#test | Logs for 2019-01-20

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[00:31:52] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[00:31:53] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[00:32:13] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:37:37] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[00:37:37] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[00:38:15] <fyngyrz> {age 1956}
[00:38:15] <fungus> 63
[00:38:51] <chromas> {age {age 63}}
[00:39:00] <chromas> ${age {age 63}}
[00:39:00] <fungus> 63
[00:39:11] <chromas> ${age 1956}
[00:39:11] <fungus> 63
[00:39:14] <chromas> d'aww
[00:39:22] <chromas> ${age ${age 63}}
[00:40:33] <fyngyrz> {help}
[00:40:33] <fungus> fyngyrz, here are the fungus macros:
[00:40:34] <fungus> More on fungus at http://ourtimelines.com
[00:40:34] <fungus> For specifics, try 0909$07{h item}:
[00:40:35] <upstart> Error: Title is empty
[00:40:35] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:40:35] <fungus> ATM aa_macro action adjective adverb adverbly age atm b bgcolor
[00:40:36] <fungus> bot bsod cats cb chr chromas colors cols64 cowpoop cowsay
[00:40:36] <fungus> crumble ctrlAltDelete darks dict dmorse dt dude echo emojis
[00:40:37] <fungus> enumerate fart github guilty h hchr help hexdump i itemize joke
[00:40:38] <fungus> kcat lawn lb list ls ma mathsci moo morse nick nl noun oldwrap40
[00:40:38] <fungus> omg pat play prog r rb reboot reverse rs sex shrug smake strike
[00:40:38] <fungus> sub sudo threat tomswift u unmorse verb wisdom wrap wrap40 year
[00:40:39] <fungus> z
[00:40:40] <fungus>
[00:40:40] <fungus> State Control:
[00:40:41] <fungus> --------------
[00:40:41] <fungus> auto autooff gone here hereoff listsups noauto notopid states
[00:40:42] <fungus> status topid topidoff
[00:40:43] <fungus>
[00:40:43] <fungus> Emojis:
[00:40:44] <fungus> -------
[00:40:44] <fungus> beer booze cat check cocktail pepper pizza poop spaghetti
[00:40:45] <fungus> wine
[00:40:46] <fungus>
[00:40:46] <fungus> 04C03o11l07o09r06s:
[00:40:47] <fungus> -------
[00:40:47] <fungus> aqua black blue brown cyan green grey lblue lcyan lgrey lime
[00:40:48] <fungus> orange pink purple red teal white yellow
[00:41:07] <chromas> ${chromas}
[00:41:07] <fungus> That chromas, what aprofound person
[00:41:08] <fungus> !
[00:41:16] <chromas> ${chromas {chromas}}
[00:41:16] <fungus> That chromas, what asuperb soul
[00:41:16] <fungus> !
[00:41:27] <chromas> ${blue {chromas}}
[00:41:27] <fungus> 02That chromas, what an outstanding operator
[00:41:28] <fungus> !
[00:41:44] * chromas can't see it because highlight overrides color :(
[00:41:49] <chromas> ${blue {beer}}
[00:41:49] <fungus> 02🍺
[00:41:57] * chromas nods beeringly
[00:42:01] <fyngyrz> hic
[00:42:08] <chromas> !bier fyngyrz
[00:42:08] * Bender tapt een glas witbier voor fyngyrz
[00:45:21] <fyngyrz> chromas, I think it'll respond to you w/o the $
[00:45:48] <chromas> {red rum}
[00:45:55] <chromas> I probably need to set something
[00:46:00] <fyngyrz> okay, maybe not
[00:46:10] <fyngyrz> {red rum}
[00:46:10] <fungus> 04rum
[00:46:20] <fyngyrz> yeah, it works, so it's a flag or something
[00:46:38] <chromas> ${auto}
[00:46:39] <fungus> chromas auto on
[00:46:44] <chromas> {red rum}
[00:46:44] <fungus> 04rum
[00:46:56] <fyngyrz> it's auto chormas
[00:47:01] <fyngyrz> it's auto chromas
[00:47:14] <chromas> {joke {sex}}
[00:47:15] <fungus> Ok, I'll tell you a joke...
[00:47:15] <fungus> Nah, just kidding.
[00:48:15] <chromas> {wisdom}
[00:48:16] <fungus> Convictions are more dangerous enemies
[00:48:16] <fungus> of truth than lies.
[00:48:30] <chromas> {nowordwrap}
[00:48:30] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "nowordwrap" ?
[00:48:55] <fyngyrz> not a flag... I think it's a whole post formatter?
[00:49:59] <fyngyrz> {wrap40 this is a test of whatever you think it's a test of, really, no kidding. And I"m not kidding. Maybe. I might be. You'll never know.}
[00:49:59] <fungus> this is a test of whatever you think
[00:50:00] <fungus> it's a test of, really, no kidding. And
[00:50:00] <fungus> I"m not kidding. Maybe. I might be.
[00:50:01] <fungus> You'll never know.
[00:53:12] <chromas> {wrap400 This is a teste test and blah blah blergoty I should find some copypasta to put here, like maybe the one about GNU/Linux or the greentext about installing Adobe Reader because it's faster than typing}
[00:53:12] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "wrap400" ?
[00:53:30] <fyngyrz> wrap nn text
[00:53:40] <fyngyrz> I think
[00:53:49] <chromas> {wrap 400 This is a teste test and blah blah blergoty I should find some copypasta to put here, like maybe the one about GNU/Linux or the greentext about installing Adobe Reader because it's faster than typing}
[00:53:49] <fungus> This is a teste test and blah blah blergoty I should find some copypasta to put
[00:53:50] <fungus> here, like maybe the one about GNU/Linux or the greentext about installing Adobe
[00:53:50] <fungus> Reader because it's faster than typing
[00:54:00] <fyngyrz> I think there's a max
[00:54:12] <fyngyrz> because I assumed someone would do that :)
[00:54:15] <chromas> {cowsay {dude}}
[00:54:15] <fungus> -------------------------------------
[00:54:16] <fungus> |That , what adevastating dude(ette)
[00:54:17] <fungus> !|
[00:54:17] <fungus> -------------------------------------
[00:54:18] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:54:18] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:54:19] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:54:19] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:54:20] <fungus> || ||
[00:54:29] <chromas> {cowsay {dude {cowpoop}}}
[00:54:30] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------------------
[00:54:30] <fungus> |That
[00:54:31] <fungus> ^__^
[00:54:31] <fungus> (oo)\_______
[00:54:32] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:54:32] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:54:33] <fungus> || || 💩, what averitable visionary
[00:54:33] <fungus> !|
[00:54:34] <fungus> ------------------------------------------------------------
[00:54:34] <fungus> \ ^__^
[00:54:35] <fungus> \ (oo)\_______
[00:54:35] <fungus> (__)\ )\/\
[00:54:36] <fungus> ||----w |
[00:54:36] <fungus> || ||
[00:59:17] <fungus> fyngyrz-> 🍕
[00:59:57] <chromas> $🍕
[01:00:10] <chromas> {🍕}
[01:00:10] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "🍕" ?
[01:00:18] <chromas> {yellow 🍕}
[01:00:18] <fungus> 08🍕
[01:00:49] <fyngyrz> does that work for you? Here, the emojis are color, and font color is ignored
[01:01:10] <fyngyrz> I seem to recall that some systems use balck and white emojis
[01:01:14] <chromas> Are you on a mac?
[01:01:16] <fyngyrz> black, even
[01:01:18] <fyngyrz> yes
[01:01:22] <chromas> Yeah here it's just glyphs in a font
[01:01:45] <fyngyrz> so did you get a yellow pizza?
[01:02:02] <chromas> I did
[01:02:06] <fyngyrz> ok, good
[01:02:40] <fyngyrz> makes sense. Sorta.
[01:03:24] <fyngyrz> I have to say I'm pretty fond of how the mac handles emojis
[01:03:41] <chromas> I read somewhere about KDE getting emojis of color but I haven't seen any sign of it
[01:03:46] <fyngyrz> works everywhere - browsers, shells, this IRC client, etc.
[01:04:14] <fyngyrz> they get a lot of things wrong, so I cling to the little successes
[01:07:23] <fyngyrz> {tomswift}
[01:07:23] <fungus> The answer is 3.14159, Tom said piously.
[01:15:06] <fyngyrz> well... TMB isn't devving, and I need to spend some quality time with the SO, so ttyl
[01:16:24] <chromas> sea ya
[01:16:30] * chromas tries to get emojicons working
[13:05:13] <fyngyrz> {h age}
[13:05:14] <fungus> 09style help: ? Unknown Style "a" ? -- Indicates how old something from that year is
[13:05:35] <fyngyrz> {h age}
[13:05:35] <fungus> 09style help: 07{age birthyear} -- Indicates how old something from that year is
[14:43:11] <fyngyrz> {age 1950}
[14:43:12] <fungus> 69
[14:44:15] <fyngyrz> {date}
[14:44:15] <fungus> 20190120
[14:44:46] <fyngyrz> {ddelta 19560717 {date}}
[14:44:47] <fungus> (Unknown Built-in or Squiggly: tag="ddelta" data="19560717 20190120")
[14:45:06] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:45:25] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[14:45:25] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[14:45:32] <fyngyrz> {ddelta 19560717 {date}}
[14:45:33] <fungus> 04NameError: global name 'dmath' is not defined (file "/usr/src/bot/Code/modules/aa.py", line 166, in aa)
[14:46:13] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[14:47:02] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[14:47:02] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[14:47:12] <fyngyrz> {date}
[14:47:12] <fungus> 20190120
[14:47:15] <fyngyrz> {ddelta 19560717 {date}}
[14:47:15] <fungus> 62 6 3
[22:55:16] <fyngyrz> {age 1956}
[22:55:16] <fungus> 63
[23:13:24] <chromas> {age -1}
[23:13:24] <fungus> 2020