#Soylent | Logs for 2014-03-24

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[00:11:31] -!- Anon3 has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[00:12:34] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[00:28:01] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~46b32d49@uz08-407-28-56.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:28:16] <Ethanol-fueled> 'Sup.
[00:28:31] <Ethanol-fueled> Sure is lonely in here.
[00:28:43] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[00:41:19] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Future of the Zero-Marginal-Cost Economy - http://sylnt.us - Where's-my-20-hour-work-week?
[00:50:06] <stderr> FunPika: When you're done playing with the wiki database, can you remove me from Template:Development_team? Thanks...
[00:51:31] <FunPika> okay
[00:53:31] -!- Popeidol [Popeidol!~matt@558-04-736-30.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #Soylent
[00:56:31] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[00:58:53] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[01:00:55] -!- SpallsHurgenson [SpallsHurgenson!~SpallsHur@xqzt-30-396-388-29.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:05:22] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[01:09:27] * SpallsHurgenson has been practicing his flying techniques (as explained in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy) all day... to no success. It's harder than it looks.
[01:09:53] <SpallsHurgenson> so, for that matter, is the ground. ow, the bruises!
[01:12:26] <Alberto> Diskyfroskinen
[01:12:27] <Alberto> ?
[01:13:56] <stderr> SpallsHurgenson: You need to concentrate harder on being "not brick"-like...
[01:16:39] <Alberto> stderr, sup Mr Olsen
[01:17:37] <stderr> Not much. Going to bed soon. Our department is moving tomorrow, so I have to get there early to tell the movers where everything goes in my new office.
[01:17:46] <stderr> You?
[01:19:31] <stderr> [01:19:14] <NerdRPG> stderr [317/430] has challenged xlefay [45/397] and taken him in combat! 0 days, 06:19:43 is removed from stderr's clock.
[01:19:38] <xlefay> ... fu
[01:19:39] <stderr> MUHAHAHAHA!!!
[01:20:20] <SpallsHurgenson> with enough thrust, even a brick can fly :)
[01:22:38] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[01:24:37] <SpallsHurgenson> I just need some more thrust; anybody have a couple of RATO units I can use? ;-)
[01:25:12] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~44bc6685@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #Soylent
[01:25:12] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v LaminatorX] by SkyNet
[01:30:31] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[01:31:31] -!- Subsentient has quit [Quit: Derp.]
[01:31:46] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[01:35:17] -!- Subsentient has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[01:35:28] <stderr> xlefay: torrents.soylentnews.org and the bittorrent tracker should be moved away from my systems as soon as possible. It shouldn't take long to set up a new tracker and some of them can even show a list of available torrents, so you might not even need a webserver too. Can you take care of that or ask someone else to do it? Thanks.
[01:36:43] <xlefay> stderr: I'll take care of it
[01:37:15] <stderr> Ok, let me know when I can remove stuff from my systems.
[01:51:12] -!- bytram [bytram!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[01:51:12] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v bytram] by SkyNet
[02:09:52] -!- Alberto has quit [Quit: Banzai!]
[02:10:26] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Crowdfunding Interesting News. - http://sylnt.us - good-idea-or-bad-idea
[02:10:53] -!- Alberto [Alberto!~bet0x@soisd.emanon-linux.org] has joined #Soylent
[02:11:00] <arti> greetings alberto
[02:14:00] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[02:16:32] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[02:19:19] juggs|afk is now known as juggs
[02:21:09] <Alberto> sup arti
[02:21:11] <Alberto> how are you
[02:21:15] <Alberto> join us at ##
[02:21:24] <Alberto> Where bacon++ must be your first word
[02:22:56] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[02:25:36] <SpallsHurgenson> why do bad guys with guns keep shooting at me?
[02:28:22] <FoobarBazbot> SpallsHurgenson: s/sh.*t/missing/
[02:28:22] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <SpallsHurgenson> why do bad guys with guns keep missing me?
[02:29:20] <SpallsHurgenson> hey, that's not what I said! Is it? I mean, the bot says I did... I'm confused!
[02:31:20] <Alberto> owned
[02:32:12] <FoobarBazbot> SpallsHurgenson: s/con(..)sed/a \1rry/
[02:32:12] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot> <SpallsHurgenson> hey, that's not what I said! Is it? I mean, the bot says I did... I'm a furry!
[02:32:35] <SpallsHurgenson> great, and now I have a tail!
[02:32:41] <FoobarBazbot> Ah, that probably explains the shooting!
[02:32:41] <juggs> ha
[02:35:27] <SpallsHurgenson> I mean, I guess having a tail could be useful... but I'll have to get all my pants re-tailored!
[02:42:56] <SpallsHurgenson> on the plus side, I'd have an excuse not to wear pants for a while :)
[02:53:05] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[02:53:05] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by SkyNet
[02:54:20] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~b4c880f7@180.200.jji.ihy] has joined #Soylent
[02:54:43] <prospectacle> good day to yuo
[02:55:32] <SpallsHurgenson> sure, wish yuo a good day; the rest of us get to be miserable, is that it? ;-)
[02:56:06] <prospectacle> s/yuo/Spalls/
[02:56:06] <SedBot> <prospectacle> good day to Spalls
[02:56:16] <prospectacle> s/yuo/you all/
[02:56:16] <SedBot> <prospectacle> good day to you all
[02:56:27] <SpallsHurgenson> oooh, a Texan!
[02:56:44] <prospectacle> s/you all/all y'all/
[02:56:56] <prospectacle> s/yuo/all y'all/
[02:56:56] <SedBot> <prospectacle> good day to all y'all
[02:57:00] <SpallsHurgenson> oooh, an Arkansian
[02:57:28] <prospectacle> ok i give up
[02:57:40] <prospectacle> what's news?
[02:58:19] <SpallsHurgenson> apparently, soylentnews.org has a torrent site :)
[02:58:20] <arti> uh, bacon grows hair?
[02:58:33] <prospectacle> hmm, cool.
[02:58:41] <prospectacle> What torrents do they torrent?
[02:58:52] <SpallsHurgenson> slashcode, I think
[02:58:55] <prospectacle> the slashcode?
[02:59:05] <prospectacle> nice one. This site has everything
[02:59:25] <prospectacle> The web-site is like the city wall. Looks substantial but is hiding a lot more interesting stuff inside
[02:59:54] <SpallsHurgenson> soylentnews needs a redlight district :)
[03:00:20] <arti> where it literally shows traffic signals?
[03:00:22] <prospectacle> haha
[03:00:32] <arti> "check this one out, from amsterdam"
[03:01:53] <prospectacle> I think ## comes closest, judging by its varying descriptions
[03:02:41] -!- Subsentient [Subsentient!~WhiteRat@universe2.us/Subsentient] has joined #Soylent
[03:02:50] <xlefay> prospectacle: it's the bacon district.
[03:03:17] <SpallsHurgenson> lots of porkin' going on there?
[03:03:27] <xlefay> Among other things, yes.
[03:03:58] <prospectacle> xlefay: sounds a bit salty
[03:04:09] <SpallsHurgenson> <groan>
[03:04:45] <prospectacle> lol
[03:05:31] <prospectacle> ok that was bad
[03:05:53] <SpallsHurgenson> those are the best :)
[03:06:55] <prospectacle> I was going to make some kind of pink pork or "pink meat district" joke about bacon but I thought that would be a bit distasteful. So I won't mention them.
[03:07:16] <xlefay> !grab prospectacle
[03:07:16] <Bender> Added quote 67
[03:08:53] <prospectacle> oh no, immortalised for all the wrong reasons!
[03:09:00] <prospectacle> Like rick astley
[03:09:41] <SpallsHurgenson> hey, that man is a lyrical genius!
[03:10:37] <prospectacle> Well yes but his fame stems from his terrible puns on irc
[03:10:53] * SpallsHurgenson sings "Never gonna give you up, never gonna ley you down, never gonna run around and desert you!?
[03:11:03] <SpallsHurgenson> s/?/"/
[03:11:03] <SedBot> <SpallsHurgenson> sings "Never gonna give you up, never gonna ley you down, never gonna run around and desert you!"
[03:11:26] <prospectacle> would have been funny if the song had been sung with an implied question mark
[03:11:34] <prospectacle> like "really, that's what I promised!?"
[03:12:21] <SpallsHurgenson> no, Rick knows how to treat a woman!
[03:17:39] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[03:17:55] <prospectacle> I reckon we could make a game out of sedbot, not sure how. Something about taking turns replacing one character, to get a desired pattern. Maybe connect four or something.
[03:18:10] <prospectacle> abcdefghij
[03:18:18] <prospectacle> s/d/e/
[03:18:18] <SedBot> <prospectacle> abceefghij
[03:18:22] <prospectacle> ok your turn
[03:18:39] <xlefay> prospectacle: s/e/d/
[03:18:46] <xlefay> dammit, you talked too soon :<
[03:18:47] * SpallsHurgenson looks for cheat codes
[03:18:51] <prospectacle> sorry
[03:18:53] <prospectacle> starta gain
[03:18:56] <prospectacle> starta again
[03:19:01] <prospectacle> abdefghij
[03:19:07] <xlefay> prospectacle: s/e/d/
[03:19:07] <SedBot> <xlefay> <prospectacle> abddfghij
[03:19:21] <SkyNet> !quote 67
[03:19:22] <prospectacle> xlefay: s/h/d/
[03:19:37] <xlefay> nope, you broke up
[03:19:40] <xlefay> s/up/it/
[03:19:40] <SedBot> <xlefay> nope, you broke it
[03:19:47] <prospectacle> sedbot: s/h/d/
[03:20:02] <prospectacle> hmm, i guess not
[03:20:07] <xlefay> It doesn't do itself ;-)
[03:20:12] <xlefay> nograb...
[03:20:26] <FoobarBazbot_> SedBot: s/h/d/
[03:20:36] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v xlefay] by SkyNet
[03:20:46] <FoobarBazbot_> wait, there's no h there
[03:21:02] <xlefay> [Notice] -ChanServ- You have been voiced on #soylent by kobach <---- I believe someone is stalking this channel's logs
[03:21:04] -!- mode/#Soylent [-v xlefay] by SkyNet
[03:21:13] <prospectacle> ah of course, the last one was the one saying i broke it
[03:21:14] <prospectacle> I see
[03:21:18] <prospectacle> ok one more try
[03:21:24] <prospectacle> abcdefghij
[03:21:26] <FoobarBazbot_> anyway, it should do itself, though i think it maynbe case-sensitive
[03:21:42] <xlefay> sedbot: s/h/d/
[03:23:08] <FoobarBazbot_> prospectacle: s/h/d/
[03:23:09] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot_> <prospectacle> abcdefgdij
[03:23:47] <prospectacle> sedbot: s/g/d/
[03:24:04] <prospectacle> SedBot: s/g/d/
[03:24:04] <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot_> <prospectacle> abcdefddij
[03:24:10] <prospectacle> yeah!
[03:25:08] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[03:25:35] <FoobarBazbot_> SedBot, s/j/cks/
[03:25:36] <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot_> <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <FoobarBazbot_> <prospectacle> abcdefddicks
[03:26:38] <prospectacle> lol
[03:26:52] <prospectacle> I guess I didn't get the updated rule book
[03:26:58] * FoobarBazbot_ has obviously been hanging out in ## too much
[03:27:48] * SpallsHurgenson cleans out his downloads directory
[03:30:11] <prospectacle> I was gonna lose that game in two more moves anyway, so I'm glad you smashed the pieces up
[03:34:02] * NCommander notes we just cross-connected the clouds
[03:34:17] * FoobarBazbot isn't even sure what the rules were...
[03:35:01] <prospectacle> foobar you have to be first to connect four.
[03:35:05] <prospectacle> it's like that other game
[03:35:08] <prospectacle> monopoly
[03:36:03] <FoobarBazbot> but what expressions are legal? like: s/./a/g?
[03:36:51] <prospectacle> replace any one character with any other
[03:37:02] <prospectacle> no wildcards or whatever
[03:37:25] <xlefay> !grab SedBot
[03:37:25] <Bender> Added quote 68
[03:44:23] -!- prospectacle has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[03:52:05] <SpallsHurgenson> note to self: do not balance laptops precariously on edge of high shelf unless broken hardware is desired result
[03:53:38] -!- Dopefish [Dopefish!~47b1d396@vmwi-30-331-920-319.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:53:47] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@536-18-737-324.war.clearwire-wmx.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:54:17] -!- Dopefish has quit [Changing host]
[03:54:17] -!- Dopefish [Dopefish!~47b1d396@Soylent/Staff/Editor/Dopefish] has joined #Soylent
[03:54:17] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v Dopefish] by SkyNet
[03:54:18] <arti> living on the edge eh
[03:55:00] <SpallsHurgenson> sometimes I forget about gravity :)
[03:55:50] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[03:56:27] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@536-18-737-324.war.clearwire-wmx.net] has joined #Soylent
[03:56:49] <SpallsHurgenson> gravity is mostly optional where I come from :)
[04:00:24] <SpallsHurgenson> anyway, that's my story and I'm sticking with it... at least until I get distracted by something else.
[04:04:58] <SpallsHurgenson> fortunately, my mind is like a steel trap so it is unlikely I will get distract oooh, a kitty!
[04:06:40] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[04:08:17] -!- IT_phreak_ [IT_phreak_!~smuxi@s-69-253-783-290.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:09:35] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:11:42] -!- IT_phreak_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[04:12:06] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@650-24-132-568.war.clearwire-wmx.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:16:03] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[04:16:57] -!- Dopefish has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[04:17:12] -!- Ethanol-fueled [Ethanol-fueled!~46b32d49@uz08-407-28-56.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:17:49] -!- Ethanol-fueled has quit [Client Quit]
[04:22:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Preterm Children at Risk of Having Maths Problems - http://sylnt.us - nothing-funny-to-say
[04:23:35] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:35:24] * SpallsHurgenson rediscovers an ancient classic game... Galactic Empire for the Apple II. Man, I loved that game.
[04:35:54] -!- IT_phreak [IT_phreak!~smuxi@650-24-132-568.war.clearwire-wmx.net] has joined #Soylent
[04:42:08] -!- IT_phreak has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:45:55] bytram is now known as martyb|zzz
[04:50:42] paulej72 is now known as paulej72_away
[04:52:38] -!- martyb|zzz has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[04:55:36] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: leaving]
[05:21:51] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - New Linux Version will Reduce Suspend/Resume times - http://sylnt.us - Powwwaaaaahhhhh!
[05:27:09] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~b4c880f7@180.200.jji.ihy] has joined #Soylent
[05:28:04] <SpallsHurgenson> Linux could always cheat, like windows 8 and hibernate instead of shutting down :)
[05:29:24] <Landon> ugh
[05:29:26] <Landon> the worst
[05:29:43] <Landon> "I need to switch to my dual boot os..."
[05:29:52] <Landon> boots straight to windows
[05:29:54] <Landon> panic
[05:29:55] <Landon> panic
[05:29:56] <Landon> panic
[05:30:10] <SpallsHurgenson> 37
[05:30:10] <SpallsHurgenson> 1
[05:30:18] <SpallsHurgenson> whoops, wrong screen :)
[05:32:07] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[05:42:06] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Soylent News Needs You - http://sylnt.us - Call-to-Action!
[05:42:57] <xlefay> LaminatorX++
[05:42:58] <Bender> karma - laminatorx: 3
[05:43:07] <SpallsHurgenson> heh, it's not finding the stories that keeps me from submitting, it's writing the damn summaries :-)
[05:43:28] <SpallsHurgenson> also, the laziness factor :)
[05:47:47] <SpallsHurgenson> I don't think it can be quite stressed enough how lazy I am
[05:58:44] -!- SpallsHurgenson has quit [Quit: too lazy to lurk on IRC]
[06:02:56] <prospectacle> It's ironic that for the good of the site we are encouraged to visit other, inferior news sites
[06:03:27] <prospectacle> understandable, of course. What are some good ones?
[06:04:10] <prospectacle> I like ars technica, sci-tech daily is ok. arts and letters daily sometimes has tech- and science related things.
[06:07:06] <mrcoolbp> foxnews.com?
[06:07:17] * mrcoolbp ducks
[06:08:39] <prospectacle> lol
[06:08:43] <SirFinkus> http://www.computerworld.com might be interesting, if it hasn't been posted yet
[06:09:12] <prospectacle> since huffington post is mostly links to other sites with a brief summary thrown in, we could just rewrite their summaries from their tech section.
[06:09:32] <SirFinkus> I don't think it has
[06:09:34] <mrcoolbp> sirFinkus: hasn't from what I can tell
[06:09:51] * mrcoolbp notes only 3 submissions....
[06:10:11] <prospectacle> SirFinkus, good one. I double dare you to submit it.
[06:10:30] <SirFinkus> I'll try, I'm pretty shitty at summaries though
[06:13:05] <SirFinkus> Damn, the title needs 4 more characters lol
[06:14:36] <prospectacle> SirFinkus, just draw an outrageous conclusion based on this one piece of evidence, and you will no doubt spark a healthy debate. j/k
[06:14:51] <SirFinkus> so basically "Year of the linux desktop"
[06:15:17] <prospectacle> Exactly. This proves it. XP was the last windows people thought worth buying when they actually had a choice (instead of forced upgrades). or something like that
[06:25:13] <pbnjoe> I'm just about to submit a story, but I feel the title "Canada's Big Carriers Hike Prices Identically" sucks, help me get a better one guys :)
[06:25:40] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: leaving]
[06:25:42] <pbnjoe> it's about the top three carriers in Canada essentially price fixing
[06:26:04] <SirFinkus> just say price fixing in the title somewhere
[06:26:53] <pbnjoe> hmm
[06:28:48] <pbnjoe> "Canada's Big Carriers Apparently Price Fixing"? it sounds so wishy-washy but I'd remove it if in either of the sources they'd have said the words
[06:28:55] <pbnjoe> http://www.cbc.ca
[06:28:59] <pbnjoe> http://arstechnica.com
[06:29:02] <pbnjoe> those are the sources
[06:34:24] <prospectacle> Pattern of price hiking looks like collusion
[06:34:38] <prospectacle> bam, sued for libel!
[06:34:48] <prospectacle> now *that's* publicity
[06:36:40] <pbnjoe> "They're trying to silence the little guy!" Yeah, we can get a lot of users out of this
[06:36:47] <SirFinkus> submitted, summary is pretty shitty
[06:36:48] <prospectacle> lol
[06:37:19] <pbnjoe> for a second I got angry, I thought you stole my story ;P
[06:37:24] <prospectacle> Suspiciously Co-ordinated Price Hikes Sweep Canada's Wireless Market
[06:37:33] <pbnjoe> won't fit
[06:37:40] <prospectacle> Yeah it sucks anyway
[06:37:51] <pbnjoe> stops at Canada :P
[06:38:01] <pbnjoe> Canada's Big Carriers Appear to be Price Fixing
[06:38:04] <pbnjoe> yes, no?
[06:38:15] <pbnjoe> this is the only thing keeping me from pressing submit and moving on with my life
[06:38:31] <juggs> look ok to me
[06:38:37] <pbnjoe> cool
[06:38:46] <SirFinkus> well, mine was first
[06:38:49] <SirFinkus> so, I win
[06:39:15] <prospectacle> Suspiciously Similar Price Hikes Across Canada's Carrier
[06:39:20] <prospectacle> s/Carrier/Carriers/
[06:39:20] <SedBot> <prospectacle> Suspiciously Similar Price Hikes Across Canada's Carriers
[06:39:58] <pbnjoe> Already Submitted
[06:40:07] <pbnjoe> Also that's still way too big, I think
[06:40:10] <pbnjoe> anyway, gotta go
[06:40:11] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[06:40:44] <Alberto> who's the editor in charge of soylent?
[06:40:46] <SirFinkus> it would be nice if the subject field could be slightly longer
[06:40:57] <prospectacle> Canada's Carriers' Creepily Co-ordinated Cost Climbing
[06:41:01] <prospectacle> Yes!
[06:41:10] <SirFinkus> oh damn, that one's good
[06:41:47] <prospectacle> Alberto I think there's a team. Check the wiki.soylentnews.org
[06:42:18] <Alberto> lazy++
[06:42:19] <Bender> karma - lazy: 1
[06:42:57] <chromas> increment++
[06:42:57] <Bender> karma - increment: 1
[06:43:44] <prospectacle> http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[06:44:03] <Alberto> still lazy++
[06:44:04] <Alberto> :p
[06:44:07] <prospectacle> That's as far as I'm willing to go. I could type their names. Probably I've already expended more effort explaining that I'm not going to put in the effort to do that, but, well, that's my line.
[06:47:29] <Alberto> Thank you prospectacle
[06:48:37] <prospectacle> any time
[06:51:20] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[06:58:07] <Subsentient> submitted an ask soylent
[07:20:28] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~cb811792@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[07:32:42] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[07:41:30] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[07:43:47] -!- prospectacle has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[07:45:20] * NCommander has to do more writing
[07:45:21] <NCommander> Fuck me
[07:45:34] <arti> awesome
[07:45:35] <NCommander> The DONE list with infrastructure is rather Impressive
[07:45:42] * NCommander posts it to his journal with slight redactions
[07:45:56] * arti tosses NCommander a beer
[07:48:31] <NCommander> arti, http://soylentnews.org
[07:48:41] <NCommander> ^_ if anyone is curious in the full set of changes this weekend
[07:48:46] * arti reviews
[07:50:35] <arti> what're you averaging with the benches?
[07:50:46] * arti used a 3rd party tool to stress test
[07:52:35] <NCommander> arti, xlefay hit it with 50k connections within 20 seconds
[07:52:41] <arti> niiiice
[07:52:49] <NCommander> arti, and we got it to stay up without rate imiting
[07:53:25] <ar> yay, kerberos
[07:53:34] <ar> it's nice to see more people deploying it
[07:53:39] <arti> cool, that's a nice list
[07:53:47] * arti needs to do the apparmor bit
[07:53:57] <NCommander> ar, you should check out the server admin pages
[07:54:15] <NCommander> ar, http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[07:54:49] <NCommander> ar, I wrote a crash course in Kerberos administration because I suspect I'm the only one who ever worked in a single-sign environment here
[07:54:54] <MrBluze> i ran apparmor for my website when i had one .. was very nice
[07:54:55] * NCommander has blown 2.5 staff minds with it
[07:54:59] <MrBluze> very nice indeed
[07:55:15] * arti isn't familiar with using kerberos
[07:55:31] <NCommander> arti, think active directory
[07:55:33] <ar> NCommander: well, i deployed kerberos at our local hackerspace
[07:55:39] <arti> aaah that's cool
[07:55:48] <NCommander> ar, its shockingly idiot proof to setup
[07:56:05] <NCommander> ar, assuming you control your DNS, or do what we do and have a local TLD
[07:56:26] <arti> i'll put it on the to checkout pile then
[07:56:27] <NCommander> ar, I just wish I could get it to issue a ticket when you come in ona SSH key
[07:56:28] <ar> NCommander: we control our DNS
[07:56:41] <NCommander> so you don't have to explicately kinit
[07:56:52] <NCommander> ar, we've got SSH keys feeding out of LDAP, so its *really* single sign on
[07:57:06] <NCommander> ar, we were talking about modding slash to set the seclevel (admin bits) based on postfix groups
[07:57:21] <NCommander> er, posix
[07:57:36] <NCommander> slapd though was written by monkeys
[07:57:42] <ar> NCommander: yeah, that's a pita. we have http://dpaste.com
[07:57:44] <NCommander> I've never dealt with a bigger pile of shit
[07:58:04] <NCommander> ar, ahaha, I like that
[07:58:17] <NCommander> ar, I don't mind the explicate kinit
[07:58:24] <xlefay> "00-ticket-motherfucker-do-you-have-it.sh" lol! ;)
[07:58:41] <NCommander> ar, we could if we really wanted to jack up the kerberos ticket times to one year :-P
[07:58:48] <NCommander> But every year we'd have to reset a lot of passwords
[07:58:58] <NCommander> ar, with the SSH proxy, you only ever need kinit if you need to go node to node
[07:59:57] <ar> NCommander: we also have nfs4 set up for homedirs for hackerspace members, so kerberos tickets are a requirement
[08:00:32] <NCommander> I haven't gone that far, especially since we're across multiple contients
[08:00:43] <NCommander> (offsite backup VPNs in and then gets kerberos tickets on the fly)
[08:00:59] <NCommander> ar, what distro?
[08:01:04] <ar> NCommander: gentoo and debian
[08:01:06] * NCommander needs a CentOS guru
[08:01:07] <NCommander> damn it
[08:01:09] <NCommander> No one loves centos
[08:01:17] <ar> yup
[08:01:23] <NCommander> ar, I want to put the one CentOS box against LDAP
[08:01:29] <NCommander> But I'm not confident I know hwo to do it
[08:01:38] * NCommander notes we're an almost all Ubuntu shop here
[08:02:01] <ar> i used to have centos boxes at my first job.
[08:02:06] * NCommander is going to have a vision statement going up
[08:02:27] <ar> at my current job we have old debian4 boxes and we're in the process of migrating to ubuntu 12.04
[08:03:31] <ar> and at the hackerspace we have gentoo boxes mostly and a few debian/ubuntu here and there and freebsd as routers
[08:04:02] <NCommander> ar, http://paste.ubuntu.com
[08:04:10] <NCommander> ^- this is going to go up slight editing in a few hours
[08:04:26] * NCommander wishes it was more concrete but time has been in short supply
[08:04:59] <ar> heh
[08:05:25] <NCommander> ar, its a guiding statement on where we're going
[08:05:31] -!- CynicGalahad [CynicGalahad!~hugo.corr@213.136.ht.gg] has joined #Soylent
[08:05:55] <ar> (also, our hackerspace has a bit overgrown infrastructure compared to our needs, but apparently that's what happens when core members are sysadmins and programmers)
[08:06:16] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[08:06:21] * NCommander ntoes that now the setup is documented I can stop being a sysadmin
[08:06:31] * NCommander needs to loose as many hates as possible
[08:06:57] <NCommander> Anyone feel free to look at my journal and give me initial feedback
[08:07:01] * NCommander is going to smoke then return
[08:10:05] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: leaving]
[08:10:10] -!- KonomiNetbook has quit [Quit: leaving]
[08:10:32] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[08:12:15] -!- KonomiNetbook [KonomiNetbook!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
[08:21:21] -!- prospectacle [prospectacle!~3a6b4258@i24-623-18-23.mit014.act.optusnet.com.au] has joined #Soylent
[08:25:08] <CynicGalahad> don't quite understand the fear of "flack" for a sane SSH login policy
[08:27:14] <CynicGalahad> overall impressive, quite a bit of work there and some services can be a PITA (LDAP being an example)
[08:36:09] <Alberto> NCommander, i do know about CentOS
[08:36:40] <NCommander> CynicGalahad, its more requiring SSH proxing that ruffled some feathers
[08:36:50] <NCommander> Alberto, know how get pam-ldap setup?
[08:36:56] <NCommander> prospectacle, hola
[08:37:20] * NCommander wishes someone would say something on the guidence letter
[08:37:21] <Alberto> i did that long time ago for a radius
[08:40:18] <Alberto> NCommander, did you install and configure nss-pam-ldapd?
[08:40:21] <prospectacle> hi
[08:40:26] <CynicGalahad> there is even VPN access, what else do people want?
[08:41:09] <CynicGalahad> I might be able to help out with nginx
[08:41:10] <prospectacle> NCommander, which guidance letter is that?
[08:42:04] <xlefay> CynicGalahad: the nginx is set up correctly, it's slashd which is being a pain
[08:42:15] <NCommander> prospectacle, http://paste.ubuntu.com
[08:42:22] <NCommander> Its going to go up on the main index with slight edits
[08:42:58] <NCommander> CynicGalahad, we had issues with varnish mostly. RIght now, those are fixed, although our varnish config likely can crush an unfortunate cat or dog
[08:43:00] <NCommander> On the plus side
[08:43:06] <NCommander> We've got an 87% cache hit rate :-)
[08:45:33] <prospectacle> NCommander, good to hear. I expect most don't users know the furious activity that's been going on under the surface, if they only have been reading the main web site.
[08:45:38] <CynicGalahad> never touched it, most likely wouldn't be able to help much
[08:46:59] <NCommander> CynicGalahad, nah, varnish is fine
[08:47:08] <stderr> xlefay: ETA on the torrent move?
[08:47:09] <NCommander> CynicGalahad, we need to debug why slash redirects to http:// vs. https://
[08:47:39] <xlefay> stderr: I haven't decided on the node it's going to, can you give me till tomorrow our time?
[08:48:01] <NCommander> xlefay, put it on boron if we can't find a better place for it. That node isn't exactly doing much
[08:48:09] <NCommander> xlefay, though carbon might be better suited
[08:48:20] <xlefay> I'll put it on carbon then
[08:48:46] <stderr> I guess... The sooner the better. I don't really want any soylentnews stuff on my systems anymore.
[08:49:28] prospectacle is now known as prospectacle__afk
[08:50:15] <stderr> !seen mrcoolbp
[08:50:33] <stderr> No !seen? :-(
[08:50:40] <xlefay> we disabled that and it never got fixed so far.....
[08:50:45] <prospectacle__afk> hmm, that doens't look right
[08:50:51] <xlefay> NCommander: how about that access to create repos? ;)
[08:50:55] prospectacle__afk is now known as propsectacle_is_afk
[08:50:56] <NCommander> xlefay, oops
[08:51:31] <NCommander> xlefay, done
[08:51:33] <xlefay> stderr: he disconnected @ 06:51:20 | our time
[08:51:36] <xlefay> Thank you.
[08:52:20] <stderr> Oh, well, I'll see if I can catch him later, regarding http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[08:52:45] <xlefay> Devotee?
[08:53:17] <stderr> Yeah, I'm obviously not looking at that anymore. At least not for SoylentNews.
[09:07:10] <stderr> Guess I can't delay it much longer... I'm off to work... :-/
[09:07:12] <stderr> See you...
[09:31:23] -!- Tachyon has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[09:32:08] -!- Tachyon [Tachyon!~Tachyon@xuco.me] has joined #Soylent
[09:33:19] propsectacle_is_afk is now known as prospectacle
[09:48:23] <prospectacle> NCommander, did I already give you my feedback on the guidance letter?
[09:48:43] <NCommander> prospectacle, nope
[09:50:10] <prospectacle> sorry, thought I had I'll find the link...
[09:51:17] <prospectacle> NCommander, My basic note was people might like to see a simple list near the top, to see if their personal question is addressed, and be able to scroll down for more detail about it.
[09:51:23] <prospectacle> I did a basic mock-up based on your text
[09:51:24] <prospectacle> http://paste.ubuntu.com
[09:51:53] <NCommander> prospectacle, I'll put that in the Intro Text bit
[09:52:09] * NCommander is offering the community the chance to have our initial incorperation be ex-US
[09:52:12] <NCommander> However
[09:52:22] <NCommander> Do not volunteer for this lightly! I'm going write an extremely detailed dissertation on United States incorporation, likely to be at least 10,000 words long. I expect the same of anyone else who has the commitment and drive to see this through. It will contain answers to the 'important considerations' such as citizenship requirements, legal reporting on matters of finance, as well as summarization (with citations) of journalist p
[09:52:22] <NCommander> rotections, relevant case law, and the like, both positive and negative. By taking on this responsibility, you are willing to essentially take charge on the bureaucratic aspects of our legal foundation.
[09:53:29] <NCommander> Pretty sure that's enough to find someone who's serious about it
[09:53:42] <prospectacle> I reckon
[09:54:29] <NCommander> prospectacle, I'm serious about incorperating outside the US, but thats a legal maze, and I'm not convinced that other countries have stronger journalist protections
[09:54:49] <NCommander> (under US law, bloggers and other new media ARE considered journalists, and are protected by shield laws)
[09:55:37] <xlefay> Essentially, what we need is honest information about incoorperation in multiple countries but if no-one does it, we'll just default back to the one that DOES do it
[09:56:07] <prospectacle> Yeah it would be hard to weigh such things up, so many different factors. I can understand incorporating in a country whose laws you're familiar with, and comfortable with.
[09:58:44] <prospectacle> As I understand it it's largely a matter of short term legal costs. I mean you could incorporate all over the world and then change, over time, which one owns which assets, and which ones are subsidiaries. Or is that kind of thing illegal?
[09:59:22] <juggs> NCommander, out of interest how do those shield laws help an individual who submits content from somewhere other than the US? Just asking as IANAL and AFAIK the US laws would be irrelevant if said individual were to be dragged before a court in their own country.
[10:01:36] <xlefay> Landon: ping: can you replace all links to the wiki and remove 'index.php/' from those?
[10:08:13] <NCommander> prospectacle, there's been a people complaining that I plan to incorperate in the US with no discussion, and that if we setup shop in the US, its much harder to move due to inhertia (I consider this to be the big point in seriously considering international incorperation
[10:09:40] <NCommander> juggs, we can't be responsible for what people do in their own countries. At least for people living in the US, the NFP can act as a friend of the court, and file briefs, and I think we could help organize a fund for legal defenses if it came up
[10:10:53] <NCommander> juggs, but if someone from a press-unfriendly country posts something that their government disapproves of, they're in violation of their own local laws
[10:13:04] <NCommander> The call for volunteers shall remain open one (1) week from the posting of this article. If no one steps forth to take on the responsibility, we will incorporate in the United States by default. We need to get incorporated both for the legal protections it provides, and to start building sources of funding so this isn't something that can be held up for months with endless discussion. I hope to have a report put together on the Un
[10:13:04] <NCommander> ited States (with opinions of select states) within a week or two, followed by a discussion period should any viable alternatives step forward.
[10:13:09] <NCommander> ^- from the article I'm writing
[10:13:11] <prospectacle> NCommander. Yes there sure have been. I think it's a valid debate to have, and I also think if it can be changed later (if necessary), and if such research is undertaken seriously, then it's better to be an NFP in america now, than have no official status.
[10:13:30] <prospectacle> A week seems reasonable
[10:13:58] <xlefay> I suggested one month and three months tops.. honestly, a week to figure all of that out isn't going to cut it if you want to be thorough
[10:14:01] <NCommander> prospectacle, the incorperate by default in US caused from friction on the staff mailing list, but I'm standing by it for the reason put
[10:14:08] <NCommander> xlefay, week for volunteers to step forward
[10:14:16] <xlefay> aah yea
[10:14:55] <NCommander> xlefay, if no one does in that time period, the matter is concerned decided, though I will write the US report a matter of due digance
[10:15:12] <NCommander> *decided by default
[10:15:24] <juggs> IF it becomes a problem or matter of debate after the fact, maybe a sensible approach would be to incorporate shell operations in other jurisdictions that operate subsidiaries of the main US holding corp. No idea if that helps, just a thought :D
[10:15:51] <juggs> operate as*
[10:15:52] <NCommander> juggs, that option always remained open. This is just a matter of initial incorperation
[10:16:02] <NCommander> If shit goes to hell in the US, I expect the NFP and SN to bug out
[10:16:03] <prospectacle> NCommander, site is young and fragile, so good instinct not to tread on people. On the other side of the coin, every decision will have dissenters forever more. Maybe if you had a staff wide vote with enough notice for people to persuade each other...
[10:16:46] <NCommander> prospectacle, of course. There are times though where you need to put a boot down, and this isn't something that is done lightly.
[10:17:27] <NCommander> Incorperation as a NFP is costly, difficult, and can cause legal reprocious on the founder
[10:17:50] <NCommander> Initial even more as it will be around until its disbanded
[10:18:31] <prospectacle> Not really my place, since I'm not involved in the day to day, but on the surface it looks like any loud disagreement is causing any major decision to stall. But stall until what? Consensus is almost impossible to reach in groups > 2 or 3. Even juries of twelve have ot be locked away to force them to try.
[10:19:26] <xlefay> another weird about the US justice system, you force people to have jury duty and you also lock them away ;-)
[10:19:30] <xlefay> How's that for justice?
[10:19:32] <prospectacle> Sorry I'm off on a rant, you have enough on your plate.
[10:19:54] * prospectacle returns to things that are his business
[10:20:47] <xlefay> I'm off to the shower
[10:21:47] <xlefay> btw, stderr: it's done */me hopes he did it all properly, it certainly does look that way\*
[10:21:56] <xlefay> Thanks for hosting the tracker for as long as you did ;)
[10:23:09] <prospectacle> anyone want to play sedbot connect four?
[10:24:58] <NCommander> prospectacle, :-P
[10:30:43] <prospectacle> abcdefghij
[10:30:49] <prospectacle> s/c/d/
[10:30:49] <SedBot> <prospectacle> abddefghij
[10:31:02] <prospectacle> SedBot: s/g/d/
[10:31:02] <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> abddefdhij
[10:31:27] <prospectacle> SedBot: s/i/d/
[10:31:27] <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> abddefdhdj
[10:31:38] <prospectacle> SedBot: s/i/a/
[10:31:47] <prospectacle> SedBot: s/a/d/
[10:31:47] <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectdcle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> abddefdhdj
[10:31:49] <juggs> o.O are you schizo prospectacle ? :D
[10:31:52] <prospectacle> SedBot: s/b/d/
[10:31:52] <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectdcle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> adddefdhdj
[10:32:10] <prospectacle> SedBot: s/a/d/
[10:32:10] <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectdcle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectdcle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> adddefdhdj
[10:32:14] <prospectacle> hmm
[10:32:19] <prospectacle> SedBot: s/e/d/
[10:32:19] <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospdctacle> <SedBot> <prospectdcle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectdcle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospectacle> adddefdhdj
[10:32:34] <prospectacle> oh i see it only does the first one
[10:32:38] <prospectacle> SedBot: s/e/d/g
[10:32:38] <SedBot> <prospectacle> <SedBot> <prospdctacld> <SddBot> <prospdctacld> <SddBot> <prospdctdcld> <SddBot> <prospdctacld> <SddBot> <prospdctdcld> <SddBot> <prospdctacld> <SddBot> <prospdctacld> addddfdhdj
[10:32:44] <prospectacle> yay connect four!
[10:32:45] <prospectacle> I win
[10:32:49] <juggs> lol
[10:33:09] <juggs> utter madness :D
[10:33:56] <prospectacle> juggs, do you want to play? I'd like to see if it works as a game.
[10:34:10] <crutchy> sad :-D
[10:34:13] <prospectacle> probably this is not hte place for it though
[10:34:15] <juggs> but fun
[10:34:15] <xlefay> *next on my todo list, more games for on IRC*
[10:34:34] * xlefay should re-enable GameServ, fairly sure you guys could do something fun with it :p
[10:34:40] <crutchy> lets play kobach's game
[10:34:46] <prospectacle> crutchy how does it work
[10:34:47] <xlefay> bacon++ ?
[10:34:47] <Bender> karma - bacon: 188
[10:34:51] <crutchy> i think it's called BaconFlood
[10:35:00] <xlefay> Oh please, no
[10:35:03] <juggs> bacon++
[10:35:03] <Bender> karma - bacon: 189
[10:35:03] <crutchy> lol
[10:35:18] <xlefay> <-- going insane just thinking about it
[10:35:20] <crutchy> it's xlefay's favorite game :-D
[10:35:36] <xlefay> When I re-attached my ZNC to ##, man, my entire scrollback went insane
[10:35:43] <crutchy> by none other than the king of bacon mihself
[10:35:46] <NCommander> Ugh
[10:35:51] <NCommander> At 2400 words
[10:35:54] <crutchy> s/mihself/himself/
[10:35:54] <SedBot> <crutchy> by none other than the king of bacon himself
[10:35:58] <NCommander> This is really another NCommander post
[10:36:15] <xlefay> Yes, yes it is.
[10:36:16] <crutchy> the Chief Bacon++ Executive Orificer
[10:36:26] <xlefay> NCommander: can you please include a tl;dr at the beginning? :)
[10:36:32] <NCommander> xlefay, have it
[10:36:44] <NCommander> xlefay, Here is what I'm going into on this post:
[10:36:44] <NCommander> - My Vision for SoylentNews - Incorporating: How, and Where
[10:36:44] <NCommander> - The Community Voting System and Voting For Our New Name
[10:36:44] <NCommander> - Disclosure on Recent Security Issues
[10:36:44] <NCommander> - On Recent Events
[10:36:53] <xlefay> And no, NCommander, 10 paragraphs don't count for a tl;dr version
[10:36:55] <NCommander> xlefay, it even has nice little headers so you can only read on what you want
[10:37:08] <crutchy> i'll insert some stops part way through :-P
[10:37:13] <NCommander> The vision one is rather long because I reproduced the entire email I sent to staff
[10:37:20] <NCommander> If I remove the giant blockquote, its only 4 paragraphs
[10:37:23] <xlefay> haha no worries, I'll read the entire thing ;-)
[10:37:49] <crutchy> i think we need a code mascot
[10:38:03] <crutchy> slashy
[10:38:08] <crutchy> :-P
[10:38:23] <NCommander> crutchy, can it be a razorblade with cute eyes?
[10:39:12] NCommander is now known as NotCommander
[10:39:27] NotCommander is now known as NCommander
[10:39:39] <crutchy> i shall call him slashy and he will be mine... and he will be my slashy... here little slashy... DORY! THAT'S A PERL TURD! if you touch it you'll never get it off you!
[10:39:41] <prospectacle> Headers++
[10:39:41] <Bender> karma - headers: 1
[10:43:00] <xlefay> !grab crutchy
[10:43:00] <Bender> Added quote 69
[10:43:06] <xlefay> Not sure why, but one day we'll need that one.
[10:43:12] <xlefay> Oh and you got magic number 69!
[10:44:55] * NCommander is concerned the staff quote file will bite him in the ass someday
[10:45:48] <crutchy> you need some of arti's ass butter
[10:51:37] -!- aqu4 has quit [Quit: aqu4bot baking shutting down.]
[11:01:22] * NCommander sighs
[11:01:23] <NCommander> Most of our backend infrastructure was put together rather hastily as we went towards go-live with rather little documentation, and hadn't been audited since the initial startup. One thing we found was that it was possible to log into the production machine with an easily guessed username and password which was left open to the world. The account (slash) was non-root nor sudo access, but did have read access to the configuration fi
[11:01:23] <NCommander> les that drive slashcode, including the database credentials. I've gone through the auth.log and doesn't appear that this was ever discovered, and we're reasonably sure that no one ever got into the production boxes in this manner. We've rectified the mistake, and implemented strong SSH usage policies to prevent this from reoccurring (see my journal for full details on the new policies). We became aware of this misconfiguration on
[11:01:27] <NCommander> Thursday shortly after we came back from our scheduled down time, and the mistake was immediately rectified. As we don't believe we were compromised, I held off on public disclosure until we finished auditing and hardening lest it service as an invitation to hit us while we were down.
[11:01:31] * NCommander hopes that in hindsight that was the correct decision
[11:02:45] <NCommander> Nothing to do but face the jury
[11:04:45] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[11:04:45] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by SkyNet
[11:05:29] <prospectacle> NCommander, it's not like you have our credit cards or anything. You found it, you fixed it.
[11:05:41] <Space_Man> could somebody with access to the database credentials use this information escalate their privileges, thus modifying the auth.log?
[11:05:50] <NCommander> Space_Man, no, it was just the mysql connection
[11:05:57] <NCommander> Space_Man, you could DELETE FROM *, but thats about it
[11:06:26] <NCommander> (if you knew where to look, since Slash hides it *really* well, you could get the username/password for the database connection)
[11:07:16] <NCommander> (this excludes someone doing using a root escalation, but even then, we don't have a lot of setuid stuff to work with)
[11:09:33] <Space_Man> do the users need to change their passwords?
[11:09:59] <NCommander> Space_Man, doubful. Its unlikely this was discovered. YOu'd have to guess the username/pass on dumb luck
[11:10:16] <Space_Man> good
[11:10:16] <NCommander> but it was obvious enough that it not implausable
[11:10:27] <NCommander> Space_Man, if we thought there was a data breach, we'd posted immediately
[11:11:52] <prospectacle> We once had a contractor whose idea of web security was a javascript redirect. At the top of the admin page. If the password you entered wasn't correct. If you turned off javascript the page kept loading.
[11:12:00] <NCommander> prospectacle, ugh
[11:12:21] <prospectacle> Yeah that website got vandalised somehow. It was weird.
[11:13:18] * NCommander decides not to talk about recent events w/ the site name
[11:13:24] <NCommander> Rather leave it forgotten
[11:14:18] <prospectacle> Every origin story needs some dances with death, otherwise how can you prove it was divine providence that you survived?
[11:18:54] <crutchy> ncommander... don't worry about slash... we're gunna rewrite it in RoR :-P
[11:18:59] -!- SirFinkus has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com]
[11:19:22] <crutchy> with a flash front end
[11:19:30] -!- SirFinkus [SirFinkus!~textual@l-64-313-06-125.hsd0.wa.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[11:19:39] * NCommander vidictively deletes crutchy's article out of the queue
[11:19:40] * NCommander ducks
[11:19:48] <NCommander> (j/k)
[11:20:08] <crutchy> and for lusers without flash, we're gunna serve up a healthy meal of animated gifs
[11:20:26] <crutchy> that makes geocities look static
[11:20:33] <Titanium> bring it on, i use lynx
[11:20:58] <crutchy> and for lynx users we offer ascii porn :-)
[11:21:23] <Titanium> has ascii goatse guy showed up on SN yet?
[11:21:37] <crutchy> i can guess what the middle looks like
[11:21:39] <crutchy> O
[11:21:40] <prospectacle> can we include dojo, mootools, jquery and yui, just in case we need one of them to save us writing two extra lines of javascript?
[11:22:03] <crutchy> ^there's our first ascii goatse
[11:22:23] <Titanium> howabout add in vector graphics for gradients :)
[11:22:46] <Titanium> anyone implement opengl in javascript yet?
[11:23:02] <crutchy> and it will break unless viewed with ie6
[11:23:41] <crutchy> ooh so we can have soylent js ut matches
[11:24:08] <crutchy> with stick ninjas
[11:24:09] * Titanium prefers hldm
[11:28:56] <prospectacle> Titanium, actually yes
[11:29:03] <prospectacle> it's called webgl
[11:29:12] <prospectacle> oh I suppose it's implemented in C, only the interface is js
[11:29:40] <prospectacle> nevermind
[11:32:14] <NCommander> Hitrate avg: 0.8705 0.8705 0.8705
[11:32:19] <NCommander> ^- <3 varnish
[11:32:55] <crutchy> smells good
[11:49:07] -!- Brylarke [Brylarke!~Brylarke@73-51-404-28.dsl.zen.co.uk] has joined #Soylent
[11:58:35] -!- FunPika has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[12:01:43] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[12:13:52] <prospectacle> and then there were 66
[12:19:55] -!- bytram [bytram!~pc@Soylent/Staff/Developer/martyb] has joined #Soylent
[12:19:55] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v bytram] by SkyNet
[12:20:21] <crutchy> hi marty
[12:32:36] -!- Konomi has quit [Quit: leaving]
[12:34:50] <bytram> crutchy, g'day!
[12:35:02] <bytram> sorry, was catching up on e-mail
[12:35:38] <crutchy> no worries. just youtubing (instead of programming)
[12:35:55] <bytram> heh. too easy to do, I know.
[12:36:22] <bytram> that's one advantage of having a slow connection... I need to D/L... and wait... and wait... before I can view a video!
[12:36:52] <crutchy> that sucks
[12:37:04] <crutchy> but yeah would make it harder to procrastinate
[12:37:17] <bytram> it's a tradeoff.
[12:38:35] MrBluze|afk is now known as MrBluze
[12:39:46] <crutchy> how you going?
[12:40:01] <crutchy> g'day mrbluze
[12:44:56] <MrBluze> hi crutchy :)
[12:44:58] <MrBluze> how u doin mate
[12:45:24] <crutchy> i'm good
[12:45:28] <crutchy> you?
[12:47:35] -!- prospectacle has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[12:54:07] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[13:09:27] bytram is now known as bytram|away
[13:21:13] -!- Konomi [Konomi!~Konomi@Soylent/Users/189/Konomi] has joined #Soylent
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[13:57:19] -!- TK [TK!~9ff52002@159.245.ju.y] has joined #Soylent
[14:01:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - What We Are Doing: On Incorperation And Other News ... - http://sylnt.us - the-much-belated-story-post
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[14:13:36] -!- LaminatorX [LaminatorX!~18d900fb@Soylent/Staff/Editor/LaminatorX] has joined #Soylent
[14:13:36] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v LaminatorX] by SkyNet
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[14:53:07] -!- mattp [mattp!~mattie_p@i-73-121-697-34.hsd8.co.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
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[14:58:08] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mattie_p] by SkyNet
[15:11:16] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Canada's Big Carriers Appear to be Price Fixing - http://sylnt.us - Hosed-by-Hosers
[15:21:23] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple in Talks With Comcast About Streaming Svc. - http://sylnt.us - economies-of-fail
[15:22:22] -!- janrinok [janrinok!~janrinok@Soylent/Staff/Editor/janrinok] has joined #Soylent
[15:22:22] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v janrinok] by SkyNet
[15:26:58] -!- RhubarbSin [RhubarbSin!~rhubarbsi@rpgh1win.net0.networkfederation.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:31:20] -!- weeds [weeds!~4118a13c@cwz-29-45-637-17.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #Soylent
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[15:39:49] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mechanicjay] by SkyNet
[15:40:38] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Officials Claim Snowden Is Working With Russia - http://sylnt.us - he-said-she-said
[15:41:51] -!- mrcoolbp [mrcoolbp!~mrcoolbp@Soylent/Staff/mrcoolbp] has joined #Soylent
[15:41:51] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v mrcoolbp] by SkyNet
[15:47:02] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Cyprus@q-10-08-393-259.hsd3.tn.comcast.net] has joined #Soylent
[15:49:33] paulej72_away is now known as paulej72
[15:53:24] -!- Anon3 [Anon3!~Anon3___@109.246.vnh.inw] has joined #Soylent
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[16:22:09] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Canada Spy Agency Planned for Native Protests - http://sylnt.us - they-don't-want-you-to-have-a-voice
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[16:46:22] -!- chimp [chimp!~chimp@213.123.shz.ouq] has joined #Soylent
[16:47:30] <chimp> Paypal is having real trouble at the minute which derives me great please and great angst since I have clients who use it...
[16:47:41] <chimp> See: https://www.paypal-notify.com
[16:50:31] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - In Fighting Cybercrime, Retailers Two Steps Behind - http://sylnt.us - with-convenience-comes-risk
[16:56:38] <LaminatorX> How are people feeling about the brisk story pace?
[17:01:52] <SirFinkus> I like it
[17:05:06] <dx3bydt3> I like it better than long delays and a bunch of stories all at once.
[17:05:50] <dx3bydt3> Does a steady pace put more pressure on the editors?
[17:06:59] <dx3bydt3> or is it just the pace of release from the queue that changes?
[17:10:46] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Brutal Ageism of Silicon Valley Tech - http://sylnt.us - will-work-for-lawn
[17:11:01] <LaminatorX> More stories is more work, but ample stories is less stress.
[17:12:47] <LaminatorX> We are adjusting the pace in responce to available stories though. The more we get in, the more we'll send out, up to a point.
[17:13:51] <mrcoolbp> LaminatorX: any progress on the FAQ page?
[17:14:02] <mrcoolbp> (also: hi!)
[17:14:57] <LaminatorX> Not much. Getting caught up on that is my goal for the week. I'm looking to get a draft to the staff list by tomorrow afternoon.
[17:16:31] <mrcoolbp> cool
[17:17:41] <dx3bydt3> the Submissions List looks healthy today, at least there's more in there than the last few times I've looked.
[17:19:20] <LaminatorX> We spend a lot of time in single digits this past week, which is stressfull to manage. Checking back every couple hours at night and on the weekend is no fun.
[17:20:38] <LaminatorX> With a healthy run, we can queue up a few timely less timely things in advance, AND fire off more timely things as they arise. This makes for a happy editor, and also more sleep.
[17:26:46] <LaminatorX> On that note, I'm going to lunch. :)
[17:27:03] LaminatorX is now known as LaminatorX|afk
[17:31:02] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - 'Dumb' Watches and the Technology in our Lives - http://sylnt.us - 1st-world-problems
[17:36:01] -!- Udo [Udo!~55b235fd@d268712274.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #Soylent
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[17:51:20] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - ATM Operators Eye Linux as Windows XP Support Ends - http://sylnt.us - you-know-it-makes-sense || New C++ FAQ UP: Revised and Unified - http://sylnt.us - FAQ-incremented-by-one
[18:11:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Finding a Productive Place to Code? - http://sylnt.us - ask-uncle-Jan
[18:23:56] * hka is now the proud owner of not only a level 74 psychic graphics card, but also a level 80 final, bug-free ready for desktop version of linux
[18:24:32] * mechanicjay thinks hka is living in a dream world
[18:25:38] <hka> only in irpg;)
[18:25:48] <mechanicjay> :)
[18:27:16] <xlefay> congrats hka ;)
[18:28:54] <hka> thanks:) I'd really like to have the "level 74 psychic graphics card which predicts what you want to see next" in my current computer^^
[18:29:35] <xlefay> Sorry about attacking you earlier, dang costed me a lot of time!
[18:29:49] <hka> hehe
[18:30:42] <hka> I think I've been hitting FatPhil on the head a couple of combats now^^
[18:31:36] <hka> xlefay: do you know if it's possible to get what rank you have? Like the inventory command.
[18:31:47] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Parallel Programming May Not Be So Daunting - http://sylnt.us - a-faster-way-to-submit-to-SN
[18:31:59] <xlefay> /msg nerdrpg status
[18:32:01] <TK> HKA--
[18:32:01] <Bender> karma - hka: -1
[18:32:07] <TK> There it is
[18:32:22] <xlefay> or http://nerdrpg.xlefay.nl (still a WIP, but, haven't had much time to work on it, been busy with SN stuff)
[18:32:30] <hka> TK: not karma:P was taling about idlerpg
[18:33:30] <xlefay> I was #1 for the longer time can't believe I'm 4 now, stupid connection >.<
[18:34:43] <hka> good to have irssi screen on a stable server
[18:34:56] <hka> got in a bit late thought
[18:35:06] <TK> hka++
[18:35:06] <Bender> karma - hka: 0
[18:35:10] <xlefay> got znc now, but my connection hasn't fuckt up in the past 25 days
[18:35:37] <xlefay> seems you got in 8 days after the game was started ;-)
[18:35:51] <TK> Anyone else overwhelmed by the current rate of stories?
[18:35:56] <xlefay> not bad at all, we need more players tho :P
[18:36:07] <TK> I count >100 comments on the front page
[18:36:24] <TK> with half of those split between a site update and a Snowden article
[18:36:40] <hka> xlefay: hehe yeah, but not in top 10^^ maybe my awesome eq will help me advance:D
[18:36:43] <TK> Maybe 20 minutes is too little time
[18:38:02] <hka> xlefay: haha clicked a link on the page and got: "Well I hope you're happy, you broke it!"
[18:38:28] <xlefay> hka: haha, still a WIP :P
[18:38:52] <xlefay> TK: I was gone for a few hours and see what happens!
[18:39:07] <xlefay> (agree with the stories, it's nice to have more tho!)
[18:39:17] <xlefay> but... maybe a bit overwhelming atm
[18:45:22] -!- Brylarke has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[18:49:36] <mechanicjay> overwhelming, but good stuff.
[18:49:42] <xlefay> ^
[18:50:12] <mechanicjay> Now we just need to bump the karma cap so I can continue to accumulate power and influence!
[18:50:19] <xlefay> Same here.
[18:50:19] <mechanicjay> ....or something.
[18:50:21] <mechanicjay> ;)
[18:50:36] <xlefay> ha :P
[18:50:59] <xlefay> Karma: 46 # Only got 4 to go!
[18:51:41] <mechanicjay> Esp since I think we have karma aging turned off, so once you get it never goes away, so we should either age it, so you have to be active to keep it, or make it unlimited so you can continue to gain karma. Either have a similar effect.
[18:52:46] <xlefay> I vote for infinite karma
[18:52:56] <xlefay> err, unlimited, although infinite for me is fine too!
[18:53:47] <mechanicjay> as long as we can give you infinitely negative karma ;)
[18:54:18] <FoobarBazbot> could have it increment according to some decreasing series (which could either asymptotically approach a cap, or increase without bound)
[18:54:22] <hka> new users have to work double as hard to make up for lost time
[18:55:02] * FoobarBazbot thinks harmonic-series karma would be cool
[18:55:13] <hka> FoobarBazbot: in irpg, was it worth it?;)
[18:55:49] <xlefay> FoobarBazbot++ ha, that was awesome ;-)
[18:55:49] <Bender> karma - foobarbazbot: 6
[18:56:14] <FoobarBazbot> hka, yes, the effort of running two clients was worth it
[18:56:32] FoobarBazbot is now known as NerdRPG-Cheater
[18:56:36] <hka> that have to be cheating
[18:56:37] <hka> haha
[18:56:47] NerdRPG-Cheater is now known as FoobarBazbot
[18:59:51] <mechanicjay> a logrithmic karma scale might be cool too.
[19:01:10] <TK> float karma_max=2.718
[19:01:19] <TK> You may be onto something
[19:03:01] <FoobarBazbot> yeah, logarithmic has the same benefits as harmonic (increases without bound, but quite slowly), and probably needs less explanation.
[19:05:17] <mechanicjay> yeah, just went the the book of knowledge to refresh on harmonic series. But yeah, eitherway. It has the benefit, of a new active member able to quickly build up some karma, but then us old-timers need to really work to raise it.
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[19:14:53] Cyprus is now known as Cyprus|mountingswitches
[19:20:24] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Indian State Has Solution to End of Win XP Support - http://sylnt.us - linux-is-the-boss
[19:30:32] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - The Role of Naturalness in Physics - http://sylnt.us - like-truthiness-only-better
[19:38:36] -!- willyg_cos [willyg_cos!~joeuser@06-377-63-214.hlrn.qwest.net] has joined #Soylent
[19:43:29] <stderr> xlefay: Ping?
[19:43:42] <xlefay> stderr: Pong!
[19:43:50] <xlefay> How are you?
[19:44:01] <stderr> "[10:21:47] <xlefay> btw, stderr: it's done */me hopes he did it all properly, it certainly does look that way\*"? Torrent or wiki-change?
[19:44:23] <xlefay> Torrent. I wasn't aware you asked me to do something on the wiki, didn't you ask FunPika about that?
[19:44:31] <stderr> Tired... Moving-day at the department... My arms are NOT used to carrying boxes all day... :-(
[19:45:07] <stderr> I didn't. I just mentioned it to you.
[19:45:09] <xlefay> Haha, yeah understand, moving stuff is never fun ;-)
[19:45:10] <stderr> <stderr> Oh, well, I'll see if I can catch him later, regarding http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[19:45:10] <stderr> <xlefay> Devotee?
[19:45:10] <stderr> <stderr> Yeah, I'm obviously not looking at that anymore. At least not for SoylentNews.
[19:45:18] <xlefay> You got a nicer office now tho?
[19:45:38] <stderr> Yes, but with BFC...
[19:45:41] <xlefay> hmm, mrcoolbp then, mrcoolbp stderr wants to talk to you ;-)
[19:45:43] <xlefay> BFC?
[19:45:51] <stderr> Big FUCKING Couch. :-)
[19:45:53] <mrcoolbp> Oh I'm available
[19:45:59] <xlefay> Oh maaaaaaaaan, that's nice
[19:46:06] <mrcoolbp> what's up?
[19:46:23] <stderr> xlefay: Not when it is so fucking huge. It takes up most of the space...
[19:46:38] <stderr> When we get the boxes unpacked, I might take a picture or two...
[19:46:46] <xlefay> Oh. Well, that's a tough one. Yeah pictures ;-)
[19:46:47] <stderr> mrcoolbp: [19:45:09] <stderr> <stderr> Oh, well, I'll see if I can catch him later, regarding http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[19:47:01] <xlefay> mrcoolbp: <stderr> mrcoolbp: [19:45:09] <stderr> <stderr> Oh, well, I'll see if I can catch him later, regarding http://wiki.soylentnews.org
[19:47:07] <xlefay> (just for completeness)
[19:47:19] <mrcoolbp> saw that, what can I do for you?
[19:47:23] <stderr> mrcoolbp: I'm not looking at devotee anymore.
[19:47:32] <mrcoolbp> okay thanks. I'll take it out
[19:47:51] <stderr> [19:45:09] <stderr> <stderr> Yeah, I'm obviously not looking at that anymore. At least not for SoylentNews.
[19:48:08] <mrcoolbp> fixed
[19:48:32] <stderr> That last part makes a small difference. :-)
[19:48:36] <mrcoolbp> anything else I can do for you?
[19:48:47] <xlefay> mrcoolbp: can you do something for me?
[19:48:52] <mrcoolbp> probably
[19:48:54] <mrcoolbp> = )
[19:49:06] <stderr> mrcoolbp: Not more than you can do for any other non-staff-member...
[19:49:27] <mrcoolbp> stderr, are you a non-staff member now?
[19:49:41] <stderr> Has been for about 19 hours.
[19:50:05] <xlefay> mrcoolbp: My mum (who's not feeling well) her husband is terrible at cooking, How's your cooking skills?
[19:50:15] <mrcoolbp> (okay, your last email stated otherwise) I hope you get some actual RL work done, maybe you could return in the future.
[19:50:27] <mrcoolbp> xlefay: actually the're spot on
[19:51:06] <stderr> mrcoolbp: It did? Odd, cause I was planning on leaving, if I didn't get a clear answer and I didn't, so...
[19:51:26] <mrcoolbp> stderr, no worries, I just wanted to be sure
[19:51:33] <mrcoolbp> xlefay: provide a plane ticket and a place to stay and I will seriously consider it!
[19:51:39] <xlefay> Ha :p
[19:52:01] <mrcoolbp> okay back to work for me. have fun people.
[19:52:11] * mrcoolbp slips in to the shadows again
[19:52:24] * xlefay still wonders what mrcoolbp does in there.
[19:52:36] * mrcoolbp thinks you don't want to know
[19:52:58] -!- willyg_cos has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[19:53:20] * xlefay agrees.
[19:53:22] <stderr> mrcoolbp: I got other projects to work on, so I won't be bored. :-) I don't think I'll come back unless there's a serious change in the top management and/or how it works.
[19:53:35] <mrcoolbp> stderr: all the best to you then
[19:53:47] <stderr> Thanks. You too...
[19:53:51] <mrcoolbp> = )
[19:53:59] <xlefay> heh... irpg is acting odd
[19:55:32] * stderr is starting his own news site... With hookers and blackjack... You know what? Forget the news site... hookers-and-blackjack.stderr.dk
[19:55:33] <janrinok> stderr: Sorry to hear that you might be going - best of luck and hope to see you back here sometime.
[19:55:45] <stderr> janrinok: Not might... I left 19 hours ago.
[19:55:55] <janrinok> still sorry
[19:56:02] <xlefay> "It works!" LOL
[19:56:36] <xlefay> same here, sorry to see you go, stderr
[19:56:48] <xlefay> Let me know when you finish hookers-and-blackjack will you ;-)
[19:56:58] <stderr> xlefay: Then you should check pr0n.poho.dk and warez.poho.dk... :-)
[19:57:00] <xlefay> "It works!" so that's a good start
[19:57:11] <xlefay> Those don't work.
[19:57:12] <stderr> WHAT?! I NEED TO DO MORE?!
[19:57:35] <stderr> They work fine for me... Got all my favorite pr0n and warez...
[19:57:41] <xlefay> Hah ;-)
[19:57:48] <stderr> (Check the IP...)
[19:57:50] <xlefay> I know
[19:57:57] <xlefay> already done that, haha
[19:58:40] <stderr> But anyway, you know one of the things, I'll be working on... :-)
[19:58:59] <xlefay> Yes, good luck & be sure to send me an invite, please ;-)
[19:59:17] <stderr> We'll see if you can get in..
[19:59:18] -!- FunPika [FunPika!~FunPika@Soylent/Staff/Wiki/FunPika] has joined #Soylent
[19:59:18] -!- mode/#Soylent [+v FunPika] by SkyNet
[19:59:48] <xlefay> ;-)
[20:19:46] * mrcoolbp is reading NCommanders usual long post to the main page
[20:20:28] <janrinok> lol
[20:27:33] -!- Lagg [Lagg!~18799a95@76-073-506-591.npg.sta.suddenlink.net] has joined #Soylent
[20:27:50] -!- swiss has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[20:28:02] <Lagg> Hurumph, why won't irssi connect to you goddamnit
[20:31:31] <Lagg> NCommander: Remember when we were talking about the server on the old channel, I saw this coming. Should have suggested using nginx as a proxy or something
[20:31:50] <NCommander> Lagg, ?
[20:31:53] <NCommander> Lagg, proxy for what?
[20:32:04] * NCommander notes we *are* using nginx, but only for SSL
[20:32:12] <NCommander> Lagg, we're using varnish as a reverse proxy for the main site
[20:32:25] <Lagg> You're using it in front of apache?
[20:32:59] <NCommander> Lagg, for SSL, nginx -> varnish -> apache
[20:33:04] <NCommander> for http varnish -> apache
[20:33:10] <NCommander> As both a cache and reverse proxy
[20:33:15] * NCommander notes our varnish config is exciting
[20:33:26] <NCommander> But holding at 85-87 percent hit cache so at least its RIGH
[20:33:35] <Lagg> Oh, so you were already doing what I was thinking. Nevermind then, heh
[20:34:19] <NCommander> Lagg, yeah, we have some srs magic in varnish to do rate limiting as well
[20:34:34] <Lagg> Oh holy crap adding another network via irssi does not work well with znc :|
[20:34:34] <xlefay> (you should try it out, really.)
[20:34:49] <xlefay> Lagg: you do connect as a secondary network in irssi to ZNC, right?
[20:34:59] * NCommander uses bip
[20:35:01] <NCommander> no rpoblems there
[20:35:08] -!- pbnjoe [pbnjoe!~pbnjoe@Soylent/Users/313/pbnjoe] has joined #Soylent
[20:35:13] <Lagg> I'm connecting to it as a proxy
[20:35:26] <Lagg> Via irssi's proxy config section, rather than just as a straight server
[20:35:37] <xlefay> Lagg: I have ZNC too, if I want multinetwork, I set up multiple client side networks for ZNC
[20:35:48] <Lagg> NCommander: I was too a few years ago. znc was just too alluring though
[20:36:05] <mechanicjay> mother fucker -- has anyone ever setup artwork for an iso app?
[20:36:25] <Lagg> Before that psybnc
[20:36:33] <xlefay> psybnc that thing still around?
[20:36:41] <Lagg> Oh yeah
[20:37:01] <Lagg> xlefay: So do you just do a /server add instead of /seting the proxy address
[20:37:18] <xlefay> I never used that proxy setting tbh
[20:37:39] <xlefay> In my client (too lazy for irssi), I just set up separate network per network in my BNC, that's how ZNC intends it to be used
[20:38:31] <Lagg> I'm basically doing core.proxy_address and such. I did it because it wasn't working right otherwise for one reason or another
[20:39:11] <xlefay> From my ZNC's web interface; To connect to this network from your IRC client, you can set the server password field as follows: xlefay/SN:<password> or username field as xlefay/SN
[20:39:28] <xlefay> Ah I see, like I said never used it
[20:39:43] <Lagg> Hrm, wish this wasn't so awkward
[20:39:55] <Lagg> Granted it's hard to be transparent to the client when two networks can have duplicate channel names
[20:40:25] <Lagg> I'm going to see what happens adding soylent's server via the webterface
[20:40:30] Lagg is now known as SeriousLagg
[20:40:39] -!- swiss [swiss!swiss@Soylent/Users/803/swisskid] has joined #Soylent
[20:40:42] <xlefay> besides the other obviousness, if you /motd, you'd have to write the full server name your connected to
[20:41:09] <xlefay> /ns id, where to? unless you use the ZNC module, etc..
[20:41:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Creationists Demand Equal Time on 'Cosmos' - http://sylnt.us - Are-there-any-Apples-of-Knowledge-left? || What We Are Doing: On Incorporation And Other News ... - http://sylnt.us - the-much-belated-story-post
[20:44:16] <SeriousLagg> Hrms, znc based lagg should have connected by now
[20:44:27] <SeriousLagg> It's SSL and 6667 right
[20:44:45] <xlefay> 6697 = ssl
[20:44:50] <SeriousLagg> Oh.
[20:45:02] <xlefay> 6667 = default non-ssl port
[20:51:49] <SkyNet> SSL 4 LYFE
[20:52:01] <xlefay> Oh god, kobach is back
[20:52:13] <SkyNet> hi xlefay
[20:53:05] <SeriousLagg> This whole thing is weird
[20:53:09] <SeriousLagg> irssi quit being weird
[20:53:28] <SeriousLagg> I'll do another attempt later. Just wanted to jump in for a little bit anyway.
[20:53:42] <xlefay> Oke ;-)
[20:53:57] <xlefay> btw SeriousLagg, remember that nginx stuff I asked you about a while ago?
[20:54:12] <SeriousLagg> Yeah
[20:54:16] SeriousLagg is now known as Lagg
[20:54:17] <xlefay> The stupid binding on one IP, with multiple vhosts? You were spot on regarding the fix ;-) Thank you.
[20:55:04] <Lagg> Sure, good to see you got it working. nginx is weird about the way vhosts work with it but once you catch on the logic is like "Woah, why don't other servers do this"
[20:55:39] <xlefay> Generally I didn't have a problem with the vhosts, but the binding on one IP was some weird logic, till yeah, I understood the logic
[20:56:01] <xlefay> It's silly though, the right answer was so obvious
[20:57:12] <xlefay> Just didn't realize it at first at all, too much Apache logic ;-)
[20:57:48] <xlefay> <-- hungry, going to find something to eat ;)
[21:01:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Apple and Google Wage-Fixing Cartel - http://sylnt.us - do-no-evil-just-like-all-the-others
[21:07:02] <SkyNet> xlefay: get bacon
[21:07:22] -!- SkyNet [SkyNet!SkyNet@services.] has parted #Soylent
[21:11:49] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Firefox to Show Ads in Empty New Tab Page Tiles - http://sylnt.us - gotta-pay-for-it-somehow
[21:18:51] -!- Lagg has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:26:13] LaminatorX|afk is now known as LaminatorX
[21:29:54] MrBluze is now known as MrBluze|afk
[21:32:04] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Postgres: Jsonb Has Committed - http://sylnt.us - jason-who?
[21:42:34] -!- weeds has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[21:49:58] <Ingar> Every time I read an article, I hear "Wumpscut - Soylent Green".
[21:50:14] <Ingar> It feel strange at times, yet I just can't help it :)
[21:55:52] -!- crutchy [crutchy!~cb811792@724-640-25-593.cust.aussiebb.net] has joined #Soylent
[22:00:25] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Editing Binaries: Easier Than It Sounds - http://sylnt.us - not-for-the-faint-hearted
[22:01:31] <crutchy> bender must only poll SN every 5 or 10 mins
[22:03:20] <Alberto> hohoho!
[22:03:26] <crutchy> hi alberto
[22:03:37] <crutchy> i just noticed something weird in SN/slash
[22:03:51] <crutchy> i commented on that last story ^
[22:04:09] <crutchy> someone replied and it got modded
[22:04:27] <crutchy> but when i refresh the home page messages don't appear
[22:04:51] <crutchy> must have to wait for slashd or something
[22:05:10] <crutchy> seems like a redikerous way of doing things but meh
[22:05:20] <crutchy> slash is slash
[22:05:35] <Alberto> hey!
[22:05:54] <Alberto> Slash is Slashz0r
[22:06:09] <crutchy> hey hey there it goes
[22:06:28] <crutchy> well the reply message came anyway
[22:06:43] <crutchy> the modded message will come later
[22:07:03] * Alberto is happy on his KDE
[22:21:41] <Bender> [SoylentNews] - Chinese Medicine Treats Eye Disorder - http://sylnt.us - eye-of-newt-and-toe-of-frog
[22:21:55] * crutchy is stuck on gnome2... dreading day that gnome3 gets to debian stable
[22:24:07] <mechanicjay> crutchy: I've found xfce to be a competant replacement for gnome 2
[22:31:52] -!- mrcoolbp has quit []
[22:33:36] <crutchy> tried xfce a while ago... seemed a little bit too simplistic
[22:33:48] <crutchy> took me 10 mins just to figure out how to shut down :-P
[22:34:40] -!- crutchy has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:36:59] Bender is now known as test
[22:37:22] -!- LaminatorX has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:39:49] -!- janrinok has quit [Quit: leaving]
[22:45:16] -!- TK has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
[22:51:06] <test> [SoylentNews] - Online Columnist: Ads Can Ruin Your Browsing - http://sylnt.us - ads?-what-ads?
[22:58:55] -!- RhubarbSin [RhubarbSin!~rhubarbsi@] has parted #Soylent
[23:18:52] Cyprus|mountingswitches is now known as Cyprus|shootme
[23:30:18] -!- mechanicjay has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[23:30:43] -!- pbnjoe has quit [Quit: Leaving]
[23:32:32] Cyprus|shootme is now known as Cyprus
[23:32:35] <test> [SoylentNews] - UK Consumer Group Says Guarantee Broadband Speeds - http://sylnt.us - say-it-like-it-is
[23:58:52] -!- Cyprus has quit []
[23:59:17] -!- Cyprus [Cyprus!~Bob@2001:470:e2cf:qw:tigt:gjhu:tphg:zlyr] has joined #Soylent