#test | Logs for 2019-03-24

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[02:02:35] <fyngyrz> Should have uswed APL
[02:05:32] <chromas> It used to be Pascal, and back then, I was working on a spreadsheet-formula-style programming language for it. I should work on that again sometimes
[02:06:14] <fyngyrz> well, I can't say you don't make interesting choices. :)
[02:12:02] <chromas> {list}
[02:12:02] <fungus> For specifics, try 0909$07{h item}:
[02:12:03] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[02:12:03] <fungus> ATM aa_macro ab abbr action adjective adverb adverbly age atm b
[02:12:04] <fungus> bgcolor bot bsod cats cb chr chromas colors cols64 cowpoop
[02:12:04] <fungus> cowsay crumble ctrlAltDelete darks date ddate dict dmorse dt
[02:12:05] <fungus> dude echo emojis enumerate fart github guilty h hchr help
[02:12:05] <fungus> hexdump i itemize joke kcat lawn lb list ls ma mathsci moo morse
[02:12:06] <fungus> nick nl noun oldwrap40 omg pat play prog r rb reboot reverse rs
[02:12:07] <fungus> sex shrug smake strike sub sudo threat tomswift u unmorse verb
[02:12:07] <fungus> wisdom wrap wrap40 year z
[02:12:08] <fungus>
[02:12:09] <fungus> State Control:
[02:12:09] <fungus> --------------
[02:12:10] <fungus> auto autooff gone here hereoff listsups noauto notopid states
[02:12:10] <fungus> status topid topidoff
[02:12:11] <fungus>
[02:12:12] <fungus> Emojis:
[02:12:12] <fungus> -------
[02:12:13] <fungus> beer booze cat check cocktail pepper pizza poop spaghetti
[02:12:13] <fungus> wine
[02:12:14] <fungus>
[02:12:15] <fungus> 04C03o11l07o09r06s:
[02:12:15] <fungus> -------
[02:12:16] <fungus> aqua black blue brown cyan green grey lblue lcyan lgrey lime
[02:12:16] <fungus> orange pink purple red teal white yellow
[02:12:22] <chromas> {help}
[02:12:22] <fungus> chromas, here are the fungus macros:
[02:12:22] <fungus> More on fungus at http://ourtimelines.com
[02:12:23] <fungus> For specifics, try 0909$07{h item}:
[02:12:23] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[02:12:24] <fungus> ATM aa_macro ab abbr action adjective adverb adverbly age atm b
[02:12:24] <fungus> bgcolor bot bsod cats cb chr chromas colors cols64 cowpoop
[02:12:25] <fungus> cowsay crumble ctrlAltDelete darks date ddate dict dmorse dt
[02:12:25] <fungus> dude echo emojis enumerate fart github guilty h hchr help
[02:12:26] <fungus> hexdump i itemize joke kcat lawn lb list ls ma mathsci moo morse
[02:12:26] <fungus> nick nl noun oldwrap40 omg pat play prog r rb reboot reverse rs
[02:12:27] <fungus> sex shrug smake strike sub sudo threat tomswift u unmorse verb
[02:12:27] <fungus> wisdom wrap wrap40 year z
[02:12:28] <fungus>
[02:12:29] <fungus> State Control:
[02:12:29] <fungus> --------------
[02:12:30] <fungus> auto autooff gone here hereoff listsups noauto notopid states
[02:12:30] <fungus> status topid topidoff
[02:12:31] <fungus>
[02:12:32] <fungus> Emojis:
[02:12:32] <fungus> -------
[02:12:33] <fungus> beer booze cat check cocktail pepper pizza poop spaghetti
[02:12:33] <fungus> wine
[02:12:34] <fungus>
[02:12:35] <fungus> 04C03o11l07o09r06s:
[02:12:35] <fungus> -------
[02:12:36] <fungus> aqua black blue brown cyan green grey lblue lcyan lgrey lime
[02:12:36] <fungus> orange pink purple red teal white yellow
[02:12:38] * chromas tries to click the link but it keeps scrolling away
[02:12:53] <fyngyrz> http://ourtimelines.com
[02:13:03] <fyngyrz> no scrollback buffer, eh?
[02:13:30] <chromas> Scrolling up sounds like work
[02:13:42] <fyngyrz> ah, yes, one must conserve on'e energy
[02:13:52] <chromas> oh, I just meant while the bot was still outputting
[02:14:09] <chromas> but yeah I could've scrolled back into history for the last time the link was dropped
[02:14:35] <fyngyrz> have a(nother) beer
[02:14:47] <chromas> !bier fyngyrz
[02:14:47] * Bender geeft een flesje hoegaarden aan fyngyrz
[02:15:18] <fyngyrz> You've gone on a bender, I see
[02:15:29] <chromas> Well I'm gonna try stuffing it into my bot. Not gonna worry about security though :D
[02:16:07] <fyngyrz> well, then it's even easier. You put it in, and the first person along who knows the macro language takes over your computer. :)
[02:16:31] <fyngyrz> except me. I'll just eat popcorn and watch.
[02:16:49] <chromas> What if I do a little security?
[02:17:03] <chromas> Maybe a chroot in a container in a vm in another container
[02:17:15] <fyngyrz> security is simple: catch and sanitize all [ and ] characters
[02:17:42] <chromas> But then you can't use it in macros
[02:17:58] <fyngyrz> convert them into tokens like KUGH247862UJHGREQ and 76867JGHJUIYT when reading input, then convert those back into [ and ] when passing language output to the user
[02:18:19] <fyngyrz> no, YOU can use it - but users at this level can't
[02:18:42] <fyngyrz> You just make a file with your macros in it, and they can call them. That's all fungus does.
[02:20:01] <fyngyrz> so your file might contain [style italics [i [b]]] and then the user just uses {italics STRING}
[02:20:01] <fungus> so your file might contain [style italics [i [b]]] and then the user just uses ? Unknown Style "italics" ?
[02:20:07] <fyngyrz> bah, lol
[02:20:24] <fyngyrz> so your file might contain [style italics [i [b]]] and then the user just uses {ls}italics STRING{rs}
[02:20:24] <fungus> so your file might contain [style italics [i [b]]] and then the user just uses {italics STRING}
[02:20:40] <chromas> ah I see. So the [] defines a style and {} invokes it?
[02:20:40] <fungus> Empty style. Won't work.
[02:20:45] <chromas> {}
[02:20:45] <fungus> Empty style. Won't work.
[02:20:51] <fyngyrz> ls and rs
[02:20:55] <chromas> {.Y.}
[02:20:55] <fungus> ? Unknown Style ".Y." ?
[02:21:29] <fyngyrz> [] defines a term in the base language, one term is define style
[02:21:49] <fyngyrz> you would never want anyone but you to have access to the base language
[02:21:59] <chromas> Hey, you know what'd be nifty is a bot that does sn subs and can take macros for input
[02:22:20] <fyngyrz> it contains such joyous items as direct shell command access, file reading and writing,, etc.
[02:22:34] <fyngyrz> looping constructs to eat your CPU, etc
[02:22:42] <chromas> We need a shell bot
[02:24:31] <fyngyrz> There are some invocation parameters that neuter the most pernicious of those, but really, I would't rely on that. The language is far too general
[02:24:32] <chromas> maybe I have the wrong python
[02:24:41] <fyngyrz> python 2.7
[02:24:52] <chromas> ah, that did it
[02:40:02] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[02:40:05] -!- upstart [upstart!~systemd@0::1] has joined #test
[02:40:05] -!- mode/#test [+v upstart] by Artemis
[02:40:15] <chromas> fpos bot stuck in a loop
[02:54:25] <chromas> Now I just gotta check for {}s and boot it up to see what breaks
[02:54:25] <fungus> Empty style. Won't work.
[03:03:26] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@0::1] has joined #test
[03:03:26] -!- mode/#test [+v systemd] by Artemis
[03:03:33] <chromas> &{}
[03:03:33] <fungus> Empty style. Won't work.
[03:03:33] <systemd> ? Unknown Style "" ?
[03:03:41] <chromas> &{bewbs}
[03:03:41] <fungus> &? Unknown Style "bewbs" ?
[03:03:41] <systemd> ? Unknown Style "bewbs" ?
[03:03:48] <chromas> &[b test]
[03:03:56] <chromas> :(
[03:04:27] <chromas> &[b test] {b test}
[03:04:27] <fungus> &[b test] test
[03:04:33] <chromas> &{b test}
[03:04:33] <fungus> &test
[03:04:33] <systemd> ? Unknown Style "b" ?
[03:05:14] <chromas> &[b Boldly said]
[03:05:16] <chromas> hm
[03:05:30] <chromas> it worked when I did it directly in python
[03:07:23] <chromas> actually, it worked piping in a string on the shell, which is basically what the bot's doing (not using a shell though)
[03:13:10] <fyngyrz> unfortunately, I have to run... family. Good luck, will be around tomorrow and will help if I can. Docs are extensive, and I will expand them further if you can ID a need
[03:13:34] <chromas> Cool. Have a good time with the family :D
[03:13:45] <fyngyrz> http://ourtimelines.com
[03:13:46] <systemd> ^ 03General
[03:13:46] <upstart> ^ 03General
[03:15:03] <chromas> &[p [i foo] [u bar]]
[03:16:17] <chromas> oh duh
[03:16:27] <chromas> it only fires off the macro system if it detects a {
[03:16:28] <fungus> 07{braced elements} must balance
[03:16:33] * chromas must fixa
[03:16:54] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:17:15] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@0::1] has joined #test
[03:17:15] -!- mode/#test [+v systemd] by Artemis
[03:17:21] <chromas> &[p [i foo] [u bar]]
[03:18:25] <chromas> &{}
[03:18:25] <fungus> Empty style. Won't work.
[03:18:25] <systemd> ? Unknown Style "" ?
[03:18:28] <chromas> &[]
[03:18:35] <chromas> &{[]}
[03:18:35] <fungus> &? Unknown Style "[]" ?
[03:18:35] <systemd> ? Unknown Style "" ?
[03:18:39] <chromas> &[{}]
[03:18:39] <fungus> Empty style. Won't work.
[03:19:15] <chromas> &[b test]
[03:24:06] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:26:00] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@0::1] has joined #test
[03:26:00] -!- mode/#test [+v systemd] by Artemis
[03:26:05] <chromas> &[b test]
[03:26:05] <systemd> <b>test</b>
[03:26:09] <chromas> et boioioioing
[03:26:36] <chromas> &[repeat 50 50]
[03:26:37] <systemd> 5050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050505050
[03:27:36] <chromas> &[repeat 50 [repeat 50 [repeat 50 [repeat 50 memhog]]]]
[03:27:55] <chromas> not using much memory
[03:28:13] <chromas> python using 15MB
[03:28:17] <chromas> very slowly climbing
[03:28:54] <chromas> &[em hehe multithreading]
[03:28:54] <systemd> (Unknown Built-in or Squiggly: tag="em" data="hehe multithreading")
[03:29:00] <chromas> &[i hehe multithreading]
[03:29:00] <systemd> <i>hehe multithreading</i>
[03:29:24] <chromas> pinning one core though
[03:29:45] <systemd> memhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemhogmemh
[03:29:45] -!- systemd has quit [Excess Flood]
[03:29:50] <chromas> le hue
[03:30:13] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@0::1] has joined #test
[03:30:13] -!- mode/#test [+v systemd] by Artemis
[03:30:31] <chromas> &[\n]
[03:30:31] <systemd> (Unknown Built-in or Squiggly: tag="\n" data="")
[03:30:37] <chromas> &[i \n]
[03:30:37] <systemd> <i>\n</i>
[03:34:44] <chromas> I think I'll add weather now
[03:46:20] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[05:11:30] <chromas> #smakeadd vibro egg
[05:11:30] <MrPlow> "vibro egg" added.
[13:51:09] <chromas> =submit https://www.theverge.com
[13:51:11] <upstart> Submitting "A first look at Microsoft’s new Chromium-powered Edge browser"...
[13:51:33] <upstart> Sub-ccess! "A First Look at Microsoft’s New Chromium-powered Edge Browser" ( https://soylentnews.org )