#test | Logs for 2022-03-11

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[00:17:20] -!- systemd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[00:17:30] -!- systemd [systemd!~systemd@pid1] has joined #test
[00:17:30] -!- mode/#test [+v systemd] by Artemis
[00:33:10] <chromas> €say test
[00:33:12] <chromas> oh
[07:27:36] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[07:27:36] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[07:29:20] <chromas> #smake wetfish
[07:29:20] * MrPlow smakes wetfish upside the head with a progress bar
[07:29:41] <janrinok> morning chromas
[07:30:03] <chromas> =g'dai janrinok
[07:30:03] * systemd communistically yeets a tablespoon of Scrolls of Town Portal past janrinok
[07:30:41] <chromas> There used to be a tool called DCD that could integrate by plugin to various editors to add code completion and stuff
[07:30:49] <chromas> but now I guess everyone's using something called LSP
[07:31:07] <chromas> Just enabled it in my editor and it's pretty spiffy, and doesn't cause the editor to crash all the time
[07:31:38] <chromas> so just like a real IDE, I can hover over an identifier and it'll tell me about it in a tooltip, and show the documentation comments if any
[07:31:45] <chromas> and I can ctrl-click it to go to where it's defined
[07:32:00] <chromas> (DCD was specifically for D)
[07:32:51] <janrinok> I've seen it mentioned and I have already added extensions to visualcode (linux version of Visual Editor) so that I have many of the extras that I was looking for.
[07:33:44] <chromas> Sometimes it works
[07:36:04] <chromas> Separately, I guess I enabled the git blame plugin, so whatever line I'm on, it tells me who, when and what the commit message was for it
[07:36:15] <janrinok> I've not had a problem with it yet
[07:41:07] <janrinok> just for interest kameloso plugins: https://zorael.github.io
[07:41:07] <systemd> ^ 03kameloso.plugins (kameloso.plugins)
[07:41:51] <janrinok> I've switched the URL echoing off - there is no point is 2 bots doing it for every URL!
[07:53:57] <chromas> @echo on
[07:54:45] <janrinok> €say test
[07:54:46] <wetfish> test
[07:55:04] <chromas> €say spoot
[07:55:04] <wetfish> spoot
[07:55:19] <chromas> €say <#soylent> spoot
[07:55:20] <wetfish> <#soylent> spoot
[07:55:25] <chromas> €say #soylent spoot
[07:55:26] <wetfish> #soylent spoot
[07:55:45] <chromas> €list
[07:55:50] <chromas> €help
[07:56:19] <chromas> €status
[07:56:26] <chromas> €stats
[07:56:37] <chromas> €summary
[07:56:51] <chromas> €seen bewbs
[07:56:51] <wetfish> I have never seen 01bewbs.
[07:56:54] <janrinok> You have to be in a special group to use Admin functions. Do you want me to add you?
[07:57:44] <chromas> Ah, I hadn't noticed the "admin" bit on that line
[07:58:07] <chromas> I'll take it, but I probably don't really need it
[07:58:26] <chromas> €stopwatch 42
[07:58:54] <janrinok> just so you can play with it....
[07:59:11] <chromas> €8ball
[07:59:11] <wetfish> Most likely
[07:59:14] <chromas> €8balls
[07:59:16] <chromas> €8ball s
[07:59:16] <wetfish> Very doubtful
[07:59:19] <janrinok> stopwatch: Manages stopwatches.
[07:59:19] <janrinok> !stopwatch start
[07:59:19] <janrinok> !stopwatch stop [optional stopwatch ID]
[07:59:19] <janrinok> !stopwatch status [optional stopwatch ID]
[07:59:20] <janrinok> !stopwatch
[07:59:21] <janrinok> !stopwatch clear
[07:59:29] <janrinok> replace ! with €
[07:59:43] <chromas> €help counter
[07:59:50] <janrinok> https://github.com
[07:59:51] <systemd> ^ 03Current plugins · zorael/kameloso Wiki ( https://github.com )
[07:59:53] <chromas> €counter
[07:59:59] <chromas> €counter spork
[08:01:17] <janrinok> I'm going to restart the bot so that you will be admin too
[08:01:26] -!- wetfish has quit [Quit: kameloso IRC bot v3.0.0-rc.1 @ https://github.com
[08:01:48] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[08:01:48] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[08:02:01] <chromas> €counter add but
[08:02:01] <janrinok> you should be admin now
[08:02:02] <wetfish> Counter but added! Access it with €but.
[08:02:11] <chromas> €but
[08:02:11] <wetfish> but count so far: 0
[08:02:14] <chromas> €but++
[08:02:14] <wetfish> but +1! Current count: 1
[08:02:17] <janrinok> €but++
[08:02:17] <wetfish> but +1! Current count: 2
[08:02:47] <janrinok> €coffee++
[08:03:05] <chromas> €but+60000000000
[08:03:05] <wetfish> but +60000000000! Current count: 60000000002
[08:03:07] <janrinok> I started that yesterday but it doesn't seem to save settings
[08:03:18] <chromas> €but+99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
[08:03:19] <wetfish> Not a number: 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
[08:04:10] <janrinok> €counter add coffee
[08:04:11] <wetfish> Counter coffee added! Access it with €coffee.
[08:04:22] <janrinok> €coffee++
[08:04:22] <wetfish> coffee +1! Current count: 1
[08:04:23] <chromas> €but+9999999999999999999999999999
[08:04:24] <wetfish> Not a number: 9999999999999999999999999999
[08:04:27] <chromas> €but+99999999999999999999
[08:04:27] <wetfish> Not a number: 99999999999999999999
[08:04:29] <chromas> €but+9999999999999999
[08:04:29] <wetfish> but +9999999999999999! Current count: 10000060000000001
[08:04:34] <chromas> €but+99999999999999
[08:04:34] <wetfish> but +99999999999999! Current count: 10100060000000000
[08:04:38] <chromas> €but+99999999999999999999
[08:04:38] <wetfish> Not a number: 99999999999999999999
[08:04:40] <chromas> €but+9999999999999999999
[08:04:41] <wetfish> Not a number: 9999999999999999999
[08:04:42] <chromas> €but+999999999999999999
[08:04:42] <wetfish> but +999999999999999999! Current count: 1010100059999999999
[08:04:45] <chromas> €but+999999999999999999
[08:04:45] <wetfish> but +999999999999999999! Current count: 2010100059999999998
[08:04:51] <chromas> €but+6999999999999999999
[08:04:51] <wetfish> but +6999999999999999999! Current count: 9010100059999999997
[08:04:58] <chromas> €but+999999999999999999
[08:04:58] <wetfish> but +999999999999999999! Current count: -8436644013709551620
[08:05:51] <chromas> muh 64-bit ints
[08:06:16] <janrinok> yep
[08:06:43] <chromas> €counter del but
[08:06:43] <wetfish> Counter but removed.
[08:06:49] <chromas> €but+999999999999999999
[08:07:22] <chromas> Is it still whois-ing kyonkobot?
[08:08:08] <janrinok> Yes
[08:10:29] <janrinok> €seen Bytram
[08:10:29] <wetfish> 09Bytram is online right now.
[08:10:40] <janrinok> ah yes, ZNC
[08:10:53] <janrinok> €seen FatPhil
[08:10:54] <wetfish> 08FatPhil is online right now.
[08:12:05] <janrinok> €seen Aristarchus
[08:12:05] <wetfish> I have never seen 12Aristarchus.
[08:12:15] <janrinok> ... I wish I hadn't
[08:12:15] <Artemis> €say =say #raw privmsg #test :say €say =say hi
[08:12:16] <wetfish> =say #raw privmsg #test :say €say =say hi
[08:12:16] <systemd> #raw privmsg #test :say €say =say hi
[08:13:33] <chromas> #raw privmsg #test :.say #test €say =say €say =say hi
[08:13:33] <MrPlow> .say #test €say =say €say =say hi
[08:14:01] <chromas> #raw privmsg botserv :say #test €say =say €say =say hi
[08:14:01] <Artemis> €say =say €say =say hi
[08:14:02] <wetfish> =say €say =say hi
[08:14:02] <systemd> €say =say hi
[08:14:02] <wetfish> =say hi
[08:14:02] <systemd> hi
[08:14:06] <chromas> woohoo
[08:14:51] <janrinok> nice
[13:04:01] -!- wetfish has quit [Quit: kameloso IRC bot v3.0.0-rc.1 @ https://github.com
[13:04:28] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[13:04:28] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[13:04:35] -!- wetfish has quit [Client Quit]
[13:05:08] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[13:05:08] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[13:06:03] -!- wetfish has quit [Client Quit]
[13:06:37] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[13:06:37] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[13:07:29] -!- wetfish has quit [Client Quit]
[13:07:53] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[13:07:53] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[13:08:51] -!- wetfish has quit [Client Quit]
[13:09:22] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[13:09:22] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[13:25:05] <janrinok> €admin users
[13:25:22] <janrinok> €users
[13:25:53] <janrinok> €user
[15:47:49] -!- wetfish has quit [Quit: kameloso IRC bot v3.0.0-rc.1 @ https://github.com
[15:48:11] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[15:48:11] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[15:48:14] <janrinok> €bash
[15:48:15] <wetfish> [bash.org] #893
[15:48:15] <wetfish> <Keiichi> It takes brains to grow weed
[15:49:01] <janrinok> €8ball
[15:49:01] <wetfish> Don't count on it
[15:50:10] <janrinok> €bash
[15:50:12] <wetfish> [bash.org] #2912
[15:50:12] <wetfish> <IceWizard> What the HELL is up with these candy companies? Little teeny bars are called 'Fun Size'.. Damn, Whats so fun about a smaller candybar?!?
[15:50:45] <janrinok> €bash
[15:50:46] <wetfish> [bash.org] #2587
[15:50:46] <wetfish> *** Joins: mxman (68gmc910@hsdb-sktn-248-25.sasknet.sk.ca)
[15:50:46] <wetfish> <mxman> wtf
[15:50:46] <wetfish> <mxman> WHO SHUT OFF MY COMPUTER :(
[15:52:11] -!- wetfish has quit [Client Quit]
[15:53:06] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[15:53:06] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[15:54:59] -!- wetfish has quit [Client Quit]
[16:01:49] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[16:01:49] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[16:04:20] <janrinok> test
[16:30:12] <janrinok> €user janrinok
[16:30:45] <janrinok> €user Fnord666
[16:31:09] <janrinok> €admin
[16:31:12] <janrinok> €user Fnord666
[16:31:20] <janrinok> €admin user
[16:31:28] <janrinok> €admin €user
[16:31:39] <janrinok> €admin Fnord666
[16:31:47] <janrinok> €admin user Fnord666
[16:32:27] -!- wetfish has quit [Quit: kameloso IRC bot v3.0.0-rc.1 @ https://github.com
[16:33:31] -!- wetfish [wetfish!~wetfish@Soylent/BotArmy] has joined #test
[16:33:31] -!- mode/#test [+v wetfish] by Artemis
[16:33:53] <janrinok> €admin user Fnord666
[16:34:19] <janrinok> €user Fnord666
[16:34:40] <janrinok> €user cmn32480
[16:34:57] <janrinok> €admin user cmn32480
[16:36:00] <janrinok> €user Fnord666
[16:36:20] <janrinok> doesn't appear to be working
[16:36:36] <janrinok> €users
[16:36:56] <janrinok> €bash
[16:36:57] <wetfish> [bash.org] #1567
[16:36:57] <wetfish> <ckx> i wish i had a gf who was into really cheap things
[16:36:57] <wetfish> <ckx> like 5 cent rings from vending machines
[16:36:58] <wetfish> <ckx> then i'd be in heaven
[16:36:58] <wetfish> <ckx> "yah i got you something today... it's a gumball"
[16:36:59] <wetfish> <ckx> "OH WOW LETS FUCK"
[16:37:00] <wetfish> <ckx> stupid women
[16:37:01] <wetfish> <mdl> haha
[16:39:50] <janrinok> .op
[16:39:50] -!- mode/#test [+o janrinok] by Artemis
[16:39:56] <janrinok> +o
[16:40:09] <janrinok> €users
[16:40:19] <janrinok> €user
[16:40:28] <janrinok> €admin users
[16:40:36] <janrinok> €admin user cmn32480
[16:40:53] <janrinok> +a
[16:41:30] <janrinok> .deop
[16:41:30] -!- mode/#test [-o janrinok] by Artemis
[16:41:41] <janrinok> .op
[16:41:41] -!- mode/#test [+o janrinok] by Artemis
[16:42:12] <janrinok> €8ball
[16:42:12] <wetfish> As I see it, yes
[16:52:26] <janrinok> .deop
[16:52:26] -!- mode/#test [-o janrinok] by Artemis
[17:00:04] <janrinok> €say herp a derp
[17:00:05] <wetfish> herp a derp
[21:34:44] -!- Microsoft`` has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[23:42:05] <chromas> €say .op
[23:42:06] <wetfish> .op
[23:42:06] -!- mode/#test [+o wetfish] by Artemis
[23:42:24] <chromas> €say .kick Artemis
[23:42:24] <wetfish> .kick Artemis