#test | Logs for 2019-07-01

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[00:30:24] <chromas> $
[00:30:26] <chromas> ${help}
[00:30:26] <fungus> chromas, here are the fungus macros:
[00:30:27] <fungus> More on fungus at http://ourtimelines.com
[00:30:27] <fungus> For specifics, try 0909$07{h item}:
[00:30:28] <upstart> ^ 03Bot help - fungus
[00:30:28] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:30:28] <fungus> ATM aa_macro ab abbr action adjective adverb adverbly age atm b
[00:30:29] <fungus> bgcolor bot bsod cats cb chr chromas colors cols64 cowpoop
[00:30:29] <fungus> cowsay crumble ctrlAltDelete darks date ddate dict dmorse dt
[00:30:30] <fungus> dude echo emojis enumerate fart github guilty h hchr help
[00:30:30] <fungus> hexdump i itemize joke kcat lawn lb list ls ma mathsci moo morse
[00:30:31] <fungus> nick nl noun oldwrap40 omg pat play prog r rb reboot reverse rs
[00:30:32] <fungus> sex shrug smake strike sub sudo threat tomswift u unmorse verb
[00:30:32] <fungus> wisdom wrap wrap40 xabbr year z
[00:30:33] <fungus>
[00:30:34] <fungus> State Control:
[00:30:34] <fungus> --------------
[00:30:35] <fungus> auto autooff gone here hereoff listsups noauto notopid states
[00:30:35] <fungus> status topid topidoff
[00:30:36] <fungus>
[00:30:37] <fungus> Emojis:
[00:30:37] <fungus> -------
[00:30:38] <fungus> beer booze cat check cocktail pepper pizza poop spaghetti
[00:30:38] <fungus> wine
[00:30:39] <fungus>
[00:30:40] <fungus> 04C03o11l07o09r06s:
[00:30:40] <fungus> -------
[00:30:41] <fungus> aqua black blue brown cyan green grey lblue lcyan lgrey lime
[00:30:41] <fungus> orange pink purple red teal white yellow
[00:30:49] <chromas> cccombo-{help}
[00:30:50] <fungus> cccombo-chromas, here are the fungus macros:
[00:30:50] <fungus> More on fungus at http://ourtimelines.com
[00:30:51] <fungus> For specifics, try 0909$07{h item}:
[00:30:51] <upstart> ^ 03Bot help - fungus
[00:30:51] <fungus> ----------------------------------------------------------------
[00:30:52] <fungus> ATM aa_macro ab abbr action adjective adverb adverbly age atm b
[00:30:52] <fungus> bgcolor bot bsod cats cb chr chromas colors cols64 cowpoop
[00:30:53] <fungus> cowsay crumble ctrlAltDelete darks date ddate dict dmorse dt
[00:30:53] <fungus> dude echo emojis enumerate fart github guilty h hchr help
[00:30:54] <fungus> hexdump i itemize joke kcat lawn lb list ls ma mathsci moo morse
[00:30:54] <fungus> nick nl noun oldwrap40 omg pat play prog r rb reboot reverse rs
[00:30:55] <fungus> sex shrug smake strike sub sudo threat tomswift u unmorse verb
[00:30:55] <fungus> wisdom wrap wrap40 xabbr year z
[00:30:55] <chromas> ah the $
[00:30:56] <fungus>
[00:30:57] <fungus> State Control:
[00:30:57] <fungus> --------------
[00:30:58] <fungus> auto autooff gone here hereoff listsups noauto notopid states
[00:30:58] <fungus> status topid topidoff
[00:30:59] <fungus>
[00:30:59] <chromas> ccccombobreaker
[00:31:00] <fungus> Emojis:
[00:31:00] <fungus> -------
[00:31:01] <fungus> beer booze cat check cocktail pepper pizza poop spaghetti
[00:31:01] <fungus> wine
[00:31:02] <fungus>
[00:31:03] <fungus> 04C03o11l07o09r06s:
[00:31:03] <fungus> -------
[00:31:04] <fungus> aqua black blue brown cyan green grey lblue lcyan lgrey lime
[00:31:04] <fungus> orange pink purple red teal white yellow
[10:21:05] -!- exec [exec!~exec@23.24.kp.ip] has joined #test
[10:21:05] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by Artemis
[10:21:06] -!- exec has quit [Changing host]
[10:21:06] -!- exec [exec!~exec@crutchys.brothel] has joined #test
[10:21:06] -!- mode/#test [+v exec] by irc.sylnt.us