#test | Logs for 2018-04-07

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[00:03:02] <fyngyrz> The word wrap thing is designed to let you exceed the wordwrap if you need to; generally this works well with real text, but it does as you see if you abuse the length
[00:03:05] <fyngyrz> so...
[00:03:27] <fyngyrz> perhaps what I should do is add an option to the wordwrap to hard-chop content at position X
[00:03:59] <fyngyrz> not very often I get to actually mod the macro language lately... most things it'll do just what I want, but I see the issue here, and it's not unimportant
[00:15:53] <chromas> $aa {help nick}
[00:15:53] <fungus> chromas, try $aa {list}, then $aa {h ITEM} or visit http://ourtimelines.com
[00:15:54] <upstart> ^ 03Bot help - fungus
[00:16:00] <chromas> $aa {h nick}
[00:16:00] <fungus> 09style help: {nick} -- Emits the nick of whoever is invoking the bot
[00:17:47] <chromas> $aa {nick {strike eats} wears {brown shoes}}
[00:17:47] <fungus> chromas
[00:17:52] <chromas> $aa {nick} {strike eats} wears {brown shoes}
[00:17:52] <fungus> chromas eats^H^H^H^H wears 05shoes
[00:21:55] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {hexdump {Cowsay mu}}}
[00:21:55] <fungus> 01.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:21:55] <fungus> |
[00:21:56] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789A
[00:21:56] <fungus> BCDEF
[00:21:57] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------
[00:21:58] <fungus> -----------
[00:21:58] <fungus> 3f20556e6b6e6f776e205374796c652022436f7773617922
[00:21:58] <fungus> 203f|
[00:21:59] <fungus> 01.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:21:59] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:22:00] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:22:00] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:22:01] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:22:01] <fungus> || ||
[00:22:36] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {hexdump {Cowsay mu}}}
[00:22:36] <fungus> 01.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:22:37] <fungus> |
[00:22:37] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789A
[00:22:38] <fungus> BCDEF
[00:22:38] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------
[00:22:39] <fungus> -----------
[00:22:39] <fungus> 3f20556e6b6e6f776e205374796c652022436f7773617922
[00:22:40] <fungus> 203f|
[00:22:40] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[00:22:41] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------------------
[00:22:41] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------------------
[00:22:42] <fungus> -------
[00:22:42] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:22:43] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:22:43] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:22:44] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:22:44] <fungus> || ||
[00:23:15] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay this is a test}
[00:23:15] <fungus> 01.--------------
[00:23:16] <fungus> |this is a test|
[00:23:16] <fungus> 01.--------------
[00:23:17] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:23:17] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:23:18] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:23:18] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:23:19] <fungus> || ||
[00:23:42] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay this is a ridiculously long test designed to force format breakage in a planned way}
[00:23:42] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:23:42] <fungus> |this is a ridiculously long test designed to force format br
[00:23:43] <fungus> eakage in a planned way|
[00:23:43] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[00:23:44] <fungus> ------------------------
[00:23:44] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:23:45] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:23:45] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:23:46] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:23:46] <fungus> || ||
[00:23:56] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay moo}
[00:23:56] <fungus> 01.------------
[00:23:57] <fungus> | moo |
[00:23:57] <fungus> 01.------------
[00:23:58] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:23:58] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:23:59] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:23:59] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:24:00] <fungus> || ||
[00:24:15] <fyngyrz> better
[00:25:46] <fyngyrz> $aa {strike your mama wears army boots and keeps her personal lube in a quickdraw holster signed by Donald Trump}
[00:25:46] <fungus> your mama wears army boots and keeps her personal lube in a quickdraw holster signed by Donald Trump^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
[00:25:47] <fungus> ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
[00:25:47] <fungus> ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
[00:25:48] <fungus> ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
[00:26:25] <fyngyrz> $aa {I'm really {strike not} kidding}
[00:26:25] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "I'm" ?
[00:26:33] <fyngyrz> $aa {red I'm really {strike not} kidding}
[00:26:33] <fungus> 04I'm really not^H^H^H kidding
[00:27:54] <fyngyrz> $aa {strike your mama wears army boots and keeps her personal lube in a quickdraw holster signed by Donald Trump}
[00:27:55] <fungus> your mama wears army boots and keeps her personal lube in a quickdraw holster signed by Donald Trump^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
[00:27:55] <fungus> ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
[00:27:56] <fungus> ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
[00:27:56] <fungus> ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H
[00:29:10] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[00:29:10] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[00:29:11] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[00:29:11] <fungus> aa_macro action b black blue brown chr
[00:29:12] <fungus> chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude echo
[00:29:12] <fungus> enumerate github green grey h help
[00:29:13] <fungus> hexdump i itemize lblue lcyan lgrey lime
[00:29:13] <fungus> list moo nick orange pat pink play
[00:29:14] <fungus> purple r red sub sudo teal u white
[00:29:14] <fungus> wrap40 yellow z
[00:29:15] <fungus> 
[00:29:39] <chromas> $aa {{cowsay list}}
[00:29:39] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "01.------------
[00:29:40] <fungus> |" ?
[00:29:49] <chromas> $aa {cowsay {list}}
[00:29:49] <fungus> 01.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:29:50] <fungus> |For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 
[00:29:50] <fungus> 07
[00:29:51] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[00:29:51] <fungus> aa_macro action
[00:29:52] <fungus> b black blue brown chr
[00:29:52] <fungus> chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude ec
[00:29:53] <fungus> ho
[00:29:53] <fungus> enumerate github green grey h help
[00:29:54] <fungus> hexdump i itemize lblu
[00:29:54] <fungus> e lcyan lgrey lime
[00:29:55] <fungus> list moo nick orange pat pink play
[00:29:55] <fungus> purple
[00:29:56] <fungus> r red sub sudo teal u white
[00:29:56] <fungus> wrap40 yellow z
[00:29:57] <fungus> |
[00:29:57] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[00:29:58] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------------------
[00:29:58] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------------------
[00:29:59] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------------------
[00:29:59] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------------------
[00:30:00] <fungus> ---------------------------------------------------
[00:30:00] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:30:01] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:30:01] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:30:02] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:30:02] <fungus> || ||
[00:30:31] <fyngyrz> perhaps I should just chop that off, eh?
[00:30:41] <fyngyrz> the line, I mean
[00:31:07] <chromas> It could chastise me when it detects I'm doing somethin' dumb
[00:31:17] <chromas> #roll 9999999999999999999999999999d9999999999999999999999999999999
[00:31:17] <MrPlow> chromas, is that you? stop being a wiseass.
[00:31:40] <chromas> :)
[00:33:12] <fyngyrz> $aa {wrap40 well, see, this is an unfamiliar environment for the language. It's {i designed} to let you do whatever, because it's designed, like any programming language, to do what you SAY. So putting it into an environment where there may be intentional abuse is pretty alien.
[00:33:12] <fungus> {braced elements} must balance
[00:33:18] <fyngyrz> $aa {wrap40 well, see, this is an unfamiliar environment for the language. It's {i designed} to let you do whatever, because it's designed, like any programming language, to do what you SAY. So putting it into an environment where there may be intentional abuse is pretty alien.}
[00:33:19] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[00:33:19] <fungus> well, see, this is an unfamiliar
[00:33:20] <fungus> environment for the language. It's
[00:33:20] <fungus> designed to let you do whatever,
[00:33:21] <fungus> because it's designed, like any
[00:33:21] <fungus> programming language, to do what you
[00:33:22] <fungus> SAY. So putting it into an environment
[00:33:22] <fungus> where there may be intentional abuse is
[00:33:23] <fungus> pretty alien.
[00:33:44] <chromas> from the intel dept
[00:33:50] <fyngyrz> I'm finding it very interesting
[00:35:11] <chromas> $aa {cowsay {hexdump Àÿî}}
[00:35:11] <fungus> 01.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:35:12] <fungus> |
[00:35:12] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789A
[00:35:13] <fungus> BCDEF
[00:35:13] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------
[00:35:14] <fungus> -----------
[00:35:14] <fungus> c380c3bfc3ae|
[00:35:15] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[00:35:15] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------------------
[00:35:16] <fungus> --------------------------
[00:35:16] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:35:17] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:35:17] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:35:17] <chromas> oh, of course
[00:35:18] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:35:18] <fungus> || ||
[00:35:31] <chromas> #smake chromas
[00:35:31] * MrPlow smakes chromas upside the head with a footlong dong
[00:39:01] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {hexdump Àÿî}}
[00:39:02] <fungus> 01.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:02] <fungus> |
[00:39:03] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDE
[00:39:03] <fungus> F
[00:39:04] <fungus> -------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:04] <fungus> ---
[00:39:05] <fungus> c380c3bfc3ae|
[00:39:05] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:06] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:06] <fungus> ------------------
[00:39:07] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:39:07] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:39:08] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:39:08] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:39:09] <fungus> || ||
[00:39:18] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {hexdump Àÿî}}
[00:39:18] <fungus> 01.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:19] <fungus> |
[00:39:19] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[00:39:20] <fungus>
[00:39:20] <fungus> ---------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:21] <fungus> -
[00:39:21] <fungus> c380c3bfc3ae|
[00:39:22] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:22] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:23] <fungus> ----------------
[00:39:23] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:39:24] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:39:24] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:39:25] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:39:25] <fungus> || ||
[00:39:27] <TheMightyBuzzard> #part #test
[00:39:27] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has parted #test
[00:39:42] * TheMightyBuzzard waves and goes to eat dinner
[00:39:45] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {hexdump Àÿî}}
[00:39:45] <fungus> 01.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:46] <fungus> |
[00:39:46] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[00:39:47] <fungus> ---
[00:39:47] <fungus> -------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:48] <fungus> c380c3bf
[00:39:48] <fungus> c3ae|
[00:39:49] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:49] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:39:50] <fungus> ------
[00:39:50] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:39:51] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:39:51] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:39:52] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:39:52] <fungus> || ||
[00:40:00] <fyngyrz> hhmph
[00:40:09] <chromas> He must be eating his bot
[00:40:21] <TheMightyBuzzard> oh, wait, wrong bot
[00:40:33] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #test
[00:40:33] -!- mode/#test [+v MrPlow] by Artemis
[00:40:51] <TheMightyBuzzard> *raw PART #test
[00:40:51] -!- Talos [Talos!Talos@Soylent/BotArmy] has parted #test
[00:41:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> das better.
[00:41:11] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {hexdump Àÿî}}
[00:41:11] <fungus> 01.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[00:41:12] <fungus> |
[00:41:12] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[00:41:13] <fungus>
[00:41:13] <fungus> ---------------------------------------------------------------
[00:41:14] <fungus> -
[00:41:14] <fungus> c380c3bfc3ae|
[00:41:15] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:41:15] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:41:16] <fungus> ----------------
[00:41:16] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:41:17] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:41:17] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:41:18] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:41:18] <fungus> || ||
[00:41:36] <fyngyrz> m. well, it's an edge case anyway
[00:41:50] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay yo mama}
[00:41:50] <fungus> 01.------------
[00:41:51] <fungus> | yo mama |
[00:41:51] <fungus> 01.------------
[00:41:52] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:41:53] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:41:53] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:41:54] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:41:54] <fungus> || ||
[00:42:01] <TheMightyBuzzard> naw, beans. working on jet propulsion rather than bipedal locomotion.
[00:42:03] <chromas> It looks like they're multibyte characters
[00:42:24] <fyngyrz> they're encoded into unicode on the way out the door
[00:42:31] <fyngyrz> in the door, really
[00:42:46] <fyngyrz> so you can cowsay poop, y'see
[00:43:29] <chromas> Even just on my computer, piping, say, À into hexdump gives 80c3 000a instead of the expected c0
[00:43:48] <chromas> Russian haxx
[00:43:51] <chromas> or is it China now?
[00:44:05] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay 💩}
[00:44:05] <fungus> 01.------------
[00:44:06] <fungus> | 💩 |
[00:44:06] <fungus> 01.------------
[00:44:07] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:44:07] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:44:08] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:44:08] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:44:09] <fungus> || ||
[00:45:07] * chromas should switch to a monospace font to keep the cows in line
[00:45:35] <fyngyrz> definitely
[00:46:37] <fyngyrz> multibyte chars throw off the baloon calculation too
[00:47:36] <fyngyrz> $aa {hexdump 💩}
[00:47:37] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[00:47:37] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:47:38] <fungus> f09f92a9
[00:49:08] <chromas> $aa {hexdump 샿}ee++
[00:49:09] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[00:49:09] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:49:10] <fungus> ec83bfee++
[00:49:10] <Bender> karma - ec83bfee: 1
[00:49:41] <chromas> when codepoint != byte value
[00:49:50] <fyngyrz> $aa {lawn}
[00:49:51] <fungus> fyngyrz has fallen off your lawn and can't get it^H^H up
[00:50:34] <fyngyrz> $aa {h lawn}
[00:50:34] <fungus> 09style help: {lawn} -- lawn rudeness about you
[00:50:41] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[00:50:41] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[00:50:41] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[00:50:42] <fungus> aa_macro action b black blue brown chr
[00:50:42] <fungus> chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude echo
[00:50:43] <fungus> enumerate github green grey h help
[00:50:43] <fungus> hexdump i itemize lawn lblue lcyan lgrey
[00:50:44] <fungus> lime list moo nick orange pat pink play
[00:50:44] <fungus> purple r red sub sudo teal u white
[00:50:45] <fungus> wrap40 yellow z
[00:50:45] <fungus> 
[00:51:35] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {lawn}}
[00:51:35] <fungus> 01.--------------------------------------------------------
[00:51:36] <fungus> |fyngyrz has fallen off your lawn and can't get it^H^H up|
[00:51:36] <fungus> 01.--------------------------------------------------------
[00:51:37] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:51:37] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:51:38] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:51:38] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:51:39] <fungus> || ||
[00:57:17] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[00:57:17] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[00:57:17] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[00:57:18] <fungus> aa_macro action b black blue brown chr
[00:57:18] <fungus> chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude echo
[00:57:19] <fungus> enumerate github green grey h help
[00:57:19] <fungus> hexdump i itemize lawn lblue lcyan lgrey
[00:57:20] <fungus> lime list moo nick orange pat pink play
[00:57:20] <fungus> purple r red strike sub sudo teal u
[00:57:21] <fungus> white wrap40 yellow z
[00:57:21] <fungus> 
[00:59:56] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {lawn}}
[00:59:56] <fungus> 01.--------------------------------------------------------
[00:59:57] <fungus> |fyngyrz has fallen off your lawn and can't get it^H^H up|
[00:59:57] <fungus> 01.--------------------------------------------------------
[00:59:58] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:59:58] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:59:59] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:59:59] <fungus> ||----w |
[01:00:00] <fungus> || ||
[01:00:09] <fyngyrz> $aa {strike foo}
[01:00:09] <fungus> foo^H^H^H
[01:01:50] <chromas> $aa fyngyrz++
[01:01:50] <fungus> fyngyrz++
[01:01:50] <Bender> karma - fyngyrz: 1
[01:02:10] <chromas> $aa #smake ${blue chromas}
[01:02:10] <fungus> #smake $02chromas
[01:02:10] * MrPlow smakes $02chromas upside the head with reluctance
[01:02:45] <chromas> $aa #smake {red {nick}}
[01:02:45] <fungus> #smake 04chromas
[01:02:45] * MrPlow smakes 04chromas upside the head with yo mama's testicles
[01:05:16] <fyngyrz> $aa {smake chromas}
[01:05:16] <fungus> #smake 04chromas
[01:05:16] * MrPlow smakes 04chromas upside the head with a cybernuke
[01:05:46] <chromas> $aa {smake {nick}}
[01:05:46] <fungus> #smake 04chromas
[01:05:46] * MrPlow smakes 04chromas upside the head with a new editor
[01:05:56] <fyngyrz> $aa {h smake}
[01:05:56] <fungus> 09style help: {smake nick} -- they get what they deserve
[01:06:02] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[01:06:02] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[01:06:02] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[01:06:03] <fungus> aa_macro action b black blue brown chr
[01:06:03] <fungus> chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude echo
[01:06:04] <fungus> enumerate github green grey h help
[01:06:04] <fungus> hexdump i itemize lawn lblue lcyan lgrey
[01:06:05] <fungus> lime list moo nick orange pat pink play
[01:06:05] <fungus> purple r red smake strike sub sudo teal
[01:06:06] <fungus> u white wrap40 yellow z
[01:06:06] <fungus> 
[01:06:16] <chromas> $aa {white power}
[01:06:16] <fungus> 00power
[01:06:23] <fyngyrz> hm
[01:06:47] <chromas> $aa {white ⏻}
[01:06:47] <fungus> 00⏻
[01:06:48] <fyngyrz> $aa {aa {white ,2power}}
[01:06:48] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "aa" ?
[01:06:50] <chromas> That's better
[01:06:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {white ,2power}}
[01:06:58] <fungus> {braced elements} must balance
[01:07:06] <fyngyrz> $aa {white ,2power}
[01:07:06] <fungus> 00,2power
[01:07:08] <fyngyrz> there
[01:07:52] <fyngyrz> $aa or {white ,2white power}
[01:07:52] <fungus> or 00,2white power
[01:11:38] <chromas> pgadmin is pretty rad
[01:12:02] <chromas> $aa ciri: {dude tama}
[01:12:02] <fungus> ciri: That tama, what a wonderful wascal!
[01:13:20] <fyngyrz> You're talking about pstgresql here?
[01:13:27] <fyngyrz> You're talking about pOstgresql here?
[01:16:44] <fyngyrz> too bad IRC can't be taught to eat the line that is directed at the bot
[01:17:16] <fyngyrz> it'd add both mystery and -verbosity
[01:19:48] <fyngyrz> $aa /me {red just found the source code to limechat client}
[01:19:48] <fungus> /me 04just found the source code to limechat client
[01:20:14] <fyngyrz> I guess that me is a client thing
[01:22:56] <fyngyrz> I forked it to my github
[01:23:00] <fyngyrz> Should be fun. :)
[01:24:17] <chromas> yeah, postgresql. For some reason it only works on the lap though. On the desktop it says it can't connect to the application server
[01:24:32] <chromas> But it's pretty suite for tweakin' muh tables
[01:26:07] <fyngyrz> there are things in the config of the server that can limit who can get to what
[01:26:20] <fyngyrz> also, firewalls just generally
[01:26:34] <fyngyrz> I have dinner call. probably be in here tomorrow, fussiung about
[01:26:46] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:26:46] <chromas> sea ja
[01:27:07] <fyngyrz> o shun me, why don't ewe
[01:27:21] * fyngyrz sheepishly
[01:28:21] <chromas> Sure, start cautious, but later, get right up in there
[04:56:51] <chromas> 11,12 READY. 
[04:56:51] <chromas> 11,12 █ 
[04:57:08] <chromas> mirc_colors--
[04:57:08] <Bender> karma - mirc_colors: -1
[12:03:04] -!- upstart has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[12:03:50] -!- butt [butt!~aybee@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[12:03:50] -!- mode/#test [+v butt] by Artemis
[12:04:22] -!- chromasctl has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[12:04:22] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[12:05:38] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staff/Editor/chromas] has joined #test
[12:05:38] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by Artemis
[13:17:10] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[13:18:18] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staff/Editor/chromas] has joined #test
[13:18:18] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by Artemis
[13:46:58] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[13:46:58] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[14:31:56] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[14:31:57] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[14:31:57] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[14:31:58] <fungus> aa_macro action b black blue brown chr
[14:31:58] <fungus> chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude echo
[14:31:59] <fungus> enumerate github green grey h help
[14:31:59] <fungus> hexdump i itemize lawn lblue lcyan lgrey
[14:32:00] <fungus> lime list moo nick orange pat pink play
[14:32:00] <fungus> purple r red smake strike sub sudo teal
[14:32:01] <fungus> u white wrap40 yellow z
[14:32:01] <fungus> 
[14:32:20] <fyngyrz> $aa {hexdump {moo}}
[14:32:21] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[14:32:21] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:32:22] <fungus> 0330312e0f2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0a7c202020206d6f6f20202020207c
[14:32:22] <fungus> 0a0330312e0f2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0a20202020202020205c2020205e
[14:32:23] <fungus> 5f5f5e0a2020202020202020205c2020286f6f295c5f5f5f5f5f5f5f0a202020
[14:32:23] <fungus> 202020202020202020285f5f295c20202020202020295c2f5c0a202020202020
[14:32:24] <fungus> 202020202020202020207c7c2d2d2d2d77207c0a202020202020202020202020
[14:32:24] <fungus> 202020207c7c20202020207c7c0a2e2e2e224861766520796f75206d6f6f6564
[14:32:25] <fungus> 20746f6461793f222e2e2e
[14:34:00] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:34:18] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[14:34:18] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[14:37:01] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:37:01] <fungus> 01.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:37:02] <fungus> |obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the cow's text
[14:37:02] <fungus> balloon so I can build functionality to crop to columns in a new
[14:37:03] <fungus> and clever and annoying way, which will no doubt occupy a good de
[14:37:03] <fungus> al of my time this morning, don't you know.|
[14:37:04] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:37:04] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:37:05] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:37:05] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------
[14:37:06] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:37:06] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:37:07] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:37:07] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:37:08] <fungus> || ||
[14:38:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:38:31] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:38:31] <fungus> |obnoxiouslylongteststringdesignedtoblowoutthecowstextballoonsoIca
[14:38:32] <fungus> nbuildfunctionalitytocroptocolumnsinanewandcleverandannoyingwaywh
[14:38:32] <fungus> ichwillnodoubtoccupyagooddealofmytimethismorningdontyouknow|
[14:38:33] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:38:34] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:38:34] <fungus> -------------------------------------------------------------
[14:38:35] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:38:35] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:38:36] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:38:36] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:38:37] <fungus> || ||
[14:44:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:44:58] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:44:59] <fungus> |obnoxiouslylongteststringdesignedtoblowoutthecowstextballoonsoIcanbuildfunctio
[14:44:59] <fungus> nalitytocroptocolumnsinanewandcleverandannoyingwaywhichwillnodoubtoccupyagoodde
[14:45:00] <fungus> alofmytimethismorningdontyouknow|
[14:45:00] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:45:01] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:45:01] <fungus> -------------------------------------------------------------
[14:45:02] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:45:02] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:45:03] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:45:03] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:45:04] <fungus> || ||
[14:46:23] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:46:23] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:46:24] <fungus> |col40ObnoxiouslylongteststringdesignedtoblowoutthecowstextballoonsoIcanbuildfu
[14:46:24] <fungus> nctionalitytocroptocolumnsinanewandcleverandannoyingwaywhichwillnodoubtoccupyag
[14:46:25] <fungus> ooddealofmytimethismorningdontyouknow|
[14:46:25] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:46:26] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:46:26] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:46:27] <fungus> -
[14:46:27] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:46:28] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:46:28] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:46:29] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:46:29] <fungus> || ||
[14:48:52] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:48:52] <fungus> 01.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:48:52] <fungus> |Obnoxiouslylongteststringdesignedtoblowo
[14:48:53] <fungus> utthecowstextballoonsoIcanbuildfunctional
[14:48:53] <fungus> itytocroptocolumnsinanewandcleverandannoy
[14:48:54] <fungus> ingwaywhichwillnodoubtoccupyagooddealofmy
[14:48:54] <fungus> timethismorningdontyouknow|
[14:48:55] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:48:55] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:48:56] <fungus> ---------------------------------------------------------------
[14:48:56] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:48:57] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:48:57] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:48:58] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:48:58] <fungus> || ||
[14:49:57] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:49:57] <fungus> 01.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[14:49:58] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to
[14:49:58] <fungus> blow out the cow's text balloon so I can
[14:49:59] <fungus> build functionality to crop to columns i
[14:49:59] <fungus> n a new and clever and annoying way, whic
[14:50:00] <fungus> h will no doubt occupy a good deal of my
[14:50:00] <fungus> time this morning, don't you know.|
[14:50:01] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:50:01] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:50:02] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:50:02] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------
[14:50:03] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:50:03] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:50:04] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:50:04] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:50:05] <fungus> || ||
[14:51:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:51:49] <fungus> 01.
[14:51:50] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to
[14:51:50] <fungus> blow out the cow's text balloon so I can
[14:51:51] <fungus> build functionality to crop to columns i
[14:51:51] <fungus> n a new and clever and annoying way, whic
[14:51:52] <fungus> h will no doubt occupy a good deal of my
[14:51:52] <fungus> time this morning, don't you know.|
[14:51:53] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:51:53] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:51:54] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:51:54] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------
[14:51:55] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:51:55] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:51:56] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:51:56] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:51:57] <fungus> || ||
[14:54:40] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[14:54:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:54:40] <fungus> 01.
[14:54:41] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to
[14:54:41] <fungus> blow out the cow's text balloon so I can
[14:54:42] <fungus> build functionality to crop to columns i
[14:54:42] <fungus> n a new and clever and annoying way, whic
[14:54:43] <fungus> h will no doubt occupy a good deal of my
[14:54:43] <fungus> time this morning, don't you know.|
[14:54:44] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:54:44] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:54:45] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:54:45] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------
[14:54:46] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:54:46] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:54:47] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:54:47] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:54:48] <fungus> || ||
[14:55:14] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:55:14] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[14:55:14] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to
[14:55:15] <fungus> blow out the cow's text balloon so I can
[14:55:15] <fungus> build functionality to crop to columns i
[14:55:16] <fungus> n a new and clever and annoying way, whic
[14:55:16] <fungus> h will no doubt occupy a good deal of my
[14:55:17] <fungus> time this morning, don't you know.|
[14:55:17] <fungus> 01.-----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:55:18] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:55:18] <fungus> -----------------------------------------------------------------
[14:55:19] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------
[14:55:19] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:55:20] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:55:20] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:55:21] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:55:21] <fungus> || ||
[14:55:57] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staff/Editor/chromas] has joined #test
[14:55:57] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by Artemis
[14:58:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:58:31] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[14:58:32] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to
[14:58:32] <fungus> blow out the cow's text balloon so I can
[14:58:33] <fungus> build functionality to crop to columns i
[14:58:33] <fungus> n a new and clever and annoying way, whic
[14:58:34] <fungus> h will no doubt occupy a good deal of my
[14:58:34] <fungus> time this morning, don't you know.|
[14:58:35] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[14:58:35] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:58:36] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:58:36] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:58:37] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:58:37] <fungus> || ||
[14:59:03] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[14:59:03] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[14:59:03] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the cow's
[14:59:04] <fungus> text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to columns
[14:59:04] <fungus> in a new and clever and annoying way, which will no doubt occ
[14:59:05] <fungus> upy a good deal of my time this morning, don't you know.|
[14:59:05] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[14:59:06] <fungus> \ ^__^
[14:59:06] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[14:59:07] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[14:59:07] <fungus> ||----w |
[14:59:08] <fungus> || ||
[15:00:22] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:00:22] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:00:23] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the cow's
[15:00:23] <fungus> text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to columns
[15:00:24] <fungus> in a new and clever and annoying way, which will no doubt
[15:00:25] <fungus> occupy a good deal of my time this morning, don't you know.
[15:00:25] <fungus> |
[15:00:26] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:00:26] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:00:27] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:00:27] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:00:28] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:00:28] <fungus> || ||
[15:00:45] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:00:45] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:00:45] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the
[15:00:46] <fungus> cow's text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to
[15:00:46] <fungus> columns in a new and clever and annoying way, which will
[15:00:47] <fungus> no doubt occupy a good deal of my time this morning, don't
[15:00:47] <fungus> you know.
[15:00:48] <fungus> |
[15:00:48] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:00:49] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:00:49] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:00:50] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:00:50] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:00:51] <fungus> || ||
[15:01:35] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay foo}
[15:01:35] <fungus> 01.----
[15:01:35] <fungus> |foo
[15:01:36] <fungus> |
[15:01:36] <fungus> 01.----
[15:01:37] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:01:37] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:01:38] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:01:38] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:01:39] <fungus> || ||
[15:02:34] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay foo}
[15:02:34] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:02:35] <fungus> | foo
[15:02:35] <fungus> |
[15:02:36] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:02:36] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:02:37] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:02:37] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:02:38] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:02:38] <fungus> || ||
[15:04:05] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay foo}
[15:04:05] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:04:06] <fungus> | foo
[15:04:06] <fungus> |
[15:04:07] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:04:07] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:04:08] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:04:08] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:04:09] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:04:09] <fungus> || ||
[15:04:32] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay foo}
[15:04:32] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:04:33] <fungus> | foo |
[15:04:33] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:04:34] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:04:34] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:04:35] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:04:35] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:04:36] <fungus> || ||
[15:04:45] <fyngyrz> unexpected behavior.
[15:06:20] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay foo}
[15:06:20] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:06:20] <fungus> | foo |
[15:06:21] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:06:21] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:06:22] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:06:22] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:06:23] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:06:23] <fungus> || ||
[15:06:47] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:06:47] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:06:48] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the cow's
[15:06:48] <fungus> text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to columns
[15:06:49] <fungus> in a new and clever and annoying way, which will no doubt occ
[15:06:49] <fungus> upy a good deal of my time this morning, don't you know.|
[15:06:50] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:06:50] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:06:51] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:06:51] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:06:52] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:06:52] <fungus> || ||
[15:08:24] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:08:24] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:08:24] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the
[15:08:25] <fungus> cow's text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to
[15:08:25] <fungus> columns in a new and clever and annoying way, which will
[15:08:26] <fungus> no doubt occupy a good deal of my time this morning, don't
[15:08:26] <fungus> you know.
[15:08:27] <fungus> |
[15:08:27] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:08:28] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:08:28] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:08:29] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:08:29] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:08:30] <fungus> || ||
[15:08:46] <fyngyrz> That is so weird. :)
[15:10:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {hexdump {test}}
[15:10:32] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[15:10:32] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[15:10:33] <fungus> 0330312e0f2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d
[15:10:33] <fungus> 2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d
[15:10:34] <fungus> 2d0a7c4f626e6f78696f75736c79206c6f6e67207465737420737472696e6720
[15:10:34] <fungus> 64657369676e656420746f20626c6f77206f7574207468650a636f7727732074
[15:10:35] <fungus> 6578742062616c6c6f6f6e20736f20492063616e206275696c642066756e6374
[15:10:35] <fungus> 696f6e616c69747920746f2063726f7020746f0a636f6c756d6e7320696e2061
[15:10:36] <fungus> 206e657720616e6420636c6576657220616e6420616e6e6f79696e6720776179
[15:10:36] <fungus> 2c2077686963682077696c6c0a6e6f20646f756274206f636375707920612067
[15:10:37] <fungus> 6f6f64206465616c206f66206d792074696d652074686973206d6f726e696e67
[15:10:37] <fungus> 2c20646f6e27740a796f75206b6e6f772e0a7c0a0330312e0f2d2d2d2d2d2d2d
[15:10:38] <fungus> 2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d
[15:10:38] <fungus> 2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2d0a20202020202020205c20
[15:10:39] <fungus> 20205e5f5f5e0a2020202020202020205c2020286f6f295c5f5f5f5f5f5f5f0a
[15:10:39] <fungus> 202020202020202020202020285f5f295c20202020202020295c2f5c0a202020
[15:10:40] <fungus> 202020202020202020202020207c7c2d2d2d2d77207c0a202020202020202020
[15:10:40] <fungus> 202020202020207c7c20202020207c7c
[15:13:51] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:13:51] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:13:51] <fungus> <Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the
[15:13:52] <fungus> cow's text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to
[15:13:52] <fungus> columns in a new and clever and annoying way, which will
[15:13:53] <fungus> no doubt occupy a good deal of my time this morning, don't
[15:13:53] <fungus> you know.
[15:13:54] <fungus> >
[15:13:54] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:13:55] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:13:55] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:13:56] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:13:56] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:13:57] <fungus> || ||
[15:16:09] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay foo}
[15:16:09] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:16:10] <fungus> |foo|
[15:16:10] <fungus>
[15:16:11] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:16:11] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:16:12] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:16:12] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:16:13] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:16:13] <fungus> || ||
[15:17:04] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay foo}
[15:17:04] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:17:04] <fungus> foo
[15:17:05] <fungus>
[15:17:05] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:17:06] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:17:06] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:17:07] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:17:07] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:17:08] <fungus> || ||
[15:17:32] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay foo}
[15:17:33] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:17:33] <fungus> | foo |
[15:17:34] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:17:34] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:17:35] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:17:35] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:17:36] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:17:36] <fungus> || ||
[15:17:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:17:41] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:41] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the cow's
[15:17:42] <fungus> text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to columns
[15:17:42] <fungus> in a new and clever and annoying way, which will no doubt occ
[15:17:43] <fungus> upy a good deal of my time this morning, don't you know.|
[15:17:43] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:17:44] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:17:44] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:17:45] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:17:45] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:17:46] <fungus> || ||
[15:30:37] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:30:55] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[15:30:55] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[15:31:25] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:31:26] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:31:26] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the cow's
[15:31:27] <fungus> text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to columns
[15:31:27] <fungus> in a new and clever and annoying way, which will no doubt
[15:31:28] <fungus> occupy a good deal of my time this morning, don't you know.|
[15:31:28] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:31:29] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:31:29] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:31:30] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:31:30] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:31:31] <fungus> || ||
[15:31:51] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:32:50] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[15:32:50] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[15:32:55] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:32:55] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:32:56] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the cow's
[15:32:56] <fungus> text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to columns
[15:32:57] <fungus> in a new and clever and annoying way, which will no doubt occ
[15:32:57] <fungus> upy a good deal of my time this morning, don't you know.|
[15:32:58] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:32:58] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:32:59] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:32:59] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:33:00] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:33:00] <fungus> || ||
[15:33:32] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:33:32] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:33:32] <fungus> |Obnoxiously long test string designed to blow out the cow's
[15:33:33] <fungus> text balloon so I can build functionality to crop to columns
[15:33:33] <fungus> in a new and clever and annoying way, which will no doubt
[15:33:34] <fungus> occupy a good deal of my time this morning, don't you know.|
[15:33:34] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:33:35] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:33:35] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:33:36] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:33:36] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:33:37] <fungus> || ||
[15:34:00] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:34:00] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:34:00] <fungus> |Obnoxiouslylongteststringdesignedtoblowoutthecowstextballoon
[15:34:01] <fungus> soIcanbuildfunctionalitytocroptocolumnsinanewandcleverandanno
[15:34:02] <fungus> yingwaywhichwillnodoubtoccupyagooddealofmytimethismorningdont
[15:34:02] <fungus> youknow|
[15:34:03] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:34:03] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:34:04] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:34:04] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:34:05] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:34:05] <fungus> || ||
[15:34:21] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay moo}
[15:34:21] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:34:21] <fungus> | moo |
[15:34:22] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:34:22] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:34:23] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:34:23] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:34:24] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:34:24] <fungus> || ||
[15:34:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay this is a test of the emergency cowcast system}
[15:34:39] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------------
[15:34:39] <fungus> |this is a test of the emergency cowcast system|
[15:34:40] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------------
[15:34:40] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:34:41] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:34:41] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:34:42] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:34:42] <fungus> || ||
[15:36:04] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay this is a test of the emergency cowcast system}
[15:36:04] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------------
[15:36:04] <fungus> |this is a test of the emergency cowcast system|
[15:36:05] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------------
[15:36:05] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:36:06] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:36:06] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:36:07] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:36:07] <fungus> || ||
[15:36:10] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:36:10] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:36:11] <fungus> |Obnoxiouslylongteststringdesignedtoblowoutthecowstextballoon
[15:36:11] <fungus> soIcanbuildfunctionalitytocroptocolumnsinanewandcleverandanno
[15:36:12] <fungus> yingwaywhichwillnodoubtoccupyagooddealofmytimethismorningdont
[15:36:13] <fungus> youknow|
[15:36:13] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[15:36:14] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:36:14] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:36:15] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:36:15] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:36:16] <fungus> || ||
[15:36:52] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[15:36:52] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------
[15:36:53] <fungus> |Obnoxiouslylongteststringdesignedtoblowo
[15:36:53] <fungus> utthecowstextballoonsoIcanbuildfunctional
[15:36:54] <fungus> itytocroptocolumnsinanewandcleverandannoy
[15:36:54] <fungus> ingwaywhichwillnodoubtoccupyagooddealofmy
[15:36:55] <fungus> timethismorningdontyouknow|
[15:36:55] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------
[15:36:56] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:36:56] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:36:57] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:36:57] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:36:58] <fungus> || ||
[15:37:00] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay this is a test of the emergency cowcast system}
[15:37:00] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------
[15:37:00] <fungus> |this is a test of the emergency cowcast
[15:37:01] <fungus> system|
[15:37:01] <fungus> 01.----------------------------------------
[15:37:02] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:37:02] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:37:03] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:37:03] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:37:04] <fungus> || ||
[15:37:08] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay moo}
[15:37:08] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:37:08] <fungus> | moo |
[15:37:09] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:37:09] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:37:10] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:37:10] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:37:11] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:37:11] <fungus> || ||
[15:37:36] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay okay, I'm cowhappy now}
[15:37:36] <fungus> 01.----------------------
[15:37:37] <fungus> |okay, I'm cowhappy now|
[15:37:37] <fungus> 01.----------------------
[15:37:38] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:37:38] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:37:39] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:37:39] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:37:40] <fungus> || ||
[15:42:48] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay moo}
[15:42:48] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:42:49] <fungus> | moo |
[15:42:49] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:42:50] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:42:50] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:42:51] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:42:51] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:42:52] <fungus> || ||
[15:44:17] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[15:44:17] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:44:18] <fungus> | moo |
[15:44:18] <fungus> 01.------------
[15:44:19] <fungus> \ ^__^
[15:44:19] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[15:44:20] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[15:44:20] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:44:21] <fungus> || ||
[15:44:21] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[15:50:24] <chromas> $aa {cowsay {moo}}
[15:50:40] <chromas> oh yeah
[15:54:16] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[15:54:16] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[15:54:17] <fungus> ^__^ : Methane Fug :
[15:54:17] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[15:54:18] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[15:54:18] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:54:19] <fungus> || ||
[15:54:51] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[15:54:51] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[15:54:51] <fungus> ^__^ : Methane Fug :
[15:54:52] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[15:54:52] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[15:54:53] <fungus> ||----w |
[15:54:53] <fungus> || ||
[15:56:11] <fyngyrz> $aa {h fart}
[15:56:11] <fungus> 09style help: {fart} -- a ruminant contribution to the conversation
[15:57:45] <fyngyrz> $aa {shrug}
[15:57:45] <fungus> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[15:58:30] <fyngyrz> $aa {h shrug}
[15:58:30] <fungus> 09style help: {shrug} -- whatever / meh / I dunno
[15:58:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[15:58:40] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[15:58:40] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[15:58:41] <fungus> aa_macro action b black blue brown chr
[15:58:41] <fungus> chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude echo
[15:58:42] <fungus> enumerate fart github green grey h help
[15:58:42] <fungus> hexdump i itemize lawn lblue lcyan lgrey
[15:58:43] <fungus> lime list moo nick orange pat pink play
[15:58:43] <fungus> purple r red shrug smake strike sub sudo
[15:58:44] <fungus> teal u white wrap40 yellow z
[15:58:44] <fungus> 
[15:59:44] <fyngyrz> $aa {h fart}
[15:59:44] <fungus> 09style help: {fart} -- there's a ruminant about someone
[16:00:16] <fyngyrz> $aa {h fart}
[16:00:16] <fungus> 09style help: {fart} -- some ruminant-mongering
[16:00:58] -!- chromas has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[16:02:07] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staff/Editor/chromas] has joined #test
[16:02:07] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by Artemis
[16:03:37] -!- chromas has quit [Client Quit]
[16:10:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:10:49] <fungus> ~
[16:10:50] <fungus> ^__^ :0:
[16:10:50] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~
[16:10:51] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:10:51] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:10:52] <fungus> || ||
[16:11:51] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:11:51] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:11:52] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[16:11:52] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:11:53] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:11:53] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:11:54] <fungus> || ||
[16:12:02] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:12:02] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:12:03] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[16:12:03] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:12:04] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:12:04] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:12:05] <fungus> || ||
[16:12:06] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:12:07] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~
[16:12:07] <fungus> ^__^ :Pffffft!:
[16:12:08] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~
[16:12:08] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:12:09] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:12:09] <fungus> || ||
[16:12:38] <butt> $aa {fart {nick}}
[16:12:38] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~
[16:12:38] <fungus> ^__^ :Pffffft!:
[16:12:39] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~
[16:12:39] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:12:40] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:12:40] <fungus> || ||
[16:12:58] <butt> It doesn't seem like it, but that actually worked
[16:13:09] <butt> It actually translated my nick into a fart
[16:13:12] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:13:12] <fungus> ~~~~~~~
[16:13:13] <fungus> ^__^ :Pffffft:
[16:13:13] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~
[16:13:14] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:13:14] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:13:15] <fungus> || ||
[16:13:17] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:13:17] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:13:17] <fungus> ^__^ :++globalWarming:
[16:13:18] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:13:18] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:13:19] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:13:19] <fungus> || ||
[16:13:23] <butt> lol
[16:13:40] <fyngyrz> it has no parameters, so if you provide one, it's ignored
[16:13:44] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:13:45] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~
[16:13:45] <fungus> ^__^ :gaaaaaas:
[16:13:46] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~
[16:13:46] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:13:47] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:13:47] <fungus> || ||
[16:13:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:13:49] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~
[16:13:49] <fungus> ^__^ :gaaaaaas:
[16:13:50] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~
[16:13:50] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:13:51] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:13:51] <fungus> || ||
[16:13:53] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:13:53] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:13:54] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[16:13:54] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:13:55] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:13:55] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:13:56] <fungus> || ||
[16:13:57] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:13:57] <fungus> ~~~~
[16:13:58] <fungus> ^__^ :BLAT:
[16:13:58] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~
[16:13:59] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:13:59] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:14:00] <fungus> || ||
[16:14:02] <fyngyrz> etc.
[16:14:04] <fyngyrz> any ideas?
[16:14:31] <butt> If only irc could do animootions
[16:14:45] <fyngyrz> ys, the lack of media is unfortunate
[16:15:06] <fyngyrz> I need more fart ideas
[16:15:57] <butt> You could put in politicians' names :)
[16:16:13] <butt> :Truuuuuumpp:
[16:16:15] <fyngyrz> that list would be awfully long
[16:16:16] <butt> :Berrrrrrrn:
[16:16:28] * butt wonders if cows feel the bern
[16:16:33] <butt> True
[16:16:52] <butt> Hm, I don't remember setting my nick to this
[16:17:15] <fyngyrz> someone's made an ass out of you
[16:18:08] <butt> ah, it's the second nick in case the first is used
[16:18:16] <butt> since my net's been acting up today
[16:18:28] <butt> #smake my net up
[16:18:28] * MrPlow smakes my net up upside the head with a sack of angry weasels
[16:18:34] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:18:35] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:18:35] <fungus> ^__^ :Silent But Smelly:
[16:18:36] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:18:36] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:18:37] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:18:37] <fungus> || ||
[16:18:48] <butt> fungus, s/Smelly/Violent/
[16:19:22] <fyngyrz> lemme try...
[16:19:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {hexdump 💩}
[16:19:40] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[16:19:40] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[16:19:41] <fungus> f09f92a9
[16:19:48] <butt> 💩
[16:19:50] * exec chucks a nasty sloppy dogshit at aqu4
[16:20:11] <butt> exec, import crutchy
[16:21:15] <butt> Took me over a minute to figure out the top row is a header
[16:21:23] <butt> I was trying to figure out where the extra bytes came from
[16:21:26] <fyngyrz> $aa {poopheap}
[16:21:46] <fyngyrz> lol
[16:21:52] <fyngyrz> yeah, well, hex stuff... headers help
[16:22:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {poopheap}
[16:22:27] <fungus> A
[16:22:33] <fyngyrz> okay, so far so good
[16:23:21] <fyngyrz> $aa {poopheap}
[16:23:21] <fungus> 💩
[16:23:23] * exec chucks a nasty sloppy dogshit at aqu4
[16:23:25] <fyngyrz> excellent. :)
[16:24:55] <fyngyrz> $aa {poop}
[16:24:55] <fungus> ^__^
[16:24:56] <fungus> (oo)\_______
[16:24:56] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[16:24:57] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:24:57] <fungus> || || 💩
[16:26:04] <fyngyrz> $aa {h poop}
[16:26:04] <fungus> 09style help: {poop} -- turd-world commentary
[16:27:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {hexdump 🍕}
[16:27:32] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[16:27:32] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[16:27:33] <fungus> f09f8d95
[16:28:50] <fyngyrz> $aa {pizza}
[16:28:50] <fungus> 🍕
[16:30:48] <fyngyrz> $aa {hexdump 🍝}
[16:30:48] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[16:30:49] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[16:30:49] <fungus> f09f8d9d
[16:34:54] <fyngyrz> $aa {spaghetti}
[16:34:54] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "9d" ?
[16:34:54] <fungus> 04UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xf0 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128) (file "/usr/src/bot/Code/core/irc.py", line 380, in stripcolors)
[16:34:59] <fyngyrz> umph
[16:35:30] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[16:35:32] <fyngyrz> silly bot
[16:35:36] <fyngyrz> $aa {pizza}
[16:35:45] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[16:35:54] <fyngyrz> wow, I think the bot shit itself. :)
[16:36:07] <TheMightyBuzzard> appears so
[16:36:09] <butt> Too many poo glyphs
[16:36:15] <TheMightyBuzzard> * fungus has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:36:16] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[16:36:16] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[16:36:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[16:36:40] <fungus> 01.------------
[16:36:40] <fungus> | moo |
[16:36:41] <fungus> 01.------------
[16:36:41] <fungus> \ ^__^
[16:36:42] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[16:36:42] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[16:36:43] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:36:43] <fungus> || ||
[16:36:44] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[16:36:47] <fyngyrz> $aa {pizza}
[16:36:47] <fungus> 🍕
[16:37:20] <TheMightyBuzzard> $aa {poop}
[16:37:21] <fungus> ^__^
[16:37:21] <fungus> (oo)\_______
[16:37:22] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[16:37:22] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:37:23] <fungus> || || 💩
[16:37:35] <fyngyrz> $aa {spaghetti}
[16:37:35] <fungus> 🍝
[16:37:40] * TheMightyBuzzard scratches his chin
[16:37:52] <fyngyrz> I know what did it, my mistake
[16:38:03] <TheMightyBuzzard> still needs curly bracket escaping
[16:38:04] <fyngyrz> fed it an illegal unicode sequence
[16:38:52] <butt> $aa \{test\}
[16:38:52] <fungus> \? Unknown Style "test\" ?
[16:38:56] <fyngyrz> ah
[16:39:00] <fyngyrz> no, this way:
[16:39:11] <butt> $aa {{test}}
[16:39:11] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "01.------------------------------------------------------------
[16:39:12] <fungus> |Obnoxiouslylongteststringdesignedtoblowoutthecowstextballoon
[16:39:12] <fungus> soIcanbuildfunctionalitytocroptocolumnsinanewandcleverandanno
[16:39:13] <fungus> yingwaywhichwillnodoubtoccupyagooddealofmytimethismorningdont
[16:39:13] <fungus> youknow|
[16:39:14] <fungus> 01.------------------------------------------------------------
[16:39:14] <fungus> " ?
[16:39:15] <fyngyrz> $aa {ls}{rs}
[16:39:16] <fungus> {}
[16:39:22] <butt> ah
[16:39:55] <TheMightyBuzzard> ls n rs?
[16:39:56] <fyngyrz> not in the help, my bad
[16:40:09] <fyngyrz> right squiggly left squiggly
[16:40:14] <TheMightyBuzzard> ahhh
[16:40:29] <fyngyrz> lb and rb are square brackets
[16:40:50] <fyngyrz> $aa {lb}{rb}
[16:40:50] <fungus> []
[16:41:30] <TheMightyBuzzard> $aa $aa {ls}poop{rs}
[16:41:30] <fungus> $aa {poop}
[16:42:05] <TheMightyBuzzard> $aa #smake butt
[16:42:05] <fungus> #smake butt
[16:42:05] * MrPlow smakes butt upside the head with tp
[16:42:19] <TheMightyBuzzard> oddly relevant
[16:42:54] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[16:42:54] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[16:42:55] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[16:42:55] <fungus> aa_macro action b black blue brown chr
[16:42:56] <fungus> chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude echo
[16:42:56] <fungus> enumerate fart github green grey h help
[16:42:57] <fungus> hexdump i itemize lawn lb lblue lcyan
[16:42:57] <fungus> lgrey lime list ls moo nick orange pat
[16:42:58] <fungus> pink pizza play poop purple r rb red rs
[16:42:58] <fungus> shrug smake spaghetti strike sub sudo
[16:42:59] <fungus> teal u white wrap40 yellow z
[16:42:59] <fungus> 
[16:43:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {h ls}
[16:43:08] <fungus> 09style help:
[16:43:22] <fyngyrz> mmm
[16:44:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {h pizza}
[16:44:31] <fungus> 09style help: {pizza} -- Pizza
[16:44:34] <fyngyrz> $aa {h ls}
[16:44:34] <fungus> 09style help:
[16:44:37] <fyngyrz> $aa {h rs}
[16:44:37] <fungus> 09style help:
[16:44:40] <TheMightyBuzzard> aight, i hear the pot o beans i made yesterday and let keep cooking overnight calling me. after which i expect to be abducted by my pillow.
[16:44:41] <fyngyrz> $aa {h lb}
[16:44:41] <fungus> 09style help:
[16:44:55] <fyngyrz> $aa {poop}
[16:44:56] <fungus> ^__^
[16:44:57] <fungus> (oo)\_______
[16:44:57] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[16:44:58] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:44:58] <fungus> || || 💩
[16:45:14] <fyngyrz> l8r
[16:46:03] <fyngyrz> $aa {h lb}
[16:46:03] <fungus> 09style help:
[16:47:00] <fyngyrz> $aa {h lb}
[16:47:00] <fungus> 09style help:
[16:47:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {h sudo}
[16:47:39] <fungus> 09style help:
[16:47:48] <fyngyrz> $aa {h smake}
[16:47:48] <fungus> 09style help:
[16:48:10] <fyngyrz> $aa {h sudo}
[16:48:10] <fungus> 09style help: {sudo command} -- obtain root and execute root level command
[16:48:13] <fyngyrz> $aa {h lb}
[16:48:13] <fungus> 09style help: {lb} -- left bracket
[16:48:29] <butt> $aa {sudo {poop}}
[16:48:29] <fungus> Enter Password:
[16:48:33] <butt> 12345
[16:49:05] <fyngyrz> $aa {h lb}
[16:49:05] <fungus> 09style help: {lb} -- left bracket: [
[16:49:08] <fyngyrz> $aa {h rb}
[16:49:08] <fungus> 09style help: {rb} -- right bracket: ]
[16:49:12] <fyngyrz> $aa {h ls}
[16:49:12] <fungus> 09style help: {ls} -- left squiggly brace: {
[16:49:15] <fyngyrz> $aa {h rs}
[16:49:15] <fungus> 09style help: {rs} -- right squiggly brace: }
[16:49:40] <fyngyrz> there. Another duh moment
[16:49:56] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[16:49:56] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[16:49:57] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[16:49:57] <fungus> aa_macro action b black blue brown chr
[16:49:58] <fungus> chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude echo
[16:49:58] <fungus> enumerate fart github green grey h help
[16:49:59] <fungus> hexdump i itemize lawn lb lblue lcyan
[16:49:59] <fungus> lgrey lime list ls moo nick orange pat
[16:50:00] <fungus> pink pizza play poop purple r rb red rs
[16:50:00] <fungus> shrug smake spaghetti strike sub sudo
[16:50:01] <fungus> teal u white wrap40 yellow z
[16:50:01] <fungus> 
[16:50:25] <butt> Soon you'll have to start namespacing them :)
[16:50:38] <fyngyrz> what's that?
[16:50:46] <butt> {color.ltgrey {cowsay.poop}}
[16:50:53] <fyngyrz> oh
[16:51:03] <butt> Or some sort of organization
[16:51:11] <fyngyrz> organization is for wimps
[16:53:26] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[16:53:26] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:53:27] <fungus> ^__^ :Silent But Smelly:
[16:53:27] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[16:53:28] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[16:53:28] <fungus> ||----w |
[16:53:29] <fungus> || ||
[16:57:02] <fyngyrz> need ideas
[16:57:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {dfarts}
[16:57:07] <fungus> Methane Fug, Pffffft, gaaaaaas,
[16:57:07] <fungus> globalWarming++, BLAT, Silent But
[16:57:08] <fungus> Smelly, Chemical Warfare, Not silent,
[16:57:08] <fungus> DEADLY,
[16:57:40] <butt> Braaaaaap
[16:58:45] <fyngyrz> $aa {dfarts}
[16:58:45] <fungus> Methane Fug,
[16:58:46] <fungus> Pffffft, gaaaaaas,
[16:58:46] <fungus> globalWarming++,
[16:58:47] <fungus> BLAT, Silent But
[16:58:47] <fungus> Smelly, Chemical
[16:58:48] <fungus> Warfare, Not silent,
[16:58:48] <fungus> DEADLY, Braaaaaap
[17:00:59] <butt> $aa [slice {random 0:12}:1, {dfarts}]
[17:00:59] <fungus> [slice ? Unknown Style "random" ?:1, Methane Fug, Pffffft,
[17:00:59] <fungus> gaaaaaas, globalWarming++,
[17:01:00] <fungus> BLAT, Silent But Smelly, Chemical
[17:01:00] <fungus> Warfare, Not silent, DEADLY, ? Unknown
[17:01:01] <fungus> Style "white" ?
[17:01:01] <fungus> ]
[17:01:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {dfarts}
[17:01:07] <fungus> Methane Fug, Pffffft,
[17:01:08] <fungus> gaaaaaas, globalWarming++,
[17:01:08] <fungus> BLAT, Silent But Smelly, Chemical
[17:01:09] <fungus> Warfare, Not silent, DEADLY, ? Unknown
[17:01:09] <fungus> Style "white" ?
[17:01:43] <fyngyrz> $aa {dfarts}
[17:01:43] <fungus> Methane Fug, Pffffft,
[17:01:43] <fungus> gaaaaaas, globalWarming++,
[17:01:44] <fungus> BLAT, Silent But Smelly, Chemical
[17:01:44] <fungus> Warfare, Not silent, DEADLY,
[17:01:45] <fungus> 00,2Braaaaaap
[17:01:53] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:01:53] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:01:54] <fungus> ^__^ :00,2Braaaaaap:
[17:01:54] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:01:55] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:01:55] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:01:56] <fungus> || ||
[17:02:02] <fyngyrz> see, the length gets hammered
[17:02:11] <fyngyrz> because hidden chars
[17:02:22] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:02:22] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:02:23] <fungus> ^__^ :Not silent, DEADLY:
[17:02:23] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:02:24] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:02:24] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:02:25] <fungus> || ||
[17:02:26] <butt> So you'd need a function to strip out the codes before measuring. Sounds like work though
[17:03:03] <fyngyrz> no, I think there's an easier way
[17:03:23] * fyngyrz thinking
[17:05:32] <fyngyrz> hard if the ,2 is there
[17:05:40] <fyngyrz> or whatever other added ballast
[17:05:56] <fyngyrz> but the colors I should be able to do
[17:08:10] <fyngyrz> $aa {red foo}
[17:08:10] <fungus> 04foo
[17:15:11] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:15:11] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:15:11] <fungus> ^__^ :globalWarming++:
[17:15:12] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:15:12] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:15:13] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:15:13] <fungus> || ||
[17:15:18] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:15:18] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~
[17:15:18] <fungus> ^__^ :gaaaaaas:
[17:15:19] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~
[17:15:19] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:15:20] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:15:20] <fungus> || ||
[17:15:21] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:15:22] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:15:22] <fungus> ^__^ :Chemical Warfare:
[17:15:23] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:15:23] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:15:24] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:15:24] <fungus> || ||
[17:15:25] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:15:26] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:15:26] <fungus> ^__^ :00,2Braaaaaap:
[17:15:27] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:15:27] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:15:28] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:15:28] <fungus> || ||
[17:15:37] <fyngyrz> hm. Must have missed something
[17:16:33] <fyngyrz> hm. Must have missed something
[17:16:35] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:16:35] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~
[17:16:35] <fungus> ^__^ :gaaaaaas:
[17:16:36] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~
[17:16:36] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:16:37] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:16:37] <fungus> || ||0
[17:16:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:16:39] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:16:40] <fungus> ^__^ :Chemical Warfare:
[17:16:40] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:16:41] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:16:41] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:16:42] <fungus> || ||0
[17:16:44] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:16:44] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:16:44] <fungus> ^__^ :Silent But Smelly:
[17:16:45] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:16:45] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:16:46] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:16:46] <fungus> || ||0
[17:16:47] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:16:47] <fungus> ~~~~
[17:16:48] <fungus> ^__^ :BLAT:
[17:16:48] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~
[17:16:49] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:16:49] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:16:50] <fungus> || ||0
[17:16:54] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:16:54] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:16:54] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[17:16:55] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:16:55] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:16:56] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:16:56] <fungus> || ||0
[17:16:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:16:58] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:16:58] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[17:16:59] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:16:59] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:17:00] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:17:00] <fungus> || ||0
[17:17:19] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:17:19] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:17:20] <fungus> ^__^ :00,2Braaaaaap:
[17:17:20] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:17:21] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:17:21] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:17:22] <fungus> || ||0
[17:17:27] <fyngyrz> ah. ok
[17:20:09] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:20:09] <fungus> 54
[17:20:25] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:20:25] <fungus> 54
[17:20:52] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:20:52] <fungus> 51 54
[17:21:28] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:21:28] <fungus> 0 3
[17:21:32] <fyngyrz> better
[17:22:12] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:22:12] <fungus> 0 3 1
[17:22:52] <fyngyrz> oh. I know what it is
[17:23:00] <fyngyrz> subtle :)
[17:28:08] <fyngyrz> $aa {ccount foo}
[17:28:08] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "ccount" ?
[17:28:30] <fyngyrz> $aa {ccount foo}
[17:28:30] <fungus> 0
[17:28:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {ccount {red foo}}
[17:28:40] <fungus> 1
[17:28:50] <fyngyrz> $aa {ccount {green {red foo}}}
[17:28:50] <fungus> 2
[17:29:01] <fyngyrz> okay, that's a start
[17:29:15] <fyngyrz> soooooo.....\
[17:30:59] <fyngyrz> $aa {ccount {green {red foo}}}
[17:31:00] <fungus> (Unknown Built-in or Squiggly: tag="c" data="ccnt")
[17:31:12] <fyngyrz> $aa {ccount {green {red foo}}}
[17:31:12] <fungus> 8
[17:32:14] <fyngyrz> $aa {clen {red four}}
[17:32:14] <fungus> 44
[17:32:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {clen {red four}}
[17:32:27] <fungus> 4
[17:32:37] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:32:37] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:32:38] <fungus> ^__^ :00,2Braaaaaap:
[17:32:38] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:32:39] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:32:39] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:32:40] <fungus> || ||
[17:32:43] <fyngyrz> close...
[17:34:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:34:39] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:34:40] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[17:34:40] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:34:41] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:34:41] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:34:42] <fungus> || ||
[17:34:45] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:34:45] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:34:45] <fungus> ^__^ :globalWarming++:
[17:34:46] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:34:46] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:34:47] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:34:47] <fungus> || ||
[17:34:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:34:49] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~
[17:34:50] <fungus> ^__^ :00,2Braaaaaap:
[17:34:50] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~
[17:34:51] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:34:51] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:34:52] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:05] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:05] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:06] <fungus> ^__^ :Not silent, DEADLY:
[17:35:06] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:07] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:07] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:08] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:10] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:10] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:10] <fungus> ^__^ :Chemical Warfare:
[17:35:11] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:11] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:12] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:12] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:14] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:14] <fungus> ~~~~
[17:35:15] <fungus> ^__^ :BLAT:
[17:35:15] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~
[17:35:16] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:16] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:17] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:19] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:19] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:19] <fungus> ^__^ :Not silent, DEADLY:
[17:35:20] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:20] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:21] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:21] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:23] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:23] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:23] <fungus> ^__^ :Not silent, DEADLY:
[17:35:24] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:24] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:25] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:25] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:27] <fungus> ~~~~~~~
[17:35:27] <fungus> ^__^ :Pffffft:
[17:35:28] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~
[17:35:28] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:29] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:29] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:31] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:31] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[17:35:32] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:32] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:33] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:33] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:35] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:35] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:35] <fungus> ^__^ :Chemical Warfare:
[17:35:36] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:36] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:37] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:37] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:39] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:40] <fungus> ^__^ :Silent But Smelly:
[17:35:40] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:41] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:41] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:42] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:43] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:43] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:44] <fungus> ^__^ :globalWarming++:
[17:35:44] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:45] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:45] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:46] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:47] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:47] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:48] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[17:35:48] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:49] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:49] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:50] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:51] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:51] <fungus> ~~~~
[17:35:52] <fungus> ^__^ :BLAT:
[17:35:52] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~
[17:35:53] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:53] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:54] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:55] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:55] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:56] <fungus> ^__^ :Not silent, DEADLY:
[17:35:56] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:35:57] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:35:57] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:35:58] <fungus> || ||
[17:35:59] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:35:59] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:36:00] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[17:36:00] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:36:01] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:36:01] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:36:02] <fungus> || ||
[17:36:03] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[17:36:03] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:36:04] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[17:36:04] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[17:36:05] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[17:36:05] <fungus> ||----w |
[17:36:06] <fungus> || ||
[17:36:11] <fyngyrz> mmmmph
[17:36:35] <fyngyrz> $aa {ccount {red four}}
[17:36:45] <fyngyrz> right
[17:37:34] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:37:34] <fungus> 6
[17:38:11] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:38:11] <fungus> 6 vs. 8
[17:38:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:38:40] <fungus> 8 vs. 8
[17:39:12] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:39:12] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "ccount" ?
[17:39:15] <fungus> ...
[17:39:16] <fungus> ...
[17:39:16] <fungus> ...
[17:39:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:39:49] <fungus> 16 vs. 12
[17:39:53] <fyngyrz> bah
[17:43:12] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:43:12] <fungus> 0 vs. 23
[17:44:32] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:44:32] <fungus> 0 vs. 23
[17:45:53] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:45:53] <fungus> 230 vs. 23
[17:51:37] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:51:37] <fungus> 4 vs. 4
[17:52:00] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:52:00] <fungus> 23 vs. 23
[17:56:46] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[17:56:46] <fungus> 4 vs. 4
[17:58:29] <fyngyrz> $aa {test2}
[17:58:29] <fungus> 4
[17:58:44] <fyngyrz> $aa {test2}
[17:58:44] <fungus> 23
[18:00:17] <fyngyrz> $aa {test3}
[18:00:17] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[18:00:18] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[18:00:18] <fungus> 3f20556e6b6e6f776e205374796c65202272656422203f
[18:00:46] <fyngyrz> $aa {test3}
[18:00:47] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[18:00:47] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[18:00:48] <fungus> 3f20556e6b6e6f776e205374796c65202272656422203f? Unknown Style "red" ?
[18:01:05] <fyngyrz> oh ffs
[18:01:56] <fyngyrz> $aa {test2}
[18:01:56] <fungus> 30
[18:01:59] <fyngyrz> $aa {test3}
[18:02:00] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[18:02:01] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[18:02:01] <fungus> 3f20556e6b6e6f776e205374796c652022636f6c6f7222203f666f75720f? Unknown Style "color" ?four
[18:02:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {test3}
[18:02:28] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[18:02:28] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[18:02:29] <fungus> 033034666f75720f04four
[18:02:38] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:02:38] <fungus> 0 vs. 8
[18:04:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:04:40] <fungus> 4 vs. 8
[18:05:04] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:05:04] <fungus> 25 vs. 25
[18:05:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:05:27] <fungus> 4 vs. 12
[18:06:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:06:07] <fungus> 4 vs. 12
[18:06:07] <fungus> 0304four
[18:07:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:07:40] <fungus> ~~~~~~~
[18:07:41] <fungus> ^__^ :Pffffft:
[18:07:41] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~
[18:07:42] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:07:42] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:07:43] <fungus> || ||
[18:07:45] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:07:45] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:07:45] <fungus> ^__^ :? Unknown Style "aqua" ?:
[18:07:46] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:07:46] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:07:47] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:07:47] <fungus> || ||
[18:08:18] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:08:18] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~
[18:08:18] <fungus> ^__^ :11Braaaaaap:
[18:08:19] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~
[18:08:20] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:08:20] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:08:21] <fungus> || ||
[18:09:50] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:09:50] <fungus> 6 vs. 10
[18:09:51] <fungus> 04,2four
[18:11:32] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:11:32] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "test" ?
[18:11:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:11:58] <fungus> vs. 10
[18:11:58] <fungus> 04,2four
[18:14:25] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:14:25] <fungus> 6 vs. 10
[18:14:25] <fungus> 04,2four
[18:16:00] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:16:00] <fungus> 6 vs. 10
[18:16:01] <fungus> 04,2four
[18:18:09] <fyngyrz> $aa {testc}
[18:18:09] <fungus> 0
[18:19:33] <fyngyrz> $aa {hexdump {ccc}}
[18:19:34] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[18:19:34] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[18:19:35] <fungus> 262334343b
[18:19:42] <fyngyrz> $aa {ccc}
[18:19:42] <fungus> &#44;
[18:21:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {testc}
[18:21:49] <fungus> 7
[18:23:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {testc}
[18:23:39] <fungus> 1
[18:24:17] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:24:17] <fungus> 4 vs. 10
[18:24:18] <fungus> 04,1four
[18:25:02] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:25:02] <fungus> 4 vs. 14
[18:25:02] <fungus> 0304,1four
[18:25:20] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:25:20] <fungus> 4 vs. 16
[18:25:21] <fungus> 03,104,1four
[18:26:02] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:26:02] <fungus> 4 vs. 10
[18:26:03] <fungus> 04,2four
[18:27:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:27:58] <fungus> 4 vs. 10
[18:27:59] <fungus> 02,3four
[18:30:06] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:30:06] <fungus> 4 vs. 10
[18:30:07] <fungus> 02,3four
[18:30:26] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:30:26] <fungus> 4 vs. 10
[18:30:26] <fungus> 02,4four
[18:31:01] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:31:01] <fungus> 2 vs. 10
[18:31:01] <fungus> 02,0four
[18:31:33] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:31:33] <fungus> 25 vs. 25
[18:31:33] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "white" ?
[18:31:57] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[18:31:57] <fungus> 4 vs. 10
[18:31:57] <fungus> 00,2four
[18:32:10] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:32:10] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:32:11] <fungus> ^__^ :globalWarming++:
[18:32:11] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:32:12] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:32:12] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:32:13] <fungus> || ||
[18:32:15] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:32:15] <fungus> ~~~~
[18:32:15] <fungus> ^__^ :BLAT:
[18:32:16] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~
[18:32:16] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:32:17] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:32:17] <fungus> || ||
[18:32:19] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:32:19] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:32:20] <fungus> ^__^ :Silent But Smelly:
[18:32:20] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:32:21] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:32:21] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:32:22] <fungus> || ||
[18:32:23] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:32:23] <fungus> ~~~~
[18:32:24] <fungus> ^__^ :BLAT:
[18:32:24] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~
[18:32:25] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:32:25] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:32:26] <fungus> || ||
[18:32:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:32:27] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~
[18:32:28] <fungus> ^__^ :11,2Braaaaaap:
[18:32:28] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~
[18:32:29] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:32:29] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:32:30] <fungus> || ||
[18:32:37] <fyngyrz> :)
[18:34:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:34:07] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:08] <fungus> ^__^ :Chemical Warfare:
[18:34:08] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:09] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:34:09] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:34:10] <fungus> || ||
[18:34:12] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:34:12] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:12] <fungus> ^__^ :globalWarming++:
[18:34:13] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:13] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:34:14] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:34:14] <fungus> || ||
[18:34:15] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:34:15] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:16] <fungus> ^__^ :Not silent, DEADLY:
[18:34:16] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:17] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:34:17] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:34:18] <fungus> || ||
[18:34:19] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:34:19] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:20] <fungus> ^__^ :globalWarming++:
[18:34:20] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:21] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:34:21] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:34:22] <fungus> || ||
[18:34:23] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:34:23] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~
[18:34:24] <fungus> ^__^ :gaaaaaas:
[18:34:24] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~
[18:34:25] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:34:25] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:34:26] <fungus> || ||
[18:34:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:34:27] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:27] <fungus> ^__^ :Chemical Warfare:
[18:34:28] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:28] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:34:29] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:34:29] <fungus> || ||
[18:34:30] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:34:30] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:31] <fungus> ^__^ :11,2Braaaaaap:
[18:34:31] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~
[18:34:32] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:34:32] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:34:33] <fungus> || ||
[18:35:14] -!- butt has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds]
[18:35:19] -!- upstart [upstart!~dbot@5433-9y82-5383-3z92-9p21-f9r1-0o15-jr91.dhcp4.chtrptr.net] has joined #test
[18:35:19] -!- mode/#test [+v upstart] by Artemis
[18:36:36] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staff/Editor/chromas] has joined #test
[18:36:36] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by Artemis
[18:37:10] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:37:10] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:37:11] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[18:37:11] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:37:12] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:37:12] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:37:13] <fungus> || ||
[18:37:14] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:37:14] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:37:15] <fungus> ^__^ :Methane Fug:
[18:37:15] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~~~
[18:37:16] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:37:16] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:37:17] <fungus> || ||
[18:37:18] <fyngyrz> $aa {fart}
[18:37:18] <fungus> ~~~~~~~~~
[18:37:19] <fungus> ^__^ :11,2Braaaaaap:
[18:37:19] <fungus> (oo)\_______ . ~~~~~~~~~
[18:37:20] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\.
[18:37:20] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:37:21] <fungus> || ||
[18:37:26] <fyngyrz> :)
[18:39:05] -!- butt [butt!~aybee@9740-7r56-1021-0q23-871s-974n-ncs0-82tt.dhcp8.chtrptr.net] has joined #test
[18:39:05] -!- mode/#test [+v butt] by Artemis
[18:39:25] butt is now known as cow
[18:40:31] <fyngyrz> funny... it gave voice to butt and it arrived at chromas
[18:41:18] * chromas is a butt :)
[18:42:19] -!- upstart has quit [Changing host]
[18:42:19] -!- upstart [upstart!~dbot@0::1] has joined #test
[18:42:19] -!- mode/#test [+v upstart] by irc.sylnt.us
[18:44:33] <fyngyrz> and it knew that, so that's interesting to me
[18:45:09] <fyngyrz> I think I know why the ACTION doesn't work
[18:45:46] <fyngyrz> has to be a private message format, not a public one
[18:46:12] <chromas> I don't know what that is
[18:46:32] <fyngyrz> "PRIVMSG #" channel_name + " :\u0001" + "ACTION " + msg + "\u0001"
[18:46:34] <chromas> But in the actualy protocol, all messages are privmsg
[18:46:47] <fyngyrz> oh, they are? well, buh bye to that idea :)
[18:47:03] <chromas> When you send a pm, it just puts in the nick instead of a channel
[18:47:12] <fyngyrz> ah
[18:47:23] <fyngyrz> well, back to not knowing why my action thing ain't actiony
[18:47:29] <chromas> Your string is correct though; that should make the action work
[18:47:48] <chromas> One thing that's probably not important is the # is part of the channel name
[18:47:57] <fyngyrz> I think the bot must be prefixing it somehow.
[18:47:59] <chromas> There's also &channels and some others that don't get used much
[18:48:10] <fyngyrz> you know, before it goes out
[18:48:18] <fyngyrz> ht ehexdump is before the bot sees it
[18:48:38] <chromas> Maybe it's the function that strips spaces from the beginning
[18:49:17] <fyngyrz> even that's weird. The cow has spaces in the beginning
[18:49:41] <chromas> What bot package are you using?
[18:49:44] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[18:49:44] <fungus> 01.------------
[18:49:45] <fungus> | moo |
[18:49:45] <fungus> 01.------------
[18:49:46] <fungus> \ ^__^
[18:49:46] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[18:49:47] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[18:49:47] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:49:48] <fungus> || ||
[18:49:48] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[18:49:54] <fyngyrz> see? bunches of em
[18:50:33] <fyngyrz> it's call "Code"
[18:50:36] <fyngyrz> called
[18:50:44] <chromas> The speech bubble has black dots
[18:50:49] <fyngyrz> yes
[18:50:54] <chromas> Maybe it only strips the space if there's just one
[18:51:01] <fyngyrz> I put them in because it wasn't spacing correctly. Lemme try now
[18:51:22] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[18:51:22] <fungus> 01.------------
[18:51:23] <fungus> | moo |
[18:51:23] <fungus> ------------
[18:51:24] <fungus> \ ^__^
[18:51:24] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[18:51:25] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[18:51:25] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:51:26] <fungus> || ||
[18:51:26] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[18:51:33] <fyngyrz> see? leading space, eaten
[18:52:00] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[18:52:00] <fungus> 01.------------
[18:52:01] <fungus> | moo |
[18:52:01] <fungus> 01.------------
[18:52:02] <fungus> \ ^__^
[18:52:02] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[18:52:03] <chromas> What if there's two leading spaces?
[18:52:03] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[18:52:03] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:52:04] <fungus> || ||
[18:52:04] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[18:52:11] <chromas> (cow sliced)
[18:52:16] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[18:52:17] <fungus> 01.------------
[18:52:17] <fungus> | moo |
[18:52:18] <fungus> ------------
[18:52:18] <fungus> \ ^__^
[18:52:19] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[18:52:19] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[18:52:20] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:52:20] <fungus> || ||
[18:52:21] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[18:52:26] <fyngyrz> yes, two works
[18:52:28] <fyngyrz> hm
[18:52:49] <fyngyrz> hm
[18:52:52] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[18:52:53] <fungus> ------------
[18:52:53] <fungus> | moo |
[18:52:54] <fungus> ------------
[18:52:54] <fungus> \ ^__^
[18:52:55] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[18:52:55] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[18:52:56] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:52:56] <fungus> || ||
[18:52:57] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[18:53:07] <fyngyrz> well, okay, that's... um... yeah.
[18:53:47] <fyngyrz> two leading spaces means one leading space. Sure. That's intuitive.
[18:54:02] <fyngyrz> lemme see what 3 do
[18:54:16] <chromas> Maybe it escapes it, like doing two slashes
[18:54:21] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[18:54:21] <fungus> ------------
[18:54:22] <fungus> | moo |
[18:54:22] <fungus> ------------
[18:54:23] <fungus> \ ^__^
[18:54:23] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[18:54:24] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[18:54:24] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:54:25] <fungus> || ||
[18:54:25] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[18:54:33] <fyngyrz> ok, just adds one more
[18:54:54] <fyngyrz> $aa {moo}
[18:54:54] <fungus> ------------
[18:54:55] <fungus> | moo |
[18:54:55] <fungus> ------------
[18:54:56] <fungus> \ ^__^
[18:54:56] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[18:54:57] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[18:54:57] <fungus> ||----w |
[18:54:58] <fungus> || ||
[18:54:58] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[18:55:09] <fyngyrz> look ok to you now?
[18:55:55] <cow> the left pipe is misaligned
[18:56:06] <fyngyrz> how so?
[18:56:13] <cow> at least, on my end, it doesn't have any spaces
[18:56:41] <fyngyrz> it's supposed to be one left of the dashes (and one right at the end)
[18:56:49] <fyngyrz> you have a fixed width font?
[18:56:50] <chromas> ------------
[18:56:50] <chromas> | moo |
[18:56:50] <chromas> ------------
[18:57:01] <fyngyrz> that looks just right here
[18:57:03] <chromas> it looks good here, with variable-width font
[18:57:30] <cow> but over here with fixed-width, the right pipe is right between the dashes
[18:57:43] <cow> maybe hexchat's broken
[18:57:55] * cow doesn't use it that often
[18:58:01] <fyngyrz> ugh
[18:58:08] * cow moos
[18:59:35] <fyngyrz> $aa {shrug}
[18:59:35] <fungus> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[18:59:56] <chromas> Looks like I need to install a font
[19:03:56] <chromas> that's better
[19:04:07] <chromas> Now I get the face
[19:04:12] <fyngyrz> oh good
[19:04:20] <fyngyrz> how's the cow balloon look?
[19:04:39] <chromas> Same. But I can see the shrug face now
[19:07:06] -!- cow has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:08:35] -!- chromasctl [chromasctl!~aybee@9740-7r56-1021-0q23-871s-974n-ncs0-82tt.dhcp8.chtrptr.net] has joined #test
[19:08:35] -!- mode/#test [+v chromasctl] by Artemis
[19:08:45] <chromasctl> $aa {moo}
[19:08:45] <fungus> ------------
[19:08:45] <fungus> | moo |
[19:08:46] <fungus> ------------
[19:08:46] <fungus> \ ^__^
[19:08:47] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[19:08:47] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[19:08:48] <fungus> ||----w |
[19:08:48] <fungus> || ||
[19:08:49] <fungus> ..."Have you mooed today?"...
[19:52:51] <fyngyrz> whew... had an inrush of things to take care of, just surfaced
[20:00:59] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[20:00:59] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[20:01:00] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[20:01:00] <fungus> aa_macro action aqua b bgcolor black
[20:01:01] <fungus> blue brown chr chromas cols64 cowsay
[20:01:01] <fungus> cyan dt dude echo enumerate fart github
[20:01:02] <fungus> green grey h help hexdump i itemize lawn
[20:01:02] <fungus> lb lblue lcyan lgrey lime list ls moo
[20:01:03] <fungus> nick orange pat pink pizza play poop
[20:01:03] <fungus> purple r rb red rs shrug smake spaghetti
[20:01:04] <fungus> strike sub sudo teal u white wrap40
[20:01:04] <fungus> yellow z
[20:01:05] <fungus> 
[20:01:29] <fyngyrz> $aa {h chr}
[20:01:29] <fungus> 09style help: {chr N} -- generates an ASCII character corresponding to the ordinal N
[20:01:57] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[20:01:57] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[20:01:57] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[20:01:58] <fungus> aa_macro action aqua b bgcolor black
[20:01:58] <fungus> blue brown chr chromas cols64 cowsay
[20:01:59] <fungus> cyan dt dude echo enumerate fart github
[20:01:59] <fungus> green grey h hchr help hexdump i itemize
[20:02:00] <fungus> lawn lb lblue lcyan lgrey lime list ls
[20:02:00] <fungus> moo nick orange pat pink pizza play poop
[20:02:01] <fungus> purple r rb red rs shrug smake spaghetti
[20:02:01] <fungus> strike sub sudo teal u white wrap40
[20:02:02] <fungus> yellow z
[20:02:02] <fungus> 
[20:02:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {h hchr}
[20:02:49] <fungus> 09style help:
[20:03:06] <fyngyrz> $aa {h hchr}
[20:03:06] <fungus> 09style help: {hchr $} -- generates an ASCII character corresponding to the hex ordinal N
[20:03:21] <fyngyrz> $aa {h hchr}
[20:03:21] <fungus> 09style help: {hchr $} -- generates an ASCII character corresponding to the hex ordinal $
[20:03:36] <fyngyrz> $aa {hchr 41}
[20:03:36] <fungus> A
[20:06:33] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[20:06:34] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[20:06:34] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[20:06:35] <fungus> aa_macro action aqua b bgcolor black
[20:06:35] <fungus> blue brown chr chromas cols64 cowsay
[20:06:36] <fungus> cyan dt dude echo enumerate fart github
[20:06:36] <fungus> green grey h hchr help hexdump i itemize
[20:06:37] <fungus> lawn lb lblue lcyan lgrey lime list ls
[20:06:37] <fungus> moo nick orange pat pink pizza play poop
[20:06:38] <fungus> purple r rb red rs shrug smake spaghetti
[20:06:38] <fungus> strike sub sudo teal u white wrap40
[20:06:39] <fungus> yellow z
[20:06:39] <fungus> 
[20:07:32] <fyngyrz> $aa {action foo}
[20:07:33] <fungus> ACTION foo
[20:07:36] <fyngyrz> nope
[20:07:46] <fyngyrz> $aa {hexdump {action foo}}
[20:07:47] <fungus> 0123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF 123456789ABCDEF
[20:07:47] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[20:07:48] <fungus> 2001414354494f4e20666f6f01
[20:08:06] <fyngyrz> $aa {action foo}
[20:08:06] <fungus> ACTION foo
[20:08:22] <fyngyrz> $aa {action foo}
[20:08:22] <fungus> ACTION foo
[20:08:41] <chromas> $aa {green {lawn}}
[20:08:41] <fungus> 03chromas has fallen off your lawn and can't get it^H^H up
[20:09:00] <chromas> $aa {h itemize}
[20:09:00] <fungus> 09style help: {itemize item,item,[...],item} -- lay out comma separated items
[20:09:14] <chromas> $aa {itemize a, b, c, d}
[20:09:14] <fungus> a, b, c and d
[20:09:25] <fyngyrz> you don't need the spaces
[20:09:25] <chromas> $aa {itemize a, b, c, d, buns, cross, hot}
[20:09:25] <fungus> a, b, c, d, buns, cross and hot
[20:10:11] <chromas> Grammatical prettiness
[20:10:18] <fyngyrz> I need a white space collapse in there
[20:10:35] <chromas> $aa {itemize 0,1,2,3,4,5}
[20:10:35] <fungus> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
[20:10:42] <chromas> $aa {itemize 0,1,2,3,4 , 5}
[20:10:43] <fungus> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
[20:11:17] <chromas> $aa {itemize {red red},{green green},{blue blue}}
[20:11:17] <fungus> 04red, 03green and 02blue
[20:18:22] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:18:40] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[20:18:40] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[20:19:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {collapse {itemize 0,1,2,3,4 , 5}}
[20:19:07] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "collapse" ?
[20:19:12] <fyngyrz> right
[20:19:33] <fyngyrz> $aa {collapse {itemize 0,1,2,3,4 , 5}}
[20:19:33] <fungus> (Unknown Built-in or Squiggly: tag="collapse" data="0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5")
[20:20:20] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[20:20:35] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[20:20:35] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[20:20:37] <fyngyrz> $aa {collapse {itemize 0,1,2,3,4 , 5}}
[20:20:37] <fungus> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
[20:20:41] <fyngyrz> okay then
[20:21:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {itemize 0,1,2,3,4 , 5}
[20:21:31] <fungus> 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
[20:21:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {itemize a, b, c, d, buns, cross, hot}
[20:21:49] <fungus> a, b, c, d, buns, cross and hot
[20:22:06] <fyngyrz> $aa {itemize a, b, c, d, buns , cross, hot}
[20:22:07] <fungus> a, b, c, d, buns , cross and hot
[20:22:14] <fyngyrz> aha :)
[20:23:09] <fyngyrz> $aa {itemize a, b, c, d, buns, cross, hot}
[20:23:09] <fungus> a, b, c, d, buns, cross and hot
[20:32:32] <chromas> $aa {itemize a, b, c, 1, 2, 3}
[20:32:32] <fungus> a, b, c, 1, 2 and 3
[20:33:11] <chromas> $aa {itemize have,a,big,ol',string,o',text.,I,assume,it,gets,word-wrapped,as,well,but,if,not,that's,okay,too}
[20:33:11] <fungus> have, a, big, ol', string, o', text., I, assume, it, gets, word-wrapped, as, well, but, if, not, that's, okay and too
[20:33:32] <chromas> ${itemize {help}}
[20:33:42] <chromas> ${help}
[20:33:48] <chromas> derp
[20:33:54] <chromas> $aa {itemize {list}}
[20:33:54] <fungus> For specifics and try 09$aa {h item}: 07 ---------------------------------------- aa_macro action aqua b bgcolor black blue brown chr chromas cols64 cowsay cyan dt dude echo enumerate fart github green grey h hchr help hexdump i itemize lawn lb lblue lcyan lgrey lime list ls moo nick orange pat pink pizza play poop purple r rb red rs shrug smake spaghetti strike sub sudo teal u white wrap40 yellow z 
[20:34:23] <chromas> $aa {wrap40 {itemize have,a,big,ol',string,o',text.,I,assume,it,gets,word-wrapped,as,well,but,if,not,that's,okay,too}}
[20:34:23] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[20:34:24] <fungus> have, a, big, ol', string, o', text., I,
[20:34:24] <fungus> assume, it, gets, word-wrapped, as,
[20:34:25] <fungus> well, but, if, not, that's, okay and too
[20:34:53] <chromas> $aa {sort a, b, c, 1, 2, 3}
[20:34:53] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "sort" ?
[20:35:56] <fyngyrz> I have all kinds of sorts available. The quesion is, which ones to implement as styles here?
[20:36:07] <chromas> Bubble
[20:36:27] <fyngyrz> no, I mean, case sensitive, not, numeic leadin, by ham call, etc.
[20:36:35] <fyngyrz> numeric, even
[20:36:39] <chromas> Bubbles are efficient. That's why they're popular on social media
[20:36:51] <fyngyrz> they work well with cows
[20:36:58] <chromas> ham call? I assume that's not radio-related
[20:37:08] <fyngyrz> why would you assume that?
[20:37:41] <chromas> I dunno. Figured it was a math term or something
[20:38:10] <chromas> $aa {demorse .... .- .... .-}
[20:38:10] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "demorse" ?
[20:38:32] <fyngyrz> nope. Sorts by call area forist, then prefix, then suffix
[20:38:36] <fyngyrz> first, sigh
[20:38:41] <chromas> Nice
[20:38:43] <fyngyrz> oh, morse. :)
[20:38:55] <chromas> One thing you could do is write a replacement for rehash in aa :D
[20:38:58] <fyngyrz> I can do tht if you relaly want it. Also the other way
[20:39:28] <fyngyrz> well, ,I could sure write a replacement for the site generation in aa. What a fucking mess that it
[20:39:30] <fyngyrz> is
[20:40:19] <fyngyrz> I'm doing the unit test stuff for the new crop and collapse operators, then I have to doc them
[20:40:40] <fyngyrz> always fun to try a new application. Finds the holes in the language
[20:40:57] <fyngyrz> so far, just those two. Everything else wsas handlable
[20:40:59] <chromas> $fight aa vs m4
[20:41:15] * chromas tries to import ciri
[20:41:43] <chromas> <ciri> By results on Google.com/intl/en: aa beats m4 by 1,380,000,000 to 48,400,000!
[20:41:53] <chromas> Your language is more popular than you even knew!
[20:46:10] <fyngyrz> yeah, except that's not my language
[20:46:25] <fyngyrz> my language is basically invisible. :)
[20:46:56] <chromas> It's not true in my imagination though
[20:48:22] <fyngyrz> outstanding
[21:13:02] <fyngyrz> okay, docs are done. That's always fun. :)
[21:19:57] <fyngyrz> {test}
[21:20:01] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:20:01] <fungus> (Unknown Built-in or Squiggly: tag="dmorse" data="c")
[21:20:13] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:20:24] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:20:24] <fungus> -.-.
[21:20:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:20:40] <fungus> .---k:-.-
[21:20:59] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:21:00] <fungus> .---
[21:21:13] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:21:13] <fungus> -.-
[21:31:44] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:32:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:32:31] <fungus> .-
[21:39:30] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:39:30] <fungus> .-
[21:44:38] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:44:38] <fungus> :-...
[21:44:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:44:58] <fungus> -...
[21:45:17] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:45:17] <fungus> .--... -.-.-..
[21:46:12] <chromas> whoops
[21:46:16] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:46:16] <fungus> .--... -.-.-..
[21:47:06] * chromas doesn't recognize those characters
[21:47:09] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[21:47:09] <fungus> .- -... -.-. -..
[21:47:14] <fyngyrz> ab cd
[21:47:15] <chromas> ah
[21:47:23] <fyngyrz> was working on the interspacing
[21:47:24] <chromas> The spaces helped
[21:47:28] <fyngyrz> yeah, lol
[21:47:51] <fyngyrz> doing some nested style to create an efficient setup
[21:48:13] <fyngyrz> so now I have to encode the rest of the letters and the numbers
[21:48:19] <fyngyrz> take about ten minutes, I think
[21:51:49] <fyngyrz> or not
[21:51:55] <fyngyrz> $aa {morse hello there}
[21:51:55] <fungus> .... . .-.. .-.. --- - .... . .-. .
[21:52:47] <chromas> $aa {morse dit dah dah dit dah dit dit dit dit dit}
[21:52:47] <fungus> -.. . - -.. .- .... -.. .- .... -.. . - -.. .- .... -.. . - -.. . - -.. . - -.. . - -.. . -
[21:53:15] <fyngyrz> $aa {list}
[21:53:15] <fungus> For specifics, try 09$aa {h item}: 07
[21:53:15] <fungus> ----------------------------------------
[21:53:16] <fungus> aa_macro action aqua b bgcolor black
[21:53:16] <fungus> blue brown chr chromas cols64 cowsay
[21:53:17] <fungus> cyan dt dude echo enumerate fart github
[21:53:17] <fungus> green grey h hchr help hexdump i itemize
[21:53:18] <fungus> lawn lb lblue lcyan lgrey lime list ls
[21:53:18] <fungus> moo morse nick orange pat pink pizza
[21:53:19] <fungus> play poop purple r rb red rs shrug smake
[21:53:19] <fungus> spaghetti strike sub sudo teal u white
[21:53:20] <fungus> wrap40 yellow z
[21:53:20] <fungus> 
[21:53:22] <chromas> $aa {morse fyngyrz++}
[21:53:23] <fungus> ..-. -.-- -. --. -.-- .-. --.. ++
[21:53:26] <fyngyrz> $aa {h morse}
[21:53:27] <fungus> 09style help: {morse text} -- translate to morse code
[21:53:49] <chromas> $aa {spaghetti}
[21:53:49] <fungus> 🍝
[21:54:02] <chromas> $aa {morse What's your spaghetti policy here?}
[21:54:03] <fungus> .-- .... .- - '... -.-- --- ..- .-. ... .--. .- --. .... . - - . .--. --- .-.. . -.-. -.-- .... . .-. . ?
[21:54:32] <chromas> Very good
[21:56:41] <fyngyrz> $aa {dmorse hello there}
[21:56:41] <fungus> dit dit dit dit dit dit dah dit dit dit dah dit dit dah dah dah dah dit dit dit dit dit dit dah dit dit
[21:56:47] <fyngyrz> :)
[21:57:48] <fyngyrz> $aa {h dorse}
[21:57:48] <fungus> 09style help:
[21:57:51] <fyngyrz> $aa {h dmorse}
[21:57:51] <fungus> 09style help: {dmorse text} -- dahs the way dit goes
[21:58:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {h morse}
[21:58:49] <fungus> 09style help: {morse text} -- translate to -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. .
[21:58:53] <fyngyrz> :))
[21:59:53] <chromas> $aa {demorse {morse puns for fun}}
[21:59:54] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "demorse" ?
[21:59:54] <fyngyrz> You know, there are a bunch of punctuation codes too... I just don't know them off of the top of my head
[22:00:01] <chromas> $aa {dmorse {morse puns for fun}}
[22:00:01] <fungus> dit dah dah dit dit dit dah dah dit dit dit dit dit dit dah dit dah dah dah dit dah dit dit dit dah dit dit dit dah dah dit
[22:00:35] <chromas> $aa {morse{dmorse {morse puns for fun}}}
[22:00:36] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "morsedit" ?
[22:00:39] <chromas> $aa {morse {dmorse {morse puns for fun}}}
[22:00:39] <fungus> -.. . - -.. .- .... -.. .- .... -.. . - -.. . - -.. . - -.. .- .... -.. .- .... -.. . - -.. . - -.. . - -.. . - -.. . - -.. . - -.. .- .... -.. . - -.. .- .... -.. .- .... -.. .- .... -.. . - -.. .- .... -.. . - -.. . - -.. . - -.. .- .... -.. . - -.. . - -.. . - -.. .- .... -.. .- .... -.. . -
[22:00:49] <chromas> $aa {cowsay {morse moo}}
[22:00:49] <fungus> ------------
[22:00:50] <fungus> |-- --- --- |
[22:00:50] <fungus> ------------
[22:00:51] <fungus> \ ^__^
[22:00:51] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[22:00:52] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[22:00:52] <fungus> ||----w |
[22:00:53] <fungus> || ||
[22:02:06] <fyngyrz> macros ftw
[22:04:15] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {morse moo}}
[22:04:15] <fungus> ----------------
[22:04:16] <fungus> | -- --- --- |
[22:04:16] <fungus> ----------------
[22:04:17] <fungus> \ ^__^
[22:04:17] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[22:04:18] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[22:04:19] <fungus> ||----w |
[22:04:19] <fungus> || ||
[22:04:46] <fyngyrz> hmm. There's an extra space translated there. lemme see what I an do about that
[22:05:10] <chromas> $aa {morse {moo}}
[22:05:10] <fungus> ----------------
[22:05:11] <fungus> | -- --- --- |
[22:05:11] <fungus> ----------------
[22:05:12] <fungus> \ ^__^
[22:05:12] <fungus> \ (--- --- )\_______
[22:05:13] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[22:05:13] <fungus> ||----.-- |
[22:05:14] <fungus> || ||
[22:05:14] <fungus> ...".... .- ...- . -.-- --- ..- -- --- --- . -.. - --- -.. .- -.-- ?"...
[22:05:33] <chromas> dah cow
[22:05:41] <chromas> dah moo
[22:05:46] <fyngyrz> $aa {cowsay {morse moo}}
[22:05:46] <fungus> ----------------
[22:05:46] <fungus> | -- --- --- |
[22:05:47] <fungus> ----------------
[22:05:47] <fungus> \ ^__^
[22:05:48] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[22:05:48] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[22:05:49] <fungus> ||----w |
[22:05:49] <fungus> || ||
[22:06:20] <fyngyrz> better
[22:07:32] <fyngyrz> that's funny, the mores moo thing
[22:07:36] <fyngyrz> morse moo
[22:08:34] <fyngyrz> be even funnier with dmorse
[22:08:49] <fyngyrz> $aa {dmorse {moo}}
[22:08:49] <fungus> dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah
[22:08:49] <fungus> | dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah |
[22:08:50] <fungus> dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah
[22:08:50] <fungus> \ ^__^
[22:08:51] <fungus> \ (dah dah dah dah dah dah )\_______
[22:08:51] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[22:08:52] <fungus> ||dah dah dah dah dit dah dah |
[22:08:52] <fungus> || ||
[22:08:53] <fungus> dit dit dit "dit dit dit dit dit dah dit dit dit dah dit dah dit dah dah dah dah dah dit dit dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dit dah dit dit dah dah dah dah dah dit dit dit dah dah dit dah dah ?"dit dit dit
[22:09:06] <chromas> $aa {dmorse {hexdump moo}}
[22:09:06] <fungus> dah dah dah dah dah dit dah dah dah dah dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit dah dah dit dit dit dit dah dit dit dit dit dit dah dit dit dit dit dah dah dit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dah dah dah dah dit dit dah dah dit dit dit dah dit dah dit dah dit dit dit dit dit dah dit dit dah dah dah dah dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dit dah dah dit dit dit dit dah dit dit dit dit dit dah dit dit dit dit dah dah dit dit dit dah dah dah dit dit dah dah dah
[22:09:06] <fungus> dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah
[22:09:07] <fungus> dah dit dit dit dit dah dit dit dah dit dit dit dit dit dit dah dit dah dit dit dit dit dit dit dah dit
[22:09:45] <chromas> $aa {morse {red red}}
[22:09:45] <fungus> ----- ....- .-. . -.. 
[22:10:32] <fyngyrz> $aa {red {morse red}}
[22:10:32] <fungus> 04.-. . -..
[22:26:38] <TheMightyBuzzard> $aa {morse bewbs}
[22:26:38] <fungus> -... . .-- -... ...
[22:40:26] <fyngyrz> messing with the design...
[22:40:32] <fyngyrz> $aa {morse test}
[22:40:32] <fungus> TEST
[22:40:40] <fyngyrz> ok, messed UP the design
[22:40:59] <fyngyrz> $aa {morse test}
[22:40:59] <fungus> - . ... -
[22:41:12] <fyngyrz> okay, better
[22:49:50] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse ..}
[22:50:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse ..}
[22:50:31] <fungus> ..
[22:52:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse ..}
[22:52:53] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[22:53:14] <fyngyrz> $aa {morse test}
[22:53:15] <fungus> - . ... -
[22:55:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {unm ..}
[22:57:38] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse .-}
[22:57:38] <fungus> a
[22:57:48] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse ...}
[22:57:48] <fungus> s
[22:58:08] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse testing}}
[22:58:09] <fungus> tisting
[22:58:11] <fyngyrz> lol
[22:59:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}}
[22:59:08] <fungus> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
[22:59:18] <chromas> $aa {unmorse {morse festing}}
[22:59:18] <fungus> festing
[22:59:21] <chromas> aw
[22:59:24] <fyngyrz> lol
[22:59:34] <fyngyrz> too late!
[23:01:24] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:01:24] <fungus> thisisatest
[23:01:28] <fyngyrz> hm.
[23:01:40] <fyngyrz> gonna need to handle spaces, I see
[23:01:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:01:58] <fungus> thisisatest
[23:05:33] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:05:33] <fungus> hisisatest
[23:05:56] <chromas> $aa {unmorse .}
[23:06:01] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:06:01] <fungus> hisisatest
[23:06:11] <chromas> $aa {unmorse ..}
[23:06:28] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:06:28] <fungus> thisisatest
[23:06:42] <fyngyrz> working on the space thing, will be broken for a few minutes
[23:06:51] <fyngyrz> turns out it's a little tricky
[23:08:19] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:08:19] <fungus> thiest
[23:08:25] <fyngyrz> ok, not that then. :)
[23:08:41] <chromas> $aa {dmorse ·- ··· ···}
[23:08:41] <fungus> ·dah ··· ···
[23:08:42] <chromas> :D
[23:10:51] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:11:00] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:11:00] <fungus> thiest
[23:11:07] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:11:07] <fungus> thisisatest
[23:11:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:11:31] <fungus> thisisatest
[23:11:46] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:11:47] <fungus> thiest
[23:11:51] <fyngyrz> well ffs
[23:12:22] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[23:12:22] <fungus> wqyz
[23:13:40] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[23:13:40] <fungus> -~....~..~...~~..~...~.-~~-~.~...~-
[23:14:01] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[23:14:01] <fungus> - .... .. ...~.. ... .-~- . ... -
[23:14:27] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[23:14:27] <fungus> - .... .. ...~.. ...~.-~- . ... -
[23:15:43] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:15:43] <fungus> thiest
[23:15:51] <fyngyrz> I am so missing something here
[23:17:34] <chromas> $aa {unmorse --- ....}
[23:17:34] <fungus> oh
[23:17:56] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[23:17:56] <chromas> $aa {unmorse -- --- -.. .-}
[23:17:56] <fungus> (Unknown Built-in or Squiggly:~tag="morse" data="this is a test")
[23:17:57] <fungus> moda
[23:18:06] * chromas forgot some of the letters
[23:18:31] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[23:18:31] <fungus> - .... .. ...~.. ...~.-~- . ... -
[23:18:40] <chromas> $aa {morse today}
[23:18:40] <fungus> - --- -.. .- -.--
[23:18:50] <chromas> $aa {unmorse - --- -.. .- -.--}
[23:18:50] <fungus> today
[23:19:06] <chromas> $aa {unmorse {morse today}}
[23:19:06] <fungus> today
[23:19:12] <chromas> $aa {unmorse {morse to day}}
[23:19:12] <fungus> tay
[23:19:35] <chromas> Maybe {morse} gets its parameter cut off at the next space
[23:19:37] <fyngyrz> oh hell, I get it
[23:20:19] <fyngyrz> lets see if I can fix it
[23:20:24] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse {morse this is a test}}
[23:20:24] <fungus> this is a test
[23:20:35] <fyngyrz> $aa {test}
[23:20:35] <fungus> - .... .. ...~.. ...~.-~- . ... -
[23:20:39] <fyngyrz> yeah
[23:21:43] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse .. .- -- .--. .. -.. .. --- -}
[23:21:43] <fungus> i am p idiot
[23:21:48] <fyngyrz> lol close
[23:21:58] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse .. .- -- .- -. .. -.. .. --- -}
[23:21:58] <fungus> i am an idiot
[23:22:00] <fyngyrz> there
[23:23:44] <fyngyrz> $aa {unmorse .. .- -- .- -. .. -.. .. --- -}
[23:23:44] <fungus> I AM AN IDIOT
[23:24:02] <fyngyrz> cuz old guyz likes they capzitals
[23:29:30] <fyngyrz> $aa {h unmorse}
[23:29:30] <fungus> 09style help:
[23:29:53] <fyngyrz> $aa {h unmorse}
[23:29:53] <fungus> 09style help:
[23:30:15] <fyngyrz> $aa {h unmorse}
[23:30:15] <fungus> 09style help: {unmorse ... --- ...} -- letter space=1, word space=2
[23:30:22] <fyngyrz> $aa {h dmorse}
[23:30:22] <fungus> 09style help: {dmorse text} -- dahs the way dit goes, morris!
[23:31:08] <fyngyrz> $aa {h unmorse}
[23:31:08] <fungus> 09style help: {unmorse ... --- ...} -- letter space=' ', word space=' '
[23:31:25] <fyngyrz> $aa {h unmorse}
[23:31:25] <fungus> 09style help: {unmorse ... --- ...} -- letter space=' ' (1), word space=' ' (2)
[23:31:48] <fyngyrz> $aa {h unmorse}
[23:31:49] <fungus> 09style help: {unmorse ... --- ...} -- letterSpace=' ' (1), wordSpace=' ' (2)
[23:32:08] <fyngyrz> that one's a bit fragile, I'm afraid
[23:35:39] <fyngyrz> $aa {morse cw}
[23:35:39] <fungus> -.-. .--
[23:35:45] <fyngyrz> just chekcing
[23:36:05] <fyngyrz> $aa {h unmorse}
[23:36:05] <fungus> 09style help: {unmorse -.-. .--} -- letterSpace=' ' (1), wordSpace=' ' (2)
[23:37:34] <fyngyrz> $aa {morse {pizza}}
[23:37:34] <fungus> 🍕
[23:37:39] <fyngyrz> excellent :)
[23:38:22] <fyngyrz> that should work as long as all the code pages are above 128
[23:38:36] <fyngyrz> and/or not in ASCII letters / numbers ranges
[23:38:53] <fyngyrz> $aa {morse I want {pizza}}
[23:38:53] <fungus> .. .-- .- -. - 🍕
[23:39:14] <chromas> $aa {pizza}++
[23:39:14] <fungus> 🍕++
[23:39:22] <chromas> Bender--
[23:39:22] <Bender> karma - bender: -1
[23:39:26] <fyngyrz> lol
[23:39:32] <chromas> No unicode variables
[23:39:37] <chromas> $aa [{pizza}]++
[23:39:37] <fungus> [🍕]++
[23:39:37] <Bender> karma - [🍕]: 1
[23:39:39] <fyngyrz> the noive
[23:40:01] <fyngyrz> first letter has to be low code page
[23:41:41] <fyngyrz> okay, I believe I've had all there macro fun there is to have today. Time for dinner and the SO's company. Thanks for hanging out and helping
[23:42:06] <chromas> You're welcome; thanks for the fun :)
[23:42:14] <fyngyrz> you bet. more later
[23:42:20] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]