrz> hm
[17:58:53] <chromas> 🌮help
[17:58:56] <chromas> oh
[17:59:21] <chromas> maximum hodge podge
[17:59:22] * fyngyrz has no tacos :(
[18:00:07] <fyngyrz> well, perhaps I'll pick up the $ prefix them
[18:00:46] <chromas> Go for it. Store it as a const or something so you can change it all the time :D
[18:00:59] <fyngyrz> yes, already done
[18:01:13] <chromas> 🌮set prefix 🌭
[18:01:13] <upstart> k
[18:01:26] <chromas> 🌭say hotdogs++
[18:01:26] <upstart> hotdogs++
[18:01:26] <Bender> karma - hotdogs: 1
[18:06:57] <fyngyrz> nice
[18:07:51] <chromas> I was working on a spread-sheet-formula-style language interpreter back when the bot was in Pascal, but I kinda got sidetracked
[18:11:52] <fyngyrz> interesting
[18:15:01] <fyngyrz> $time
[18:16:57] -!- Code [Code!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:16:57] -!- mode/#test [+v Code] by Artemis
[18:17:12] <fyngyrz> $time
[18:17:13] <Code> Incorrect timezone. Syntax: .time <timezone>
[18:17:17] <fyngyrz> aha!
[18:17:24] <fyngyrz> $time mst
[18:17:24] <Code> Incorrect timezone. Syntax: .time <timezone>
[18:17:35] <fyngyrz> $time mountain
[18:17:35] <Code> Incorrect timezone. Syntax: .time <timezone>
[18:17:39] <fyngyrz> lol
[18:17:50] <fyngyrz> ok, well, whatever. lemme kill this and look at the module
[18:19:40] <fyngyrz> $time UTC
[18:19:40] <Code> Incorrect timezone. Syntax: .time <timezone>
[18:20:32] <chromas> $time pst
[18:20:32] -!- Code has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:20:42] <chromas> ah ohs
[18:20:56] <fyngyrz> no, I killed it. I think the time module is hosed
[18:21:00] <fyngyrz> lemme try another
[18:21:09] <fyngyrz> even the example didn't work
[18:21:33] <chromas> TheMightyBuzzard ran into similar problems with MrPlow
[18:21:57] * chromas rolls his own and that's why his bots sucks the most
[18:22:15] -!- Code [Code!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:22:15] -!- mode/#test [+v Code] by Artemis
[18:22:23] <fyngyrz> $calc 2 + 2
[18:22:24] <Code> fyngyrz: Failed to calculate!
[18:23:35] <fyngyrz> smells like it's not getting anything past the command
[18:23:52] <fyngyrz> one mroe try
[18:26:34] -!- Code has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:26:58] -!- Code [Code!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:26:58] -!- mode/#test [+v Code] by Artemis
[18:27:35] <fyngyrz> Life is a beach
[18:28:07] <chromas> $calc 1/0
[18:28:08] <fyngyrz> $addquote fyngyrz
[18:28:08] <Code> fyngyrz: Quote added.
[18:28:20] <fyngyrz> $quote 1
[18:28:20] <Code> fyngyrz: Quote 021 of 021: fyngyrz
[18:28:36] <fyngyrz> see, it doesn't seem to be getting the data
[18:28:52] <chromas> $title https://yahoo.com
[18:29:11] <fyngyrz> $quote fyngyrz Life is a beach
[18:29:11] <Code> fyngyrz: Quote 021 of 021: fyngyrz
[18:29:18] <fyngyrz> $addquote fyngyrz Life is a beach
[18:29:18] <Code> fyngyrz: Quote added.
[18:29:24] <fyngyrz> $quote 2
[18:29:24] <Code> fyngyrz: Quote 022 of 022: fyngyrz Life is a beach
[18:29:26] <fyngyrz> hm
[18:29:28] <fyngyrz> well
[18:29:29] <fyngyrz> okay
[18:30:18] <fyngyrz> $delquote 1
[18:30:19] <Code> fyngyrz: 03Successfully deleted quote 1.
[18:30:24] <fyngyrz> $quote
[18:30:24] <Code> fyngyrz: Quote 021 of 021: fyngyrz Life is a beach
[18:30:31] <chromas> $quote -1
[18:30:31] <Code> chromas: Quote 021 of 021: fyngyrz Life is a beach
[18:30:51] <fyngyrz> there's only the one, so... I guess that's what you get :)
[18:30:53] <chromas> The cake is a pie
[18:31:00] <chromas> $grab chromas
[18:31:21] <chromas> Ah, it doesn't do grab-style quotes
[18:31:25] <fyngyrz> no grab command in the quote module
[18:31:36] <chromas> $addquote The cake is a pie
[18:31:36] <Code> 04You are not authorized to use that command!
[18:31:45] <chromas> Needs all-caps too
[18:31:55] <fyngyrz> what's that?
[18:32:01] <chromas> 04YOU REQUIRE MOAR VESPENE GAS!
[18:32:05] <fyngyrz> oh yes
[18:32:20] <fyngyrz> so, the bot can be private to whomever
[18:32:51] <fyngyrz> I see how it works on the bot end
[18:34:02] <fyngyrz> wow, color, too
[18:34:22] * chromas gives Code words of color
[18:35:19] -!- Code has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:35:50] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:35:50] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:36:29] <fyngyrz> $quote
[18:36:29] <fungus> fyngyrz: Quote 021 of 021: fyngyrz Life is a beach
[18:36:33] <fyngyrz> ok, good
[18:39:47] <fyngyrz> okay, going to try and code up a really basic module, see what happens
[18:39:55] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:42:39] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:42:40] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:43:05] <fyngyrz> $aa yo soy booga
[18:43:05] <fungus> fyngyrz: aa: $aa yo soy booga
[18:43:33] <fyngyrz> yep, okay
[18:43:41] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:44:28] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:44:28] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:44:44] <fyngyrz> $aa yo soy booga booga
[18:44:44] <fungus> fyngyrz: aa: aa
[18:44:52] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:45:17] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:45:17] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:45:43] <fyngyrz> $aa yo soy booga booga booga
[18:45:43] <fungus> fyngyrz: aa: yo soy booga booga booga
[18:45:56] <fyngyrz> There you go
[18:46:05] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:50:49] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:50:49] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:51:02] <fyngyrz> $aa 123abc
[18:51:40] <fyngyrz> $foo
[18:51:46] <fyngyrz> $aa foo bar
[18:51:51] <fyngyrz> nope, broke it
[18:51:55] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:52:23] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:52:23] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:52:33] <fyngyrz> $aa blurg
[18:52:33] <fungus> fyngyrz: aa: blurg
[18:52:37] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:54:25] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:54:25] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:54:34] <fyngyrz> $aa foobar
[18:54:47] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:55:41] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:55:41] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:55:50] <fyngyrz> $aa roobuy
[18:55:50] <fungus> fyngyrz: aa: (No module named aa_macro) roobuy
[18:55:57] <fyngyrz> ok, progress
[18:56:04] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:56:48] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:56:48] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:57:00] <fyngyrz> $aa bleep
[18:57:15] <fyngyrz> $aa rooorooo
[18:57:22] <fyngyrz> nope... hmmm
[18:57:26] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[18:59:46] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[18:59:46] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[18:59:53] <fyngyrz> $aa foobar
[18:59:53] <fungus> fyngyrz: aa: (-ok-) foobar
[19:00:10] <fyngyrz> well, that's hopeful
[19:00:23] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:01:29] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[19:01:29] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[19:03:11] <fyngyrz> $aa foo
[19:03:24] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:05:28] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[19:05:28] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[19:05:37] <fyngyrz> $aa foo
[19:05:37] <fungus> fyngyrz: ((name 'mod' is not defined)) >>foo
[19:05:49] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:06:59] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[19:06:59] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[19:07:07] <fyngyrz> $aa foo
[19:07:07] <fungus> fyngyrz: (('module' object has no attribute 'mod')) >>foo
[19:07:17] <fyngyrz> oh DUH
[19:07:21] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:08:33] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[19:08:33] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[19:08:43] <fyngyrz> $aa fooooooobar
[19:08:43] <fungus> fyngyrz:
[19:09:00] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:10:51] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[19:10:51] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[19:11:05] <fyngyrz> $aa foobar
[19:11:05] <fungus> fyngyrz: foobar
[19:11:17] <fyngyrz> $aa [time]
[19:11:17] <fungus> fyngyrz: 131117
[19:11:49] <fyngyrz> aha :)
[19:14:00] <fyngyrz> $aa [date]
[19:14:00] <fungus> fyngyrz: 20180404
[19:15:01] <fyngyrz> $aa <br>[roman 27]<br>[style rom [roman [b]] ] [for rom,1,31,1]
[19:15:01] <fungus> fyngyrz: <br>xxvii<br> i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx
[19:15:04] <fyngyrz> lol
[19:15:55] <fyngyrz> $aa [roman 27][style rom [roman [b]] ] [for rom,1,31,1]
[19:15:56] <fungus> fyngyrz: xxvii i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiv xv xvi xvii xviii xix xx xxi xxii xxiii xxiv xxv xxvi xxvii xxviii xxix xxx
[19:17:28] <fyngyrz> $aa Sum up a list: [style sumlistlow [b][local list_sum [add [b] [v list_sum]]]][style sumlist [local list_sum 0][dlist inter= + ,style=sumlistlow,[b]] = [v list_sum]][list mylist,15,27,31]{sumlist mylist}
[19:17:28] <fungus> fyngyrz: Sum up a list: 15 + 27 + 31 = 73
[19:17:43] <fyngyrz> well, I guess that, I have a bot
[19:18:10] <fyngyrz> Now to build in some styles for each of crazy
[19:18:13] <fyngyrz> ease
[19:18:47] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:22:03] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[19:22:03] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[19:22:09] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:22:42] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[19:22:42] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[19:22:57] <fyngyrz> $aa test
[19:22:57] <fungus> fyngyrz: test
[19:23:06] <fyngyrz> $aa [date]
[19:23:06] <fungus> fyngyrz: 20180404
[19:23:16] <fyngyrz> $aa {tm}
[19:23:16] <fungus> fyngyrz: 132316
[19:23:28] <fyngyrz> and we're now cooking.
[19:24:56] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:54:00] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[19:54:00] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[19:54:18] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[19:54:18] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 1:54 PM MST
[19:54:26] <fyngyrz> okay then
[19:55:05] <fyngyrz> I think I'll triage the input, then make it non-admin
[19:55:08] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:59:17] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[19:59:17] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[19:59:29] <fyngyrz> $aa test
[19:59:29] <fungus> fyngyrz: test
[19:59:36] <fyngyrz> $aa [time]
[19:59:36] <fungus> fyngyrz: glop67879gloptimepeon3452peon
[19:59:45] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[19:59:53] <chromas> I hope that's not the password
[19:59:56] * chromas logs in
[20:00:14] <fyngyrz> nope
[20:00:22] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[20:00:22] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[20:00:35] <fyngyrz> aa_macro has built in functions that are accessed with [operator]
[20:00:56] <fyngyrz> I'm building in a replace of [] so they can't be passed via the bot
[20:01:12] <fyngyrz> $aa [time]
[20:01:12] <fungus> fyngyrz: [time]
[20:01:36] <fyngyrz> there. see, so all that did was replace the [] with the keys you saw above, then process it, then put them back in place of the keys
[20:02:18] <fyngyrz> now you can't pass an aa_macro built-in with the $aa command
[20:02:32] <fyngyrz> But you can ask for a style:
[20:02:38] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[20:02:38] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 2:02 PM MST
[20:02:48] <fyngyrz> and the styles can't be defined without the built-ins
[20:02:51] <fyngyrz> So....
[20:03:03] <fyngyrz> the styles are all defined locally now at my bot's location
[20:03:23] <fyngyrz> and I can build 'em without worrying that someone will use aa_macro to hack itself
[20:03:30] <fyngyrz> which it is entirely capable of doing
[20:03:34] <fyngyrz> y'see?
[20:03:52] <fyngyrz> You can do _anything_ with aa_macro
[20:04:20] <fyngyrz> so lemme take it out of admin mode now...
[20:04:22] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:04:51] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[20:04:51] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[20:05:11] <fyngyrz> ok. Try typing $aa {dt} and see if it'll let you do it
[20:05:18] <fyngyrz> pleaes
[20:05:23] <fyngyrz> please, even
[20:06:06] <chromas> $aa {dt}
[20:06:06] <fungus> chromas: April 4th, 2018 2:06 PM MST
[20:06:11] <chromas> $aa {tm}
[20:06:11] <fyngyrz> perfect
[20:06:27] <chromas> $aa {dt dt}
[20:06:31] <chromas> $aa {dt}{dt}
[20:06:39] <chromas> $aa {xq}
[20:06:42] <fyngyrz> so now I can build you macros if you want one, and I can build my own, which will make the thing generlaly useful
[20:07:03] <fyngyrz> nice :)
[20:07:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[20:07:07] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 2:07 PM MST
[20:07:22] <chromas> If you have any that output from webpages (like titles or whatever), be sure to strip out newlines
[20:07:37] <fyngyrz> ah. Good call
[20:07:43] <chromas> Either that or make it break them up into multiple messages
[20:07:59] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:08:00] <chromas> otherwise a person could have it output "string\nQUIT"
[20:10:03] <fyngyrz> let's see how this does
[20:10:08] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[20:10:08] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[20:10:15] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[20:10:18] <fyngyrz> broke it
[20:10:22] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:11:04] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[20:11:04] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[20:11:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[20:11:07] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 2:11 PM MST
[20:11:17] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}{dt}
[20:11:17] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 2:11 PM MSTApril 4th, 2018 2:11 PM MST
[20:11:20] <fyngyrz> there you go
[20:11:38] <chromas> $aa test
[20:11:38] <fungus> chromas: test
[20:11:49] <fyngyrz> still...
[20:11:52] <chromas> $aa The time is {dt}
[20:12:07] <chromas> $aa "The time is" {dt}
[20:12:25] <fyngyrz> hmph
[20:12:30] <fyngyrz> unexpected behavior
[20:12:36] <chromas> $aa test\nprivmsg #test :butts
[20:12:42] <fyngyrz> might be the bot doing something
[20:12:52] <fyngyrz> $aa the time is {dt}
[20:12:52] <fungus> fyngyrz: the time is April 4th, 2018 2:12 PM MST
[20:13:07] <fyngyrz> wonder why it didn't do yours?
[20:13:12] <chromas> $aa The time is {dt}
[20:13:12] <fungus> chromas: The time is April 4th, 2018 2:13 PM MST
[20:13:17] <chromas> $aa test\nprivmsg #test :butts
[20:13:25] <fyngyrz> ok, now *really* wondering why it didn't do yours
[20:13:39] <chromas> $aa test
[20:13:40] <chromas> $aa test
[20:13:49] <chromas> Maybe it has a cooldown period
[20:13:50] <fyngyrz> there's a rate limit on it, I think
[20:14:24] <fyngyrz> ok, let's see about this
[20:14:30] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[20:14:30] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 2:14 PM MST
[20:14:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[20:14:31] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 2:14 PM MST
[20:14:33] <fyngyrz> nope
[20:15:39] <fyngyrz> now, I think what Python will do with a \n is only process it if it's encoded into a string. Let's see:
[20:15:51] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}\n{dt}
[20:15:51] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 2:15 PM MST\nApril 4th, 2018 2:15 PM MST
[20:15:54] <fyngyrz> yep
[20:16:04] <fyngyrz> you can type \n till your head explodes, will do nothing
[20:16:45] <chromas> gotta test all the angles ;)
[20:17:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {chromas}
[20:17:27] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what an outsdanding frood!
[20:18:00] <chromas> $aa {horse}
[20:18:00] <fungus> chromas: ? Unknown Style "horse" ?
[20:18:23] <chromas> $aa {Loggie}
[20:18:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {loggie}
[20:18:58] <fungus> fyngyrz: ? Unknown Style "loggie" ?
[20:19:06] <fyngyrz> $aa {Loggie}
[20:19:06] <fungus> fyngyrz: ? Unknown Style "Loggie" ?
[20:19:14] <fyngyrz> perhaps it doesn't apply the rate limit to me?
[20:19:24] <fyngyrz> it does know I'm the owner
[20:19:44] <fyngyrz> try again, please, see if it'll let you try one of those now
[20:20:08] <fyngyrz> I suppose I should read the docs on the bot, eh? lol
[20:33:40] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:34:05] <chromas> See what happens when you read the docs?
[20:34:28] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[20:34:28] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[20:34:37] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[20:34:37] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 2:34 PM MST
[20:40:20] -!- sedctl [sedctl!~sedctl@0::1] has joined #test
[20:40:20] -!- mode/#test [+v sedctl] by Artemis
[20:43:47] <fyngyrz> $aa dude chromas
[20:43:47] <fungus> fyngyrz: dude chromas
[20:43:57] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude chromas}
[20:43:57] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what a fantastic frood
[20:44:09] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude chromas}
[20:44:10] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what a cool citizen
[20:44:16] <fyngyrz> hah
[20:44:48] <chromas> $aa {dude frogger}
[20:44:48] <fungus> chromas: That frogger, what a fantastic frood
[20:44:56] <chromas> $aa {ass frogger}
[20:45:12] <chromas> $aa {timeout=0}
[20:45:38] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude chromas}
[20:45:38] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what a fantastic frood
[20:45:43] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude chromas}
[20:45:43] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what a cool citizen
[20:45:45] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude chromas}
[20:45:45] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what a genuine genius
[20:45:47] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude chromas}
[20:45:47] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what a devastating dude(ette)
[20:46:18] <fyngyrz> you can do this:
[20:46:28] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude {dt}}
[20:46:28] <fungus> fyngyrz: That April 4th, 2018 2:46 PM MST, what a fantastic frood
[20:47:02] <fyngyrz> so if I set up {c} a chromas... which I will do....
[20:47:26] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude {c}}
[20:47:27] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what a genuine genius
[20:47:34] <chromas> $aa {dude {dude {dude {dude {dude {dude {dude {dude { dude { dude {dude x}}}}}}}}}}}
[20:47:34] <fungus> chromas: That That That That That That That That ? Unknown Style "" ?, what a genuine genius, what a cool citizen, what a fantastic frood, what a cool citizen, what a cool citizen, what a genuine genius, what a cool citizen, what a genuine genius
[20:47:48] <fyngyrz> yep
[20:48:12] <fyngyrz> I think you adde3d one too many }
[20:52:27] <fyngyrz> no, it was the leading space after the {
[21:07:13] <chromas> 🌭say {dude {dude}}
[21:07:14] <upstart> {dude {dude}}
[21:07:21] <chromas> 🌭say $aa {dude {dude}}
[21:07:21] <upstart> $aa {dude {dude}}
[21:07:22] <fungus> upstart: That That , what a advanced anthropoid, what a genuine genius
[21:07:22] <upstart> fungus: what a genuine geniu.
[21:07:48] <chromas> 🌭say $aa {dt}
[21:07:48] <upstart> $aa {dt}
[21:08:47] <chromas> 🌭say $aa {dt}
[21:08:47] <upstart> $aa {dt}
[21:08:47] <fungus> upstart: April 4th, 2018 3:08 PM MST
[21:08:48] <upstart> fungus: 3:08 PM.
[21:10:59] <chromas> 🌭say $aa Here, have some microaggressions
[21:10:59] <upstart> $aa Here, have some microaggressions
[21:10:59] <fungus> upstart: Here, have some microaggressions
[21:11:00] <upstart> fungus: have some mi.
[21:11:12] <chromas> upstart: fpos
[21:11:14] <upstart> chromas: derailing] pants and hold them accountable for their system since 1968. some rollkugel mouses installed at the nikkei national museum in burnaby, b.c.
[21:11:51] <fyngyrz> $aa {dummy foo}
[21:11:52] <fungus> fyngyrz:
[21:11:57] <fyngyrz> right
[21:12:11] <fyngyrz> $aa dude chromas
[21:12:11] <fungus> fyngyrz: dude chromas
[21:12:19] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude chromas}
[21:12:19] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what a veritable visionary
[21:12:23] <chromas> $aa {6+2}
[21:12:24] <fungus> chromas: ? Unknown Style "6+2" ?
[21:12:33] <chromas> $help
[21:12:34] <fungus> Hi, I'm a bot. "/msg fungus 06$cmds" for a list of my commands, or see https://github.com for more general details.
[21:12:34] <upstart> ^ 03GitHub - lrstanley/Code: Code - Python IRC Bot
[21:12:50] <chromas> $cmd
[21:12:59] <chromas> Don't wanna flood the channel eh
[21:13:14] <chromas> $cmds
[21:13:14] <fungus> chromas: I am sending you a private message of all my commands.
[21:13:17] <chromas> ah
[21:13:19] <fyngyrz> I think you didn't do it right
[21:13:31] <fyngyrz> or maybe you did :)
[21:14:06] <chromas> $about
[21:14:06] <fungus> chromas: fungus was developed by Liam Stanley and many others. fungus is a open-source Python Modular IRC Bot, that serves as a fun, fast, and collective resource for large, and small channels. More info: https://github.com
[21:14:07] <upstart> ^ 03GitHub - lrstanley/Code: Code - Python IRC Bot
[21:14:23] <chromas> $version
[21:14:23] <fungus> chromas: Running version:
[21:14:23] <fungus> - Commit: cd3b668f96016b4a1eb0f2c3fefdb1c3b2e62848 (proper exit codes; remove duplicate logic)
[21:14:24] <fungus> - Author: Aareon Sullivan <askully13@gmail.com>
[21:14:24] <fungus> - Date: Thu Jan 18 23:12:33 2018 -0800
[21:14:25] <fungus> - Source: https://liamstanley.io
[21:14:26] <upstart> ^ 03Page not found &middot Liam Stanley ( https://liam.sh )
[21:14:28] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude ben}
[21:14:28] <fungus> fyngyrz: That ben, what a excellent ethnologicoid
[21:15:45] <chromas> $help aa
[21:15:45] <fungus> 06Help : aa text
[21:15:46] <fungus> 06Example: $aa text (where text will be processed by aa_macro)
[21:16:12] <chromas> $aa {list}
[21:16:12] <fungus> chromas: ? Unknown Style "list" ?
[21:16:16] <chromas> $aa {macros}
[21:16:23] <chromas> upstart: say $aa {macros}
[21:16:24] <upstart> chromas: $aa.
[21:16:45] <chromas> 🌭say $aa {macros}
[21:16:45] <upstart> $aa {macros}
[21:16:45] <fungus> upstart: ? Unknown Style "macros" ?
[21:16:45] <upstart> fungus: "macros" ?
[21:16:56] <fyngyrz> are you looked for defined styles?
[21:16:57] <chromas> 🌭disable jabber
[21:16:57] <upstart> k
[21:17:00] <fyngyrz> looking
[21:17:02] <chromas> yeah
[21:17:11] <fyngyrz> I'd havce to write you a macro that did that
[21:17:14] <chromas> or any fun, unexpected outputs
[21:17:23] <fyngyrz> nothing will work but defined styles, and there are only a few of those
[21:17:46] <fyngyrz> I think it's pretty bulletproof, but would love to learn of any holes
[21:18:03] <fyngyrz> the bot might have some holes.... but I doubt you'll find any in aa_macro itself
[21:18:55] <chromas> $help mute
[21:19:05] <chromas> 🌭say $help mute
[21:19:05] <upstart> $help mute
[21:19:05] <fungus> 06Help : mute - Mutes the bot. Only usable by admins, owners, and ops.
[21:19:16] <chromas> $help issue
[21:19:25] <chromas> .say $help timeout
[21:19:36] <chromas> ~say $help timeout
[21:19:38] <exec> $help timeout
[21:19:38] <fungus> exec: 04There is no such command!
[21:19:55] <chromas> herp
[21:19:58] <chromas> I meant issue
[21:20:01] <chromas> $help issue
[21:20:09] <Artemis> $help issue
[21:20:46] <chromas> $help issue
[21:20:47] <chromas> $help
[21:20:50] <chromas> :'(
[21:22:23] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[21:22:23] <fungus> fyngyrz: c chromas dt dude dummy list ns rrange
[21:22:27] <fyngyrz> there you go
[21:23:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[21:23:07] <fungus> fyngyrz: c chromas dt dude dummy list ns
[21:23:15] <fyngyrz> I just hid rrange
[21:23:27] <fyngyrz> it's still there, but not in the list
[21:23:36] <chromas> $aa {rrange bewbs}
[21:23:36] <fungus> chromas: 0
[21:23:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {rrange 10}
[21:23:39] <fungus> fyngyrz: 4
[21:23:44] <fyngyrz> random range
[21:23:52] <Artemis> $aa {rrange 0, 1, 2, 3, 4}
[21:23:52] <fungus> Artemis: 0
[21:24:42] <upstart> $help issue
[21:24:53] <chromas> $issue 6
[21:24:53] <fungus> chromas: Having an issue with fungus? Post a bug report here:
[21:24:53] <fungus> https://github.com
[21:24:54] <upstart> ^ 03Sign in to GitHub · GitHub ( https://github.com )
[21:25:46] <fyngyrz> the docs are minimal on where to configure that kind of built-in; I'll have to dig through the source
[21:26:11] <fyngyrz> some grepping and the like
[21:26:27] <chromas> Ooh, I have a notification on the github
[21:26:35] * chromas hasn't checked in in months
[21:28:03] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude}
[21:28:03] <fungus> fyngyrz: That , what a veritable visionary
[21:28:08] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude }
[21:28:08] <fungus> fyngyrz: That , what a profound person
[21:28:18] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude ben}
[21:28:18] <fungus> fyngyrz: That ben, what a radiant reasoner
[21:28:28] <chromas> $aa {dummy chromas}
[21:28:28] <fungus> chromas:
[21:28:38] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[21:28:38] <fungus> fyngyrz: chromas dt dude dummy list ns
[21:29:00] <chromas> $aa {chromas}
[21:29:00] <fungus> chromas: That chromas, what an outsdanding frood!
[21:29:09] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[21:29:09] <fungus> fyngyrz: chromas dt dude dummy list
[21:29:24] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude ben}
[21:29:24] <fungus> fyngyrz: That ben, what a neat noodler
[21:29:28] <chromas> $aa {chromas {chromas {chromas}}} {chromas {chromas {chromas}}} {chromas {chromas {chromas}}} {chromas {chromas {chromas}}}
[21:29:57] <fyngyrz> $aa {chromas}
[21:29:57] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what an outsdanding frood!
[21:30:15] <fyngyrz> lemme wrap that around the dude style
[21:30:54] <fyngyrz> $aa {chromas}
[21:30:54] <fungus> fyngyrz: That chromas, what a devastating dude(ette)!
[21:30:59] <fyngyrz> there you go
[21:31:11] <fyngyrz> I need to look at the throttling
[21:32:04] <chromas> $aa .op
[21:32:04] <fungus> chromas: .op
[21:32:17] <chromas> oh yeah; the "nick:" makes it not work
[21:32:48] <chromas> $aa {ns}
[21:32:48] <fungus> chromas:
[21:34:33] <chromas> 🌭say $aa taco
[21:34:33] <upstart> $aa taco
[21:34:33] <fungus> upstart: taco
[21:34:33] * upstart signs fungus up for a lifetime subscription of coffee++ tacos
[21:35:00] <Artemis> $aa #sammich
[21:35:00] <fungus> Artemis: #sammich
[21:35:04] <chromas> oh
[21:35:09] <chromas> #smake MrPlow
[21:35:09] * MrPlow smakes MrPlow upside the head with a buffer overflow
[21:38:00] <fyngyrz> ok, I think I understand rates now. If admin, no rate limit. Otherwise, limit is in seconds, and that''s set to 30 right now.
[21:38:07] <fyngyrz> what do you think is reasonable?
[21:38:10] <fyngyrz> 2 seconds, maybe?
[21:38:19] <fyngyrz> 5?
[21:38:25] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[21:38:53] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[21:38:53] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[21:39:24] <fyngyrz> okay, it's 2 seconds now. You should be able to do multiple {dt} within 2 secs of one another
[21:39:47] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[21:39:47] <fungus> fyngyrz: chromas dt dude dummy list
[21:39:54] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[21:39:54] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 3:39 PM MST
[21:39:55] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[21:39:55] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 3:39 PM MST
[21:39:55] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[21:39:55] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 3:39 PM MST
[21:40:03] <fyngyrz> but I'm admin, so it lets me do whatever
[21:40:11] <chromas> $aa {dt {dt}}
[21:40:11] <fungus> chromas: April 4th, 2018 3:40 PM MST
[21:40:17] <chromas> $aa {dt}
[21:40:18] <fungus> chromas: April 4th, 2018 3:40 PM MST
[21:40:20] <chromas> Noice
[21:40:22] <fyngyrz> ok good
[21:40:41] <chromas> $aa {xdt}
[21:40:41] <fungus> chromas: ? Unknown Style "xdt" ?
[21:40:43] <chromas> $aa {x dt}
[21:40:44] <fungus> chromas: ? Unknown Style "x" ?
[21:40:49] <chromas> $aa {dt x}
[21:40:49] <fungus> chromas: April 4th, 2018 3:40 PM MST
[21:40:57] <fyngyrz> brb, must water the porcelain
[21:42:50] <fyngyrz> ahh. :)
[21:44:47] <fyngyrz> aa_macro works like this: {styleName[ optional parameter(s) to style]}
[21:45:09] <fyngyrz> so for a style like dt that takes no parameters, they are parsed, but not processed
[21:45:34] <fyngyrz> functionally, {dt} and {dt foo} are the same, because no processing of the parms is done
[21:46:04] <fyngyrz> whereas {dude} does look at the passed parameter, and kicks it back
[21:46:09] <chromas> What happened to tm?
[21:46:12] <chromas> $aa {tm}
[21:46:13] <fungus> chromas: ? Unknown Style "tm" ?
[21:46:18] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude murgatroid}
[21:46:18] <fungus> fyngyrz: That murgatroid, what a mindful meditator!
[21:46:22] <chromas> It returned time earlier
[21:46:28] <fyngyrz> $aa {dude {dt}}
[21:46:28] <fungus> fyngyrz: That April 4th, 2018 3:46 PM MST, what a cool citizen!
[21:46:47] <fyngyrz> sure. If the paramter is another style, it'll process it
[21:46:56] <fyngyrz> oh, tm
[21:47:02] <fyngyrz> yes, I threw it out
[21:47:10] <chromas> ah
[21:47:13] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[21:47:13] <fungus> fyngyrz: chromas dt dude dummy list
[21:47:30] <fyngyrz> I shold get rid of dummy too
[21:47:35] <chromas> #roll 23d43
[21:47:35] <MrPlow> pass 1: 565
[21:47:43] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[21:47:43] <fungus> fyngyrz: chromas dt dude list
[21:48:00] <fyngyrz> there. You shall always be enshrined as your own style :)
[21:48:01] <chromas> $aa {list list}
[21:48:01] <fungus> chromas: chromas dt dude list
[21:48:08] <chromas> $aa {dude list}
[21:48:08] <fungus> chromas: That list, what a superb soul!
[21:48:13] <chromas> $aa {dude {list}}
[21:48:14] <fungus> chromas: That chromas dt dude list, what a superb soul!
[21:48:18] <fyngyrz> nope, list doesn't process any parameters
[21:48:32] <fyngyrz> now you've got it
[21:50:32] <chromas> $addquote No he doesn't
[21:50:46] <fyngyrz> I disabled all the built-in modules
[21:50:49] <chromas> $help addquote
[21:50:49] <fungus> chromas: 04There is no such command!
[21:51:23] <fyngyrz> because I don't know what they do, so from a security standpoint, I'm not willing to let them run loose on my server
[21:51:57] <fyngyrz> some of them go out on the net to do whatever, and that opens ports to those sites, etc.
[21:52:22] <fyngyrz> I'll be looking at them, but I was mainly intereste in getting aa_macro into play here
[21:52:50] <chromas> >:)
[21:53:02] <fyngyrz> but I apprecaite you beating on it
[21:53:13] * chromas beats it off
[21:53:25] * fyngyrz hands chromas some tissues
[21:53:46] * chromas gives fungus a tissue issue
[21:54:11] <fyngyrz> fungus has multiple levels of prophilactics
[21:54:31] <chromas> Does it run in a vim and/or container?
[21:54:53] <fyngyrz> No
[21:54:58] <chromas> s/i//3
[21:54:58] <sedctl> <chromas> Does it run in a vm and/or container?
[21:55:17] <chromas> Nest that security!
[21:55:37] <chromas> chroot inside sandbox inside container inside vm
[21:55:55] <chromas> And seven proxies
[21:55:58] <fyngyrz> it's running on a server that is doing nothing but this. I fired up a machine specifically to do it.
[21:56:13] <fyngyrz> I have mucho hardware
[21:56:30] * chromas downloads some ram
[21:57:25] <fyngyrz> it's vaguely possible you could get at the machine, but it wouldn't get you anywhere
[21:57:31] <chromas> Does it have a jibber jabber module? like megahal or something
[21:57:38] <fyngyrz> and honestly, I can't imagine how you'd manage it
[21:57:55] <fyngyrz> lives on it's own lan, etc
[21:58:01] <fyngyrz> its
[21:58:25] <fyngyrz> someday, I will stop writing it's as a posessive
[21:58:39] <fyngyrz> #smake fyngyrz
[21:58:39] * MrPlow smakes fyngyrz upside the head with an ice cream cone
[21:59:02] <chromas> Well, third person pronouns are about the only posessives that aren't written as such
[21:59:21] * chromas blames the librul media
[21:59:35] <fyngyrz> I know, but... I've known this since high school and I *still* can't shake it in first-pass writing
[22:00:01] <fyngyrz> And I edit professionally. I always catch it, But I often DO it, lol
[22:00:07] <chromas> That's okay; it adds depth to your character :)
[22:00:17] <fyngyrz> kind of like a septic tank does
[22:00:39] * chromas flushes a thousand wipes
[22:01:01] <chromas> There. Now you're all backed up, just like your data!
[22:01:08] <fyngyrz> gah
[22:04:10] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[22:04:10] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 4:04 PM MST
[22:05:27] <chromas> $aa {dt}-12
[22:05:27] <fungus> chromas: April 4th, 2018 4:05 PM MST-12
[22:05:54] <fyngyrz> really? Where are you?
[22:08:53] <chromas> pdt
[22:09:24] <chromas> Just thought I'd see if it could math it but I guess it's concatenation
[22:11:47] <chromas> 🌭time
[22:11:51] <chromas> I should add that in
[22:12:31] <chromas> 🌭stats
[22:12:31] <upstart> Used/free (KB): 1078/4041
[22:13:52] <chromas> Wait, that should do anything
[22:14:12] <chromas> 🌭collect
[22:14:12] <upstart> Used/free (KB): 1081/4038 🠞 67/5052
[22:14:42] <chromas> Herp. Muh code's broke
[22:16:57] <chromas> 🌭quit
[22:17:11] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:17:22] -!- upstart [upstart!~dbot@5433-9y82-5383-3z92-9p21-f9r1-0o15-jr91.dhcp4.chtrptr.net] has joined #test
[22:17:22] -!- mode/#test [+v upstart] by Artemis
[22:17:35] <chromas> 🌭collect
[22:17:37] <chromas> 🌭gc collect
[22:17:50] <chromas> 🌭gc stats
[22:19:30] <chromas> oh, I didn't save the hotdog
[22:19:45] <chromas> 🌮gc stats
[22:19:45] <upstart> Used/free (KB): 123/4996
[22:20:13] <fyngyrz> as far as aa_macro goes, if it's not in [] or {}, it's not processed
[22:20:20] <fyngyrz> and I've disabled []
[22:20:34] <fyngyrz> so all you get are styles I predefine
[22:20:52] <chromas> 🌮say $aa bewbs at {dt}
[22:20:52] <upstart> $aa bewbs at {dt}
[22:20:52] <fungus> upstart: bewbs at April 4th, 2018 4:20 PM MST
[22:21:38] <chromas> Hm, I thought mountain time was the one next door
[22:21:48] <fyngyrz> where are you?
[22:21:54] <chromas> pacific
[22:21:59] <fyngyrz> ye, we're next door
[22:22:02] <fyngyrz> yes
[22:22:11] <chromas> but we're on daylight saving
[22:22:22] <fyngyrz> oh. Yeah, the MST is text, not calculated
[22:22:24] <chromas> ah
[22:22:31] <fyngyrz> the time should be one hour off, so it would be right
[22:22:46] <fyngyrz> Should be MT
[22:22:49] <fyngyrz> I will fix
[22:22:59] <fyngyrz> fixed
[22:23:07] * chromas adds time to be competitive
[22:23:13] <fyngyrz> lol
[22:23:33] <chromas> but I gotta go look up the time-related funtions
[22:23:44] <chromas> funions
[22:27:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[22:27:39] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 4:27 PM MT
[22:29:06] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[22:29:06] <fungus> fyngyrz: April 4th, 2018 4:29 PM MT
[22:29:23] <fyngyrz> hm. Might need a restart. sec
[22:29:26] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:29:46] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:29:46] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:29:54] <fyngyrz> $aa {dt}
[22:29:54] <fungus> April 4th, 2018 4:29 PM MT
[22:30:29] <fyngyrz> $aa $aa {dt}
[22:30:29] <fungus> $aa April 4th, 2018 4:30 PM MT
[22:30:31] <fyngyrz> lol
[22:31:15] <fyngyrz> wonder if I can get the nick into the macro system from the bot...
[22:33:52] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:34:12] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:34:12] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:34:21] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[22:34:22] <fungus> chromas dt dude list nick
[22:34:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {nick}
[22:34:27] <fungus> fyngyrz
[22:34:31] <fyngyrz> well there you go
[22:42:26] <chromas> I might be getting a tumor looking at the D docs
[22:42:39] <chromas> Must be time to reboot the bot in another language
[22:47:06] <fyngyrz> Python!
[22:47:19] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[22:47:19] <fungus> chromas dt dude help list nick
[22:47:26] <chromas> Too mainstream :D
[22:47:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {help}
[22:47:27] <fungus> http://ourtimelines.com
[22:47:58] <chromas> Hm, it says no title
[22:48:05] * chromas checks the regex
[22:48:43] <fyngyrz> jfc
[22:48:53] <chromas> ah yeah, case-sensitive
[22:52:01] <fyngyrz> There. Been a while since I wrote any raw HTML
[22:52:27] <fyngyrz> you fix your case sensitivity?
[22:56:53] <fyngyrz> well, you can always write your bot in assembler for an imaginary machine, then run it in an emulator, which in turn is written in brainfuck
[23:02:18] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:02:29] -!- upstart [upstart!~dbot@5433-9y82-5383-3z92-9p21-f9r1-0o15-jr91.dhcp4.chtrptr.net] has joined #test
[23:02:29] -!- mode/#test [+v upstart] by Artemis
[23:02:32] <chromas> http://ourtimelines.com
[23:02:32] <upstart> ^ 03Bot help - fungus
[23:03:05] <chromas> yay
[23:03:36] <chromas> Too hard. Thought about c++, though we had a x++ bot before
[23:06:47] <chromas> s/x/c/
[23:06:47] <sedctl> <chromas> Too hard. Thought about c++, though we had a c++ bot before
[23:08:39] <fyngyrz> Yeah, Python. :)
[23:13:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[23:13:07] <fungus> aa_macro chromas dt dude help list nick
[23:13:14] <fyngyrz> $aa {aa_macro}
[23:13:14] <fungus> http://ourtimelines.com
[23:13:14] <upstart> ^ 03General
[23:13:22] <fyngyrz> good
[23:14:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {aa_macro}
[23:14:39] <fungus> fyngyrz, please visit http://ourtimelines.com
[23:14:40] <upstart> ^ 03General
[23:14:46] <fyngyrz> yah :)
[23:30:17] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[23:30:17] <fungus> aa_macro chromas dt dude help list nick sub
[23:46:09] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:46:29] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[23:46:29] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[23:52:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[23:52:58] <fungus> For specifics, try $aa {h item}: aa_macro chromas dt dude h help list nick sub
[23:53:25] <fyngyrz> $aa {h dt}
[23:53:25] <fungus> style help:
[23:54:22] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[23:54:22] <fungus> For specifics, try $aa {h item}: aa_macro chromas dt dude h help list nick sub
[23:54:24] <fyngyrz> $aa {h dt}
[23:54:24] <fungus> style help: {dt} -- Produces date and time here at the fungus server
[23:54:35] <fyngyrz> $aa {h aa_macro}
[23:54:35] <fungus> style help: {aa_macro} -- Produces a link to the aa_macro manual
[23:54:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {h chromas}
[23:54:49] <fungus> style help: {chromas} -- Kudos to chromas
[23:54:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {h dude}
[23:54:58] <fungus> style help: {dude NICK} -- Kudos to whomever you provide as a parameter
[23:55:13] <fyngyrz> $aa {h help}
[23:55:13] <fungus> style help: {help} -- Produces a link to some basic help for this bot
[23:55:17] <fyngyrz> $aa {h h}
[23:55:17] <fungus> style help:
[23:56:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {h h}
[23:56:07] <fungus> style help: {h STYLE} -- produces help for that specific style
[23:56:14] <fyngyrz> $aa {h list}
[23:56:14] <fungus> style help: {list} -- Produces a list of styles
[23:56:25] <fyngyrz> $aa {h nick}
[23:56:25] <fungus> style help: {nick} -- Emits the nick of whoever is invoking the bot
[23:56:33] <fyngyrz> $aa {h sub}
[23:56:33] <fungus> style help: {sub URL} -- Submits a story from fungus (not from you)
[23:56:44] <fyngyrz> $aa {nick}
[23:56:44] <fungus> fyngyrz
[23:56:52] <fyngyrz> okay then
[23:58:11] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]