#test | Logs for 2019-01-27

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[21:35:50] <fyngyrz> {ab TMB|The Mighty Buzzard}
[21:35:50] <fungus> <abbr title="The Mighty Buzzard">TMB</abbr>
[21:37:06] <fyngyrz> {h ab}
[21:37:06] <fungus> 09style help: 07{ad TERM
[21:37:29] <fyngyrz> {h ab}
[21:37:29] <fungus> 09style help: 07{ad TERM&#124;expansion} -- generate a formatted <abbr> tag pair
[21:38:12] <fyngyrz> {ab TMB,The Mighty Buzzard}
[21:38:12] <fungus> <abbr title="The Mighty Buzzard">TMB</abbr>
[21:38:49] <fyngyrz> {h ab}
[21:38:49] <fungus> 09style help: 07{ad TERM,expansion} -- generate a formatted <abbr> tag pair
[21:40:59] <chromas> {ab ab}
[21:40:59] <fungus> <abbr title="">ab</abbr>
[21:41:08] <chromas> {ab abbr}
[21:41:09] <fungus> <abbr title="">abbr</abbr>
[21:41:31] <chromas> {ab tmb}
[21:41:31] <fungus> <abbr title="">tmb</abbr>
[21:41:35] <chromas> {ab TMB}
[21:41:35] <fungus> <abbr title="">TMB</abbr>
[21:41:42] <TheMightyBuzzard> #smake chromas
[21:41:42] * MrPlow smakes chromas upside the head with Ethanol-fueled's schlong
[21:41:55] <chromas> {ab,abbr}
[21:41:56] <fungus> <abbr title=""></abbr>? Unknown Style "abbr" ?
[21:42:51] <chromas> #sammich TheMightyBuzzard
[21:42:51] * MrPlow sneaks up behind TheMightyBuzzard and cuts their throat
[21:42:51] * MrPlow fixes thinly sliced TheMightyBuzzard's corpse sammiches for everyone in #test
[21:43:15] <chromas> "their"
[21:43:19] <chromas> W O K E
[21:45:28] <fyngyrz> {ab TMB,The Mighty Buzzard}
[21:45:28] <fungus> <abbr title="The Mighty Buzzard">TMB</abbr>
[21:45:33] <fyngyrz> gonna make this work if I can
[21:45:37] <fyngyrz> here, I mean
[21:49:06] <fyngyrz> {ab TMB,The Mighty Buzzard}
[21:49:06] <fungus> <abbr title="The Mighty Buzzard">TMB</abbr>
[21:49:51] <fyngyrz> {ab TMB,The Mighty Buzzard}
[21:49:51] <fungus> <abbr title="The Mighty Buzzard">TMB</abbr>
[21:51:58] <fyngyrz> {ab TMB,The Mighty Buzzard}
[21:51:58] <fungus> <abbr title="The Mighty Buzzard">TMB</abbr>
[21:53:09] <fyngyrz> {ab TMB,The Mighty Buzzard}
[21:53:10] <fungus> ...
[21:53:59] <fyngyrz> {h ab}
[21:53:59] <fungus> 09style help: 07{ad TERM,expansion} -- generate a formatted <abbr> tag pair
[21:54:03] <fyngyrz> {ab TMB,The Mighty Buzzard}
[21:54:04] <fungus> ...
[21:55:56] <fyngyrz> {ab TMB,The Mighty Buzzard}
[21:55:56] <fungus> <abbr title="The Mighty Buzzard">TMB</abbr>
[22:06:33] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:06:54] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:06:55] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:12:20] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:12:40] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:12:40] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:16:03] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:16:19] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:16:19] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:21:47] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:22:12] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:22:12] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:24:19] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:24:38] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:24:38] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:26:52] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:27:13] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:27:13] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:28:49] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:29:10] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:29:10] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:30:30] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:30:50] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:30:51] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:32:50] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:33:12] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:33:12] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:33:14] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:33:31] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:33:31] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:33:34] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:33:51] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:33:52] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:44:18] -!- Bytram [Bytram!~Bytram@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #test
[22:44:18] -!- mode/#test [+v Bytram] by Artemis
[22:44:22] <fyngyrz> ${abbr NGO}
[22:44:22] <fungus> <abbr title="rNon-Governmental Organization">rNGO</abbr>
[22:44:27] <fyngyrz> yes, the dollar. Hm.
[22:44:46] <Bytram> 8 bits, a byte.
[22:44:49] <chromas> {abbr usd}
[22:44:49] <fungus> <abbr title="usd">usd</abbr>
[22:44:59] <chromas> {abbr flarglblarg}
[22:44:59] <fungus> <abbr title="flarglblarg">flarglblarg</abbr>
[22:45:10] <Bytram> ${abbr USD}
[22:45:10] <fungus> <abbr title="rUnited States Dollars (currency)">rUSD</abbr>
[22:45:30] <chromas> {abbr cad}
[22:45:30] <fungus> <abbr title="cad">cad</abbr>
[22:45:33] <chromas> {abbr CAD}
[22:45:33] <fungus> <abbr title="(1): Canadian Dollars (2): Computer Aided Design">CAD</abbr>
[22:45:43] <chromas> Ah, a capitalist
[22:46:25] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:46:34] <chromas> Makes sense, since in the article-scanning context, abbrevs would be in capitals
[22:46:44] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:46:44] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:47:40] <fyngyrz> try now
[22:47:49] <chromas> {abbr CAD}
[22:47:49] <fungus> <abbr title="(1): Canadian Dollars (2): Computer Aided Design">CAD</abbr>
[22:47:51] <chromas> {abbr cad}
[22:47:51] <fungus> <abbr title=""></abbr>
[22:47:56] <fyngyrz> the class process caps and numbers. Nothign else
[22:48:11] <chromas> {abbr SAS}
[22:48:11] <fungus> <abbr title="SAS">SAS</abbr>
[22:48:19] <chromas> oh I meant L
[22:48:22] <chromas> {abbr SLS}
[22:48:22] <fungus> <abbr title="Space Launch System">SLS</abbr>
[22:48:37] <chromas> {abbr SaaS}
[22:48:37] <fungus> <abbr title="(1): Secret Service (2): SteamShip">SS</abbr>
[22:48:44] <fyngyrz> lemme add a little more smarts here...
[22:48:44] <chromas> {abbr SafartaS}
[22:48:44] <fungus> <abbr title="(1): Secret Service (2): SteamShip">SS</abbr>
[22:48:52] <chromas> {abbr SAAS}
[22:48:52] <fungus> <abbr title="SAAS">SAAS</abbr>
[22:48:55] <fyngyrz> like I sazid
[22:49:04] <chromas> "Software-as-a-Service"
[22:52:38] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:52:55] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:52:55] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:53:32] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[22:54:41] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[22:54:41] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[22:55:02] <fyngyrz> okay, better now
[22:55:04] <fyngyrz> {abbr NGO}
[22:55:05] <fungus> <abbr title="Non-Governmental Organization">NGO</abbr>
[22:55:07] <fyngyrz> {abbr NGOX}
[22:55:07] <fungus> No expansion set up for {abbr NGOX}
[22:55:08] <Bytram> ${abbr RADAR}
[22:55:08] <fungus> No expansion set up for ${abbr RADAR}
[22:55:17] <Bytram> ${abbr USD}
[22:55:17] <fungus> <abbr title="United States Dollars (currency)">USD</abbr>
[22:55:26] <Bytram> ${abbr ABC}
[22:55:26] <fungus> <abbr title="(1): American Broadcasting Company (2): Australian Broadcasting Corporation">ABC</abbr>
[22:55:33] <Bytram> ${abbr PBS}
[22:55:33] <fungus> No expansion set up for ${abbr PBS}
[22:56:01] <Bytram> ${abbr NPR}
[22:56:01] <fungus> <abbr title="National Public Radio (US)">NPR</abbr>
[22:57:06] <fyngyrz> {abbr RADAR}
[22:57:06] <fungus> <abbr title="RAdio Detection And Ranging">RADAR</abbr>
[22:57:11] <fyngyrz> {abbr SAAS}
[22:57:12] <fungus> <abbr title="Software As A Service">SAAS</abbr>
[22:57:31] <Bytram> btw, I think NPR is now no longer an abbr
[22:58:27] <fyngyrz> {abbr PBS}
[22:58:27] <fungus> No expansion set up for {abbr PBS}
[22:58:34] <Bytram> My bad, apparently it IS! https://en.wikipedia.org
[22:58:35] <upstart> ^ 03NPR - Wikipedia
[22:58:37] <fyngyrz> {abbr PBS}
[22:58:37] <fungus> <abbr title="Public Broadcasting Service">PBS</abbr>
[22:58:49] <Bytram> yays
[22:58:59] <fyngyrz> very helpful :)
[22:59:11] <Bytram> ${abbr PLUGH}
[22:59:11] <fungus> No expansion set up for ${abbr PLUGH}
[22:59:18] <Bytram> no magic :(
[22:59:22] <Bytram> ;)
[22:59:33] <fyngyrz> serves you right. You are now stuck in a maze of twistly little passages, all alike
[22:59:40] <Bytram> ${abbr AMEX}
[22:59:40] <fungus> No expansion set up for ${abbr AMEX}
[22:59:47] <Bytram> huh?
[23:00:21] <fyngyrz> I've been leaning away from commercial things
[23:00:25] <Bytram> American Express, as well as the American Stock Exchange
[23:00:31] <Bytram> or are they no longer a thing?
[23:00:31] <fyngyrz> ok
[23:00:38] <Bytram> lemme check, first
[23:00:56] <Bytram> =g American stock exchange
[23:00:57] <upstart> https://www.nyse.com - Small Cap Equity Market | NYSE American
[23:01:06] <Bytram> #g American stock exchange
[23:01:07] <MrPlow> https://www.nyse.com - "Drawing on its heritage as the American Stock Exchange, NYSE American is an exchange designed for growing companies, and offers investors greater choice ..."
[23:01:22] <Bytram> looks like MAEX got absorbed into NYSE
[23:01:24] <fyngyrz> {abbr AMEX}
[23:01:24] <fungus> <abbr title="(1): American Express (2): American Stock Exchange">AMEX</abbr>
[23:01:25] <Bytram> *AMEX
[23:01:44] <fyngyrz> still may be referenced historically
[23:02:06] <fyngyrz> into NASD
[23:04:03] <fyngyrz> {abbr NASD}
[23:04:03] <fungus> <abbr title="National Association of Securities Dealers">NASD</abbr>
[23:04:07] <fyngyrz> {abbr NASDAQ}
[23:04:07] <fungus> <abbr title="National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations">NASDAQ</abbr>
[23:08:35] <fyngyrz> {abbr NYSE}
[23:08:35] <fungus> <abbr title="New York Stock Exchange">NYSE</abbr>
[23:09:55] <fyngyrz> I *could* actually integrate this into the macro language... it's a little tricky, but doable
[23:29:17] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:29:34] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[23:29:34] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[23:32:24] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[23:32:44] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[23:32:44] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[23:40:11] <fyngyrz> okay, done
[23:40:14] <fyngyrz> {abbr NYSE}
[23:40:14] <fungus> <abbr title="New York Stock Exchange">NYSE</abbr>
[23:40:17] <fyngyrz> {abbr NYSEX}
[23:40:18] <fungus> NYSEX
[23:40:19] <fyngyrz> :)
[23:49:18] <chromas> {abbr GTFO}
[23:49:18] <fungus> GTFO
[23:49:34] <chromas> {abbr ABBR}
[23:49:34] <fungus> ABBR
[23:49:46] <chromas> {abbr IOW}
[23:49:46] <fungus> <abbr title="In Other Words">IOW</abbr>
[23:49:56] <fyngyrz> that's just how it should work
[23:50:13] * chromas nods
[23:51:06] <chromas> {abbr IOW IIRC YTMND}
[23:51:06] <fungus> <abbr title="<abbr title="In Other Words">IOW</abbr> <abbr title="If I ReCall">IIRC</abbr> YTMND">IOW IIRC YTMND</abbr>
[23:51:31] <chromas> s/ReCall/Recall Correctly/
[23:52:19] <fyngyrz> really? I never heard it that way./ Regional?
[23:52:59] <fyngyrz> {IOW}
[23:53:00] <fungus> ? Unknown Style "IOW" ?
[23:53:03] <fyngyrz> good
[23:54:42] <chromas> Could be. I've only heard it that way
[23:55:20] <exec> Internet fight!
[23:55:39] <fyngyrz> lol