#test | Logs for 2019-07-17

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[00:48:53] -!- SoyGuest99961 [SoyGuest99961!~2b@71.85.kn.vnl] has joined #test
[00:48:53] -!- mode/#test [+v SoyGuest99961] by Artemis
[06:42:15] -!- SoyGuest99961 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[13:59:36] -!- MrPlow has quit [Quit: Powered by Rust.]
[14:00:02] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[14:00:03] -!- MrPlow has quit [Changing host]
[14:00:03] -!- MrPlow [MrPlow!MrPlow@nsa.gov] has joined #test
[14:00:03] -!- mode/#test [+v MrPlow] by Artemis
[15:36:17] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[15:36:17] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[15:36:49] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:40:16] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[15:40:16] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[15:40:32] -!- fungus has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[15:41:16] -!- fungus [fungus!~ben@66.171.jo.vll] has joined #test
[15:41:16] -!- mode/#test [+v fungus] by Artemis
[15:41:49] -!- fyngyrz_ has quit [Quit: Leaving...]
[15:41:59] -!- fyngyrz [fyngyrz!~fyngyrz@Soylent/Staff/Editor/fyngyrz] has joined #test
[15:41:59] -!- mode/#test [+v fyngyrz] by Artemis