#test | Logs for 2019-03-30

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[01:19:57] -!- upstart has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:20:13] -!- chromas has quit [Quit: chromas]
[01:21:27] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[03:22:37] -!- upstart [upstart!~systemd@0::1] has joined #test
[03:22:37] -!- mode/#test [+v upstart] by Artemis
[03:23:05] -!- chromas [chromas!~chromas@Soylent/Staff/Editor/chromas] has joined #test
[03:23:05] -!- mode/#test [+v chromas] by Artemis
[12:13:34] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[12:13:34] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[14:51:16] <fyngyrz> =[sys ls /usr/bin/u*]
[14:51:29] <fyngyrz> =[sys ls /bin/u*]
[14:51:37] <fyngyrz> =[sys ls]
[14:51:41] <fyngyrz> hm
[14:51:50] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls]
[14:51:51] <SecurityHoleBot> auracle-git-r38.95a4c80-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
[14:51:52] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[14:51:52] <SecurityHoleBot> boot
[14:51:52] <SecurityHoleBot> dev
[14:51:52] <SecurityHoleBot> etc
[14:51:52] <SecurityHoleBot> home
[14:51:52] <SecurityHoleBot> lib
[14:51:52] <SecurityHoleBot> lib64
[14:51:53] <SecurityHoleBot> mnt
[14:51:53] <SecurityHoleBot> nlohmann-json-3.0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
[14:51:54] <SecurityHoleBot> opt
[14:51:54] <SecurityHoleBot> proc
[14:51:55] <SecurityHoleBot> root
[14:51:55] <SecurityHoleBot> run
[14:51:56] <SecurityHoleBot> sbin
[14:51:56] <SecurityHoleBot> srv
[14:51:57] <SecurityHoleBot> sys
[14:51:57] <SecurityHoleBot> tmp
[14:51:58] <SecurityHoleBot> usr
[14:51:58] <SecurityHoleBot> var
[14:52:06] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /bin/u*]
[14:52:06] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/uconv
[14:52:06] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/udevadm
[14:52:07] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/ul
[14:52:07] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/umount
[14:52:07] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/uname
[14:52:07] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/uname26
[14:52:07] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/uncompress
[14:52:07] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/unexpand
[14:52:07] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/unicode_start
[14:52:08] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Excess Flood]
[14:52:43] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls usr/bin/u*]
[14:53:07] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/bin/u*]
[14:53:15] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr]
[14:53:24] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home]
[14:53:33] <fyngyrz> blown out
[14:54:16] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[14:54:16] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[14:55:30] <chromas> &[sys pwd]
[14:55:30] <SecurityHoleBot> /
[14:55:44] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home]
[14:55:45] <SecurityHoleBot> 2b
[14:55:51] <chromas> &[sys ps]
[14:55:52] <SecurityHoleBot> PID TTY TIME CMD
[14:55:52] <SecurityHoleBot> 1 ? 00:00:00 bot
[14:55:52] <SecurityHoleBot> 9 ? 00:00:00 python2
[14:55:52] <SecurityHoleBot> 10 ? 00:00:00 ps
[14:55:54] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/bin/u*]
[14:55:55] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uconv
[14:55:55] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/udevadm
[14:55:55] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/ul
[14:55:55] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/umount
[14:55:55] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uname
[14:55:56] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uname26
[14:55:56] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uncompress
[14:55:56] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Excess Flood]
[14:56:09] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[14:56:09] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[14:56:21] <chromas> I guess 200ms isn't enough of a delay
[14:56:29] <fyngyrz> mor
[14:56:54] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/bin/u*]
[14:56:54] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uconv
[14:56:54] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/udevadm
[14:56:54] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/ul
[14:56:54] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/umount
[14:56:54] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uname
[14:56:54] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uname26
[14:56:54] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uncompress
[14:56:55] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Excess Flood]
[14:57:02] <fyngyrz> lol boom
[14:58:40] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[14:58:40] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[14:58:46] <chromas> &[sys ls -C]
[14:59:25] <chromas> &[sys pwd]
[14:59:25] <SecurityHoleBot> /root
[14:59:29] <chromas> &[sys ls -C]
[14:59:32] <chromas> fpos
[14:59:43] <chromas> #smake SecurityHoleBot
[14:59:43] * MrPlow smakes SecurityHoleBot upside the head with a cinder block
[15:00:12] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/bin/u*]
[15:00:12] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uconv
[15:00:12] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/udevadm
[15:00:12] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/ul
[15:00:12] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/umount
[15:00:12] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uname
[15:00:13] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uname26
[15:00:13] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uncompress
[15:00:13] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Excess Flood]
[15:00:18] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[15:00:18] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[15:00:25] <fyngyrz> {red BOOM!}
[15:00:26] <fungus> 04BOOM!
[15:00:44] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/bin/uu*]
[15:00:44] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uuclient
[15:00:44] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uuidd
[15:00:44] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uuidgen
[15:00:44] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uuidparse
[15:00:44] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uuserver
[15:00:59] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/bin/uuu*]
[15:01:00] <chromas> that's a lotta uus
[15:01:07] <fyngyrz> was looking for uuencode
[15:01:18] <fyngyrz> it's a way to lift files when you only have text
[15:01:22] <chromas> &[sys which uuencode]
[15:01:25] <chromas> lame
[15:02:08] <chromas> not sure which package it'd be in
[15:02:22] <fyngyrz> no worries. Just noodling :)
[15:03:00] <chromas> sharutils I guess
[15:03:09] <fyngyrz> coudl jsut write a python thing that would do essentially that anyway, but you know, that's work
[15:05:17] <chromas> &[sys pacman -S --noconfirm sharutils]
[15:05:23] <SecurityHoleBot> resolving dependencies...
[15:05:23] <SecurityHoleBot> looking for conflicting packages...
[15:05:23] <SecurityHoleBot> Packages (1) sharutils-4.15.2-3
[15:05:24] <SecurityHoleBot> Total Download Size: 0.25 MiB
[15:05:24] <SecurityHoleBot> Total Installed Size: 1.52 MiB
[15:05:25] <SecurityHoleBot> :: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
[15:05:26] <SecurityHoleBot> :: Retrieving packages...
[15:05:26] <SecurityHoleBot> downloading sharutils-4.15.2-3-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz...
[15:05:27] <SecurityHoleBot> checking keyring...
[15:05:27] <SecurityHoleBot> checking package integrity...
[15:05:28] <SecurityHoleBot> loading package files...
[15:05:28] <SecurityHoleBot> checking for file conflicts...
[15:05:28] <SecurityHoleBot> checking available disk space...
[15:05:29] <SecurityHoleBot> :: Processing package changes...
[15:05:29] <SecurityHoleBot> installing sharutils...
[15:05:30] <SecurityHoleBot> :: Running post-transaction hooks...
[15:05:30] <SecurityHoleBot> (1/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
[15:05:31] <SecurityHoleBot> (2/2) Updating the info directory file...
[15:05:41] <chromas> oh sure, the time delay works there
[15:05:46] <fyngyrz> lol
[15:06:05] <chromas> &[sys which uuencode]
[15:06:05] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/uuencode
[15:08:31] <chromas> &[sys auracle search porn]
[15:08:33] <SecurityHoleBot> aur/porntime 0.3.8-1 (10, 0.00)
[15:08:33] <SecurityHoleBot> Stream porn movies from torrents. Skip the downloads. Launch, click, watch.
[15:08:33] <SecurityHoleBot> aur/porntime-bin 0.3.8-4 (0, 0.00)
[15:08:33] <SecurityHoleBot> Stream porn movies from torrents. Skip the downloads. Launch, click, watch.
[15:08:33] <SecurityHoleBot> aur/sex 1.0-3 (2, 0.00)
[15:08:34] <SecurityHoleBot> Spouts silly mad-lib-style porn-like text
[15:08:34] <SecurityHoleBot> aur/yesplz 1-1 (1, 0.00)
[15:08:35] <SecurityHoleBot> Unixporn.com image screenshot & uploader (Courtesy of sigFLUP)
[15:09:24] <chromas> &[sys auracle download sex]
[15:09:26] <SecurityHoleBot> download complete: /root/sex
[15:09:32] <chromas> &[sys cd sex]
[15:09:36] <chromas> &[sys cd makepkg]
[15:09:42] <chromas> &[sys makepkg]
[15:10:07] <chromas> &[sys pwd]
[15:10:07] <SecurityHoleBot> /root
[15:10:19] <chromas> I guess each command is its own instance
[15:10:35] <chromas> &[sys cd sex && makepkg]
[15:13:04] <chromas> ah, can't run makepkg as root
[15:14:20] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:16:05] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/2b]
[15:16:17] <fyngyrz> it's dead, Jim
[15:16:18] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[15:16:18] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[15:16:24] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home]
[15:16:24] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/python2: can't open file '/home/2b/bin/aa_macro/systemd_macrod.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[15:16:40] <fyngyrz> hm
[15:17:11] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home]
[15:17:11] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/python2: can't open file '/home/2b/bin/aa_macro/systemd_macrod.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[15:17:16] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /]
[15:17:16] <SecurityHoleBot> /usr/bin/python2: can't open file '/home/2b/bin/aa_macro/systemd_macrod.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
[15:17:21] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls]
[15:17:22] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:17:32] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls bin]
[15:17:32] <SecurityHoleBot> bot
[15:17:38] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls bin/bot]
[15:17:38] <SecurityHoleBot> bin/bot
[15:17:58] <fyngyrz> &[sys less /bin/bot]
[15:18:09] <chromas> I created a user and moved files around a bit
[15:18:10] <fyngyrz> &[sys less bin/bot]
[15:18:27] <fyngyrz> &[sys whoami]
[15:18:28] <SecurityHoleBot> robot
[15:18:45] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/robot]
[15:18:45] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:18:45] <SecurityHoleBot> build
[15:18:53] <fyngyrz> no porn? aw
[15:19:15] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /]
[15:19:15] <SecurityHoleBot> auracle-git-r38.95a4c80-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
[15:19:15] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:19:15] <SecurityHoleBot> boot
[15:19:15] <SecurityHoleBot> dev
[15:19:15] <SecurityHoleBot> etc
[15:19:15] <SecurityHoleBot> home
[15:19:16] <SecurityHoleBot> lib
[15:19:17] <SecurityHoleBot> lib64
[15:19:17] <SecurityHoleBot> mnt
[15:19:17] <SecurityHoleBot> nlohmann-json-3.0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
[15:19:17] <SecurityHoleBot> opt
[15:19:18] <SecurityHoleBot> proc
[15:19:18] <SecurityHoleBot> root
[15:19:20] <SecurityHoleBot> run
[15:19:20] <SecurityHoleBot> sbin
[15:19:21] <SecurityHoleBot> srv
[15:19:21] <SecurityHoleBot> sys
[15:19:22] <SecurityHoleBot> tmp
[15:19:22] <SecurityHoleBot> usr
[15:19:23] <SecurityHoleBot> var
[15:19:28] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home]
[15:19:28] <SecurityHoleBot> 2b
[15:19:28] <SecurityHoleBot> robot
[15:19:34] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/2b]
[15:19:34] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:19:39] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/robot]
[15:19:40] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:19:40] <SecurityHoleBot> build
[15:19:47] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr]
[15:19:47] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:19:47] <SecurityHoleBot> include
[15:19:47] <SecurityHoleBot> lib
[15:19:47] <SecurityHoleBot> lib64
[15:19:47] <SecurityHoleBot> local
[15:19:48] <SecurityHoleBot> sbin
[15:19:48] <SecurityHoleBot> share
[15:19:49] <SecurityHoleBot> src
[15:19:56] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/local]
[15:19:56] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:19:56] <SecurityHoleBot> etc
[15:19:56] <SecurityHoleBot> games
[15:19:56] <SecurityHoleBot> include
[15:19:57] <SecurityHoleBot> lib
[15:19:57] <SecurityHoleBot> man
[15:19:57] <SecurityHoleBot> sbin
[15:19:57] <SecurityHoleBot> share
[15:19:58] <SecurityHoleBot> src
[15:20:34] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/local/share]
[15:20:35] <SecurityHoleBot> man
[15:20:41] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/local/src]
[15:20:49] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr/src]
[15:20:53] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr]
[15:20:54] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:20:54] <SecurityHoleBot> include
[15:20:54] <SecurityHoleBot> lib
[15:20:54] <SecurityHoleBot> lib64
[15:20:54] <SecurityHoleBot> local
[15:20:54] <SecurityHoleBot> sbin
[15:20:55] <SecurityHoleBot> share
[15:20:56] <SecurityHoleBot> src
[15:21:07] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /]
[15:21:07] <SecurityHoleBot> auracle-git-r38.95a4c80-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
[15:21:07] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:21:07] <SecurityHoleBot> boot
[15:21:07] <SecurityHoleBot> dev
[15:21:07] <SecurityHoleBot> etc
[15:21:08] <SecurityHoleBot> home
[15:21:08] <SecurityHoleBot> lib
[15:21:09] <SecurityHoleBot> lib64
[15:21:09] <SecurityHoleBot> mnt
[15:21:10] <SecurityHoleBot> nlohmann-json-3.0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz
[15:21:10] <SecurityHoleBot> opt
[15:21:11] <SecurityHoleBot> proc
[15:21:11] <SecurityHoleBot> root
[15:21:12] <SecurityHoleBot> run
[15:21:12] <SecurityHoleBot> sbin
[15:21:13] <SecurityHoleBot> srv
[15:21:13] <SecurityHoleBot> sys
[15:21:14] <SecurityHoleBot> tmp
[15:21:14] <SecurityHoleBot> usr
[15:21:15] <SecurityHoleBot> var
[15:21:34] <fyngyrz> well, that's no fun
[15:21:54] <fyngyrz> &[sys find *.jpg]
[15:22:04] <fyngyrz> &[sys locate *.jpg]
[15:22:20] <fyngyrz> &[sys locate python]
[15:22:28] <fyngyrz> &[sys find python]
[15:22:34] <fyngyrz> no db, eh?
[15:22:42] <chromas> &[sys sex]
[15:22:43] <SecurityHoleBot> "What a lover!" said the unfortunate DARPA contract monitor as the orally fixated great Dane defiled her creamy mammaries and wrenched his glistening dick into her tight continental divide.
[15:23:00] <chromas> &[sys sex]
[15:23:00] <SecurityHoleBot> "Take me, Robert!" tongued the freckled office secretary as the muff-diving ex-woman irrigated her firm bumpers and pounded his glistening tongue into her palpitating throat.
[15:23:18] <chromas> looks formulaic, like ~g'day
[15:23:26] <fyngyrz> aye
[15:23:43] <chromas> slightly more dirty though
[15:24:40] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:25:00] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[15:25:00] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[15:25:04] <chromas> moar holes
[15:26:09] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /usr]
[15:26:10] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:26:10] <SecurityHoleBot> include
[15:26:10] <SecurityHoleBot> lib
[15:26:10] <SecurityHoleBot> lib32
[15:26:10] <SecurityHoleBot> lib64
[15:26:11] <SecurityHoleBot> local
[15:26:11] <SecurityHoleBot> sbin
[15:26:12] <SecurityHoleBot> share
[15:26:12] <SecurityHoleBot> src
[15:26:17] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home]
[15:26:17] <SecurityHoleBot> 2b
[15:26:17] <SecurityHoleBot> robot
[15:26:20] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/2b]
[15:26:20] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:26:24] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/2b/bin]
[15:26:24] <SecurityHoleBot> aa_macro
[15:26:30] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/2b/bin/aa_macro]
[15:26:30] <SecurityHoleBot> README.md
[15:26:30] <SecurityHoleBot> README.textmate-syntax.md
[15:26:30] <SecurityHoleBot> aa_ansiicolor.py
[15:26:31] <SecurityHoleBot> aa_macro.py
[15:26:31] <SecurityHoleBot> aa_macro.pyc
[15:26:31] <SecurityHoleBot> aagen
[15:26:31] <SecurityHoleBot> aagen-example.txt
[15:26:31] <SecurityHoleBot> aagen.README.md
[15:26:32] <SecurityHoleBot> acrobase.txt
[15:26:32] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Excess Flood]
[15:26:36] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[15:26:36] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[15:27:03] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home]
[15:27:03] <SecurityHoleBot> 2b
[15:27:03] <SecurityHoleBot> robot
[15:27:08] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/robot]
[15:27:08] <SecurityHoleBot> bin
[15:27:09] <SecurityHoleBot> build
[15:27:13] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/robot/bin]
[15:27:14] <SecurityHoleBot> bot
[15:27:17] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls /home/robot/build]
[15:27:18] <SecurityHoleBot> sex
[15:27:44] <chromas> It'd help if it could show more than more unit per line
[15:27:47] <fyngyrz> uuencode sex /dev/stdout
[15:27:55] <chromas> &[sys ls -C /]
[15:27:56] <SecurityHoleBot> auracle-git-r38.95a4c80-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz opt
[15:27:56] <SecurityHoleBot> bin proc
[15:27:56] <SecurityHoleBot> boot root
[15:27:56] <SecurityHoleBot> dev run
[15:27:56] <SecurityHoleBot> etc sbin
[15:27:57] <SecurityHoleBot> home srv
[15:27:57] <SecurityHoleBot> lib sys
[15:27:58] <SecurityHoleBot> lib64 tmp
[15:27:58] <SecurityHoleBot> mnt usr
[15:27:59] <SecurityHoleBot> nlohmann-json-3.0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz var
[15:28:03] <fyngyrz> &[uuencode sex /dev/stdout]
[15:28:03] <SecurityHoleBot> (Unknown Built-in or Squiggly: tag="uuencode" data="sex /dev/stdout")
[15:28:03] <chromas> hm
[15:28:08] <fyngyrz> &[sys uuencode sex /dev/stdout]
[15:28:36] <fyngyrz> prolly coming out on a cmd line somewhere :)
[15:28:51] <fyngyrz> &[sys uuencode sex]
[15:28:52] <SecurityHoleBot> begin 644 sex
[15:28:52] <SecurityHoleBot> `
[15:28:52] <SecurityHoleBot> end
[15:29:14] <fyngyrz> &[sys ls -l /home/robot/build]
[15:29:14] <SecurityHoleBot> total 4
[15:29:14] <SecurityHoleBot> drwxrwxr-x 4 robot root 4096 Mar 30 08:22 sex
[15:29:20] <chromas> &[sys ls -x /]
[15:29:21] <SecurityHoleBot> auracle-git-r38.95a4c80-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz bin boot
[15:29:21] <SecurityHoleBot> dev etc home
[15:29:21] <SecurityHoleBot> lib lib64 mnt
[15:29:21] <SecurityHoleBot> nlohmann-json-3.0.1-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz opt proc
[15:29:21] <SecurityHoleBot> root run sbin
[15:29:22] <SecurityHoleBot> srv sys tmp
[15:29:22] <SecurityHoleBot> usr var
[15:29:33] <chromas> I guess that sorta works
[15:29:51] <chromas> Maybe I just need a shitty monospace font
[15:30:16] <fyngyrz> I have a monospace font and it's broken here (odd spacing)
[15:30:31] <fyngyrz> so something else
[15:31:47] <chromas> &[sys ls build/sex/]
[15:31:47] <SecurityHoleBot> PKGBUILD
[15:31:47] <SecurityHoleBot> pkg
[15:31:47] <SecurityHoleBot> sex-1.0-3-any.pkg.tar.xz
[15:31:47] <SecurityHoleBot> sex-1.0.tar.gz
[15:31:47] <SecurityHoleBot> src
[15:32:07] <chromas> &[sys uuencode /bin/sex]
[15:32:07] <SecurityHoleBot> begin 644 /bin/sex
[15:32:07] <SecurityHoleBot> `
[15:32:07] <SecurityHoleBot> end
[15:34:23] <chromas> oh
[15:34:25] <chromas> &[sys uuencode /bin/sex -]
[15:34:25] <SecurityHoleBot> begin 755 -
[15:34:26] <SecurityHoleBot> M?T5,1@(!`0````````````,`/@`!````P#````````!``````````!AP````
[15:34:26] <SecurityHoleBot> M`````````$``.``+`$``&P`:``8````$````0`````````!``````````$``
[15:34:26] <SecurityHoleBot> M````````:`(```````!H`@````````@``````````P````0```"H`@``````
[15:34:26] <SecurityHoleBot> M`*@"````````J`(````````<`````````!P``````````0`````````!````
[15:34:26] <SecurityHoleBot> M!````````````````````````````````````&@O````````:"\`````````
[15:34:27] <SecurityHoleBot> M$`````````$````%`````#``````````,``````````P````````Y00`````
[15:34:27] <SecurityHoleBot> M``#E!``````````0`````````0````0`````0`````````!``````````$``
[15:34:27] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Excess Flood]
[15:34:42] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[15:34:42] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[15:35:02] <chromas> need an ircencode command
[15:35:30] <chromas> or maybe base64
[15:36:28] <chromas> &[sys -w 400 /bin/sex]
[15:36:31] <chromas> herp
[15:36:37] <chromas> &[sys base64 -w 400 /bin/sex]
[15:36:39] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Excess Flood]
[15:37:03] <chromas> needs more base
[15:37:34] <fyngyrz> I was never a fan of uuencode, though I appreciate (sorta) that it's efficient. I like hex.
[15:37:56] <fyngyrz> less efficient, by quite a bit, but OTOH, it's human readable
[15:43:36] <chromas> Aw, it doesn't give access to /dev/sd*
[15:43:53] <chromas> &[sys ls /dev/]
[15:44:29] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[15:44:29] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis
[15:44:31] <chromas> &[sys ls /dev/]
[15:44:32] <SecurityHoleBot> char
[15:44:32] <SecurityHoleBot> console
[15:44:32] <SecurityHoleBot> core
[15:44:32] <SecurityHoleBot> fd
[15:44:32] <SecurityHoleBot> full
[15:44:32] <SecurityHoleBot> hugepages
[15:44:32] <SecurityHoleBot> initctl
[15:44:33] <SecurityHoleBot> log
[15:44:33] <SecurityHoleBot> mqueue
[15:44:34] <SecurityHoleBot> net
[15:44:35] <SecurityHoleBot> null
[15:44:35] <SecurityHoleBot> ptmx
[15:44:36] <SecurityHoleBot> pts
[15:44:36] <SecurityHoleBot> random
[15:44:36] <SecurityHoleBot> shm
[15:44:37] <SecurityHoleBot> stderr
[15:44:37] <SecurityHoleBot> stdin
[15:44:38] <SecurityHoleBot> stdout
[15:44:38] <SecurityHoleBot> tty
[15:44:39] <SecurityHoleBot> urandom
[15:44:40] <SecurityHoleBot> zero
[15:44:55] <chromas> heh, another *ctl
[15:45:08] <chromas> &[sys ls /bin/*ctl]
[15:45:09] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/auditctl
[15:45:09] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/bootctl
[15:45:09] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/busctl
[15:45:09] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/coredumpctl
[15:45:09] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/hostnamectl
[15:45:10] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/journalctl
[15:45:10] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/keyctl
[15:45:11] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/localectl
[15:45:11] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/loginctl
[15:45:12] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/machinectl
[15:45:12] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/netctl
[15:45:13] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/networkctl
[15:45:13] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/portablectl
[15:45:14] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/resolvectl
[15:45:14] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/sysctl
[15:45:15] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/systemctl
[15:45:15] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/timedatectl
[15:45:16] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/wdctl
[15:45:16] <SecurityHoleBot> /bin/zramctl
[17:31:45] <chromas> &[sys reboot]
[17:31:45] -!- SecurityHoleBot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[17:32:04] -!- SecurityHoleBot [SecurityHoleBot!~systemd@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[17:32:04] -!- mode/#test [+v SecurityHoleBot] by Artemis